That lady leading him on the Rorschach test… wild. Murdock existed solely to troll horrible mental health professionals and ignorant assholes and I’ll forever respect him for that.
I remember watching this episode with my dad. For a long time after my dad would sing “Trashbag! I want a trash bag!” to make me and my brother laugh. RIP dad.
My cousins and I did the same thing. We use to call my lil bro Murdock to make him cry. 😄 This is my favorite A-Team episode and still remember it 30 years later.
I wish Glad Trash Bags would remake this scene for their commercial with Dwight Schultz to do it too! LOL Would be classic!! I love this scene and I remember my mother laughing so hard she was crying! (Rest in Peace Mom - I miss you) 💕
That’s a great idea! Dwight Schultz is the only actor that made me laugh so hard I cried. Not Lucy, Carol, Jerry Seinfeld, not anyone ever made me laugh THAT hard. To this day, if I’m in a bad mood or down I just put on an A Team episode and wait…
As much as that would be a great marketing opportunity, Schultz screwed himself professionally by going mad with right-wing fever dreams after his work on Star Trek: Voyager.
I remember that episode. I went hunting for this clip cuz I was looking for trash bags at work and had the insane urge to yell out TuRAASSSHHHHH BAGS! I WANT TuRRRAAASSSHHHH BAGS@
This song will always live in my memories forever!!!So smart of him to use his mental health as a weapon to gather supplies for his escape! BRILLIANT!!!!
🤣🤣🤣 For years when I got frustrated over something, Ild start yelling for a trash bag. I was finally able to show this clip to my kids. Squeal like a pig was my next favorite. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I love how she was totally getting fed up with Murdock and told the guard to just give him one. "Maybe he'll put his head in one and suffocate!" She was just about ready to deck him one!😂
I will be honest I have been staring at what he described as an empty garbage bag for longer then I should have trying to figure out what it is actually meant to be and I got nothing.
My brother was in the nut house and told everyone he had connections in horse racing of course they laughed. He got a weekend out and knew a trainer he worked for and he led the winning horse in a big race. The news paper had a picture of him and the horse and that shut everyone up at the nut house
Comme toujours j'adore Sète série dommage il nesite plus de comédien comme eux et surtout loupik QU'ELLE MERVEILLEUX MAGNIFIQUE COMÉDIEN MERCI ABT VOUS AVEZ LES BONJOUR DE L'ÎLE DE VOUS RÉUNION ABT
That lady leading him on the Rorschach test… wild. Murdock existed solely to troll horrible mental health professionals and ignorant assholes and I’ll forever respect him for that.
Everytime i hear the word "Trash bags" this scene comes to my mind lol
Same here!!!
And here!
Same 😂
I remember watching this episode with my dad. For a long time after my dad would sing “Trashbag! I want a trash bag!” to make me and my brother laugh.
RIP dad.
My cousins and I did the same thing. We use to call my lil bro Murdock to make him cry. 😄 This is my favorite A-Team episode and still remember it 30 years later.
I do it with my Son
Mine too I miss my dad
I do that with my sister.
forget Face, Murdock was the greatest conman on the whole team lmao
What a brilliant actor. Dwight Schultz stole every episode he was on.
he was on all of them?
Joel Grounds I don’t know for sure, but every one he was on he stole it.
@@RossBayCult so he stole every episode of the A team?
He was my favorite character by far.
Well he was an A Team member so I'm pretty sure he was on every episode lol.
I remember watching this when I was a kid and laughing so hard ...I yelled “TRASH BAG!!!” for I don’t know how long after...
Suddenly today this came to mind and looked it up. 28 years later still found it hilarious!
Exact same thing happened to me today!
I wish Glad Trash Bags would remake this scene for their commercial with Dwight Schultz to do it too! LOL Would be classic!! I love this scene and I remember my mother laughing so hard she was crying! (Rest in Peace Mom - I miss you) 💕
That’s a great idea! Dwight Schultz is the only actor that made me laugh so hard I cried. Not Lucy, Carol, Jerry Seinfeld, not anyone ever made me laugh THAT hard. To this day, if I’m in a bad mood or down I just put on an A Team episode and wait…
That’s a great idea, it would be entertaining too
As much as that would be a great marketing opportunity, Schultz screwed himself professionally by going mad with right-wing fever dreams after his work on Star Trek: Voyager.
For those wondering, he later blew up the trashbags to use as balloons so he and Hannibal could escape. So there was method to his madness!
With Hair dryers and lawn chairs🤣
Best episode ever!!!
Murdock was really being brave here, 'cause that guard looked ready to kill him for all that yelling, LOL.
I remember him doing something crazy and effective with them
I remember that episode. I went hunting for this clip cuz I was looking for trash bags at work and had the insane urge to yell out TuRAASSSHHHHH BAGS! I WANT TuRRRAAASSSHHHH BAGS@
This song will always live in my memories forever!!!So smart of him to use his mental health as a weapon to gather supplies for his escape! BRILLIANT!!!!
🤣🤣🤣 For years when I got frustrated over something, Ild start yelling for a trash bag. I was finally able to show this clip to my kids.
Squeal like a pig was my next favorite. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
One of the best series back in the 70s & 80s
Haven't seen this in almost 40 years! My favorite episode!
This scene has been living rent-free in my head for about 40 years! 0:57 Thanks for posting!
The funniest bit in the A team. I was doing that in school for weeks. Child services might have given me a case lol
I'm on floor 😂😂😂😂😂 trash bags
I want trashhhh bags trash bags😂😂😂I love it when a plan comes together.
I always watch this as it always makes me laugh especially when I'm depressed. Murdock was always my favourite ❤️
Im 18 and i love this show favorite is murdock
Mine too and I'm 30
16 and same!
Nobody cares about your age. Just because some young guy watches a show that his parents watched, doesn't make him any more special.
@@r.k.6680 if you don’t care then why did you respond?
@@Vichedges Because i don't care about his age, just about the fact that he has the feeling to announce it like most sheep.
Probably the funniest thing I’ve seen on A-Team!! Ahh the memories of busting up laughing seeing this as a kid! TRASH BAGS!!!
Murdock is the A teams secret weapon,
The trash bag sequence would make a great alarm wake up call
My all time favorite A-team episode!!! Too funny!!!🤣🤣🤣
There was method to the madness! This sequence in that episode had me in stitches!
Genius crazy ....
0:56 So simple yet so brilliant
I'm just imagining Face and Amy doing their best to keep a straight face- especially one they mentioned how long he'd been at it
I Love this Guy,Murdock is the best
I have an autographed trash bag from Dwight
Is that true?!
Where can I get one?
Forget Bitcoin this is the true currency
I remember watching this as a kid, I still sing it to this day 😂
Bolsas! Quiero más bolsas!
I still love this after all these years!🤣🤣🤣
Save the clock tower ! Save the clock tower!! ( back to the future)
First thing I thought of when I saw her.
@@HeliNomadic ha ha I can’t get that film out of my head
@@Ravedaze. I don't blame you, it's a great classic. The whole trilogy is good.
Every Thursday I do this out my window since the 80s every Thursday.
My favourite scene ❤
Fav episdoe
My friends and I, laughed at this since the 80's. 1 of them just sent this clip. I've never looked at trash bags the same way lol
Trash bags! I want them right now !
And this is my favorite moment
This episode is why I started watching Mythbusters.
If you know, you know.
I used to drive my parents crazy doing this as a kid .🤪
Came for the trash bags, stayed for Hannibal flipping the bird at 2:43.
Murdock is the greatest of them all
CLASSIC Murdock. A-Team
Ta-raaaaash bayags
I could imagine if someone took that clip and made a heavy metal video out of it. That would be
We need a team on this...
Rest in peace Elsa Raven who played the psychiatrist.
She was also the "Save the clocktower" lady in the first Back to the future.
@@ValiantWrestlingI was just gonna say that!😁
I damn near passed out LAUGHING once he sung that "Trashbag" song.
The day after this episode aired was full of us kids screaming this in school...we did it for weeks.
Trash bags!🤣 Rash Bags 🤣! Love it!💯
“Save the clock tower lady” from Back to the Future.
I love how she was totally getting fed up with Murdock and told the guard to just give him one. "Maybe he'll put his head in one and suffocate!" She was just about ready to deck him one!😂
I will be honest I have been staring at what he described as an empty garbage bag for longer then I should have trying to figure out what it is actually meant to be and I got nothing.
My brother was in the nut house and told everyone he had connections in horse racing of course they laughed. He got a weekend out and knew a trainer he worked for and he led the winning horse in a big race. The news paper had a picture of him and the horse and that shut everyone up at the nut house
that crazy foo
OG Murdock..😂
The guard was on Go to hit my boy Murdock
Murdock ducking in the trashbag😂
He's so funny 😂😂😂😂
Its "Trash Bags" darling.
Chaudhry Thanks, you're right! Sorry for my mistake!
But what about the best part? (the escape was epic 😂)
Thanks 👍
I will never admit how long I tried to reproduce the hot air bag / balloon stunt with some trash bags. Somehow it never flew.
The smile at 0.51 says it all. He did it on purpose.
I want Trash Bags! LOL
I WANT SOME TRASH BAGS!!!! Damn murdoch you crazy...see? I fooled you too.....murdoch got me
The A team are the best I
The cop looks like val kilmer
Nobody will convince me Dirk Benedict turned away when Murdock appeared hair all crazy for any other reason than to avoid laughing in front of us
It’s barclay from Star Trek
Broccoli Barclay. From Star Trek Next Generation.
Hannah Pellerin of San Antonio gave me a Traaaash Baaaaag!!!!!!
I assume after this, volunteering to “Save the Clock Tower” was more rewarding. :P
Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lol! I want trash bags! Trash bags!
Is that guard in the background one of the inbred sons of the bounty hunter from the episode where Murdock meets the vet lady?
In the movie they should of got Jim Carey to play Murdock
No Jim stinks
Is that the teacher from overboard?
How many people got detention or write ups for yelling "Trash Bags" at school the week this was aired?
Funny new trash bag
Lol trash bags!
Which episode was this?
It's episode Pros and Cons, 1 season. :)
@@ukyojin1798 Got it, Thanks.
"I want trash bags."
Ah, The rallying Cry of a wonderful generation!
he reminds me of Jim Carrey here
Jim reminds you of him
The OG Jim Carrey
I see that! It’s Mark Wahlberg!
It’s an empty Mark Wahlberg💪👈
That is one skinny Mark Walhberg.
Lol! Trash bags
Mung Dal’s voice actor as well. I like Dwight Schultz better in This.
Save the clock tower
Back when shows were still funny, before the crazy communists ruined everything.....sigh
Communists? Where? We got them in Poland and we kick them away in 89. ;)
Comme toujours j'adore Sète série dommage il nesite plus de comédien comme eux et surtout loupik QU'ELLE MERVEILLEUX MAGNIFIQUE COMÉDIEN MERCI ABT VOUS AVEZ LES BONJOUR DE L'ÎLE DE VOUS RÉUNION ABT
Traaaaaash Baaaaaags!!