I don’t know why I watch these from time to time. It’s just crazy to see these people alive and well, plus just not knowing what’s ahead. It’s terribly sad to know how they were taken away from this life.
I hate to admit it but u cud be right there😐 I'd like to think shan n kids were happier wiout "him" there though xxxx love n light always to shan n kids xxxxx
Facts remain that Christopher Lee Watts murdered them all!!! And when detectives visited him in prison months later… He was more than okay to explain that if he’d never been presented with an alternative (NK)… He’d be a father to not only Bella, Cecee, but also to a son… He’d have a son he said… we all know he meant Niko! And he talked about how had it not been for the alternate he faced (because none of this has ever been about nk, but simply that CW had finally encountered a situation where there wasn’t such a cut and dry outcome he was comfortable with choosing or walking away from like Shannan his choice, his family walking away from…. In this situation Mr W snapped all on his own and and chose murder!!
@Roxanne Paquette he didn't snap. If it wasn't NK it would have been someone else. He planned to kill her and kiddos as he knew tucking them in, it would be the last time he would. He still feels zero true remorse and thinks he shouldn't be judged for this one moment.
Grown old middle age rough neck man sitting here in a refinery in tears watching beautiful innocent babies and their loving mommy!! I will NEVER grasp or understand that guys actions!!
Yeah but apparently they were very sickly. They look pale and quite wan, even the younger one with Downs Syndrome, CeCe. I haven’t read it but I heard there’s a piece in the New York Review of Books claiming that the mother committed infanticide after discovering that the older one wanted to go to the University of Phoenix and major in Communications and minor in Hairstyling. Shocking.
It's one of the most easiest murders to understand as it's obvious he couldn't stand her and he snapped it's the ted Bundy's and Jeffrey Dahmer's that are baffling but I just don't know why he didn't just leave her as she's obviously one of those bully frat type girl/woman who made him feel stupid
Anyone notice how she was upset at CW? Because he said “silence” and she said not cool. She also had him make his own coffee while he was holding Cece. Her face just looked so annoyed. I feel terrible for them. Ugh if only they could get a divorce. Poor babies.
Yes. Im afraid her controlling narcissism towards hubby and especially the girls, mostly Bella, drove the resentment and anger running through this family.
I love Shanann and I’ve enjoyed watching her videos with the girls. Watching Chris stand in the background and say things like “what up” “that’s good” in these videos over and over is cringe. BUT Shanann shows 0 feelings toward him at all in these videos. There is 0 chemistry between them in videos together.
I totally agree with you she told him(CW) to get his own cafe. It so sad that she sure did change she was begging him to stay with her and he finally told her they were not compatible any more and wanted to to seperate from her she was practically begging him to stay with her. They had no chemistry for as long as l was watching there videos. He finally decided to cheat and that's what he needed to do in order to leave them all. Instead he murdered them instead of leaving.😥😥😥
@Jessie Jay But she sure needed him to stroke HERS!! Why did she make him stand in the background of her videos? You can clearly see that he would have rathered be anywhere else but there!! The woman was a control freak & he grew tired of it!!
@@fancydrew1250 that's for sure. And I feel it necessary to come around these UA-cam videos and remind some of these saps of that. They sit here and they just drool over her while she's being so cruel and selfish they just go along with the crowd she's wonderful no she's not the least bit wonderful
@@marietighe6328 I’ve personally never seen a crime like it. I’ve travelled the world so certainly not under a rock but you go ahead making assumptions about people you don’t know. Respect other peoples opinions, it’s really as simple as that. ✌🏼
That was very caring and loving of you. I wish Shannan would of had a little more of this character for herself. All she cared about when she was in this mood of selling Thrive nothing else mattered.
@@overit818 And mean! She already had her kids in bed for at least 15 hours a day. And, although I NEVER heard her threaten to EVER punish cece, she would threaten Bella with “going to bed” when she would act up. And by “act up” I mean that she got upset because cece would snatch a toy and run away with it. Bella would get upset and Shannon would say “I’ll get it” but she wouldn’t. She followed cece around, not correcting her, but recording her. Her little monster in action. Both Shannon and cece giggling while Bella falls apart in the other room. There’s so many disturbing things on these videos. But like the true narcissist she is, she couldn’t see anything she was doing wrong in the videos. They were all “perfect” to her. 🙄🙄
She's with Allah now. Allah is the most merciful most forgiving. The two girls, the baby boy who wasn't even born yet, were young and innocent. All praise is due to Allah. On the day of judgement Allah will question all the female infants that were buried alive. This life is a test. They are safe with Allah
@@Schrodingers_Kat ummm the person who commented was being kind. Can y'all take this to the other 50 million political /religious posts? Have a little class.
@@lynnoserb6398 true but none of us could predict the future I can't imagine how their lives may have gone with her influencing them to sap off other people. Extroverts always take their energy from other people they need to be around other people whereas people like Chris give and give and need to have some time alone to replenish themselves. Or obviously they go stark-raving mad half the time
@@nedrabezak1825 She medically abused her children. Stay at home Mom? Yeah. She was the only one there. Kids in Daycare. Sat on FB live all day. Just because she’s dead..doesn’t excuse her using her babies as an MLM prop.
These videos are terrifying because Chris looked like the way better parent!! He was ALWAYS for those kids, taking care of them, paying attention to them, playing with them, showing affection....while Shanann always looked tired and annoyed and repetitive with her sales, using the kids as props, never giving them her full attention....while they always had Chris’ full attention and care. YIKES!!
He is a performer! So we see him playing with the kids being the fun time dad on camera but when the videos stop, I guarantee he did too. It was all a show. Shanann was the full time parent and wife which is why we see things go wrong sometimes and some frustration, normal stuff. Bless her heart, she tried and wanted her family to be fine. If she had only known the evil she married. R.I.P. beautiful Shanann, Bella, Cee Cee and Nico. ❤❤❤💙
I think she was tired of playing his mother and directing his every move...the look she gives him @ :45 while he is fetching the marshmallows just screams “ Really ?”
@@Lisa-jp1zf He held a steady job for a long time got promoted, and provided the house payments ..She didn't need to play mother to him..He was was functional in a financial sense...She was not
@@Lisa-jp1zf Is that why she practically begged him not to leave her when finally, he grew tired of her "mothering" (which was completely unwarranted & overtly unnecessary) him?
She doesn’t really acknowledge Chris in this videos. Don’t get me wrong I’m Anti Chris but find the dynamics in this video strange he just stands in background very arkward
He stood in the background;because he acted shy. She really loved him ;she just knew;that he wasn't enjoying the videos and she wanted to include him anyways.
@@courtneybeckett2689 I agree .. the dynamic just feels awkward and like you say, not genuine. Just appears strange, I don’t know any other way to say it ..🤷🏻♀️
I feel so sorry for her mother and dad and brother and all her friends I had to lose a beautiful woman like Shannon and her beautiful kids and her poor baby nickel is so sad and it's not right I love them all and I wish that I got to meet her cuz she loved everybody just like she says in the videos God bless you all
I don't they're busy with their little UA-cam channel making money cooking food and bossing each other around Frankie junior is a grown man still home living with Mommy no girlfriend no boyfriend
"it tastes like mocha and chocolate!"... (another video) "it tastes like green mint ice cream! ".... "it tastes like birthday cake!" She seems perpetually amazed by these (very simple) artificial flavorings.
@@stellaashley623 I know right? She talking like the green mint shit is something different or special, when there's only one MINT it comes from the same source organically. And actually the best quality mint ice creams will be white (assuming it's vanilla ice cream base) NOT green bc that is indicative of artificial colors and flavorings
People will defend her with "it was her job". Yeah, her job was to be a salesman and she was absolutely terrible at it. Which makes sense since her only customers were close friends and family.
I think that shanann and chris should of waited until the kids went to sleep to try the Cafe. Because drinking the Cafe infront of the kids and Bella wanted some was kinda sad to me. Bella can have all the Cafe she wants now.
She would say things like “time to play mom!” That was so odd to me. And they were also “little monsters.” I wouldn’t think much of it, except that that’s all she called them. In all these videos, I haven’t heard, “my little angels” or “my sweet babies.” I don’t think she would hurt them or hit them or anything like that. They were dressed well and had nice things, but she didn’t seem to delight in being a mom. It just seemed like part of the image of having it all.
@@queenicedcoffee4217yes, but she could've had hot chocolate or another alternative treat for the kids, instead of hyping up the drink and not allowing them to have any. Everyone knows you don't eat or drink anything in front of little kids without having anything to offer them. Little kids don't understand why they can't have it. It's even worse because she's going on and on about how good it is. It's almost like she's taunting them. Plus they were at the age where she should've been teaching them to share.
Pentru că pe lângă oameni cu sănătate mintală exista din păcate și oameni care au tulburări de personalitate gen narcisism perfect aici ,narcisism covert este cel mai perfid ,cel mai parșiv fiindcă e mai greu de depistat și psihopatie negreșit și multe alte tulburări psihice 😢🙏🇦🇩 Narcisistii nu pot fi niciodată fericiți orice ai face,orice le ai oferi orice ar avea pe lumea asta și de regulă au....au familii frumoase ,cariere dar nu pot păstra pentru că ei nu pot iubi cu adevărat și nu au empatie,sunt doar executanți,fac lucruri ca pentru obiecte și învață prin imitare dar pot avea umor cei inteligenți desigur ...sunt goi pe interior desi simulează aproape perfect emoțiile...mint și sunt de regula infideli Intr o relație fiindcă ei au nevoie de planul unu,de validare constanta ,de hrana narcisista fiind mereu victime și nu ceilalți care le trec pe dinainte validați ,devin frustrați și invidioși însă cei introvertit țin sub presiune in ei până explodează și explodează sub diferite forme El nu ajungea la crimă daca nu avea o toartă de care sa se agate ,o noua victimă acea femeie de pe exterior la rândul ei mințită și manipulată emoțional dar care s a indragostit de el ,a crezut cat este el de" nefericit" si a intrat în rol,în jocul lui de a dragostea și de a emoțiile,dar cu siguranță făcea un declic mai târziu în relație ,nu putea să mențină aparențele până la adânci bătrâneți ,aplica pedepse de la tăcere și retragere până la a refuza sexul in relație și dau mereu vina pe partener pentru orice fleac sau chiar chestiuni cu greutate,nu pot finaliza ce au început ,când devine prea greu de regulă părăsesc familia intrand Intr o noua relație unde responsabilitățile sunt minore și gusta iarăși din viața așa zis ideala la care visează cu ochii deschiși.Sunt fericiți doar îndrăgostiți fiindcă ei nu pot construi iubirea,apoi cu timpul se dezandragostesc.Spre vârsta a treia rămân singuri ,putini rămân de frica singurătății Intr o ultimă relație dar niciodată nu devin mai buni Atunci el a simțit că trebuie să înceapă totul de la zero,sa scape de " obiecte" fiindcă oamenii sunt simple obiecte și pentru a se simți împlinit,( ar fi fost tot pentru o perioadă mai scurtă sau mai lunga dar nu definitiv) deja era total golit pe interior ,acesta este simțământul și efectiv și a pierdut mințile,se înțelege termenul fiindcă un om sănătos la cap nu poate face așa ceva Asta nu i scutește de pedeapsa ..Gândiți va că ei rămân blocați emoțional la vârsta de 5 ani ...deși se dezvolta fizic și intelectual ,au mintea în dezordine și nu pot face deosebire între ficțiune și realitate exact așa cum este.Casnicia ,relațiile cu ei sunt o minciună ...își doresc sa fie părinți,să aibă familii,își doresc dar nu pot duce și îmbracă multiple roluri,sunt buni manipulatori însă fac erori puerile și de a dreptul hilare ....acum că știm dramatismul cazului,CW era doar fizic prezent acolo însă nu era implicat nici mental și nici emoțional...era prin alte zone călător cu mintea Ghinion ea! Destinele lor s au impletit in jocul tragic al sorții ....Ce păcat!
@a.p.3045 it seems like CC got all the attention. Bella would get jealous and revert to mimicking CCs behavior. And yes, Bella had speech problems and was often silent when asked a question or to repeat something.
He's holding her because she was so hyperactive and SW couldn't have that behavior on her boring, long-winded lives to nonexistent viewers. Like "Herb" was an actual man tuning in to hear her talk about coffee.
Funny that, I see lots of grumpy and at times ill-suited couples every day who don't end up murdered, along with their children. You need a deranged psychopath like CW to do all that.
Victim blaming is what you are doing Kimberley! He should have grown a set of balls & asked for a divorce if he was that unhappy not wipe out his entire family not to mention his children had nothing to do with “how tf he was treated” you are just another troll.
I’ve been accused of “elevating Shanann to saint hood” and been told to go make a Shanann fan club 😅 I mention that just to say I’m not one to bash Shanann. Ever. At all. But. The more and more I watch i do see things that go one that really are very dysfunctional. I’d also Like to say there are things I do that are dysfunctional. Nobody is perfect. And I’m not saying this to bash Shanann. Her and the girls are the victims in this. And regardless of her character flaws she loved her family. But it’s really sad to me that her and Chris are drinking that stuff going on and on about how good it is while Bella begs to try it. And she’s completely ignored until she starts participating in the live. Idk anything about thrive. But even if it’s bad for kids and that’s why Shanann won’t allow her to try it she should have gotten Bella something else to drink instead of drinking it in front of her, making her smell it but not allowing her to drink it. 😢
There is a distinction. No doubt she loved her children. A lot of her choices with Bella in particular sow confusion, anxiety and insecurities in children.
@@TEM14411 what do you mean by insecurities in children? As in the way she raised them? Just curious because I’ve never heard that before. The 630 bed time really gets me. Im a recovering heroin addict. I have 2 daughters and my youngest has been an exhausting child since the day she was born. I remember when I left my kids dad and moved back in with my parents. They had no idea i was addicted to heroin. And I remember the days I couldn’t get any heroin I’d be withdrawaling so bad. But I’d have to hide it. And all I wanted was my kids to go to sleep so I could go lay in bed and even through all of that I would start our bedtime routine at 8pm so I’d do baths. Lotion. Pajamas. Snack. And would have them in bed at 9. It just feels so selfish to me. They even had that very big house. She could have done a “quiet” time at 630 allowing them to pick a movie and watch in living room or that landing area they had up stairs. 😔
@@angelamcleod4188 I mean not interacting with Bella...ignoring her requests. Constantly telling her no, stop, etc. Favoring Cece. Bella rarely got positive attention. Bella is often sullen, whiney and sneaky. Especially 2018 videos. That's what happens to a child that is constantly ignored, shushed, and overlooked. Bella was so unsure of herself. So glad you are better.
It’s weird how you have a young family, and so much of your private family time is focused on a make believe. It’s evening and they could be doing anything but they are putting all the focus at this hot drink. This is an implicit message that this activity, that’s not about any of them or their shared interest, is most important. How many times did they do this? Several times daily. Balla’s speech was so underdeveloped for her age, which can be a sign of deeper psychological problems. Was Shanann even aware of this? People say Shananns attitude towards Bella was because she looked like Chris, but Bella is actually a copy of Shanann when she was her age, I think she her attitude towards her had to do with the fact she was quiet. And how she speaks to Chris. “ cece wants more marshmallows” in this “I can decode everything, follow what I say and she will stop whining, duh” . Not something like “ hun, would you get her more marshmallows “. She told Chris to make his own cup even though he was holding CeCe. Many in comments say Shanann clearly loved her kids, I don’t doubt that, but you can love them and still treat them unfairly a lot of the time subconsciously. There were a lot of dynamics going on in that household but the biggest red flag is how they were implicitly forced to play this make belief day after day worshipping Thrive products. 😰
Bella was so precious when she said "Can I stirred it for you?" They had toxic energy in just about every video they're in together . The fake laughter. I thought mocha was chocolate
Such an adorable video of Bella helping Mommy plug the Thrive Cafe with her off the charts adorable commentary & her little sister happily eating her marshmallows. This appears to be a normal happy family. It is absolutely heartbreaking how it all ends. My thoughts and prayers go out to Shanann’s family and to all that had the honor of knowing them. ❤️🙏❤️
It may look like a normal, happy family, and in some aspects it looks like that, but I can't help but notice in EVERY single one of Shannan's videos, she NEVER acknowledges Chris!! She literally acts like he's part of the furniture. Not once does she acknowledge him in this video, and she even goes so far as to tell Chris he's going to have to make his own coffee, while she makes her own right in front of him! Why does she not include him in any videos, or even ask him if he likes the coffee, or act like they're doing the business together? It's so strange how she seems to treat him like he's not even there...
@@kimberlyschwartz5299 I have to put the obligatory- shannan didn’t deserve what happened to her and her children- but she really was not self aware at all. Her finances were constantly in shambles and, yes, she talked to Chris like he was a one of the kids. To say things like “I made Chris go get the mail.” “I wish Chris was home so he could do all the cleaning.” She always said glowing things in posts for the world to admire that she had a “perfect husband.” But that didn’t seem to translate to real life at home. In the documentary, she clearly says “Chris just goes with what I say., he knows I like things a certain way. I never thought about how that might make him feel as a man.” So what made him wonderful was doing everything she said? And maybe no one else was bothered by it, but when she texts “ I took a night shower. It means I want sex, and he knows it. He’s over here doing push ups instead of f ing me.” Ew. So she took a shower and that’s just automatically sex? She couldn’t be a big girl and use her words? “I’ve missed you, baby, Come lay with me.” It just seems like neither one of them knew how to communicate anything and it wasn’t a great relationship. To be able attempt to tell him anything, she had to write a letter. She couldn’t just sit and talk with her husband of 6 years who never raised his voice and did anything she said. Something was just off.
Why not make some hot chocolate for the kids instead of making this in front of them but not letting them have any. Even having her smell it but not letting her taste it.. that’s just mean. Oh, I must also add none of them deserve to die.
Normal really? Always trying things in front of the children and saying how amazing they are but withholding the stuff from them. Then do these videos when they are sleeping for 13 hours 😠
The sad truth is that when a person passes away it DOES NOT CHANGE WHO THEY WERE IN LIFE. HONESTLY she was cring. She showed herself as Rude, inconsiderate, negligent and untruthful thinking she was showing herself as the complete opposite. If she was like this while others were watching imagine how much more intense she was off camera in her comfort zone. Her final outcome of life was not deserved and shoulda never happened
Wanted to let you know that Shannan's videos were made exclusively by her to create and promote her business with Thrive... She did not originally post these videos on UA-cam . She posted them on her OWN Facebook profile, strictly to promote "Thrive" with friends, family acquaintances and anyone who was interested in joining Thrive with her. So to everyone who was interested in watching these videos, they WANTED to see/hear her talk about the products, because they had an interest in joining Thrive with Shannan
@@kimberlyschwartz5299 It floors me when people say she was a successful business woman. Successful business women are usually able to pay their $54 HOA fees, don't complain about $130 parking charge, don't freak out about a $63 dinner bill and don't have a $30 shampoo order declined.
How stinking mean to mix this in front of her, but not let her have any of it. Even having her smell it, but not letting her have a taste. Why not make some hot chocolate so they could feel like they were included. This is gross to watch. I must add. None of them deserve to die.
Thank you for leaving so many videos to cherish your happiness. I’m proud of you because you did what made you happy without the approval of no one. If she promoted Thrive and enjoyed it that’s what matters. If she did money or not, who cares? She still managed to do things she loved. Doing her videos, travel, bough whatever she wanted, looked beautiful as well as her girls. Broke or not she did what she wanted to do and that should not get anyone upset or have to talk negative about her. She harm no one! She was herself and had her personality that CW never spoke up for himself and had no initiative to do what made him happy it’s not her fault. The guy was like that since he was small. Shy and lonely. How bad it is that his mother said it’s ok that he killed her but not the girls. Who in their right mind can say something like that? In conclusion you can get a lot from what CW mother said. He come from a damage home. Rest in peace beautiful girls
Wie kannst du behaupten, er käme aus einem zerrütteten Elternhaus. Er hatte eine gute Erziehung und einen guten Schulabschluss. Das kann man von Shannan nicht sagen, sie hat ihren ersten Mann betrogen, den Arbeitgeber beklaut. Sich dann mit dem früheren Arbeitgeber eingelassen, damit er keine Anzeige macht.
Her letters to him were soooooo diff compared to how she treated him. I dont understand how she was so confused he fell out of love w her she was sooo toxic! That being said NOTHING is an excuse for what he did to this family, esp the babies, but my goodness was she difficult to deal with
I just said that to my self then read your comment. God, those kids are so sweet. I am seriously devastated by it all. Can't even imagine how her family must be feeling. Wish I could help them somehow 🥺
What her husband did to her and the kids were horrible. The one thing I noticed about Shannan is her putting their whole life on facebook. Alot of people do that unfortunately in this world. Some of your life should be without the phone and social media off. Keep some things private.
Agree completely! Once she was involved with the Thrive everything was social media! Can you pick up in this video that she was cold & distant towards Chris! If only she knew what he would eventually do to her and those beautiful children R.I.P
How you could ever kill any young child is beyond me, much less your own flesh & blood. Watching Chris hold Cece it is hard to comprehend what a true monster he is, and that he tortured and killed those 3 precious angels & his unborn son. Trust no one in life, and never leave your husband for a month because it is an invitation for him to cheat!
it’s not her fault he cheated lots of couples have to live apart for reasons and never cheat…he was probably cheating on her before nk cuz that’s what narcissist psychopaths do.
It's weird that you would advise people not to leave for a month because that *obviously* mean their husbands would cheat? How about just don't marry someone you can't trust?
I think people are being way too hard on Shanann here. She liked social media and doing live videos. Stop reading into every damn thing you think she's doing wrong. She was a busy mom trying to do her best!
Im from the Netherlands, but have always following the stories of shannan. I feel so much grief. There life is token. Think about them. Beautiful souls are taken from us. Hope they have rest and peace and are together in heaven. ❤
CeCe had an eating problem. SW was teaching her to self-soothe with food. She knew like five words and "More!" was one of them. Marshmallows, chocolate chips, sugary crap, and then SW wonders why "Rampage" acts the way she does.
This hits too close to home- the way she’s ignores him and doesn’t let him speak more than a word or two, says the kids are cuter than he is, demands the kids say hi over and over, YEAH too much, no need to kill a family, but dude you needed to get OUT
I believe one problem shanann had was that she was bullied in school and that made her become one in her marriage ....it was the eed yo be in control ....also chris was book smart she wasnt ...i think that also lead to her doing things to him because it was a reminder she wasnt !!!! Both need therapy ....its sad it went this far 😢😢😢😢😢😢
Wow shanann really was talking down to him ....she wants more marshmallows he jumps ......Chris u can do your own .....then he made a wide smile and she said ....that's not cool shaking her head
@@NoseyFloridaGirl Even when she wasn't working, her phone and social media ruled her life. No she didnt deserve to die and Chris is still a pos murderer but looking at the whole story of different triggers as to why this happened.
@@AdventistHomemaker e não acho que era fachada, ela fala muito nas mensagens que o Cris, mudou muito apenas nas últimas semanas, na qual ele conheceu a outra
I wonder why so many people say they come to Shannon’s videos because they are comforting to them? Do you not have any family members that are living that could give you comfort? I find it strange that people say that about someone they’ve never met. And if lies comfort you, then okay. Because this was all a show. It was to sell thrive and recruit people to sell thrive. Because that’s how pyramid schemes work….they tell you EXACTLY what they want you to hear…all while standing in front of a “perfect” background…in this case, her big expensive home, with her husband and 2 children. This video (all her videos) are exactly what the millionaires at the top of the pyramid have in mind….lower line people doing these ridiculous videos, just raking in the money while the actual workers get NOTHING. Don’t be fooled by the comfort you feel. It’s all part of their script.
There's so many fake family on social media If shannan would keep her life more privately and focus on her marriage problems this could of never accord
Do you know of how many spouses are belittled and disrespected by their spouses around the world? How many of them in return suffocate their children and place them in oil tanks?
NK week before Watts killed his family, Kessinger spent more than two hours searching the internet for wedding dresses. In documents released by Weld County, Colorado, District Attorney's Office, Ms Kessinger also spent 45 minutes Googling "how to prepare for anal sex" and "the anal sex guide" on the night before the murders. Meanwhile, a search of Watts' phone found hidden pictures of a nude or semi-naked Ms Kessinger. They were located in a secret calculator app that was only accessed by typing in a four digit code.
She doesn't speak to him just ignores him. He has his own team too. She just acts like he's not there or just puts him down. Most men wouldn't tolerate this. She bossed eveyone.
Bless them,still cannot they are here,never thought he looked the true MONSTER that he turned out to be ,,,big hugs in heaven,from a grandma from MANCHESTER England xxxxxxx
Please take a moment to consider this, and this is directed towards everyone who has commented on the Watts’ content…people watch these videos and immediately develop an opinion, emotion or idea about what they are seeing. Based on whatever emotion has been stirred up determines the tone of the comment that you fire off. Going online watching how others live and interact when they have nice things and appear happy, when YOU have none of that, watch out. Remember who you are and how you want to be seen. Ugly comments do not come from pretty people
@@noraphillips461 are you serous? he’s a narcissist sociopath & she put up with abuse all day everyday ..you don’t know what went on behind closed doors..i was married to one so I get what she put up with. he’s all about images and deceiving…how can you say that ? he murdered them he’s the bad guy.
@@hmnorvell3771 he is, & like you said NO one knows what behind close door.. if I ever said it da Rong comment I apologize. Yes I agree 👍 with you all. Divorce not murdered!!!
It’s almost like Chris is never there to Shannan’s. She dismisses him so much
You’re irrelevant
And if divorced you’d never see them
I don’t know why I watch these from time to time. It’s just crazy to see these people alive and well, plus just not knowing what’s ahead. It’s terribly sad to know how they were taken away from this life.
I know. I feel the same way. It's just so unfathomable
In America one out of 3 men do would he do
@RGB 18 haha yeah definitely not true
I can't believe he poisoned her too
If you don’t know why,, don’t watch them. You sound like you have no life!
Never envy anyone .......you never know what takes place behind closed doors!!!
That is so true 👍
Who envied them and why?
Very very true
She deems to have no time for chris when shes on line
I hate to admit it but u cud be right there😐 I'd like to think shan n kids were happier wiout "him" there though xxxx love n light always to shan n kids xxxxx
Poor 😢
Facts remain that Christopher Lee Watts murdered them all!!!
And when detectives visited him in prison months later… He was more than okay to explain that if he’d never been presented with an alternative (NK)… He’d be a father to not only Bella, Cecee, but also to a son… He’d have a son he said… we all know he meant Niko!
And he talked about how had it not been for the alternate he faced (because none of this has ever been about nk, but simply that CW had finally encountered a situation where there wasn’t such a cut and dry outcome he was comfortable with choosing or walking away from like Shannan his choice, his family walking away from…. In this situation Mr W snapped all on his own and and chose murder!!
@Roxanne Paquette he didn't snap. If it wasn't NK it would have been someone else. He planned to kill her and kiddos as he knew tucking them in, it would be the last time he would. He still feels zero true remorse and thinks he shouldn't be judged for this one moment.
I cant see why those poor girls have to say Hi to everyone all the time and also mention their individual names. What a pain !!!
These poor kids never stoid a chance with theese two as parents...
We never see the children eating a meal.
Behind on speech ,benadryl drunk in bed at 630 pm she was oppressive
More of a chance with her than him
They never looked happy as a couple in these videos
that's because Shannan needed to be right all the time. "happy wife, happy life" WRONG
He never looked happy
Grown old middle age rough neck man sitting here in a refinery in tears watching beautiful innocent babies and their loving mommy!! I will NEVER grasp or understand that guys actions!!
Same. It's unbelievable..
I don't think any of us will. My heart breaks for her and those babies. He had everything and ruined it all for a 2 dollar w**re.
@@misty3941 First of all they didn’t have everything they’re about to lose it all
@@misty3941 What do you get the two dollars from his blew more than that on NK
Evil is real got inside him trough that trash NK
The children were completely innocent in all of this so sad 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔
🥰🥰🥰 So was Shannan.. Just a normal beautiful flawed human being.. Who tried her best but wasn't perfect like none of us are
The children were innocent. They had no say...no control. Both adults made choices that resulted in what we all know.
@@TEM14411so you’re saying that Shannan made a choice that she deserved to be strangled ? You 🤡
Yeah but apparently they were very sickly. They look pale and quite wan, even the younger one with Downs Syndrome, CeCe. I haven’t read it but I heard there’s a piece in the New York Review of Books claiming that the mother committed infanticide after discovering that the older one wanted to go to the University of Phoenix and major in Communications and minor in Hairstyling. Shocking.
¿La madre de quien?@@matildahospital5839
i see those girls and i just can't believe they do not exist anymore....
Well, their remains exist. It is always the child victims that get people the most.
I still watch her videos from time to time....This has got to be the strangest & evil tragedy that will never make any sense to me.
Same here!
It's one of the most easiest murders to understand as it's obvious he couldn't stand her and he snapped it's the ted Bundy's and Jeffrey Dahmer's that are baffling but I just don't know why he didn't just leave her as she's obviously one of those bully frat type girl/woman who made him feel stupid
Aw, sweet Bella. 😢
Mlm "consultants" are so annoying.
Anyone notice how she was upset at CW? Because he said “silence” and she said not cool.
She also had him make his own coffee while he was holding Cece. Her face just looked so annoyed. I feel terrible for them. Ugh if only they could get a divorce. Poor babies.
Omg yes I noticed that! I know it’s all so sad. Just divorce
Yes. Im afraid her controlling narcissism towards hubby and especially the girls, mostly Bella, drove the resentment and anger running through this family.
I don't understand why she had chris make hes own when he was holding cece. And made chris get cece more marshmallows. I don't get iy
Yes I noticed she’s kind of ignoring him
@Mrs Blume agreed!
I love Shanann and I’ve enjoyed watching her videos with the girls. Watching Chris stand in the background and say things like “what up” “that’s good” in these videos over and over is cringe. BUT Shanann shows 0 feelings toward him at all in these videos. There is 0 chemistry between them in videos together.
I totally agree with you she told him(CW) to get his own cafe. It so sad that she sure did change she was begging him to stay with her and he finally told her they were not compatible any more and wanted to to seperate from her she was practically begging him to stay with her. They had no chemistry for as long as l was watching there videos. He finally decided to cheat and that's what he needed to do in order to leave them all. Instead he murdered them instead of leaving.😥😥😥
@Jessie Jay But she sure needed him to stroke HERS!! Why did she make him stand in the background of her videos? You can clearly see that he would have rathered be anywhere else but there!! The woman was a control freak & he grew tired of it!!
@@fancydrew1250 that's for sure. And I feel it necessary to come around these UA-cam videos and remind some of these saps of that. They sit here and they just drool over her while she's being so cruel and selfish they just go along with the crowd she's wonderful no she's not the least bit wonderful
So true.They both were terrible to each other,poor babies."say Hi"....
@@deadmanswife3625 ....you've got that right
Why can I not stop watching this? It’s wholesome yet morbid.
Because you want to thrive
Read the bible
Because it’s a highly unusual and unique case.
@@Brittalyit's neither highly unusual or unique. Unless you live under a rock.
@@marietighe6328 I’ve personally never seen a crime like it. I’ve travelled the world so certainly not under a rock but you go ahead making assumptions about people you don’t know. Respect other peoples opinions, it’s really as simple as that. ✌🏼
I would make my kids normal hot chocolate and say it's the kind for kids.
Good idea 💡
@@valerie2827 yea and put the marshmallows in it. Duh!
That was very caring and loving of you. I wish Shannan would of had a little more of this character for herself. All she cared about when she was in this mood of selling Thrive nothing else mattered.
SW was a selfish control freak! She acted more like a babysitter.
And mean! She already had her kids in bed for at least 15 hours a day. And, although I NEVER heard her threaten to EVER punish cece, she would threaten Bella with “going to bed” when she would act up. And by “act up” I mean that she got upset because cece would snatch a toy and run away with it. Bella would get upset and Shannon would say “I’ll get it” but she wouldn’t. She followed cece around, not correcting her, but recording her. Her little monster in action. Both Shannon and cece giggling while Bella falls apart in the other room. There’s so many disturbing things on these videos. But like the true narcissist she is, she couldn’t see anything she was doing wrong in the videos. They were all “perfect” to her. 🙄🙄
What a beautiful family. It breaks my heart knowing their fates. All at the hands of the man supposed to protect them. RIP
bella didn't have the chance to drink coffee as a teenager! 😭
She's with Allah now. Allah is the most merciful most forgiving. The two girls, the baby boy who wasn't even born yet, were young and innocent. All praise is due to Allah. On the day of judgement Allah will question all the female infants that were buried alive. This life is a test. They are safe with Allah
@@ArubaAysha Yeah because he definitely is keeping the women in Kabul safe rn lol get real
@@taydavies9971 peace
@@taydavies9971 not here. This is for their memory.
@@Schrodingers_Kat ummm the person who commented was being kind. Can y'all take this to the other 50 million political /religious posts? Have a little class.
He made a smiley face she said thats not cool shaking her head and then said ......you can do your own ...i guess to let him know shes pissed
It breaks my heart him holding that little baby...that he didn’t really love or care about them
He was under orders and constant supervision she kept a leash on him like a choke collar
@@deadmanswife3625 not the kids fault though
@@lynnoserb6398 true but none of us could predict the future I can't imagine how their lives may have gone with her influencing them to sap off other people. Extroverts always take their energy from other people they need to be around other people whereas people like Chris give and give and need to have some time alone to replenish themselves. Or obviously they go stark-raving mad half the time
He had a spell on him from the witch he was sleeping with
@Indy Yes, if you watch the video on this from Sloan Bella, that's what she said.
Shannan and Chris were not on the same level
Yeah. Chris was way above her!
@@robinhall420 are u for real right now have u lost ur mind
@@nedrabezak1825 She medically abused her children. Stay at home Mom? Yeah. She was the only one there. Kids in Daycare. Sat on FB live all day. Just because she’s dead..doesn’t excuse her using her babies as an MLM prop.
@@robinhall420 Nope under her
@Natalia vincencci
She did love him
Rest in Paradise Cece, Bella, Nico, and Shanann ❤️
I cannot believe this man did this
Me either. It's unreal
These videos are terrifying because Chris looked like the way better parent!! He was ALWAYS for those kids, taking care of them, paying attention to them, playing with them, showing affection....while Shanann always looked tired and annoyed and repetitive with her sales, using the kids as props, never giving them her full attention....while they always had Chris’ full attention and care. YIKES!!
I agree
He played a part. If he did love the kids, he had plenty of time to back out of murdering them. No concern or sadness after either. He was acting.
Aileen Mccarthy you might be right about CW always holding them and playing with them but, did you ever see LOVE in his eyes for them? NEVER!
Wow that is a great observation. Really makes it all the more heartbreaking ☹️
I think he was a very lucky man who never appreciated what God had given him
Chris always looks like the better parent attentive to his kids it’s crazy to think what happened 😢
He did what he thought was expected from him. No emotions behind his actions and behavior….
@@dimitroulak.5295 He was her puppy . Do all she wants
@@dagmarzoepke6960 : their dynamic overall was toxic.
He is a performer! So we see him playing with the kids being the fun time dad on camera but when the videos stop, I guarantee he did too. It was all a show. Shanann was the full time parent and wife which is why we see things go wrong sometimes and some frustration, normal stuff. Bless her heart, she tried and wanted her family to be fine. If she had only known the evil she married. R.I.P. beautiful Shanann, Bella, Cee Cee and Nico. ❤❤❤💙
@@irenegeorge1438 Well said.
There is a clear tension between Shannan and Watts;
I think she was tired of playing his mother and directing his every move...the look she gives him @ :45 while he is fetching the marshmallows just screams “ Really ?”
@@Lisa-jp1zf He held a steady job for a long time got promoted, and provided the house payments ..She didn't need to play mother to him..He was was functional in a financial sense...She was not
@@orangecat6870 exactly
@Jessie Jay Damned you are very sure about it like as if you know my perception on body language.
@@Lisa-jp1zf Is that why she practically begged him not to leave her when finally, he grew tired of her "mothering" (which was completely unwarranted & overtly unnecessary) him?
She doesn’t really acknowledge Chris in this videos. Don’t get me wrong I’m
Anti Chris but find the dynamics in this video strange he just stands in background very arkward
In many many videos that happens. I also find it terribly strange. Veeeeery weird.
He stood in the background;because he acted shy. She really loved him ;she just knew;that he wasn't enjoying the videos and she wanted to include him anyways.
@@estherhelbig2625 hmmm yeah I get what you mean but it’s just weird doesn’t seem genuine
@@courtneybeckett2689 I agree .. the dynamic just feels awkward and like you say, not genuine. Just appears strange, I don’t know any other way to say it ..🤷🏻♀️
When he said they had "silence" she responded "that wasn't cool" the little she does interact with him is really uncomfortable
Bella was the spitting image of Chris. She even made the same facial expressions.
Bella looked just like Shanann when she was a child.
@@LovemyLeo1 u have to see the devil chris when he was a kid he looked exactly like bella
That's why he killed her last bc his narcissistic ways. It's like killing himself.
Say hi George say hi Harry say hi Stuart say hi say hi say hi
Fella was not cute
Kids must of been sick of saying hi
god i know right!!! there are a couple of videos when bella says she doesn’t want to say hi … I cherish those !!!!!
Who honestly would sit around and listen to this woman!? Is beyond me. With her 4 word vocabulary
Poor Shanann. What a waste of all their beautiful lives. This is 💔💔💔. Rip girls and nicco. 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️😇😇😇😇🌹🌹🌹🌹🇬🇧
I feel so sorry for her mother and dad and brother and all her friends I had to lose a beautiful woman like Shannon and her beautiful kids and her poor baby nickel is so sad and it's not right I love them all and I wish that I got to meet her cuz she loved everybody just like she says in the videos God bless you all
I don't they're busy with their little UA-cam channel making money cooking food and bossing each other around Frankie junior is a grown man still home living with Mommy no girlfriend no boyfriend
@@deadmanswife3625So. Many family members live too. It's expensive to live solo nowadays.
@@tamara6212 except for one thing you got your addicts and your enablers in the ruzek's family
Chris you do your own "ok"
as he’s balancing Cece & marshmallows smdh
Yeah she is weird and she sure shows off those nails
🥺 "okay.."
she couldn’t just mix his when she did hers??? this is what led to her demise
Well said !
"it tastes like mocha and chocolate!"... (another video) "it tastes like green mint ice cream! ".... "it tastes like birthday cake!" She seems perpetually amazed by these (very simple) artificial flavorings.
Annoying right!!!!
@@gradeez it’s her job don’t watch her videos then get over it
That freakin green mint ice cream...its called mint chocolate chip
@@stellaashley623 I know right? She talking like the green mint shit is something different or special, when there's only one MINT it comes from the same source organically. And actually the best quality mint ice creams will be white (assuming it's vanilla ice cream base) NOT green bc that is indicative of artificial colors and flavorings
People will defend her with "it was her job". Yeah, her job was to be a salesman and she was absolutely terrible at it. Which makes sense since her only customers were close friends and family.
When Bella did "a pretend" sip of coffe 😭😭😭...dear lord...the cutest thing ever...
Can't belive they are all gone...can't..they are so full of life..💔
Bella is adorable
@@ainemurray8250you mean sheWas adorable. She’s gone now.
I love Bella🥺😭❤️
The girls are so sweet 🥺😞
@@LarisaBayaMomo Yes they are! Bella was so smart and cute and Cece was just adorable! I will never forget them! This case really affected me😪
Bella ❤️❤️
Me too! Sweetest little angel!
"Its beautiful"
Let me eat and drink in front of my starving kids and tell them no when they want some.
I think that shanann and chris should of waited until the kids went to sleep to try the Cafe. Because drinking the Cafe infront of the kids and Bella wanted some was kinda sad to me. Bella can have all the Cafe she wants now.
@RGB 18 100% agree! Both pinheads
She would say things like “time to play mom!” That was so odd to me. And they were also “little monsters.” I wouldn’t think much of it, except that that’s all she called them. In all these videos, I haven’t heard, “my little angels” or “my sweet babies.” I don’t think she would hurt them or hit them or anything like that. They were dressed well and had nice things, but she didn’t seem to delight in being a mom. It just seemed like part of the image of having it all.
That stuff is too hard on literal toddlers and meant for weightloss. Its not the end of the world to not give into every want a toddler has.
@@queenicedcoffee4217yes, but she could've had hot chocolate or another alternative treat for the kids, instead of hyping up the drink and not allowing them to have any. Everyone knows you don't eat or drink anything in front of little kids without having anything to offer them. Little kids don't understand why they can't have it. It's even worse because she's going on and on about how good it is. It's almost like she's taunting them. Plus they were at the age where she should've been teaching them to share.
@@queenicedcoffee4217 Toddlers should not be forced to act in commercials for adult beverages either.
Mis condolencias a la familia de Shannan y de esos angelitos desde España. No entiendo que pueda existir en el mundo tanta crueldad😢❤
Gracias 🙏🏻
Hay gente que hace el daño 😩 pero también hay gente como tú y yo que tienen un corazón ❤️
Pentru că pe lângă oameni cu sănătate mintală exista din păcate și oameni care au tulburări de personalitate gen narcisism perfect aici ,narcisism covert este cel mai perfid ,cel mai parșiv fiindcă e mai greu de depistat și psihopatie negreșit și multe alte tulburări psihice 😢🙏🇦🇩
Narcisistii nu pot fi niciodată fericiți orice ai face,orice le ai oferi orice ar avea pe lumea asta și de regulă au....au familii frumoase ,cariere dar nu pot păstra pentru că ei nu pot iubi cu adevărat și nu au empatie,sunt doar executanți,fac lucruri ca pentru obiecte și învață prin imitare dar pot avea umor cei inteligenți desigur ...sunt goi pe interior desi simulează aproape perfect emoțiile...mint și sunt de regula infideli Intr o relație fiindcă ei au nevoie de planul unu,de validare constanta ,de hrana narcisista fiind mereu victime și nu ceilalți care le trec pe dinainte validați ,devin frustrați și invidioși însă cei introvertit țin sub presiune in ei până explodează și explodează sub diferite forme El nu ajungea la crimă daca nu avea o toartă de care sa se agate ,o noua victimă acea femeie de pe exterior la rândul ei mințită și manipulată emoțional dar care s a indragostit de el ,a crezut cat este el de" nefericit" si a intrat în rol,în jocul lui de a dragostea și de a emoțiile,dar cu siguranță făcea un declic mai târziu în relație ,nu putea să mențină aparențele până la adânci bătrâneți ,aplica pedepse de la tăcere și retragere până la a refuza sexul in relație și dau mereu vina pe partener pentru orice fleac sau chiar chestiuni cu greutate,nu pot finaliza ce au început ,când devine prea greu de regulă părăsesc familia intrand Intr o noua relație unde responsabilitățile sunt minore și gusta iarăși din viața așa zis ideala la care visează cu ochii deschiși.Sunt fericiți doar îndrăgostiți fiindcă ei nu pot construi iubirea,apoi cu timpul se dezandragostesc.Spre vârsta a treia rămân singuri ,putini rămân de frica singurătății Intr o ultimă relație dar niciodată nu devin mai buni
Atunci el a simțit că trebuie să înceapă totul de la zero,sa scape de " obiecte" fiindcă oamenii sunt simple obiecte și pentru a se simți împlinit,( ar fi fost tot pentru o perioadă mai scurtă sau mai lunga dar nu definitiv) deja era total golit pe interior ,acesta este simțământul și efectiv și a pierdut mințile,se înțelege termenul fiindcă un om sănătos la cap nu poate face așa ceva Asta nu i scutește de pedeapsa ..Gândiți va că ei rămân blocați emoțional la vârsta de 5 ani ...deși se dezvolta fizic și intelectual ,au mintea în dezordine și nu pot face deosebire între ficțiune și realitate exact așa cum este.Casnicia ,relațiile cu ei sunt o minciună ...își doresc sa fie părinți,să aibă familii,își doresc dar nu pot duce și îmbracă multiple roluri,sunt buni manipulatori însă fac erori puerile și de a dreptul hilare ....acum că știm dramatismul cazului,CW era doar fizic prezent acolo însă nu era implicat nici mental și nici emoțional...era prin alte zone călător cu mintea Ghinion ea! Destinele lor s au impletit in jocul tragic al sorții ....Ce păcat!
Bella's speech seems delayed 😕
Very, VERY delayed. She was turning four in two months and sounded like an infant. 'I mumma be mermidge follween'. Uh, what??
@@a.p.3045 she had food in her mouth
@a.p.3045 it seems like CC got all the attention. Bella would get jealous and revert to mimicking CCs behavior. And yes, Bella had speech problems and was often silent when asked a question or to repeat something.
Maybe she had autism? Nothing wrong with that.
Every time you see him he has CeCe on his hip. She was definitely a daddy’s girl. 😢How could he!!
He's holding her because she was so hyperactive and SW couldn't have that behavior on her boring, long-winded lives to nonexistent viewers. Like "Herb" was an actual man tuning in to hear her talk about coffee.
It’s bewildering isn’t it. What went off in the man’s brain that resulted in this? The family dynamics were a worry now we know where it ended.
Right cici was definitely a daddy girl and she always gets ignored is odd to me. Her chubby cheeks and boisterous personality just Pierce my heart
Right cici was definitely a daddy girl and she always gets ignored is odd to me. Her chubby cheeks and boisterous personality just Pierce my heart
Such a tragedy. How he could do what he did is beyond the limits of comprehension.
Agreed! An absolute MONSTER.
I cant imagine the family having to go thru their belongings 😢❤
“Is that coffee?”
“No, it’s café.”
It’s sad what he did to them but it’s not always one sided.
U can clearly see how she treated him.
Funny that, I see lots of grumpy and at times ill-suited couples every day who don't end up murdered, along with their children. You need a deranged psychopath like CW to do all that.
She was suspicious at that time that there is something wrong with him!
People like him are dangerous and he proved it!
@@christinamile2989 no she wasn't. False. She treated him badly from the moment they met.
Still didn’t deserve her death and definitely the kids were innocent.
Victim blaming is what you are doing Kimberley! He should have grown a set of balls & asked for a divorce if he was that unhappy not wipe out his entire family not to mention his children had nothing to do with “how tf he was treated” you are just another troll.
R.I.P Shannan and Bella and Cece and Nico
I’ve been accused of “elevating Shanann to saint hood” and been told to go make a Shanann fan club 😅 I mention that just to say I’m not one to bash Shanann. Ever. At all. But. The more and more I watch i do see things that go one that really are very dysfunctional. I’d also
Like to say there are things I do that are dysfunctional. Nobody is perfect. And I’m not saying this to bash Shanann. Her and the girls are the victims in this. And regardless of her character flaws she loved her family. But it’s really sad to me that her and Chris are drinking that stuff going on and on about how good it is while Bella begs to try it. And she’s completely ignored until she starts participating in the live. Idk anything about thrive. But even if it’s bad for kids and that’s why Shanann won’t allow her to try it she should have gotten Bella something else to drink instead of drinking it in front of her, making her smell it but not allowing her to drink it. 😢
There is a distinction. No doubt she loved her children. A lot of her choices with Bella in particular sow confusion, anxiety and insecurities in children.
@@TEM14411 what do you mean by insecurities in children? As in the way she raised them? Just curious because I’ve never heard that before.
The 630 bed time really gets me. Im a recovering heroin addict. I have 2 daughters and my youngest has been an exhausting child since the day she was born. I remember when I left my kids dad and moved back in with my parents. They had no idea i was addicted to heroin. And I remember the days I couldn’t get any heroin I’d be withdrawaling so bad. But I’d have to hide it. And all I wanted was my kids to go to sleep so I could go lay in bed and even through all of that I would start our bedtime routine at 8pm so I’d do baths. Lotion. Pajamas. Snack. And would have them in bed at 9.
It just feels so selfish to me. They even had that very big house. She could have done a “quiet” time at 630 allowing them to pick a movie and watch in living room or that landing area they had up stairs.
@@angelamcleod4188 I mean not interacting with Bella...ignoring her requests. Constantly telling her no, stop, etc. Favoring Cece. Bella rarely got positive attention. Bella is often sullen, whiney and sneaky. Especially 2018 videos. That's what happens to a child that is constantly ignored, shushed, and overlooked. Bella was so unsure of herself. So glad you are better.
It’s weird how you have a young family, and so much of your private family time is focused on a make believe. It’s evening and they could be doing anything but they are putting all the focus at this hot drink. This is an implicit message that this activity, that’s not about any of them or their shared interest, is most important. How many times did they do this? Several times daily. Balla’s speech was so underdeveloped for her age, which can be a sign of deeper psychological problems. Was Shanann even aware of this? People say Shananns attitude towards Bella was because she looked like Chris, but Bella is actually a copy of Shanann when she was her age, I think she her attitude towards her had to do with the fact she was quiet. And how she speaks to Chris. “ cece wants more marshmallows” in this “I can decode everything, follow what I say and she will stop whining, duh” . Not something like “ hun, would you get her more marshmallows “. She told Chris to make his own cup even though he was holding CeCe.
Many in comments say Shanann clearly loved her kids, I don’t doubt that, but you can love them and still treat them unfairly a lot of the time subconsciously. There were a lot of dynamics going on in that household but the biggest red flag is how they were implicitly forced to play this make belief day after day worshipping Thrive products. 😰
Bella was so precious when she said "Can I stirred it for you?" They had toxic energy in just about every video they're in together . The fake laughter. I thought mocha was chocolate
Such an adorable video of Bella helping Mommy plug the Thrive Cafe with her off the charts adorable commentary & her little sister happily eating her marshmallows. This appears to be a normal happy family. It is absolutely heartbreaking how it all ends. My thoughts and prayers go out to Shanann’s family and to all that had the honor of knowing them. ❤️🙏❤️
It may look like a normal, happy family, and in some aspects it looks like that, but I can't help but notice in EVERY single one of Shannan's videos, she NEVER acknowledges Chris!! She literally acts like he's part of the furniture. Not once does she acknowledge him in this video, and she even goes so far as to tell Chris he's going to have to make his own coffee, while she makes her own right in front of him! Why does she not include him in any videos, or even ask him if he likes the coffee, or act like they're doing the business together? It's so strange how she seems to treat him like he's not even there...
@@kimberlyschwartz5299 I have to put the obligatory- shannan didn’t deserve what happened to her and her children- but she really was not self aware at all. Her finances were constantly in shambles and, yes, she talked to Chris like he was a one of the kids. To say things like “I made Chris go get the mail.” “I wish Chris was home so he could do all the cleaning.” She always said glowing things in posts for the world to admire that she had a “perfect husband.” But that didn’t seem to translate to real life at home. In the documentary, she clearly says “Chris just goes with what I say., he knows I like things a certain way. I never thought about how that might make him feel as a man.” So what made him wonderful was doing everything she said? And maybe no one else was bothered by it, but when she texts “ I took a night shower. It means I want sex, and he knows it. He’s over here doing push ups instead of f ing me.” Ew. So she took a shower and that’s just automatically sex? She couldn’t be a big girl and use her words? “I’ve missed you, baby, Come lay with me.” It just seems like neither one of them knew how to communicate anything and it wasn’t a great relationship. To be able attempt to tell him anything, she had to write a letter. She couldn’t just sit and talk with her husband of 6 years who never raised his voice and did anything she said. Something was just off.
Why not make some hot chocolate for the kids instead of making this in front of them but not letting them have any. Even having her smell it but not letting her taste it.. that’s just mean. Oh, I must also add none of them deserve to die.
Normal really? Always trying things in front of the children and saying how amazing they are but withholding the stuff from them. Then do these videos when they are sleeping for 13 hours 😠
@@Mayfloweralways 🎯👏
I can't believe this family is no more
The sad truth is that when a person passes away it DOES NOT CHANGE WHO THEY WERE IN LIFE.
HONESTLY she was cring. She showed herself as Rude, inconsiderate, negligent and untruthful thinking she was showing herself as the complete opposite. If she was like this while others were watching imagine how much more intense she was off camera in her comfort zone. Her final outcome of life was not deserved and shoulda never happened
💯 agreed!!!!!! This comment is TRUTH on so many levels
I can't believe people would sit and listen to her drone on and on incessantly about these products.
it's super amazing that they did
Wanted to let you know that Shannan's videos were made exclusively by her to create and promote her business with Thrive... She did not originally post these videos on UA-cam . She posted them on her OWN Facebook profile, strictly to promote "Thrive" with friends, family acquaintances and anyone who was interested in joining Thrive with her. So to everyone who was interested in watching these videos, they WANTED to see/hear her talk about the products, because they had an interest in joining Thrive with Shannan
Dont know mutch about their lives but shannan was intoxicated with thrive whitch is just pyramid selling
@@kimberlyschwartz5299 It floors me when people say she was a successful business woman. Successful business women are usually able to pay their $54 HOA fees, don't complain about $130 parking charge, don't freak out about a $63 dinner bill and don't have a $30 shampoo order declined.
“You didn’t try it” jeez mom did you really need to point that out? She was showing you support.
How stinking mean to mix this in front of her, but not let her have any of it. Even having her smell it, but not letting her have a taste. Why not make some hot chocolate so they could feel like they were included. This is gross to watch. I must add. None of them deserve to die.
Thank you for leaving so many videos to cherish your happiness.
I’m proud of you because you did what made you happy without the approval of no one.
If she promoted Thrive and enjoyed it that’s what matters. If she did money or not, who cares? She still managed to do things she loved.
Doing her videos, travel, bough whatever she wanted, looked beautiful as well as her girls.
Broke or not she did what she wanted to do and that should not get anyone upset or have to talk negative about her.
She harm no one!
She was herself and had her personality that CW never spoke up for himself and had no initiative to do what made him happy it’s not her fault. The guy was like that since he was small. Shy and lonely.
How bad it is that his mother said it’s ok that he killed her but not the girls.
Who in their right mind can say something like that? In conclusion you can get a lot from what CW mother said. He come from a damage home.
Rest in peace beautiful girls
Yes, Chris's mother is definitely a total nutcase.
Wie kannst du behaupten, er käme aus einem zerrütteten Elternhaus. Er hatte eine gute Erziehung und einen guten Schulabschluss. Das kann man von Shannan nicht sagen, sie hat ihren ersten Mann betrogen, den Arbeitgeber beklaut. Sich dann mit dem früheren Arbeitgeber eingelassen, damit er keine Anzeige macht.
Her letters to him were soooooo diff compared to how she treated him. I dont understand how she was so confused he fell out of love w her she was sooo toxic! That being said NOTHING is an excuse for what he did to this family, esp the babies, but my goodness was she difficult to deal with
So so sad😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭RIP❤️❤️😭
I just said that to my self then read your comment. God, those kids are so sweet. I am seriously devastated by it all. Can't even imagine how her family must be feeling. Wish I could help them somehow 🥺
Jesus, I've never seen anyone over the age of six get excited for a mug of Cocoa....it's friggin HOT CHOCOLATE!!
What her husband did to her and the kids were horrible. The one thing I noticed about Shannan is her putting their whole life on facebook. Alot of people do that unfortunately in this world. Some of your life should be without the phone and social media off. Keep some things private.
Agree completely! Once she was involved with the Thrive everything was social media! Can you pick up in this video that she was cold & distant towards Chris! If only she knew what he would eventually do to her and those beautiful children R.I.P
No was him to her
@@rachaelnelson4976 ???No was him to her? Not sure what your meaning?
@@joannspencer1094 I agree..She was mean to Chris in this video
@@joannspencer1094 that is not true what you’re saying about her he was that way towards her once he started having his sheep affair
He is a monster for what he did but she put him down alot he should have divorced her not murder the precious family. The girls just break my heart😭
He should have walked away many years before this horrific tragedy. But he let her dictate their entire life. He had no backbone.
I wonder what she meant when she said "That was not cool..." Hmmm??
Video was edited. I’m sure someone has the unedited version. It’ll circulate.
How you could ever kill any young child is beyond me, much less your own flesh & blood. Watching
Chris hold Cece it is hard to comprehend what a true monster he is, and that he tortured and killed
those 3 precious angels & his unborn son. Trust no one in life, and never leave your husband for a
month because it is an invitation for him to cheat!
it’s not her fault he cheated lots of couples have to live apart for reasons and never cheat…he was probably cheating on her before nk cuz that’s what narcissist psychopaths do.
It's weird that you would advise people not to leave for a month because that *obviously* mean their husbands would cheat?
How about just don't marry someone you can't trust?
Those precious babies.
The way she said she wants more marshmallows and the way he said ok and put his head down is a red flag!!!
Imasculating him
Bella Bella.. I am so sorry angel ...sorry for what happened.. this world is full of monsters
I think people are being way too hard on Shanann here. She liked social media and doing live videos. Stop reading into every damn thing you think she's doing wrong. She was a busy mom trying to do her best!
Im from the Netherlands, but have always following the stories of shannan. I feel so much grief. There life is token. Think about them. Beautiful souls are taken from us. Hope they have rest and peace and are together in heaven. ❤
Never envy anyone .......you never know what takes place behind closed doors!!!!
CeCe had an eating problem. SW was teaching her to self-soothe with food. She knew like five words and "More!" was one of them. Marshmallows, chocolate chips, sugary crap, and then SW wonders why "Rampage" acts the way she does.
This hits too close to home- the way she’s ignores him and doesn’t let him speak more than a word or two, says the kids are cuter than he is, demands the kids say hi over and over, YEAH too much, no need to kill a family, but dude you needed to get OUT
Shannan never thought that man beside her and holding her baby it would be capable to kill her and her babies. So unfair.
I believe one problem shanann had was that she was bullied in school and that made her become one in her marriage ....it was the eed yo be in control ....also chris was book smart she wasnt ...i think that also lead to her doing things to him because it was a reminder she wasnt !!!! Both need therapy ....its sad it went this far 😢😢😢😢😢😢
She would have been just fine without him. I don't understand why murder was the option.
Wow shanann really was talking down to him ....she wants more marshmallows he jumps ......Chris u can do your own .....then he made a wide smile and she said ....that's not cool shaking her head
She brought the monster out of Chris 😈😈👹👹👹
Shannan is kind of ignoring Chris interaction in the background. He looks out of place.
Get off your damn phone and live life. A part of their problem was obvious. Too much social media and not enough private family life
She was working, it required
Live chats , it was her business and she was good at it .
@@NoseyFloridaGirl Even when she wasn't working, her phone and social media ruled her life. No she didnt deserve to die and Chris is still a pos murderer but looking at the whole story of different triggers as to why this happened.
He looks like an awkward introvert that doesn't know how to interact with people.
@@melindaroop1346 yes, you can sense his inability to interact normally with her and people on the camara.
Back again. I know their life behind camera was a big facade but these videos still bring me comfort. She had a great spirit
Chris was the issue. She didn’t fake anything.
@@AdventistHomemaker e não acho que era fachada, ela fala muito nas mensagens que o Cris, mudou muito apenas nas últimas semanas, na qual ele conheceu a outra
@@AdventistHomemaker Ah yes she did! Her WHOLE life was a joke and one big lie! Hello??
I wonder why so many people say they come to Shannon’s videos because they are comforting to them? Do you not have any family members that are living that could give you comfort? I find it strange that people say that about someone they’ve never met. And if lies comfort you, then okay. Because this was all a show. It was to sell thrive and recruit people to sell thrive. Because that’s how pyramid schemes work….they tell you EXACTLY what they want you to hear…all while standing in front of a “perfect” background…in this case, her big expensive home, with her husband and 2 children. This video (all her videos) are exactly what the millionaires at the top of the pyramid have in mind….lower line people doing these ridiculous videos, just raking in the money while the actual workers get NOTHING. Don’t be fooled by the comfort you feel. It’s all part of their script.
He had no real personality. No wonder she got annoyed with him sometimes.
Look at this video it raises so many red flags the wayshe orders him to do things and talks down to him
You raise a lot of red flags in as much as you can talk about a murdered lady like that. He was and is a huge creep
Reminds me of Kate Gosslin how she talked to Jon
Ja und das jahrelang.
@@franwebb7756me too two peas in a pod
Cece was just a little ball of beautiful baby sweetness and sunshine-What a horrible loss 🌸
I really enjoy your channel thank you for sharing the videos
We all still can’t believe that they are gone
More marshmallows? Yeah. Good mom
There's so many fake family on social media If shannan would keep her life more privately and focus on her marriage problems this could of never accord
Can't f believe what he did
She disrespected Chris he was afraid to say anything to her.but no excuse for what he did.she belittled him.
Do you know of how many spouses are belittled and disrespected by their spouses around the world? How many of them in return suffocate their children and place them in oil tanks?
He was the wimp that should’ve spoken up if it bothered him.
@@getyourtikion1 Otho g worse than a weak man or woman
Exactly! I agree with you.
NK week before Watts killed his family, Kessinger spent more than two hours searching the internet for wedding dresses.
In documents released by Weld County, Colorado, District Attorney's Office, Ms Kessinger also spent 45 minutes Googling "how to prepare for anal sex" and "the anal sex guide" on the night before the murders.
Meanwhile, a search of Watts' phone found hidden pictures of a nude or semi-naked Ms Kessinger. They were located in a secret calculator app that was only accessed by typing in a four digit code.
My God beautiful Shanann and those sweet babies! I don’t know if these vids will ever get easier.
She doesn't speak to him just ignores him. He has his own team too. She just acts like he's not there or just puts him down. Most men wouldn't tolerate this. She bossed eveyone.
You been there?
Maybe that’s you because I don’t see that
@@ghadeern6937if you don’t see something that is so obvious, how do you manage to go about your daily routine unsupervised? Clueless.
Warum ???? hat sie jeden Quatsch aus ihrem privaten Leben öffentlich so krass breitgetreten ???
They looked so happy..And Chris looked very devoted person..Omg..
She didn't let Chris smell it he was tge only one she didn't ask ........look and you will see .....plenty of red flags !!!
And why was it not cool to say silence when she just said that she hopes there aren't any tantrums.
Bless them,still cannot they are here,never thought he looked the true MONSTER that he turned out to be ,,,big hugs in heaven,from a grandma from MANCHESTER England xxxxxxx
They are NOT here,can’t believe I typed that in wrong,yes they are not here,thanks to that MONSTER 👹 CHRIS WATTS,their daddy 👹
Please take a moment to consider this, and this is directed towards everyone who has commented on the Watts’ content…people watch these videos and immediately develop an opinion, emotion or idea about what they are seeing. Based on whatever emotion has been stirred up determines the tone of the comment that you fire off. Going online watching how others live and interact when they have nice things and appear happy, when YOU have none of that, watch out. Remember who you are and how you want to be seen. Ugly comments do not come from pretty people
Shannan was such a great mother she love them so much miss yous all RIP beautiful butterflies and angels to 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Nein war sie überhaupt nicht.
She bated those kids constantly. My mom used to make us stuff that we thought was coffee, just to make us feel involved. Shannan was a shit starter.
Say hi, Say hi, Say hi, Say hi, Say hi, Say hi.
Yes it's horrible
Regardless how people thought how she was. You don't go and murder your own family. Despicable.
She controlled his every move. 🤦🏻♀️
**Chris, you do your own. (She couldn’t make her husband a cup?!) 😡
@Jessie Jay I don't
lol 😂 may be you do .
@@noraphillips461 are you serous? he’s a narcissist sociopath & she put up with abuse all day everyday ..you don’t know what went on behind closed doors..i was married to one so I get what she put up with. he’s all about images and deceiving…how can you say that ? he murdered them he’s the bad guy.
@@hmnorvell3771 he is, & like you said NO one knows what behind close door.. if I ever said it da Rong comment I apologize. Yes I agree 👍 with you all. Divorce not murdered!!!
@@hmnorvell3771 you got it straight up backwards she is the monster
@@hmnorvell3771 what kind of wife says okay you talked to him you're cuter than Daddy. I mean what kind of a nasty biatch talks that way
Now Chris will rot his whole life in a 5 by 5 cell
I can't believe it😔 this innocent, little angels. What was in his head and his soul, as he did it? Rest in peace Cece, Bella, Shan'Ann and Nico 🕊️