When the Sin Never Stops

  • Опубліковано 22 лип 2024
  • Most professed Christians want Christ to repent for them, obey, do what's right and endure in their place. So the phony Pundits give them what they want, the Magic Cover for their sins! They do nothing, but sin everyday, and He saves them in the end.


  • @Hovsep231
    @Hovsep231 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you Pastor Mike, i love your teachings soo much, i have 23 old

  • @michael.abosaid5252
    @michael.abosaid5252 6 років тому +9

    To repent means you make a choice out of your free will to stop sinning. When you have turned your heart over to God, the things you used to struggle with become easy to do away with. It is at that point that God intervenes and makes it easy to obey. The problem with most Christian's is that they still enjoy some of the habitual sins they haven't fully released from the desires of their hearts. This is why they struggle and think it's an inevitable part of life.

    • @rondabaggett8061
      @rondabaggett8061 4 роки тому +2

      God tells us that (after we get saved) "But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you"--Acts 1:8....This is where we get to power to stop sinning.....Asking God to give us the Holy Ghost and willing to obey God all of our life....

    • @sunchadesario8686
      @sunchadesario8686 4 роки тому +4

      Michael. Abosaid
      “The problem with most Christian’s is that they still enjoy some of the habitual sins they haven’t fully released from the desired from the desires of their hearts.”
      Do you know you still referred to them as Christians . Are they?
      Can you enjoy your favorite sins still inherit the kingdom of God?

    • @Ashqelon01
      @Ashqelon01 Рік тому +1

      ​@@rondabaggett8061that is the initial intermediate step. Choose to stop doing these things, then once he sees you are serious he will abide with you giving you power and Grace to continue what you initiated it could you were willing to pay the painful price. What's in can a human being not stop??
      The holy spirit will cause us all to be strong and continue on the path.
      Humans must make that choice to initiate the path

  • @BornAgainBride
    @BornAgainBride 10 років тому +3

    This was one of many great teachings you have done, Mr. DeSario. I have followed your ministry since your Anti-OSAS website maybe 10+ years ago. Thank you very much for your ministry and your zeal.
    I think that most folks who sit in church buildings are not truly "continuing in the Word", devouring it, such that they understand how Christ came to free us from (G 1537 = EK = OUT OF) bondage and slavery to sin. After all, His Holy Spirit presumably dwells within us. Is His Spirit in us too weak to conquer sin? Of course not. But again, these essential truths that you continually expound upon are simply not heard in churches for the most part.
    For one thing, if believers do not accept the cross that Christ is handing us and truly learn what it means to die to self and to sin, we cannot really start our journeys. It takes a lot of faith and trust in God, and also believing His Word in Matthew 16:24-27, to "lose our lives" and die to self. Again, this is simply not being taught very much except by a few, like yourself. Dying to self is not fun. Christ never said this journey would be a cakewalk. If we do not die to self, can we really ever love God with all our hearts, or love our neighbors as we love self? It seems highly unlikely (impossible).
    Another thing I am realizing is that the "Isaiah curse" of Isaiah 6:9-10 is mentioned probably at least half a dozen times in the New Testament. Christ speaks about it in Matthew 13:13-15: eyes that see not, ears that hear not, without understanding, therefore not converted, and therefore not even eligible for Christ's healing (I believe this refers to Spiritual healing).
    Paul mentions this in Acts 28:25-26. Also Luke 8:10, Mark 4:12; John 12: 40. There might even still be many of us who probably agree with God's righteous requirements of His children, but we might not yet be crucified, denying self, pride, and arrogancy, and actually might not even be walking in 1 Cor. 13 love. Understanding that God does have righteous requirements of us His children is a very good thing. We are very blessed to see this truth. Climbing up on that cross, denying self, and loving God and others are a whole other ball game.
    Jesus never intimated that this journey would be a cakewalk. He said it would be a strait and narrow way, full of tribulation, sorrow, anguish and grief. There may be some who actually were asked to obey Mark 10:29-30 and forsake all that they have. Jesus did say that we are supposed to "count the cost" of following Him (Lk. 14:26-33). No matter what our various callings may be, for most of us who are called and chosen, God has chosen us in the "furnace of affliction". Isaiah 48:10. But it is truly the only way. It was the only way for Jesus, and it is the only way for us.
    Unless and until we truly have died to self and to flesh, where sin has no dominion over us and we actually have no more taste for it, we probably do not truly love God with all our hearts. When we do this, the next step He teaches us all throughout the NT is how to love others as He loves us. Again, this does not come naturally to the carnal man. But it does eventually become understood by and part of the crucified man.
    Paul said in Eph. 3:16-20 that once we know (and walk in) the love of Christ (for others... everyone who says they believe in the Bible knows about Christ loving us), and are walking in 1 Cor. 13 love, we will be filled with the fullness of God. I hope and pray that those days will also involve our doing "greater works than these". Jn. 14:12.
    Jesus did physical healings whereby He gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, ambulation to the lame, and speech to the mute. We are waiting for the day when He allows us to give spiritual sight and hearing to the blind and deaf, so that they can walk in His ways and speak the Words of God.
    Thank you very much once again for your devotion to the Word of God.
    Sincerely, Sarah

  • @truthteller1973
    @truthteller1973 2 роки тому

    Very interesting thank you 😊

  • @CryAloudMinistries
    @CryAloudMinistries 10 років тому +4

    hey Mike I would like to see you teach all of the fallacies of Augustine, including the Pagan holidays, and the Pagan traditions that he incorporated into the Church, I only hear you teach on some of Augustine's fallacies.

    • @robwagnon6578
      @robwagnon6578 3 роки тому

      He teaches on how Augustine's supported positional righteousness and how it kept people from eternal Life. Like the 3 times Paul teaches; . "those who do these things, will not inherit eternal life".{1 Corinthians 6:9-10} {Galatians 5:19-21} {Ephesians 5:5-7}. not obeying days, feasts, or circumcisions are not listed as sins unto death. First sins unto death must be dealt with before disputable matters are.

  • @yafois988
    @yafois988 2 місяці тому

    100% Agreed!
    On ‘That Day” it WILL be ‘YOUR Fault' of blood guiltiness.
    That is one scary serious sobering Reminder statement!!
    If that cannot penetrate your mind into a moment of clarity only to make you get on your face and want to claw to the first step in REPENT then no thing could do it.
    The afterlife DOESN’T care what we think, it IS there, both, perdition eternal torment and the Kingdom of YHVH-God, that “to soon be filled’ once it is put where where he wrote it will be.
    It DOESN’T care what we think, we are told to make our decision here now, Loose our life only to Find it in HOPE for final salvation and the reward crown.

  • @robwagnon6578
    @robwagnon6578 Рік тому +1

    What is so amazing is if theology was like painting. many Pendants use a fine tip brush on the canvas when studying end times. Yet why then when talking of salvation infinitely more important do they pull out a paint roller for the canvas?!

  • @jeffbanker9105
    @jeffbanker9105 6 років тому +1


  • @robwagnon6578
    @robwagnon6578 3 роки тому +1

    I think we have free will to stop all sinful actions, yet it may be only God who can then enter and stop my heart from wanting or coveting. This is where Philippians 2: 12 and 13 come in. That doesn't make it God's responsibility to change my heart, it is always mine to be a 'persistent widow' until it's changed.

    • @serolero324
      @serolero324 2 роки тому +2

      If you’re not willing, you’re not willing. If any man will, not if any man won’t. It’s you who has too change you’r heart and cut the bad tree at the root, so that you overcome all sin unto death once and for all. Then when you repent of all your sins in seasons of godly sorry you will receive mercy and he will write the law in your heart so that you won’t sin again.

    • @robwagnon6578
      @robwagnon6578 Рік тому

      @@serolero324 I was wrong above, I have the ability to turn from all sin and be broken.

    • @Ashqelon01
      @Ashqelon01 Рік тому

      ​@@robwagnon6578I can't remember what song it is but it says that it is the responsibility of man to change his heart.
      And it is the tongue or the answer from God about it.
      There is no sin you cannot stop.
      If you hate it then you will stop.
      If you don't hate it enough then you will continue to do it.
      All of the sun day sun worship day ICON of the Catholic papal industry churches churchianity system,
      has a thousand excuses to continue to sin.
      Mike has made it perfectly clear in this regard about that salvation is a cessation of sin. It is not a management program it is a stopping and dying to it once and for all. AKA cold being born again a new man.
      Like Mike says lay a hold of eternal life and repent and put it to death.

  • @sovereignman7
    @sovereignman7 10 років тому

    2 Corinthians 7:9-10 Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage by us in nothing.
    For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.

  • @sovereignman7
    @sovereignman7 10 років тому

    Hey Watch Dog, you can do your own videos on youtube

  • @mgw4205
    @mgw4205 6 років тому

    So davids sin was unknowingly?

    • @michael.abosaid5252
      @michael.abosaid5252 6 років тому +3

      MG W it was knowingly but David repented and corrected himself. The word says David was a man after God's heart. Anyone who has a heart for God is not going to enslave himself with the things that God hates.