Reminded me of those days we used to deploy to Denmark with ACE Rapid Deployment. Our Harriers and Puma Helicopters Squadrons like 1 sqn 230 and have a great time. I met the Queen once and a lovely lady she was. I think it was at Skydstrup! All the best steve
Fantastisk flot arbejde, både med optagelse og senere restaurering. Det virker til at være en meget høj fart de lander med, men det var vel også nærmest en raket med 2 små vinger og et cockpit foran. For at opnå Mach 2 må vingerne vel være meget tynde og ikke give meget opdrift, men et fantastisk fly for sin tid. Tak for at du deler denne film.
Tak for at lægge denne skønne video på UA-cam. Jeg savner stadig hylet fra F-104'erens turbojet når den passerede over vores hus som barn. Det lå lige under en af indflyvningsruterne til FSN Aalborg og med den gamle transistorradio kunne vi af og til høre radiokommunikationen.
Fantastisk at se disse billeder af 104'eren! Those were the days! Og 104'eren giver mig stadig kuldegysninger som intet andet fly - lyden, performance, silhuetten. Et eller andet sted er man jo priviligeret, når har haft den som en del af ens hverdag. Tak!
Excellent film! Thanks for the quality restoration and for sharing it publicly, and thanks to my friend and Danish F-104 pilot Kenn Hojerslev for sending me the link! 👍
The F-104 was designed to use the General Electric J79 turbojet engine, fed by side-mounted intakes with fixed inlet cones optimized for performance at Mach 1.7 (increased to Mach 2 for later F-104s equipped with more powerful J79-GE-19 engines). Unlike some supersonic aircraft, the F-104 did not have variable-geometry inlets; instead at high Mach numbers excess air was bypassed around the engine. This bypass air also helped cool the engine. Its thrust-to-drag ratio was excellent, allowing a maximum speed well in excess of Mach 2. Available thrust was actually limited by the geometry of the inlet scoop and duct; the aircraft was capable of even higher Mach numbers if the aluminum skin of the aircraft were able to withstand the heating due to air friction. Furthermore, speeds above Mach 2 quickly overheated the J79 engine beyond its thermal capabilities, which resulted in the F-104 being given a design airspeed limitation of Mach 2. The engine consisted of a 17-stage compressor, an accessory drive section, an annular combustion chamber, a three-stage turbine, and an afterburner. The most powerful version of the J79, the J79-GE-19, was rated at 52.8 kN (11,900 lbf) dry thrust and 79.6 kN (17,900 lbf) with afterburner. World records The reason behind the "starfighter" name! On 14 December 1959, USAF Captain "Joe" B. Jordan, flying F-104C 56-0885 at Edwards AFB, set a new world altitude record of 103,389 feet (31,513 m), in the process becoming the first aircraft to take off under its own power and cross both the 30,000-meter and 100,000-foot thresholds. He also set a 30,000-meter (98,400 ft) time-to-climb record of 904.92 seconds. USAF Major Robert W. Smith, flying NF-104A 56-0756, set an unofficial world altitude record of 118,860 ft (36,230 m) on 15 November 1963, and on 6 December 1963 he flew the same aircraft to another unofficial altitude record of 120,800 ft (36,800 m).
Hej Caroline og Anders. Et fuldstændig fantastisk arbejde I har gjort her. Den film er helt overvældende for en gammel Aalborg dreng som er vokset op med F-104's helt særlige 'howl'. Kvaliteten er helt i top, og som gammel afficianendo er det jo helt særligt at se R-345 i sin helt specielle 'one-off' bemaling. Den film ryger ret på favorit listen. Tak
Piloten ved 24:38 kan vist kun være senere OL Egon Bæk (BÆK). Filmen går lige i hjertet og vækker minder fra en tid, der ikke er mere! Tak til Caroline og Anders for fint arbejde!
Piloten ved 24:32 ligner HEL. MOV kendte jeg lige med det samme. Han var ikke særlig høj og hævede straks sædet da han var kommet ned i Cocpittet :-) Jeg har været LN3 mand i 726 i perioden fra 1966 - 1970 og kender mange af ansigterne men ikke navnene. Klarmelderen med solbriller er vidst K.E.Kristensen.
super flotte billede kvalitet, det var lige den film jeg skulle bruge, da jeg skulle bruge farver fra en af de 104èr min far (p. johansen JON ) har fløjet, som er R-698 der er en af de grå m/hvide vinger.
Når man entrer flyet fra højre side, skyldes at canopy er hængslet i venstre side . Der er masser af vigtige håndtag og knapper i begge sider. De farligste er ejection seat håndtagene, men de sidder symmetrisk over hovedet og mellem benene. Desuden håndtaget for canopy separation - og "saksehåndtaget", der løsner alle forbindelser mellem pilot og fly i tilfælde af evakuering på jorden - typisk ved brand. Man sidder som en prop i en flaske i cockpit, når alt udstyr er på - og ikke som man sidder i et cockpit ved et åbent-hus stævne. Man har våddragt og flyvedragt, hjelm, iltmaske med iltslange, radioledning, G-dragt med trykslange, landkort, navigationsbøger, kniv, revolver, handsker, kuglepen, penlight lygte, støvler, låseseler til begge lægge, seler til ejection seat og faldskærm, forbindelse til gummibåd - og selvfølgelig Rayban solbriller og halstørklæde i eskadrillens blå farve. Alle løsdele skal være i flyvedragten, da der ikke er plads til at lægge fra. I øvrigt fantastisk flot film, som jeg aldrig har haft kendskab til. MOV var min eskadrillechef, og operationsofficer , da jeg fløj 104 i perioden 1967 - 1972. KER
Hej KER Tak for din beskrivelse. Det var lige sådan nogle erindringer, fakta og interessant viden, som vi håbede at kunne fremprovokere med filmen. Bl.a. kunne jeg godt tænke mig at vide mere om starter og landinger i to-formation. Var det normal praksis - og hvad med sikkerheden i tilfælde af punktering, bremse-defekt etc.? Og så lige Boundary Layer Control System'et med overskudsluft fra turbine hen over flaps: var det en reel mulighed at pipes blev tilstoppet, så flyet kunne blive ustabilt med farlig rulning omkring flyets længderetning? Mvh. Anders
Great video! Interesting you use a WWII German Luftwaffe song at the beginning. To answer a previous comment the Danes would of fought tenaciously in the event of a war with the Big Red Machine. God bless your father and grandfather! Jet noise...The sound of freedom!
Rigtig fin film med et godt tilbagekig. Sjovt at se alt det gamle... Materiellet, stederne osv. Godt og interessant speak. Musikken er dog alt for pompøs og ikke velvalgt i min optik. Men fin film!
Awesome thanks for the ride! Out of all the F104 video I've never seen the little pilot light on in the engine nacelle??? I'm sure it's for the AB but never seen it on the whole time.
The little pilot light in the engine tailpipe, called "The Pilot Burner", was burning on a running engine, it funtions as the igniter for the afterburner. Once I had to crawl inside the tailpipe to renew a burnd Pilot Burner :-)
Dejlige minder, jeg var menig i CAT indtil maj 69, skurvognen ved eskadrillebygningen brugte vi, så vi hurtig kunne komme ud til flyene, der blev spillet en del kort i ventetiden.
Hej Caroline - Jeg håber du læser dette : Hvis du kan sende de rå optagelser til mig, så har jeg noget software der kan udrette de rystelser der er, da det er håndholdt; Det det vil give et resultat der er endnu bedre at se på. Min egentlige force er lyd-produktion, således vil jeg også forbedre denne i samme omgang. Giv lyd :)
Ang. spørgsmål....take off i tæt formation var ganske almindeligt, men landing i tæt formation var mere usædvanligt, men skulle selvfølgelig øves, hvis man skulle lede et fly til landing, der havde instrumentfejl. Take off i løs formation , dvs med tidsseparation, var ikke godt om natten, da efterbrænder blændede det bageste fly. Mht BLC, boundary layer control, - hvor der blæses luft ud over vinge og flaps, virkede fint og jeg erindrer ikke tilfælde af asymetrisk fordeling af luften mellem højre og venstre side. KER
Dad was a 104 IP at Luke AFB in the 60's. The 104 pilots would wear their spurs to the Stag Bar just to let the F-100 drivers know who the real pilots were.
And now if you have the money you can get one. But of course that's the entry fee....then there's the maintenance, fuel, training, ins. and on an on.....! Oh but if the cards were played right! Beautiful aircraft!
Pretty much like youd expect. A hatch on the bottom of the plane jettisons and the seat drops out through the hole. Although only the early F-104s had them, pretty sure the major variant here, the G, had a regular seat, since they had realized it was possible to clear the tail when ejecting, since very few ejections occurred at supersonic speeds. Which is why they started out with downwards firing seats.
A very fast aircraft, not good in ground attack, however a good air to air missile platform. Slow low stall could prove fatal. Suffered accidents by novice pilots, especially in Luftwaffe.
Actually not that bad at attack. Depends on exactly what you want to do with it. A small wing and high wing loading means a very stable ride in turbulent air, which is good on a low level ground attack jet. The main problem was nowhere to stick advanced radars and other equipment that started to become mandatory on attack jets around this time.
No it wasn't. It was a high altitude interceptor totally unsuited for the roles it played in NATO airforces, sold through corruption, The USAF barely used it.
@@harryflash4680 Yup, and they're doing the same thing with the f35 It's completely useless to foreign nations with very small airforce fighter numbers And the stealth technology isnt for sale to any foreign it's not a stealth fighter, it's a less observable one but not stealth. Oh, and the Chinese hacked and stole the designs and built a copycat version...then built an improved one with two engines They then shared the plans with Russia So the 1.6 trillion dollar f35 program is completely obsolete And trump is out pressuring allies to spend more money on their military It's such corrupt bullshit When canada went shopping for a fighter elsewhere and found the swedish offered one which was better suited to their military The American government said if the canadians purchased any of those fighters they would stop an American business from supplying an important technology to the manufacturer, used for the fighters stealth capability So the americans are no different from the Chinese in their shady business practices "Not playing fair" as trump would put it
@@daveshaw9344 - sharing the technology only goes so far, though. You have to be able to reproduce the components - can they do that ? I assume, then, that the UK ones don't have the stealth technology ?
Flot film - Tak for det :-) Mht F-104 så har det altid undret mig, at ind- og udstigning er i højre side. Det er der vist ikke - om nogle - andre fly, der har det på den måde. Findes der en forklaring på dette?
Jeg mener at Gripen har det også.... Det KUNNE være fordi alle motorkontakterne typiskt er i venstre side, så der er en fordel at komme ind fra højre, så kommer man ikke til at trykke på nogle dybt problematiske knapper ved indstigning....?
@@easer777 Der er helt sikkert en fornuftig forklaring. Intet indenfor flyvning er ikke gennemtænkt til mindste detalje (det burde det i hvert fald være...). Hvad med alle de typer, hvor indstigningen er i venstre side - Hvor er motorkontakter mv monteret (f. eks F16)?
I wonder if the Danes still have their F-104's sitting in a hangar. I believe they only had 20 or 30. Unlike the Germans, the Danes knew how to properly fly them!
Interesting film. The question is, would Denmark have used their armed forces if the USSR had attacked, or just stood aside and let them in, as they did with Germany in 1940?
As a former Air Force officer I can assure you we would have fought them with everything we had. Unfortunately that would probably not have been very much as the attack plans of the WAPA showed the would have started by nuking every single square feet of land into oblivion and would only have taken the land in order to secure their access to the North Sea etc.
You can not compare pre and post WW2 conditions discarding the historical context. Denmark had no allies pre war and the military had been neglected heavily due too the depression and irresponsible politicians . Danish politics was largely influenced by a policy of neutrality since the defeat at Dybbøl in 1864, where Denmark lost extensive land in South Schleswig. This policy of neutrality continued through WW1 and until 1949 when Denmark became a member of NATO. By this time, the world was simply too polarized in terms of neutrality. With the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1948, this became very clear.
The F-104 was in fact a terrible aircraft. Not without reason it‘s nickname was ‚widowmaker‘. The West-German Luftwaffe lost about 1 out of every 3 Starfighters. Other NATO airforces had similar loss numbers. The USAF itself thought the aircraft was a failure and Lockheed was all to glad that naive European governments and air forces showed interest. About the same thing is happening again nowadays with the F-35.....
@@laurencethornblade1195 ..yeah I think so... This taken from Dr. Marshall Michel, 52nd Fighter Wing Historian...."Between 15 and 20 German 104s crashed every year between 1968 and 1972 and continued at a rate of about 10 F-104s per year until it was replaced. The final tally was the loss of 292 of the 916 Starfighters and the death of 115 pilots"
This film was uploaded by the son and granddaughter of a pilot. I would say it was a challenging job their father and grandfather did under the circumstances. He did not choose the air plane but it was difficult and some was lost. DDR and Poland was very close and with Soviet war ships in the water shown.
My Dad was also in the 726, flying the F-86D. Beautiful film!!!
Tusind tak for at dele dette super indblik i en svunden tid
Fantastisk film. 👍🏽
Tak for den.
Stor respekt til de som fløj i Flyvevåbnet.
Reminded me of those days we used to deploy to Denmark with ACE Rapid Deployment. Our Harriers and Puma Helicopters Squadrons like 1 sqn 230 and have a great time. I met the Queen once and a lovely lady she was. I think it was at Skydstrup! All the best steve
Fantastisk flot arbejde, både med optagelse og senere restaurering. Det virker til at være en meget høj fart de lander med, men det var vel også nærmest en raket med 2 små vinger og et cockpit foran. For at opnå Mach 2 må vingerne vel være meget tynde og ikke give meget opdrift, men et fantastisk fly for sin tid.
Tak for at du deler denne film.
Jeg nød virkelig denne fremragende film om F-104 i dansk tjeneste. Flotte optagelser og god musik og speak. Tak👍👏
Tak for at lægge denne skønne video på UA-cam.
Jeg savner stadig hylet fra F-104'erens turbojet når den passerede over vores hus som barn. Det lå lige under en af indflyvningsruterne til FSN Aalborg og med den gamle transistorradio kunne vi af og til høre radiokommunikationen.
Fantastisk at se disse billeder af 104'eren! Those were the days! Og 104'eren giver mig stadig kuldegysninger som intet andet fly - lyden, performance, silhuetten. Et eller andet sted er man jo priviligeret, når har haft den som en del af ens hverdag. Tak!
Per Arne Christensen var min fætter; tak for en fin, lille film !
Excellent film! Thanks for the quality restoration and for sharing it publicly, and thanks to my friend and Danish F-104 pilot Kenn Hojerslev for sending me the link! 👍
kiitos Tanska 👍
The F-104 was designed to use the General Electric J79 turbojet engine, fed by side-mounted intakes with fixed inlet cones optimized for performance at Mach 1.7 (increased to Mach 2 for later F-104s equipped with more powerful J79-GE-19 engines).
Unlike some supersonic aircraft, the F-104 did not have variable-geometry inlets; instead at high Mach numbers excess air was bypassed around the engine. This bypass air also helped cool the engine.
Its thrust-to-drag ratio was excellent, allowing a maximum speed well in excess of Mach 2. Available thrust was actually limited by the geometry of the inlet scoop and duct; the aircraft was capable of even higher Mach numbers if the aluminum skin of the aircraft were able to withstand the heating due to air friction. Furthermore, speeds above Mach 2 quickly overheated the J79 engine beyond its thermal capabilities, which resulted in the F-104 being given a design airspeed limitation of Mach 2.
The engine consisted of a 17-stage compressor, an accessory drive section, an annular combustion chamber, a three-stage turbine, and an afterburner.
The most powerful version of the J79, the J79-GE-19, was rated at 52.8 kN (11,900 lbf) dry thrust and 79.6 kN (17,900 lbf) with afterburner.
World records
The reason behind the "starfighter" name!
On 14 December 1959, USAF Captain "Joe" B. Jordan, flying F-104C 56-0885 at Edwards AFB, set a new world altitude record of 103,389 feet (31,513 m), in the process becoming the first aircraft to take off under its own power and cross both the 30,000-meter and 100,000-foot thresholds. He also set a 30,000-meter (98,400 ft) time-to-climb record of 904.92 seconds.
USAF Major Robert W. Smith, flying NF-104A 56-0756, set an unofficial world altitude record of 118,860 ft (36,230 m) on 15 November 1963, and on 6 December 1963 he flew the same aircraft to another unofficial altitude record of 120,800 ft (36,800 m).
Fantastik film. Førte en tilbage til en skøn tid, og et super fly for dens tid :-) Tak for et super arbejde !!
Semplicimente serenissimo ! Grazie!
Hej Caroline og Anders. Et fuldstændig fantastisk arbejde I har gjort her. Den film er helt overvældende for en gammel Aalborg dreng som er vokset op med F-104's helt særlige 'howl'. Kvaliteten er helt i top, og som gammel afficianendo er det jo helt særligt at se R-345 i sin helt specielle 'one-off' bemaling. Den film ryger ret på favorit listen. Tak
Storartede optagelser og smukt redigeret lyd som minde om Starfighter og en svunden tid.👍
Wow ! , great upload , thank you . Please upload anymore finds like this one .Fantastic quality for its age .
Many thanks for a good video.
Some very good days, those.
Stor tak fra Berlin.
Jeg arbejdede i sin tid (1967/68) på linekontoret og arbejdede med både piloter samt tavlen over deres service m. m. Jeg ELSKEDE det fly!!!
I love the starfighter until the end of my life 🤙
Piloten ved 24:38 kan vist kun være senere OL Egon Bæk (BÆK).
Filmen går lige i hjertet og vækker minder fra en tid, der ikke er mere! Tak til Caroline og Anders for fint arbejde!
Piloten ved 24:32 ligner HEL. MOV kendte jeg lige med det samme. Han var ikke særlig høj og hævede straks sædet da han var kommet ned i Cocpittet :-)
Jeg har været LN3 mand i 726 i perioden fra 1966 - 1970 og kender mange af ansigterne men ikke navnene. Klarmelderen med solbriller er vidst K.E.Kristensen.
Very good Video and nice sound track
Man that tractor hauls ass !! Great video. Thanks !
super flotte billede kvalitet, det var lige den film jeg skulle bruge, da jeg skulle bruge farver fra en af de 104èr min far (p. johansen JON ) har fløjet, som er R-698 der er en af de grå m/hvide vinger.
Når man entrer flyet fra højre side, skyldes at canopy er hængslet i venstre side .
Der er masser af vigtige håndtag og knapper i begge sider. De farligste er ejection seat håndtagene, men de sidder
symmetrisk over hovedet og mellem benene. Desuden håndtaget for canopy separation - og "saksehåndtaget", der løsner alle forbindelser mellem pilot og fly i tilfælde af evakuering på jorden - typisk ved brand. Man sidder som en
prop i en flaske i cockpit, når alt udstyr er på - og ikke som man sidder i et cockpit ved et åbent-hus stævne. Man har våddragt og flyvedragt, hjelm, iltmaske med iltslange, radioledning, G-dragt med trykslange, landkort, navigationsbøger, kniv, revolver, handsker, kuglepen, penlight lygte, støvler, låseseler til begge lægge, seler til ejection seat og faldskærm, forbindelse til gummibåd - og selvfølgelig Rayban solbriller og halstørklæde i eskadrillens blå farve. Alle løsdele skal være i flyvedragten, da der ikke er plads til at lægge fra.
I øvrigt fantastisk flot film, som jeg aldrig har haft kendskab til. MOV var min eskadrillechef, og operationsofficer , da jeg fløj 104 i perioden 1967 - 1972.
Tak for din beskrivelse. Det var lige sådan nogle erindringer, fakta og interessant viden, som vi håbede at kunne fremprovokere med filmen. Bl.a. kunne jeg godt tænke mig at vide mere om starter og landinger i to-formation. Var det normal praksis - og hvad med sikkerheden i tilfælde af punktering, bremse-defekt etc.?
Og så lige Boundary Layer Control System'et med overskudsluft fra turbine hen over flaps: var det en reel mulighed at pipes blev tilstoppet, så flyet kunne blive ustabilt med farlig rulning omkring flyets længderetning?
Mvh. Anders
Great film thanks for your effort.
Dejligt at se 104 i Danske farver. Jeg nyder at se de runde kokarder i rød og hvis og selve splitflaget på halefinnen. Thumbs op herfra :-)
Great stuff I vas 10 years old and living in Denmark at the time the film was made
Truly amazing!
Thanks for the subtitles.
Super fin film - har lige placeret min "gamle far" foran computeren. Han var militær flyveleder i 40 år så det bringer gode minder :o)
Great video! Interesting you use a WWII German Luftwaffe song at the beginning. To answer a previous comment the Danes would of fought tenaciously in the event of a war with the Big Red Machine. God bless your father and grandfather! Jet noise...The sound of freedom!
Fantastisk video fra en svunden tid. Tak for at dele den med os :-)
Great video!
Rigtig fin film med et godt tilbagekig. Sjovt at se alt det gamle... Materiellet, stederne osv. Godt og interessant speak. Musikken er dog alt for pompøs og ikke velvalgt i min optik. Men fin film!
Som ren interceptor var F-104 nok uovertruffen. Hurtigere end F-16 og mange andre nyere typer :-)
Wonderful job on this.
Simply brilliant film!
Maximum respect to anyone who can land a Starfigher on 28L. It is stupidly narrow.
9:00 US Air Force Song... sang it every morning back then...
Tusind tak for denne 😘
Ein Toller Film !! Grüße aus Deutschland
1000 tak fra en flymekaniker-datter (KOH Nielsen), Vadum 1956-1975, kan ikke se om far er med på den flotte film
😍🥰😎 Thank you so much for sharing!
Lovely Video of the ONE MAN ROCKET...!!
Awesome, Hello from Italy
Превосходное видео о полётах F-104, получил большое эстетическое удовольствие. Спасибо.
Awesome thanks for the ride! Out of all the F104 video I've never seen the little pilot light on in the engine nacelle??? I'm sure it's for the AB but never seen it on the whole time.
The little pilot light in the engine tailpipe, called "The Pilot Burner", was burning on a running engine, it funtions as the igniter for the afterburner.
Once I had to crawl inside the tailpipe to renew a burnd Pilot Burner :-)
Its there on any F-104 with a functioning afterburner. You need something to ignite the fuel, and the hot exhaust isnt enough to do it.
Ej en fin film - tak for den :)
Great Vid, really enjoyed that!
Dejlige minder, jeg var menig i CAT indtil maj 69, skurvognen ved eskadrillebygningen brugte vi, så vi hurtig kunne komme ud til flyene, der blev spillet en del kort i ventetiden.
Hej Caroline - Jeg håber du læser dette : Hvis du kan sende de rå optagelser til mig, så har jeg noget software der kan udrette de rystelser der er, da det er håndholdt; Det det vil give et resultat der er endnu bedre at se på. Min egentlige force er lyd-produktion, således vil jeg også forbedre denne i samme omgang. Giv lyd :)
Piloten ved 24:32 er KN A.M. Rasmussen (RAS), senere ESK721.
flot arbejde ;)
Rigtig god film, men frygtelig musik
❤❤❤❤all the long rang missiles 😮😮😮😮😮😮
Ang. spørgsmål....take off i tæt formation var ganske almindeligt, men landing i tæt formation
var mere usædvanligt, men skulle selvfølgelig øves, hvis man skulle lede et fly til landing, der havde
instrumentfejl. Take off i løs formation , dvs med tidsseparation, var ikke godt om natten, da
efterbrænder blændede det bageste fly.
Mht BLC, boundary layer control, - hvor der blæses luft ud over vinge og flaps, virkede fint og
jeg erindrer ikke tilfælde af asymetrisk fordeling af luften mellem højre og venstre side.
Have fast does a Fighter start up today and does it still need maschines to help?
Det virker meget afslappet???
Meget flot
no ejection-seat spurs at pilots' heels ?
Dad was a 104 IP at Luke AFB in the 60's. The 104 pilots would wear their spurs to the Stag Bar just to let the F-100 drivers know who the real pilots were.
in 69 lahr germany..while in the airforce for NATO.saw many 104 taken off. the runways....the sounds of 104 is unique...!
And now if you have the money you can get one. But of course that's the entry fee....then there's the maintenance, fuel, training, ins. and on an on.....! Oh but if the cards were played right! Beautiful aircraft!
Flot film 👍🏼 men musikken er helt hen i vejret 😉
Ein tolles Video über die F-104 in dänischen Diensten.
In Deutschland haetten man die Flugt umgebautet fuer Atom waffle und viele F-104 geht leider runder mit Toten Piloten..
Anyone have footage of the downward ejection seat? I kinda wanna see how it works, but I cant find a video on it anywhere.
Pretty much like youd expect. A hatch on the bottom of the plane jettisons and the seat drops out through the hole. Although only the early F-104s had them, pretty sure the major variant here, the G, had a regular seat, since they had realized it was possible to clear the tail when ejecting, since very few ejections occurred at supersonic speeds. Which is why they started out with downwards firing seats.
Meget spændende video. Jeg har delt den i en FB for folk der har arbejdet på flyvestationen. Mon ikke den vækker minder, ved nogle.
Det gør videoen rigtigt meget, jeg var på line kontoret tæt på hangaren og piloterne -, en skøn tid!!
A very fast aircraft, not good in ground attack, however a good air to air missile platform. Slow low stall could prove fatal. Suffered accidents by novice pilots, especially in Luftwaffe.
Actually not that bad at attack. Depends on exactly what you want to do with it. A small wing and high wing loading means a very stable ride in turbulent air, which is good on a low level ground attack jet. The main problem was nowhere to stick advanced radars and other equipment that started to become mandatory on attack jets around this time.
Jag var då 4 år gammal. Men drömde redan då om flygplan i Sverige.
tusind tak for dejlige optagelser min far fløj der også i den periode fra 66-76 pilotnavn RUN men han er desværre også gået bort...
Kondolerer Jannie, din far var en markant personlighed på Flyvestation Aalborg!
For many years it was the most dominant fighter in the world.
No it wasn't. It was a high altitude interceptor totally unsuited for the roles it played in NATO airforces, sold through corruption, The USAF barely used it.
Yup, and they're doing the same thing with the f35
It's completely useless to foreign nations with very small airforce fighter numbers
And the stealth technology isnt for sale to any foreign it's not a stealth fighter, it's a less observable one but not stealth.
Oh, and the Chinese hacked and stole the designs and built a copycat version...then built an improved one with two engines
They then shared the plans with Russia
So the 1.6 trillion dollar f35 program is completely obsolete
And trump is out pressuring allies to spend more money on their military
It's such corrupt bullshit
When canada went shopping for a fighter elsewhere and found the swedish offered one which was better suited to their military
The American government said if the canadians purchased any of those fighters they would stop an American business from supplying an important technology to the manufacturer, used for the fighters stealth capability
So the americans are no different from the Chinese in their shady business practices
"Not playing fair" as trump would put it
@@daveshaw9344 - sharing the technology only goes so far, though. You have to be able to reproduce the components - can they do that ? I assume, then, that the UK ones don't have the stealth technology ?
Flot film - Tak for det :-) Mht F-104 så har det altid undret mig, at ind- og udstigning er i højre side. Det er der vist ikke - om nogle - andre fly, der har det på den måde. Findes der en forklaring på dette?
Jeg mener at Gripen har det også....
Det KUNNE være fordi alle motorkontakterne typiskt er i venstre side, så der er en fordel at komme ind fra højre, så kommer man ikke til at trykke på nogle dybt problematiske knapper ved indstigning....?
@@easer777 Der er helt sikkert en fornuftig forklaring. Intet indenfor flyvning er ikke gennemtænkt til mindste detalje (det burde det i hvert fald være...). Hvad med alle de typer, hvor indstigningen er i venstre side - Hvor er motorkontakter mv monteret (f. eks F16)?
KER har svaret på det i kommentarerne højere oppe i tråden.
So cool..cold war kid..
I wonder if the Danes still have their F-104's sitting in a hangar. I believe they only had 20 or 30. Unlike the Germans, the Danes knew how to properly fly them!
😂 👍super
Interesting film. The question is, would Denmark have used their armed forces if the USSR had attacked, or just stood aside and let them in, as they did with Germany in 1940?
They were and still are members of NATO, so yes they would have used their armed forces if the USSR had attacked.
As a former Air Force officer I can assure you we would have fought them with everything we had. Unfortunately that would probably not have been very much as the attack plans of the WAPA showed the would have started by nuking every single square feet of land into oblivion and would only have taken the land in order to secure their access to the North Sea etc.
You can not compare pre and post WW2 conditions discarding the historical context. Denmark had no allies pre war and the military had been neglected heavily due too the depression and irresponsible politicians . Danish politics was largely influenced by a policy of neutrality since the defeat at Dybbøl in 1864, where Denmark lost extensive land in South Schleswig. This policy of neutrality continued through WW1 and until 1949 when Denmark became a member of NATO. By this time, the world was simply too polarized in terms of neutrality. With the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1948, this became very clear.
Why use the Luftwaffe march as background music, Caroline?
why use the U.S. one
Arf Shesaid, anything but the Luftwaffe march. It's the Danish airforce! Please.
@@meertenwelleman6249 great tune though
I agree. It's in The Battle of Britain. But there are plenty of other tunes. Not only Top Gun. Also Les chevaliers du ciel, The final Countdown etc
@@meertenwelleman6249 lol the final count down
Your forever making left turns Great video but the music was a bit much for my taste
The F-104 was in fact a terrible aircraft. Not without reason it‘s nickname was ‚widowmaker‘. The West-German Luftwaffe lost about 1 out of every 3 Starfighters. Other NATO airforces had similar loss numbers. The USAF itself thought the aircraft was a failure and Lockheed was all to glad that naive European governments and air forces showed interest. About the same thing is happening again nowadays with the F-35.....
Yep. History viewed through rose colored lenses yet again.
Dont think so.
@@laurencethornblade1195 ..yeah I think so... This taken from Dr. Marshall Michel, 52nd Fighter Wing Historian...."Between 15 and 20 German 104s crashed every year between 1968 and 1972 and continued at a rate of about 10 F-104s per year until it was replaced. The final tally was the loss of 292 of the 916 Starfighters and the death of 115 pilots"
Comparing an F-104 death trap to the F-35. I dont think so
This film was uploaded by the son and granddaughter of a pilot.
I would say it was a challenging job their father and grandfather did under the circumstances. He did not choose the air plane but it was difficult and some was lost. DDR and Poland was very close and with Soviet war ships in the water shown.
En synål med et barberblad på tværs...
Superfede optagelser..., men musikken falder dælme igennem. Så hellere ingen musik
So adding crappy music to military jet footage started way back……🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣