a few more distracting (anoying) things. The mandatory use of the gizmo, it is not possible to transform/edit a clayoo with the regular rhino commands(scale, move points etc), without breaking it's clayoo properties.unlike T-Splines. It s a pain to manage the gizmo. to scale something from the Zero coordinate, I have to select the move gizmo, press concontrol to drag it to the "center" of the grid without affecting the transformation, I have to eye ball it, be cause snaps are not efective in the gizmo, then I have to switch to scale mode and drag from the circle of the gizmo to constrain 2d, which leads us to more problems. if I would be using the regular scaling tool from rhino I would pick the first point as the center of scale, and a second reference point, which helps to set a ratio of the scaling factor, with your mandatory gizmo, that second reference is the circle that is about 5mm of distance from the center pivot, which means, if I am trying to scale something that has a distance of more than 10mm from the center point to the object to scale, is a pain, be cause you move the circle a tinybit and the scale is moving in big increments and I should say...it is not acurate to manage a scaling object this way!!!!. and all this just after wasting some time, selecting the desire points to scale, since the lasso tool does not work on. clayoo points.
bugs in Matrix v9: in some point, it changes my viewport settings, When I go shaded it looks wireframe, When I go wireframe it looks shaded with isocurves, I have to delete ClayooSculpt from the Views everytime I start Matrix v9 so this doesn't happen. * the shortcuts work sometimes, don't work some times. i would say 50, 50, and that is anoying, keep pressing cntrl+SpaceBar and not even sure why sometimes work, and somethimes doesn't, same when already in Clayoo mode, shorcuts work, don;t work randomly *SUPER Useful commands from T-Splines that Clayoo doesn't have and it's killing me. TsExtrudeLines, TsFromLines, TsExtractControlPolygon
Oriol Collelldemont and one quiestios that just came to my mind, are you telling me that your regular version for rhino, doesn't have this issues!???? be cause I know Gvision uses a modified or not full version of the plugins included.
great job
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thanks a lot!!!!!
a few more distracting (anoying) things. The mandatory use of the gizmo, it is not possible to transform/edit a clayoo with the regular rhino commands(scale, move points etc), without breaking it's clayoo properties.unlike T-Splines. It s a pain to manage the gizmo. to scale something from the Zero coordinate, I have to select the move gizmo, press concontrol to drag it to the "center" of the grid without affecting the transformation, I have to eye ball it, be cause snaps are not efective in the gizmo, then I have to switch to scale mode and drag from the circle of the gizmo to constrain 2d, which leads us to more problems. if I would be using the regular scaling tool from rhino I would pick the first point as the center of scale, and a second reference point, which helps to set a ratio of the scaling factor, with your mandatory gizmo, that second reference is the circle that is about 5mm of distance from the center pivot, which means, if I am trying to scale something that has a distance of more than 10mm from the center point to the object to scale, is a pain, be cause you move the circle a tinybit and the scale is moving in big increments and I should say...it is not acurate to manage a scaling object this way!!!!. and all this just after wasting some time, selecting the desire points to scale, since the lasso tool does not work on. clayoo points.
bugs in Matrix v9: in some point, it changes my viewport settings, When I go shaded it looks wireframe, When I go wireframe it looks shaded with isocurves, I have to delete ClayooSculpt from the Views everytime I start Matrix v9 so this doesn't happen.
* the shortcuts work sometimes, don't work some times. i would say 50, 50, and that is anoying, keep pressing cntrl+SpaceBar and not even sure why sometimes work, and somethimes doesn't, same when already in Clayoo mode, shorcuts work, don;t work randomly
*SUPER Useful commands from T-Splines that Clayoo doesn't have and it's killing me. TsExtrudeLines, TsFromLines, TsExtractControlPolygon
F4BON3 thanks for your feedback. Can you please email at matrix@gemvision.com, you will get the right support on your issues. Thank you.
Oriol Collelldemont of course i will let them know. so this can be improved in future upgrades.
Oriol Collelldemont and one quiestios that just came to my mind, are you telling me that your regular version for rhino, doesn't have this issues!???? be cause I know Gvision uses a modified or not full version of the plugins included.