I always put a couple ounces of Slick 50 for transmissions in the trans. It shifts super easy and I can get neutral easy when at a full stop. I tell people sometimes and they think only to stay with the Harley oil only. But Slick 50 for transmissions does actually work like night & day. Just a couple ounces.
These cow pie transmission's hve a bushing outside the "box" in an external linkage. This bushing, while it has a grease fitting, gets worn and makes shifting harder then it should be. The earlier transmissions have internal shifter springs on a (what is called) shifter pawl. These cannot get oiled from the transmission lubrication. They are a one time pack it with grease and tear apart and replace when work item. I have not tried slick 50, but I would be afraid of anything too slick.
too slick can easily mean blowing out ones main seal. Last, these bikes have often been sitting for an extended period of time, especially original paint stuff. This means, the shaft that the shifter forks moves on is now out of the transmission oil bath and gets some corrosion on it from condensation, making any shifting harder then 'normal'. In this instance, my shifting was hampered by a very swollen big toe I about broke last week.
I use just a little. I have an '89 XL since new and it seems to shift like butter even at a stop with that stuff. I never heard of anyone using it. Maybe experiment with a little bit see if you think it's smart. I never broke nothing so seems like it's ok.
do you happen to know the fork diameter on the loweriders ive been told its 39 mm fork tubes but also 35 mm ive been looking around cant find a straight answer
this is correct. extremely hard to find those mirror's. This bike did not rate using the few I have. Those I save for high end original paint ones. As I said in the video, it is a decent original paint. I build (correctly, one of my mechanic's builds, I am too busy) many high end ones, this is not one of them.
I always put a couple ounces of Slick 50 for transmissions in the trans. It shifts super easy and I can get neutral easy when at a full stop. I tell people sometimes and they think only to stay with the Harley oil only. But Slick 50 for transmissions does actually work like night & day. Just a couple ounces.
i remember this model and color.
These cow pie transmission's hve a bushing outside the "box" in an external linkage. This bushing, while it has a grease fitting, gets worn and makes shifting harder then it should be. The earlier transmissions have internal shifter springs on a (what is called) shifter pawl. These cannot get oiled from the transmission lubrication. They are a one time pack it with grease and tear apart and replace when work item. I have not tried slick 50, but I would be afraid of anything too slick.
too slick can easily mean blowing out ones main seal. Last, these bikes have often been sitting for an extended period of time, especially original paint stuff. This means, the shaft that the shifter forks moves on is now out of the transmission oil bath and gets some corrosion on it from condensation, making any shifting harder then 'normal'. In this instance, my shifting was hampered by a very swollen big toe I about broke last week.
I use just a little. I have an '89 XL since new and it seems to shift like butter even at a stop with that stuff. I never heard of anyone using it. Maybe experiment with a little bit see if you think it's smart. I never broke nothing so seems like it's ok.
do you happen to know the fork diameter on the loweriders ive been told its 39 mm fork tubes but also 35 mm ive been looking around cant find a straight answer
your manual should give these dimensions. you do have a factory manual?
kinda nice havin that "electric" leg huh?
Cmon freezing in California. Gimme a break. Try new Jersey
The mirrors are wrong, should extend straight out. Should be black wrinkle in color.
this is correct. extremely hard to find those mirror's. This bike did not rate using the few I have. Those I save for high end original paint ones. As I said in the video, it is a decent original paint. I build (correctly, one of my mechanic's builds, I am too busy) many high end ones, this is not one of them.