True, though to be fair to him, the penetration values on this tank are awful. Makes even the gun on the Type 64 look good, and that one only works on gold ammo vs same tier heavies
Jingles did not know about this game when it released. I think he saw an ad for it, and totally unlike him, clicked the ad to find out 'what this tanking game' is all about. The history!
I mostly miss the fact that you could actually damage all tanks with it by shooting their weak spots using regular ammo, instead of the "weak spots" most new tanks have.
Yeah me too.. Playing with constant 3 fps.... Man... Those good old days that I got furious cuz an utter noob could kill me cuz I didnt even see him move... :D
I am glad Wargaming is trying to give players a reason to come back, or play more. The fact that WG also promised they will gift something next year too is a step in the right direction. I hope WG changes for the better.
Hi there, im coming from the future! :)) At the date this video was posted, Schrader had stopped playing the game for almost a year (19th of January 2018 to be exact, so i think we should make it a WOT Holiday :)) ) Fun trivia fact (that i just learned) did you know Schrader has 1 (ONE) ace tanker badge?:))
I still have on of Jingles first playlists up on my gaming PC. It's him testing and reviewing new tanks in World of Tanks... back in the day, he used to play light tanks as well but sucked at it because he was more of a suicide-spotter than an active spotter (although trying his best, of course). Yet we all loved to see medium and light tanks play well, because most players only played the low health bar, not everything else they can do. God I miss those times. NOW that I actually UNDERSTAND that game, I would love to go back and play it.
WOOHOO!!! I almost quit WoT when they took this from me and gave me the god awful MT25 POS .. Still have my original crew,, which has gone back into there old home :)
Hey Jingles. T-50-2 story for you. My roommate and I have played WoT for several years. He was a few tiers ahead of me though. I ground out to this "little monster" as he suggested and totally found it just as terrifying as you said in this video. If you remember Rail Yard map there was a bridge that connected the east and west sides over the main track system at around F 5-6. I found myself playing peakaboo on the crest of the bridge using the railings as cover from crossing fire and another T-50-2 driver on the enemy team was doing the same. Additionally you may then remember the way destructables worked. With two large trucks stationary on the bridge top whoever shot it lost the round with no penetration and the other scout and I had put one such truck between us both thinking, "no you shoot it... no you" So in a standoff that lasted over 30 seconds I had to ask our arty to try to do it for me. An enemy KV-1 then charged up, turned and drove off the side of the bridge killing itself. I hear in the other room my roommate say, "well that was dumb" and found that specific timing odd. This made me wonder so I hit 'tab' to see the other scout's badge and saw that it was in fact my roomie in a totally random match made battle on the other side of the bridge. LOL
Being an old-timer, I look forward to finding this vehicle back in my garage; I had it before and know of its fun. My first circle of death kill of a heavy tank was in Artic Region, Found the IS camping/hiding in the northeast corner by the dragons teeth, and yes, got him. Those were the days...7 years ago! Too bad they dont restore the speed it once had, but then again, when does WOT make a vehicle truly like its original product. 'ouch!...and so close to Christmas, Im sure to be stepped down a few notches on Santa's list for that one. Thanks for the segment Jingles, hopefully, when I return back to the states at the end of OCT 2019, I can find a few things in my garage like T50-2. Im currently in Afghanistan. :))
I have been popping in and seeing if there is any good events at holidays, damn, I got 4+ year message, the t-50 t6 and 4 mil creds, I have been broke whenever I play. This is gonna be fun and I am gonna start playing again now.
This little fella brought me back to the game. Im not yet playing as much as I used to, but I am starting to see fun in the game again, yay, love the T-50-2!
Actually Jingles [raising my eyeglasses], it was T-44 that used to warp and was impossible to hit. When the T-54 was introduced with Panther 2 at tier 9, the warping had already been fixed. It was called ufo because of it's speed and because didn't bleed speed at all. Love your videos btw.
I will never forget the game I played in a t-50-2 where I was on the defending team on encounter on Sand River. The last 2 players alive were me and a Lowe on the enemy team that was being operated by a bot. Remember the bots that wouldn't move, but would attempt to shoot anything close enough to them? Anyways, I had the crappy 45mm gun and had no problem strafing around the bot without getting shot, but I expended every single round I had left and just couldn't pen him. Defending on encounter though... good times.
Good times, remembering the cornering at 72kph,in the T50-2 or the track repair times of 3,2 seconds for the T-54, you could track them, but they were back to full speed, before you reloaded in the Jagdtiger. the UFOs especially in Packs were OP af.
I play on console and the T-50-2 is exactly the same. It still goes 72kph and is really fun to drive. We had a physics change though because everything was flipping over and the 50-2 was uncontrollable. It has surprisingly good armor and tears ass everywhere. One of my favorite light tanks.
IDK if this was left out or not...but if you notice the tank without camo is the old T-50-2...before HD...the paint job is what gives it the HD model...was an easter egg we found in our clan
My first battle in one of those resulted in 3 kills, WN8 5358 and a net profit of 57,000 credits. And I was in a tier 8 battle. Depending on your play style , you can wreck an entire flank with this machine.
i "fondley" remember epic duels with this damn thing in my Hetxer, back in the day that was rthe only thing that could keep up with the T50-2 turn rate, sometimes i would get them and it made me smile lol
Best memory I have with old version of this tank, rushing down the north side of the enemy base of fjords, finding ALL of the enemy team still rolling out of their base, dodge and weave through all them, watching their turrets turn in surprise, get hit once or twice and escape through the town. This tank was the definition of cheating death
Jingles you forgot another historycal fact about the t50-2. When the first version physics were introduced and handbreak turn wasnt even an idea this thing could pull it off anyway.
I found the strongest trait of the old T502 to be its camo. 100% crew + BIA+ full camo + vent?+ one bush=proxi spot on the move. It used to be my main and I never played the MT25 even once after they removed the T502. As long as it's still possible to achieve proxi camo, this tank can still rock tier 10 matches!
I hopped into this one for the first time today, and in my very first random battle i got a very reasonable 1600 damage and 3 kills win without any equipment or skills or premium anything. I was chuckling after; it's like a tier 6 version of the bt-7 in some ways, which from me is a compliment.
Jingles, how about you do a TOP 5 or so moments from older replays featuring OP tanks? It would be really awesome especially for those of us who have been playing since Closed Beta.
I remember back in the day desperately trying to kill one before it went away; this was when the introduction of badges for killing off all tanks of a certain nationality were introduced...and I did! About one week before it went away.
6 years ago before the physics patch this tank not only goes 72km/h but also almost holds that speed in turns, and with the lack of physics back then, this tank not only can accelerate quickly, but also does not drift , back then you can’t just push around light tanks, so tanks like lowë, t95’s tiger’s can get stuck to where they are. if this thing parks right behind them. The t-50-2may not be the like what it used to, but it’s still about 80% there. The first day this was given to us, about 6 of the t-50-2 ran rings around heavies, and heavies are panicking around this light tanks while they got plinks from us, they got heavy hits from the rest of our team. It was as annoying as it can be that day lol.
I put my seven year emblem on it. Then switched out the commander with the one from the twitch care package. Haven't played it yet, but did have it before. I'll be interested in seeing how it does.
My absolute, Hands down, 100% favorite tank of all time! Never had as much fun in any tank as I could have in this lightning demon. For some (awesome) reason, it very, very frequently ended up on the Prokhorovka map. Which means, the start timer ticks down like the lights post at a drag strip; Beep, Beep, Beep, Bepp, BEEEEEEP! GoGoGoGOOOOOOOO! The enemy team sees a T-50-2 on the opposing side and arty is already running like hell hoping to get far enough away that the T-50-2 will be dead before it reaches them as all their allied turrets turn to face the horizon, waiting. It doesn't matter. The little monster crests the central ridge of the map and the entirety of the enemy team is lit up, which also doesn't matter because his friendly arty hasn't even halfway loaded their first round and none of other allied teammates have a shot over the central ridge, so T-50-2 is on his own . . . and that's just fine. Dodging and weaving like a moth on moonshine, he charges straight (well, you know, straight - ish) towards the enemy line, then into the enemy line, and now, NOW the real fun begins. Imagine if you will, a small herd of bisson under attack by a crazed mongoose, THAT was the T-50-2. Driven mad by the sheer audacity of the fierce midget the tanks all stop and turn, turrets swivelling, and FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! and it's a hit! and another, and again, and again. But not on our little friend, no, on each other! T-50-2's do little damage with their own gun, and often truthfully have little time for niceties like aiming and shooting. No, but they inflict MASSIVE damage on enemy troops with - yes, you guessed it - friendly fire! In their madness to kill our little friend they end up shooting (and even more hilariously - ramming) each other. But what of the enemy arty's you ask? Oh, they've been dead for ages! A couple loops around them and a few figure "8"s and they were popped off easily. In the chaos the enemy team has failed to spread out, hasn't taken offensive or even defensive positions, their arties are dead, and now the allied team is in position to start reigning down flaming death upon them. Alas, our fleeting, flashing, speed freak has finally succumed to the brutal onslaught and perished behind enemy lines. Sent the enemy into complete disarray, delayed their advancement right off the start, removed an arty or two, caused more damage to the enemy (though, again, most of that was self-inflicted) and did more to ensure a victory than most of his teammates will do, while they rail in chat for "wasting" his life when he could have been spotting. Our unsung hero has died in the only way fitting for the best tank in game - in a true blaze of glory! The T-50-2 driver, the cannonball into the pool fully clothed, dance on the table with his pants down, wake up in the morning with a lampshade on his head guy who always brings the fun to the party.
It wasn't ten years ago, Jingles, it was seven! I'm 24 now, and I was 17 when World of Tanks came out! I don't want to be three years removed from 30 yet!
You forgot one of the keys to the 50-2's reputation: Its unexplained ability to bounce shots. Shots from things like the BL-10... One personal note on its active spotting abilities: My clan used to use one on certain clan wars maps. Faster and harder to hit than the Bat Chat.
I remember from way back when that the best tactic to kill little shytes like the T-50-2 was to herd the buggers into a collision, a hail of shells or an ambush ramming.
WG, I am grateful for this tank, I was able to finish the destroy light tank/ cause DMG to light tank mission quite quickly, 5-8 per match :D Before I was struggling with 1-2 per match.
My best match with the T 50-2 was on airfield where I sat in a bush and spotted a good chunk of the enemy team then I waited for them to go around the one side and thought to myself can I reverse far enough back so I wont be spotted when I shoot. to my surprise I could barely do it. So I did a ton of damage to the side of enemy heavy tanks that were flanking and they backed off. However they all started blind firing into the bush at me and only one of them hit me and nearly killed me. I managed to keep annoying their heavies and moving out of their line of fire. They kept shooting the same spot but missed every time. I ended up having to leave the bush and push forwards as the game came to an end.
I love this tank. There's nothing like driving up on a hill at the start of the battle and utterly humiliating the OP T67's on the enemy team right at the outset. Granted I have a pretty good crew but still, that felt good.
This thing was scary when there were no physics. I was in the T-50 when this was removed from the game. Glad to finally have one, even if it isn’t broken.
I can understand why arty took that shot at the start. You don’t know for certain who’s gonna live in that instance, so if they’re both dead, there’s no chance of the enemy living and coming back to bite you in the ass.
I had just popped the T50-2 but didn't have it upgraded or crewed yet when they took it away from us and gave us credits for it. It really ticked me off.
"I hope that fate will forgives us for tempting the sea, I hope that they won't forget us, but we cannot go back to the way it used to be" Arrows to Athens, "Used to be"
I remember when you could drift around corners on city maps at full speed and still fire your gun at the same fun tank...after TOG of course 😁
I so miss the proper,old t50-2..i once singlehanded killed an is3 at close range,he coudnt get his gun on me-i loved it..drifting around on,it's sadly destroyed,the speed isnt even close
Didn't get into the game early enough to get one, but I did have a Chaffee back when it had the T37 turret, and that was a lot of fun. Shame what the Chaffee is now...
God damn Jingles, that 5 minute windup to the word "PHYSICS". Well, in the beginning the earth cooled. And then the dinosaurs came, but they all got too big and fat, and so they died and turned into oil. And then the Arabs came and bought Mercedes-Benzes. And then Prince Charles started wearing all of Lady Di’s clothes. It was horrible
actually Jingles, the T-50-2 was removed because at the time War Thunder had been launched and a part of the WoT players felt the "need" for what to compete with War Thunder as the most «historically accurate WWII inspired vehicle game» and that generated some whine and demands for the T-50-2 to be removed because historically it was slower than a T-50, due to thicker armour, and was only armed with a 45mm cannon
Jingles great video as always. My ten year old daughter, Emily, likes to watch with me. She made the suggestion that she would like to see a montage of tanks blowing up in spectacular ways. Not sure if you do that kind of thing, but this post is all about her. Your loyal salt mine shaft manager. P.S. why the hell are we mining all this salt anyways?
ahh the good old T-50-2 back when i waited days for TheRiisingSun or Bohemianeagle (remember that name old man) to upload a new video on wot. Good memories
Man I remember the glorious fun I had with this tank when like Jingles said, I just ran right through the enemy team blast their arty and retreat back through the enemy team to fight the rest of the game within allied lines ! LOL WAS SO FUN ! It was stupid of course but with this tank and as Jingles saying goes "If it's stupid but it works, it ain't stupid" hahahaha !
The thing about the new introduction of T-50-2 for me, is that this tank is pure fun! When WG reworked the light tanks and added tier X, they ruined the most fun tanks to play. Like the ELC! After that no tank has been able to fill that black hole in my heart. Some tanks have tried, but failed. But after playing this little bugger in tier VI, I could only feel happiness! This tank is fun to play, even after a loss! So for me, this tank brought back the joy in the game again. If I feel angry or frustradet playing in my tier X, when RNGesus don't smile upon me... I just play this tank and bomb around for a while... happy!
He double bushed the KV-2 because he didn't know where the other enemy tanks were. Just because the KV-2 was too far away to spot him doesn't mean he can just sit in the open and fire at it.
It's best that it doesn't go 72 kph anymore not just because it would make it OP. It would also make it flip more than a Prius in a hurricane due to the updated physics. The tall height compared to the width probably doesn't help matters either.
For all people who demand coldwaters videos: Jingles said once that he wont do videos on a series which he said he was going to continue if you ask for them. PS: i know my english is bad
On Console it's still what it used to be as a Tier 6 which goes 72 kph but with Physics. When you try and turn, it just wants to flip but on Console if you flip, it has a self-right timer.
Ahh many features that seem like good game features, if they are unrealistic. Another one I can think of is no team damage. Also something I liked was the premium tanks available, different from those the PC version gets, including tanks based on Valkyria Chronicles, and (my favourite of these) the Girls und Panzer (GuP) Panzer IV H
Yeah, we have Mercenaries now which is fiction but takes parts from tanks and binds them together. The most OP of them all which is "The Machine" which is an AMX 50 B Hull, Chieftain Turret and TVP Gun (1st nerfed version on Console, TVP was nerfed twice). We have to do Timed Personal Missions for them based on the components of the tank generally. But it's a TT Tank with No Bonuses. One thing i love about Console are the monthly earn ops. We have one for Absolution which is a Tier VI Premium Mercenary Heavy consisting of Panther M10 Hull, VK 30.01 P Turret and the gun from the VK 30.01 H with Spaced Armour wiggly bits on the tank and WG are already working on another earn op but got tons of Tier 8 Premiums such as T-54 Mod 1 with a Red Tiger Skin for free from earn ops. PC's earn ops seem like a struggle (ex. SU-130 PM) but one thing i like about PC earn op are the stage discounts.
Before they limited the speed to 65km/h and introduced physics, this was one of the most fun tanks. Shortly before all this they introduced the AMX ELC when they expanded the French lines. It didn't handle nearly as well as the T-50-2, but it would move at 84km/h (100% crew, vents, BIA). I miss those days, and even with physics, I would still love to see that again.
@@marcox43 Yes. It didn't turn for shit, but it was lighting in a straight line. Was only like that for maybe 6months before they introduced the 65km/h speed limit. Not too long (within a year) they introduced physics to the game.
@@marcox43 Ya, I started early 2011, just when the Mutant from Beta was going away. I had like 1 week to get it and wasn't too sure I wanted to spend money on this new game lol.
When this was removed from the game my highest tier tank was the T-28 tier 4 soviet medium... I played 1 battle in this the day it was given out. This thing is so thin and top heavy it is an absolutely terrifying experience. On paper it seems better than the MT25 but it is so difficult to drive that I don't really care. Type 64 still is way better than the tier 6 scouts since it didn't get changed when everything got down tiered and it was really good to begin with. Better gun, better view range, just as fast, more mobile, and it can ram scouts like a modern day Afwl Panther (Man I would love it if that is next years tank)
He knocked over so many trees, he's a certified lumberjack.
Its not a premium tank, its a reward tank. It makes regular credits like any tank and that guy shot sooo much premium ammo.
True, though to be fair to him, the penetration values on this tank are awful. Makes even the gun on the Type 64 look good, and that one only works on gold ammo vs same tier heavies
That's like no prem for that tank when it was released on console you pretty much needed 90-100% prem to get your second and third mark
yeah but 57 mm ammo. even for 30 rounds that's expensive
Yup, it's not a premium tank. I've lost so many credits playing it, even though I am not spamming premium rounds like crazy.
Of course it's not, god forbid Wargaming gift people an actual premium tank.
I was thinking that Schraeder had returned when I read the title.
Me too! XD
M. Redleg Who is that
M. Redleg I did as well!
Sun Shower, search unfair plane he kemp bush
Slight correction Jingles: You only needed an account 4+ years old, not 6+.
Also: I'm curious to know which badge you got, A or B?
He is neither an alpha, nor a beta tester.
Jingles did not know about this game when it released. I think he saw an ad for it, and totally unlike him, clicked the ad to find out 'what this tanking game' is all about. The history!
No the player had the skin that u need 6 years to get
@Colin Wu
Yes, but Jingles was saying you needed to be in the 6+ tier to get the tank.
@@hazardous401 You don't need to be an actual beta tester to get the 'B' badge, you just need to have an old enough account.
You speak the truth... the T-50-2 is an absolute legend in this game... man I miss the old school version...
*Whistles bridge over the River Kwai* :)
Dont forget his little bro the T-50!!
I mostly miss the fact that you could actually damage all tanks with it by shooting their weak spots using regular ammo, instead of the "weak spots" most new tanks have.
Yeah me too.. Playing with constant 3 fps.... Man... Those good old days that I got furious cuz an utter noob could kill me cuz I didnt even see him move... :D
I don't. It was a broken piece of crap. Good riddance.
I am glad Wargaming is trying to give players a reason to come back, or play more. The fact that WG also promised they will gift something next year too is a step in the right direction. I hope WG changes for the better.
" I hope WG changes for the better."
no. they won't.
@Tylon Holmes yeah i hope that it will be that tank
@Thomas Neal
Cynicism is useless.
@Tylon Holmes Ram killing E 100s is something I miss, also I call it the Aufklpanther.
Then there is WoWs, generally in one year, we can expect 2-5 free premium ships sooooooo...yay? :)
When i read the title I thought it may have been about Schrader... thank god it wasn't.
oh shit. I had forgotten about that lowe driving idiot
thank you... not... ;) Now I have "unfair plane" "kemp bush" "i templay"... in my head... ;)
@@northstar84 Unfair plane kemp bush!
Hi there, im coming from the future! :)) At the date this video was posted, Schrader had stopped playing the game for almost a year (19th of January 2018 to be exact, so i think we should make it a WOT Holiday :)) ) Fun trivia fact (that i just learned) did you know Schrader has 1 (ONE) ace tanker badge?:))
@@Deimnos this video comes up when you search for schrader for some reason
Ferrari testaroska hahaahahahaha im crying
Scarface 97 ah a car reference:D
I still have on of Jingles first playlists up on my gaming PC. It's him testing and reviewing new tanks in World of Tanks... back in the day, he used to play light tanks as well but sucked at it because he was more of a suicide-spotter than an active spotter (although trying his best, of course). Yet we all loved to see medium and light tanks play well, because most players only played the low health bar, not everything else they can do.
God I miss those times. NOW that I actually UNDERSTAND that game, I would love to go back and play it.
WOOHOO!!! I almost quit WoT when they took this from me and gave me the god awful MT25 POS .. Still have my original crew,, which has gone back into there old home :)
Are they happy once again?
Hey Jingles. T-50-2 story for you. My roommate and I have played WoT for several years. He was a few tiers ahead of me though. I ground out to this "little monster" as he suggested and totally found it just as terrifying as you said in this video. If you remember Rail Yard map there was a bridge that connected the east and west sides over the main track system at around F 5-6. I found myself playing peakaboo on the crest of the bridge using the railings as cover from crossing fire and another T-50-2 driver on the enemy team was doing the same. Additionally you may then remember the way destructables worked. With two large trucks stationary on the bridge top whoever shot it lost the round with no penetration and the other scout and I had put one such truck between us both thinking, "no you shoot it... no you" So in a standoff that lasted over 30 seconds I had to ask our arty to try to do it for me. An enemy KV-1 then charged up, turned and drove off the side of the bridge killing itself. I hear in the other room my roommate say, "well that was dumb" and found that specific timing odd. This made me wonder so I hit 'tab' to see the other scout's badge and saw that it was in fact my roomie in a totally random match made battle on the other side of the bridge. LOL
Being an old-timer, I look forward to finding this vehicle back in my garage; I had it before and know of its fun.
My first circle of death kill of a heavy tank was in Artic Region, Found the IS camping/hiding in the northeast corner by the dragons teeth, and yes, got him. Those were the days...7 years ago!
Too bad they dont restore the speed it once had, but then again, when does WOT make a vehicle truly like its original product. 'ouch!...and so close to Christmas, Im sure to be stepped down a few notches on Santa's list for that one.
Thanks for the segment Jingles, hopefully, when I return back to the states at the end of OCT 2019, I can find a few things in my garage like T50-2. Im currently in Afghanistan. :))
"Actually Jingles" despite not having proper physics one could make the old T-50-2 powerslide, it was one of my favorite things about the tank.
if you practice, you can still make it powerslide :D.
Broke my tracks on the old T-50-2 so many times..
Its great to re-watch old videos
Wait what
T-50-2 was 2013? Jesus I feel old.
I have been popping in and seeing if there is any good events at holidays, damn, I got 4+ year message, the t-50 t6 and 4 mil creds, I have been broke whenever I play. This is gonna be fun and I am gonna start playing again now.
the old T-50-2's speed will be nothing when compared to the upcoming french tier 10 wheeled light tank which has 120 km/h
@get lost but you can breakdance with it ;)
Who cares? French tanks have been irrelevant since they removed most of the concealment in every map
terrain will be the toughest opponent at that speed
@@weir-t7y this didn’t age well :/
This little fella brought me back to the game. Im not yet playing as much as I used to, but I am starting to see fun in the game again, yay, love the T-50-2!
I remember mine as the drift machine. Great video, thanks for the trip down memory lane.
Actually Jingles [raising my eyeglasses], it was T-44 that used to warp and was impossible to hit. When the T-54 was introduced with Panther 2 at tier 9, the warping had already been fixed. It was called ufo because of it's speed and because didn't bleed speed at all. Love your videos btw.
More coldwaters some day?
yes pls!
Lest we forget Cpt. Jingles McJingleberry, MIA, South China Sea.
Oh, we got some "cold waters" on the way soon enough, :3
(so cold to be below zero)
Hopefully he doesn't delete them like his old ones. Boo copyright!!
I will never forget the game I played in a t-50-2 where I was on the defending team on encounter on Sand River. The last 2 players alive were me and a Lowe on the enemy team that was being operated by a bot. Remember the bots that wouldn't move, but would attempt to shoot anything close enough to them? Anyways, I had the crappy 45mm gun and had no problem strafing around the bot without getting shot, but I expended every single round I had left and just couldn't pen him. Defending on encounter though... good times.
Good times, remembering the cornering at 72kph,in the T50-2 or the track repair times of 3,2 seconds for the T-54, you could track them, but they were back to full speed, before you reloaded in the Jagdtiger. the UFOs especially in Packs were OP af.
I play on console and the T-50-2 is exactly the same. It still goes 72kph and is really fun to drive. We had a physics change though because everything was flipping over and the 50-2 was uncontrollable. It has surprisingly good armor and tears ass everywhere. One of my favorite light tanks.
I could listen to this guy reminiscing about WoT history for hours.
IDK if this was left out or not...but if you notice the tank without camo is the old T-50-2...before HD...the paint job is what gives it the HD model...was an easter egg we found in our clan
My first battle in one of those resulted in 3 kills, WN8 5358 and a net profit of 57,000 credits. And I was in a tier 8 battle. Depending on your play style , you can wreck an entire flank with this machine.
Came faster than a minute into 1st of december
I'm sure she didn't appreciate that as much.
i "fondley" remember epic duels with this damn thing in my Hetxer, back in the day that was rthe only thing that could keep up with the T50-2 turn rate, sometimes i would get them and it made me smile lol
Best memory I have with old version of this tank, rushing down the north side of the enemy base of fjords, finding ALL of the enemy team still rolling out of their base, dodge and weave through all them, watching their turrets turn in surprise, get hit once or twice and escape through the town. This tank was the definition of cheating death
Jingles you forgot another historycal fact about the t50-2. When the first version physics were introduced and handbreak turn wasnt even an idea this thing could pull it off anyway.
i love each and every WoT video so much, youre literally so entertaining lol
I found the strongest trait of the old T502 to be its camo. 100% crew + BIA+ full camo + vent?+ one bush=proxi spot on the move. It used to be my main and I never played the MT25 even once after they removed the T502. As long as it's still possible to achieve proxi camo, this tank can still rock tier 10 matches!
Sorry Jingles, been away from your channel for awhile, nice to come back and see another brilliant video - thanks
Ah Jingles, you are the "Vanilla WoW" of WoT. NEVER stop doing these, please! Miss you man, miss you...
I hopped into this one for the first time today, and in my very first random battle i got a very reasonable 1600 damage and 3 kills win without any equipment or skills or premium anything. I was chuckling after; it's like a tier 6 version of the bt-7 in some ways, which from me is a compliment.
Jingles, how about you do a TOP 5 or so moments from older replays featuring OP tanks? It would be really awesome especially for those of us who have been playing since Closed Beta.
I am missing your world of tanks videos, you always make me laugh! :) Best Theo
I remember back in the day desperately trying to kill one before it went away; this was when the introduction of badges for killing off all tanks of a certain nationality were introduced...and I did! About one week before it went away.
6 years ago before the physics patch this tank not only goes 72km/h but also almost holds that speed in turns, and with the lack of physics back then, this tank not only can accelerate quickly, but also does not drift , back then you can’t just push around light tanks, so tanks like lowë, t95’s tiger’s can get stuck to where they are. if this thing parks right behind them.
The t-50-2may not be the like what it used to, but it’s still about 80% there. The first day this was given to us, about 6 of the t-50-2 ran rings around heavies, and heavies are panicking around this light tanks while they got plinks from us, they got heavy hits from the rest of our team. It was as annoying as it can be that day lol.
i wish wargaming could bring back the old engine in like a retro game mode and just make everything OP
thank you for the trip down memory lane of the good old days of the life of light tank drivers XD
"Circling heavy tanks and inflicting the death of a thousand cuts".
That sums up light tanks😁
I put my seven year emblem on it. Then switched out the commander with the one from the twitch care package. Haven't played it yet, but did have it before. I'll be interested in seeing how it does.
My absolute, Hands down, 100% favorite tank of all time! Never had as much fun in any tank as I could have in this lightning demon. For some (awesome) reason, it very, very frequently ended up on the Prokhorovka map. Which means, the start timer ticks down like the lights post at a drag strip; Beep, Beep, Beep, Bepp, BEEEEEEP! GoGoGoGOOOOOOOO!
The enemy team sees a T-50-2 on the opposing side and arty is already running like hell hoping to get far enough away that the T-50-2 will be dead before it reaches them as all their allied turrets turn to face the horizon, waiting. It doesn't matter. The little monster crests the central ridge of the map and the entirety of the enemy team is lit up, which also doesn't matter because his friendly arty hasn't even halfway loaded their first round and none of other allied teammates have a shot over the central ridge, so T-50-2 is on his own . . . and that's just fine.
Dodging and weaving like a moth on moonshine, he charges straight (well, you know, straight - ish) towards the enemy line, then into the enemy line, and now, NOW the real fun begins.
Imagine if you will, a small herd of bisson under attack by a crazed mongoose, THAT was the T-50-2. Driven mad by the sheer audacity of the fierce midget the tanks all stop and turn, turrets swivelling, and FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! and it's a hit! and another, and again, and again. But not on our little friend, no, on each other! T-50-2's do little damage with their own gun, and often truthfully have little time for niceties like aiming and shooting. No, but they inflict MASSIVE damage on enemy troops with - yes, you guessed it - friendly fire! In their madness to kill our little friend they end up shooting (and even more hilariously - ramming) each other. But what of the enemy arty's you ask? Oh, they've been dead for ages! A couple loops around them and a few figure "8"s and they were popped off easily.
In the chaos the enemy team has failed to spread out, hasn't taken offensive or even defensive positions, their arties are dead, and now the allied team is in position to start reigning down flaming death upon them.
Alas, our fleeting, flashing, speed freak has finally succumed to the brutal onslaught and perished behind enemy lines.
Sent the enemy into complete disarray, delayed their advancement right off the start, removed an arty or two, caused more damage to the enemy (though, again, most of that was self-inflicted) and did more to ensure a victory than most of his teammates will do, while they rail in chat for "wasting" his life when he could have been spotting.
Our unsung hero has died in the only way fitting for the best tank in game - in a true blaze of glory!
The T-50-2 driver, the cannonball into the pool fully clothed, dance on the table with his pants down, wake up in the morning with a lampshade on his head guy who always brings the fun to the party.
It wasn't ten years ago, Jingles, it was seven! I'm 24 now, and I was 17 when World of Tanks came out! I don't want to be three years removed from 30 yet!
You forgot one of the keys to the 50-2's reputation: Its unexplained ability to bounce shots. Shots from things like the BL-10...
One personal note on its active spotting abilities: My clan used to use one on certain clan wars maps. Faster and harder to hit than the Bat Chat.
I remember from way back when that the best tactic to kill little shytes like the T-50-2 was to herd the buggers into a collision, a hail of shells or an ambush ramming.
Now all we need is the good old Chaffee, that was my favorite scout back in the day. Didn't own T-50-2 for some reason.
Back in the day, I'd learned how to Tokyo drift around corners without breaking my tracks. Loved that tank.
WG, I am grateful for this tank, I was able to finish the destroy light tank/ cause DMG to light tank mission quite quickly, 5-8 per match :D Before I was struggling with 1-2 per match.
jngles, its 4 years, not 6
You get additional bonuses for 6 years...
@@Panzermeister36 with the t-50-2
You can do epic voiceovers like nobody else. Cheers Captain!
This was one of my favorite tanks back in the day, now if they only gave back the SU-26 the gunbarrel I might even consider coming back.
Sold mine immediately. Thanks for the creds WG!
Bloody impressive strategy by Guppy44 ... and VERY entertaining to watch.
My best match with the T 50-2 was on airfield where I sat in a bush and spotted a good chunk of the enemy team then I waited for them to go around the one side and thought to myself can I reverse far enough back so I wont be spotted when I shoot. to my surprise I could barely do it. So I did a ton of damage to the side of enemy heavy tanks that were flanking and they backed off. However they all started blind firing into the bush at me and only one of them hit me and nearly killed me. I managed to keep annoying their heavies and moving out of their line of fire. They kept shooting the same spot but missed every time. I ended up having to leave the bush and push forwards as the game came to an end.
You ELC flying circus video got me into WoT.
I love this tank. There's nothing like driving up on a hill at the start of the battle and utterly humiliating the OP T67's on the enemy team right at the outset. Granted I have a pretty good crew but still, that felt good.
The leFH1882 on Guppy's team, moaning how a low health LT wasn't spotting, has given me health.
This thing was scary when there were no physics. I was in the T-50 when this was removed from the game. Glad to finally have one, even if it isn’t broken.
I can understand why arty took that shot at the start. You don’t know for certain who’s gonna live in that instance, so if they’re both dead, there’s no chance of the enemy living and coming back to bite you in the ass.
i have 4 years old account and got it too , still i don't play the game anymore but is nice to Wargaming is giving this as reward.
I had just popped the T50-2 but didn't have it upgraded or crewed yet when they took it away from us and gave us credits for it. It really ticked me off.
"I hope that fate will forgives us for tempting the sea, I hope that they won't forget us, but we cannot go back to the way it used to be" Arrows to Athens, "Used to be"
Propper little monster they were. I frequently giggled uncontrolably while playing it.
That was a very impressive light tank gameplay.
The armored cars are supposed to be able to make 90 to 110 kph depending on tier.
Even 4-5 year players get it. I started WoT 5 years ago I got it too. But those who play at least 6 years ago got a camo to it too.
Uncle Jingles at it again! Bruh it's 4 years of service not 6, I would know I have 4 years on my belt and I got that little bugger 1:33
haha that's my clanmate, awesome he was in a video
I remember when you could drift around corners on city maps at full speed and still fire your gun at the same fun tank...after TOG of course 😁
As much as I enjoy a Jingles WoT video occasionally there is nothing which will me bring back to play that game.
Talk about the old amx elc. The flat pa cake. It was my favorite tank ever. Good gun, flat and fast
I so miss the proper,old t50-2..i once singlehanded killed an is3 at close range,he coudnt get his gun on me-i loved it..drifting around on,it's sadly destroyed,the speed isnt even close
The very first frame of that intro, I realized exactly how it would go horribly wrong. :P
Didn't get into the game early enough to get one, but I did have a Chaffee back when it had the T37 turret, and that was a lot of fun.
Shame what the Chaffee is now...
God damn Jingles, that 5 minute windup to the word "PHYSICS".
Well, in the beginning the earth cooled. And then the dinosaurs came, but they all got too big and fat, and so they died and turned into oil. And then the Arabs came and bought Mercedes-Benzes. And then Prince Charles started wearing all of Lady Di’s clothes. It was horrible
Major bonus points for "politically correct" Airplane! reference.
actually Jingles, the T-50-2 was removed because at the time War Thunder had been launched and a part of the WoT players felt the "need" for what to compete with War Thunder as the most «historically accurate WWII inspired vehicle game» and that generated some whine and demands for the T-50-2 to be removed because historically it was slower than a T-50, due to thicker armour, and was only armed with a 45mm cannon
Jingles great video as always. My ten year old daughter, Emily, likes to watch with me. She made the suggestion that she would like to see a montage of tanks blowing up in spectacular ways. Not sure if you do that kind of thing, but this post is all about her. Your loyal salt mine shaft manager. P.S. why the hell are we mining all this salt anyways?
lazy saturday + Jingles releases a video = perfect start of the day
I always like jingle intro, either it in World of Warship or World of Tanks video 🤣
Does nobody remember the VK2801? It had a higher top speed than the T-50-2 (of course less agile), better view range, and a massive gun.
Congratz Jingles!
ahh the good old T-50-2 back when i waited days for TheRiisingSun or Bohemianeagle (remember that name old man) to upload a new video on wot. Good memories
The T-50-2 apocalypse has been... interesting. Quite fun to go against them in my casemate tank destroyers... with 11 second reloads...
On console we have a light tank version of the Cromwell that will do 80. Thank god they never removed that thing because its awesome
Actually jingles the A-20 and T2 LT had the 72km speed at the time, as well as the hellcat which was introduced during the T-50-2 tier 5 lifetime.
Man I remember the glorious fun I had with this tank when like Jingles said, I just ran right through the enemy team blast their arty and retreat back through the enemy team to fight the rest of the game within allied lines ! LOL WAS SO FUN ! It was stupid of course but with this tank and as Jingles saying goes "If it's stupid but it works, it ain't stupid" hahahaha !
The thing about the new introduction of T-50-2 for me, is that this tank is pure fun!
When WG reworked the light tanks and added tier X, they ruined the most fun tanks to play. Like the ELC!
After that no tank has been able to fill that black hole in my heart. Some tanks have tried, but failed.
But after playing this little bugger in tier VI, I could only feel happiness! This tank is fun to play, even after a loss!
So for me, this tank brought back the joy in the game again.
If I feel angry or frustradet playing in my tier X, when RNGesus don't smile upon me... I just play this tank and bomb around for a while... happy!
Google cardboard is the best way to watch jingles videos
He double bushed the KV-2 because he didn't know where the other enemy tanks were. Just because the KV-2 was too far away to spot him doesn't mean he can just sit in the open and fire at it.
It's best that it doesn't go 72 kph anymore not just because it would make it OP. It would also make it flip more than a Prius in a hurricane due to the updated physics. The tall height compared to the width probably doesn't help matters either.
For all people who demand coldwaters videos: Jingles said once that he wont do videos on a series which he said he was going to continue if you ask for them.
PS: i know my english is bad
But Jingles you forgot the render delay. When scouts could run the street and would be invisible for a second.
On Console it's still what it used to be as a Tier 6 which goes 72 kph but with Physics. When you try and turn, it just wants to flip but on Console if you flip, it has a self-right timer.
Ahh many features that seem like good game features, if they are unrealistic. Another one I can think of is no team damage. Also something I liked was the premium tanks available, different from those the PC version gets, including tanks based on Valkyria Chronicles, and (my favourite of these) the Girls und Panzer (GuP) Panzer IV H
Yeah, we have Mercenaries now which is fiction but takes parts from tanks and binds them together. The most OP of them all which is "The Machine" which is an AMX 50 B Hull, Chieftain Turret and TVP Gun (1st nerfed version on Console, TVP was nerfed twice). We have to do Timed Personal Missions for them based on the components of the tank generally. But it's a TT Tank with No Bonuses. One thing i love about Console are the monthly earn ops. We have one for Absolution which is a Tier VI Premium Mercenary Heavy consisting of Panther M10 Hull, VK 30.01 P Turret and the gun from the VK 30.01 H with Spaced Armour wiggly bits on the tank and WG are already working on another earn op but got tons of Tier 8 Premiums such as T-54 Mod 1 with a Red Tiger Skin for free from earn ops. PC's earn ops seem like a struggle (ex. SU-130 PM) but one thing i like about PC earn op are the stage discounts.
Before they limited the speed to 65km/h and introduced physics, this was one of the most fun tanks. Shortly before all this they introduced the AMX ELC when they expanded the French lines. It didn't handle nearly as well as the T-50-2, but it would move at 84km/h (100% crew, vents, BIA). I miss those days, and even with physics, I would still love to see that again.
wait, the ELC AMX did actually have the 84km/h speed limit?!!!
@@marcox43 Yes. It didn't turn for shit, but it was lighting in a straight line. Was only like that for maybe 6months before they introduced the 65km/h speed limit. Not too long (within a year) they introduced physics to the game.
@@Oduunich wow, maybe I saw one of those in 2012, as I'm from around 7.8 or so
@@marcox43 Ya, I started early 2011, just when the Mutant from Beta was going away. I had like 1 week to get it and wasn't too sure I wanted to spend money on this new game lol.
@@Oduunich xd
When this was removed from the game my highest tier tank was the T-28 tier 4 soviet medium... I played 1 battle in this the day it was given out. This thing is so thin and top heavy it is an absolutely terrifying experience. On paper it seems better than the MT25 but it is so difficult to drive that I don't really care. Type 64 still is way better than the tier 6 scouts since it didn't get changed when everything got down tiered and it was really good to begin with. Better gun, better view range, just as fast, more mobile, and it can ram scouts like a modern day Afwl Panther (Man I would love it if that is next years tank)
I remember when we were using the A-20 to do the scout runs and run down arty good times.
15:58 Oh Jingles, you shouldn’t have said that. 😏