30:35 making your chariot frenzied doesn't give up your armour save 31:06 goblin worlf charriots have no AP on there impact hit so goblin are inferrior to orc carriots
I am currently deep in the goblin painting dread. Its a rescue horde and over the years I have raised my standards quite a bit, I'm week 3 into painting 120 Night Goblins and I'm not even done with base coats.
Also notice, that in The Old World, unlike previous editions/versions you don't have to launch all Fanatics at once. So you could park the night gobbo stikkaz at point you want and release like one fanatic per turn frusttrate enemy....
30:22 Tusker charge only applies the boar, the chariot itself has -2 ap because of them being heavy chariots (scythed wheels). Also the manglers stomp get an additional -2ap because they are a behemoth unless on another monster or behemoth.
Thank you Rob! I've been hanging out for this one! So keen. First game on the weekend coming (actually first game ever) using the army box and battle for skull pass box i bought like 20 years ago!
Great review! So far, I've found pure Goblins can hold their own, which is great to see. It's worth noting that orc charriots will have -2 ap compard to the goblins, but the goblin charriots have still done really well for me.
Love this channel, and like many other it's seems, I've been waiting for this one! Currently excitedly building my Night Goblin army out of Skull Pass and Oldhammer troops!
Love this thank you. Been waiting for it! I'm really enjoying playing with them. Took too many fanatics the other week and ruined my Bretonnian friends day...
Between bad sun rizin and itchy nuisance I would not be surprised to see 100+ arrow boyz on the table just sitting their shooting like better dwarven thunderers, until the enemy is forced to come into charge range. Character sniping with the doom diver is maybe a problem. Also random movement is crazy because you don't need to charge the shortest distance (ie you can run to a flank) and you don't need LOS.
I feel like orcs and goblins are the law of large numbers army. You need to have a sample size for random damage / movement high enough that it’s not really random at all. I also feel like they’re going to reward figuring out how to exploit screens with clever movement - cheap units and impact hits.
O&G are a hobbyist dream. Just listening to this, my mind raced between a savage force of frenzied orcs, spider goblins and big ol araknaroks. Then to a black orc themed force with gore riders as chariots and brutes as black orc big uns. Then obviously night goblins are an easily themed force in their own. Not to mention everything in between using bits from Here and there. Now… to find some way to mount Kruelboyz on some pigs….
Just chop them, reposition the legs in bit plaus GS. Have done custom chaos knights, actually 2 times, that way before full plastic kits for chaos knights ever did come. Also did plastic wolfriders that way using those 5th-6th edition plastic multipart night gobboz.
Great to see you back :) Thanks for amother awesome review! Will we ever see a battle report between you and Val? I feel like that would be so much fun to watch.
So with the new orcs journal for old world have they brought back the old units, like what I’m hearing spider riders and the big arachnork spider. If so I think this will sell me to start and orcs army as that big spider always looked like a nice kit to build and paint and always looked like a nice center piece to an army. Better than what the high elves I started had available.
Note on the fanatics. Fanatics die when you roll doubles, they arent immune to this the turn they come out so you're not guaranteed 3d6 st5 hits. You have a 16.7% on each fanatic that he kills himself
Arachnarok spider as a shaman mount is also formidable! A spell casting, toughness 6 10 wounds, 17 - 22 poisoned attacks per round, can be lifted out of initial combat after being charged using the hand of Mork to deny your opponent a favorable situation and potentially place it behind your opponent for a rear charge? The howdah rules on this thing are a bit nuts
@@puskajuska units with a howdah when used as a character mount make a new combined profile. Hand of Mork(gork) can specifically target characters in combat. Although now that I think about it, the order of operations to lift a character from combat is after charge declaration. Basically the spell can let you potentially save the spider from death in some cases. Edit - so I think the spell would best be used against something with counter charge and additional units to flank it. Forcing something like demigryph knights to surge forward to take flank charges from spider riders while removing the big spider and tossing it behind the knights to crash into your opponents weaker forces is pretty amusing, and it might deny the knights their charge bonus maybe? Still funny.
Been waiting for this breakdown. I have rebased over a 100 orcs and my night goblins are sitting in a bath to strip them. So excited, especially since I had a ton of Black Orcs from 8th and now they look like a must. The me to get my boyz painted up and my giant ready to stuff some poor git in his pants.
Goblins sound a lot of fun, the idea that I can make a wolf rider and chariot focused army or build a goblin gun line to rival those bearded grumblers are such fun but probably terrible ideas. I'm just sad I can't wollopa's one hit wunda with spectral doppelganger (although that's probably for the best) Great review as always 🙂
You definetly should give boar chariot 3rd crew member AND Frenzy, because Boar Chariot DOESN't Loose it armour Save of 4+ even if it Savage Orc one... There is no mentioning it loosing it or it becoming worse in unit options, unlike in all other Orc units with option for Frenzy and Warpaint. So it just makes Bacon Missile of Doom even better and tougher (if you give it the warpaint)!
At 32:43, in squig hopper mobs, it says you can pay points for feign flee and reserve move. I don’t see this in the ravenous hordes or in the old world builder. Can we confirm that these are points? I can be spent on these options. Love the videos thanks so much.
There's a debate in our group about Warband. A lot of players say a character with Warband still gets Leadership bonuses from non-Warband units it joins, as if the whole unit has Warband. That's not what the video above says. Thoughts? I know the Warband rule says "Unless the character also has this special rule, their leadership cannot be modified by this special rule." I personally take "also" to mean in addition to unit they're with, meaning both unit and character need Warband for the character to get the Leadership bonus. But I don't think I'm in a majority on that.
@34 The new errata has kinda emboldened me that my reading of Warband is right. The new errata is checking if, when a Warband character joins a Warband unit, do the boosts to his Ld from ranks also increase his command range. To me, that heavily suggests that the unit having Warband matters. It's very specific that both character and unit have Warband. I just wish the wording in the main rulebook was as clear.
In Goblin Wolf Chariots: "Any unit may upgrade one model to include a standard bearer". Is the standard bearer a 4th crew member, or does it replace one of the 3 crew members?
You just upgrade one the 3 as standard bearer. Also in TOW mounting character to chariot doesn't replace any crewmembers, which makes chariots good combat platforms for melee characters.
I think the warband rule is just stupidly strong... i mean as long as it's on weak units like brettonian peasants is ok they indeed have low leadership and even if they can charge they won't have that much punch... but on armys like orcs and beastmens that have most of their units with that rule... that's just too much, charging is really strong in that game so basicaly having army wide charge reroll makes them way too powerfull i think... Time will tell but being able to reroll charge army wide in old world seems broken.
@@ja37d-34 i agree on that, for example on the peasant or on that empire unit i forgot the english name ( sorry, french here ^^ ) it's not awefull, but when it's on things like boar cavalry or things like chariots bestigor or even minotaurs it's quite crazy ^^
@@martinjrgensen8234 I actually miss the old Animosity.. it was annoying but fun and something to blame if you fucked up.. ;) And you can take the game as seriously as it should be..
Wait did you just say that "you don't really need a fast tanky mobile unit because that's basically what goblins are there for" in reference to Boar Boyz? Boar Boyz totally shit all over goblin cavalry for damage and toughness and it's not even close, infact Boar Boyz point for point might be one of the best cavalry units in the game with a statline similar to other armies elite cavalry for a fraction of the cost, they're seriously up there with Boar Chariots and Black Orcs for OnG's best unit. Rules as written you don't have to lose the armour save on your chariot to take Warpaint and also skirmishing cavalry don't get the -1 to hit benefit that you reference since that only applies to US1 models.
I'm not sure the rules say only a black orc boss can control black orcs. The wording is ambiguous and could mean only that you need a number of black orc bosses equal to the number of black orc units. It matters if, for example, you want a black orc unit but want the black orc boss to be somewhere else.
@@martinjrgensen8234 Yeah! I've run a good few Blood Bowl leagues and rules discrepancies were never ending. I have a ton of unpainted orcs/gobbos/trolls and an exciting looking local group for The Old world. But I confess, I think I'll find it a massive headache if I just keep playing against opponents who skim-read the rules then get really dug in about their interpretations. It's my fault as much as them, but it's making me consider walking away. I'm biting the bullet though, and first planning a big game with my unpainted minis very soon. So I can at least say I tested the water.
Because they are within the Orc Mobz as special rule. You can give a normal Orc Warpaints and Frenzy and there you go - savage orcs. It's just not a separate list entry.
Goblins as an anvil over orcs? You pay 4 pts for a Goblin with a 5+ save and it's getting hit on 3's (2's by elite enemies) and wounded on 4's whereas you can pay 6 pts for an orc with a 5+ save and it's getting hit on 4's (3's by elite enemies) and wounded on 5's and then you can give that model a bow for free which will allow it to get in opportunistic shots and SnS before combat begins. An Orc anvil is going to give up less CR and allow your counter chargers to actually win combat instead of dying in droves and giving the free win to your enemy. Night Goblins also make a better Anvil over Goblins, netters effectively give them T4 and no impetuous means they won't be pulled out of position. Goblins suck.
Sans rigoler. Je pratique la MMA depuis maintenant 6 ans, de la boxe en parallèle depuis 7 ans, je pourrai. Ainsi que la musculation depuis 4 ans, 1m87 pour 86 kg J'ai une vitesse de fou, et des réflexes identiques à ma vitesse. J'ai juste à l'attendre qu'il me charge, l'esquiver et lui donner des bonnes patates dans la tête. Je le lâcherai pas à la moindre erreur, l'orc est fini. T'auras toujours des puceaux d'ici pour penser que c'est impossible. Rien n'est impossible avec de la volonté déjà les amis, et deuxièmement c'est pas avec votre corps de lâche que vous allez faire quoi que ce soit. N'importe quel homme un minimum entraîné peut vaincre un orc avec un couteau déjà. À main nue c'est pas forcément plus compliqué ça demande juste de la technique.
Brain Bursta is a bad spell. High casting value makes it only useful on a lvl 4, which you do not want to have in combat. I can see it taken defensively, but that s about it.
A greenskin player would never pronounce wyvern like that.... Whyvern? Because you can make lots of dad jokes whenvern you are choosing whovern or whatvern to attack next...vern. It's a silly army for silly people 😁
I have played against all night goblin armies in both 5th and 6th editions. Those games slow down to insane levels and they become ultimately, boring. 😢
From my own practice I've found that paladins are cracked for damage output. For the knights themselves I've had good success with errants realm and grail. As usual questing are underwhelming.
Finally!!!! Been waiting for this one, thanks Rob
Happy as a fanatic
Same! I lost it thinking about immortal fanatics!
Yeah me too! Love it!
30:35 making your chariot frenzied doesn't give up your armour save 31:06 goblin worlf charriots have no AP on there impact hit so goblin are inferrior to orc carriots
These faction breakdowns make me want to collect all the things!! Best square based advertising ever!!
Best series of its kind on the internets. Thank you for all your work making these.
I am currently deep in the goblin painting dread. Its a rescue horde and over the years I have raised my standards quite a bit, I'm week 3 into painting 120 Night Goblins and I'm not even done with base coats.
Also notice, that in The Old World, unlike previous editions/versions you don't have to launch all Fanatics at once. So you could park the night gobbo stikkaz at point you want and release like one fanatic per turn frusttrate enemy....
30:22 Tusker charge only applies the boar, the chariot itself has -2 ap because of them being heavy chariots (scythed wheels).
Also the manglers stomp get an additional -2ap because they are a behemoth unless on another monster or behemoth.
Thank you Rob! I've been hanging out for this one! So keen. First game on the weekend coming (actually first game ever) using the army box and battle for skull pass box i bought like 20 years ago!
Great review! So far, I've found pure Goblins can hold their own, which is great to see. It's worth noting that orc charriots will have -2 ap compard to the goblins, but the goblin charriots have still done really well for me.
Love this channel, and like many other it's seems, I've been waiting for this one! Currently excitedly building my Night Goblin army out of Skull Pass and Oldhammer troops!
Yesssss always hanging out for more SB videos! You’re an absolute legend!
Another great review! Thanks Rob! Can’t wait for Dark Elves!
I already have a weirdnob but not sure if I’m allowed to put it on the table top
so much great info in these videos without it feeling overwhelming. Quality content as always, let those snottling pump wagons roll :)
Love this thank you. Been waiting for it! I'm really enjoying playing with them. Took too many fanatics the other week and ruined my Bretonnian friends day...
Between bad sun rizin and itchy nuisance I would not be surprised to see 100+ arrow boyz on the table just sitting their shooting like better dwarven thunderers, until the enemy is forced to come into charge range. Character sniping with the doom diver is maybe a problem. Also random movement is crazy because you don't need to charge the shortest distance (ie you can run to a flank) and you don't need LOS.
Yeah mass Arrer boys is what I’m thinking of running too. They’re pretty nasty for their very cheap cost.
@@glyngreen538 Poison Banner + massive ranged unit is my thought.
I feel like orcs and goblins are the law of large numbers army. You need to have a sample size for random damage / movement high enough that it’s not really random at all. I also feel like they’re going to reward figuring out how to exploit screens with clever movement - cheap units and impact hits.
O&G are a hobbyist dream. Just listening to this, my mind raced between a savage force of frenzied orcs, spider goblins and big ol araknaroks. Then to a black orc themed force with gore riders as chariots and brutes as black orc big uns. Then obviously night goblins are an easily themed force in their own. Not to mention everything in between using bits from Here and there.
Now… to find some way to mount Kruelboyz on some pigs….
Just chop them, reposition the legs in bit plaus GS. Have done custom chaos knights, actually 2 times, that way before full plastic kits for chaos knights ever did come. Also did plastic wolfriders that way using those 5th-6th edition plastic multipart night gobboz.
Great to see you back :) Thanks for amother awesome review! Will we ever see a battle report between you and Val? I feel like that would be so much fun to watch.
YES! Been waiting for this one. Really excited to use all my old night goblins
Ahh yea, Goblins overview with maybe some orcs or something
Mainly Goblins
So with the new orcs journal for old world have they brought back the old units, like what I’m hearing spider riders and the big arachnork spider. If so I think this will sell me to start and orcs army as that big spider always looked like a nice kit to build and paint and always looked like a nice center piece to an army.
Better than what the high elves I started had available.
this is such a great review
Note on the fanatics. Fanatics die when you roll doubles, they arent immune to this the turn they come out so you're not guaranteed 3d6 st5 hits. You have a 16.7% on each fanatic that he kills himself
Arachnarok spider as a shaman mount is also formidable!
A spell casting, toughness 6 10 wounds, 17 - 22 poisoned attacks per round, can be lifted out of initial combat after being charged using the hand of Mork to deny your opponent a favorable situation and potentially place it behind your opponent for a rear charge? The howdah rules on this thing are a bit nuts
How does this work?
@@puskajuska units with a howdah when used as a character mount make a new combined profile. Hand of Mork(gork) can specifically target characters in combat. Although now that I think about it, the order of operations to lift a character from combat is after charge declaration. Basically the spell can let you potentially save the spider from death in some cases.
Edit - so I think the spell would best be used against something with counter charge and additional units to flank it. Forcing something like demigryph knights to surge forward to take flank charges from spider riders while removing the big spider and tossing it behind the knights to crash into your opponents weaker forces is pretty amusing, and it might deny the knights their charge bonus maybe? Still funny.
Been waiting for this breakdown. I have rebased over a 100 orcs and my night goblins are sitting in a bath to strip them. So excited, especially since I had a ton of Black Orcs from 8th and now they look like a must. The me to get my boyz painted up and my giant ready to stuff some poor git in his pants.
On the chariots... The orc is a heavy chariot and gets scything attacks ap bonus to its impact. Wofl is light chariot, 2 worse ap is pretty big deal.
Perfectly timed episode
Cracking video. Thanks again!
The battle report we need is vals orc and golblin list vs robs green workforce brigade
Thanks or the video Rob and team!
I just ran a half marathon and rob's sweet dulcet tones are nursing me back to health and enriching my mind with greenskin knowledge
Great review! What does “Melly” mean? lol if I’m going to use the term, I should know. Is there a vampire counts list rundown? Thanks again
At last, the video I most awaited
'Ere We Go!
Great vid Rob! 🎉
Goblins sound a lot of fun, the idea that I can make a wolf rider and chariot focused army or build a goblin gun line to rival those bearded grumblers are such fun but probably terrible ideas.
I'm just sad I can't wollopa's one hit wunda with spectral doppelganger (although that's probably for the best)
Great review as always 🙂
Excellent 👍🏻
Skarsnik is an honorary Tzeentchian. Too bad he's not around in this time period. Maybe his great granddad is around, Skarsnak. Crooked Moon ftw.
The golden guide
Blorcs, Noblins and Squiggos. I'm here for it.
Black Orks 👋
Night Orks 👉
You definetly should give boar chariot 3rd crew member AND Frenzy, because Boar Chariot DOESN't Loose it armour Save of 4+ even if it Savage Orc one... There is no mentioning it loosing it or it becoming worse in unit options, unlike in all other Orc units with option for Frenzy and Warpaint. So it just makes Bacon Missile of Doom even better and tougher (if you give it the warpaint)!
Quality quality, no doubt.
At 32:43, in squig hopper mobs, it says you can pay points for feign flee and reserve move. I don’t see this in the ravenous hordes or in the old world builder. Can we confirm that these are points? I can be spent on these options. Love the videos thanks so much.
Great catch! Definitely a typo from wolf riders!
@@SquareBasedOldWorld thank you for confirming although it breaks my little goblin heart lol
Can a fanatic be hit by another fanatic that moves through them?
There ist nothing more funny than fighting against Green skins. No matter if you win or lose, the way there will be hilarious.
There's a debate in our group about Warband. A lot of players say a character with Warband still gets Leadership bonuses from non-Warband units it joins, as if the whole unit has Warband. That's not what the video above says. Thoughts?
I know the Warband rule says "Unless the character also has this special rule, their leadership cannot be modified by this special rule." I personally take "also" to mean in addition to unit they're with, meaning both unit and character need Warband for the character to get the Leadership bonus. But I don't think I'm in a majority on that.
Like like a Warboss leading Black orcs? Hmm, need to read what it says..
@34 The new errata has kinda emboldened me that my reading of Warband is right. The new errata is checking if, when a Warband character joins a Warband unit, do the boosts to his Ld from ranks also increase his command range. To me, that heavily suggests that the unit having Warband matters. It's very specific that both character and unit have Warband. I just wish the wording in the main rulebook was as clear.
Great job! How about Ogre Kingdoms next?
Great suggestion! One might say you'll see it in the foreseeable future
Skaven army review waiting room
Always has been
In Goblin Wolf Chariots: "Any unit may upgrade one model to include a standard bearer". Is the standard bearer a 4th crew member, or does it replace one of the 3 crew members?
You just upgrade one the 3 as standard bearer. Also in TOW mounting character to chariot doesn't replace any crewmembers, which makes chariots good combat platforms for melee characters.
Wolf riders don't get -1 to hit from shooting as skirmishers as they are unit strength 2.
Night Goblins are not Impetuous, only skirmishes with "unit strength one wound" are -1 to be hit. Sadly wolf Boyz are unit strength 2
Can’t wait for the Skaven army review. It’s my army and I’m biased but man it’ll be a happy day when it drops
Yessss ORKS
They seem to have the most unit options
No such model as a Night Goblin Chief in this list, chief ;)
I think the warband rule is just stupidly strong... i mean as long as it's on weak units like brettonian peasants is ok they indeed have low leadership and even if they can charge they won't have that much punch... but on armys like orcs and beastmens that have most of their units with that rule... that's just too much, charging is really strong in that game so basicaly having army wide charge reroll makes them way too powerfull i think...
Time will tell but being able to reroll charge army wide in old world seems broken.
I like it that you can make Core units, like Orc Mobs strong.. they should be. Or Goblins for that matter. A horde of them should matter.
@@ja37d-34 i agree on that, for example on the peasant or on that empire unit i forgot the english name ( sorry, french here ^^ ) it's not awefull, but when it's on things like boar cavalry or things like chariots bestigor or even minotaurs it's quite crazy ^^
I don’t like it. Orcs are supposed to be unruly unless there is a boss near to keep them in check.
@@martinjrgensen8234 I actually miss the old Animosity.. it was annoying but fun and something to blame if you fucked up.. ;)
And you can take the game as seriously as it should be..
@@martinjrgensen8234 like the beastmens, but somehow palpati... i mean they get to have more leadership than most units while rerolling charges...
Hey can you upload this and the dwarf one to google podcasts please? I want to listen to them when I'm driving
Love the content by the way it's all very square blessed
Doing so now x
Thank you!!@@SquareBasedOldWorld
Let's go!
I need this so much it’s ridiculous really, I am supposed to be an adult….😅
I used to have these feelings.....
@@SquareBasedOldWorld being an adult is overrated but don’t tell my son that 🤫
Wait did you just say that "you don't really need a fast tanky mobile unit because that's basically what goblins are there for" in reference to Boar Boyz? Boar Boyz totally shit all over goblin cavalry for damage and toughness and it's not even close, infact Boar Boyz point for point might be one of the best cavalry units in the game with a statline similar to other armies elite cavalry for a fraction of the cost, they're seriously up there with Boar Chariots and Black Orcs for OnG's best unit. Rules as written you don't have to lose the armour save on your chariot to take Warpaint and also skirmishing cavalry don't get the -1 to hit benefit that you reference since that only applies to US1 models.
I'm not sure the rules say only a black orc boss can control black orcs. The wording is ambiguous and could mean only that you need a number of black orc bosses equal to the number of black orc units. It matters if, for example, you want a black orc unit but want the black orc boss to be somewhere else.
Yeah it doesn´t say that. You don´t have to keep them togetehr and you probably don´t want to.
@@ja37d-34 Yeah that's what I reckon.
GW writing rules that can be misunderstood… that has never happened before
@@martinjrgensen8234 Yeah! I've run a good few Blood Bowl leagues and rules discrepancies were never ending.
I have a ton of unpainted orcs/gobbos/trolls and an exciting looking local group for The Old world. But I confess, I think I'll find it a massive headache if I just keep playing against opponents who skim-read the rules then get really dug in about their interpretations. It's my fault
as much as them, but it's making me consider walking away. I'm biting the bullet though, and first planning a big game with my unpainted minis very soon. So I can at least say I tested the water.
You missed fact that Night Gobbos are -1 Ld and +1I in comparison to regular goblins
lets go
I wonder why there are no savage orcs in the army list, I feel robbed!
Because they are within the Orc Mobz as special rule. You can give a normal Orc Warpaints and Frenzy and there you go - savage orcs. It's just not a separate list entry.
@@clintseppowitz5642 yeah but I want them as different entries still
Goblins as an anvil over orcs? You pay 4 pts for a Goblin with a 5+ save and it's getting hit on 3's (2's by elite enemies) and wounded on 4's whereas you can pay 6 pts for an orc with a 5+ save and it's getting hit on 4's (3's by elite enemies) and wounded on 5's and then you can give that model a bow for free which will allow it to get in opportunistic shots and SnS before combat begins. An Orc anvil is going to give up less CR and allow your counter chargers to actually win combat instead of dying in droves and giving the free win to your enemy. Night Goblins also make a better Anvil over Goblins, netters effectively give them T4 and no impetuous means they won't be pulled out of position. Goblins suck.
I also wonder why the point values are so close. Night goblins offer a real bonus via Fanatics. But apart from that?
Orcs can't have shields and bows too.
Sans rigoler.
Je pratique la MMA depuis maintenant 6 ans, de la boxe en parallèle depuis 7 ans, je pourrai.
Ainsi que la musculation depuis 4 ans, 1m87 pour 86 kg
J'ai une vitesse de fou, et des réflexes identiques à ma vitesse. J'ai juste à l'attendre qu'il me charge, l'esquiver et lui donner des bonnes patates dans la tête. Je le lâcherai pas à la moindre erreur, l'orc est fini. T'auras toujours des puceaux d'ici pour penser que c'est impossible. Rien n'est impossible avec de la volonté déjà les amis, et deuxièmement c'est pas avec votre corps de lâche que vous allez faire quoi que ce soit.
N'importe quel homme un minimum entraîné peut vaincre un orc avec un couteau déjà. À main nue c'est pas forcément plus compliqué ça demande juste de la technique.
Brain Bursta is a bad spell. High casting value makes it only useful on a lvl 4, which you do not want to have in combat. I can see it taken defensively, but that s about it.
A greenskin player would never pronounce wyvern like that.... Whyvern? Because you can make lots of dad jokes whenvern you are choosing whovern or whatvern to attack next...vern.
It's a silly army for silly people 😁
I had to give in and just buy second hand goblins rather than paint them myself.
I have played against all night goblin armies in both 5th and 6th editions. Those games slow down to insane levels and they become ultimately, boring. 😢
Too bad animosity gone.
Dark elves next!
What does the " Choppa" rule do?
Patiently awaiting bretonians even though I have played them since 6th
From my own practice I've found that paladins are cracked for damage output. For the knights themselves I've had good success with errants realm and grail. As usual questing are underwhelming.