INFP vs ISFP - The Ultimate Showdown

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • INFP vs ISFP, which type is the best? And how do you tell the difference between the two?
    Hey! My name is Erik Thor, and thanks to all the help from my viewers and patreons at I've been able to build a living on the side of my part-time job making videos about different personality types. I seek to cover Carl Jung and the sixteen personality types in the MBTI from an original perspective. I believe there are sixteen, not eight cognitive functions. I write about them at
    I also develop successful personality tests that can accurately predict your personality type. with high accuracy. Try it out and share your results with me!
    Why do I do it? Because I want to spread more flow and happiness in the world. I believe we spend too much time going against our own true nature, denying ourselves nad pretending to fit in. We should break free and find ourselves and find a lifestyle more suited to our needs and values. If we can do that, the world will be a better place, for everyone. Join the community @ / discord


  • @ErikThor
    @ErikThor  4 роки тому +127

    I forgot to say, ISFPs also speak with a lot more certainty! They use strong words to emphasise their feelings and what they want where INFPs use abstract words like "Maybe" "Sometimes" and "Ish" to make their statements seem gradual, speculative, rather than factual (S). Really interesting right?

    • @shahrazade26
      @shahrazade26 4 роки тому +25

      We've learned to not speak with certainty because we don't want others to call us out and argue with us. Conflict makes us very uncomfortable. So we use phrases like "in my opinion" even to state things we're quite certain of. INFP here.

    • @Deanna_Marie_
      @Deanna_Marie_ 4 роки тому +2

      As an ENFJ, I also don’t say things with certainty and relate to this comment he wrote too.

    • @svjetlost9948
      @svjetlost9948 4 роки тому +1

      hmm. I've also read that INFPs have an easier time expressing their inner worlds in words, because Si makes that easier than Ni. But maybe that only pertains to writing.

    • @debbiesuesteele9639
      @debbiesuesteele9639 4 роки тому +1

      INFP here. I was wondering if I was ISFP but thanks to your video, that is now cleared up. Definitely an INFP, and I am okay with that.

    • @deninpaul7509
      @deninpaul7509 3 роки тому

      That might be correct 👀

  • @kleineapfelblute2456
    @kleineapfelblute2456 4 роки тому +63

    Hello :) The more I try to figure out the differences between ISFPs and INFPs (which I believe to be my type), the more I believe them to to be very similar to the outside world, especially when reading and comparing type descriptions. I mean, both of them tend to be very sensitive and gentle, and many INFPs are artistic people, too. However, I think it's important to have a look at the reasons of self expression, if that makes any sense. I think you're definitely right about ISFPs having the tendency to show themselves to the world and to make people see, hear and understand who they are because that's what self expression is to them. INFPs might actually be equally self aware about who they are and not wonder all the time about what their true self is; they might even embrace who they are. But still, the people I met and who I think to be INFPs (including myself) don't tend to express themselves just for the sake of it and to make others understand them, but rather to relieve themselves and therefore accepting a rather abstract kind of self exposure as some kind of byproduct. Or to put it into words: an ISFP might say something like "Look, this is who I am, this is how I dress and this is how I interact with the world, just so that you know how I am and who you're interacting with" - whereas an INFP's point of view might be more like "Listen, I'm doing this for myself because that's just the way I am and the way I work. I don't necessarily want to be seen and understood because being observed and analysed makes me feel uncomfortable, it's just that I don't want to hide. Well no, actually I do. And to be honest, I want to be understood somehow, but not too much and... DAMN, what am I talking about, nobody's interested in what kind of random and stupid thoughts I'm making up anyway. We might better talk about something different... so, what do you think, which animal could be YOUR patronus?"
    ... but what do I know, there is a chance I might be terribly wrong. :D

    • @ErikThor
      @ErikThor  4 роки тому +6

      you are wrong - you are interesting and you should join the community forum :)

    • @RM-ti8nf
      @RM-ti8nf 4 роки тому +5

      I think you're right ☺️

    • @Anime_kitten
      @Anime_kitten 2 роки тому

      Omg that sounds like me and x

  • @Celestial07
    @Celestial07 4 роки тому +24

    My girlfriend is ISFP, she is so sweet and joyful, she also doesn't feel the need to question who she is.

  • @adirtyswarlos
    @adirtyswarlos 3 роки тому +8

    As an ISFP I don’t think I just innately understand myself but more that I’m sure of what I like or don’t like. I know I’m not going to change myself to fit in better. I like to dress in bright colors and my own unique style so I am advertising “this is what I like, if you can’t deal with it then move on”.

  • @amna0alhawaj
    @amna0alhawaj 4 роки тому +71

    INFP rebels for the world, ISFP rebels against their world.

    • @ErikThor
      @ErikThor  4 роки тому +7


    • @ErinDavila76
      @ErinDavila76 4 роки тому +7

      @@ErikThor because it doesnt make sense? hahah

    • @ErikThor
      @ErikThor  4 роки тому +3

      @@ErinDavila76 yes still don't know what this means.... :S

    • @amna0alhawaj
      @amna0alhawaj 4 роки тому +19

      @@ErikThorINFPs can be interested in changing the world, they can become champions of the underdogs and not accept the status quo. They might rebel for the sake of the whole world against injustice or inequality. They are interested in changing the future.
      The ISFPs also have a rebellious streak, but it's more about rebelling against their reality or their own world for the sake of themselves or their loved ones. It's more about changing the situation their in now.
      That's why INFPs have existential angst and ISFPs have temper tantrums.

    • @entropyfun
      @entropyfun 4 роки тому +3

      @@amna0alhawaj I have existential angst and temper tantrums! What am I? :)

  • @thepetevonde
    @thepetevonde 4 роки тому +37

    Ah I loved this. I'm an INFP and I'm fascinated by ISFPs. Same core but so different, it can be a...misleading feeling when these two types meet.

    • @ErikThor
      @ErikThor  4 роки тому +4

      I like your channel name!

    • @thepetevonde
      @thepetevonde 4 роки тому

      @@ErikThor Thank you! Love your videos.

    • @camillea7697
      @camillea7697 2 роки тому +1

      As ISFP who interacts with INFP, I find core differences. I am grounded in the real world , he is grounded in his head IMO. Also he talks a lot about what WAS and I don’t see the point bc it’s over, and we are right here NOW.
      Regarding intimacy I find the same true. He’s not related to me in here and now but what he’s thinking about the situation. More about his excitement than our connecting.

    • @thepetevonde
      @thepetevonde 2 роки тому

      @@camillea7697 I’ve had a few ISFP partners and it was pretty similar - I was in my head too much and they were much more grounded in reality. On the other hand I was very comfortable with them and impressed with their inner values and authenticity.

  • @autumnartist4132
    @autumnartist4132 4 роки тому +45

    I'm even more torn now than before lol. I've always referred to myself as an INFP but for the first half of the video, I felt like I connected to ISFP of having a very firm sense of self and relating that to how they act and things and then you started talking about how ISFPs go along with everyone else while INFPs question things and I relate WAY more to INFP because I will NEVER go along with the group/society if I don't agree with what they are doing. If I go along with what my friends are doing, 1. Thats because I surround myself with people who reflect who I am in a lot of ways and who I trust and 2. If they DO want to do something that I really don't want to do, I AM vocal about it and very stubborn. Even when I had less confidence and didn't speak up for myself very much, I still always kept true to my values and who i am even if that meant having no friends for years at a time.

    • @midnightblue2893
      @midnightblue2893 4 роки тому +2

      Hi again, I know what you mean about alternating confidence about sense of self or considering another perspective to make sure. It's hard to explain but I get it ☺ One perspective I tend to consider is that I have more similarities to other close personalities such as being in the middle somewhere between ENFP, INFJ, ISFP, INTP. I'm not sure if that helps but it helps me narrow it down somewhat. Asking someone more versed on the subject has been helpful as well.

    • @ErikThor
      @ErikThor  4 роки тому +3

      If you need help, consider becoming a patron at where I can offer a typing advice if you send me an e-mail answering some questions. :)

    • @jacob_massengale
      @jacob_massengale 4 роки тому +3

      It probably comes down to whether you are an intuitive or senser, which are starkly different ways of looking at the world. Eric thor has an excellent video about it.

    • @Anime_kitten
      @Anime_kitten 2 роки тому

      I trying to fit in but never felt I did I acted like other people so I could survive narcissistic people lol fake it and make it be but I met an evil infp and I learned that I’m fucked up I can be better for me but that’s all and I won’t change me I learned alot

    • @daledael5263
      @daledael5263 2 роки тому

      take the test bro

  • @zynbalalawi2309
    @zynbalalawi2309 4 роки тому +13

    Cheers for those who’s still in the middle LOL
    1. I got a strong sense of identity that’s expressed through fashion, hobbies, lifestyle yet I’m still here questioning wether it’s true that I’m an ISFP or not?
    2. I keep wondering what my true identity is and wether I ever discovered to fullest or not.
    3. I try to fit in to stir away from trouble, while questioning the norms and beliefs of the society(ies). Trying to figure things out on my own.
    4. I have a vivid part of my life that punches everyones’ faces and another incognito lifestyle. I like to expose the minor part.
    5. I’m more of a sensory adult but growing up I was pretty much a kid lost in her imagination and inner world most of the time. I expressed that through writing and drawing. I eventually made the choice of sticking to arts and quitting writing (although writing came naturally to me, I wanted a bigger challenge I guess).
    6. Off to the next vid that probably will get me even more lost. Am I an INFP with developed Se Ni or an ISFP with developed Ne Si 🤔

    • @sevvaloz6816
      @sevvaloz6816 3 роки тому +4

      I relate to all of this and i dont know if im infp or isfp

    • @melis5425
      @melis5425 3 роки тому +2

      i relate to all of this, but i am still confused

    • @amalksuresh2538
      @amalksuresh2538 2 роки тому

      Try looking enneagram. The enneagram wings do make a difference. I think 4w5 isfp would really look like a classic infp

    • @zynbalalawi2309
      @zynbalalawi2309 2 роки тому +1

      @@amalksuresh2538 I tried that and turned out that I’m 1w9 lol, not the typical ISFP.
      Anyhow, since I’m on the borderline between both types, I feel more comfortable and relatable to the ISFP.
      I will took the choice of my own identity in my hands rather than being lost lol. On my daily life I live more Se than Ne, even tho I overthink a lot, but not all the time. I have an INFP friend who’s always living an existential problems and sharing it with everyone on social media (not saying that all INFPs like that) but she delivers vibes that she fails to contain her thoughts, and gets overwhelmed.
      I tuned to choose relieving my stress and emotions through actions first, I rarely leak my emotional wounds to anyone. I think if we overthink the minimal differences they get tangled and more complicated since we all can do everything within certain circumstances, what we do on daily basis and based on our “default” self counts as our nature.
      Also, this comment is very spontaneously written. Is it an INFP thing to rethink it over and over before posting it in the best written form? Cause I ain’t got time for that lol.
      Just felt like sharing this, thanks for passing by and sorry for my English.

    • @amalksuresh2538
      @amalksuresh2538 2 роки тому

      @@zynbalalawi2309 I went too deep in to cognetive functions, socionics and stuff for the answer but still couldn't find the holy grail. Found lot of contradictory claims .It seems like I have to go with ' Ixfp' for now even though it is very unsatisfactory.I think mbti is more like approximation and couldn't capture whole of a personality. Enneagram though I find more relatable and helpful for self developement.(Im deffo 4w5 which is common to both infp and isfp :-/)

  • @Hewhoblue
    @Hewhoblue 4 роки тому +17

    Im definitely an isfp the last part convinced me . I get along with everyone until my fi catches something against it’s moral code like something deep for example racism or liars It really annoys me if the people I hang out with or consider my friends are like that sure I’m not gonna waste my energy to change the way they think but easily I’m going to choose to ditch them or ghost them .

  • @fiddlesticks6146
    @fiddlesticks6146 4 роки тому +13

    i must say i was worried that after all this time considering myself INFP this video would prove me otherwise an ISFP and I'd have another identity crisis and have to go on the whole journey of knowing and understanding who I am all over again. But this concreted by certainty of being INFP.

  • @nicolezabel10
    @nicolezabel10 4 роки тому +21

    Oh I'm for sure an INFP lol

  • @oscar-rode
    @oscar-rode 4 роки тому +11

    This was really interesting and something I have been wondering about myself. They might seem very similar on the surface, but they are actually two very different types.

    • @oscar-rode
      @oscar-rode 4 роки тому

      Also, I'm loving the subtle Undertale music :D

  • @aurorag.rovira2585
    @aurorag.rovira2585 4 роки тому +8

    I'm an INFP and my mom is ISFP. It seems to me that she doesn't know herself very well because she's never been interested into doing so and always follows the crowd and she's always in defensive mode. Maybe she's been mistyped, but I think most of what you've said is appliable to her. Anyways, we can be very loving with each other at times, but also everything can go k-boom easily...

  • @midnightblue2893
    @midnightblue2893 4 роки тому +9

    Hi thanks for the video and making more clarifications as I am constantly wondering where my place is in life as an INFP. I often seem off beat and misunderstood by most people. Of course, I am highly sensitive to other's perspectives, so when I do let my guard down and show my authentic self, I once it again feel rejected, feel unwanted, and may avoid situations. I tend to over think and see things from too many angles. I just experienced another moment of this rejected feeling and thought this would be a good opportunity to express, so great video timing thankyou!
    PS. Like you mentioned, it's more about life journey that is ever changing.

    • @ErikThor
      @ErikThor  4 роки тому +4

      I hope one day that doubt becomes your strength and superpower not something that makes you feel weak about yourself, because it absolutely is a superpower. Read Spellslingers, a series about a wandering philosopher full of doubt... who ends up solving all kinds of mysteries that people can't see because they're too blinded by their rank, their culture, their history...

    • @midnightblue2893
      @midnightblue2893 4 роки тому

      @@ErikThor Thankyou for your suggestion and encouragement as I am very inspired by those type of philosophers! Will definately look into that book too ☺

  • @Ehtele32
    @Ehtele32 4 роки тому +5

    You are quickly becoming my favorite MBTI channel

  • @PoshBuckler
    @PoshBuckler 4 роки тому +5

    Classic INFP with moments of ISFP. The biggest difference with me is that instead of going with the crowd, I do have that innate urge to question everything, which does mark me as INFP. The moment that point was brought up, that’s when it was made clear for me.

    • @autumnartist4132
      @autumnartist4132 4 роки тому +2

      Same for the first half I was like "maybe I AM an ISFP...I do have a strong sense of self and I do like to express myself"and then he mentioned that ISFPs tend to go along with everyone else while INFPs question everything and I was like oh nvm INFP is definitely me.

    • @midnightblue2893
      @midnightblue2893 4 роки тому +1

      Relates. I too have moments where I can go with the flow of a crowd (especially when younger when most people are trying to fit in lol) but to a lesser extent. Many people don't seem to understand it or accept this so it's like I just shut down, become a hermit, and analyze the heck out of things and try to revise from there.

  • @yuletide4452
    @yuletide4452 3 роки тому +16

    Now I know I'm an INFP, but all my favourite characters are ISFPs, which might tie in well with the fact that ISFPs know how to be themselves and I am still searching for that mythic ME. Does anyone else feel the same?

    • @kenna9786
      @kenna9786 3 роки тому +5

      I’m the same lol

    • @purplemind93
      @purplemind93 3 роки тому +3

      I've heard recently on another youtube channel that Isfps have a harder time knowing who they are than infp and they try on different "faces" to see what fits and know who they should become for the future - Se/Ni. This guy said that Infps because of Ne (I guess) don't need to know EXACTLY who they are, as suppose to the Isfp that needs to boil it down to details and one true answer. It sounds about right, but that is the first time I've heard a statement like that being made. I find it interesting, perhaps ISFP want to exaggerate their words to emphasize their feelings like you say, because that makes them feel more like this precise individual that they strive to be. Whereas INfp are okey with walking in the unknowns of "maybe" and "ish". But that could also be an indication of someone who's frustratingly trying to search for who they are, but not finding the answer?

    • @Lynn-ip9sh
      @Lynn-ip9sh 3 роки тому +3

      @@purplemind93 Yes, us Isfps come off as calm and collected, seeming like we have our lives together (some of us do.) But the ones of us who don't, we are very good at keeping our inner life's private. We don't like being in a place of vulnerability unless its with people we truly trust. Us isfps endure a lot of hardships like anyone else, but you may never know due to our reserved and low-key nature.

  • @Fwootgummi
    @Fwootgummi 3 роки тому +2

    (INFP) Sometimes I can't help but feel guilty for having this near constant identity crisis. I know what I'm about and who I am and what I care about but when those things are challenged I feel a need to check if I should adjust them or find a way to explain why I am who I am instead in as detailed a way possible so I don't miss anything and find myself further misunderstood. It's not that I want to change who I am and betray my identity and beliefs, but I feel so uncomfortable with stagnation and inauthenticity that not adjusting things about myself, I feel, proves to myself and others that I'm unwilling to be my best self. Even if what I imagine my best self to be doesn't necessarily align with who I am. To me, absolutely certainty and stubbornly holding on to personal beleifs without digging deep into "the why" and trying to be better is the worst thing I can do for myself and others

  • @tamaragarrett3625
    @tamaragarrett3625 2 роки тому +1

    I’m a bit of both. When I was younger I tried to fit in more but as I’ve aged I’m more like a INFP and don’t give a shit what others think about me. 🤷‍♀️

  • @Moana_moo
    @Moana_moo 4 роки тому +15

    I still struggle to know if i am ISFP or INFP i do have INFPs existential crisis yet i barely finished this video because of too much theory. I believe i am 51% ISFP and 49% INFP. I don’t think people can be just One type. Maybe they can be two as Well.
    The thing is i absolutely know who i am it’s just that i didn’t really Find people who i can fit in with so i often compromise.
    Something that makes me doubt my INFPness is The fact that i am quite materliastic and snobish. I also love aestethic too much and fashion
    I also tend to go with the flow
    I related to the constant need to express myself. I also need a lot of validation and attention
    I am pretty private and secretive yet i am guilty of talking too much about myself and being self absorbed

    • @viaval1648
      @viaval1648 4 роки тому

      Omg you just described me perfectly 😭😭

    • @tarirojimha6730
      @tarirojimha6730 4 роки тому

      I’m even more confused now because I’m not sure what’s dominant the S or the N
      Edit~ you are probably right I will just go with both for now since I relate to both types so much. Probably the 51%/ 49% ratio, just not sure which one is more dominant

    • @godhuliroy8585
      @godhuliroy8585 4 роки тому

      Yes you're me . I'm you. 👉🏻👈🏻 I'm not kidding. I feel the same about myself

  • @Shayne_T
    @Shayne_T 2 роки тому +1

    Loneliness renders us elegant and strangely alluring. It suggests there’s more about us to understand than the normal patterns of social intercourse can accommodate - which is something to take pride in it. A sense of isolation truly is - as we suspect but usually prevent ourselves from feeling from fear of arrogance - a sign of depth. When we admit our loneliness, we are signing up to a club that includes the people we know from the paintings of Edward Hopper, the poems of Baudelaire and the songs of Leonard Cohen. Lonely, we enter a long and grand tradition; we find ourselves (surprisingly) in great company… by Alain de Botton

  • @bethanysingsmrs849
    @bethanysingsmrs849 11 місяців тому +1

    I'm honestly stuck with my type because I feel like i'm not deep enough to be infp. People online keep saying I'm enfp but I'm extremely shy and reserved. I don't really think properly, I feel realyl dumb and I dont share my ideas ever. I can be observant with my environment like small details, and I know for a fact that I always will notice when details are different than what I'm used to which I think is si? But like in the past I used to be observant of present, not so much anymore. Doesn't help I also have autism and adhd. I can't really be creative, I don't really know my ideas, like if someone else has an idea, I can think of billions of possibilities, but I can't generating a bunch of ideas myself if that makes sense. Usually when something bad happens, I can either get stuck with it and spiral or think about what couldve been or what could be. But for a lot of my past, I was always in my mind and overthinking stuff so now I'm kind of sick of overthinking and being deep, I also hate metaphors and I prefer to talk in literal terms, its just easier to understand. I like solving stuff but it physically hurts my brain at times. I tend to switch what I wanna learn all the time, at times I wanna learn something really bad and learn everything about it coming off as a ti user but then I'm bored of it a week later. Point is, I think I lack the creativity to be an ne type. I also have aphantasia, dont' like reading unless its info im interesting in, and I can't write at all. But I am never in the present, I never notice anything going on, I'm too worried whihc causes me to dissociate and not notice anything going on. For instance, I meet someone in real life, it feels amazing and I get energy but then my thoughts are idealising this person, obsessing over them, imagining marrying them, imagining being there best friend. then my other thoughts are telling me that I'm gonna mess this up and this person wil leventually leave me forever like whats happened with other friendships. I don't know if thats ni or ne but its not good. and it takes me out of the moment. Sometimes with in the car, I notice details like and notice whats beautiful without thinking anything else to it, but I at the same time just forget what I'm doing. Like whenever I travel, I keep forgetting I'm there and wanting to go back home to my comfort. But then I get home and I'm like "Oh yeah I just went travelling and completly forgot." but if I went back to that place, I would know exactly whether it looked different to the last time I went or not, I would spot every single detail that was diff than last time.
    So I don't know anymore. Maybe my past trauma made me scared of being deep or smth, becasue my brains so aware of how much i spiral? self awareness can be an issue. But I really don't understand isfp stuff either, I used to think I was a se user but I don't know. Cuz like, I do use se sometimes I think becasue I do impulsive tihngs like one time I nkew something was a virus but then my brain was like "but what if it isnt" and then i downloaded it because I just really wanted to try it out cuz I was so curious. Another time, I had this idea to troll on a video game so I did, I don't like just waiting around with ideas and if i do wait around with ideas then they just change. I also have a problem with too many possibilities but I also hate hwen things are too resitrictve with just one possibility. Like, for choosing a carreer, I had no career path I just wanted to do anything I liked and test out everything but I couldn't which annoyed me. I thought I would hate college because I hate doing the same thing but I realise now that college actually is a lot better than doing multiple courses at once, I guess thats false expectations and idealism? Again not sure if thats more isfp thing or xnfp thing. Sorry this is long I'm just so confused. Another thing that confuses me is that people say infp see meaning in their art and stuff but I don't, like I just do stuff and then something happens, Im too busy overthinking something else to notice. Like I draw a lot but I don't actually think in my head what I'm making, I just draw because Idk why not. But its not like an isfp thing either because with my drawing, I don't notice any details at all and keep making mistakes. During drawing, I think I dissociate becasue I don't notice anything going on, its not like I'm activating my imagination either, I just try to implement techniques I saw online and maybe thats it. I don't understnad what makes something visually pleasing or expressive (even tho Im good at photography apparently). But I don't really think of meanings in art either, I just see art as art and nothing else. To me, drawing is more like a stim more than anything, its something I do to stop my self from stressing out. I just think I don't think properly at all.

  • @Txts5
    @Txts5 4 місяці тому

    Finally a good video that explains in details what the differences are. I have a lot of isfp in common as infp however after watching this video Im more of an infp even tho I relate to a lot of things of isfp. In my perspective they have a lot of similarities 😅 I was for a year confused wich I was searched everything up did all the test of mbtis and still was lost, I even thought I was an isfp for a while. still I’m not so sure tbh!!

  • @ErinDavila76
    @ErinDavila76 4 роки тому +9

    I watch all the INFPs videos. Nothing else- ENFJ

    • @Dani-jo9yr
      @Dani-jo9yr 4 роки тому +1

      ★Erin★ me- infj, plus others🤔😅😂ENFJ too👍😂🤣

    • @treasurem2491
      @treasurem2491 4 роки тому +2


    • @ErinDavila76
      @ErinDavila76 4 роки тому +1

      @@treasurem2491 and I still don't understand you ")

    • @treasurem2491
      @treasurem2491 4 роки тому +4

      @@ErinDavila76 we are pretty complex beings. Videos alone are not enough. Youd have to spend enough time with us to get INFPs.

  • @mwaseemvirkgmailcom
    @mwaseemvirkgmailcom 4 роки тому +7

    I relate to infp alot
    I ask why people believe whay they believe u know what I'm trying to say
    But stupid tests typed me isfp i questioned myself alot like is it really me but i relate to infp more how come I'm not infp ...

    • @Steffi5376
      @Steffi5376 4 роки тому

      Me too! My percentages were really close like 49-51
      Im highly S but I'm more N. Maybe you are too

  • @BlackSuperman643
    @BlackSuperman643 2 роки тому

    Took one test and can out as an ISFP, but after listening to this, I seen more of an INFP

  • @HumansOfVR
    @HumansOfVR 4 роки тому +2

    let the showdown begin!

  • @kennystevens6526
    @kennystevens6526 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for this! It completely confirms that I'm an INFP 🥹. I think since I've learned about mbti I've gone from ENFJ to INFJ to ENFP to INFP to INFJ to INFP to ISFP to now a confident INFP 😂 hopefully I stay confident about this for more than a week

  • @denisesiddon7241
    @denisesiddon7241 3 місяці тому

    I could be an infp. Keep thinking about mbti ever since I knew about it and always feel like an outsider and question things. Im a daydreamer

  • @SEXgoddess.
    @SEXgoddess. Рік тому

    It’s official. I’m an INSFP

  • @r.deleeuw266
    @r.deleeuw266 3 роки тому +2

    I took the Briggs test 2x and both got INFP and ISFP so now Im genuinely curious haha

  • @ephraimburshek6850
    @ephraimburshek6850 4 роки тому +1

    Yep. Infp. I go into watching these kind of things with the thought, could I be isnp? Then you start talking....

  • @sylviecolaarts
    @sylviecolaarts 4 роки тому +3

    Your test says I'm ISFP. Other test say INFP. I can relate to both.

    • @ErikThor
      @ErikThor  4 роки тому

      And the video?

    • @sylviecolaarts
      @sylviecolaarts 4 роки тому

      ​@@ErikThor Maybe more toward ISFP? But there I am using the word "maybe" and not being sure... LOL

    • @Mhadzeliteful
      @Mhadzeliteful 4 роки тому

      Me too

    • @denisesiddon7241
      @denisesiddon7241 11 місяців тому

      Same here.

  • @rauliuxas
    @rauliuxas 2 роки тому

    ISFP's are way more simple, if you offer us to go somewhere and we want to go, we'll say yes, if we don't like it, we'll say no. we won't ask questions why, etc, because for us it doesn't really matter why we're going, if we're going , because we already want to go there, lol

  • @teejay5432
    @teejay5432 3 роки тому

    ISFP - I don't ever invite someone else's feedback' who am I' because who I am is not up for discussion, and not up for debate. (Is that a paradox?)

  • @nicolezabel10
    @nicolezabel10 4 роки тому +2

    Thanks for your great freaking videos

  • @_justpeachy_004
    @_justpeachy_004 2 роки тому +2

    I need help! I really relate to ISFP sensing in the here and now, AND INFP when they’re always caught up in their heads! I enjoy philosophy, and art, and I’m INCREDIBLY emotionally connected to music at the most, but I do both things when it comes to art. I use it to express my emotions, AND I look for the meaning. But most of the time, I just admire it’s beauty a while trying to understand what I FEEL from it. I also look at the past to figure out who I am, but I also just kinda know. Like, I KNOW who I am as a person, but it’s still hard for me to sometimes UNDERSTAND WHY I feel something that I do. IN THE MOMENT. I label myself with characters, emotions, and other things, but I’m constantly changing myself because of what I feel. Is that an INFP or ISFP thing?? INFP who also uses sensing all the time? An ISFP who really sticks to their imagination, but also wants to go out and express it in different/weird ways?? I DO ask my sister and others how THEY see me, but it’s really just to see if they KNOW me and I tell them if they’re wrong or right. But, when it comes to others, I know inside that if something is wrong and they want to do it, I kind of go along, but I don’t really DO it in fear that I’ll stop being my authentic self. And I DEFINITELY express my emotions when I’m really just happy and loving in the moment! What does this mean?

    • @essidrovital6397
      @essidrovital6397 2 роки тому +1

      Youre more ISFP, you want express yourself. You sound like you care about living in the moment which is more ISFP

    • @ravin4568
      @ravin4568 Рік тому +1

      Every word you have said describes my feeling exactly 😭😭 and I always mistype my Isfp result with infp because I feel more related to Infp

    • @_justpeachy_004
      @_justpeachy_004 Рік тому

      @@ravin4568 the more I think about it, I’m probably an INFP and I’m just exercising my sensing function more. I was a very extroverted kid, but as I got older and I experienced scarier things, I grew to be more introverted naturally. It’s probably not the same for you, but if so then you’re probably an INFP, too!

    • @ravin4568
      @ravin4568 Рік тому +1

      @@_justpeachy_004Not the same. I used to be introverted till now, but I was a very
      shy child. Now as I am growing I can tell that I am able to socialise a little bit easier.

    • @_justpeachy_004
      @_justpeachy_004 Рік тому

      @@ravin4568 great! I found that INFP’s can sometimes be really energized and happy around interests and people they are comfortable with, but not necessarily extroverted in general. I’ve kinda changed over time naturally and I’m definitely more INFP and sometimes seeming like more of an extrovert around those things. I like being around people because as an artist I like to observe their actions and movements. It’s nice to socialize, but I would rather just hang around people I’m close to. Im still kinda confused myself, but i relate to an INFP the most so far. Even if you don’t find out that’s fine, im still not 100% sure, but whatever. Titles aren’t important.

  • @benjamaya5199
    @benjamaya5199 2 роки тому +1

    Interesting I was typed INFP by several other quizies but your personalitopia test says I'm ISFP.

  • @szbyzan
    @szbyzan 4 роки тому +3

    According to 16 personalities i am INFP-A. According to humanmetrics i am ISFP with strong leaning to INFP. From truity I got potential INTP, ISFP, and INFP. Seems they all have 80% I and P the others are 53/47 and 47/53. Guess i am Jeckel and Hyde.

  • @omar.22.
    @omar.22. 3 роки тому +2

    hey Erik, I want to ask you a question I am confused about being INFP or ISFP I have watched your video comparing the two types and read a ton of articles & videos and books about personality types about sensing vs intuition I came to the conclusion that I am an INFP but I always keep searching and doubting that I am am ISFP I have taken the test many it turns out that I am an INFP but I kinda know the sensing and the intuition answer so I feel like I am deceiving myself. I don't know why it became like a paranoia doesn't leave my mind always thinking am I INFP or ISFP after doing any thing or saying something.

  • @mariob616
    @mariob616 3 роки тому

    Dang. I am definitely an INFP. Yet I still question my identity...
    I looked into the functions and there is almost no Se in me, so I might not be an ISFP. All my life I was a kid full of ideas that lives inside his own head. I was pretty naive in the past. I middle school I got very sociable (ENFP like) also kinda agressive sometimes (Te grip). All those past events and by looking into functions I am 95% sure that I am an INFP.

  • @f1killer96
    @f1killer96 4 роки тому +7

    Im an onion bro

    • @ErikThor
      @ErikThor  4 роки тому +5

      And ISFPs are pineapples!

  • @draug7966
    @draug7966 4 роки тому +3

    I´ve been doing various tests and sometimes i get infp, sometimes isfp and sometimes intp. Just did your new flow test and got infp. This video made me a bit more certain i´m infp. What are your thoughts about having a pretty good sense of identity and self-worth but shitty self confidence, like you (mostly) know who you are and what you want but you feel stressed out and overwhelmed by challenges quite easily, does that sound more isfp or infp?

    • @eline7207
      @eline7207 4 роки тому

      I'm an INFP and I definitely relate to that. I think I know pretty well who I am, what my values are and my strengths etc.
      But then for example I got to do smth at my internship and I immediatly " oh god I can't do this" and basically question my whole self. Like maybe I'm not that HSP or empathic? but then someone says that I have a good sense of feeling others emotion and whatev.
      I don't know where I was going with this, but basically it sounds a lot like INFP. Maybe ISFP also feel this way tho ?

  • @Shayne_T
    @Shayne_T 2 роки тому

    I feel like I have traits of both the ISFP and INFP.

  • @995Lollipop
    @995Lollipop 4 роки тому

    Just consider objectivepersonality theory, and a possibilty to be fi/ni isfp or fi/si infp. First of those two tend to be unsure betwen isfp/infp, second maybe . .. . Istj or isfj or maybe intp.

  • @HexagonSun990
    @HexagonSun990 3 роки тому

    Ooo the music though!! It's from undertale, right?

  • @Anime_kitten
    @Anime_kitten 2 роки тому

    Infp but also I think now I’m seeing an isfp lol and I’m enjoying him I was with a infp like myself and he turned evil

  • @MoonsEssentials
    @MoonsEssentials 4 роки тому +1

    Ps. Infp idk about others? When i get exhausted. I then become an enfj. Just an interesting fact for myself i noticed.

    • @MoonsEssentials
      @MoonsEssentials 4 роки тому

      & my son 12isan infj & daughter 9 is an enfp. 😻🎩🌈💋🐊🌞

    • @MoonsEssentials
      @MoonsEssentials 4 роки тому

      I had to edit. Put the highlight back. I feel so honored when i get those! Yes yes yes im aware i need to start my own youtube. Just that i of my infp cringes with debilitating anxiety at the thought. My enfj aide however has been brainstorming for a bit...until then im on fb & linkedin. & captainmonsiren69 on ig. Lifecoach. Mentor. Woman. Mother. Leader. Muse.

    • @jacob_massengale
      @jacob_massengale 4 роки тому

      Omg do you get really hyper and outgoing when tired or stressed?

    • @MoonsEssentials
      @MoonsEssentials 4 роки тому

      Yes i really do. Ive been learning to unlearn said behavior.

    • @jacob_massengale
      @jacob_massengale 4 роки тому

      @@MoonsEssentials why are you trying to unlearn it?? its the best!

  • @waltermelo1033
    @waltermelo1033 2 роки тому

    so, in resume if I'm in doubt that I'm a ISFP. probably i'm not.

  • @ashleyching3166
    @ashleyching3166 3 роки тому

    I'm excited to be an INFP

  • @grisvolonte
    @grisvolonte 3 роки тому

    Spot on! Wow ☺️ I’m an INFP

  • @lawrencedreams
    @lawrencedreams 3 роки тому +2

    Wait, 0:46 you say ISFP have introverted sensing... lol? Maybe extroverted sensing... and introverted feeling.
    That authenticity you talk about is Fi and both INFP and ISFP are Fi dominant so that's not a difference. They both know how they feel and what they like. They both care about their reputation and how others feel about them, cause of Fi-Te. And they both strive to find theirselves end their true self expression. Those argument are confusing and not helpful at all to tell these types apart.
    They're also both informative and responding according to communication styles. So they both can talk in an expressive, figurative and indirect way rather than direct. So that's not a clear difference either. Thats why they're the most prone to music art and poetry.
    The real difference is in the perceiving functions Se-Ni vs Ne-Si. That's the only difference considering cognitive functions. Thats about how they react and process informations onwards and outwards.

  • @hgbanthem6025
    @hgbanthem6025 2 роки тому

    Isfp have extroverted sensing...

    • @ErikThor
      @ErikThor  2 роки тому +1

      I explain more on in how i use the eight function model and flow code!

  • @juliagomesps
    @juliagomesps 3 роки тому

    definitely I'm the INFP

  • @jamilapatricia6922
    @jamilapatricia6922 4 роки тому +2

    IFP s use extroverted perception.... this is incorrect ISFP use extroverted sensing and INFPs use extroverted intuition...!

    • @ErikThor
      @ErikThor  4 роки тому +3

      No, this is my interpretation in Neojungian Typology. I have found in cognitive function tests that INFPs test higher for Ni and lower for Ne and ISFPs higher for Si and lower for Se.
      It was John Beebe in the 70s who decided ISFPs use "Se" but he never clarified what he meant by this and it caused all sorts of confusion. Jung himself believed our two strongest functions were both of an introverted attitude. His own? Ni and Ti!

  • @mikamelon5698
    @mikamelon5698 4 роки тому +1

    What do you say about the idea that personality types aren't set. That we all can change personality types during our own personal growing process or as reaction to traumatic events.

    • @ErikThor
      @ErikThor  4 роки тому +2

      I disagree with this, I believe our type represents core values, not developed traits or behaviours

  • @MrKillswitch88
    @MrKillswitch88 4 роки тому +2

    I always cringe when people have to always go with the herd then same people struggle to understand others who have their own ways even more so those like myself that are outsiders to society.

    • @ErikThor
      @ErikThor  4 роки тому +6

      Its not that ISFPs naturally go with the herd but that when everyone else is very sure and very engaged with something, they become curious by it and they're more willing to see what's happening and where it's going to lead. Even if they have some reservations and think its a bit crazy from their own point of view. They follow but also think about it sceptically.

    • @andyroobrick-a-brack9355
      @andyroobrick-a-brack9355 4 роки тому

      I think given the INFPs weird usage of Si, we can be oddly...routined, almost homebody-like. I believe this is why many INFP celebrities have suffered from addictions more than many others, because unhealthy Si can lead to bad habits, and bad habits combined with addiction can lead to nightmarish scenarios.
      Think of the INFP like this: we WANT to get out there and experience stuff, but Si pulls us back to what is familiar. So is our comfort zone, our bar that we use to have what feels right to us. Once we break away and activate our Me, we can learn to really get out there and enjoy life as it comes, taking in every possibility imaginable without pesky So getting in the way.

    • @MrKillswitch88
      @MrKillswitch88 4 роки тому +1

      @@andyroobrick-a-brack9355 It comes down to people using addictions as means of escape from feeling and introspection especially where is real intensity involved. As for people being what they are it feels that their problems are so very robotic even to the point of being set in stone. Ridiculous to the point of absurdity when it comes to the social clones with weaker personalities.

  • @xom7757
    @xom7757 4 роки тому +3

    um, what's this gonna be?

    • @ErikThor
      @ErikThor  4 роки тому +9

      a battle to the death

  • @devinbailey4725
    @devinbailey4725 2 роки тому

    ur completelywrongbro

    • @ErikThor
      @ErikThor  2 роки тому +1

      ty for the comment bro!