Check out his live album from USSR. I think he was prohibited from using the electricity on the second concert, so they just performed everything without electricity
I have some production notes 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If you don't understand what to like about this, work a job in retail that forces you to listen to bullshit pop music for hours on end. After enough of that, this will feel like fucking church.
For those who think that producing noise music is is. Producing 'good' noise music is a different matter entirely, and Merzbow gives an excellent example in real-time. While it's easy to produce a noise track with one source and a couple of pedals, controlling and then playing with specific frequencies and sounds as Akita does here, actually takes a lot of work. It sounds chaotic, and admittedly it is, but listening for how he's emphasizing and playing with the dynamics of specific sounds reveals more subtle skills at work.
Rubbish. This isn't even music. It's loud noises packaged together. Absolute garbage and the people acting like there's some subtle beauty to it are kidding themselves.
Imagine someone who's been denied the right to listen to music for his entire life, and one day, you tell him that he gets to listen to one song. He's giggling with anticipation as you hand him a pair of headphones. You play this. What do you think his reaction would be?
There was a similar science fiction story where people lived on a planet with constant rain and there was one day of sunshine. Kind of a mirror image situation. If you know nothing else this is music.
The story mentioned above might be Asimov's ''Nightfall''. It's about a solar system with six suns. The planet is always illuminated by at least one of them, and there is one short night every few thousand years. The people don't understand what night is so, when it comes, society pretty much ends. It's one of my favorite stories.
I find this too - not for production coz I have no musical talent - but i find when I'm over thinking or sort of at a mental standstill this is quite a good reset. I think it works for me in the same way that meditation works for other people.
" i want to show you harsh noise" >ok > it's basically not music > I've listened to Grind core i know what to expect >ok > plays this > this isn't music, it makes me feel anxious and unsure. > exactly, it's harsh noise, it's not music
I work testing jet engines so when I get home from work I like nothing better that listening to one of my 150 Mrezbow CDs. I love dance music too Aphex, Autechre, Plastikman etc. Boiler Room isnt just about dance music.
@@cymbolic_space1832 I used to sleep with my nebulizer machine when I was I kid, so noise music kinda recreates the same effect on me. I get sleepy whenever I listen to stuff like pulse demon.
@@joaofaleiro8297 i love noise ambient music to meditate or fall sleep! For people with tinitus like me it's a realive for silence, and You can admire every sample and static that comes thru the air, it's beautifull.
People ask why I love noise "music" so much. Well 3 reasons 1. There is a real rawness of expression. Its a pure explosion of thought and emotion in chaos. 2. It's cathartic. 3. It beautifully transgressive. Instead of using tools to create identifiable structure, the artists use their tools to open holes to entirely new places with languages and concepts we can't even properly understand. 4. Most of the noise artists I've met are just super chill nice people
I think the best camera work is at 12:51 total masterminds (2020 edit) Coming back to this performance I can't help but think that XAE A12 will be listin to this and be like, "straight fire."
Chaosequencer dg aren’t mainstream at all, sure they’re mainstream in the online music community but saying they’re mainstream conveys artists like billie eilish and tyler the creator are on the same playing field as them
Doing noise live seems like a really fun thing to do, it doesn’t have to be in front of an audience, just doing it for fun at home would be cool too. The equipment is quite expensive if you want like easy access to your sounds but you could probably do most of it if not all of it on a keyboard or even just with your mouse and a pc, just not as quickly
bee ess I lowkey kinda made a song like that. More lighting Bolt style drumming however and the noise isn’t as walled and harsh and distorted as this is
Masami Akita was actually a Prog Rock drummer before discovering Industrial Music in the early 80's and becoming Merzbow. So while I don't believe he studied at a conservatory or anything, he did learn to play normal music before noise.
Yes he does know what he is doing. He built some of that shit actually. He has an intimate knowledge of how all that stuff works AND is an awesome drummer and fully capable of making whatever you consider to be "music" in a fuckton of different genres. He has like 300 albums over a 38 year career. Go do some research and learn to experiment with things.
I took your advice and did some chemistry research with an experiment- making an amalgam with all 300 Merzbow albums and the bottom of a dumpster just kidding
I've never doubted that he knows what he's doing and does so with intention. But I have trouble perceiving it as music and not as just noise that sounds like broken audio equipment.
Ahh, My daily dosage of Merzbow... Removes wax from my ears and resets my brain from numbing torture of existence... Pure bliss of meditative ZZZZZZzzzzchrrrrzzsssss
The set opens up with a crisp clean intro. Around 2:34 the French Horns leave a melancholy feeling. The vibrato at 13:43 sets the mood for the remainder of the show. Spectacular. Truly spectacular.
@@coenh8735 im 100% sure the first comment was a joke but yeah i actually bought one of his albums and saw him twice live (my ears rang for like a week, worth it though) but its not for everyone, not that you need to shit on it without prior knowledge of it tho :)
@@turtlestuff7 you can get some of his best known albums for like 20$ minus shipping when they restock, merzbow is The most well known noise musician its really not that weird to have him in yr collection you will see a lot of people with pulse demon just for shits and giggles
This is pure honest and raw countercultural artistic expression ironically exhibited on a super-mainstream platform such as UA-cam. This is great. I take this like a glitch or like a crack in the mainstream world. A thought-provoking action. A jump into new chaotic sensations inexistent in the Hyper-Commercial universe filled by pure bll**sht produced by mainstream culture and individual commodified minds (e.g. pop or hip-hop music that figures on Billboard charts, based on trendy predictable commercial formulas). I love Merzbow.
7:43 is my favorite part, when he twists the knob he twists my heart and suddenly his amp is my life. Kicks you into high gear like a trip to the petting zoo when the horse pops out of the field and says hello before you go to the party. "20 years isn't enough to thank you for the whale that grows in me, I sometimes get moderate back pain" - Merzbow, articles on the importance of structural supports in buildings with multiple levels, 1994
+Allen Ecaldre Same here. It's incredibly harsh but so much so that the wall of noise kinda forms a wave of harsh ambience. Same with some Burzum stuff. Harsh black metal, but I find Jesus Dod strangely calming in ways.
art? creativity? you kidding? apparently making noise is creative and artful. i can make noise too. and i, being a complete amateur have made some music that sounds much better than this.
arte0021 the fact that you have to tell us that you have made music better than this, just shows that you're insecure about your artistry and probably a generic ass terrible musician, btfo pleb.
I am very happy that this video exists. It brings me great joy. Thank you Boiler Room. Thank you Merzbow. Thank you director and camera crew. This is what art should be.
Personally I love experiencing Harsh Noise in a live setting. Not so much into listening to it at home, although I really like hearing natural ambient noises like trains going by, thunder, airplanes, wind, rain, sirens, etc.
sometimes there's a really good bit but then he turns a knob and it goes away and I'm screaming "turn it back to how it was" but it's too late and he's on to the next thing
Fantastic. A psychic palate cleanser. It is his gift that he has in many ways made this sub genre his own, or at least it attests to his talents that his recordings are unmistakably his.
Well, I guess this is ONE way to come to terms with the trauma of getting a free U2 album shoved into your itunes library. I want to walk in, hug him, and tell him that everything will be all right. While gently and slowly pulling down the master fader.
It might not be pleasant to the ears but damn you gotta respect the sound design to make such weird ass sounds. He even worked with a metal band because of it. Shit, he needs to make a horror movie soundtrack.
Wow murzbow on boiler room not sure if people are gonna be into it. Im glad theyre doing something different here. I was starting to get bored if boiler room.
It'd be funny if after the whole performance was over he said, "Sorry guys, I can't fix it."
Flavio Rocha This comment made me LOL
Flavio Rocha I cant stop laughing holy fucking shit
Flavio Rocha Funniest youtube comment ever, thanks for the laugh! I love Merzbow.
Flavio Rocha best commenst
+Flavio Rocha 100/100 best youtube comment
"Honey, they're playing our song!"
Bedroom noise
I wanna see Merzbow unplugged...
It's just him screaming
**button pushing noises**
I'd rather see Merzbow undressed
@@chancemeeting2849 I'd rather not
Check out his live album from USSR. I think he was prohibited from using the electricity on the second concert, so they just performed everything without electricity
I have this guy every morning playing at the construction site where I work.
Took me a second
I like your pfp!!
cool audience
Lucky you
We need merzbow npr tiny desk concert
You really have to appreciate how nothing is peaking in his channels
nothing peaks if everything peaks
a shame
This is where you identify a true musician, yes, great point you made there mate
wow. i could not stop whistling that tune all day today! Thanks Merzbow!
how the fuck can you do that?
Burz'saÿt Instyork it's a joke
yea, I know.
They must call you Jukebox jaw.
If he is nervous before the show: „I hope I make no mistake“
editing you mean
someone needs to explain a few things to this man
Is part of the noise shit and stuff
blame it on Dommune
Hi guys, I'm Merzbow. I also do weddings and birthdays! Seriously though: great performance, shitty editing.
Seriously if I had a wedding party I’d totally book him.
have you guys ever wondered if he's deaf and is just turning everything because he think it's cool?
And because people are inviting him to perform 😂
No this is noise music.
@@shugafoo2847 you missed the joke
@@shugafoo2847 that's literally the point of the >>>joke
Holy shit, you don't need this many cuts, especially for someone just standing there
funnier that way
that would be a reason for them to need all the cuts
I have some production notes cut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,cut,cut,cutcut,c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thats exactly why they need so many cuts
If you don't understand what to like about this, work a job in retail that forces you to listen to bullshit pop music for hours on end. After enough of that, this will feel like fucking church.
Ash Clayton I have never fucked a church, is it really that good?
you don't fuck the church. the church fucks you.
Amen brother
Based. Pop music has mentally castrated many, many people.
"How do I turn this damn thing off?"
Oh, that's so funny! He really looks like that! X'DD
@@kepler4739 No that was a listener request
Im dead
he blends a smoothie for 20 minutes
After this set he probably went home and fed his Chickens. Fuckin Legend
Here's a fun drinking game, take a drink every time they make a jump cut or wipe cut
take a drink every time you think you might have gone deaf
Brandon Gore now I'm dead..
Im dead
@@cantthinkofaname5231 Why would you go deaf from this?
“it’s been making that sound for 20 minutes and i can’t turn it off”
For those who think that producing noise music is is.
Producing 'good' noise music is a different matter entirely, and Merzbow gives an excellent example in real-time. While it's easy to produce a noise track with one source and a couple of pedals, controlling and then playing with specific frequencies and sounds as Akita does here, actually takes a lot of work. It sounds chaotic, and admittedly it is, but listening for how he's emphasizing and playing with the dynamics of specific sounds reveals more subtle skills at work.
Yes, I will agree. Also you can see a kind of mindset behind all that superficial chaos.
I've been a noise musician for over 10 years and i can tell you, it's very easy
Rubbish. This isn't even music. It's loud noises packaged together. Absolute garbage and the people acting like there's some subtle beauty to it are kidding themselves.
@@girlswithgamesit doesn't have to be easy. It can be. I don't think the best noise music out there was particularly easy to make.
that was one of the most pretentious and simultaneously retarded statements I ever read. Kudos!
Imagine someone who's been denied the right to listen to music for his entire life, and one day, you tell him that he gets to listen to one song. He's giggling with anticipation as you hand him a pair of headphones. You play this. What do you think his reaction would be?
"i love it"
this is how mental disorder works.
There was a similar science fiction story where people lived on a planet with constant rain and there was one day of sunshine. Kind of a mirror image situation. If you know nothing else this is music.
The story mentioned above might be Asimov's ''Nightfall''. It's about a solar system with six suns. The planet is always illuminated by at least one of them, and there is one short night every few thousand years. The people don't understand what night is so, when it comes, society pretty much ends.
It's one of my favorite stories.
music is forbidden in islam
the video editing is making me feel sick
Richard Tyson not the music?
Richard Tyson And star wipe to the mixing board. And star wipe to the noise guitar.
Richard Tyson lmfao
yes, and not the music
imagine the 'music' then lol
honestly, this works really well to reset your ears while producing music. It gives you fresh perspective of your arrangement.
Best musical palate cleanser I’ve found yet
I recently got into hard noise and i was wondering the exact thing while i came across your comment
i hate all my music and honestly this just makes me hate it more
i think you're just crazy
I find this too - not for production coz I have no musical talent - but i find when I'm over thinking or sort of at a mental standstill this is quite a good reset. I think it works for me in the same way that meditation works for other people.
Do you ever look at someone and wonder, what is going on inside their head?
- Inside Out 2016
3 years later and I'm still wondering about this
Me too
Came out 2015
@@Pekenterno one cares
imagine going to a strip club and this comes on that be awesome
explain plz
yes unironically
*music starts* *strippers start seizing* *strobe lights* acid party
legend has it this is the music on super nonce Ireland.
Isn’t Merzbow in with some Japanese fettish thing?
" i want to show you harsh noise"
> it's basically not music
> I've listened to Grind core i know what to expect
> plays this
> this isn't music, it makes me feel anxious and unsure.
> exactly, it's harsh noise, it's not music
Ambient music used to make me calm, now this does.
this is good for sleep
this is music.
(In a parallel universe)
- This is just music!
- Hey, some respect dude, this is noise
ive had this conversation before, no joke
I work testing jet engines so when I get home from work I like nothing better that listening to one of my 150 Mrezbow CDs.
I love dance music too Aphex, Autechre, Plastikman etc. Boiler Room isnt just about dance music.
do you really own 150 merzbow CDs Lol?
SEBA It’s probably the infamous Merzbox and/or Merzbient box sets he/she owns.
Listening to noise after a long day is incredibly relaxing for some reason
@@xXEvangelXx Yeah. Like all of your problems getting destroyed by some feelless power.
you do you man
Lmao the second I heard merzbow was going to be on boiler room I KNEW the UA-cam comments section was going to be full of people bitching about it
Like scensters excited to see Swans or My Bloody Valentine then bitch about it after
People bitching about it, isn't that part of Merzbows concept?
I unironically love this. you cant listen to it in the same way as normal music but its still really cool
Yes if you listen it at a safe volume while doing work or homework is amazing
that banjo he's holding, it is the noise god's thunder stick.
chookiessss spring instrument
Spring instrument with a contact mic mounted under the metal
it looks like a rudimentary guitar that could have been made in the bronze age
He's like a mad doctor in his mad laboratory performing a mad research.
How can you not love this guy ?
It's actually kind of soothing once you get used to it.
imo it’s like the exact opposite of ambience but achieves the same effect
I wonder what makes some people like this and others not. Genetics, lived experience? I'm just happy I'm in the former camp.
@@cymbolic_space1832 I used to sleep with my nebulizer machine when I was I kid, so noise music kinda recreates the same effect on me. I get sleepy whenever I listen to stuff like pulse demon.
@@joaofaleiro8297 i love noise ambient music to meditate or fall sleep! For people with tinitus like me it's a realive for silence, and You can admire every sample and static that comes thru the air, it's beautifull.
People ask why I love noise "music" so much. Well 3 reasons
1. There is a real rawness of expression. Its a pure explosion of thought and emotion in chaos.
2. It's cathartic.
3. It beautifully transgressive. Instead of using tools to create identifiable structure, the artists use their tools to open holes to entirely new places with languages and concepts we can't even properly understand.
4. Most of the noise artists I've met are just super chill nice people
Nobody asked you
those are 4
oh...yeah... @@jelly3374
@RusticFarmhouse_54 fair enough
Weird how I'm starting to find this relaxing
Me too lol
I think the best camera work is at 12:51 total masterminds
(2020 edit) Coming back to this performance I can't help but think that XAE A12 will be listin to this and be like, "straight fire."
Im not Æ but i think this is fire
*editing work
*XÆ A12
My last brain cell after putting a mechanical pencil into the pencil sharpener
i thought death grips where alternative but this makes it sound like pop lmao
Death Grips is more like... Mainstream music but painted as "rare" or "alternative"
@Mercury It isnt bas music
Mercury it’s still not mainstream
Chaosequencer dg aren’t mainstream at all, sure they’re mainstream in the online music community but saying they’re mainstream conveys artists like billie eilish and tyler the creator are on the same playing field as them
It's great to see Merzbow doing an analogue set!
This music is not for everybody (I like it) but this video edit is for NOBODY
20:22 AOL Dial Up sound.
Is a pitched down sample right? 🤣
Doing noise live seems like a really fun thing to do, it doesn’t have to be in front of an audience, just doing it for fun at home would be cool too. The equipment is quite expensive if you want like easy access to your sounds but you could probably do most of it if not all of it on a keyboard or even just with your mouse and a pc, just not as quickly
Super fun and super cheap, lot's of guitar students pawn their beheringer pedals for pennies. I've spent more on patch cables than my equipment.
imagine this and zach hill's speed practice together
that would be so sexy
bee ess I lowkey kinda made a song like that. More lighting Bolt style drumming however and the noise isn’t as walled and harsh and distorted as this is
@@apothecurio Half of bandcamp did so too
KKUUAUAUAA xxx5321 oh I’m well aware
If you haven’t checked it out already there is a series of releases by Merzbow that has Balazs Pandi on drums and it’s kind of what you described
"Oh fuck, the sound system is glitching again. Just roll with it."
I bet 1000000$ that this guy is classic musically trained....
Masami Akita was actually a Prog Rock drummer before discovering Industrial Music in the early 80's and becoming Merzbow. So while I don't believe he studied at a conservatory or anything, he did learn to play normal music before noise.
@@drpibisback7680 you can hear some of his drumming on the last track from his Antimonument album, 3 types of industrial pollution
@@andronic81 What about 9 types?
@@steelingcable6350hah zappa reference
@@drpibisback7680 "normal music"
Yes he does know what he is doing. He built some of that shit actually. He has an intimate knowledge of how all that stuff works AND is an awesome drummer and fully capable of making whatever you consider to be "music" in a fuckton of different genres. He has like 300 albums over a 38 year career. Go do some research and learn to experiment with things.
agreed. i actually think that his music is more complex than some other genres..
I took your advice and did some chemistry research with an experiment- making an amalgam with all 300 Merzbow albums and the bottom of a dumpster
just kidding
I've never doubted that he knows what he's doing and does so with intention.
But I have trouble perceiving it as music and not as just noise that sounds like broken audio equipment.
Almost 400 albums by now...
I was a jazz arranging major in music school. Anybody who says this is noise doesn't know anything about music and composition
Perfect for those days you can't get a tune or song out of your head - -
Really gets the feet tapping.
Does anyone know the key of the first song? I'm trying to learn it on the guitar
$*#%£ major i think
Axelisation no its 001101011100011011010011101001000011010111010110 minor
Axelisation come on its basic music theory
I hear an 'E' that is there throughout. Maybe start there.
Ahh, My daily dosage of Merzbow... Removes wax from my ears and resets my brain from numbing torture of existence... Pure bliss of meditative ZZZZZZzzzzchrrrrzzsssss
As expected, the only boiler room set where no one is around.
zevex747 Hahahahahahahhaahahah
I really want to be here xD
I would go
But i live in poland
@@Aspen72 Ja też :D
@@Aspen72 Słuchasz Boarda Of Canada?
Jeez this editing is more jarring than the performance
I think he messed it up at 12:46. It was supposed to be a C# not a D#.
The set opens up with a crisp clean intro. Around 2:34 the French Horns leave a melancholy feeling. The vibrato at 13:43 sets the mood for the remainder of the show. Spectacular. Truly spectacular.
mitchhh *sobs* so beautiful...
Wow there are actually people taking this trash serious
@@coenh8735 im 100% sure the first comment was a joke but yeah i actually bought one of his albums and saw him twice live (my ears rang for like a week, worth it though) but its not for everyone, not that you need to shit on it without prior knowledge of it tho :)
@@noidea7523u bought one of his albums? 😂 there’s no way bro
@@turtlestuff7 you can get some of his best known albums for like 20$ minus shipping when they restock, merzbow is The most well known noise musician its really not that weird to have him in yr collection you will see a lot of people with pulse demon just for shits and giggles
He's just amazing, look how he controls every single button and wheel of his instruments
"We play that song all the time at work."
-- CIA interrogator
did the cameraman really try to sync the video to the music? lmfao
Underrated comment
I find it funny that Harsh noise is more listenable than Dream making music
i want this guy to play on my wedding
play freebird
I love merzbow when i'm high, it's a really nice disconnect from everything
This is pure honest and raw countercultural artistic expression ironically exhibited on a super-mainstream platform such as UA-cam. This is great. I take this like a glitch or like a crack in the mainstream world. A thought-provoking action. A jump into new chaotic sensations inexistent in the Hyper-Commercial universe filled by pure bll**sht produced by mainstream culture and individual commodified minds (e.g. pop or hip-hop music that figures on Billboard charts, based on trendy predictable commercial formulas). I love Merzbow.
The most legendary harsh noise maker of all time.
I love brushing my teeth to this
7:43 is my favorite part, when he twists the knob he twists my heart and suddenly his amp is my life. Kicks you into high gear like a trip to the petting zoo when the horse pops out of the field and says hello before you go to the party.
"20 years isn't enough to thank you for the whale that grows in me, I sometimes get moderate back pain" - Merzbow, articles on the importance of structural supports in buildings with multiple levels, 1994
What in the what !!!???
Are u joking or nah
This is honestly really good harsh noise.
I'd hate to hear what bad harsh noise sounds like
@@obscure6124 Omg. This comment had me dying.
@@obscure6124 no you don't 😂
@@obscure6124 I hate hearing what really good harsh noise sounds like, apparently.
@@obscure6124 thanks for this comment I've never laughed so hard at a youtube comment. Thank you even though I'm a little late to the party
Way too many fucking cuts. You can keep the same camera angle for like a minute before it gets boring.
I thing they tried to put some visual aesthetic... didn't work.
Kid: "But mom, I don't wanna brush my teeth!"
Mom: [puts on Merzbow]
Kid: [starts jumping up and down brushing his teeth]
I respect the mans art and creativity
+TheEndIsHere FinalWarning i find this relaxing, like i'm more focused bro.
+Allen Ecaldre Same here. It's incredibly harsh but so much so that the wall of noise kinda forms a wave of harsh ambience. Same with some Burzum stuff. Harsh black metal, but I find Jesus Dod strangely calming in ways.
art? creativity? you kidding? apparently making noise is creative and artful. i can make noise too. and i, being a complete amateur have made some music that sounds much better than this.
arte0021 the fact that you have to tell us that you have made music better than this, just shows that you're insecure about your artistry and probably a generic ass terrible musician, btfo pleb.
arte0021 i find it a great life to find art in everything \(0-0)/
I am very happy that this video exists. It brings me great joy. Thank you Boiler Room. Thank you Merzbow. Thank you director and camera crew. This is what art should be.
Do you ever wonder if he’s hearing something different to us? Mabey he’s just way too woke for everyone
Might sound like a Beethoven sonata in his head !
No he hears what we hear and he knows exactly what he's doing
Remember the good old days where metal was just “noise”?
Back in the 90's, Merzbow actually released a couple albums through Relapse.
Now noise is noise
Best Boiler Room set I ever heard
try listening to the one by container different genre but bloody hell x
fancy seeing you here!
Butcher noooo I've been SPOTTED I must erase
Personally I love experiencing Harsh Noise in a live setting. Not so much into listening to it at home, although I really like hearing natural ambient noises like trains going by, thunder, airplanes, wind, rain, sirens, etc.
Still better than Iggy Azaela
tick Oh great, you are like 10, go play roblox and stay away from this "big brother" music, please ;) thank you
tick HAHAHAHAHA HOLY SHIT let people with their own taste kiddo, go listen to whatever you want, but let us listen to whatever WE FUCKING WANT thanks.
I'm not trying to bash or.anything, but, isn't this just noise?
st0kes24 yes it is
and noise music is still music
"I'm sorry guys, I just can't fix it"
I can't take credit, I stole the joke from another Merzbow video hahaha
I now realised I stole it from this video... I must be listening to too much Merzbow, it's fried my brain
AGU! guillotine!!!
Too much Merzbow?
holy shit. merzbow does not disappoint. aural murder.
This is what my grandparents thinks what EDM sound like
this what old people hear when you turn on rap music near them
sometimes there's a really good bit but then he turns a knob and it goes away and I'm screaming "turn it back to how it was" but it's too late and he's on to the next thing
Merzbow is an enigma. Good faith
"Don't ask me, I'm the roadie. The sound techs are stuck in traffic."
stop switching the camera so many fucking times
it's "art"
"sing along with me"
I love that the editing video just fast cutting the footage like something exciting happen
Death Grips should colaborate with Merzbow.
Also throw Cal Chuchesta in that mix.
Fantano fanboys rise up
I fucking hate people like you
Fernando Olmedo full of hell did a collab with him. Check it out
Fantastic. A psychic palate cleanser. It is his gift that he has in many ways made this sub genre his own, or at least it attests to his talents that his recordings are unmistakably his.
hypnotic and beautiful
Well, I guess this is ONE way to come to terms with the trauma of getting a free U2 album shoved into your itunes library. I want to walk in, hug him, and tell him that everything will be all right. While gently and slowly pulling down the master fader.
It’s kinda like at the beginning of a rock concert the sound of a guitar player plugging the guitar into the amp but that’s the entire show
This is the performance making all other Boiler Rooms explode
Beautiful intensity.
+word, guy someone is insecure
tbh live merzbow is really interesting because you can tell that he has an understanding of every adjustment he makes and how it changes the noise.
I've seen this on "top 10 weirdest music genres" but this doesn't sound weird to me, it sounds quite good actually
Weird as in most people don't understand it.
0:44 - "GET SO ****ING DARK IN HERE!!"
It might not be pleasant to the ears but damn you gotta respect the sound design to make such weird ass sounds.
He even worked with a metal band because of it. Shit, he needs to make a horror movie soundtrack.
Wow murzbow on boiler room not sure if people are gonna be into it. Im glad theyre doing something different here. I was starting to get bored if boiler room.
Yeah, but you can't listen to it more than 20 seconds..
@@saltysalmon4665 try listening through a whole album lmao the best kind of torture
I'm at the 4:26 Mark. I will make it to the end!
@@saltysalmon4665 that's how I feel about pearl jam
"Murzbow". I see a lot of respect here.
This editing and switching between shots cracks me up
There is a secret song at the center of the world, and its sound is like razors through flesh.
I don't believe you.
I have no idea why but I respect what he does.
BY SLAANESH! He IS a Noise Marine. The first. The founder of the chapter.
Merzbow is enough. Don't need the spastic editing
It's so dense. Every single image has so many things going on.