That akward moment when on your blood dk you see enemy blood dk on bg and you start fighting, and you fight... and fight.... and fight... and fight.... and fight.... and fight......
Dude, I just found your channel today and I’ve been watching your content for hours. Really, really well done. I’ve been away from WoW for about a year but your videos are helping me to get back up to speed with all the changes. Love all your videos. Keep up the great work!
I was quite looking forward to this one because I've mained a Death Knight since Wrath began I was Frost tank back in wrath for those who remeber when that was viable but then it shifted to blood which in my opinion really hit the nail on the head now I main a tank and its absolutely amazing The only complaint I had about this guide specificly for blood was the fact that you dident go quite in depth as to how the diseases work because all 3 of them have a secound effect Frost occasionally grants 5 runic power Unholy has a chance to erupt for further damage yet for Blood all the damage it does directly drains their life into your own giving you near unmatched healing in Area situations But all that besides overall 9/10 very detailed yet I wished you went abit more in depth into artifact traits and spec talents but I realize that would have easily added another 15-20 min, also in the class fantasy I recall reading that death knights have low mobility because the developers wanted to add in the feeling of "Death is unescapeable so they are in no rush"
Also a former Frost tank. He definitely hasn't grasped a lot of how to play Deathknight. He barely even scratched the surface of Unholy and I'm a Blood main.
I've actually mained as a DK since wrath and I don't regret it. Mobility does kind of blow but if you've been playing one as long as i have you know that when you get to the target you'll instantly reck face.
If you have been playing DK that long you also noticed that he didn't cover Unholy well at all. I'm a Blood main and I know that there are 3 other builds for Unholy. Also he didn't cover stacking fat pillars for frost. If people want to know about Deathknights they should look elsewhere.
Same here! Been playing my dk since Wrath and i can't agree with you more! Still... Blizz needs to work on our Mobillity! I find it hard to believe that i liked DK mobility more in WoD since it was overall a bad expansion... But there are some + and - everywhere!
Yeah they probably should if you want in depth class and spec strategies, but then again how can you expect an in depth explanation of all 3 specs in a 12 minute video? Don't get me wrong I almost never play as unholy because I would just make a hot mess so i stick to frost and blood, but when i do want to make a hot mess I always go UH
equipped Aggramar Stride and Sephuz,go faster than a monk lol this men didn't cover all the builds of Unholy, they have at least 3 build. main DK Blood.
Same here but didn't start tanking till my 3rd area in legion, wish we could 1H a 2H and shield like the crusader in D3. It was quicker when we had presences with unholy pres. you got a 10% walk speed buff plus 15% haste and attack speed buff. Switching from DPS to tank in Emergencies was the reason I main'd DK without changing armor just changed weapon, ICC was that mechanic for me.
This is one the best wow channels out, videos are great quality, no annoying music or subscribe speeches at the beginning and its straight to the point, its very detailed without being boring, and consistent with uploading content. Thank You!!
I main a Blood DK and yeah, on the face of it what you said is true, Heart Strike doesn't feel like it's really doing much but the more and more I've played with it the more I've come to absolutely love the ability. Heart Strike is *key* is setting up for mechanics. I find it best to explain by example so I'll give KJ as an example. He has an ability called Felclaws that buffs his damage on his auto-attacks for the next 12 seconds. These absolutely wreck face, on progression it's one of the places where I found that my Blood DK actually had some issues, but Heart Strike completely nullified this when I started using it smartly. I don't think as Heart Strike as a filler, but more as my main RP generator - sure, Marrowrend generates RP, but we all know that's not its purpose, it's purpose is to maintain Bone Shield charges - so I've got boss timers and I know that Felclaws is incoming, I'm spamming Heart Strike and getting rid of all my runes to generate as much RP as possible. Felclaws is cast, KJ hits me - boom, Death Strike - since he hit me really hard, my Death Strike then heals for A LOT due to my Vers and DeathS's inbuilt damage taken mechanic. KJ hits me again, boom Death Strike, same deal. Because I set up beforehand using Heart Strike, I'm able to have a Death Strike available for most if not all of the Felclaws hits I'll take before my co-tank takes over at 5 stacks. My Healers actually noted on pulls once I started doing this how much they *didn't* have to heal me during this as I was able to mostly handle myself, with Vampiric Blood covering some of the later hits if I needed it. So whilst it feels like HS isn't doing a lot, I find it's much more useful and more fun in my opinion to think of it as an RP generator to setup incoming damage you know is coming rather then seeing it as a filler. The skill comes in doing this and not completely rune starving yourself for the rest of the fight, but using it in the manner mentioned above where that's where most of his damage is and I know my co-tank is going to taunt off me, means that I can safely rune starve myself and regenerate them during my off-time. If I'm the one taunting then I'm a little bit more conversative, but I feel that's where practice comes in and really knowing the class - to know when you can use those extra runes. As a general rule we try to have 3 runes up so that we're able to adapt, and Heart Strike usage is definitely somewhere we can experiment. Hope that helped to show my perspective! :)
17:14 This is the absolute best feeling as a Blood Death Knight. After maining Blood DK for all of MoP and WoD (and I might go back to it again, UH is fun but I miss this feeling and the pure unkillability Blood has), this situation has happened several times to me - where everyone else is dead, even the healer, and I still manage to solo a boss the rest of the way down. There is no better feeling than when this happens.
I think tanks are op when your not solo. For this class. Me and a friend play together, my blood, they're unholy, and I single handedly survived an 11 on 1, with less than a quarter health gone. With only blood worms as a healing spec.
Hello son, Just got mine to 110 (as covered in this delightful video that UA-cam skullfucked analytically but might take a while to get it in good standing with every spec. Probably looking at Rogue, monk, druid.
Death Knight is probably my favourite class, I played it through 7.2 - 7.2.5 maining unholy. Movement was challenging in a raiding scenario, but once I got used to the fights and better at watching timers, I had no issues. The big thing I couldn't get past was when I had to go do a mechanic ie: soak a cake or an ember, if I had to go soak one far away from the boss I would wraith walk to the objective, but getting back to the boss was sluggish and did affect my dps at times. Luckily that was rare because my guild was decent. I have had the most fun in Legion as a death knight and most of the time I felt like this lumbering dreadnaught that just could not be stopped (especially playing as frost in pvp).
Blood DK, was OP af for leveling pre-invasions then become weak from 800-830 for WQ's, but at +880 OP af again! I def do prefer blood DK over my prot warrior for tanking and dpsing, but my warrior is my go-to plate wearer for farming Tmogs due to leap and x2 speed increase lego's.
TLDR; Frost can be much more forgiving, but it's just as much to think about as Unholy as far as planning ahead and managing resources well. I think Frost can be very engaging, especially when trying to maintain upkeep on Breath of Sindragosa. In the same way that you might want to take advantage of Soul Reaper stacks and such on the Unholy side, managing your procs and stacks is pretty important on Frost. With tier and the *typical* BoS trait setup and very good resource, proc, and stack management, you can make a single BoS last about 40-60 sec, which is a *easily* a good 100k dps increase on players who can only keep it up for about 20-30 secs. More importantly, there's a LOT of planning and managing that you have to do when there's an encounter that you know will last a while but also has dynamic mechanics. If your BoS gets cut off while trying to escape a fatal mechanic or something , that can be hugely detrimental on your dps/dmg, so a lot of times you have to plan ahead in order to maintain Runic Power up in order for you to have enough time to do the mechanics and still keep BoS up when you're back to being in front of the boss/encounter. I will agree with the idea that UH will not put up good dps/dmg numbers unless you are very methodical and calculated in your proc/stack management. On the other hand, Frost can typically be top tier among casual/regular players like myself even IF you're not managing procs/resources/stacks the best possible way.
i have been playing a DK since Wrath and i always enjoyed the class alot and personally never had issues with the fact that is not very mobile as i preffer more stationary classes. I moved from frost to unholly in Legion and didn't regret it, i simply love how it plays right now and there is also a fact that i can put out more dps with it as unholy than as frost.
If you can manage your Runes and Festering Wounds efficiently you can do some really nice burst damage after applying Soul Reaper then immediately casting Apocalypse.
if u play the soul reaper talent, do this: festering strike, festering strike, soul reaper, apocalypse. thats basically how you u want to start a fight and line up this skills if u can.
Hey Bellular!! I like these guides for every class! I would like to suggest to make guides for battlegrounds..just the basics so ppl would understand what they must do and maybe classes in pvp (talents)! Keep up the good work!!! P.S: My cat agree with your videos!!
Note for unholy, for the 2 different unholy does NOT use Necrosis cause its a giant hassle and VERY minor dps gain even when used perfectly , for new/old unholy players, go with either Infected Claws or Shadow Infusion.
I have mained a 2HAND frost dk since wrath, and what I truly loved about it was it's LACK of burst. It had VERY strong sustainability damage, and just a simple 1min CD that was part of your rotation that you used on CD, and a rune reset with a 5min CD. It focused on balancing how many runes you spend with how much runic power you spend. Simple to mess up if you just spam obliterate but also simple to master. I always HATED specs that had a large focus on burst meaning I had to hold back to deal the most damage. Think of old combat rogues where all of their abilitys were cosmetic and they only had 1 ability called killing spree, use that, then vanish and wait for KS to come off CD. Go take a shit or something then come back and press 1 button. Not fun. When they took my 2hander away in legion, that alone almost made me quit the game because it was not my class fantasy to poke people with toothpicks. I was an unstoppable knight of death. Unslowable with deaths advance and immune to magic for several moments. Nothing, NOTHING was going to stop me from getting to you besides killing me and even that was a challenge. Now if you do not pick the breath spec you are "doing it wrong" and I don't want my whole game play to be dependent on a 2min CD and a 5min CD. Shortly before my sub ran out in 7.1, I saw ragtaggs video on "1MILLION REASONS TO PLAY A WARRIOR" And I had always HATED warriors in the past, my 1st toon ever back just before BC came out being a warrior, never made it to max lvl till wrath on my dk. I did not try them again til mop and still hated them. In legion how ever, they are much different than how I remember. Not only are their stat focus the same as how frost dk was for years, (haste mastery) but they also removed the focus on getting out the biggest fattest burst damage you could possibly get. They, like frost, have a 1min CD (witch you can also reduce the CD time on with a trinket and talent) and a 1.5min CD in bladestorm witch has multi use, can be used defensively, offensively, mobility etc. And if you want more CDs, you CAN get another 1.5min CD with multi use in avatar as well. The spec has a heavy focus on procs, just like frost does, and even when you get bad RNG it does not feel awful, when you get good RNG it feels amazing. And also it uses 1 big, overcompensating weapon. It basically plays exactly how frost did for years but with amazing mobility. I have been having the most fun I have had in YEARS on my arms warrior and am still subbed BECAUSE of it. If it was not for ragtagg I would have actually quit. Before 7.1 how ever I did switch my main to unholy but on top of the fact that since legion all pets, guardians, random NPCs that follow you and help you etc have been EXTREMELY bugged and broken to the point in most cases it is better to go petless as a pet focus class, you have to go through about 6-8 GCDs before you can really get to the core rotation, and you can not just walk up and start dealing damage to your target. It is really bad for short fights because you rarely even get to pull off all 6 of those GCDs let alone your rotation. My warrior currently out gears my main by a few ilvl now and have not done shit on my main since I hit 110 on my warrior. The only problem now on him is that they removed overpower from the talent list and did not replace it with anything else so you only have 2 choices for the 1st row, and heroic leap has been bugged hard since 7.2.5 where at least 40% of the time when I use it, it go on CD and nothing happens. I saw in the hotfix notes on wowhead they said they fixed it but clearly they have not. It seems no mater what class/spec I play I am doomed to find bugs with it in some way or another it seems.
I have mained a 2HAND frost dk since wrath, and what I truly loved about it was it's LACK of burst. It had VERY strong sustainability damage, and just a simple 1min CD that was part of your rotation that you used on CD, and a rune reset with a 5min CD. It focused on balancing how many runes you spend with how much runic power you spend. Simple to mess up if you just spam obliterate but also simple to master. I always HATED specs that had a large focus on burst meaning I had to hold back to deal the most damage. Think of old combat rogues where all of their abilitys were cosmetic and they only had 1 ability called killing spree, use that, then vanish and wait for KS to come off CD. Go take a shit or something then come back and press 1 button. Not fun. When they took my 2hander away in legion, that alone almost made me quit the game because it was not my class fantasy to poke people with toothpicks. I was an unstoppable knight of death. Unslowable with deaths advance and immune to magic for several moments. Nothing, NOTHING was going to stop me from getting to you besides killing me and even that was a challenge. Now if you do not pick the breath spec you are "doing it wrong" and I don't want my whole game play to be dependent on a 2min CD and a 5min CD. Shortly before my sub ran out in 7.1, I saw ragtaggs video on "1MILLION REASONS TO PLAY A WARRIOR" And I had always HATED warriors in the past, my 1st toon ever back just before BC came out being a warrior, never made it to max lvl till wrath on my dk. I did not try them again til mop and still hated them. In legion how ever, they are much different than how I remember. Not only are their stat focus the same as how frost dk was for years, (haste mastery) but they also removed the focus on getting out the biggest fattest burst damage you could possibly get. They, like frost, have a 1min CD (witch you can also reduce the CD time on with a trinket and talent) and a 1.5min CD in bladestorm witch has multi use, can be used defensively, offensively, mobility etc. And if you want more CDs, you CAN get another 1.5min CD with multi use in avatar as well. The spec has a heavy focus on procs, just like frost does, and even when you get bad RNG it does not feel awful, when you get good RNG it feels amazing. And also it uses 1 big, overcompensating weapon. It basically plays exactly how frost did for years but with amazing mobility. I have been having the most fun I have had in YEARS on my arms warrior and am still subbed BECAUSE of it. If it was not for ragtagg I would have actually quit. Before 7.1 how ever I did switch my main to unholy but on top of the fact that since legion all pets, guardians, random NPCs that follow you and help you etc have been EXTREMELY bugged and broken to the point in most cases it is better to go petless as a pet focus class, you have to go through about 6-8 GCDs before you can really get to the core rotation, and you can not just walk up and start dealing damage to your target. It is really bad for short fights because you rarely even get to pull off all 6 of those GCDs let alone your rotation. My warrior currently out gears my main by a few ilvl now and have not done shit on my main since I hit 110 on my warrior. The only problem now on him is that they removed overpower from the talent list and did not replace it with anything else so you only have 2 choices for the 1st row, and heroic leap has been bugged hard since 7.2.5 where at least 40% of the time when I use it, it go on CD and nothing happens. I saw in the hotfix notes on wowhead they said they fixed it but clearly they have not. It seems no mater what class/spec I play I am doomed to find bugs with it in some way or another it seems.
Been maining blood for a long time now and I have to say it's just so fucking amazing to know that in the dungeon group you don't need anyone else to succeed. Oh the DPS are dead? No problem the mobs will die of old age before I do. Oh the healer is dead, whatever I am the healer now! Also I have Aggramar's Stride on and I don't really feel the mobility problem, sure people dash in front of me but we always end up at the next pack together.
Main an unholy dk since cata, i've always been married to the idea of the deathknights and this expansion has really nailed everything i've wanted out of them. The rework on unholy in particular i feel was the strongest when it comes to changes, frost has always been for the longest time a "spam obliterate until its dead" and blood has had its strong self heals for a good run. All three are damn near perfect on the fantasy, and since legion i've actually spent nearly equal time in all three specs just because i find them all to be so fun. I feel that when it comes to mobility people have the right to dislike what they have done with it, i enjoyed how much movement speed i could gain before with presences and Death's Advance, however since legion i focus more on lowering targets speed to compensate for my lack of mobility, i.e using several of the talents to slow, root or fear targets, wraith walk i feel isn't quite enough to make up for the lack of it, but maybe with some additional tweaking, blizz could make it viable. I've been waiting for bellular to make this particular video since he rolled out the idea of this series and although he sort of stumbled through the explaining of each specs he did a good job and put a lot of work into this video and series
Hey man, love your videos, any idea if youll ever release your ui for us? You had a beautiful resource display in one of your DH videos which i am interested in as well!
Two buttons, 1.tankgear 1.speed ring/boots/trinket and switch back and forth depending on what you are doing. If i kill a boss, switch gear and strangulate a trashmob or a critter i get anywhere from 210-340% move (the later is if everything procs at the same time) The only downside of doing it like this is that you get a 30sec cd on your on use trinkets switching back before the boss. I hope this makes any sense, i am drunk while typing. Also i am starting to get a pretty decent toolkit of legendary and trinkets for both frost and blood and i have so much fun playing around with it and finding new ways to use them. Soon i have enough to start working on my big love, the Unholy Dark Arbiter spec. PS. wraith walk without glyph if flawed in so many ways it's not funny. You will get stuck everywhere.
Hello there. I do understand that this is a class review from your perspective, but I just wanna give some insight mostly relating to frost. One of your statements is that you dont feel the spec is fast paced, I really dont know how you feel that, as you can choose the machine gun spec, which is insanely fast paced, as you're basically gcd capped (which is performing slightly worse than the spec you cover tho). And even playing Dragonstorm (Breath of Sindragosa and neverending winter) the specc is really fast paced with 900+ gear, as you almost always get RP capped, while still having runes, simply because you lack gcd too spend RP/runes. On the mobility front I completely agree, they lack death's advance, which they used to have. (and FYI as soon as you keep BoS up for 30 seconds you make it worthwhile using, so the breath you showed was enough to showcase it!) And regarding performance, you mention unholy as if its underperforming compared to frost, with the current state of the encounters in ToS unholy will almost always beat frost in performance. Have a nice day, and keep up the work!
DK is the only class that refuses to die when you are immobilized you still walk slowly because of it. They did the class fantasy a great job, i like how the Lich King talks to you forcing you on things you still don't want. Getting those shards from frostmourne to make your own weapons was pretty awesome.
I've played Paladin since I started playing in Wrath, but I swapped to DK for this expansion after I got kinda bored with Ret's gameplay and the fact that everyone was rolling Ret for Ashbringer. I definitely don't regret it; I'm a huge sucker for class fantasy, so I like the idea of turning the Scourge against the Legion, and I love being a big plodding knight that can't die. I'm slow, but if i catch you, you'll be feeling it for weeks.
I mained a DK tank ever since wrath. I love what they did with the spec in legion. And yes, mobility is one of the biggest problems with the spec. There is just really one instance where it's really crippling and that is the Odyn fight (raid). But if you have a great group/raid, you can make it work. Think about the feathers from the priest. It's all planning ahead and knowing what your weaknesses are and try to work with it. But really I may complain sometimes (yes, the bloody mobility) about my blood DK, but I wouldn't switch main for the world. The other tanks feel so weird to me! The class fantasy is so well represented and the campaigns are fun as hell! I would recommend it to all! You know what they say... Death welcomes you... join the Death knights! 😂
You should really mention more about how certain specs are designed more for PvP content, it would probably be a huge pain in the ass to go in depth because you would have to grind out Honor Talents to really get an idea of how it works but I think you should mention that some specs work better for certain things.
Legit mained a DK since mid Wrath, never looked back. Every time I play another class I invariably end up wishing I was back on my eternal Edgelord. Also: As UH, you can also pop 6 festering wounds on a target, apply soul reaper and pop all those wounds with Apocalypse, giving you some nasty burst and saving you some rune downtime on the process :)
I swap between my DH and my DK. I really like my DH, but I feel like I'm getting into a "gap" or plateau where I'm not as competitive in the meters where I would like to be, but both specs are ridiculously fast pace and fun to play. However, not that my DK is within a couple points in ilevel, I'm seeing my throughput and effectiveness overwhelmingly favor my DK. Its so easy to burst out DPS and sustain it. Its so easy to "god-mode" Blood, and if you're a proficient at tanking....healers absolutely love you, and no have no problems keeping up with you speed-wise or healing. Ive gotten complaints about DH where I jump off 40yrds, aoe, and start bursting in Veng. Speed is the bane of the DK, but it would be very unfair if they increased the mobility to the likes of DH or Monk.
+BellularGaming While Soul Reaper is still viable it's better to use Dark Arbiter with Unholy Frenzy with CoF to make Dark Arbiter line up with Apoc which creates huge amount of burst damage over 20 seconds
Not a bad video dude. But to be completely honest you should have gotten a Unholy DK main to show you how to do the "rotation" and manage runic power effectivelly. Fair enough on the Frost spec because it's a brainless 5 button rotation. But Unholy is a lot more complex and really has to be managed well.
I Main a frost DK and mobility really affects my DPS in the long run, specially since most classes are so fast now. However the fantasy does it for me man, you're literally wielding the shattered pieces of frostmourne :D :D :D
Unholy is meant to be a harder to play spec, just because someone can't do the rotation properly in a boss fight scenario doesn't mean the spec is bad, it means the player is bad. I can easily pull off the UH rotation while paying attention to whats going on around me and following mechanics. Also, to the people calling UH the melee equivalent of beast mastery, try playing the spec against something other than a training dummy or LFR boss... it is much more difficult when you have to stay aware of what's going on around you, especially in ToS since there is so many movement related mechanics. In addition to that, I bother with Unholy because its not a faceroll rotation and I personally feel I can do much better with a class that I can actually enjoy playing. The fact that I do more damage in Unholy with the new 7.2.5 changes also helps...
Lack of mobility is the only issue I have with the frost DK. Solo play is awesome but the slow movement turns into groups of mobs being half dead by the time I catch up to the group in dungeons and me getting razzed about the numbers on the dps meters. I do not raid but i can only imagine the same would apply there.
I tend to play off meta and enjoy playing things that no one else plays. I played DW frost when it was "bad" and did competitive dps. I played Dual Wield Unholy all throughout Mists and was competitive on DPS meters, and very competitive in PvP. After mists, they deleted Dual Wielding for Unholy, and kinda gutted the spec. Frost was overwhelming so I leaned towards playing a PvP BloodDK, ended up pushing 2500 as Blood, and became very popular in a extremely active duel hub. Was known as the BDK that could global anything. It was good times. I haven't been able to really enjoy Frost or Unholy in Legion, but I do still enjoy the PvE gameplay of Blood, so I'm still running around as Blood and loving it. However PvP in general feels dead to me, which is unfortunate as it was what I used to enjoy most about WoW.
Havent played in a few months so it may have changed but at the time i did death coil also lowered the cd on dark transformation which you wanted to keep up
Apolyon, the Soul-Render I taught for a second that those might be Shadowed Unit Frames. But still, I want to know what masque is that. Or what he used to make them like that
I got over the mobility issue fast as hell coming from a balance druid. I don't see unholy as complex and the damage is beautiful , lots of ranged damage as well
@BellularGaming - Hey man, I think this video was a great way to spread awareness of the specializations of Death Knight! But coming from someone who has mained Blood, You really didn't scratch the surface with Unholy. Its a lot more complex than just that. There are plenty of more viable builds then Necrosis. Did you know this?
I love Death knight and i love every spec of it. Blood spec tanking done right makes you appear way tougher than you should be for you ilvl. Frost has great burst damage but lacks a little in longer single target fights, unholy takes more time but its aoe and single target can beat frost in the long run.
Months bah.... since wrath for me played strictly Unholy since before Legion which when Legion launched I realized that Blood was the way to go still miss my Ghoul even though having a Ghoul makes since for all spec Unholy just specializes in it similar to the Hunter specs but the down side of Legion we lost the ability to change roles mid encounter.
Funny you say Unholy is a target dummy class. Back in the beginning of WoTLK word was out that Frost is for PVP, Blood for PvE and Unholy was just for fun. But I had to disagree. So I planned my macros to always have the right sequence and use as many Death Coils as possible. At that time transforming your ghoul in PvP was unheard of and I did it, some motherfuckers didn't even knew that skill existed yet so imagine the surprise when you see a monstrosity coming after you like the boogie man. Man that shit was fun.
With the changes with frost and the amount of damage nerfed from howling blast, and the current weak state of the FDK t20. Frost is suffering in ToS with the lack of movement. Sure it is across the board slow however with ToS being so heavily movement frost is the least powerful of the DK dps specs currently.
Dustin M. from my experience frost especially has always been low on the damage scales for raids. to the point that for most of the time I played (cata to wod) frost needed a buff nearly every raid tier.
Frost is not a weak dps specc but it gets rekt by movement extremely hard. The worst thing in ToS and movement heavy fights is not that dk is slow moving but that your breath of syndragosa will end if you cant generate runic power for a few seconds and that basically cuts your dps in half. I can have 1,4m dps on some pulls and 700k on other pulls depending if i had to cancel breath and play a mechanic. Also its super proc reliant as there are about 5 different procs you can have that help maintain breath. Be blessed by the rng gods and you keep breath up for almost 2 minutes, have shit rng and it wont even last a minute
Frost always seems to swing one way or the other - Legion launch saw Frost at literally the bottom of the DPS meters for EN, and then after 7.1 they were in the top 3 for Nighthold.
Unholy does the most DPS. You were running 1 of 4 builds. 3 builds are currently viable in PVE. Soul Reaper was dominant prior to 7.2.5 but Dark Arbiter, and Defile builds are phenomenal.
For someone that doesn't like pressing that many buttons (I'd Say WW Monk is the most I'd go with button pushing), how does it compare to Frost for less skilled players? I see so many Unholy and Blood and not many Frost and I'm worried that I may have picked the wrong talent tree.
They buffed Defile in 7.2.5. It's still not as good as soul reaper but if you're doing a lot of AoE or M+ dungeons. It's a much easier talent to deal with and helps you focus on your deathcoil clawing rotations.
I came back for legion from wotlk and I decided to switch mains to my unholy dk since demo warlock was shit.. I really liked unholy, lots of really cool and fun abilities and I really liked being able to keep dps up from a distance, too. I like pvp, too, so unholy was great for that.
aren't death knights best in game for tanks at the moment? with all that self heal and them getting a boost In stamina this patch should suffice in making them a valuable asset to any raid.
Albert Davalos all the tanks are very close to be fair. Technically a BrM monk is the best right now if played perfectly, though blood might be best in practice.
NO! Lmfao Guardian druid is still far better and so is monk. DH DK and Warrior are probably all tied for middle tier and Paladin is just so bad right now. But it really comes down to player. I can perform well on any of them because I'm a good tank.
I think mobility is a huge part of class fantasy. When I think demon hunter, I think eye beams and tons of dashes. When I think mage, I think roots and blinks. Warlock, tanky but immobile. When I think Deathknight, they have a uniqueness to them where they do not run to their enemies- no. They PULL them. And I think this fantasy should hold up in favor of just giving them passive movement speed. Although this fantasy works decently right now in PvP (it could be improved), a DK's lack of mobility is very obvious in raid encounters requiring quick movement, and since you can't death grip a boss or deathgrip yourself out of mechanics, its frustrating. Possibly, an easy fix would be to implement the following: "If target is immune (to deathgrip), gain 40% movement speed for 3 seconds."
Frost dks are incredibly simple and the only satisfying thing when playing them is doing massive aoe damage, breath build is a bit more interesting but it requires you have a legendary to work and is sometimes quite rng based
If you are talking about the ring or belt, no, it doesn't. Bracers are the only thing required. And there is no rng in it. Rime depends on critical strike.
Though Rime still activates with crits, and 45% can hardly be solid rng, since you always get a rime roughly every 3 obliterates. RNG can be said about trinket procs, Colossus Smash (where there is a chance of a downtime) and similar effects. No reason to complain about RNG, when Rime shows up so often, they might just give the effect to the regular HB and give it a few seconds cooldown. You need bracers, because otherwise you don't hit hard enough to be competitive. I don't have ring and half of the time i keep Breath closely to a minute, since i am heavy on haste and my trinkets proc haste. And i don't use Attenuation, because Gathering Storm hits harder. The ring might be more useful in ToS, since Rime will not generate runic power, but yet with the bosses actually having malee mechanics, who will let you just stay there and smack it for a minute? Deathknights are one of the few classes that do not suffer heavily from RNG. Stop repeating general crap people talk about the game.
im not saying death knights suffer from bad rng, breath talent build can get shit over by crappy rng especially if you arent using leggo ring. Getting rime procs isnt the problem i have with breath build, its the runic empowerment. I just tried to keep breath going for as long as possible with only 1 use of hungering rune weapon and i kept it up for 40 seconds. I have 20% haste but i dont think a few more % would help and what for god sake are you talking about crits, crits have nothing to do with rime procs
DK mobility always gonna be slow compared to other classes. But the concept of death grip and great game play from their dps makes them my favorite class.
You really need to change the unholy part since that's no longer how the class is played. Dark Arbitor is currently game play style which is very different and much more rewarding (much more powerful than frost).
Does anyone know his addons? I have shadowed unit frames and tidy plates, but what I want is that UI macro that removes blizz art and limits those buttons to the bottom right, and most importantly the action bar addon. thx
That akward moment when on your blood dk you see enemy blood dk on bg and you start fighting, and you fight... and fight.... and fight... and fight.... and fight.... and fight......
ive done that a few times to the point where we both just /lol and walk away.
In cata I got in a duel with another casual I was a blood dk and he was a protection paladin it lasted for 30 mins before we called it quits
I've seen blood DK duels go on for 3+ hours. Not even joking
I play Protection paladin and this happens sometimes and it's the same thing. Prot paladin and DK are actually quite similar right now.
Dude, I just found your channel today and I’ve been watching your content for hours. Really, really well done. I’ve been away from WoW for about a year but your videos are helping me to get back up to speed with all the changes.
Love all your videos. Keep up the great work!
the mobility issue makes a bunch of people mad as hell. i miss the presences and Death's Advance. Wrath walkjust doesn't measure up.
DarkZeroUnit Agreed. Their mobility sucks so much :-( Shame, really.
not to mention BoS is pretty much a mandatory talent to get towards the top of meters. worst talent ever.
i love Wrath walk its so fun getting stuck on stairs
Yea, in that moment the best way to increse mobility are legendaries but what in next expancion
anyone have problems going on certain cerfaces with wraith walk?
I was quite looking forward to this one because I've mained a Death Knight since Wrath began I was Frost tank back in wrath for those who remeber when that was viable but then it shifted to blood which in my opinion really hit the nail on the head now I main a tank and its absolutely amazing
The only complaint I had about this guide specificly for blood was the fact that you dident go quite in depth as to how the diseases work because all 3 of them have a secound effect Frost occasionally grants 5 runic power Unholy has a chance to erupt for further damage yet for Blood all the damage it does directly drains their life into your own giving you near unmatched healing in Area situations
But all that besides overall 9/10 very detailed yet I wished you went abit more in depth into artifact traits and spec talents but I realize that would have easily added another 15-20 min, also in the class fantasy I recall reading that death knights have low mobility because the developers wanted to add in the feeling of "Death is unescapeable so they are in no rush"
Also a former Frost tank. He definitely hasn't grasped a lot of how to play Deathknight. He barely even scratched the surface of Unholy and I'm a Blood main.
Mained frost since MoP. Love the, slow, unstoppable death fantasy :D
I loved frost tanking as well, it was great!
I mained blood from cata and up until WoB. I will say I liked blood more in MoP than I did in WoB and I haven't tried blood in legion.
I just remember doing the Nighthold raid on normal and a blood dk had done more healing than our healers.
Must have been some pretty crap healers or nobody was taking damage. I'm a blood DK and if I'm beating the healers that's usually whats happening.
Does Frostmourn hunger tho?
hunger AF
not as hungry as maw... the maw must feed
if frostmourn is full im sure shadowmourn will finish the meal XD
I've actually mained as a DK since wrath and I don't regret it. Mobility does kind of blow but if you've been playing one as long as i have you know that when you get to the target you'll instantly reck face.
If you have been playing DK that long you also noticed that he didn't cover Unholy well at all. I'm a Blood main and I know that there are 3 other builds for Unholy. Also he didn't cover stacking fat pillars for frost. If people want to know about Deathknights they should look elsewhere.
Same here! Been playing my dk since Wrath and i can't agree with you more!
Still... Blizz needs to work on our Mobillity! I find it hard to believe that i liked DK mobility more in WoD since it was overall a bad expansion... But there are some + and - everywhere!
Yeah they probably should if you want in depth class and spec strategies, but then again how can you expect an in depth explanation of all 3 specs in a 12 minute video? Don't get me wrong I almost never play as unholy because I would just make a hot mess so i stick to frost and blood, but when i do want to make a hot mess I always go UH
equipped Aggramar Stride and Sephuz,go faster than a monk lol
this men didn't cover all the builds of Unholy, they have at least 3 build.
main DK Blood.
Same here but didn't start tanking till my 3rd area in legion, wish we could 1H a 2H and shield like the crusader in D3. It was quicker when we had presences with unholy pres. you got a 10% walk speed buff plus 15% haste and attack speed buff. Switching from DPS to tank in Emergencies was the reason I main'd DK without changing armor just changed weapon, ICC was that mechanic for me.
I love the gameplay break outs thanks Bellular looking forward to the rest of these class reviews.
This is one the best wow channels out, videos are great quality, no annoying music or subscribe speeches at the beginning and its straight to the point, its very detailed without being boring, and consistent with uploading content. Thank You!!
I main a Blood DK and yeah, on the face of it what you said is true, Heart Strike doesn't feel like it's really doing much but the more and more I've played with it the more I've come to absolutely love the ability. Heart Strike is *key* is setting up for mechanics. I find it best to explain by example so I'll give KJ as an example. He has an ability called Felclaws that buffs his damage on his auto-attacks for the next 12 seconds. These absolutely wreck face, on progression it's one of the places where I found that my Blood DK actually had some issues, but Heart Strike completely nullified this when I started using it smartly. I don't think as Heart Strike as a filler, but more as my main RP generator - sure, Marrowrend generates RP, but we all know that's not its purpose, it's purpose is to maintain Bone Shield charges - so I've got boss timers and I know that Felclaws is incoming, I'm spamming Heart Strike and getting rid of all my runes to generate as much RP as possible. Felclaws is cast, KJ hits me - boom, Death Strike - since he hit me really hard, my Death Strike then heals for A LOT due to my Vers and DeathS's inbuilt damage taken mechanic. KJ hits me again, boom Death Strike, same deal. Because I set up beforehand using Heart Strike, I'm able to have a Death Strike available for most if not all of the Felclaws hits I'll take before my co-tank takes over at 5 stacks. My Healers actually noted on pulls once I started doing this how much they *didn't* have to heal me during this as I was able to mostly handle myself, with Vampiric Blood covering some of the later hits if I needed it. So whilst it feels like HS isn't doing a lot, I find it's much more useful and more fun in my opinion to think of it as an RP generator to setup incoming damage you know is coming rather then seeing it as a filler. The skill comes in doing this and not completely rune starving yourself for the rest of the fight, but using it in the manner mentioned above where that's where most of his damage is and I know my co-tank is going to taunt off me, means that I can safely rune starve myself and regenerate them during my off-time. If I'm the one taunting then I'm a little bit more conversative, but I feel that's where practice comes in and really knowing the class - to know when you can use those extra runes. As a general rule we try to have 3 runes up so that we're able to adapt, and Heart Strike usage is definitely somewhere we can experiment. Hope that helped to show my perspective! :)
17:14 This is the absolute best feeling as a Blood Death Knight.
After maining Blood DK for all of MoP and WoD (and I might go back to it again, UH is fun but I miss this feeling and the pure unkillability Blood has), this situation has happened several times to me - where everyone else is dead, even the healer, and I still manage to solo a boss the rest of the way down. There is no better feeling than when this happens.
Frost is the creeping chill of death, unholy is the resurrection of fallen foes into mindless slaves, and blood is the non sparkling vampire
Actually cool vampires.
I think tanks are op when your not solo. For this class. Me and a friend play together, my blood, they're unholy, and I single handedly survived an 11 on 1, with less than a quarter health gone. With only blood worms as a healing spec.
Damn Belluar your videos are just getting better and better. I advice all my friends to watch them! CHeers from France.
So quality content, why not so many subscribers? I wish you best luck, Bellular
The question is:
Do the forests of Lordaeron whisper the name Arthuss?
It's about time. Been waiting on this series! Thx a lot
Dadullar can you do Druid next?
Hello son,
Just got mine to 110 (as covered in this delightful video that UA-cam skullfucked analytically but might take a while to get it in good standing with every spec.
Probably looking at Rogue, monk, druid.
BellularGaming wtf is wrong with you imbecile
BellularGaming rogue would be awesome
Compliments to you--your class videos are on point. I've found them very helpful.
I've loved blood dk since i started playing it in 7.2. They're so amazing and I typically love being self sufficient on healing.
Good video, nice that you showed of how it plays. Only bad thing: WRONG ASPECT RATION!
Death Knight is probably my favourite class, I played it through 7.2 - 7.2.5 maining unholy. Movement was challenging in a raiding scenario, but once I got used to the fights and better at watching timers, I had no issues. The big thing I couldn't get past was when I had to go do a mechanic ie: soak a cake or an ember, if I had to go soak one far away from the boss I would wraith walk to the objective, but getting back to the boss was sluggish and did affect my dps at times. Luckily that was rare because my guild was decent.
I have had the most fun in Legion as a death knight and most of the time I felt like this lumbering dreadnaught that just could not be stopped (especially playing as frost in pvp).
Blood DK, was OP af for leveling pre-invasions then become weak from 800-830 for WQ's, but at +880 OP af again! I def do prefer blood DK over my prot warrior for tanking and dpsing, but my warrior is my go-to plate wearer for farming Tmogs due to leap and x2 speed increase lego's.
TLDR; Frost can be much more forgiving, but it's just as much to think about as Unholy as far as planning ahead and managing resources well.
I think Frost can be very engaging, especially when trying to maintain upkeep on Breath of Sindragosa. In the same way that you might want to take advantage of Soul Reaper stacks and such on the Unholy side, managing your procs and stacks is pretty important on Frost. With tier and the *typical* BoS trait setup and very good resource, proc, and stack management, you can make a single BoS last about 40-60 sec, which is a *easily* a good 100k dps increase on players who can only keep it up for about 20-30 secs. More importantly, there's a LOT of planning and managing that you have to do when there's an encounter that you know will last a while but also has dynamic mechanics. If your BoS gets cut off while trying to escape a fatal mechanic or something , that can be hugely detrimental on your dps/dmg, so a lot of times you have to plan ahead in order to maintain Runic Power up in order for you to have enough time to do the mechanics and still keep BoS up when you're back to being in front of the boss/encounter.
I will agree with the idea that UH will not put up good dps/dmg numbers unless you are very methodical and calculated in your proc/stack management. On the other hand, Frost can typically be top tier among casual/regular players like myself even IF you're not managing procs/resources/stacks the best possible way.
i have been playing a DK since Wrath and i always enjoyed the class alot and personally never had issues with the fact that is not very mobile as i preffer more stationary classes. I moved from frost to unholly in Legion and didn't regret it, i simply love how it plays right now and there is also a fact that i can put out more dps with it as unholy than as frost.
If you can manage your Runes and Festering Wounds efficiently you can do some really nice burst damage after applying Soul Reaper then immediately casting Apocalypse.
if u play the soul reaper talent, do this: festering strike, festering strike, soul reaper, apocalypse. thats basically how you u want to start a fight and line up this skills if u can.
Hey Bellular!! I like these guides for every class! I would like to suggest to make guides for battlegrounds..just the basics so ppl would understand what they must do and maybe classes in pvp (talents)! Keep up the good work!!!
P.S: My cat agree with your videos!!
Note for unholy, for the 2 different unholy does NOT use Necrosis cause its a giant hassle and VERY minor dps gain even when used perfectly , for new/old unholy players, go with either Infected Claws or Shadow Infusion.
I have mained a 2HAND frost dk since wrath, and what I truly loved about it was it's LACK of burst. It had VERY strong sustainability damage, and just a simple 1min CD that was part of your rotation that you used on CD, and a rune reset with a 5min CD. It focused on balancing how many runes you spend with how much runic power you spend. Simple to mess up if you just spam obliterate but also simple to master. I always HATED specs that had a large focus on burst meaning I had to hold back to deal the most damage. Think of old combat rogues where all of their abilitys were cosmetic and they only had 1 ability called killing spree, use that, then vanish and wait for KS to come off CD. Go take a shit or something then come back and press 1 button. Not fun. When they took my 2hander away in legion, that alone almost made me quit the game because it was not my class fantasy to poke people with toothpicks. I was an unstoppable knight of death. Unslowable with deaths advance and immune to magic for several moments. Nothing, NOTHING was going to stop me from getting to you besides killing me and even that was a challenge. Now if you do not pick the breath spec you are "doing it wrong" and I don't want my whole game play to be dependent on a 2min CD and a 5min CD. Shortly before my sub ran out in 7.1, I saw ragtaggs video on "1MILLION REASONS TO PLAY A WARRIOR" And I had always HATED warriors in the past, my 1st toon ever back just before BC came out being a warrior, never made it to max lvl till wrath on my dk. I did not try them again til mop and still hated them. In legion how ever, they are much different than how I remember. Not only are their stat focus the same as how frost dk was for years, (haste mastery) but they also removed the focus on getting out the biggest fattest burst damage you could possibly get. They, like frost, have a 1min CD (witch you can also reduce the CD time on with a trinket and talent) and a 1.5min CD in bladestorm witch has multi use, can be used defensively, offensively, mobility etc. And if you want more CDs, you CAN get another 1.5min CD with multi use in avatar as well. The spec has a heavy focus on procs, just like frost does, and even when you get bad RNG it does not feel awful, when you get good RNG it feels amazing. And also it uses 1 big, overcompensating weapon. It basically plays exactly how frost did for years but with amazing mobility. I have been having the most fun I have had in YEARS on my arms warrior and am still subbed BECAUSE of it. If it was not for ragtagg I would have actually quit. Before 7.1 how ever I did switch my main to unholy but on top of the fact that since legion all pets, guardians, random NPCs that follow you and help you etc have been EXTREMELY bugged and broken to the point in most cases it is better to go petless as a pet focus class, you have to go through about 6-8 GCDs before you can really get to the core rotation, and you can not just walk up and start dealing damage to your target. It is really bad for short fights because you rarely even get to pull off all 6 of those GCDs let alone your rotation. My warrior currently out gears my main by a few ilvl now and have not done shit on my main since I hit 110 on my warrior. The only problem now on him is that they removed overpower from the talent list and did not replace it with anything else so you only have 2 choices for the 1st row, and heroic leap has been bugged hard since 7.2.5 where at least 40% of the time when I use it, it go on CD and nothing happens. I saw in the hotfix notes on wowhead they said they fixed it but clearly they have not. It seems no mater what class/spec I play I am doomed to find bugs with it in some way or another it seems.
Also only pussies use 2 weapons. I have 0 traits in fury.
I have mained a 2HAND frost dk since wrath, and what I truly loved about it was it's LACK of burst. It had VERY strong sustainability damage, and just a simple 1min CD that was part of your rotation that you used on CD, and a rune reset with a 5min CD. It focused on balancing how many runes you spend with how much runic power you spend. Simple to mess up if you just spam obliterate but also simple to master. I always HATED specs that had a large focus on burst meaning I had to hold back to deal the most damage. Think of old combat rogues where all of their abilitys were cosmetic and they only had 1 ability called killing spree, use that, then vanish and wait for KS to come off CD. Go take a shit or something then come back and press 1 button. Not fun. When they took my 2hander away in legion, that alone almost made me quit the game because it was not my class fantasy to poke people with toothpicks. I was an unstoppable knight of death. Unslowable with deaths advance and immune to magic for several moments. Nothing, NOTHING was going to stop me from getting to you besides killing me and even that was a challenge. Now if you do not pick the breath spec you are "doing it wrong" and I don't want my whole game play to be dependent on a 2min CD and a 5min CD. Shortly before my sub ran out in 7.1, I saw ragtaggs video on "1MILLION REASONS TO PLAY A WARRIOR" And I had always HATED warriors in the past, my 1st toon ever back just before BC came out being a warrior, never made it to max lvl till wrath on my dk. I did not try them again til mop and still hated them. In legion how ever, they are much different than how I remember. Not only are their stat focus the same as how frost dk was for years, (haste mastery) but they also removed the focus on getting out the biggest fattest burst damage you could possibly get. They, like frost, have a 1min CD (witch you can also reduce the CD time on with a trinket and talent) and a 1.5min CD in bladestorm witch has multi use, can be used defensively, offensively, mobility etc. And if you want more CDs, you CAN get another 1.5min CD with multi use in avatar as well. The spec has a heavy focus on procs, just like frost does, and even when you get bad RNG it does not feel awful, when you get good RNG it feels amazing. And also it uses 1 big, overcompensating weapon. It basically plays exactly how frost did for years but with amazing mobility. I have been having the most fun I have had in YEARS on my arms warrior and am still subbed BECAUSE of it. If it was not for ragtagg I would have actually quit. Before 7.1 how ever I did switch my main to unholy but on top of the fact that since legion all pets, guardians, random NPCs that follow you and help you etc have been EXTREMELY bugged and broken to the point in most cases it is better to go petless as a pet focus class, you have to go through about 6-8 GCDs before you can really get to the core rotation, and you can not just walk up and start dealing damage to your target. It is really bad for short fights because you rarely even get to pull off all 6 of those GCDs let alone your rotation. My warrior currently out gears my main by a few ilvl now and have not done shit on my main since I hit 110 on my warrior. The only problem now on him is that they removed overpower from the talent list and did not replace it with anything else so you only have 2 choices for the 1st row, and heroic leap has been bugged hard since 7.2.5 where at least 40% of the time when I use it, it go on CD and nothing happens. I saw in the hotfix notes on wowhead they said they fixed it but clearly they have not. It seems no mater what class/spec I play I am doomed to find bugs with it in some way or another it seems.
Lucas T lol
Been maining blood for a long time now and I have to say it's just so fucking amazing to know that in the dungeon group you don't need anyone else to succeed. Oh the DPS are dead? No problem the mobs will die of old age before I do. Oh the healer is dead, whatever I am the healer now! Also I have Aggramar's Stride on and I don't really feel the mobility problem, sure people dash in front of me but we always end up at the next pack together.
Main an unholy dk since cata, i've always been married to the idea of the deathknights and this expansion has really nailed everything i've wanted out of them. The rework on unholy in particular i feel was the strongest when it comes to changes, frost has always been for the longest time a "spam obliterate until its dead" and blood has had its strong self heals for a good run. All three are damn near perfect on the fantasy, and since legion i've actually spent nearly equal time in all three specs just because i find them all to be so fun.
I feel that when it comes to mobility people have the right to dislike what they have done with it, i enjoyed how much movement speed i could gain before with presences and Death's Advance, however since legion i focus more on lowering targets speed to compensate for my lack of mobility, i.e using several of the talents to slow, root or fear targets, wraith walk i feel isn't quite enough to make up for the lack of it, but maybe with some additional tweaking, blizz could make it viable.
I've been waiting for bellular to make this particular video since he rolled out the idea of this series and although he sort of stumbled through the explaining of each specs he did a good job and put a lot of work into this video and series
Hey man, love your videos, any idea if youll ever release your ui for us? You had a beautiful resource display in one of your DH videos which i am interested in as well!
Two buttons, 1.tankgear 1.speed ring/boots/trinket and switch back and forth depending on what you are doing.
If i kill a boss, switch gear and strangulate a trashmob or a critter i get anywhere from 210-340% move (the later is if everything procs at the same time) The only downside of doing it like this is that you get a 30sec cd on your on use trinkets switching back before the boss. I hope this makes any sense, i am drunk while typing. Also i am starting to get a pretty decent toolkit of legendary and trinkets for both frost and blood and i have so much fun playing around with it and finding new ways to use them. Soon i have enough to start working on my big love, the Unholy Dark Arbiter spec. PS. wraith walk without glyph if flawed in so many ways it's not funny. You will get stuck everywhere.
fuck yes lol
Good idea to showcase some of the base gameplay the way you did. Might be good for other classes as well.
Any ETA on the Rogue or other classes?
I main a Frost Deathknight and just is the most interesting thing for me, I love it
Hello there.
I do understand that this is a class review from your perspective, but I just wanna give some insight mostly relating to frost. One of your statements is that you dont feel the spec is fast paced, I really dont know how you feel that, as you can choose the machine gun spec, which is insanely fast paced, as you're basically gcd capped (which is performing slightly worse than the spec you cover tho). And even playing Dragonstorm (Breath of Sindragosa and neverending winter) the specc is really fast paced with 900+ gear, as you almost always get RP capped, while still having runes, simply because you lack gcd too spend RP/runes.
On the mobility front I completely agree, they lack death's advance, which they used to have. (and FYI as soon as you keep BoS up for 30 seconds you make it worthwhile using, so the breath you showed was enough to showcase it!)
And regarding performance, you mention unholy as if its underperforming compared to frost, with the current state of the encounters in ToS unholy will almost always beat frost in performance.
Have a nice day, and keep up the work!
DK is the only class that refuses to die when you are immobilized you still walk slowly because of it. They did the class fantasy a great job, i like how the Lich King talks to you forcing you on things you still don't want. Getting those shards from frostmourne to make your own weapons was pretty awesome.
you can fix the movement issue on death knight with the nitro boost belt tinker from engineering, it is worth doing, I recommend trying it
I've played Paladin since I started playing in Wrath, but I swapped to DK for this expansion after I got kinda bored with Ret's gameplay and the fact that everyone was rolling Ret for Ashbringer. I definitely don't regret it; I'm a huge sucker for class fantasy, so I like the idea of turning the Scourge against the Legion, and I love being a big plodding knight that can't die. I'm slow, but if i catch you, you'll be feeling it for weeks.
I know I'm late to this party, but I love Blood Boil. It feels great to me, it helps me grab lots of things and dot them.
Unholy DK is my favorite spec of all time. Everything about it appeals to me, lore, gameplay, artifact ability.
I mained a DK tank ever since wrath. I love what they did with the spec in legion. And yes, mobility is one of the biggest problems with the spec. There is just really one instance where it's really crippling and that is the Odyn fight (raid). But if you have a great group/raid, you can make it work. Think about the feathers from the priest. It's all planning ahead and knowing what your weaknesses are and try to work with it. But really I may complain sometimes (yes, the bloody mobility) about my blood DK, but I wouldn't switch main for the world. The other tanks feel so weird to me! The class fantasy is so well represented and the campaigns are fun as hell! I would recommend it to all! You know what they say... Death welcomes you... join the Death knights! 😂
You should really mention more about how certain specs are designed more for PvP content, it would probably be a huge pain in the ass to go in depth because you would have to grind out Honor Talents to really get an idea of how it works but I think you should mention that some specs work better for certain things.
Legit mained a DK since mid Wrath, never looked back. Every time I play another class I invariably end up wishing I was back on my eternal Edgelord.
As UH, you can also pop 6 festering wounds on a target, apply soul reaper and pop all those wounds with Apocalypse, giving you some nasty burst and saving you some rune downtime on the process :)
I swap between my DH and my DK. I really like my DH, but I feel like I'm getting into a "gap" or plateau where I'm not as competitive in the meters where I would like to be, but both specs are ridiculously fast pace and fun to play. However, not that my DK is within a couple points in ilevel, I'm seeing my throughput and effectiveness overwhelmingly favor my DK. Its so easy to burst out DPS and sustain it. Its so easy to "god-mode" Blood, and if you're a proficient at tanking....healers absolutely love you, and no have no problems keeping up with you speed-wise or healing. Ive gotten complaints about DH where I jump off 40yrds, aoe, and start bursting in Veng. Speed is the bane of the DK, but it would be very unfair if they increased the mobility to the likes of DH or Monk.
While Soul Reaper is still viable it's better to use Dark Arbiter with Unholy Frenzy with CoF to make Dark Arbiter line up with Apoc which creates huge amount of burst damage over 20 seconds
Not a bad video dude. But to be completely honest you should have gotten a Unholy DK main to show you how to do the "rotation" and manage runic power effectivelly. Fair enough on the Frost spec because it's a brainless 5 button rotation. But Unholy is a lot more complex and really has to be managed well.
As a goblin dk main all i can say for the mobility issues: ROCKET jUMP BIAAAATCH!
I Main a frost DK and mobility really affects my DPS in the long run, specially since most classes are so fast now. However the fantasy does it for me man, you're literally wielding the shattered pieces of frostmourne :D :D :D
Mobility cannot affect you, if you are generally better player and started wraith walk while the dumb warriors wonder what the dmb alarm is for.
I won't pretend Im an amazing player, but the time it takes me to get to the targets is time I could have spent dealing damage on them
Unholy is meant to be a harder to play spec, just because someone can't do the rotation properly in a boss fight scenario doesn't mean the spec is bad, it means the player is bad. I can easily pull off the UH rotation while paying attention to whats going on around me and following mechanics. Also, to the people calling UH the melee equivalent of beast mastery, try playing the spec against something other than a training dummy or LFR boss... it is much more difficult when you have to stay aware of what's going on around you, especially in ToS since there is so many movement related mechanics. In addition to that, I bother with Unholy because its not a faceroll rotation and I personally feel I can do much better with a class that I can actually enjoy playing. The fact that I do more damage in Unholy with the new 7.2.5 changes also helps...
Lack of mobility is the only issue I have with the frost DK. Solo play is awesome but the slow movement turns into groups of mobs being half dead by the time I catch up to the group in dungeons and me getting razzed about the numbers on the dps meters. I do not raid but i can only imagine the same would apply there.
I miss the healing dks used to be able to do I feel like it's held back more now. *Watches Mionelol solo Garrosh at level 90 in mop*
I tend to play off meta and enjoy playing things that no one else plays. I played DW frost when it was "bad" and did competitive dps. I played Dual Wield Unholy all throughout Mists and was competitive on DPS meters, and very competitive in PvP. After mists, they deleted Dual Wielding for Unholy, and kinda gutted the spec. Frost was overwhelming so I leaned towards playing a PvP BloodDK, ended up pushing 2500 as Blood, and became very popular in a extremely active duel hub. Was known as the BDK that could global anything. It was good times. I haven't been able to really enjoy Frost or Unholy in Legion, but I do still enjoy the PvE gameplay of Blood, so I'm still running around as Blood and loving it. However PvP in general feels dead to me, which is unfortunate as it was what I used to enjoy most about WoW.
play a worgen dk if you want more movement
you should've mentioned the Blood DK sounds. they make up for the visuals.
DK: Flavor of this patch.
Ever decent WoW streamer is now playing with his DK.
Havent played in a few months so it may have changed but at the time i did death coil also lowered the cd on dark transformation which you wanted to keep up
UH is one of the most intricate pvp specs, love it
As unholy I like to stack up the festering wounds to max and then soul reaper + artifact ability. Really satisfying
Is that masque used for the bars outline? If yes what is the pack called?
Also, what are those unit frames?
Radu Gabriel I think he's using an addon called ElvUi, look it up
I have a long name
I am pretty sure that's not ElvUi.
Shadowed UI
Apolyon, the Soul-Render
I taught for a second that those might be Shadowed Unit Frames.
But still, I want to know what masque is that. Or what he used to make them like that
at the movement part of frost you mentioned "as a monk I can roll, or do rushing jade wind" - RJW is an AOE dmg ability, not movement ability ;-)
I fondly remember their release when you could run almost any normal dungeon with five Blood Death Knights, easy.
:wheelchair:PALADIN COMING THROUGH:wheelchair:
if a target is unable to be death gripped it could then instead pull you closer to the target , like a boss for example. wouldn't that be neat?
didn't show dark arbiter build or defile build for UH
death grip doesnt really make up for the lack of mobility because there are a lot of immune to cc npcs, fortunately not most though
barduk4 true, but it's semi OP in pvp compared to traditional gap closers. Pulling defenceless healers into your team's murder ball.
I got over the mobility issue fast as hell coming from a balance druid. I don't see unholy as complex and the damage is beautiful , lots of ranged damage as well
@BellularGaming - Hey man, I think this video was a great way to spread awareness of the specializations of Death Knight! But coming from someone who has mained Blood, You really didn't scratch the surface with Unholy. Its a lot more complex than just that. There are plenty of more viable builds then Necrosis. Did you know this?
I love Death knight and i love every spec of it. Blood spec tanking done right makes you appear way tougher than you should be for you ilvl. Frost has great burst damage but lacks a little in longer single target fights, unholy takes more time but its aoe and single target can beat frost in the long run.
I remember sometimes out healing the healers in raids in blood spec its fantastic
Ripley i do 600k+ self heal as blood top 2 on the healing meter...
Great burst damage but lacks in longer ST fights... You do know BoS is meant FOR longer ST/cleave fights, right?
yeah i just always used oblit build, im outdated to be fair i only just started playing the game again :P
Unholy has a rather easy to play build that works through burst windows on a two minute cooldown.. I definately suggest people look into it.
Months bah.... since wrath for me played strictly Unholy since before Legion which when Legion launched I realized that Blood was the way to go still miss my Ghoul even though having a Ghoul makes since for all spec Unholy just specializes in it similar to the Hunter specs but the down side of Legion we lost the ability to change roles mid encounter.
Funny you say Unholy is a target dummy class. Back in the beginning of WoTLK word was out that Frost is for PVP, Blood for PvE and Unholy was just for fun. But I had to disagree. So I planned my macros to always have the right sequence and use as many Death Coils as possible. At that time transforming your ghoul in PvP was unheard of and I did it, some motherfuckers didn't even knew that skill existed yet so imagine the surprise when you see a monstrosity coming after you like the boogie man. Man that shit was fun.
Please do another class with healing spec.... I know healing is not your thing, but I'm looking forward to it
You really didn't talk about the dot for unholy when used it spreads to near by enemies
What music do you play during the spec introduction in this vid?
With the changes with frost and the amount of damage nerfed from howling blast, and the current weak state of the FDK t20. Frost is suffering in ToS with the lack of movement. Sure it is across the board slow however with ToS being so heavily movement frost is the least powerful of the DK dps specs currently.
Dustin M. I went to warlock by seeing the from dk to lock
Dustin M. from my experience frost especially has always been low on the damage scales for raids. to the point that for most of the time I played (cata to wod) frost needed a buff nearly every raid tier.
Frost is not a weak dps specc but it gets rekt by movement extremely hard. The worst thing in ToS and movement heavy fights is not that dk is slow moving but that your breath of syndragosa will end if you cant generate runic power for a few seconds and that basically cuts your dps in half. I can have 1,4m dps on some pulls and 700k on other pulls depending if i had to cancel breath and play a mechanic. Also its super proc reliant as there are about 5 different procs you can have that help maintain breath. Be blessed by the rng gods and you keep breath up for almost 2 minutes, have shit rng and it wont even last a minute
frost in nighthold was top tier
Frost always seems to swing one way or the other - Legion launch saw Frost at literally the bottom of the DPS meters for EN, and then after 7.1 they were in the top 3 for Nighthold.
7.2.5 Blood god should be worshipped daily. Unholy has sweet ass damage now. Frost is still crying
Unholy does the most DPS. You were running 1 of 4 builds. 3 builds are currently viable in PVE. Soul Reaper was dominant prior to 7.2.5 but Dark Arbiter, and Defile builds are phenomenal.
You say still crying like Frost was the highest damage spec in M NH. WutFace. And yes, Frost is crying now. FeelsBadMan
frost was god mode in NH. why would they cry?
For someone that doesn't like pressing that many buttons (I'd Say WW Monk is the most I'd go with button pushing), how does it compare to Frost for less skilled players? I see so many Unholy and Blood and not many Frost and I'm worried that I may have picked the wrong talent tree.
hnmmm Frost DK is still top.
They buffed Defile in 7.2.5. It's still not as good as soul reaper but if you're doing a lot of AoE or M+ dungeons. It's a much easier talent to deal with and helps you focus on your deathcoil clawing rotations.
I came back for legion from wotlk and I decided to switch mains to my unholy dk since demo warlock was shit.. I really liked unholy, lots of really cool and fun abilities and I really liked being able to keep dps up from a distance, too. I like pvp, too, so unholy was great for that.
I'm blood tank, and my friends unholy, and we were both disappointed to find that only frost can dual wield, so I think that's an annoying issue too.
RIP Breath of Sindragosa. Leveled a DK over the last week and was disappointed to find out Frost has fewer viable options these days.
for UH dk if you have legendary shoulders dark arbiter build does way more dmg than the spec used in this video
Mobility - immortality as blood :thinking:
aren't death knights best in game for tanks at the moment? with all that self heal and them getting a boost In stamina this patch should suffice in making them a valuable asset to any raid.
Albert Davalos all the tanks are very close to be fair. Technically a BrM monk is the best right now if played perfectly, though blood might be best in practice.
NO! Lmfao Guardian druid is still far better and so is monk. DH DK and Warrior are probably all tied for middle tier and Paladin is just so bad right now. But it really comes down to player. I can perform well on any of them because I'm a good tank.
I think mobility is a huge part of class fantasy. When I think demon hunter, I think eye beams and tons of dashes. When I think mage, I think roots and blinks. Warlock, tanky but immobile.
When I think Deathknight, they have a uniqueness to them where they do not run to their enemies- no. They PULL them. And I think this fantasy should hold up in favor of just giving them passive movement speed.
Although this fantasy works decently right now in PvP (it could be improved), a DK's lack of mobility is very obvious in raid encounters requiring quick movement, and since you can't death grip a boss or deathgrip yourself out of mechanics, its frustrating.
Possibly, an easy fix would be to implement the following: "If target is immune (to deathgrip), gain 40% movement speed for 3 seconds."
Rizerr96 if the target is immune you leap towards them instead.
Rizerr96 A leap and a movement speed buff doesn't really fit the class fantasy.
xenoblad i mean it kinda does. death is coming to you. if you run She pulls you, if you cant get pulled She gets to you anyway. theres no escape
Frost dks are incredibly simple and the only satisfying thing when playing them is doing massive aoe damage, breath build is a bit more interesting but it requires you have a legendary to work and is sometimes quite rng based
If you are talking about the ring or belt, no, it doesn't. Bracers are the only thing required. And there is no rng in it. Rime depends on critical strike.
Though Rime still activates with crits, and 45% can hardly be solid rng, since you always get a rime roughly every 3 obliterates. RNG can be said about trinket procs, Colossus Smash (where there is a chance of a downtime) and similar effects. No reason to complain about RNG, when Rime shows up so often, they might just give the effect to the regular HB and give it a few seconds cooldown.
You need bracers, because otherwise you don't hit hard enough to be competitive.
I don't have ring and half of the time i keep Breath closely to a minute, since i am heavy on haste and my trinkets proc haste. And i don't use Attenuation, because Gathering Storm hits harder. The ring might be more useful in ToS, since Rime will not generate runic power, but yet with the bosses actually having malee mechanics, who will let you just stay there and smack it for a minute?
Deathknights are one of the few classes that do not suffer heavily from RNG. Stop repeating general crap people talk about the game.
im not saying death knights suffer from bad rng, breath talent build can get shit over by crappy rng especially if you arent using leggo ring. Getting rime procs isnt the problem i have with breath build, its the runic empowerment. I just tried to keep breath going for as long as possible with only 1 use of hungering rune weapon and i kept it up for 40 seconds. I have 20% haste but i dont think a few more % would help
and what for god sake are you talking about crits, crits have nothing to do with rime procs
Great video once again, I love these class reviews. But if I hear you say "HAM" in one more video..................... 3 videos in a row.
It's a class review, why'd ya remove the class hall reviews? I look forward to them so much. T_T I want your opinions!
I like the guy yelling for mechanics in several different languages during the UH raid clips
should update this one since the change in breath of sindragosa not been the best build you can choose
Does he explain talents for each spec? or am I just missing that entirely
Mained as Mage, tried out diff alts, switched to DK, never looked back.
DK mobility always gonna be slow compared to other classes. But the concept of death grip and great game play from their dps makes them my favorite class.
Wraith walk helps movement
You really need to change the unholy part since that's no longer how the class is played.
Dark Arbitor is currently game play style which is very different and much more rewarding (much more powerful than frost).
Why the weird aspect ratio? The screen is so squished I can't even see the numbers on my tablet.
What are some really fun and fast paced specs? (Looking for a new class)
Does anyone know his addons?
I have shadowed unit frames and tidy plates, but what I want is that UI macro that removes blizz art and limits those buttons to the bottom right, and most importantly the action bar addon.
God damn son, was wondering when you would pop Transformation. 7:01-7:38
Yeah dks feel too slow, I also rolled a big Tauren, makes it feel twice as slow