These straightforward repots are honestly heaven sent with all the other dramas that come with orchid growing 😂👍. Hope you're having a lovely day Nina! ❤
😍 Deniiiiseeee! 💐 I am sick of the drama repots, so sick of them, that these were a blessing to film and actually do. It isn't all gloom and doom when it comes to orchids. I had the time of my life repotting these 2 and am glad I decided to film them (sometimes ya just have to follow your gut...might as well use it if ya got it, right? 😅) really appreciate you watching, lovely lady, thank you! I did 'nothing' today! It was so warm that I was busy keeping the orchids from struggling, and my bird was out of his cage for most of the afternoon because he was struggling with the heat. I did not burn any orchids today and Xyliano is still alive. I suppose we can call it a successful day 😆 I hope your day was beautiful, that you are already enjoying a cool beverage to welcome in the weekend... Pimms? Shall we? 🍹 thank you so much for watching 🫶🏼❤️🌸
Absolutely to pimms🍹😁! We've had a few days of extremely hot weather by London standards 🥵, so I completely understand trying to keep the orchids cool. The conservatory, where most of my plants are, was literally an oven these past few days 🔥🔥🔥🔥. Poor Xyliano 🦜❤️🤗. I hope for his sake that it's cooler now. Thankfully, today feels a bit cooler here! Back to the status quo for London 🎉🎉. It's probably a minority opinion, but I really dislike very hot weather 😆. I'd be a cool to intermediate grower in Orchid speak 🤣🤣. Have a lovely weekend and catch you later in the livestream 😀 😊 😎.
Emulating you ,I also bought one secaturrs ( very long one) for easy repotting Nina.These repotting videos are a reminder to any orchid grower highlighting the importance of repotting orchids.Muchas gracias.
🌸🥷🏼 Director Jose San 😍🙌🏼🤸🏼♀️🥰💐 good evening, amigo mio! Espero que has tenido un viernes fabuloso 🫶🏼 I love doing repots that are not always connected with some form of drama. Repotting, in my opinion, is fun, never mind what the situation is, but sessions like these... me gusta mucho! Your repotting tool kit now includes a valuable tool 👍🏼 you will find that eventually you may need a hammer as well... or mallet, depending on the type of pot you have 🫣😅 thank you, 🌸🥷🏼 Amigo San! Thank you so much for watching and for your comment.... and look at the Director Ninja logo next to your name 🙏🏼 I appreciate you very much! Please say hello to your beautiful Princesses for me, should you see them or speak to them 🫶🏼 and have a sensational Saturday ❤️🌸
😍 Hi Barb 💐 they truly are gorgeous, and for the time of year that they bloom, they are always so so welcome 🙏🏼 thank you for the feedback on the video, I truly appreciate you, also for watching. I hope that you are having a wonderful day 🫶🏼❤️🌸
Hi Nina, I'll bet your great with chop sticks. You are an absolute pro with those long tweezers. You make repotting look elegant. Not so much when I'm repotting, I make a huge mess. I got three large Catts potted today, many more tomorrow. 94f today, forgot to bring the Stan Man in today. I keep the fans cranking to help cool the plants. Thank you Orchid Master.❤😂🎉😊
🌸🥷🏼 Bruce San 😍🙌🏼🤸🏼♀️🥰💐 good morning from a nice an warm sunny Spain!! I actually do really well with chop sticks, yes and the ingredients that go so well with chop sticks are just yum 😋 Sometimes I show my mess in a video after a massive repot, but with limited space where I film, I have to clear the space for what I am doing, sooooo.... its all for the camera 😉😅 these 2 were somewhat less messy. It took a hot minute to clean the leca of the epidendrum cross, but the bicolor... it was just fun all the way round. I hope that you are enjoying the repotting process. I would like to get my hands into 3 more pots while the temperatures are right and while 2 of those cattleyas are not growing new roots, yet, I feel that I need to get it done, because we are in August and I only have so many months of ideal conditions left. Its nice to get things checked off the list... actually, I have another broken pot with my Ansellia OG... that is just an uppot, but it is hammer time with that one for sure! Wonderful swings and roundabouts. I hope that all your orchids are going to reward you with amazing blooms in the months ahead. I wish you the most beautiful of Fridays and thank you so much for watching my 🌸🥷🏼 Amigo San 🫶🏼❤️🌸
Fantastic news! So, thank you, thank you for holding my hand! I saw the first sliver of a new leaf in my mini phal! Waaaay down in the center of the crown! It's 11 weeks in my care and I haven't killed it yet! Actually, it must be happy if it's growing new leaf only 17 days after cutting the spikes back? No new happy roots yet, but there might be a new bump or two. We'll have to wait and see if she keeps growing them or gives up. She's still bare root and screaming for water. I had to move her back away from the glass as the sun moves further in the sky, so I'm thinking she might be a few degrees cooler away from the glass 🤞. 💖🌞🌵😷
😍 HI Suzie! 💐 I am so very happy to read that your phal is showing signs of a new leaf, that means.... active growth is a go and new roots should not be far behind! Amazing news and I appreciate you sharing this with me 🥳 🤸🏼♀️! thank you, also, for watching this video and for the support on the channel! I appreciate you 🫶🏼 have a wonderful weekend, lovely lady ❤️🌸
Oh I love a smooth repot, something so encouraging about finding all those beautiful forbidden noodles in the pot. I love the mystery beforehand.. what will it look like? Then BAM she put out loads of roots, hooray! Can’t wait to see future flowers from these! The rene Marquez hybrid is so beautiful- I may like that colouration even more than the original. Definitely anything rene Marquez is on the wish list now.
😍 Hi Holly 💐 there may not be that much of interest to see in a video like this, but goodness me, it is much needed to have repots that go so smoothly, and that we have the time to actually go a little above and beyond, take our time etc. Forbidden noodles 😅 love that!! I had never seen them that way, but yes, there is a little bit of a visual of spaghetti with meatballs going on with the cattleya 😂👍🏼 The Rene Marques is a wonderful orchid. Now that I have 3 hybrids with that as a parent, even if I were to source one, methinks that there is enough Rene Marques parallels in the collection 😅 if you can get the Rene Marques 'Flame Thrower' then you have the most popular and most striking of all Rene Marques out there. It is just wonderful 😍 thank you so much for watching, Holly! I hope that you are having a beautiful Friday 🫶🏼❤️🌸
What a Gorgeous specimen!! 🤩 I do miss some of my big orchids I used to have, many I gave to members of the local orchid society that used to meet here. Don't know if they still meet or not, it's been years since I attended. Holt has kept me busy lately so I'm eay behind on my video the Olympics have kept me glued to the tv. 😅 Interesting details and great tips in this video Nina. 👍🏻 I'm attempting to watch a few vids were I can.. onward....... 🦇
🦤🦅😍 Good afternoon from Espain, Wingman! I hope your day has started of perfectly 👍🏼 these reed stem epidendrums are fun to grow, but tbh, now that I cannot accommodate them perfectly during the winter and the leaves struggle with my dry heat, if I were to find a home for them, I would pass them on. Imagine not being able to use a bigger pot, which would be needed, simply because of lack of space where they have to live during the winter... that is not the right way to go about things. Meanwhile, nothing I have to do during the winter is the right way, so, I suppose, there is that 🙄😬 I have been watching the olympics in passing, as I go about my chores. But for the golf, on the Saturday and Sunday afternoon, I did make time to sit and watch. Thoroughly enjoying these weeks, though 👍🏼 thank you so much for watching, my friend!! I appreciate you 🫶🏼❤️🌸
I love these type of repots, the ones that are no cause for stress or concern. I see you have many more plastic pots that deterioted than I thought. Considering they seem to be of strong material like mine I am begining to wonder how much longer mine will last 🤔😬
😍 FFF 🙌🏼🤸🏼♀️🥰💐 good evening, meine liebe Freundin! Indeed, we need repots like these just to keep up the motivation and get to enjoy the process, instead of always having a stressful time 😃 every year, the older pots from back in 2018, are starting to snap at the rim, even without me having treated those with bleach. Their time has come, they served me well. The bleached ones were my fault, but the others, considering the conditions they have to deal with, its pretty ok to have a 5 year run. It just sucks that it happens on orchids that really did not need to be disturbed 🙄 your's will be much more long lasting in my opinion, because your climate is not as harsh. I also feel as though, the black pots are manufactured better. I have black pots for years that I use as supports for the metal grating and not a single rim is looking to weaken. So, hakuna matata, amiga mia! I have a feeling that I did not say hi to you during the live stream today... what a mess!! 😓😫 I apologize if I missed acknowledging you... it was not intentional, but to have the stream stick to horizontal was really messing with my mind. 😥 please forgive me if I missed you 🙏🏼 thank you so much for watching, amiga mia! I hope your day was fabYOUlous and I wish you a wonderful evening 🫶🏼❤️🌸
Habari Mrembo Mona 😍💐oooohhh es war WARM heute!! Der vierbeinige Zoo schlief den ganzen Tag aber mein Flieger und ich waren einen Grossteil des Tages untrennbar! Xyliano needed special attention today to keep him cool and not collapse from over heating. I got nothing constructive done today... but Xyliano is fine, so we managed. 🙏🏼 It was a great day, otherwise... I mean, I love these high temperatures, but I can see where everything struggles. Thank YOU so much for asking and for watching! I appreciate your time and your feedback 🫶🏼 have yourself a wonderful Friday evening ❤️💐
Hey Nina, started watching this again to familiarise myself with how you care for your Epicattleya Rene Marques. See the two seedlings I bought died on me 😢😢😢 I think they hate me. Waiting for this orchid seller as Epicattleya seems quite rare here in Australia 🙁🙁
HI Agnes 😍💐 its good to see you again! I hope you are doing well 🫶🏼 Rene Marques is a diva when they are small, and I am sorry that you had that experience. When you get another one, I highly recommend that you focus on calcium nitrate and calmag only for the first month and a half that you have it back in your collection. Please do not think that they hate you 🤗 maybe the plants were weak, weakened because of shipping, the conditions that were current at the time of shipping. BUT, they need a lot more calcium when they are little than we would think. So, I am here for you when you get your replacement and let's talk through the quality of the plant that you see you have, if it is in active growth, what the substrate is like when you receive it, and we can troubleshoot together to do the best so that the next one will mature and bloom for you! Deal? 🫶🏼 thank you so much for watching this video again! I hope your week started out great today. Have a relaxing evening ❤️🌸
Nina, during the killer summer we had this year, there was a point when all the plants just stopped doing anything. They stood still. I had to water twice a day and spray in between. Then , just before the rains came, it was as hot, but humidity was in the high 70’s and 80’s. When the rains came, the temperature dipped by about 20C and it’s been humid all the time. I still water every 36 hours, since a large part of the collection sits on a covered balcony. The problem is that many of my phal dendrobiums and cattleya aren’t opening their leaves. The leaves remain folded, and that doesn’t allow subsequent leaves to follow. This happens mostly on the topmost two leaves or thereabouts. Sometimes, I prise the leaves open with a blade, cutting along the edge where the leaf is joint. And then, the plant is back in action. I can’t understand what’s happening. Many of these growths suspended during the heat and are reactivating now. The plants are almost alive again, the old new growth waking up from its slumber, sorts. But then , this happens. What am I doing wrong? How can I help the plant.?
Hello lovely lady! 😍💐 this is not something we want to have happen, but I am glad that you are able to take a blade to the closed leaves so as to open up the growing point. Usually, when this happens in a high humidity environment, the stalled new growths would rot out, so ... there is good news that your's did not and that they are kicking into action again 👍🏼 this happens because while the new growths stall, the cuticle around what was previously the new leaf hardens, and with that, sets the shape of the leaf as permanent, so, when the growth reactivates, it has to deal with a mature cuticle. BUT, in the end, they did not rot during their stalling period. When orchids deal with conditions that are stressful for them, they will preserve any energy expenditure and stop growing so as to not deteriorate. It is possible that this happened during your extreme conditions. Now that things have balanced out into more favorable conditions, they respond... just with hardened cuticles where you need to intervene. I hope that this helps to explain why what happened happened, and there really isn't much we can do if we cannot move our orchids out of the extremes to give them relief. Let me know if what I said prompted other questions or thoughts 🫶🏼 thank you so much for watching! I hope you are having a wonderful day ❤️🌸
Wow, I've always wandered why I still get those black spots on my Den.even though they have been treated 😒 😊😊😊but you answered all my questions with this video. Thank you so much 🎉🌻
Hi 😍💐 while I do not like seeing them come back, I am so glad that I could answer the questions you had! That is a win for both of us, so thank you for letting me know that this video had the answers you were looking for. If anything can be done to accommodate the dens you have with spotting on them, then... excellent! If not, then know that it won't take out the orchid. It may just make her less vigorous, compared to others of the same kind, but it doesn't take the orchid out altogether. Frustrating for us growers, but acceptable, in my opinion 👍🏼 thank you so much for watching! I hope you are doing well and had a great weekend 🫶🏼❤️🌸
🌸🥷🏼 Samurai Nina San 😍🙌🏼🤸🏼♀️🥰💐 good evening, or good morning, seeing as it is super late where you are at, by now! Either way, I sincerely hope you had a wonderful Friday and are already having a great day by the time you get around to reading this! I will screenshot your comment and definitely make a video on that. Based on the ones that I have in my collection and then hopefully people will add their thoughts and long lasting blooming orchids into the comments for more options 👍🏼 thank you for the suggestion, thank you for watching this video and thank you so so much for you kindess and support 🫶🏼🌸🥷🏼❤️
😍Suzi Qutie 😃💐 good afternoon from sunny Spain, lovely lady! Thank you so much for watching this video and for the fun emoji comment 🫶🏼 I hope you are already having a fabYOUlous day ❤️🌸
Don Miguel 🥰💐 hola jefe! Off the top of my head, the ones I want to do before the season is done, but am waiting for roots 2, and then another simple uppot of my Ansellia OG, which is also in a broken pot. There is the Pocket Lover, also in a broken pot, but that can stay. It is not dangerous for me to handle or risk dropping. These that have broken over the past months, are now the OGs that were not treated with bleach, so even though I have a few of them in storage, that are not broken, I am hesitant to use them now. I will use the newer inner pots first and keep the others for emergencies. Hope you are having a fabYOUlous Friday, Michael! Thank you so very much for watching 🫶🏼❤️🌸
A new growth on that plant not very nice hope they carry on growing for you haven’t been around that much been out in the garden in the nice warm weather and not in the hope you’re okay. We will catch you very soon.
😍Andrea, hi 💐 I am so glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself in the wonderful weather to the maximum! This is what it is all about this time of year, so it is nice to hear that you are taking full advantage of the season and weather 👍🏼 plenty of time for us to encourage each other when the other seasons return... for now, enjoy! 🍹 I an doing ok, thank you for asking, lovely lady! I appreciate you taking the time to watch the video and let me know what you have going on 🫶🏼 wishing you a lovely Friday evening ❤️🌸
👕👚Fabulous Orchid Swag! 👇🏼🤩 #orchidfashions
Https:/ 🌸
These straightforward repots are honestly heaven sent with all the other dramas that come with orchid growing 😂👍. Hope you're having a lovely day Nina! ❤
😍 Deniiiiseeee! 💐 I am sick of the drama repots, so sick of them, that these were a blessing to film and actually do. It isn't all gloom and doom when it comes to orchids. I had the time of my life repotting these 2 and am glad I decided to film them (sometimes ya just have to follow your gut...might as well use it if ya got it, right? 😅) really appreciate you watching, lovely lady, thank you! I did 'nothing' today! It was so warm that I was busy keeping the orchids from struggling, and my bird was out of his cage for most of the afternoon because he was struggling with the heat. I did not burn any orchids today and Xyliano is still alive. I suppose we can call it a successful day 😆 I hope your day was beautiful, that you are already enjoying a cool beverage to welcome in the weekend... Pimms? Shall we? 🍹 thank you so much for watching 🫶🏼❤️🌸
Absolutely to pimms🍹😁! We've had a few days of extremely hot weather by London standards 🥵, so I completely understand trying to keep the orchids cool. The conservatory, where most of my plants are, was literally an oven these past few days 🔥🔥🔥🔥. Poor Xyliano 🦜❤️🤗. I hope for his sake that it's cooler now. Thankfully, today feels a bit cooler here! Back to the status quo for London 🎉🎉. It's probably a minority opinion, but I really dislike very hot weather 😆. I'd be a cool to intermediate grower in Orchid speak 🤣🤣. Have a lovely weekend and catch you later in the livestream 😀 😊 😎.
Emulating you ,I also bought one secaturrs ( very long one) for easy repotting Nina.These repotting videos are a reminder to any orchid grower highlighting the importance of repotting orchids.Muchas gracias.
🌸🥷🏼 Director Jose San 😍🙌🏼🤸🏼♀️🥰💐 good evening, amigo mio! Espero que has tenido un viernes fabuloso 🫶🏼 I love doing repots that are not always connected with some form of drama. Repotting, in my opinion, is fun, never mind what the situation is, but sessions like these... me gusta mucho! Your repotting tool kit now includes a valuable tool 👍🏼 you will find that eventually you may need a hammer as well... or mallet, depending on the type of pot you have 🫣😅 thank you, 🌸🥷🏼 Amigo San! Thank you so much for watching and for your comment.... and look at the Director Ninja logo next to your name 🙏🏼 I appreciate you very much! Please say hello to your beautiful Princesses for me, should you see them or speak to them 🫶🏼 and have a sensational Saturday ❤️🌸
Very beautiful flowers 💐
Love your video
😍 Hi Barb 💐 they truly are gorgeous, and for the time of year that they bloom, they are always so so welcome 🙏🏼 thank you for the feedback on the video, I truly appreciate you, also for watching. I hope that you are having a wonderful day 🫶🏼❤️🌸
Hi Nina, I'll bet your great with chop sticks. You are an absolute pro with those long tweezers. You make repotting look elegant. Not so much when I'm repotting, I make a huge mess. I got three large Catts potted today, many more tomorrow. 94f today, forgot to bring the Stan Man in today. I keep the fans cranking to help cool the plants. Thank you Orchid Master.❤😂🎉😊
🌸🥷🏼 Bruce San 😍🙌🏼🤸🏼♀️🥰💐 good morning from a nice an warm sunny Spain!! I actually do really well with chop sticks, yes and the ingredients that go so well with chop sticks are just yum 😋 Sometimes I show my mess in a video after a massive repot, but with limited space where I film, I have to clear the space for what I am doing, sooooo.... its all for the camera 😉😅 these 2 were somewhat less messy. It took a hot minute to clean the leca of the epidendrum cross, but the bicolor... it was just fun all the way round. I hope that you are enjoying the repotting process. I would like to get my hands into 3 more pots while the temperatures are right and while 2 of those cattleyas are not growing new roots, yet, I feel that I need to get it done, because we are in August and I only have so many months of ideal conditions left. Its nice to get things checked off the list... actually, I have another broken pot with my Ansellia OG... that is just an uppot, but it is hammer time with that one for sure! Wonderful swings and roundabouts. I hope that all your orchids are going to reward you with amazing blooms in the months ahead. I wish you the most beautiful of Fridays and thank you so much for watching my 🌸🥷🏼 Amigo San 🫶🏼❤️🌸
Fantastic news! So, thank you, thank you for holding my hand! I saw the first sliver of a new leaf in my mini phal! Waaaay down in the center of the crown! It's 11 weeks in my care and I haven't killed it yet! Actually, it must be happy if it's growing new leaf only 17 days after cutting the spikes back? No new happy roots yet, but there might be a new bump or two. We'll have to wait and see if she keeps growing them or gives up. She's still bare root and screaming for water. I had to move her back away from the glass as the sun moves further in the sky, so I'm thinking she might be a few degrees cooler away from the glass 🤞. 💖🌞🌵😷
😍 HI Suzie! 💐 I am so very happy to read that your phal is showing signs of a new leaf, that means.... active growth is a go and new roots should not be far behind! Amazing news and I appreciate you sharing this with me 🥳 🤸🏼♀️! thank you, also, for watching this video and for the support on the channel! I appreciate you 🫶🏼 have a wonderful weekend, lovely lady ❤️🌸
Oh I love a smooth repot, something so encouraging about finding all those beautiful forbidden noodles in the pot.
I love the mystery beforehand.. what will it look like?
Then BAM she put out loads of roots, hooray!
Can’t wait to see future flowers from these!
The rene Marquez hybrid is so beautiful- I may like that colouration even more than the original.
Definitely anything rene Marquez is on the wish list now.
😍 Hi Holly 💐 there may not be that much of interest to see in a video like this, but goodness me, it is much needed to have repots that go so smoothly, and that we have the time to actually go a little above and beyond, take our time etc. Forbidden noodles 😅 love that!! I had never seen them that way, but yes, there is a little bit of a visual of spaghetti with meatballs going on with the cattleya 😂👍🏼 The Rene Marques is a wonderful orchid. Now that I have 3 hybrids with that as a parent, even if I were to source one, methinks that there is enough Rene Marques parallels in the collection 😅 if you can get the Rene Marques 'Flame Thrower' then you have the most popular and most striking of all Rene Marques out there. It is just wonderful 😍 thank you so much for watching, Holly! I hope that you are having a beautiful Friday 🫶🏼❤️🌸
What a Gorgeous specimen!! 🤩 I do miss some of my big orchids I used to have, many I gave to members of the local orchid society that used to meet here. Don't know if they still meet or not, it's been years since I attended. Holt has kept me busy lately so I'm eay behind on my video the Olympics have kept me glued to the tv. 😅 Interesting details and great tips in this video Nina. 👍🏻 I'm attempting to watch a few vids were I can.. onward.......
🦤🦅😍 Good afternoon from Espain, Wingman! I hope your day has started of perfectly 👍🏼 these reed stem epidendrums are fun to grow, but tbh, now that I cannot accommodate them perfectly during the winter and the leaves struggle with my dry heat, if I were to find a home for them, I would pass them on. Imagine not being able to use a bigger pot, which would be needed, simply because of lack of space where they have to live during the winter... that is not the right way to go about things. Meanwhile, nothing I have to do during the winter is the right way, so, I suppose, there is that 🙄😬 I have been watching the olympics in passing, as I go about my chores. But for the golf, on the Saturday and Sunday afternoon, I did make time to sit and watch. Thoroughly enjoying these weeks, though 👍🏼 thank you so much for watching, my friend!! I appreciate you 🫶🏼❤️🌸
I love these type of repots, the ones that are no cause for stress or concern. I see you have many more plastic pots that deterioted than I thought. Considering they seem to be of strong material like mine I am begining to wonder how much longer mine will last 🤔😬
😍 FFF 🙌🏼🤸🏼♀️🥰💐 good evening, meine liebe Freundin! Indeed, we need repots like these just to keep up the motivation and get to enjoy the process, instead of always having a stressful time 😃 every year, the older pots from back in 2018, are starting to snap at the rim, even without me having treated those with bleach. Their time has come, they served me well. The bleached ones were my fault, but the others, considering the conditions they have to deal with, its pretty ok to have a 5 year run. It just sucks that it happens on orchids that really did not need to be disturbed 🙄 your's will be much more long lasting in my opinion, because your climate is not as harsh. I also feel as though, the black pots are manufactured better. I have black pots for years that I use as supports for the metal grating and not a single rim is looking to weaken. So, hakuna matata, amiga mia! I have a feeling that I did not say hi to you during the live stream today... what a mess!! 😓😫 I apologize if I missed acknowledging you... it was not intentional, but to have the stream stick to horizontal was really messing with my mind. 😥 please forgive me if I missed you 🙏🏼 thank you so much for watching, amiga mia! I hope your day was fabYOUlous and I wish you a wonderful evening 🫶🏼❤️🌸
Hola guapa 💃🧚♀️🌸🦜🐦🐕🐕 Hope you all are doing good 🍀 Thank you for this interesting and informative video 👩🎓🥇🏆🎀
Habari Mrembo Mona 😍💐oooohhh es war WARM heute!! Der vierbeinige Zoo schlief den ganzen Tag aber mein Flieger und ich waren einen Grossteil des Tages untrennbar! Xyliano needed special attention today to keep him cool and not collapse from over heating. I got nothing constructive done today... but Xyliano is fine, so we managed. 🙏🏼 It was a great day, otherwise... I mean, I love these high temperatures, but I can see where everything struggles. Thank YOU so much for asking and for watching! I appreciate your time and your feedback 🫶🏼 have yourself a wonderful Friday evening ❤️💐
Hey Nina, started watching this again to familiarise myself with how you care for your Epicattleya Rene Marques. See the two seedlings I bought died on me 😢😢😢 I think they hate me. Waiting for this orchid seller as Epicattleya seems quite rare here in Australia 🙁🙁
HI Agnes 😍💐 its good to see you again! I hope you are doing well 🫶🏼 Rene Marques is a diva when they are small, and I am sorry that you had that experience. When you get another one, I highly recommend that you focus on calcium nitrate and calmag only for the first month and a half that you have it back in your collection. Please do not think that they hate you 🤗 maybe the plants were weak, weakened because of shipping, the conditions that were current at the time of shipping. BUT, they need a lot more calcium when they are little than we would think. So, I am here for you when you get your replacement and let's talk through the quality of the plant that you see you have, if it is in active growth, what the substrate is like when you receive it, and we can troubleshoot together to do the best so that the next one will mature and bloom for you! Deal? 🫶🏼 thank you so much for watching this video again! I hope your week started out great today. Have a relaxing evening ❤️🌸
Nina, during the killer summer we had this year, there was a point when all the plants just stopped doing anything. They stood still. I had to water twice a day and spray in between. Then , just before the rains came, it was as hot, but humidity was in the high 70’s and 80’s. When the rains came, the temperature dipped by about 20C and it’s been humid all the time. I still water every 36 hours, since a large part of the collection sits on a covered balcony. The problem is that many of my phal dendrobiums and cattleya aren’t opening their leaves. The leaves remain folded, and that doesn’t allow subsequent leaves to follow. This happens mostly on the topmost two leaves or thereabouts. Sometimes, I prise the leaves open with a blade, cutting along the edge where the leaf is joint. And then, the plant is back in action. I can’t understand what’s happening. Many of these growths suspended during the heat and are reactivating now. The plants are almost alive again, the old new growth waking up from its slumber, sorts. But then , this happens. What am I doing wrong? How can I help the plant.?
Hello lovely lady! 😍💐 this is not something we want to have happen, but I am glad that you are able to take a blade to the closed leaves so as to open up the growing point. Usually, when this happens in a high humidity environment, the stalled new growths would rot out, so ... there is good news that your's did not and that they are kicking into action again 👍🏼 this happens because while the new growths stall, the cuticle around what was previously the new leaf hardens, and with that, sets the shape of the leaf as permanent, so, when the growth reactivates, it has to deal with a mature cuticle. BUT, in the end, they did not rot during their stalling period. When orchids deal with conditions that are stressful for them, they will preserve any energy expenditure and stop growing so as to not deteriorate. It is possible that this happened during your extreme conditions. Now that things have balanced out into more favorable conditions, they respond... just with hardened cuticles where you need to intervene. I hope that this helps to explain why what happened happened, and there really isn't much we can do if we cannot move our orchids out of the extremes to give them relief. Let me know if what I said prompted other questions or thoughts 🫶🏼 thank you so much for watching! I hope you are having a wonderful day ❤️🌸
@@NinjaOrchids makes a lot of sense. Thank you for the reasoning.
Wow, I've always wandered why I still get those black spots on my Den.even though they have been treated 😒 😊😊😊but you answered all my questions with this video. Thank you so much 🎉🌻
Hi 😍💐 while I do not like seeing them come back, I am so glad that I could answer the questions you had! That is a win for both of us, so thank you for letting me know that this video had the answers you were looking for. If anything can be done to accommodate the dens you have with spotting on them, then... excellent! If not, then know that it won't take out the orchid. It may just make her less vigorous, compared to others of the same kind, but it doesn't take the orchid out altogether. Frustrating for us growers, but acceptable, in my opinion 👍🏼 thank you so much for watching! I hope you are doing well and had a great weekend 🫶🏼❤️🌸
Could you do one on looooong bloom orchids?? 3 months is amazing!
🌸🥷🏼 Samurai Nina San 😍🙌🏼🤸🏼♀️🥰💐 good evening, or good morning, seeing as it is super late where you are at, by now! Either way, I sincerely hope you had a wonderful Friday and are already having a great day by the time you get around to reading this! I will screenshot your comment and definitely make a video on that. Based on the ones that I have in my collection and then hopefully people will add their thoughts and long lasting blooming orchids into the comments for more options 👍🏼 thank you for the suggestion, thank you for watching this video and thank you so so much for you kindess and support 🫶🏼🌸🥷🏼❤️
With proper pest control , dendrobium blooms last two to three months on an average.
🌺. 💕🌞🌵😷
😍Suzi Qutie 😃💐 good afternoon from sunny Spain, lovely lady! Thank you so much for watching this video and for the fun emoji comment 🫶🏼 I hope you are already having a fabYOUlous day ❤️🌸
How many more broken nasty pots to get rid of?
Don Miguel 🥰💐 hola jefe! Off the top of my head, the ones I want to do before the season is done, but am waiting for roots 2, and then another simple uppot of my Ansellia OG, which is also in a broken pot. There is the Pocket Lover, also in a broken pot, but that can stay. It is not dangerous for me to handle or risk dropping. These that have broken over the past months, are now the OGs that were not treated with bleach, so even though I have a few of them in storage, that are not broken, I am hesitant to use them now. I will use the newer inner pots first and keep the others for emergencies. Hope you are having a fabYOUlous Friday, Michael! Thank you so very much for watching 🫶🏼❤️🌸
A new growth on that plant not very nice hope they carry on growing for you haven’t been around that much been out in the garden in the nice warm weather and not in the hope you’re okay. We will catch you very soon.
😍Andrea, hi 💐 I am so glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself in the wonderful weather to the maximum! This is what it is all about this time of year, so it is nice to hear that you are taking full advantage of the season and weather 👍🏼 plenty of time for us to encourage each other when the other seasons return... for now, enjoy! 🍹 I an doing ok, thank you for asking, lovely lady! I appreciate you taking the time to watch the video and let me know what you have going on 🫶🏼 wishing you a lovely Friday evening ❤️🌸