PS is the best performing, convincing and eloquent speaker entitling him the World Class PM Quality Recognition by many Singaporeans. All the best in 2025.
Looking back, it’s ridiculous that TCJ was appointed as the chairman of the Committee of Privileges that questioned WP MPs over raesah Khan lying to parliament.
It’s also not about TCJ and CLH having an affair. It’s about why these people in their position of influence were not held accountable to their behavior. Minister Sham is just playing with words
If WP have been summoned for an investigation by the COP for seemingly knowing about the lie and not acting promptly enough then why is the PM not under such scrutiny for doing the same by hiding the affair since 2020? It is obviously double standard.
True... Everything govt does, seems like ok... Actually not ok... Just cover here, cover there by clever talking... Try to make the incident seems pitiful by implicating the families of both sides, whereas when both were councilled in 2020, never think of family??? Lol
Mr Shanmugam must be embarrassed to have met such a strong opponent, having been a top lawyer for so long, only to be trashed by a relatively young lawyer whose legal experience certainly does not match his!!
Embarrassed? His skin is nuke-proof in my personal opinion as a citizen... ...If Pritam is wrong in his view, means PAP doesn't need to be sensitive, which he is arguing about??? Strange... ... it is just party politics, but as the minister for the police and home team... ... and he himself now a GLARING problem, how could he debate against 'sensitivity'... ... WP can be a crook, but doesn't mean WP can't 'check on' PAP. The point is simply this, WP is never considered a viable party or more so than PAP, but its role is to bang against PAP problems. That's all. You know how 'sensitive' LKY was to issues... ... In TEXTBOOK, even when some monkeys jumped around in a minister's office, that minister was axed almost IMMEDIATELY. That was how sensitive it was. Not to mention 'non-preferential' treatment of getting where he live or lived for such 'trees' and rate after 'refurnishing' bla bla bla... ...
We don't need a political party fight on personal or party issues. We can go to the cinema with popcorn for those. We need intellectual debate on issues Singapore is facing and sound policy making. Do we not have real issues to solve apart from lies and extramarital affairs? Parliament turning into a soap opera.
Extramarital affairs reflects badly on public figures. Do you mean you don’t mind if ministers have extra marital affairs with each other? If a public figure cannot preserve their own morality, how more can the people depend on them on more “serious” matters.
@@choysum Of course it is and they are sacked but that should be the end of it. Instead these boys are harping on it and attacking each other's party leadership. There are more pressing issues at hand concerning Singaporeans.
He could debate, despite now a big corruption case seen by many (Check overseas online views in forums), but he cannot argue against sensitivity. It is like Shanmugan slaps mother, then argue WP can't complain cos Pritam slapped his father... ... Stupid. mRNA jabs really lowers IQ so much meh... ... Hahahahahahahahahaha... ... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... ... Loong doesn't need to be looking so ugly now... ... but he chose so. He climbed those cables back then to be a villain today??? Look at all those parasites he made to be 'seniors' in the sphere of power and influence in Singapore... ... And look at who Lee Kuan Yew brought in, and quickly axed when need be... ... Look at how Lee Kuan Yew was so PROUD against Indonesian corruption that public money to charities for public use won't be like in Indonesia... ... Proud man Harry was... ... but how proud can he be if he is looking at his son's parasites messing up today... ...
With all fairness the PM should ask parliament to drop the case for Raeesah Khan. Since it was his Big mistake knowingly about TCJ and still allowing him to be appointed as Chairman of Committee of Privileges. Can this case be even consider legal ?
I just realized that our parliament debates on blaming and defending petty issues over much more issues like inflation, living wage and reality, growing prices for public housing and much much much more. Just kick this party out lah. They have nothing left to offer Singapore other than leeching off its hard working people struggling to take care of their families and also their parents at the same time while these out of touch govt raise their own salaries yearly and award themselves with annual bonuses without the peoples consent and approval.
Shiny object ... Smoke ... You are not aware that Iswaran is arrested ... You are not aware that Iswaran is arrested ... You are not aware that Iswaran is arrested ...
Why are we still talking about Ms Khan? It’s over isn’t it? We should be addressing the questions on the ongoing corruption case and the unparliamentary language and affairs? This is not what Singaporean is interested to know now. And such debate over Khan will not divert the current attention of most of us isn’t it? There should be better use of tax payer resources at this juncture.
After the saga it is likely a bad idea for politicians to stay in Ridout properties. Why? The location is ominous. Voters might get RID of them and throw them OUT of Parliament.
You can lived in Ridout, BUT you MUST pay for the space as everybody is under his own government's governance forced upon the public at market rate, and make sure that land parcels with trees lah homes needing refurnishing for such cost consideration should be applicable to member of public, like me. Since most lands in Singapore are with 'dangerous' trees, including monkeys and parasites from bottom to Parliament, and I definitely will like to paint and get proper doors and floors and beds and tables and against their anti-smoking ban I also need aircons... ... means almost 99% of Singapore should be MINE! Hahahahahahahahahaha... ... 脸皮厚到刀枪不入的境界,便是印度哪里都归他住,何况小人国... ... 此例一出,未来总理自然会更多印度部长‘随便’住。老夫最近还逛了几圈... ...一些‘单位’也挤了印度家庭... ...不知靠近Bouna Vista科技区很接近大学一老式宅子是不是也国有资产? 呵呵呵呵~ 老夫当年巡视Ridout时就知道要出事儿了。隐忍不发就是为了今天看热闹。 简直当全新加坡人都是傻子... ...
If the reason for asking the former speaker to resign is the inappropriate relationship then the former speaker should have been asked to resign in the first instance when the PM had known about it. What PM said seems like excuses to me, not reasons for the inappropriate length of handling of the matter.
Alahmak bro our pm is a kind man lah. Even providing salary to support a suspected convict so its his kind nature which unknowingly or knowingly also (support) the titanic love to a certain extend period after beh tahan he fire them but he (pm) fail to understand he is also liable for the betryal towards singaporean for 2yrs but cover up it with dignity excuses so he is a kind men in nature leh so cannot blaim him lah bro. After all he is old man who want to step asap. So he got enough to makan enough for him loh.
Very glad to hear PM being compassionate about the affair and impact to the families. Decisions like these are hard and it’s appropriate to respond with sensitivity. Likewise, PS extending sensitivity to Khan is also understandable, in the sense that he allowed Khan time to speak with her family first. Law Minister took the definition of sensitivity in a different direction. He’s factually correct but looking at it differently. PS’ sensitivity to give Khan time to address with family is the same as PM according time to TCJ and MP as families are involved. It’s quite frustrating the divergent opinions appear to be deliberate.
Main difference is: Ps gave only weeks n months for khan but being questioned left right centre. Pm gave that kaninah adulterous man n that slut mp 3 years.
It is not that he look at the issue differently. He is purposely not asking the question on double standard. Is PAP going to start COP to investigate LHL for not taking action for 3 years while still allow TCJ to remain as speaker of the parliment?
The PM should have been more upfront with Singaporeans in the first place. If we recall; Only upon being questioned by the reporter then did we come to know that the relationship had already been for 3 years. [Add: To be specific CNA Reporter Question as in PM Lee's Q&A with media on handling of Tan Chuan-Jin and Cheng Li Hui's 'inappropriate relationship']
PM Lee cannot be lying. TCJ should have asked to step down if not tender his resignation when his affair was discovered. But he didnt. Why? His morals not up to pap's standard. The other woman mp also not up to standard. But I believe they aren't the only ones not up to pap's standard. 😂😂😂😂
@10:19 Shanmugam reading from what appeared to be a HandPhone Or Communication Device. I wonder how many "personal assistance" at tax-payers' account are supporting him behind the scene while crossing sword with "One" Pritam Singh?
Seriously Rid Out liao... ... Some folks at hawker centre said this is Indian Minister from India become Singapore India minister... ... Aiya... ... nowadays, nuke-proof skin. He really thinks Singaporeans are like some Indians... ... that a minister is super class people and can do anything they want, even going against LKY principles to wanna go after AGC to cover for police mess and doing so in parliament... ... because police are 'stressed'. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha... ... You don't need a big space to make babies, you don't need a big island for people now to talk about his... ... 'political wisdom'. Very very fake LKY supporter, as if LKY's batch is like him like that... ... Very humiliating LKY to me.
PS speaks with facts n knowledge. He should take over Lawrence wong to be next PM , probably he will make local breed better life in his heart. Hope PS to be PM then all ministers salary cut to half so that it will not eat into our reserves from their high salary n pay higher minimum income for cleaners n food courts seniors. If ministers think their salary not enough then join private sector n don't just take high salary n sit inside aircon parliament just yes yes but our h d b prices are higher than western countries landed properties besides room size are getting smaller.
I think Hsien Loong should go rewatch all the COP RK videos to see how lightly he got away with this....Oh and and Min LAw's Mental gym game is strong.
Lee was proud about his clean government. PLEASE DO NOT link Shanmugam and Lee Kuan Yew together. This is an INSULT. Personally, I don't like that... ... linking PAP now to Lee Kuan Yew and gang back then. For whatever said or done, LKY's batch had done a great job... ... Which is why the parasites can feed wild and free now and so shameless dishing out low IQ nonsense trying to justify.
PAP & GOV had lost their Gleam. 20+ years or more ago, SG society was good. Walking into any institution (especially Gov institution) was good. Today, when walking into SG.Gov institutions, very often - we are not Treated or Treated like an enemy. These frontline services staff (locals & cina Malaysians) are so ill & their attitude is so sickening. SG is bound for a non durable futures heading towards Crisis & Calamity.
No need to give those who have ex-marital affairs sympathy n room for their bad behaviour as they must know very well where they stand n where they should apply good example to Singapore n the party , if they can't guarantee they can provide intergrity to serve their citizens should not stand in to be government representing their citizens.
You claim to be the BEST IN THE WORLD and therefore you deserve to be the HIGHEST PAID IN THE WORLD. Since you dare to make that claim, then you should know that NO MISTAKES ARE ALLOWED. WHY ARE YOU MAKING A PERSONAL PLEA NOW?
PAP ministers should not keep wasting time arguing that are non productive, just spend more on those seniors selling tissue paper at train stations n those less previledge n fortunate how their mental health are like when making ends meet are torturing to them mentally n physically selling tissue paper at train stations.
As long as not enough oppo mps in parliament, these rulers will be busy paying themselves n continue to be busy keeping us in the dark so that they can continue to pay themselves with our money.
Take a step back and ask yourself why parliament spends a lot of time arguing about internal party issues, about who said what despite investigations being on going, and why a minister is staying in a SLA colonial house. It's a massive shit show and an absolute waste of time. If you're a tax payer you should be angry they are not using this time for productive discourse on policy that will actually improve the lives of Singaporeans.
Cant you see PM sir... both of them didnt respect your leadership... they both bow in public and ask forgiveness from Singaporeans.. unless elites feels " sorry: is an offensive word.
Wasn't it that the pair of govt ministers living in Ridout threatened to sue LHY for defamation? I thought the statements were originally made/published in the UK. If true, then why the insistence (as I understand it) to have it tried in Singapore? 😕 Confused.
Logically, if PAP PM is not Loong, I will be calling for direct resignation. People should call for direct resignation. In any case, politically wise, it is not wise for Loong to be disposed off. A smooth transition is preferable. PAP really thought it is a joke or power is so... ... convenient. Once a call for resignation happens... ... the party is wasted. Motion of distrust at appropriate time is always based on something, and Loong's HRM has produced NO viable PM, and once motion of distrust or call for resignation from the grounds happens in the future, this is no longer a joke. Which is why Loong should ax Shanmugam and Vivian... ... if he even understands what is going on. In any case... ... 未来很好玩就是。 你乱小便,乱扔垃圾等小事儿没人理你,但你滥权舞弊,贪污腐败,不为民谋利而是以权谋私更以法欺民,这么小小的国家、群体就要准备被轰下台。老夫已经啰嗦几十年... ... 如今民间民怨四起,时机一旦成熟... ...Han Hui Hui那批神经病就是不明白,就是行动党自毁前程之际,金主瞧准行动党要没戏,你有实力才可能得到资助和民间支持... ...不懂这个简单的道理枪林弹雨你冲进去则必死无疑。 如今小警察乃至行动党自己的grassroot都知道行动党不行了,这才是站出来夺权的时机。 李显龙长年固执于小人小道小聪明,网络下面声讨行动党腐败无能其实十年前开始已经越来越澎湃,只是山木根还以警察很多人信要去包庇警察,以为部长更动法律就可以集权... ...但你如此无能还出现腐败、公然包庇,民间怎么可能不悄悄有反行动党浪潮? 行动党都要垮了,Heng没感觉到吗?党要亡了,集权还算个鸟?山木根等印度部长还真的以为可以为所欲为? 但... ...目前不是老夫出面的时候。 行动党要垮台是其他健儿为夺权而夺权出击的时机。老夫原本是来救国的,所以那是后期的问题。但... ...老夫为何要站出来救一岛小人? 很厉害啊,烟天天放,来熏死老夫... ...呵呵呵~ 可惜,死的最终就是你们。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~ 这么多年的游戏,现在终于可以聊更多了。 会突然间,行动党选票一面倒... ...转不见一大批,然后倒台。这是kiasu和小聪明社会的特质。小聪明... ...让山木根以为可以为所欲为,但小聪明也在关键时期一鼓作气倒了行动党。所以李小龙主帅到时不必吃惊。 一旦倒了,国库移出去的银子或什么现在的tree啦refurnishment等大大小小奇奇怪怪的东东自然都会被追究,毕竟新政府也要钱,顺便击溃竞争对手... ... 所以李光耀时期那批绝对不会这么胡闹... ...殖民政府是怎么倒台的? 他们高高在上,如上帝和狗一般的贱民的存在... ...以为贱民永远傻乎乎支持... ...一出现机会,就被反咬死。所以李光耀当年非常慎重。 睁大你们的狗眼... ...不光是行动党而是全民... ...如今的mess你们全民难辞其咎。 就算倒了行动党... ... 请问谁来当新国父救国? 不救国,赶走一批蚊子不就是来新一批,这小马还是被吸干完蛋... ... 没有老夫,别说战争... ...光物价飞到外太空,就业大乱等就可以亡国了。大学生开巴士... ...呵呵~ 小事儿。 没老夫,包你天下大乱,死伤破坏无度... ... 而老夫就是*故意*啥都不做。 老夫啥都不做居然还继续招惹冒犯... ...乱捉乱判。简直就是找死... ...呵呵呵呵呵~ 既然那么找死,那就准备给老夫统统去死吧~ 老夫继续翘着二郎腿儿当吃瓜群众好了。 准备灭亡吧,小人国。
Why waste time debating over such “ rape “ sensitive matter instead of decision or proposal on the country future !? The tax payer money should goes towards more constructive and contributing matters for the country !!! Let’s from now on only accept debates on country growth matters! On how to be doing better on the world stage ! ( the raeesah Kahn was over ! Whatever the outcome is not going to contribute to our Nation !!! ) The opposition have no better matter to bring upon ?!!
If all the fines and summon can be like our PM's some time would be nice, months and years in his terms. I think the MPs and PM, they are responsible for their actions. There should be fair and 1 standard, not a soft standard for the MPs and a strict standard for the citizen (which take for granted, its the citizen that give him/them the power). All this time frame should be written and action upon (punish) if not acted.
Me, Really don't understand one issue, regarding Retirement Money Not Supposedly in CPF, cause Standard of living very high to cope up with, and Why never debate inside parliament. If we never Use to make payment for housing, why not in our Bank Account when we had reached 55years like LKY DID FEW YEARS BACK that Can help economy to grow faster, so that we can Spend some saves some, that's retirement money Our hard earn money under one name one address And One IC. We retiree Got right to use it.
Let’s just stop all this and work together to ensure there are good jobs for our people. Nothing is more important than the economy. Then try to ensure we have enough green energy. We don’t have enough energy to power the economy and people want to bother about some adulterers; why? Is the thermal energy in Sembawang a potential energy source? Let’s spend more energy in that please.
Fully agree. Wasting time to bring Khan's case is wasting taxpayers' $$. Got time to debate better looking into building lift in 3 flight of steps opp Blk 114 Yishun Ring Rd. Poor elderly struggled to climb up. Hopefully, it is not exercise like collecting cardboards. For simple thing to improve resident cannot do for years better step down & forgo million $$ & pension.
Uncle An Nek Shan seems your phone has the RK Data many² months back but when CPIB enquire about RIDOUT saga u claimed messages AUTO DELETED TOTAL RUBBISH PLEASE RESIGN NOW Save yourself from any further embarrassment
PS is the best performing, convincing and eloquent speaker entitling him the World Class PM Quality Recognition by many Singaporeans.
All the best in 2025.
Looking back, it’s ridiculous that TCJ was appointed as the chairman of the Committee of Privileges that questioned WP MPs over raesah Khan lying to parliament.
TCJ thought that lying in the Paliament is more serious than lying on the bed with another woman😂
Kena Ownself check ownself bro 😂
@@senchanho7360 🤣🤣
We need more like PS to put the house in order
Modi also needs pritam singh to serve india but we are lucky to have him here in singapore.
Great .
Only Sylvia Lim & Pritam Singh can humble Shanmugam 😂😂😂
the COP of RK case shld be made null n void bcos the chairman TCJ was living an adulterous life
It’s also not about TCJ and CLH having an affair. It’s about why these people in their position of influence were not held accountable to their behavior. Minister Sham is just playing with words
If WP have been summoned for an investigation by the COP for seemingly knowing about the lie and not acting promptly enough then why is the PM not under such scrutiny for doing the same by hiding the affair since 2020? It is obviously double standard.
Bro cannot same side score goal leh.
Only oppsite side can ma???.
Everything govt does, seems like ok...
Actually not ok...
Just cover here, cover there by clever talking...
Try to make the incident seems pitiful by implicating the families of both sides, whereas when both were councilled in 2020, never think of family???
The last question by Pritam hits the nail on the head and KS didn’t seemed too enthusiastic to respond at all. Classic!.
Salute to Mr Pritam Singh. .
Mr Pritam Singh is going to be amazing Prime minister.
Mr Shanmugam must be embarrassed to have met such a strong opponent, having been a top lawyer for so long, only to be trashed by a relatively young lawyer whose legal experience certainly does not match his!!
Embarrassed? His skin is nuke-proof in my personal opinion as a citizen... ...If Pritam is wrong in his view, means PAP doesn't need to be sensitive, which he is arguing about???
Strange... ... it is just party politics, but as the minister for the police and home team... ... and he himself now a GLARING problem, how could he debate against 'sensitivity'... ... WP can be a crook, but doesn't mean WP can't 'check on' PAP. The point is simply this, WP is never considered a viable party or more so than PAP, but its role is to bang against PAP problems. That's all.
You know how 'sensitive' LKY was to issues... ... In TEXTBOOK, even when some monkeys jumped around in a minister's office, that minister was axed almost IMMEDIATELY. That was how sensitive it was.
Not to mention 'non-preferential' treatment of getting where he live or lived for such 'trees' and rate after 'refurnishing' bla bla bla... ...
shan was schooled by pritam😂
We don't need a political party fight on personal or party issues. We can go to the cinema with popcorn for those. We need intellectual debate on issues Singapore is facing and sound policy making. Do we not have real issues to solve apart from lies and extramarital affairs? Parliament turning into a soap opera.
There'll be no soap operas if LKY is around.
Extramarital affairs reflects badly on public figures. Do you mean you don’t mind if ministers have extra marital affairs with each other? If a public figure cannot preserve their own morality, how more can the people depend on them on more “serious” matters.
Exactly ..once LKY discover any nonsense happening he'll chop them off immediately and no soap operas wil or can happen in parliament
@@choysum Of course it is and they are sacked but that should be the end of it. Instead these boys are harping on it and attacking each other's party leadership. There are more pressing issues at hand concerning Singaporeans.
@@blackknightbatman2636 if l k y still around probably all soaps at supermarket will be sold out fast.because pereira n t c j need most
Shanmugam is the bad guy in PAP that tanks all the dirty job of hitting opponents below the belt at the expense of his own image.
Or otherwise known as the attack dog of LHL.
@@Kafir667 figuratively yes
a dog with the name black mamba
He could debate, despite now a big corruption case seen by many (Check overseas online views in forums), but he cannot argue against sensitivity.
It is like Shanmugan slaps mother, then argue WP can't complain cos Pritam slapped his father... ... Stupid.
mRNA jabs really lowers IQ so much meh... ... Hahahahahahahahahaha... ...
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... ...
Loong doesn't need to be looking so ugly now... ... but he chose so. He climbed those cables back then to be a villain today???
Look at all those parasites he made to be 'seniors' in the sphere of power and influence in Singapore... ...
And look at who Lee Kuan Yew brought in, and quickly axed when need be... ...
Look at how Lee Kuan Yew was so PROUD against Indonesian corruption that public money to charities for public use won't be like in Indonesia... ...
Proud man Harry was... ... but how proud can he be if he is looking at his son's parasites messing up today... ...
And stay in ridout…maybe that was the exchange…
Somebody is beating round the Bush
And we certainly know who😂
If a party made mistakes, apologise.
Pritam singh balls of steel 💪💪
Pm material.
Now in fashion, wearing 2 watches
Ya oh. I thought he said he money not enough ever since becoming minister. Why can afford 2 watches?
With all fairness the PM should ask parliament to drop the case for Raeesah Khan. Since it was his Big mistake knowingly about TCJ and still allowing him to be appointed as Chairman of Committee of Privileges. Can this case be even consider legal ?
PS intellect is on par with any of the Pap members or even better i would say👍👍👍
At least better than Amy koh, k.s. ,v.b., murali, vikram , grace foo, teo ch and the list goes on.
He thinks fast and highly intelligent.
Incapable leadership!
I just realized that our parliament debates on blaming and defending petty issues over much more issues like inflation, living wage and reality, growing prices for public housing and much much much more.
Just kick this party out lah. They have nothing left to offer Singapore other than leeching off its hard working people struggling to take care of their families and also their parents at the same time while these out of touch govt raise their own salaries yearly and award themselves with annual bonuses without the peoples consent and approval.
KS modus operadum was to obfuscate when cornered. Seriously, as a Minister of Law, surely you are capable of more?!?
Why we talkin about this BS... when im a single guy lookin for a home...
All the resale flats are going at stupid rates
Used to be around $50,000 for a 3-room flat when I was a child 😞, if I'm not wrong
Shiny object ... Smoke ... You are not aware that Iswaran is arrested ... You are not aware that Iswaran is arrested ... You are not aware that Iswaran is arrested ...
Why are we still talking about Ms Khan? It’s over isn’t it? We should be addressing the questions on the ongoing corruption case and the unparliamentary language and affairs? This is not what Singaporean is interested to know now. And such debate over Khan will not divert the current attention of most of us isn’t it? There should be better use of tax payer resources at this juncture.
Because wp is mixing ms. Khan with this issue.
After the saga it is likely a bad idea for politicians to stay in Ridout properties. Why? The location is ominous. Voters might get RID of them and throw them OUT of Parliament.
Foreboding 😂😂😂
You can lived in Ridout, BUT you MUST pay for the space as everybody is under his own government's governance forced upon the public at market rate, and make sure that land parcels with trees lah homes needing refurnishing for such cost consideration should be applicable to member of public, like me.
Since most lands in Singapore are with 'dangerous' trees, including monkeys and parasites from bottom to Parliament, and I definitely will like to paint and get proper doors and floors and beds and tables and against their anti-smoking ban I also need aircons... ... means almost 99% of Singapore should be MINE! Hahahahahahahahahaha... ...
脸皮厚到刀枪不入的境界,便是印度哪里都归他住,何况小人国... ...
此例一出,未来总理自然会更多印度部长‘随便’住。老夫最近还逛了几圈... ...一些‘单位’也挤了印度家庭... ...不知靠近Bouna Vista科技区很接近大学一老式宅子是不是也国有资产?
简直当全新加坡人都是傻子... ...
Great Mr Singh
Shut up bot
Really?! Who was the party attack her during the time?
If the reason for asking the former speaker to resign is the inappropriate relationship then the former speaker should have been asked to resign in the first instance when the PM had known about it. What PM said seems like excuses to me, not reasons for the inappropriate length of handling of the matter.
Alahmak bro our pm is a kind man lah.
Even providing salary to support a suspected convict so its his kind nature which unknowingly or knowingly also (support) the titanic love to a certain extend period after beh tahan he fire them but he (pm) fail to understand he is also liable for the betryal towards singaporean for 2yrs but cover up it with dignity excuses so he is a kind men in nature leh so cannot blaim him lah bro.
After all he is old man who want to step asap. So he got enough to makan enough for him loh.
Shanmugam … the moment you came into the limelight of the black and white bungalow… the golden ring around you has lost its shine.
Very glad to hear PM being compassionate about the affair and impact to the families. Decisions like these are hard and it’s appropriate to respond with sensitivity.
Likewise, PS extending sensitivity to Khan is also understandable, in the sense that he allowed Khan time to speak with her family first.
Law Minister took the definition of sensitivity in a different direction. He’s factually correct but looking at it differently. PS’ sensitivity to give Khan time to address with family is the same as PM according time to TCJ and MP as families are involved.
It’s quite frustrating the divergent opinions appear to be deliberate.
Main difference is: Ps gave only weeks n months for khan but being questioned left right centre. Pm gave that kaninah adulterous man n that slut mp 3 years.
For Sham either he has failed in his listening compre or he intentionally trying to save his lord who pays him millions by diverting our attention.
It is not that he look at the issue differently. He is purposely not asking the question on double standard. Is PAP going to start COP to investigate LHL for not taking action for 3 years while still allow TCJ to remain as speaker of the parliment?
Just to alert your memory,n backtrack Michael Palmer sacking dont need 3 years....its immediate out you go.
@@omaralkadree3177 so why do you think there’s a difference this time?
Cannot answer last question😂
The PM should have been more upfront with Singaporeans in the first place.
If we recall; Only upon being questioned by the reporter then did we come to know that the relationship had already been for 3 years.
[Add: To be specific CNA Reporter Question as in PM Lee's Q&A with media on handling of Tan Chuan-Jin and Cheng Li Hui's 'inappropriate relationship']
Ex CNA reporter, to be specific. She has been "reassigned" ...😢😢😢
@@z4zompy see you in 2025. Singaporeans must stop all self-serving provision.
More opposition to have more transparency government
Deny them 2 third majority in the parliament. Need 35 seats in next ge.
I believe in Karma. Blood is always thicker among brothers and sisters
Good job pritam,singh
Dont need to talk so much, only voters can solve the problem. If u think they are not up to standard just vote them out.
The issue has digressed
PM Lee cannot be lying. TCJ should have asked to step down if not tender his resignation when his affair was discovered. But he didnt. Why? His morals not up to pap's standard. The other woman mp also not up to standard. But I believe they aren't the only ones not up to pap's standard. 😂😂😂😂
Yes public can judge themselves. Out of sudden someone’s hp has no auto delete function ?😂
I love how both parties use family considerations as a veneer to mean political considerations
@10:19 Shanmugam reading from what appeared to be a HandPhone Or Communication Device. I wonder how many "personal assistance" at tax-payers' account are supporting him behind the scene while crossing sword with "One" Pritam Singh?
10:28 tbh the COP is tainted given that TCJ was presiding over it.
Hahaha shanmugam was humble down by pritam,after ride out rd case his reputation tannish
Seriously Rid Out liao... ...
Some folks at hawker centre said this is Indian Minister from India become Singapore India minister... ...
Aiya... ... nowadays, nuke-proof skin.
He really thinks Singaporeans are like some Indians... ... that a minister is super class people and can do anything they want, even going against LKY principles to wanna go after AGC to cover for police mess and doing so in parliament... ... because police are 'stressed'.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha... ...
You don't need a big space to make babies, you don't need a big island for people now to talk about his... ... 'political wisdom'. Very very fake LKY supporter, as if LKY's batch is like him like that... ...
Very humiliating LKY to me.
He wore 2 watches?
Of course, the public can judge for themselves. I also wish the public could trust what Shanmugam has said.
PS speaks with facts n knowledge. He should take over Lawrence wong to be next PM , probably he will make local breed better life in his heart. Hope PS to be PM then all ministers salary cut to half so that it will not eat into our reserves from their high salary n pay higher minimum income for cleaners n food courts seniors. If ministers think their salary not enough then join private sector n don't just take high salary n sit inside aircon parliament just yes yes but our h d b prices are higher than western countries landed properties besides room size are getting smaller.
What a joke… looking at the way he handles critics
Love to hear more the opposition party
So the minister can give time. Where'd Pritam was questioned why it took him sometime to make his party member come out with the truth asap .hmm?
Thambi eagerly tries to lifts his boss in the house aft his ridout controversy but didn’t expect to kena a good one from ps.
I think Hsien Loong should go rewatch all the COP RK videos to see how lightly he got away with this....Oh and and Min LAw's Mental gym game is strong.
Pap double standard 5:14
1:30 pap double standard was so glaring.
One has done injustice have to go through punishment. This is for everyone whether he is ordinary citizens or ministers. No one is above law
If proper procedure is lawful, treason is also legal... ... Legal jokes don't come without a reason.
Shanmugam is just like lee. They're just beating around the bush and trying to evade addressing the matter stated by pritam singh directly.
Lee was proud about his clean government. PLEASE DO NOT link Shanmugam and Lee Kuan Yew together. This is an INSULT.
Personally, I don't like that... ... linking PAP now to Lee Kuan Yew and gang back then.
For whatever said or done, LKY's batch had done a great job... ... Which is why the parasites can feed wild and free now and so shameless dishing out low IQ nonsense trying to justify.
Is manadatory for ministers to pronounce the word issue as Esew ? Lol
Blah....Blah....Blah....Blah.....Blah.....and then i return to my palace in Ridout road.
the irony of protecting families and the not using certain words now become the exactly opposite hahaha
It was the public who are not being sensitive.
In the end, someone was speechless. 😮😅
Double standard and hypocrisy from pap. Gutter politics.
Rig out!
PAP & GOV had lost their Gleam.
20+ years or more ago, SG society was good. Walking into any institution (especially Gov institution) was good.
Today, when walking into SG.Gov institutions, very often - we are not Treated or Treated like an enemy.
These frontline services staff (locals & cina Malaysians) are so ill & their attitude is so sickening.
SG is bound for a non durable futures heading towards Crisis & Calamity.
Today's community service centers are manned by foreigners as well so we will see more not so " good " outcome that might affect our locals .
No need to give those who have ex-marital affairs sympathy n room for their bad behaviour as they must know very well where they stand n where they should apply good example to Singapore n the party , if they can't guarantee they can provide intergrity to serve their citizens should not stand in to be government representing their citizens.
You claim to be the BEST IN THE WORLD and therefore you deserve to be the HIGHEST PAID IN THE WORLD. Since you dare to make that claim, then you should know that NO MISTAKES ARE ALLOWED.
Only God's wisdom and words prevails any debates
PAP ministers should not keep wasting time arguing that are non productive, just spend more on those seniors selling tissue paper at train stations n those less previledge n fortunate how their mental health are like when making ends meet are torturing to them mentally n physically selling tissue paper at train stations.
As long as not enough oppo mps in parliament, these rulers will be busy paying themselves n continue to be busy keeping us in the dark so that they can continue to pay themselves with our money.
Take a step back and ask yourself why parliament spends a lot of time arguing about internal party issues, about who said what despite investigations being on going, and why a minister is staying in a SLA colonial house. It's a massive shit show and an absolute waste of time. If you're a tax payer you should be angry they are not using this time for productive discourse on policy that will actually improve the lives of Singaporeans.
No matter how..can't cover it up though
Terrible discussion
A softer exit took far too long
From one topic wayang to another old topic..good turn to change channel
Cant you see PM sir... both of them didnt respect your leadership... they both bow in public and ask forgiveness from Singaporeans.. unless elites feels " sorry: is an offensive word.
What about ride out rd case😂😂
Wasn't it that the pair of govt ministers living in Ridout threatened to sue LHY for defamation? I thought the statements were originally made/published in the UK. If true, then why the insistence (as I understand it) to have it tried in Singapore? 😕 Confused.
Then what about iswaran case n ride out😂😂 auto delete😂😂
Can someone else talk? Not really wanna listen to.Shanmugam and vivian leh
Kudos to Pritam Singh.
Logically and responsibly lsl as a leader of pap should at first chance apologise for his failure in letting sporeans know.
Logically, if PAP PM is not Loong, I will be calling for direct resignation. People should call for direct resignation.
In any case, politically wise, it is not wise for Loong to be disposed off. A smooth transition is preferable.
PAP really thought it is a joke or power is so... ... convenient.
Once a call for resignation happens... ... the party is wasted.
Motion of distrust at appropriate time is always based on something, and Loong's HRM has produced NO viable PM, and once motion of distrust or call for resignation from the grounds happens in the future, this is no longer a joke. Which is why Loong should ax Shanmugam and Vivian... ... if he even understands what is going on.
In any case... ... 未来很好玩就是。
你乱小便,乱扔垃圾等小事儿没人理你,但你滥权舞弊,贪污腐败,不为民谋利而是以权谋私更以法欺民,这么小小的国家、群体就要准备被轰下台。老夫已经啰嗦几十年... ...
如今民间民怨四起,时机一旦成熟... ...Han Hui Hui那批神经病就是不明白,就是行动党自毁前程之际,金主瞧准行动党要没戏,你有实力才可能得到资助和民间支持... ...不懂这个简单的道理枪林弹雨你冲进去则必死无疑。
李显龙长年固执于小人小道小聪明,网络下面声讨行动党腐败无能其实十年前开始已经越来越澎湃,只是山木根还以警察很多人信要去包庇警察,以为部长更动法律就可以集权... ...但你如此无能还出现腐败、公然包庇,民间怎么可能不悄悄有反行动党浪潮?
但... ...目前不是老夫出面的时候。
行动党要垮台是其他健儿为夺权而夺权出击的时机。老夫原本是来救国的,所以那是后期的问题。但... ...老夫为何要站出来救一岛小人?
很厉害啊,烟天天放,来熏死老夫... ...呵呵呵~
会突然间,行动党选票一面倒... ...转不见一大批,然后倒台。这是kiasu和小聪明社会的特质。小聪明... ...让山木根以为可以为所欲为,但小聪明也在关键时期一鼓作气倒了行动党。所以李小龙主帅到时不必吃惊。
一旦倒了,国库移出去的银子或什么现在的tree啦refurnishment等大大小小奇奇怪怪的东东自然都会被追究,毕竟新政府也要钱,顺便击溃竞争对手... ...
所以李光耀时期那批绝对不会这么胡闹... ...殖民政府是怎么倒台的?
他们高高在上,如上帝和狗一般的贱民的存在... ...以为贱民永远傻乎乎支持... ...一出现机会,就被反咬死。所以李光耀当年非常慎重。
睁大你们的狗眼... ...不光是行动党而是全民... ...如今的mess你们全民难辞其咎。
就算倒了行动党... ...
不救国,赶走一批蚊子不就是来新一批,这小马还是被吸干完蛋... ...
没有老夫,别说战争... ...光物价飞到外太空,就业大乱等就可以亡国了。大学生开巴士... ...呵呵~
没老夫,包你天下大乱,死伤破坏无度... ...
老夫啥都不做居然还继续招惹冒犯... ...乱捉乱判。简直就是找死... ...呵呵呵呵呵~
There cannot be lee way.. in 2020 .. the real lees way.. lky way. Immediate action
Why waste time debating over such “ rape “ sensitive matter instead of decision or proposal on the country future !? The tax payer money should goes towards more constructive and contributing matters for the country !!! Let’s from now on only accept debates on country growth matters! On how to be doing better on the world stage ! ( the raeesah Kahn was over ! Whatever the outcome is not going to contribute to our Nation !!! ) The opposition have no better matter to bring upon ?!!
Why,talk about that,raseeh khan again again😂😂
Workers Party ❤
I Think PM should take responsibility for every thing and step down.
If all the fines and summon can be like our PM's some time would be nice, months and years in his terms.
I think the MPs and PM, they are responsible for their actions. There should be fair and 1 standard, not a soft standard for the MPs and a strict standard for the citizen (which take for granted, its the citizen that give him/them the power).
All this time frame should be written and action upon (punish) if not acted.
Shanmugam pls resign
Joke. there is no one else qualified to take on his Law minister role.
Too old to mean?
Me, Really don't understand one issue, regarding
Retirement Money Not Supposedly in CPF, cause
Standard of living very high to cope up with, and
Why never debate inside parliament. If we never
Use to make payment for housing, why not in our
Bank Account when we had reached 55years like
Can help economy to grow faster, so that we can
Spend some saves some, that's retirement money
Our hard earn money under one name one address
And One IC. We retiree Got right to use it.
Shanmugam very on person see him wearing 2 watches “impressive”i must say heard he dead lift heavy weights
Pap corrupted period
PS is not a easy meat to crack
Let’s just stop all this and work together to ensure there are good jobs for our people. Nothing is more important than the economy. Then try to ensure we have enough green energy. We don’t have enough energy to power the economy and people want to bother about some adulterers; why? Is the thermal energy in Sembawang a potential energy source? Let’s spend more energy in that please.
But our acting president (in her absence) n his lover slut mp prefer to use their energy on bed.
Fully agree. Wasting time to bring Khan's case is wasting taxpayers' $$. Got time to debate better looking into building lift in 3 flight of steps opp Blk 114 Yishun Ring Rd. Poor elderly struggled to climb up. Hopefully, it is not exercise like collecting cardboards. For simple thing to improve resident cannot do for years better step down & forgo million $$ & pension.
Someone is very robotic n wooden today… wonder why ? Too close for comfort ?
why so gullible - just because one says so then it is? even religious persons can't be taken just for their words right?
Uncle An Nek Shan
seems your phone has the RK Data many² months back
but when CPIB enquire about RIDOUT saga
u claimed messages
Save yourself from any further embarrassment
2 Snakes defending their master....But got no balls to accept the challenge made by LHY....😂😂😂😂
Are they going to sue lhy or not? Just threatening only?
Mr. Shunmugam- Excellent point made!
Not juggler but snake hiss
PAP are always right we get it.
Singh is king
Cb c