Halloween is a great opportunity to see deer. Today is cold, had an 8 point cruising out of bow range. Plan on going to my afternoon stand around 1pm. Lots of doe, seen a few doe walking alone. I think by this weekend the doe will have the bucks on lock down! My cousin harvested a nice 8 point at 9:30am not far from my spot.
in central wi just started to notice bucks fallowing does in last 4 days. historically the next week i should see lot more movement of bucks and does then wont see anything fallowing week. or when dnr says peak breeding will be.
I think its crazy how here in Indiana when firearm season starts most of the time we are on the decline of the rut and it makes me so happy to be a bowhunter because I'm able to see more deer and hunt the rut before the deer become gun shocked/shy
When they added crossbows to rut season, bucks are getting shot before they can mate. That’s the problem. Plus there are way more non-resident hunters than there used to be.
Great morning low was 26 degrees 6 different doe n 2 bucks. Jeff was right about that 11 o’clock between 1230 had the second buck come by 1140 n bedded down 100 yards away!
I've been hunting 50 years n own 270 acres at my home in Pennsylvania ...I've made a hunting video for Saskatchewan buck hunting ...Lol and Jeff can repeat all the Buzzwords he wants ..lol Love his hunting tips ...plot tips n Management tips immensely ! Lol I'll just have a shot or 2 of Crown 👑 Tonight after my hunt over one of his vine scrape set ups .!! To You Jeff !! Cheers 🍻 brother ! All you hunters plz plz stay safe ....in those trees particularly! Shoot Straight 😎
Sat and Sunday I hunted morning and evening . Saw 4 deer in both days and cameras showed nothing. Monday it blew up, 6 new shooters showed up and prob 15 new bucks total, and Tuesday (today) cameras have been going non stop
Hey Jeff, I hunt on a permission piece of property and it’s 10 acres right outside a big city. Technically I am the only person who hunts in the area, due to city limits. It had a creek running through it and tons of acorns, as well as good cover. I had a mature bucks on it up until last week of October. The only deer I have spooked hunting was a doe while walking in, but that was awhile back ago. I have good access to both of my hunting spots. I’m just wondering where these bucks went, the property looked so great, now it’s bad. There is other woods in the surrounding area and a school with a lot of woods as well. I just think they left the area to go look for other things they need. If I could get your advice, that would be great! Thank you, congrats on Bo.
Small parcels suck, I have 2 10 acre private spots with some monsters and it's very give and take, especially with brown it's down neighbors, good luck amigo!
Our parcel is around 3 bucks to 1 doe. Little frustrating come the rut since we don’t have the doe numbers. We still try to keep the pressure as close to 0 as possible
Jeff you ever see a mature buck that doesn’t leave a lot of sign(scrapes, rubs)? I have a 5.5 yr old buck, I know his core area. It’s been the same at least the last two years. I get daylight photos of him all the time. I’ve been playing cat and mouse with him for 3 days now just barely avoiding my bow range. BUT he leaves very minimal sign compared to what I’ve seen from other mature bucks in past. If it weren’t for cameras I would have no clue he was in the area.
I just want to add something here. Last season on November 18th and November 21st, I had a different shooter on both of those days show up about 8 o’clock in the morning. I did not have no shooters show up before then. Just making an observation I guess. I live in Sioux City Iowa, so, this week should be blazing good, but I’m going to make it a point to be in the tree come mid November just as well.
I’ve experienced that in northern Wisconsin where I hunt killed a 9 pointer two days before opener of rifle just showed up 4 days prior with another really nice buck so I threw my stand up at 5 in the morning by 730 I was tagged out
In Pennsylvania Halloween is ALWAYS the MAGIC day .. ( Date most bucks killed on my farm /Archery) all the scrapes were refreshed after the rain n seeing chasing starting ... let a beautiful 9 pointer pass this morning chasing .. saw 10 doe n a spike n 4pt in addition... It's Time Fellas !!😎
It’s November the 10th & here in my area in central North Carolina I’ve seen deer move every hunt except the past few hunts and it’s a ghost town ! Their locked down with does cause I’ve watched young bucks harass and chase does but nothing mature has showed up and now nothing is showing up not even the does ! I either need to fall back and give the deer a break or I need to figure out different strategies …
Jeff do you think weather affects the deers yearly general movements. What i mean is last year I experienced the true rut lock down from 31,1,2 Nov in northeast wis. But I remember one of the best hunts i had was on the evening of the third. Years prior, So would you say the weather could move that general routine of the deer, movement and patterns i have noticed over the years. Like the overall weather pattern could that adjust that yearly patterned routines. I hope this is coming across properly, im trying to decide to hunt today Nov 1 or wait until the third but it will be 30 in morning and 50 sunny not great weather day on the 3rd and Hunt wise app says today is best day of the week. I hunt a very hard private parcel surrouned by hunters 100 acre corn field in middle and i hunt about 15-20 acres on each edge. Cant control that perfect X spot to sit, I guess overall, I’m just wondering if I should rely on historical data of my land over the last 10 years versus Nov 1st an weather now? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks good luck this season!
What are you asking exactly? A saddle is just another way to get into a tree, like using a climber, or a hang on. Saddle hunting isn’t a specific type of hunting
I made the mistake of going in early last night. The weather wasn't great, it was cold and windy, I was getting tired, and I suddenly needed a bathroom. I should have stayed out. A good sized 8 point walked by my trail cam an hour later, a few minutes before the close of hunting hours. I'm still happy I'm finally seeing bucks chasing does. I had two bucks come in at noon on Saturday. Too bad I had to work. Today looks like it will be a good day for hunting, but I'd rather be with my kids on Halloween.
I have probably 4 bucks to every doe on my 20acres. This is the first year it's ever been like this. The new neighbor next to me has planted food plots and there's at least 2 feeders that I know of lol. It's like all the does moved next door
So I have a question. I have had bucks scraping and rubbing all over my property. This cold front has hit (I’m blessed enough to be able to hunt it during the week) and everything has stopped. I haven’t seen a buck, the scrapes and rubs have been abandoned for the past 4 days and the does aren’t even using the foodplots or feeders. I’m truly lost and wondering if this is typical lockdown behavior? I’m in Louisiana if that helps.
I spooked a buck drawing as he was following a doe. They both ran off but the doe didn't realize why. She came back by and sure enough the same buck followed. Needless to say that was the last time he walked by that stand👍 You never know what deer will do.
Does the rut begin later in southern states? I live in central Texas & haven’t seen too much action on cams just yet. Last year I knew we had quite a bit of action later in November around the 25th. But this dates don’t line up with what I’ve heard here?
If you listen to some of the people around me there's something magical about lockdown. Here's how they treat it: 1) Deer stop moving. For a whole week their legs fall off and that's how they actually breed. 2) Deer don't need to eat anymore. Their stomachs disappear, and no longer need to utilize any kind of caloric intake. 3) Deer become deaf. Their ears fall off making them impossible to call to in ajy capacity. 4) Their eyes fall out. Even if they didn't find a doe they can't find it and couldn't go looking for it even if they wanted to (you know, because their legs fell off). 5) Don't worry about it because all that stuff will grow back in a week for peak rut, and hurry up because second rut isn't real. Follow that intel and you'll be just as informed as a couple of my neighbors.
Lol if you’re sitting in the right stand with a good wind, it shouldn’t matter where you poop. Also, if you wake up and immediately brew a pot of coffee, you will be cleared out before you start your walk to the stand.
Thanks for info.
You are very welcome Juan!
Here's a fun game. Take a shot every time jeff says "bottom line is." See how many videos you can get through 😂
Or the “UP of Michigan”
Lol...bunch of drunks out there!
If i played that game i would be to drunk to hold my Bow steady 😂
Don't forget to add, "lowest hole in the bucket," to the list.
And "5 times in 24 hours" 😂
Halloween is a great opportunity to see deer. Today is cold, had an 8 point cruising out of bow range.
Plan on going to my afternoon stand around 1pm.
Lots of doe, seen a few doe walking alone. I think by this weekend the doe will have the bucks on lock down!
My cousin harvested a nice 8 point at 9:30am not far from my spot.
in central wi just started to notice bucks fallowing does in last 4 days. historically the next week i should see lot more movement of bucks and does then wont see anything fallowing week. or when dnr says peak breeding will be.
I think its crazy how here in Indiana when firearm season starts most of the time we are on the decline of the rut and it makes me so happy to be a bowhunter because I'm able to see more deer and hunt the rut before the deer become gun shocked/shy
When they added crossbows to rut season, bucks are getting shot before they can mate. That’s the problem. Plus there are way more non-resident hunters than there used to be.
Yep. I’m going through this right now. Super active last week, now it’s dead. Expecting this weekend to kick off.
Great morning low was 26 degrees 6 different doe n 2 bucks. Jeff was right about that 11 o’clock between 1230 had the second buck come by 1140 n bedded down 100 yards away!
I've been hunting 50 years n own 270 acres at my home in Pennsylvania ...I've made a hunting video for Saskatchewan buck hunting ...Lol and Jeff can repeat all the Buzzwords he wants ..lol Love his hunting tips ...plot tips n Management tips immensely ! Lol I'll just have a shot or 2 of Crown 👑 Tonight after my hunt over one of his vine scrape set ups .!! To You Jeff !! Cheers 🍻 brother ! All you hunters plz plz stay safe ....in those trees particularly! Shoot Straight 😎
November 9 here up in Maine, definitely in lockdown as movement has suddenly slowed down based off camera activity I’m seeing
Sat and Sunday I hunted morning and evening . Saw 4 deer in both days and cameras showed nothing. Monday it blew up, 6 new shooters showed up and prob 15 new bucks total, and Tuesday (today) cameras have been going non stop
Southern indiana btw
Hey Jeff,
I hunt on a permission piece of property and it’s 10 acres right outside a big city. Technically I am the only person who hunts in the area, due to city limits. It had a creek running through it and tons of acorns, as well as good cover. I had a mature bucks on it up until last week of October. The only deer I have spooked hunting was a doe while walking in, but that was awhile back ago. I have good access to both of my hunting spots. I’m just wondering where these bucks went, the property looked so great, now it’s bad. There is other woods in the surrounding area and a school with a lot of woods as well. I just think they left the area to go look for other things they need. If I could get your advice, that would be great!
Thank you, congrats on Bo.
Looking for does, they’ll be back
Small parcels suck, I have 2 10 acre private spots with some monsters and it's very give and take, especially with brown it's down neighbors, good luck amigo!
The spot I hunt now is just how you explained the perfect X we have food all around and bedding on both sides
Jeff what do you do if you have a 99 percent day on hunt wise but the winds are up pretty heavy?
Our parcel is around 3 bucks to 1 doe. Little frustrating come the rut since we don’t have the doe numbers. We still try to keep the pressure as close to 0 as possible
Jeff you ever see a mature buck that doesn’t leave a lot of sign(scrapes, rubs)? I have a 5.5 yr old buck, I know his core area. It’s been the same at least the last two years. I get daylight photos of him all the time. I’ve been playing cat and mouse with him for 3 days now just barely avoiding my bow range. BUT he leaves very minimal sign compared to what I’ve seen from other mature bucks in past. If it weren’t for cameras I would have no clue he was in the area.
Every big deer I’ve gone after is a ghost they won’t even barely touch my mock scrapes I setup.
Had a big mature 8 point bedded in front of my work truck all morning yesterday. 😂 (job site in the metro)(surrounded by houses)
The lockdown !! The rut has just started here.
That means your lockdown is very close
I just want to add something here. Last season on November 18th and November 21st, I had a different shooter on both of those days show up about 8 o’clock in the morning. I did not have no shooters show up before then. Just making an observation I guess. I live in Sioux City Iowa, so, this week should be blazing good, but I’m going to make it a point to be in the tree come mid November just as well.
I’ve experienced that in northern Wisconsin where I hunt killed a 9 pointer two days before opener of rifle just showed up 4 days prior with another really nice buck so I threw my stand up at 5 in the morning by 730 I was tagged out
In Pennsylvania Halloween is ALWAYS the MAGIC day .. ( Date most bucks killed on my farm /Archery) all the scrapes were refreshed after the rain n seeing chasing starting ... let a beautiful 9 pointer pass this morning chasing .. saw 10 doe n a spike n 4pt in addition... It's Time Fellas !!😎
It’s November the 10th & here in my area in central North Carolina I’ve seen deer move every hunt except the past few hunts and it’s a ghost town ! Their locked down with does cause I’ve watched young bucks harass and chase does but nothing mature has showed up and now nothing is showing up not even the does ! I either need to fall back and give the deer a break or I need to figure out different strategies …
Jeff do you think weather affects the deers yearly general movements. What i mean is last year I experienced the true rut lock down from 31,1,2 Nov in northeast wis. But I remember one of the best hunts i had was on the evening of the third. Years prior, So would you say the weather could move that general routine of the deer, movement and patterns i have noticed over the years. Like the overall weather pattern could that adjust that yearly patterned routines. I hope this is coming across properly, im trying to decide to hunt today Nov 1 or wait until the third but it will be 30 in morning and 50 sunny not great weather day on the 3rd and Hunt wise app says today is best day of the week. I hunt a very hard private parcel surrouned by hunters 100 acre corn field in middle and i hunt about 15-20 acres on each edge. Cant control that perfect X spot to sit, I guess overall, I’m just wondering if I should rely on historical data of my land over the last 10 years versus Nov 1st an weather now? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks good luck this season!
Could you give a opinion of saddle hunting on public ground and its possible benefits because of so many hunters on public parcels. Thanks !
What are you asking exactly? A saddle is just another way to get into a tree, like using a climber, or a hang on. Saddle hunting isn’t a specific type of hunting
I made the mistake of going in early last night. The weather wasn't great, it was cold and windy, I was getting tired, and I suddenly needed a bathroom. I should have stayed out. A good sized 8 point walked by my trail cam an hour later, a few minutes before the close of hunting hours. I'm still happy I'm finally seeing bucks chasing does. I had two bucks come in at noon on Saturday. Too bad I had to work. Today looks like it will be a good day for hunting, but I'd rather be with my kids on Halloween.
Thanks Jeff
I have probably 4 bucks to every doe on my 20acres. This is the first year it's ever been like this. The new neighbor next to me has planted food plots and there's at least 2 feeders that I know of lol. It's like all the does moved next door
Here in the thumb of Michigan the buck to doe ratio is 20 doe s to one buck it’s
What’s your opinion on placing a Turkey decoy while deer hunting as confidence building for deer?
Your on to something!? LMAO
@@troybrake5686 well idk lol, wanted to ask the deer masters
Great videos thanks you guys
So I have a question. I have had bucks scraping and rubbing all over my property. This cold front has hit (I’m blessed enough to be able to hunt it during the week) and everything has stopped. I haven’t seen a buck, the scrapes and rubs have been abandoned for the past 4 days and the does aren’t even using the foodplots or feeders. I’m truly lost and wondering if this is typical lockdown behavior? I’m in Louisiana if that helps.
sounds like their lockdown already where you are back in the thick stuff
If a buck blows when you miss a shot on a doe he was with, will he come back around to check his scapes
I spooked a buck drawing as he was following a doe. They both ran off but the doe didn't realize why. She came back by and sure enough the same buck followed. Needless to say that was the last time he walked by that stand👍
You never know what deer will do.
@@Outdoormaniac3123ur buck didn’t blow tho lol
Does the rut begin later in southern states? I live in central Texas & haven’t seen too much action on cams just yet. Last year I knew we had quite a bit of action later in November around the 25th. But this dates don’t line up with what I’ve heard here?
If you listen to some of the people around me there's something magical about lockdown. Here's how they treat it:
1) Deer stop moving. For a whole week their legs fall off and that's how they actually breed.
2) Deer don't need to eat anymore. Their stomachs disappear, and no longer need to utilize any kind of caloric intake.
3) Deer become deaf. Their ears fall off making them impossible to call to in ajy capacity.
4) Their eyes fall out. Even if they didn't find a doe they can't find it and couldn't go looking for it even if they wanted to (you know, because their legs fell off).
5) Don't worry about it because all that stuff will grow back in a week for peak rut, and hurry up because second rut isn't real.
Follow that intel and you'll be just as informed as a couple of my neighbors.
I believe it's happening right now, tons of pics on my camera.
It's getting close for sure!
Too early
What do you do when you have to poop while on stand? Do you go close by so you can get back in the stand or do you want to get some distance?
Lol if you’re sitting in the right stand with a good wind, it shouldn’t matter where you poop.
Also, if you wake up and immediately brew a pot of coffee, you will be cleared out before you start your walk to the stand.
Big dirty
@@darrenturcotte7799shatter splatter
if its emergency, from the stand will do, it will attract deers too.
🏹🦌👍🤸 thanks
I just need to know what the bottom line is.
A few days my ass. I havent seen any movement in 2 weeks
While watching this video I had cell cam pics delivered of two bucks chasing a doe across the property in southern Illinois.