Amazing Fine adjustment mechanism using screws

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @pennyroyal3813
    @pennyroyal3813 3 роки тому +130

    Every step of this build shows extremely high quality. The hand tools, the jigs he's built, the accuracy as well as the video quality.

    • @jimthesoundman8641
      @jimthesoundman8641 3 роки тому +14

      I agree, it's like watching a watchmaker work. Quite amazing. I wonder if he's like this in all aspects of his life. Probably spends 20 hours a week cleaning his car.

    • @mannequinplayer
      @mannequinplayer 3 роки тому +12

      Can you imagine how much planning goes into shooting the video as well? They probably plan every shot before recording anything. This is easily in my top 5 youtube channels!

    • @RodrigoDoBrasil
      @RodrigoDoBrasil 3 роки тому +5

      This is JSK… this is normal.

    • @PR-WoodWorkingCreations
      @PR-WoodWorkingCreations 3 роки тому +4

      *The Accuracy and the Perfection is on Point!!!* 🌟🌟👍
      *Great Quality Video and his Jigs!* 👍

    • @peterkelly8953
      @peterkelly8953 3 роки тому

      Then you will love Clickspring!!

  • @karenlang6204
    @karenlang6204 Рік тому +4

    OMG....if I could spend 6 months in this guy's shop, I'd be in heaven

  • @talegunner4414
    @talegunner4414 3 роки тому +20

    I love the fact that every jig you make you actually use in your shop! That proves to me that its functional! And its versatile. Use it on the bandsaw, sander, router and probably the table saw! Very nice job and professional;.

  • @hallenw
    @hallenw 3 роки тому +13

    BEST circle cutting jig EVER! And then it becomes a router jig! WOW! Gonna make one for myself. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @robertallaire432
    @robertallaire432 Рік тому +1

    Monsieur, vous n’êtes pas un professionnel, mais un artiste et vous donnez dans la perfection...

  • @marcopilas
    @marcopilas 3 роки тому +8

    This guy’s brain is amazing. Every project builds on earlier projects.

  • @southilgurl2003
    @southilgurl2003 3 роки тому +16

    Your videos are amazing moments of calm creation before a crushing, almost overwhelming day. There's a sense of peace, wonderment, and the thought of where there is enough ingenuity, solutions for even the most complicated tasks can be found.

    • @southilgurl2003
      @southilgurl2003 3 роки тому +2

      @oddjobbob honestly, the videos here border on the hypnotic in terms of just being able to quiet the mind...the simple pleasure of watching a master craftsman create.
      I would call it, in my own uninformed and primitive way, resting in zen.

  • @markhedquist9597
    @markhedquist9597 3 роки тому +14

    I always enjoy watching your videos. The excellence by which you work is completely therapeutic. Such precision and grace...
    That being said, this latest build does not let down. Genius design. The fact that the work piece is not "locked" into the jig itself makes this quite convenient and user friendly. The ability to sneak up on the band saw blade facilitates an ease of adjustment. Then the sanding mode allows one to use slight pressure to work the piece down to final dimension. Finally, the router table...again, a natural, ergonomic operation. Fantastic work! Thank you for sharing with us your incomparable talent and skill! Your expertise!

  • @b5a5m5
    @b5a5m5 3 роки тому +5

    0:00 Did this man just bring me tea to enjoy while I watch his video?! Top tier service!

  • @heartfiredancer
    @heartfiredancer 3 роки тому +1

    How on earth can anyone "dislike" what this consummate craftsperson does?

  • @bradleytuckwell4854
    @bradleytuckwell4854 3 роки тому +4

    Such a master at what you do from the projects you build the tools you use and created. But what I love the most is the editing and the calm you bring to your viewers while watching.

  • @edipyuksel
    @edipyuksel 2 роки тому +13

    Amazing work. Like a symphony... I am impressed by how organized and clean you keep your tools, table and workshops.

  • @caccadimulo
    @caccadimulo 2 роки тому +1

    Until now the best DIY i met on net. A very smart and talented craftsman. Applause!

  • @ХамзатМагомадов-э3с

    Хорошая идея,хорошая работа!! Респект мастеру-перфекционисту!!

  • @JohnColgan.
    @JohnColgan. 3 роки тому +16

    Great build, skill & workmanship as we've come to expect from you. This is a simply genius idea and adaptable to so many situations. Specially like the use on the router table, absolutely brilliant!

  • @ramachandran8666
    @ramachandran8666 3 роки тому +1

    I have seen over 20 types of circle cutting jigs for bandsaws but this is the one with a very fine adjustable as well as multipurpose (sanding too) version and rather simple to make. Very ingenious yet simple to make

  • @martinezlopez4699
    @martinezlopez4699 3 роки тому +3

    Precise, clean, straight to the point, no entertainment, no selling - JUST -> GREAT hand craftsmen √√

  • @vikkorrus
    @vikkorrus Рік тому

    Спасибо большое за ваш труд и идеи. Смотрю и восхищаюсь инженерной мыслью. С большим уважением , Виктор.

  • @alexraven8329
    @alexraven8329 3 роки тому +12

    Полезный девайс, отличное исполнение. Браво!

  • @byLokie
    @byLokie 3 роки тому

    I spend 50% of my You Tube time looking at Workshop and Vehicle Garage stuff and this is by Far the best Content.\
    No yapping.
    Gadgets made with quality and precission.

  • @jimmy_jamesjams_a_lot4171
    @jimmy_jamesjams_a_lot4171 2 роки тому +2

    Marine grade Baltic Birch all the way, at least whenever it’s plywood, no?! It just looks like an absolute dream to work with that quality of wood!! THANKS AGAIN, for sharing so many incredibly useful and valuable projects! There’s always something to learn from your videos.

  • @PeriodWoodworker
    @PeriodWoodworker 3 роки тому +13

    Nice project. You might also put a radius pin in the screw driven stop. It would give you the same versatility plus addition control of the blank.

  • @larryfulton7619
    @larryfulton7619 3 роки тому

    Cleanest, most Modern shop I’ve seen, and you have an endless use of Plywood. Very Creative. By the looks of your hands, you. Don’t do ANY Hard Work!

  • @catalingherzan3829
    @catalingherzan3829 Рік тому +3

    Hello again,
    I really enjoy watching all the videos made by this man, they are all high quality final items and he really knows what he is doing and I am mostly convinced that he can accomplish anything he wants to do this way. High-quality recordings further highlight the simplicity and wonderful achievements of his amazing hands. He deserves all our respect for everything he does and shares with us, he is a true example to follow for all people especially for DIY enthusiasts passionate about woodworking. All the best regards,

  • @ФахридинАбдурахимов-о4п

    Вы гениальный мастера, уважаю ваши мастерство, вы лучше и красиво делаете чем больше надо! Дай бог вам здоровья, семейного счастья, что бы ваши руки ни когда не болели! Я могу на узбекском писат , но вам все равно же😊👍🙏

  • @richardmark4385
    @richardmark4385 3 роки тому +10

    That was so brilliant and beautifully, accurate and smoothly done 🤔🙄👆💕

  • @lexxyseventy5170
    @lexxyseventy5170 2 роки тому +1

    In addition to what is done at the highest level, it is also nice to watch the work of the Master. Bravo!

  • @gwharton68
    @gwharton68 3 роки тому +4

    Absolutely beautiful. The shop built tools that you use are outstanding. Good work!

  • @raymitchell9736
    @raymitchell9736 3 роки тому +1

    Most jigs I see made on UA-cam usually work only on one machine, you used it on 3 machines. Very versatile!

  • @МастерЛенивец
    @МастерЛенивец Рік тому

    Вот господа к чему надо стремиться! Красивые руки и растут из правильного места, просто гениально! 👍❤️

  • @HepauDK
    @HepauDK 2 роки тому

    3:28 That's what I absolutely love about my Triton router. As long as the hole in the insert is bigger than the collet, the collet can be raised above table height without removing the insert, and at the same time, the spindle is automatically locked, making changing the router bit fast and easy.

  • @jeanlucvassort6411
    @jeanlucvassort6411 3 роки тому

    so nice to discover a new video of yours ...Make me feeling you are a cat, very elegant & precise gestures, the way you take and edit videos is delicious. Thanks again for this new clever idea, we learn from you ... Wish you a nice day as good as the one you offer us today with this new video ...

  • @КаныбекЫрыскелдиев-щ9р

    Настоящий профессионал.
    Особенно инстурменты удивил.
    Лайк и подписка.

    • @АлександрЦвигун-ж2р
      @АлександрЦвигун-ж2р 3 роки тому +1

      Каныбек! Ты не понял что это была женщина ? Я как только увидел руки, особенно левую с колечком - сразу понял что это дама.

  • @K목수
    @K목수 2 роки тому

    I envy your idea. I'm learning a lot. Thank you. I want to talk a lot, but I am not good at English. You're the best.

  • @acl4734
    @acl4734 3 роки тому +4

    Genius, precision and neatness. A feast for the eyes and for inspiration. Thanks, Jisaku. 👍😉

  • @KpxUrz5745
    @KpxUrz5745 2 роки тому +1

    Would love to have all the tools and jigs shown here. Precise and so useful.

  • @j.m.castilla7150
    @j.m.castilla7150 3 роки тому +3

    Es increíble su grande trabajo
    Llevo 30 años de carpintero aquí en España y aún aprendo de ustedes

    • @youtukang
      @youtukang 3 роки тому

      Hello there 🙏🤝🇮🇩

  • @srikaset
    @srikaset 2 роки тому +1

    Always feel enchanted watching you work. Thank you for sharing.

  • @foodiescomfortcorner2387
    @foodiescomfortcorner2387 3 роки тому

    What level of precision and accuracy is this? This is good.

  • @Mr.Riffer
    @Mr.Riffer 3 роки тому +4

    у тебя много поклонников из России) продолжай в том же ритме!

  • @MrPatdeeee
    @MrPatdeeee Рік тому

    Incredibly awesome. NONE Finer!
    信じられないほど素晴らしい。なし 細かい!

  • @charlierobson
    @charlierobson 3 роки тому +12

    Beautiful work as always, thank you!

  • @danmurphy7338
    @danmurphy7338 3 роки тому +12

    That is brilliant, I wish I had a set up just like that. You have some amazing equipment.

  • @cyrilnorrie8450
    @cyrilnorrie8450 3 роки тому

    Your jigs and your work is of the highest quality! What a pleasure it is to watch your videos. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  • @19Edurne
    @19Edurne 3 роки тому +5

    What type (and size) of roller bearing did you glue in the aluminium? I have been searching for something very small like that for a project for quite some time now.
    As usual, nice idea and realization. :)

  • @준목수
    @준목수 3 роки тому +1

    항상 좋은 아이디어로 작업하시는게
    너무 부럽습니다ᆢ오늘도
    좋은영상 감사해요

    • @Myeong_ei
      @Myeong_ei 3 роки тому

      안녕하세요. ㅎㅎ Koubou 선생님의 영상이 재밌지요? 저도 항상 즐겨봅니다~^^

  • @Sergey-Alekseenko-qk6mf7te7j

    ТАКОГО применения электронного штангеля для разметки - я ещё не видел!

  • @PipyGomy
    @PipyGomy 2 роки тому

    Best of best! I have never seen before. Accurate, and Charming ! Hands of master craftman.

  • @arthurcrosby5755
    @arthurcrosby5755 3 роки тому +4

    JSK, you excel yet again. A beautifully finished product, made with a well designed and constructed jig. Excellent! Thank you for sharing your wonderful workmanship and video. 👍🏼

  • @adamburry
    @adamburry 3 роки тому

    You make the most enjoyable videos on the internet. Thank you.

  • @HCarpenter
    @HCarpenter 3 роки тому +1

    That was so brilliant and beautifully

  • @idiyerbill1968
    @idiyerbill1968 3 роки тому

    Oh my goodness
    I'm happy just because your videos are free

  • @alshaa1699
    @alshaa1699 6 місяців тому

    Hi. Thank You So Much For Your Special Videos And Your Special Channel. Thanks For Everything Brother

  • @stewartmcmanus3991
    @stewartmcmanus3991 3 роки тому

    Great video, the router bit height gauge at 3.59 is brilliant, i need one in my life !!! Stewart, south west Australia.

  • @Hit-First-And-Hit-Hard
    @Hit-First-And-Hit-Hard 3 роки тому

    As usual! The best one can get on the entire Internet!) Thank you!)

  • @ravivarma8919
    @ravivarma8919 3 роки тому +1

    Very useful circular jig , likes from India

  • @L3o4u5
    @L3o4u5 Рік тому

    Thank you for all your videos, always clear and helpful. Can you please tell me what is the black metal glue you use, Thanks.

  • @АртурШелудков
    @АртурШелудков 2 роки тому

    Как у вас всё просто, тоже так же мечтаю. Спасибо вам.

  • @BartekEVH
    @BartekEVH 2 роки тому

    Joy for the eyes and soul when I look at your work!!! Thank you! 😊

  • @alfredomarquez9777
    @alfredomarquez9777 3 роки тому

    Once again and again, your work, your designs, your ideas and your superb production makes us enjoy and at the same time feel a GREAT respect for you. Thanks so much for your videos, the very best of all UA-cam! Every new video reveals the large number of admirable machines you have made yourself. The only "bad" thing, is that your expertise shows us how far we are behind of you sir. Sincere admiration and congratulations from Mexico!

  • @jefsgarage8451
    @jefsgarage8451 3 роки тому

    J’adore vos vidéos. Je n’avais même pas vu que vous aviez passé la barre des 1M !! Bravo 👏🏼🎉🎊

  • @rayvanacore4889
    @rayvanacore4889 3 роки тому

    This is a man who take pride in his work.

  • @Argyll9846
    @Argyll9846 2 роки тому

    Your work never ceases to surprise and delight.

  • @Codename-B
    @Codename-B 3 роки тому +2

    OH, that mechanical pencil marker is such a great idea!

  • @РусланНиколинко
    @РусланНиколинко 3 роки тому

    просто СУПЕР!!!!! это похоже на работу хирурга.

  • @alknis
    @alknis 3 роки тому +1

    Отлично получилось! Хорошо придумал.

  • @TrevorDennis100
    @TrevorDennis100 2 роки тому

    I've stopped the video @4:00 to make this comment as that height gauge for the router is the bollocks. I have all the bits I'd need, so I am going to borrow your design tomorrow. Nice one.

  • @gianluigileobruni9960
    @gianluigileobruni9960 3 роки тому

    Good job....your jigs are always fantastic!!!! Regards from Italy 🇮🇹

  • @juliovillavicencio296
    @juliovillavicencio296 3 роки тому

    Your work is extraordinary, clean and impeccable. I congratulate you and I would like to know the name of that bit and its measurement that you used to make the depth of the wood. Thanks

  • @icurator2215
    @icurator2215 3 роки тому +6

    так круто, что даже круче крутых яиц..))

  • @kamalsaikali3435
    @kamalsaikali3435 3 роки тому

    You’re a real Perfectionist. Thanks

  • @larryfulton7619
    @larryfulton7619 3 роки тому

    Your Workshop is incredible, you are very creative and have some awesome jigs!

  • @pemtax557
    @pemtax557 2 роки тому

    Very clever, it became one beautiful butlers tray. Well done!! Cheers ...

  • @cesaraugustogarciaobando3427
    @cesaraugustogarciaobando3427 3 роки тому

    Excellent work --- Impeccable way of operating.
    Congratulations, friend!

  • @frankpfeifer4060
    @frankpfeifer4060 2 роки тому

    Hello Mr. jisaku kobo. Your videos are very well made and I have a lot of fun watching them. You can learn a lot from watching the films. Thank you very much and please keep it up.Your router table is very beautifully made. The suction, milling stop and the integrated aluminum profiles are called "The Hammer" in German. Many dear greetings from Germany

  • @octaviotoboncano3255
    @octaviotoboncano3255 2 роки тому

    Buenas noches. JSK-koubou. me llamo Octavio Tobón, lo saludo desde Mi pais Colombia, mis respectos para usted, eres el mejor, sabes tanto que no necesitas hablar. le he vistos muchos videos y es agradable ver tus trabajos, tus ideas, los explica con mucha calma, se le entienden, es por esto que le he cogido mucho amor a la carpinteria.
    soy ingeniero electricista y trabajo en epm (empresas publicas de Medellín) soy aficionado
    a la carpinteria he venido consiguiendo herramienta. hace 20dias compre la sierra de banco STANLEY modelo SST1801. me gustaria tu comentario sobre ella o si la has hecho algún arreglo.
    Bendiciones y que DIOS te tenga fuerte por muchos años al servicio de la humanidad Y
    del mundo de los carpinteros. todos te lo agradecemos.¡¡¡¡

  • @matthewrinehart2367
    @matthewrinehart2367 3 роки тому

    Buy a lathe, make a lathe. I agree with Penny Royal, you show great attention to detail, but there is a simpler way; no need to reinvent the wheel!

  • @JohnKrakatoa
    @JohnKrakatoa 3 роки тому

    lmao at the start I didn't understand whats with the sweets.... I completely ignored the tray, very nice as always thanks for sharing

  • @LanceMcGrew
    @LanceMcGrew 2 роки тому

    Always amazed how that drill press fence is in the right location for each different part :)

  • @howtorestore
    @howtorestore 3 роки тому +1

    awesome and useful work .well done Great work style

  • @JohnSmith-dz9zl
    @JohnSmith-dz9zl 2 роки тому

    Amazing work and talent- what kind of mechanical pencil do you use?

  • @avyitis3425
    @avyitis3425 3 роки тому

    So bloody subscribed! People really need to stop talking about "German precision", Japanese are way ahead in so many ways!

  • @marcosbatista6227
    @marcosbatista6227 3 роки тому +2

    Eu conheço grandes profissionais de marcenaria , mas igual a esse ainda não vi , o cara é muito perfeito no que faz ! Excelente profissional 👏🙏

    • @laudgilson
      @laudgilson 11 місяців тому

      Não é o cara é sim ela.

  • @norbertgallice7769
    @norbertgallice7769 3 роки тому +1

    Very Nice work....Thank You. Friendship to France

  • @lorianadur9716
    @lorianadur9716 Рік тому

    I love your mini red screwdriver !

  • @くまくま-p2o
    @くまくま-p2o 3 роки тому


  • @bobkirby2603
    @bobkirby2603 3 роки тому

    Ingenious idea. Well done love the work you do. Made a few jigs the same as you. Thank you. 👍👍🥂

  • @ivanohlobistin4376
    @ivanohlobistin4376 2 роки тому +1

    С немецкой педантичностью! Супер!

  • @adamcj73088
    @adamcj73088 3 роки тому +4

    I was so confused to where this project was going until he pushed the work piece up against the bandsaw blade and he started cutting a circle. I kept thinking this is one weird circular saw jig. Then I realized my mistake. Awesome jig.

  • @hansbachtold1966
    @hansbachtold1966 3 роки тому

    This guy is incredible, simply the best.👍👍👍💪💪💪

  • @henryrossouw930
    @henryrossouw930 3 роки тому

    Brilliant.Now I just have to get the courage to be that precise😊

  • @mmediaimage
    @mmediaimage 2 роки тому

    One of the cleanest hand in the woodworking eworld🙄

  • @forkshootertb96
    @forkshootertb96 3 роки тому +1

    What type glue are you using to glue the nuts and aluminum to the wood? Great video!

    • @sherthmer
      @sherthmer 3 роки тому

      Looks like straightforward 2 part epoxy.

  • @waveoflight
    @waveoflight 3 роки тому

    You always are amazingly patient and motivated.

  • @davidchang7500
    @davidchang7500 3 роки тому

    A beautiful piece of wooden tray!

  • @ОлегГалин-ы8ю
    @ОлегГалин-ы8ю Рік тому

    насколько просто и одновременно точно Браво

  • @HectorRodriguez-gw4bg
    @HectorRodriguez-gw4bg 3 роки тому +1

    Me encanta el gran ingenio y la tranquilidad con la que realiza los trabajos 👍🏻😃

  • @fredleroy3478
    @fredleroy3478 3 роки тому

    Thank you very much. I would like to achieve my work as very well as you always do ! 👍👍👍

  • @wilmargomezlema4981
    @wilmargomezlema4981 2 роки тому

    Buenas tardes desde Colombia, gracias por los videos han sido de mucha ayuda, quisiera saber si puedes compartir los planos e información y tutorial de cómo hacer el sistema de cortar los paneles gracias dios te bendiga 🙏

  • @김창학-d7u
    @김창학-d7u 2 роки тому

    당신의 작업 진행하는 모습은 마술을 보는듯 놀라웁고 재미 있습니다.