Korean Q&A - How do you say ‘or’ in Korean?

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @linalikesreading
    @linalikesreading 7 років тому +362

    I have never come across a person who explains things better than you do.

    • @talktomeinkorean
      @talktomeinkorean  7 років тому +49

      Thank you sooooooo much!!!!

    • @aleciapeart
      @aleciapeart 7 років тому +9

      I could not agree with you more. I was thinking that the whole time. He always clears up my confusions completely

    • @jellyyz6335
      @jellyyz6335 4 роки тому +2

      Kyu is also good youtuber

  • @user-N20
    @user-N20 5 років тому +247

    Hyunwoo: You can say Hogeun or Ddoneun
    My brain: You can say or or or

    • @jellyyz6335
      @jellyyz6335 4 роки тому +1

      Ive made the likes 69..no one ruin it 😅

    • @shirin3166
      @shirin3166 4 роки тому +1


    • @supechube_k
      @supechube_k 4 роки тому +3

      @@jellyyz6335 frick u

    • @bean7496
      @bean7496 4 роки тому +2

      @@supechube_k woah.why?

    • @reun9669
      @reun9669 3 роки тому +1

      @@supechube_k why tho?😑

  • @tiffanymarie9750
    @tiffanymarie9750 6 років тому +109

    It's really interesting that Sino-Korean words compared to native Korean words have a similar role as Latin/French originated words having in English compared to native English words. Where Sino-Korean words and Latin/French words both sound more formal and are often used in academic and formal contexts, where native words in Korean and English are automatically seen as more casual and better for everyday usage. It's funny how language works out that way.

    • @pattmahiney
      @pattmahiney 6 років тому +12

      Tiffany Lord
      Honestly, Korean is so interesting to me because I feel like it's the English of the East. Maybe it isn't as global, but the writing system is based on single letters/sounds, so much of it can be contracted, words all have stem parts that can be recombined to make dual-words or even slang, everything that you mentioned, and also kind of the culture. Lots of food and friends and family, a sturdy drinking culture, and a little bit of other cultures here and there.
      I love it.

    • @Enaifos2017
      @Enaifos2017 6 років тому +5

      @@pattmahiney then learn French u will see... Even as a french person, i have difficulties to learn some rules...

  • @kychoi1196
    @kychoi1196 7 років тому +79

    '아니면' is 'if it is not true... or ' if it should not be considered....
    '혹은' has a nuance the probability of the later is lower than '또는' .
    In case A '또는' B , A , B has same strength or intensity or probability. but A '혹은' B then, A is normal and B is possible but the probability or exspecting of B is lower than A.

  • @JasmineLipska
    @JasmineLipska 7 років тому +222

    감사합니다 선생님! 오늘 많이 배웠어요 :)

  • @GooglyEyedLlama
    @GooglyEyedLlama 5 років тому +6

    Finding out that your older lessons are just as good as the more recent ones.
    My favourite resource to use between lessons with my tutor. I have tried many and none are as good as you at explaining definitions and uses.
    Thank you for always being so clear and making things simple to understand.

  • @mariaeduardacasagrande2481
    @mariaeduardacasagrande2481 Рік тому

    i love how instead of saying: if it ends with batchim..., he says: if it ends with a consonant... it makes things a lot more simple

  • @kychoi1196
    @kychoi1196 7 років тому +33

    Chinese characters are like the word parts originated from Latin or Greek words in English.
    '태양' is similar to 'solar' and '해 ' is similar to 'sun'.
    '태' is 'great' or 'big' and '양' is 'positive' or 'sun rays' as Chinese characters.

    • @elizaandreadaki9942
      @elizaandreadaki9942 6 років тому +2

      ky choi I really appreciate you using the fact that English derived from Greek(because Latin was based on Greek). Much love from Greece😊

    • @garudabowo
      @garudabowo 6 років тому

      TheSkeletonTheme The greece still exist?

    • @henrym5034
      @henrym5034 3 роки тому

      양 is the Yang in YinYang as well, in case someone wishes to know.

  • @Secretsongs20
    @Secretsongs20 3 роки тому +1

    사망= fatalities (noun), fatal (adjective). 사망하다 = formal verb like « to be deceased, to pass away » in English.

  • @mimick1tty
    @mimick1tty 5 років тому +4

    thank you sooo much for explaining this. I was so confused. This completely cleared it up for me!!! : This is my first TTMIK video, and now, I will continue to watch other ones by you all! Yay!

  • @mayab4677
    @mayab4677 7 років тому +14

    톡투미인코리안 덕분에 한국어를 배우기가 더 쉽습니다.. 고맙습니다!

  • @zoejaneir5907
    @zoejaneir5907 2 роки тому

    I really needed this! As always there's nothing like TTMIK!!!!

    • @talktomeinkorean
      @talktomeinkorean  2 роки тому +2

      Thank you so much!!

    • @zoejaneir5907
      @zoejaneir5907 2 роки тому

      I'm so happy to receive your message!! Greetings to all the TTMIK great team! You are the best guys!
      (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

  • @leyah18
    @leyah18 5 років тому +7

    random. 5:12 sounds a native tone in Filipino language (아님 means 6 in my language) ㅋㅋㅋ just cute~

  • @rajanbhandari2496
    @rajanbhandari2496 Рік тому +1

    Please make a Q&A playlist

  • @themotherbrassica
    @themotherbrassica 7 років тому +37

    Hello! My understanding was that 어울리다 would be used to say that someone or something suits someone (e.g., 잘 어울리세요), although I recently was watching a drama and saw that when a character said 닿으세요 it was translated with the same meaning of “it suits you.” May I ask for more information on the usage of 어울리다 and 닿다? Also, are there other ways to say that something looks good on or suits someone? Thank you.

    • @이민영-j7t
      @이민영-j7t 7 років тому +1

      ellysooh I think it is 낫다.
      나으세요(o) 닿으세요(x)
      It is better = 나으세요

    • @stanvixxstanbapstantalent
      @stanvixxstanbapstantalent 7 років тому +2

      He actually covered something like this In a Q and A before, 옷이마차요 means a clothing fits you, you can watch it in 니가 vs 내가.

  • @douglassmalone-omeally1683
    @douglassmalone-omeally1683 2 роки тому +1

    Great explanation of "or" - thanks so much!!

  • @lindapike3028
    @lindapike3028 5 років тому +2

    For some reason I love the sound of 혹은
    I love the word. ❤

  • @santafe3356
    @santafe3356 7 років тому +5

    'Or'이거 항상 궁굼했던건데 오늘 잘 해결되네요ㅠㅠ 좋은 영상 감사합니다 🙏

  • @fauxpassant
    @fauxpassant 6 років тому +1

    I understood the difference between yesanghada and gidaehada once you explained it, because gidae sounds like it's derived from 期待, which means look forward.

  • @jannathaysha
    @jannathaysha 4 роки тому

    I love seeing the way of your teaching.. so informative..so clear. Only thing is sometimes I need the teaching to be informal. But this is channel is always formal

  • @mamax1972
    @mamax1972 7 років тому +2

    현우 씨, 잘한다! 이거 정말 재미있었어요!

  • @Neky_Hina
    @Neky_Hina 6 років тому +1

    Plus of "or" in Korean: -거나, -든가, -든, etc. as some of ends with v. or adj. stems.

  • @levicel
    @levicel 6 років тому

    I noticed myself right away thinking of as "or" as "anim" I guess because I listen to too many casual speakers. Thank you so much for clarifying the different formalities and their connotations when used in conversation.

  • @alejandrarivera9130
    @alejandrarivera9130 3 роки тому

    I love this Q&A videos because I learn so much in minutes! Thank you so much!

  • @tzveeble1679
    @tzveeble1679 2 роки тому

    Thank you, super clear presentation, I've learnt tons!🤩

  • @somerkw3777
    @somerkw3777 7 років тому +3


  • @tobi6891
    @tobi6891 7 років тому +3


  • @hefd8099
    @hefd8099 7 років тому

    thanks for another lesson. Thank you TTMIK

  • @amroadams8664
    @amroadams8664 5 років тому

    정말 감사합니다
    매번 저는 이 채널 에서 너무 기대 해요
    그리고 제 기대에 부합해요

  • @lianet777
    @lianet777 6 років тому +1

    To the Spanish speakers learning Korean. Basically 사망하다 = fallecer And 죽다 = Morir

    @MRKLBS 7 років тому +7

    Talking about 혹은, I've seen the word 혹시 a lot on Instagram. The Naver dictionary only shows examples but not definition. It only shows two hanja: 或是 which as I understand means "or/either one or the other" in Chinese. But, what it actually means in Korean? If it means the same, it is also the same as 혹은?

    • @rdieser2331
      @rdieser2331 6 років тому +2

      MRKLBS the way my Korean teacher friends use 혹시 is “by any chance~ /is it possible to~”
      Ex. @ a restaurant:
      혹시, 포장 해도 돼요? By any chance, do you do take out?

    • @c.sawicki3442
      @c.sawicki3442 5 років тому +2

      It means perhaps

    • @theodorekorehonen
      @theodorekorehonen 5 років тому +1

      Its uses in sentences with if, but doesn't have a meaning on its own.

  • @ninajuvina6490
    @ninajuvina6490 7 років тому +1

    Thank you for today's lesson..

  • @АскароваТумаржан
    @АскароваТумаржан 7 років тому +1

    Thanks for the video, it's really help me to understand more clearly!!! :))

  • @jellyjub1690
    @jellyjub1690 4 роки тому +2

    ahh thanks for clearing up 태양 i always hear that in north korean songs now i know.

  • @damayanthamunasinghe1421
    @damayanthamunasinghe1421 7 років тому +3


  • @karaleigh_eva
    @karaleigh_eva 6 років тому +1

    So can 죽다 also be used for like plants or your phone? My phone died, the flowers died. Things like that?
    And you’d use the other one when being polite too? Like you’d not use 죽다 when you tell someone their grandmother has passed away?

  • @shanaynayokeil6553
    @shanaynayokeil6553 7 років тому +2

    Thank youuuuu ❤❤❤

  • @iamzero6507
    @iamzero6507 7 років тому +12

    During learning Korean I have heard 좀 used as a particle, when should I use this or should I use it at all??

    • @SiaA845
      @SiaA845 6 років тому

      Zero Kiddo i think it means a little bit

    • @ThatOneAsianGuyFTW
      @ThatOneAsianGuyFTW 6 років тому +4

      좀 is the shortened version of 조금 which means a little

    • @theodorekorehonen
      @theodorekorehonen 5 років тому

      @@ThatOneAsianGuyFTW can also mean dot or ellipses (...) if I'm not mistaken

    • @annette6237
      @annette6237 5 років тому

      @@theodorekorehonen I think that would be 점 :)

  • @phalsophat6146
    @phalsophat6146 7 років тому +1

    Hello.Teacher. I have some questions to ask you. The question is How do you say "to (infinitive) "in korean like 1. I do something to.....( do something)2.I want to get something to....Thanks in advance for your answers

  • @BeastBrook0
    @BeastBrook0 7 років тому

    You're really good at explaining!

  • @schuuichiminamino
    @schuuichiminamino 7 років тому +17

    Sun works pretty much alike in Japanese. Often as 日 hi (해), but also 太陽 taiyou (태양), whereas sea uses the same kanji/ hanja, but sounds really different umi 海 =D
    Btw... I like names starting with "태" a lot. Like Taeyang, Taecyeon, Taeyeon, Taemin haha

    • @slotti01
      @slotti01 6 років тому

      schuuichiminamino I thought the same thing! I've been studying both Japanese and Korean for quite some time now^^

    • @oceannoesmar5120
      @oceannoesmar5120 5 років тому

      btw they all come from Chinese like the word 太阳 the pronunciations r pretty alike

    • @JChang-kn6mx
      @JChang-kn6mx 5 років тому +1

      海's umi pronouciation is from the native japanese pronounciation. So before the chinese influenced then they were already saying something similar to umi and the chinese pronounciation might not be used at all.
      Like for 心 koreans pronouce it like 심 while japanese use their native way of the same meaning kokoro. So its just the same word and wya of writing it but its said differently. Japanese just borrowed the hanja/kanji for writing not always pronouciation

  • @noname-anonymous-v7c
    @noname-anonymous-v7c Рік тому

    Chinese has this 사망 word too. 사망 => 死亡 In chinese 사망 carries no personal feeling, just objectively describe something related to death.

  • @marlen9006
    @marlen9006 7 років тому +1

    thank you

  • @chouroukhouas6863
    @chouroukhouas6863 7 років тому

    Hello thank you for those informations they were very helpful

  • @rachsounds
    @rachsounds 7 років тому +1

    👍 really useful lesson today :)

  • @tc0336
    @tc0336 6 років тому +1

    Such an awesome teacher, thank you for uploading these videos are so helpful :)

  • @올가-l1l
    @올가-l1l 4 роки тому


  • @АскароваТумаржан
    @АскароваТумаржан 7 років тому


  • @zinjinzin
    @zinjinzin 7 років тому +2

    I always felt like 아니면 is more like an “either..or..” type “or”, whereas 이나 doesn’t necessarily exclude an option (kind of like saying and/or); for example in the sentence “I’m going by taxi or by subway” I would use 아니면 cause choosing one option excludes the other, and in a sentence like “I get nausea when I eat sugary foods or dairy products” I would use 이나 cause both options are still possible - am I wrong in that assumption? I thought there was a slight difference at least

    • @talktomeinkorean
      @talktomeinkorean  7 років тому +6

      아니면 actually has both of the meanings you mentioned! :)

  • @srerkan
    @srerkan Рік тому

    How I can say
    Let me go
    Let me think
    I wanna you go
    On time in time
    Which one do you recommend

  • @tabsk3988
    @tabsk3988 7 років тому

    제 질문에 답했어서 감사합니다! 🙏

  • @user-hq3zw1hm8h
    @user-hq3zw1hm8h 4 роки тому

    쌤 고마워요!

  • @nawarajdahal5705
    @nawarajdahal5705 7 років тому +4

    Sir can you make video for sentence ending 거든요.

    • @jeverly
      @jeverly 7 років тому +1

      They have a lesson specifically for this! It's level 6 lesson 17

  • @lbraneva2576
    @lbraneva2576 7 років тому

    다 이해했습니다 선생님~감사합나다😊

  • @sulee7119
    @sulee7119 6 років тому +1

    We can use"아니면or" in a question, for example, 너 커피 마실래? 아니면 차 마실래? it means What do you want to drink,coffee or tea?,but we never use "혹은/또는" or "나/이나" in a question~ I think it's the main difference between “아니면" and “혹은/ 또는, 나/이나"。And 아니면 also used in some sentences like“너 아니면 그가 잘못이다 which means either you or he is wrong” , We can't say “ 너 혹은 그가 잘못이다" /" 너나 그가 잘못이다"~~

    • @sabrinashells
      @sabrinashells 6 років тому

      정말 도움이 되는, 감사합니다 😊

  • @krisrusselcipriano8082
    @krisrusselcipriano8082 5 років тому +1

    Please make a video how to use SO/BUT/THEN/AND. Especially in BUT there are so many BUT in korean. I hope you will notice my comment 🙏

    • @shirin3166
      @shirin3166 4 роки тому

      "BUT" in korean you can use any of those, But i think you can use either of them, Just like in english, However/whatsoever etc.. I think you can use any of those but im not sure try doing some more research :D

  • @alelisabarre7331
    @alelisabarre7331 4 роки тому +1

    Hello i just want to know when to use hal in korean sentence ex I will study tomorrow

  • @simranchandel2982
    @simranchandel2982 4 роки тому +1

    And there is a another honorific form of "to die" is 돌아가 셨다 but I'm a lil bit of confused about this word because I don't know in which situation we used this word

    • @talktomeinkorean
      @talktomeinkorean  4 роки тому +2

      You can use that word whenever you would say that someone has "passed away" in English.

  • @장장이-q6c
    @장장이-q6c 7 років тому

    가르쳐주셔서 감사합니다 !!

  • @pandayonn6053
    @pandayonn6053 6 років тому


  • @morgannavel4552
    @morgannavel4552 2 роки тому

    does casual speech is always strange to use with people that you don't know because I hear it a lot so I was wondering if it's still formal if I say it to someone I don't really know

  • @saddamhossain8095
    @saddamhossain8095 6 років тому

    so useful vedio

  • @moroccanexolinkorea8451
    @moroccanexolinkorea8451 6 років тому

    So interesting.. Kamsahamnida 선생님

  • @ALEX-ft3tt
    @ALEX-ft3tt 4 роки тому +2

    사망 is sino Korean while 죽 is native Korean

  • @tamermisleh8884
    @tamermisleh8884 5 років тому +1

    from Palestine ( Arab country ) thank you

  • @제리-k5e
    @제리-k5e 4 роки тому +1

    is 바다 a native Korean word then? since you mentioned that 해 is a sino Korean word originated from Chinese or does 바다 not mean sea at all? 😅

    • @talktomeinkorean
      @talktomeinkorean  4 роки тому +1

      Yes : ) 바다 is a native Korean word that means "sea".

  • @kkayne
    @kkayne 7 років тому +1

    btw 사망 and 사고 seem to share the same ‘사’ but are in fact different in meaning

    • @Lagiacrus1996
      @Lagiacrus1996 7 років тому +1

      lkyyy Actually the 사 is different too. 사망 Has 죽을 사 (死) meaning death and 사고 has 일 사 (事) which means like, a thing or an event.

  • @mingyuxia144
    @mingyuxia144 6 років тому


  • @sagargupta2501
    @sagargupta2501 6 років тому +1

    Please tell me the difference between (vst) 고 and vst) 서

  • @ellalogx
    @ellalogx 5 років тому +1

    안녕하세요! Would you explain me what does 그 means? I've reading a korean book and it always appear in there but... idk what it really means :(

  • @soyoltoi
    @soyoltoi 5 років тому +1

    Are 또는 and 혹은 interchangeable?

  • @ma.melissafrancisco4130
    @ma.melissafrancisco4130 6 років тому

    Can we use 태향 in a poetic way too?

  • @Seoullyu
    @Seoullyu 6 років тому

    Informative ^^

  • @lorenloid
    @lorenloid 6 років тому

    Hi! In which situations do we use 이름, 성함, 성명? Thank you.

  • @bean3702
    @bean3702 5 років тому

    So would you say “해는 더워요” or like “태양은 덥습니다” or idk

  • @한솔.6
    @한솔.6 2 роки тому

    When i speak my strongest language which is Russian i sometimes address my close friends Sun if i want to be like soft loving appreciating
    And i remember myself trying to do so when I was commenting under photo my favourite Korean Idol posted(Sunoo from en-)
    And even he most likely haven’t saw it, i feel sooooo embarrassed to call him 태양

  • @ridakiraz
    @ridakiraz 4 роки тому

    i really want to know one thing in this is that
    i have learnt that 아니면 is like "or" which connect the "two options" like choosing for one
    but when it comes to ~(이)나 this way of saying "or" is different like in this its not useful offering choices to someone instead using ~(이)나 is like saying "wheather or, or something and not choices" and its use when person you talking to isn't required to choose only one of these choices, like in two options someone don't need to choose infact the person would be okay if he use both two options.
    is it correct or not? i m so confused coz i have learnt this! help me pls!

  • @marialuisaachille9608
    @marialuisaachille9608 7 років тому

    선현우 선생님 감사합니다! =)

  • @stearmankc
    @stearmankc 6 років тому

    I have asked myself a thousand times, why Korean has to be so complicated! Why does the simplest of words, "or" have 4+ different forms in Korean? "And" is even worse. Thank you for attempting to explain what is impossible to really understand.

  • @nagaseminarian
    @nagaseminarian 6 років тому +3

    Thank you brother.
    Love you in Christ Jesus!
    God bless you!

  • @radhachapagain7591
    @radhachapagain7591 6 років тому


  • @vickyboontanom1271
    @vickyboontanom1271 7 років тому +1

    안녕하세요! “I didn’t expect anyone to come” 말려고 어떻게 말해요?
    “아무도 올 것을 안 예상했는데..” - 맞아요?

  • @ajm20028
    @ajm20028 7 років тому +1

    I was just studying and thought maybe someone could answer my question: what's the exact
    difference between 내 and 제 ?

  • @MrChrisLia
    @MrChrisLia 7 років тому

    기대 is 期待 in Chinese, spelled qidai, but pronounced chee-dai, while 기대 is pronounced gi-dae. about the same~!

    • @slotti01
      @slotti01 6 років тому

      MrChrisLia and in Japanese you write it the same as Chinese 期待 but you read it as "kitai". It's cool!

  • @LoveYou-fe6oe
    @LoveYou-fe6oe 5 років тому

    What is the difference between 되다 and 돼다

  • @tato3513
    @tato3513 7 років тому +1

    Hi ttmik I want ask about how to say and in Korean I know it's 그리고 but I don't see Koreans using it casually

    • @hazynotes2150
      @hazynotes2150 7 років тому

      Sunghyo Park 그리고 is only used to connect two sentences, mostly in casual every day language you would probably say “I want this and that” but in this case, you aren’t connecting two sentences so 그리고 isn’t used.
      But, it is used often, I hear it a ton :)

  • @joefox4846
    @joefox4846 3 роки тому

    Anyone know the nuance difference between 보통 and 평소?

  • @hinatahyuga6223
    @hinatahyuga6223 6 років тому

    I am a bit confused... Is it just my mobile that shows a different character... I mean is it 덨어요 or 텄어요 or what cause the ㄷ is different in video.. Its more like ㅂ rotated to right once....
    Also.. Thank you for the superb videos.. 감사합니다

    • @ivanamitic828
      @ivanamitic828 6 років тому

      Hinata Hyuga Its a double ㄷ. 떴 어 요

  • @박재묵-t1u
    @박재묵-t1u 3 роки тому

    부탁드려요. 촤이니스 캐릭터 라고 하시기 보다 그냥 아시안 미닝 캐릭터하고 해 주시면 어떨지요.

  • @doughglass
    @doughglass Рік тому

    I learned so much holy shit

  • @pandayonn6053
    @pandayonn6053 6 років тому

    I wanna use (더종결과를기대어요) if i even spelled that right 😭😂 i want to use it to bother someone when they say ohhh i got an A or something like that i could say i expected better 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @바보Queen
    @바보Queen 3 роки тому

    these compound slang words are going to kill me

  • @albert3274
    @albert3274 5 років тому

    일 means sun too i think.

    • @뿌르맨
      @뿌르맨 5 років тому

      Albert Sherpa and 일 can mean ‘day’ or ‘date’ also.

  • @hazynotes2150
    @hazynotes2150 7 років тому +1

    what’s the difference between ~고 싶어요 and ~고 싶다?
    edit: I mean what situation to use each one?

    • @deboracattyleia2448
      @deboracattyleia2448 7 років тому

      hazynotes -고 싶어요 is just the formal present tense conjugation of -고 싶다

    • @pialeittretter6286
      @pialeittretter6286 7 років тому

      just that one is conjugated and one isn´t

    • @subashree7800
      @subashree7800 3 роки тому

      고 싶다 is the dictionary form of ‘want to’
      You have to conjugate it to use it and the conjugated version of it is 고 싶어요 ( present tense )

  • @jeremycline9542
    @jeremycline9542 7 років тому +1

    So is this 혹 the same root as in 혹시?

  • @pattmahiney
    @pattmahiney 6 років тому

    태양계는 누가 대화하고 싶어요? (:

  • @taylorrene76
    @taylorrene76 3 роки тому

    But can someone tell me what “for” in korean is?😭

  • @heechulkim4704
    @heechulkim4704 7 років тому

    Please correct me if I am wrong
    " 우리는 어머니들에게이 앨범을 사기 위해; 1 년 설거지를 약속했던."
    Meaning " we promised our mothers to wash the dishes for a year in order to buy these albums"
    And correct the english sentence too ^^
    Both are not my native languages.

    • @하쿠의일기장
      @하쿠의일기장 7 років тому +1

      우리는 이 앨범들을 사기위해 어머니들께 1년동안 설거지를 하겠다고 약속했다.
      English is not my native language but i think your eng sentence is correct...
      p.s. i'm native Korean.

    • @vl1xrz
      @vl1xrz 7 років тому

      The eng is correct :)

    • @heechulkim4704
      @heechulkim4704 7 років тому

      Hs Lee
      감사합니다 ♡
      I have another phrases I need help with, can you add me on kakaotalk?
      My ID: iamfine14 :)

    • @heechulkim4704
      @heechulkim4704 7 років тому

      sam kim
      Thank you :)

  • @agustd349
    @agustd349 6 років тому

    Hi i learned korean alone but now i need to know anything that i never understood i need a korean to tell me how to say this so i found you ...excuse me how to say 'are you' in Korean??

    • @talktomeinkorean
      @talktomeinkorean  6 років тому +1

      You can't translate "are you" to a phrase that will work in every situation :) Can you give us some context info?

    • @agustd349
      @agustd349 6 років тому

      Talk To Me In Korean like are you alone?

    • @kalisticmodiani2613
      @kalisticmodiani2613 6 років тому

      @@agustd349 in polite form : "혼자예요 ?" Or "혼자 있어요 ?" Both express the same idea of "are you alone?"

  • @mohanmagar1611
    @mohanmagar1611 Рік тому

    나 , 이나