Doomsday is actually very intelligent, he was able to pilot a spaceship with no prior knowledge, took it took from the scientist who created him in krypton.
Gonna be honest, when Tulok added Fighter to the build I was expecting the Brute Subclass. It fits him as well with the improved damage and durability. A brute fighter gets an extra 1d6 to a death save if I remember correctly. It's almost like they cannot die at all. I might have made a mistake or forgot something. All I want to say is that I really think this is a great build and Tulok if you're reading this, keep the DC/Superhero builds coming Those are awesome and I can't wait for the day where you make a Spawn build
Hi Tulok, I love your videos and I hate to do this, but I don't think you're using Tavern Brawler correctly. Based on the math you lay out at about the 5:55 mark, you seem to think that Unarmed Fighting style and Tavern Brawler stack. But the way both are worded, the damage die "becomes" either a D6 or D4 respectively. From what I can tell, you don't get to add them together
You've talked about anime characters having 20s in everything, but Doomsday's Con mod is an infinity symbol with an asterisk that says that if you do manage to kill him, he just gets back up and you won't be able to do that again.
@@KevinVideo Reminds me of that time that the guys who made Vampire the Masquerade talked about people wanting stats for Cain (yes, THAT cain, apparently he's the first vampire in the world of darkness) and their response was basically "in any situation, Cain Wins"
Called it again! Atrium: 3. Also, I would have anticipated Zealot for the whole, "Come back from the dead and also never die the same way twice" ability. Also thought the design would be a min-maxed hulk build.
@@Zarlos01 Technically not, it would resist more, but by Barbarian level 20, the Zealot is literally unkillable unless someone mind controls them into dropping rage. But their reroll ability once per rage technically becomes unlimited, just bonus action to start a new rage.
@@atriumgamesmore4336 and that is why I thought we were going the barbarian route with Doug Doomsday owner Doomsdale Doomadome as that is another recognizable thing about Doug Doomsday that he never states died and just comes back stronger and tougher
"The same Doug Doomsday, owner of the Doomsday Doom-a-dome where they're showing Batman v Superman?" _"Snyder Cut?"_ "Yeah!" _"That's right!"_ "Then you can get me three tickets to see Batman v Superman Snyder Cut, right?" _"Not right!"_ "Not right?" _"Right!"_
I was half-expecting a Simic hybrid given the whole "rapid evolution" thing, but goliath definitely works for a guy who treats his skeletal system as a fashion accessory.
Superman has Heat Vision and Frost Breath, so fire and cold damage, and Doomsday can deal with them pretty good, so wouldn't it be better to skip the Survivor Ability and take a 3rd level in Barbarian for the bear totem?! On your journey of being the ultimate lifeform you surely have absorbed some bear spirit or whatever...
or Zealot Barbarian has Doomsday revives himself whenever someone miraculously finds a way to kill him and when he comes back he can be killed that way again
Any possibility for seeing a Champion Red build? Figuring out how to summon 6 suitable Pokémon-esque creatures in the vein of his boss fight at mt. Silver would be really interesting imo
The only thing I really would have changed is making Doomsday a Simic Hybrid rather than a Goliath for four reasons: 1. I think it fits what his character is more (experimented on multiple times to become the ultimate lifeform). 2. The stat increases can still work as Simics get +2 to Con and +1 to any other ability score (in this case; strength). Whereas Goliaths get +2 to Str and +1 to Con, which works a bit better as Constitution is the main stat for Doomsday. 3. You can literally gain bone plates as an adaptation. 4. Considering that the Simic is mentioned as either coming from Human, Elf, or Vedalken stock, with no change to abilities at all no matter what you choose, I’d imagine that you can say it comes from Goliath stock if you want, or even have the Simic look just like Doomsday too if you want.
I was thinking about Zealot Barbarian when a saw the thumbnail of the video. Champ Fighter is brutal and stuff, but he hypothetically CAN die. And also regeneration on 18th lvl suits Wolverine way better. Zealots are brought to life as easy as baking pancakes and on higher levels they can literally REFUSE TO DIE. That's when his enemies realise that today is their Doomsday.
Yeah that is a very important part of Doug Doomsday owner of the Doomsdale Doomadome character is that he is very hard to kill and even if you do somehow kill him he comes back in x amount of days stronger and tougher as he cannot be killed the same way twice so his opponent would need to find another way
This was a nice build, but here's an alternative specific to the forgotten realms. Hill dwarf Barbarian 20 Totem warrior with bear as your starting ability Tough Durable Dwarven resilience Never stop raging Assuming fixed hp growth, you have 300 max hp, an effective hp of 600, and the ability to recover 150 (effective 300) hp per long rest.
Been tinkering with a Ben Grimm build and this is really really close to what I was going to do some stats would be switched around (to make him smarter and more charismatic, but not as fast) but overall this could function as Ben Grimm as well!
A crack build I've thought is King Dedede: Hammer, elements (he has an array of hammers with different powers/gear like missiles that can be replaced with bombs, ice, lightning, etc), and temporary flight. Sure, the missing part is the inhale ability, but with this kind of core you can dabble into Nora Valkyrie, but that's dabbling with RWBY, I don't go there except from her having a hammer, bombs and electricity from what I recall. Do throw in your suggestions to sort of get a build, I lack knowledge on 5E, Kirby (the franchise) and RWBY.
Artificer/fighter, maybe? You get flight and magic items through artificer, and Battle Smith gives you prof in martial weapons, aka a maul. Dedede has a history of being possessed too, so cleric and paladin won’t work since they both have prof in wisdom and charisma saving throws. I can see Dedede being high in con and int
Glad I finally know how to play the owner of the Doomsday Dooma-dome! My comments have been... wait, thats not Doug Dimmadome? THats his cousin? Well now Im just disappointed.
The current revenant race delets all race features from your living race and uses the revenant race feats. You can do that but you are a goliath just in name, lore and appearance, you don't have goliath feats. But yeah you can do that
I can see this as a great Tick build with some changes. Having unlimited strength and being nigh invulnerable would be 2 of the 3 goals which this build diaplays.
That Doomsdale Doomadome joke physically hurt me. Like, I laughed, but I also had to pause the video, step back, and think about life for a moment. Good stuff, keep it up.
Your builds and delivery display the craftsmanship of a level 20 artificer. (Although the thought of you having to delete one of your videos to bring yourself back from the brink of death is too much to bear.) Well done sir!
So, as a budding DM, if your Doomsday hits a mook with another mook, how do you actually calculate that damage? And does it apply to both hitter and hittee?
Personally, the way my group of murder hobos and me worked out was to basically apply bludgeoning to both the... ahem..weapon, and the target as according to the attackers modifiers and rolls, hope this helps broski!
I’d go personally with how Dungeon Dad converted the gray render monster, where when it hits someone with someone else, the person they use as a weapon takes half the bludgeoning damage they were used to deal.
Doctor Doom once traveled back in time to the birth of magic to learn it from the source. He then got back to the present the long way, by living thousands of years and improving his skills.
Not to mess up your layout Tulok, but it would be really helpful if we could see character level displayed somewhere so I don't have to scroll back and do math to see at which level exactly we have to multiclass.
You wanna know who could have stopped Doomsday... 🤔. Conan, the Cimmerian! For he would have thrown the dice, landed the natural 20, and heared the lamentations of the DM. 😎 Another great video, but I think you know what I'm going to ask for already... 🤔 it is time to do Arnold Schwarzenegger's 1984, "Conan the Barbarian" Enjoyed that Darkseid reference 😁
I got so excited to see how you handled old Doug, I like and agree with the choice of fighter for regeneration. I don't think there's a good way to fully represent the inability to die to the same thing twice.
I would have thought that you'd use that new weird barbarian subclass that grows claws and things when they rage, or a brute fighter, but this works too.
I didnt know I needed this build until now. This is just so fucking cool, I loved it! And it actually really work for a Stitch build. Maybe just changing Goliath for Goblin, I dont know.
Interesting take on the character, but I could see a couple of alternate ways to build him. Brute fighter would have been just as much in character for him, though, and still hitting like a tank, just a little more consistently. Swapping out one level of fighter for Zealot or Bear Totem barbarian would also work well, but it would be trading off regeneration for added toughness or revival, so tough call there.
Should've gone the ua brute fighter subclass. It also gets regeneration, but it gives you extra damage for every attack to make his unarmed strikes as or more threatening than someone actually using weapons and a flat d6 bonus to saving throws for even more durability. They don't have an increased likelihood to crit, but they do have a second built in damage die and a fighter level bonus to crit damage, which is probably even more fitting.
If we're going with Unearthed Arcana we might as well go with the Path of the Beast Barbarian which literally gives you claws that would do the same amount of damage along with improved jumping and other features that really showcase the adaptability of Doomsday
You know, speaking of spellcasting and Barbarians, I actually designed a Barbarian Subclass that casts spells. It's called the Path of the Spell Fury. I'll post it here if anyone wants to provide feedback. Level 3: You gain the ability to cast spells (1/3 caster). Constitution is your spellcasting ability. You learn spells from the Sorcerer spell list. Each must be an Evocation or Transmutation spell. You get 3 cantrips. You gain 3 first level spells, one of which may be any school of magic. The spells you learn at 8, 14, and 20 can come from any school. Sorcerous Rage: While raging you may: • Cast and concentrate on spells, with your rage counting as a spellcasting focus • Cast spells with weapons/shields in your hands • Add your rage damage bonus to all damage of cantrips you cast that require an attack roll or saving throw Casting spells is an action that is capable of maintaining your rage. You are able to apply your Reckless Attack to your spell attack rolls. Level 6: Furious Resistance: You gain magic resistance while raging. You can also add your rage damage bonus to all damage of spells you cast that require an attack roll or saving throw Level 10: Aura of Fury: When an ally is within 10 feet of you while you are raging, they gain your resistances. After you take the Attack action, you may cast a cantrip as a bonus action. Your Brutal Critical now also applies to your spell attack rolls. Level 14: Brutal Casting: After you use your action to cast a spell, you may make a melee attack as a bonus action.
Redone: - Half-orc so you "resurrect" 1/long rest via Relentless Endurance. And you can make extra attacks on crits. - 2 Barbarian 18 Brute Fighter (UA) because you add more bonus damage to each proficident weapon attack as you "evolve" (3rd = d4, 10 = d6, 16th = d8, 20 = d10) and the Brute's capstone is rengerating 5+CON modifier at the start of each of your turns in combat - Tarvern Brawler Feat. - Cruel Feat (Tal'dorei). This is for flavour and function. You have cruel points equal to your proficiency modiifier. Use 1/turn to deal 1d6 extra damage. You can also spend a point regain 1d6 hit points on a crit. Finally, you can have advatnage on Intimidation if you hurt your victim first. Doomsday would go overboard with his "enhanced interrogation techniques".
Starfire from Teen Titans would be nice; she’s the only one of them you haven’t covered. One way to perhaps make her unique compared to the other flying monks you’ve made would be to utilize a cantrip like Firebolt or Eldritch Blast for starbolts, so you can spam them? And possibly a race that lets you fly at lower levels, rather than waiting a long time to do it? The Unarmed Fighter thing here might also work well to make her something other than a monk, maybe, if you’re sick of monks? I’m not sure, almost everything I know about character building, I learned from watching your series.
Gonna keep asking for those One Piece characters. At least some of the early episodes come out on Netflix Friday. Been thinking about how to get Luffy the long range punches and got it up to 25 feet for at least a few times a day.
@@timtimothy5405 Because One Piece is awesome? It has a lot of great, fun, diverse characters with interesting styles that would be cool to see translated to D&D.
I can't pledge to participate in the poll, but I really hope Ultron wins! Been waiting for over a year for Tulok do him. Doctor Doom would be pretty great too, definitely my pick if not for Ultron.
yeah are way off on the Grizzly weight. That's like a teenage bear...They can easily push 800-1300lbs and more. That said...with Improved carry capacity, advantage on STR checks, and monstrous Athletics, you probably only need to roll like a 10 to pass the athletics check to use the bear as a thrown weapon.
No, 500 lbs is the average grizzly bear weight (actually it is slightly above average assuming it isn't preparing to hibernate). People often think they weigh considerably more than they do, in fact bears and sharks people routinely overestimate the size by around 30-50%. The numbers you are tossing around are closer to Kodiak bears.
I thought we were going for the zealot capstone in this one, or maybe 3 for bear (essentially doubling this hp). Still pleased with the build, just thought it would go a different way.
Suggestion, peacock from skull girl. Having a blind war orphan see using eyes that come her arms and being able to shoot lasers and having bombs for days sounds hella cool. Or any skullgirl character really
I hope that you put Lex Luthor up in a redemption poll. I'll vote for him again because I really wanted to see an Armorer Artificer build. But Doomsday is still cool too. Keep on doing the good work you do sir.
Not a bad way to go, but from experience a dwarf with dwarven fortitude is a great way to regenerate hp during combat. Mix with barbarian and you get a meaty boy. (Bonus points with magic item to double hit dice healing, can't remember the name)
Hey everyone, just a reminder the polls have been moved to Patreon, there's a link in the description and the top right corner of the video!
Doomsday is actually very intelligent, he was able to pilot a spaceship with no prior knowledge, took it took from the scientist who created him in krypton.
Gonna be honest, when Tulok added Fighter to the build I was expecting the Brute Subclass. It fits him as well with the improved damage and durability. A brute fighter gets an extra 1d6 to a death save if I remember correctly. It's almost like they cannot die at all.
I might have made a mistake or forgot something.
All I want to say is that I really think this is a great build and Tulok if you're reading this, keep the DC/Superhero builds coming
Those are awesome and I can't wait for the day where you make a Spawn build
Hey, Tulok, I ask due to my brokenness and inexperience, do we need to pay on patreon to use the polls?
@@doctordisco5814 yes but he set it at the $1 level to make it as inclusive as possible.
Hi Tulok, I love your videos and I hate to do this, but I don't think you're using Tavern Brawler correctly. Based on the math you lay out at about the 5:55 mark, you seem to think that Unarmed Fighting style and Tavern Brawler stack. But the way both are worded, the damage die "becomes" either a D6 or D4 respectively. From what I can tell, you don't get to add them together
"A baby that gets thrown at a planet and cloned until the planet breaks instead of the baby." Honestly, accurate. 🤣🤣🤣
Tulok's viewers: "Ugh, we are *so* sick of you making unarmed fighters and monks!"
Also Tulok's viewers: **keeps voting for/suggesting punchy bois**
Better than the varient human spam :p
It's not Tulok's fault that most pop culture characters are human, either. :)
It's poor Barbarian I feel sorry for...
FR, people keep complaining and it’s annoying
This is the way!
I'll have you know "Doomsdale Doomadome" had me and my wife wheezing for 5 minutes. You owe me a new ab muscle cause my sides are on FIRE!!!! XD
One of my favorite jokes I've put in a video, thank you
You watch these with your wife? That's sweet, do you actually use some of these builds?
@@baxterbruce9827 Nothing is more romantic than ripping apart your enemies and punching away your problems.
@@DiamondzFinder_ I mean, if that's the show that comes with dinner, who am I to judge? It sounds fun
fucking killed me, didnt see it coming
You've talked about anime characters having 20s in everything, but Doomsday's Con mod is an infinity symbol with an asterisk that says that if you do manage to kill him, he just gets back up and you won't be able to do that again.
He's more like a mythic lich. Comes back to life after X days and can't be killed in that way again.
@@KevinVideo Reminds me of that time that the guys who made Vampire the Masquerade talked about people wanting stats for Cain (yes, THAT cain, apparently he's the first vampire in the world of darkness) and their response was basically "in any situation, Cain Wins"
Is still bad character.
@@aquamarinerose5405 best answer ever
@@Notmyday2009 how is he a bad character? He's barely a character at all, mostly just a plot device to have Superman get killed.
now i can torment the player in my party who made superman
generator rex in dnd woo
If anything Rex would be a Battlesmith Artificer, just reflavour the steel defender as a monkey
@@aaa1e2r3 I think Steel Defender can be anything with 2 legs or 4
Wait is that a suggestion or is it an option?
"Doomsdayle Dimmadoom"
This is the quality of comedy I come here for
not dimmadoom, the doomadome
With the new Theros setting book you should do a build of lion-o from Thundercats
Called it again! Atrium: 3. Also, I would have anticipated Zealot for the whole, "Come back from the dead and also never die the same way twice" ability. Also thought the design would be a min-maxed hulk build.
I expected totem of the bear, it would be harder to kill
@@Zarlos01 Technically not, it would resist more, but by Barbarian level 20, the Zealot is literally unkillable unless someone mind controls them into dropping rage. But their reroll ability once per rage technically becomes unlimited, just bonus action to start a new rage.
@@atriumgamesmore4336 and that is why I thought we were going the barbarian route with Doug Doomsday owner Doomsdale Doomadome as that is another recognizable thing about Doug Doomsday that he never states died and just comes back stronger and tougher
"The same Doug Doomsday, owner of the Doomsday Doom-a-dome where they're showing Batman v Superman?"
_"Snyder Cut?"_ "Yeah!" _"That's right!"_
"Then you can get me three tickets to see Batman v Superman Snyder Cut, right?"
_"Not right!"_ "Not right?" _"Right!"_
When you have a superman pc in your party and you need to take matters into your own hands
Have fun breaking Mr. Invincible! 😁👍
@Lucky Demon more barb levels!
I was half-expecting a Simic hybrid given the whole "rapid evolution" thing, but goliath definitely works for a guy who treats his skeletal system as a fashion accessory.
I looked at the intro and you’re absolutely right, doomsday is basically what would’ve happened if stitch hadn’t met Lilo
Except stitch is super smart
0:23 is the best moment of this video. We should get a build for that guy
Superman’s secret third weakness really made me laugh. Thanks, Tulok
Superman has Heat Vision and Frost Breath, so fire and cold damage, and Doomsday can deal with them pretty good, so wouldn't it be better to skip the Survivor Ability and take a 3rd level in Barbarian for the bear totem?! On your journey of being the ultimate lifeform you surely have absorbed some bear spirit or whatever...
or Zealot Barbarian has Doomsday revives himself whenever someone miraculously finds a way to kill him and when he comes back he can be killed that way again
"There's no race for a baby that was shot at a planet and cloned until the planet broke instead of the baby..." I fuckin' died right there.
Any possibility for seeing a Champion Red build? Figuring out how to summon 6 suitable Pokémon-esque creatures in the vein of his boss fight at mt. Silver would be really interesting imo
I’m p sure Tulok made a Pokémon trainer video way back in the day. Like, it was one of the first few ones he made.
The only thing I really would have changed is making Doomsday a Simic Hybrid rather than a Goliath for four reasons:
1. I think it fits what his character is more (experimented on multiple times to become the ultimate lifeform).
2. The stat increases can still work as Simics get +2 to Con and +1 to any other ability score (in this case; strength). Whereas Goliaths get +2 to Str and +1 to Con, which works a bit better as Constitution is the main stat for Doomsday.
3. You can literally gain bone plates as an adaptation.
4. Considering that the Simic is mentioned as either coming from Human, Elf, or Vedalken stock, with no change to abilities at all no matter what you choose, I’d imagine that you can say it comes from Goliath stock if you want, or even have the Simic look just like Doomsday too if you want.
"Being punched forever, without stopping" ..... you got me on that one. Amazingly accurate and inspirational too!
I was thinking about Zealot Barbarian when a saw the thumbnail of the video. Champ Fighter is brutal and stuff, but he hypothetically CAN die. And also regeneration on 18th lvl suits Wolverine way better.
Zealots are brought to life as easy as baking pancakes and on higher levels they can literally REFUSE TO DIE. That's when his enemies realise that today is their Doomsday.
Yeah that is a very important part of Doug Doomsday owner of the Doomsdale Doomadome character is that he is very hard to kill and even if you do somehow kill him he comes back in x amount of days stronger and tougher as he cannot be killed the same way twice so his opponent would need to find another way
This was a nice build, but here's an alternative specific to the forgotten realms.
Hill dwarf Barbarian 20
Totem warrior with bear as your starting ability
Dwarven resilience
Never stop raging
Assuming fixed hp growth, you have 300 max hp, an effective hp of 600, and the ability to recover 150 (effective 300) hp per long rest.
I'd love to see an episode on Lucario in this series
Reflavored sun soul monk tabaxi
He wants to do the whole smash roster so it’ll happen eventually
@@drasticplastic1218 that doesn't have the aura mechanic though, which is his whole deal.
.......never have I wanted something so much and not known till I received it.
Been tinkering with a Ben Grimm build and this is really really close to what I was going to do
some stats would be switched around (to make him smarter and more charismatic, but not as fast) but overall this could function as Ben Grimm as well!
A crack build I've thought is King Dedede: Hammer, elements (he has an array of hammers with different powers/gear like missiles that can be replaced with bombs, ice, lightning, etc), and temporary flight. Sure, the missing part is the inhale ability, but with this kind of core you can dabble into Nora Valkyrie, but that's dabbling with RWBY, I don't go there except from her having a hammer, bombs and electricity from what I recall.
Do throw in your suggestions to sort of get a build, I lack knowledge on 5E, Kirby (the franchise) and RWBY.
Artificer/fighter, maybe? You get flight and magic items through artificer, and Battle Smith gives you prof in martial weapons, aka a maul. Dedede has a history of being possessed too, so cleric and paladin won’t work since they both have prof in wisdom and charisma saving throws. I can see Dedede being high in con and int
@@ROYaaaal789 Oh yeah, it's all coming together.
RaRaRasputin I have NO idea what race he’d be tbh lol. Bugbear? Fat hobgoblin?
Something with muscle, tricky part is going to be the temporary flight/gliding.
RaRaRasputin tempest cleric? Give him a big ol’ fuck off hammer, and at level 14, he can sort of fly.
Absolutely beautiful take on doomsdays resurvival ability! (0:43).
I literally lol'd!
"Might not like seeing your Darkseid (sp)" ...brilliant!
Glad I finally know how to play the owner of the Doomsday Dooma-dome! My comments have been... wait, thats not Doug Dimmadome? THats his cousin? Well now Im just disappointed.
It'll take a long time for Doug Dimmadome, Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome to get his own video
Doomsdale Doomidome is definitely getting brought into my next campaign.
I would REALLY love a Devilman's Build
What if Goliath Revenant? They literally keep getting back until you use a literal wish to ensure they stay down.
if i recall revenant can only be used for humans and races with subraces, so goliath is a no go
It can be used for any race
I bet with the right dm revenant would work well
I think he is saving that for Grundy?
The current revenant race delets all race features from your living race and uses the revenant race feats. You can do that but you are a goliath just in name, lore and appearance, you don't have goliath feats. But yeah you can do that
I can see this as a great Tick build with some changes. Having unlimited strength and being nigh invulnerable would be 2 of the 3 goals which this build diaplays.
That Doomsdale Doomadome joke physically hurt me. Like, I laughed, but I also had to pause the video, step back, and think about life for a moment.
Good stuff, keep it up.
Yoshimitsu for he/it is many builds with a common name.
I’m now imagining Doomsday with a belt buckle, bolo tie, and ∞ gallon hat. #DecemberTulokRewatch
So mad - so mad - raging at the Tulok for great vids... only algorithm hears me.
Your builds and delivery display the craftsmanship of a level 20 artificer. (Although the thought of you having to delete one of your videos to bring yourself back from the brink of death is too much to bear.) Well done sir!
My good sir, you understanding of doomsday lore is commendable.
I tip my hat to you.
Nice one. I would like to see an inuyasha build.
Perfect video to request Captain Atom from DC, also time to make a superhero themed campaign with my friends using builds from this channel.
So, as a budding DM, if your Doomsday hits a mook with another mook, how do you actually calculate that damage? And does it apply to both hitter and hittee?
I think you should add a rag doll modifier to the hitter if your Doomsday grabs them by the feet.
Personally, the way my group of murder hobos and me worked out was to basically apply bludgeoning to both the... ahem..weapon, and the target as according to the attackers modifiers and rolls, hope this helps broski!
I’d go personally with how Dungeon Dad converted the gray render monster, where when it hits someone with someone else, the person they use as a weapon takes half the bludgeoning damage they were used to deal.
Hey Tulok, thank you for making these videos. I always enjoy them. Long time follower, first time poster.
Well as much as I like the other choices for Marvel villains, everyone prepare for DOOM!
Nah m8, he's just a sack of meat that needs to evolve. Team Ultron
Oh hell nah! Doom’s like the perfect combination of artificer and sorcerer. I wanna see that!
Doctor Doom once traveled back in time to the birth of magic to learn it from the source. He then got back to the present the long way, by living thousands of years and improving his skills.
RIP, patrons voted Magneto...
Nice pull on the tub thumping reference.
Not to mess up your layout Tulok, but it would be really helpful if we could see character level displayed somewhere so I don't have to scroll back and do math to see at which level exactly we have to multiclass.
Make a Rufus Shinra build. I guessing he would be an Artificer/Ranger. Or maybe Rogue instead of Ranger, but I would like to see a build like that.
I'm using Armorer right now for a Kamen rider inspired build, where the action to activate the power armor is treated as the Henshin.
You wanna know who could have stopped Doomsday... 🤔. Conan, the Cimmerian! For he would have thrown the dice, landed the natural 20, and heared the lamentations of the DM. 😎
Another great video, but I think you know what I'm going to ask for already... 🤔 it is time to do Arnold Schwarzenegger's 1984, "Conan the Barbarian"
Enjoyed that Darkseid reference 😁
I got so excited to see how you handled old Doug, I like and agree with the choice of fighter for regeneration. I don't think there's a good way to fully represent the inability to die to the same thing twice.
I'd love to see a video where you make Doofinshirtz.
I get so sucked into these videos. Truly entertaining and fun. 😃
Dude, you should totally do Eddie Riggs from Brutal Legend! He'd be sick as a D&D character.
“Doug Doomsday, owner of the Doomsdale Doomadome” is my new nickname for Doomsday and will be until the day I die.
Liked for the Chumbawumba joke.
The Doug doomsday joke killed me instantly. Well done
I'd love to figure out how to build tron/ rinzler
I might sacrifice one fighter level for that sweet bear totem barbarian.
Its a tough choice... double health your effective health, or constant regeneration? In character both work too, so its even harder to pick
Bear totem is good but only two minutes. He went that far in fighter so Doomsday could regenerate.
I feel like he would be a storm herald or berserker though. Storm herald for lightning or berserker for even more RAGE
If the DM would allow it, you could ideally go revenant subrace for regeneration and no death.
"Comments are good for the algorithm"
Which fossil did you pick in Mt. Moon?
The Helix Fossil. I knew if I didnt mention it, people would ask. Actually... you know what...
Dome Fossil. Give me a trilobite that grows razor arms!
Everyone ask anyway, comments are good for the UA-cam algorithm.
got to go with Lord Helix
I would have thought that you'd use that new weird barbarian subclass that grows claws and things when they rage, or a brute fighter, but this works too.
Nice to see a build for Shantae from the Shantae games.
My friend is gonna let me use this guy with a ring that makes my damage dice one higher.😈😈😈😈
The chumba wumba joke alone was worth the price of admission
Everybody's dead
You successfully played Doomsday
I didnt know I needed this build until now. This is just so fucking cool, I loved it!
And it actually really work for a Stitch build. Maybe just changing Goliath for Goblin, I dont know.
I'm surprised not 14 levels of Zealot Barbarian for Rage beyond Death and then 6 Champion levels but still great build
Interesting take on the character, but I could see a couple of alternate ways to build him. Brute fighter would have been just as much in character for him, though, and still hitting like a tank, just a little more consistently. Swapping out one level of fighter for Zealot or Bear Totem barbarian would also work well, but it would be trading off regeneration for added toughness or revival, so tough call there.
"Remarkable Athlete" also impacts your initiative modifier. Also, realize it unlike Bard's "Jack of All Trades", "Remarkable Athlete" rounds up.
Can you do Shao Kahn build from MK?
Slap a storm giant belt, ring of regen, and insignia of claws to make those unarmed attacks +1 and magical and boom. Perfect.
Should've gone the ua brute fighter subclass. It also gets regeneration, but it gives you extra damage for every attack to make his unarmed strikes as or more threatening than someone actually using weapons and a flat d6 bonus to saving throws for even more durability. They don't have an increased likelihood to crit, but they do have a second built in damage die and a fighter level bonus to crit damage, which is probably even more fitting.
"Doug doomsday, owner of the doomsdale doomadome." Okay, how the f*ck did you think up _that_ one?
If we're going with Unearthed Arcana we might as well go with the Path of the Beast Barbarian which literally gives you claws that would do the same amount of damage along with improved jumping and other features that really showcase the adaptability of Doomsday
Doomsdale Doomadome. Call now, tickets are in short demand.
You know, speaking of spellcasting and Barbarians, I actually designed a Barbarian Subclass that casts spells. It's called the Path of the Spell Fury. I'll post it here if anyone wants to provide feedback.
Level 3:
You gain the ability to cast spells (1/3 caster). Constitution is your spellcasting ability. You learn spells from the Sorcerer spell list. Each must be an Evocation or Transmutation spell. You get 3 cantrips. You gain 3 first level spells, one of which may be any school of magic. The spells you learn at 8, 14, and 20 can come from any school.
Sorcerous Rage: While raging you may:
• Cast and concentrate on spells, with your rage counting as a spellcasting focus
• Cast spells with weapons/shields in your hands
• Add your rage damage bonus to all damage of cantrips you cast that require an attack roll or saving throw
Casting spells is an action that is capable of maintaining your rage.
You are able to apply your Reckless Attack to your spell attack rolls.
Level 6:
Furious Resistance: You gain magic resistance while raging. You can also add your rage damage bonus to all damage of spells you cast that require an attack roll or saving throw
Level 10:
Aura of Fury: When an ally is within 10 feet of you while you are raging, they gain your resistances.
After you take the Attack action, you may cast a cantrip as a bonus action. Your Brutal Critical now also applies to your spell attack rolls.
Level 14:
Brutal Casting: After you use your action to cast a spell, you may make a melee attack as a bonus action.
Yes!!!! I cannot wait to watch this after work! Love your content!
- Half-orc so you "resurrect" 1/long rest via Relentless Endurance. And you can make extra attacks on crits.
- 2 Barbarian 18 Brute Fighter (UA) because you add more bonus damage to each proficident weapon attack as you "evolve" (3rd = d4, 10 = d6, 16th = d8, 20 = d10) and the Brute's capstone is rengerating 5+CON modifier at the start of each of your turns in combat
- Tarvern Brawler Feat.
- Cruel Feat (Tal'dorei). This is for flavour and function. You have cruel points equal to your proficiency modiifier. Use 1/turn to deal 1d6 extra damage. You can also spend a point regain 1d6 hit points on a crit. Finally, you can have advatnage on Intimidation if you hurt your victim first. Doomsday would go overboard with his "enhanced interrogation techniques".
Starfire from Teen Titans would be nice; she’s the only one of them you haven’t covered. One way to perhaps make her unique compared to the other flying monks you’ve made would be to utilize a cantrip like Firebolt or Eldritch Blast for starbolts, so you can spam them? And possibly a race that lets you fly at lower levels, rather than waiting a long time to do it?
The Unarmed Fighter thing here might also work well to make her something other than a monk, maybe, if you’re sick of monks? I’m not sure, almost everything I know about character building, I learned from watching your series.
Gonna keep asking for those One Piece characters. At least some of the early episodes come out on Netflix Friday.
Been thinking about how to get Luffy the long range punches and got it up to 25 feet for at least a few times a day.
Why though
@@timtimothy5405 Because One Piece is awesome? It has a lot of great, fun, diverse characters with interesting styles that would be cool to see translated to D&D.
I was expecting you go into Zealot barbarian but I'm surprised but this works very well
I just finished the Superman video and I would love to see the two builds fight.
Makes doomguy in dnd
Also tulok:
Makes doomslayer in dnd
More Tulok! Needed this
If your using point buy put all your starting stats into strength, dexterity, and constitution
Doug Doomsday killed me. That's the comedy I subbed for.
I can't pledge to participate in the poll, but I really hope Ultron wins! Been waiting for over a year for Tulok do him. Doctor Doom would be pretty great too, definitely my pick if not for Ultron.
Still absolutely wild that doomsday's backstory is "fire baby at planet until baby wins".
yeah are way off on the Grizzly weight. That's like a teenage bear...They can easily push 800-1300lbs and more.
That said...with Improved carry capacity, advantage on STR checks, and monstrous Athletics, you probably only need to roll like a 10 to pass the athletics check to use the bear as a thrown weapon.
The scary thing is, I can actually see that happening. 😅
No, 500 lbs is the average grizzly bear weight (actually it is slightly above average assuming it isn't preparing to hibernate). People often think they weigh considerably more than they do, in fact bears and sharks people routinely overestimate the size by around 30-50%. The numbers you are tossing around are closer to Kodiak bears.
Loving the energy tulok
Would actually to see your take on Yugo from Wakfu in a build. Keep up the amazing work these are to much fun
One day, I will see a Barbarian that goes up 20, and gets the beautiful capstone that is Primal Champion... but this is still so beautiful.
(Psst, check out the Incineroar and Saix builds)
I thought we were going for the zealot capstone in this one, or maybe 3 for bear (essentially doubling this hp). Still pleased with the build, just thought it would go a different way.
Now this is exciting!
Suggestion, peacock from skull girl. Having a blind war orphan see using eyes that come her arms and being able to shoot lasers and having bombs for days sounds hella cool. Or any skullgirl character really
I hope that you put Lex Luthor up in a redemption poll. I'll vote for him again because I really wanted to see an Armorer Artificer build.
But Doomsday is still cool too. Keep on doing the good work you do sir.
Not a bad way to go, but from experience a dwarf with dwarven fortitude is a great way to regenerate hp during combat. Mix with barbarian and you get a meaty boy. (Bonus points with magic item to double hit dice healing, can't remember the name)
With pandemic and all, it would be thematic to build Resident Evil characters, but I personally would love to see Aya Brea build.
Tulok coming in with the UA-cam plays
I would have gone 1 more level into Barbairan for the Totem of the bear perk, effectively doubling my health while raging
I personally would've done brute instead of champion, but I see how boosting athletics fits with the character.
16 brute fighter / 4 bearbarian would've worked pretty dang well, especially as a hill dwarf. So much hp