If I recall correctly the fan on my SV1000 only ever came on if I was sitting stopped in traffic for a while. Even riding in residential areas the airflow was enough to keep it cool. I would assume the 650 is the same. It was also an 06.
loved binging this bikes journey man! I just picked one up myself and getting it back up to street legal again. Almost complete however this one issue regarding the dashboard has been plaguing me. The lights/ leds that are i think soldered into the board aren't receiving power or their just out. Does the cluster automatically illuminate the speedo/tach areas when the bike is powered on?
Awesome! Glad to see you have one too! Yes, it should be illuminated even when the key is turned on and the bike is not running. You might want to check your connections and make sure all the wires are intact and not broken or frayed anywhere
Congrats the bike has made a big transition..
Thank you!!
If I recall correctly the fan on my SV1000 only ever came on if I was sitting stopped in traffic for a while. Even riding in residential areas the airflow was enough to keep it cool. I would assume the 650 is the same. It was also an 06.
Hmm, interesting. Do you perhaps remember the temperature it came on? Because after all the riding around I’ve been doing, it still hasn’t come on
I want to say it was like 220 or 225..
Okay, yeah I think the hottest mine has ever gotten is 210
Ya I'm in FL so it probably heats up more down here
loved binging this bikes journey man! I just picked one up myself and getting it back up to street legal again. Almost complete however this one issue regarding the dashboard has been plaguing me. The lights/ leds that are i think soldered into the board aren't receiving power or their just out. Does the cluster automatically illuminate the speedo/tach areas when the bike is powered on?
Awesome! Glad to see you have one too! Yes, it should be illuminated even when the key is turned on and the bike is not running. You might want to check your connections and make sure all the wires are intact and not broken or frayed anywhere