The black ones are Australorps and the black and white ones are Wyandottes. A friend of my wife (who's had chickens for years) recommended Plymouth Rock/Barred Rock, Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, and Wyandottes because of their friendliness and egg production. From there, I looked at this chart to help determine which would be best for our climate (Newaygo, MI; zone 5b): And then from there we just went with what was available in the spring at the farm stores nearby. I didn't want to order them because I wasn't prepared to deal with the shock they might face from transportation. I figure the farm stores have experience getting them used to that, or maybe they hatch them at the stores. Good luck, it's been super fun having chickens this year!
Mrs. Betty and I are getting our first 6 chickens this spring. What breeds do you have?
The black ones are Australorps and the black and white ones are Wyandottes. A friend of my wife (who's had chickens for years) recommended Plymouth Rock/Barred Rock, Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, and Wyandottes because of their friendliness and egg production. From there, I looked at this chart to help determine which would be best for our climate (Newaygo, MI; zone 5b): And then from there we just went with what was available in the spring at the farm stores nearby. I didn't want to order them because I wasn't prepared to deal with the shock they might face from transportation. I figure the farm stores have experience getting them used to that, or maybe they hatch them at the stores.
Good luck, it's been super fun having chickens this year!