Lol, I remember that moment 😂😂 In all seriousness, a lot of good points. So many things that I could speak on… I will say, I feel like every church should have a black out service once and while, with no camera operators so everyone can go for God. If you have to have a camera, just do a WS with no one on it. Our consecration & seek is very important before we p/u a camera, direct, shoot, write, or whatever.
The whipping shot 😂
Lol, I remember that moment 😂😂 In all seriousness, a lot of good points. So many things that I could speak on… I will say, I feel like every church should have a black out service once and while, with no camera operators so everyone can go for God. If you have to have a camera, just do a WS with no one on it. Our consecration & seek is very important before we p/u a camera, direct, shoot, write, or whatever.
I actually like the idea of a blackout service
Worship first then capture it