Artistic Concept: Earth Momma | Mamarazzi Photography

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
  • I like the idea of creating art out of life. Even more, I like the idea of working with a client to create beautiful concept art for their walls that also features them. It's a win-win! Out of this idea, the artistic concept art piece was born. To demonstrate this for clients we decided to choose a theme and create a series of maternity art pieces around it. The first series was the seasons. I sought out mommas of 4 different ethnicities & built ideas for costume and locations/scene editing to portray spring, summer, fall, & winter. It didn't occur to me to record the editing process for those pieces back in 2015, but it was a ton of fun (and lots of work) finding locations, choosing stock images in some cases to fill in gaps or create the appropriate landscape, and making the headpieces and gowns for my clients to wear. In the end a set of 4 stunning images was created and I was stoked to begin the process again with a new concept!
    It wasn't long before I settled on creating a fantasy maternity series around the elements. I did Wind first, and it turned out awesome (I chose a tornado to depict "wind"). Next I started brain storming for earth. I had a client that was going to be coming in for her regular session soon, so I asked her how she felt about laying naked on a pile of dirt in my studio floor... not something you ask (or get asked) every day! She agreed, and next thing you know Bryan & I were buying bags of peat moss & gardening soil at the local Lowe's & shopping for the perfect "woodland garb" in the faux floral section at Hobby Lobby! I selected a stock image that had the overall feel I wanted for the image, but it needed more foreground for me to be able to place my subject to make it look realistic. I ended up choosing a few other stock images to pull elements from along with some images I shot at local parks of roots & trees to composite and build the rest of the image in. The coolest part was finding a way to record my screen so I could show the process! While I did forget to record a couple of times, the majority of the editing process was captured and that's what I'm excited to share with you here! By the way, these images have all been created without the use of AI. Using Photoshop, I hand edited wind in about 8 - 9 hrs, earth took roughly 9 hrs as well.
    I created wind & earth in 2017/2018. I have had them in print on my walls in the studio, and have been meaning to share the editing process online for a while. It's thrilling to be able to offer clients such a fun and unique twist on maternity photos that is both artwork for their walls with a fantasy feel, but also an amazing way to celebrate their pregnancy. I hope you enjoy a quick look at wind momma and the sped-up edit of earth momma. Have you always wanted to have an incredible piece of custom art for your walls? Does an out-of-the-ordinary session speak to you? Want something fun in addition to your traditional maternity photos to look back on? These Artistic Concept pieces are a blast for me to plan, photograph, and edit, so let's talk!