My theory: Here’s the thing. Matt has said that the previous tenants of the base had labs set up and were doing different experiments with a bunch of weird equipment. what if the guy who tried to break in was one of the people who worked there and was using their equipment to make something illegal or dangerous and that’s why he locked it in a safe and hid it in the ceiling. he wouldn’t have wanted to hide it at his house/ apartment/ car/etc. cause then it could easily be tracked to him. but if he hid it in the base it’s much harder to trace. this would also be why he would’ve wanted to break in because if he was using matt’s videos to keep tabs on the safe he would’ve known that they found the safe and were trying to open it. but if he broke in and stole it then he would’ve gotten the safe along with the illegal and/or dangerous substance before anyone else got to it first. what do y’all think?
I was honestly thinking the same thing. You should post this to the subreddit! I feel like a lot of people would have the same thought process and maybe even get the time codes from the video he mentioned the previous tenants and the labs.
*calmly uses fire extinguisher* "Seriously guys, *dissapointed look*" "C'mon outside i dont want you guys breathing in this stuff" Kevin at the beggining sounds like a annoyed dad lol.
@@mclarenspeed Lol and later in the video around 12:00 he is like "first you guys light a fire in the lobby, like are you guys playing with acid or something?
Acetone peroxide could be what’s in the safe. 1. It can burn through wood, carpet, and PLASTIC. 2. It can dry out skin. 3. It’s highly sensitive to friction, actually ten times more sensitive than nitroglycerin. 4. It’s highly flammable. 5. It also can’t dissolve metal, so the safe would be a good place to keep it. 6. It is light yellow in its most common liquid form (which is paint stripper for strictly metal so it doesn’t catch anything on fire) I know Matt hates it when people do this but i only have his best interest at heart and I want him to see this so please like.
Highly likely that it aint an acid cause it didnt go through the metal. Acids dont catch on flame. CF3 is the nearest thing i can thing of... And no dont put it in metal unless its stainless steel. Probably a glass vessel is best.
Kevin is so sweet, is immediate concern was the putting out the fire and making sure everyone went outside. “I don’t want you guys breathing that stuff” 1:07
Just a thought. At 14:55 Matthias says there are holes in the back of the safe. Holes probably to mount it to a wall. I dont know but maybe the endoscope could fit into one of the holes and you could try to see if theres anything else in the safe. Just a thought.
The chemical that is in the safe could be a chemical called Chlorine Trifluoride. Chlorine Trifluoride is an interhalogen compound, it is a colorless, poisonous, corrosive and is extremely reactive. The chemical in its liquid state is able to catch fire with minimum friction and is also able to catch fire to materials that are already burned like ash. If Chlorine Trifluoride is left in its liquid form it has the abilities to melt through something as strong as concrete but is not as corrosive to metals. Instead of melting through metal in hours or days like other materials, it takes many years which could explain why the container does not have a hole in the bottom like the plastic.
This is coming from a 4 year fire fighter vet. The sprinkler that you have is blocked by a glass tube filled with a glycerin based substance or they have what looks a metal gap of a spark plug. More often than not the temperature rating on the glass is 155°- 180° due to the size of your building. You are correct if one sprinkler goes off the rest are designed to go off but there are times that you can get lucky and only have that one go off. Regardless if 1 or 20 go off, it will drain the entire sprinkler system of the building which depending on the size of your building can be 100s up to 1000 gallons. If you are there at any point that a sprinkler system accidentally goes off you can go to the back of the building and find the valves labeled FDC ( you can't miss them due to the audible bell, think of an old school bell or alarm clock , will be ringing constantly due to the drop in pressure in the sprinkler line ) and turn the valve to the off position ( it will have an open/close indicator on the front facing of the valve ). Also my 7 years of being a truck and having to have a very good understanding of the hazardous materials index tells me that you are dealing with a level 1 corrosive ( specifically look up the category corrosive bases organic/caustic ) in that safe. If you go to any loves, TA center or any truck stop really you can pick up a 2020 copy of the Hazardous Materials Guidelines book ( they are updated every four years ). WITHOUT touching the liquid you can begin to try to identify the liquid via smell and appearance as well as its reaction with the rag ( that being the caustic aspect of its nature, it generated enough heat from the some reaction on the rag to cause the rag to combust ). What ever you do get the authority evolved due to its volatile nature and in all honesty there may be a very slight chance the epa could get involved. I just wanted to share my knowledge with you but in no way alarm you.
Woods's energy throughout this entire saga is my entire thought process. Everything is completely rational yet not one wants to believe you, until you end up right, and when you do, you laugh hysterically at the stupid things because you've lost your mind and your boss can't put a glove on.
Matt you need to listen. I think I know what that liquid is, it is concentrated sulfuric acid. It spontaneously combusts when it is touched by different types of natural materials (the rag). It also gives off toxic fumes (the smell in Sam’s office). This acid depending on the concentration level can melt through metal. I looked up what exactly the chemical is used for many different normal things like perfume but is also used for drugs, and explosives. This acid appears clear on brown items (your flooring). You need to open the safe in a controlled environment to make sure that no one will get hurt and find out what is in that safe.
I mean, he sees all his coworkers just freaking out when there is a fire extinguisher right there, id be pretty disappointed too. They have had a fire here before, and now Kevin sees that his coworkers wouldn’t be able to handle a fire.
He's disappointed because he actually cares about his job and the studio. He's in charge of security and the safety of the team and now Matt is threatening that safety all for the sake of UA-cam content and videos. Mark my words, the truth will be revealed that all this is fake when Kevin comes out says that it's finally enough.
The acid is fluoroantimonic acid you said you felt like it made you short on breathe and this is what I found Causes of death could include: Toxic HF fumes which destroy your alveoli, causing you to suffocate. Heat generated from exothermic reaction with moisture on your skin (sweat) produces painful burns. Chemical burns occur as well due to highly corrosive nature of fluoroantimonic acid
Any suggestions on why high grade stuff would be stored in a location as such it was found? Probs on a shelf and was built over? Now the better question is what caused fire and do the burn/eroded match the behavior of that caliper of acid. Could the keys go to “proritory” chemicals or the lab was R&D for chemical development?
It went all the way through the box and the floor/ceiling but did nothing to the safe or to the floor downstairs where it dripped through. You don't find that suspicious?
Looking back on this I really gotta wonder how they did this considering it's scripted. Like the whole lighting on fire thing is easy but the hole in the floor is confusing.
I was wondering if it was set up or not. Kevin's reaction made me think it was. But then it's been going on for so long that I was wondering how it could be
Lol tbh if it's not a skit then they should just call the cops bc the "acid" burned through the floor so either there os just acid in there or they locked something in acid hoping it would melt away.
It's Sulfuric acid. The dead giveaway was it turned brown after it dried on the wall, it was clear on the linoleum, it started on fire from friction, and ate thru the floor (carpet, wood,) but didn't eat thru the safe. (Heavy Metal). Be careful it could eat thru aluminum.
So for the acid. Ive done a bit of research and I want to guess its either Sulfuric or Nitric acid in the safe. Both come in a colourless option, can have a odder to them and are highly acidic. as for flammability, neither are flammable on their own but have strong reactions with other chemicals and the heat often causes fires. My theory on the fire is that the rag Woods used had some sort of residue left on it from a previous clean up that had a strong reaction to either chemical, the heat lit the rag on fire and because the rag is flammable (and the floor isn't, Linoleum doesn't catch fire that easily and neither would most plastic based flooring ) the fire continued to burn. sadly i think both could melt through the floor, both are acidic enough to eat through metals and CAN be made at home, though i THINK Nitric acid might be easier?? Sorry I don't make acid in my spare time. if these aren't the acids there are a few key characteristics I do think we are looking for. 1) obviously something acidic that can melt through most material both natural and man made. 2) Instead of something that is flammable look for highly reactive chemicals, the liquid didn't light fire till the rag was placed on it so the most likely reason it combusted was a reaction rather then friction. 3) Not sure this is worth mentioning but the chemical has to be able to be put out by the type of fire extinguisher they own. Not all fires can be put out by a foam fire extinguisher so its worth considering. 4) Lastly it cant be a chamisal that's overly hard to obtain and store. Chances are the person looking to protect the goods in the safe didn't do a lot of research, they didn't care about all this info, they just needed something that would get the job done, and we don't know how long it was stored up there, so it cant be a time or temperature sensitive chemical. Like i said i don't know a whole lot on chemicals, im just a very curious person that learns random info on my spare time so sadly i cant perfectly identify it, but hope this is a good place to start for others. I also have a small theory as for why its there. I think the safe contains something that is tied to something less then desirable, I don't want to go guessing as to what it might be but i do fear whatever was in the safe didn't make it. I think the Acid was placed in the safe in a glass container, that way if opened properly it wouldn't break but if someone tried to break in it would shatter, destroying both what's in the safe and possibly harming whoever messed with it. I'm sure this is going to go unseen but i wanted to say my theory. I love a good mystery cx
As far as the fire extinguisher, I know from my safety class that you have different types of extinguishers, they are categorized by A, B, and C, most commonly you find ABC around where I live, now A is for like wood fires, B is for chemical fires and C is for electrical fires. Now the one Kevin uses looks like an ABC fire extinguisher so it can be used for almost anything, as far as I know there is very few types of chemicals that can't be put out with that type of fire extinguisher. Now I do believe that if you happen to work in a place that works with chemicals you will have mainly B type extinguishers. Because they tend to be able to handle almost all chemical fires. But considering what looks like an ABC fire extinguisher put it out I think it would have to be more of a common chemical or atleast one known across most places. But love the research you did, it all seems very thorough. Just wanted to clarify somethings and who knows someone thats a perfressional with fire extinguishers could probably disprove me which I'm open to, I'd rather be corrected for the future instead of continuing to spread anything false. But good work.
@@cjtofive1288 ah I forgot about that type! It could make sense for it to be the combination type of extinguisher though. Thanks for the input!! The more into the better right? c:
Matt trying to put on gloves and Woods laughing hysterically at him are literally 2 ends of the spectrum of nervous energy that I personally experience 🤣🤣🤣
Can we just all be glad that Sam didn’t get anything on her, that everyone was safe, no one was hurt and the building didn’t burn down. Honestly, sending prayers so that you guys are okay. Seriously stay safe, and don’t mess with this!
@@monsterbigbuck in what world do you think this is fake. Yah mat and his team put some hazardous chemical that burns through wood in a safe. The hole that the chemical made probably costed them 100 of dollars to fix, that makes ZERO sence that they would fake something that costed them money.
Please calm down guys. I hope it’s fake. I really do because if it’s not, then I’m scared for them. I want them safe so I hope this is all just a joke. But, because I don’t know, I will continue to send my prayers to them. Hi5 has been a big part of my life for about 4-5 years now so I’m really just praying this is fake and they aren’t in any real danger.
Agreed that's why he is in charge of security and employee/studio safety. He obviously has an aptitude to remain calm in chaos.👍 That's twice in 2020 they have had a fire in the studio. That's scary. Let's hope the rest of 2020 is combustive free for them.
Pyrophoric materials are often water-reactive as well and will ignite when they contact water or humid air. so when woods used the rag if it was damp or sitting out for a long time the he could have forced these substances on the liquid causing it to ignite therefor when the liquid was under the couch in constant contact with the stale air causing it to melt i think you should check under sams couch to see if it has any marks to show if it combusted at all Diphosphane Metalorganics of main group metals (e.g. aluminium, gallium, indium, zinc and cadmium etc.) Triethylborane tert-Butyllithium Diethylzinc Triethylaluminium these are all examples of liquid Pyrophoric materials
They washed there hand and Sam got it on her hands it would ignite from that but there is some stuff that reacts by disturbing it like partials like dust from the rag and grim on the carpet and dust in the ceiling but not on the wood since it is cleaned.
This is clearly not them setting this up because this is hundreds dallars with of damage. But if it is someone else in the office they are going to be in so much trouble.
How crazy are you they make props and videos gezz how hard to do a little handy man repairs by handymen- handywomen in a studio one question how old are you
I'm sticking with what I said last time. It's a capsule in the safe that breaks open to destroy the content if the safe is not opened in the correct way. Sam dropping it, cracked open the capsule too soon. So maybe she has unknowingly saved the contents. If people are breaking into the base it means that they are on to something. It may not be about the book Matthias was writing. I take that back. Or not. We now see it's some kind of acid that could easily destroy a data holding device or anything else. Since it doesn't affect metal, it's not to destroy a possible gun. So there may be something way more valuable in that safe. I wouldn't be surprised though if the authorities are involved and it's way above their heads and at the end of the year, we hear nothing about it ever again...
I think he already had a notification saying it was notebook with code they found inside the safe , and if the cloth got up in fire doesnt it make kinda suspicious for leaving it on a plastic box, its a well written script, it can be literally even paint thinner that could harm soft plastic.
There is no way this is a sketch burning a whole through your floor AND ceiling will cost too much to replace and why would Matt BREAK his own window TWICE it makes no sense at all windows are VERY expensive to replace and I know u r gonna say "bUt MaTts RiCh" even Bill Gates wouldn't break his own window it's a waste of money
Since Hi5 studios used to be a lab, I did research on what acid this could probably be and I found a possible answer. One acid that could melt and go through anything is Hydrofluoric acid. This acid is mostly made or stored in Labs and this acid could go through just about anything. Since Hi5 used to be a lab, the people before probably left the acid in the safe and hid it from being found. This acid is also known to be flammable.
Maybe its a special type of acid because as far as i search alot of acid cant melt plastic because plastic is made with something that acid cant melt unless its had to to be thick plastic that keeps it from melting i wish that i was more focus on chem class it would probably helped lol plus it use to be a lab so honestly it could be any type of acid
@lygophile - I agree with ya, bud. Don’t let these children tell you to shut up when you’re speaking facts. It’s an annoying “meme” that just needs to go away. It was never funny to begin with... They also believe none of this scripted lol
@lygophile what are we supposed to say? Somebody? (Name)? We can't show images and to just tell the joke isn't funny, it's a process for build up to the punch line
Hey matthias, I looked up what kind of chemical does stuff like that and the chemical that is promising is Sulfuric acid because of three things: 1. Sulfuric acid can melt through plastic. 2. It can create heat through a chemical reaction with alcohol. 3. It is likely that since the chemical had sulfur in it, it may give of a weird smell.
Sam, Woods, and Hannah: Join Matt’s channel happy to see that they get more time in their hands after BU. Couple months later: Sketchy keys, sketchy car, and oh yeah a very VERY dangerous safe.
Matt- I did some digging on the issue with the safe and the lovely hole that now sits in Sams office. This is what I came up with If you really want to burn holes in the floor, forget acids and go straight for interhalogen compounds…specifically, the delightful brew known as Chlorine Trifluoride. Chlorine trifluoride, ClF3, or “CTF” as the engineers insist on calling it, is a colorless gas, a greenish liquid, or a white solid. I also think with the safe being dropped there is a high possibly the chemicals could have reacted with each other if there was more then one in the safe. Here is the other possibility The principal classes of chemicals that have some type of degrading action on wood are: Strong mineral acids (generally pH less than 2): Acid hydrolysis occurs, forming a quantity of mixed sugars. These treatments will essentially destroy the wood over a period of time. Concentrated nitric acid may cause ignition. Hope this is helpful. Stay safe my dude! Also it’s time to get Security for your building!
That compound is extremely flammable it can even set fire to glass and sand because it is more oxidizing than oxygen it would have set the entire area where the liquid spilled on fire not just that rag
ClF3 would likely be the cause of it EXCEPT you said it was a greenish liquid, but the liquid in the many shots was indeed clear, so it couldn't have been ClF3.
The weird substance could be one of these: Carbon Monoxide: Colorless, odorless, heavier than air gas that does not burn or support combustion. Hydrogen fluoride : Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous appears as a colorless fuming liquid boiling at 67°F. Shipped as a liquid confined under its own vapor pressure. Corrosive to metals and tissue. Very short contact with fumes or small quantities of the liquid can cause severe, painful burns. Vapors are heavier than air. Density 8.2 lb / gal. Used as a catalyst and raw material in chemical manufacture. Rate of onset: Immediate & Delayed Persistence: Minutes to hours Odor threshold: 0.4 ppm Source/use/another hazard: Aluminum and other metal industries; insecticide manufacturing-corrosive Liq. Although it says it can burn through some medals, the safe could be some mixture of medals and another substance. Sulfuric acid: Sulfuric acid is a colorless oily liquid. It is soluble in water with the release of heat. It is corrosive to metals and tissue. It will char wood and most other organic matter on contact but is unlikely to cause a fire. Density 15 lb / gal. Long term exposure to low concentrations or short term exposure to high concentrations can result in adverse health effects from inhalation. It is used to make fertilizers and other chemicals, in petroleum refining, in iron and steel production, and for many other uses. Rate of onset: Immediate Persistence: Hours, days Odor threshold: Source/use/another hazard: Battery/dyes/paper/glue/metals industries; volcanic gas; toxic fumes when heated. Diesel fuel: Diesel fuel, in general, is any liquid fuel used in diesel engines, whose fuel ignition takes place, without any spark, as a result of compression of the inlet air mixture and then injection of fuel. Diesel engines have found broad use as a result of higher thermodynamic efficiency and thus fuel efficiency. Fuel oil: Fuel oil (also known as heavy oil, marine fuel, or furnace oil) is a fraction obtained from petroleum distillation, either as a distillate or a residue. ... Fuel oil is made of long hydrocarbon chains, particularly alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatics. Kerosene: Kerosene, also known as paraffin, lamp oil, and coal oil, is a combustible hydrocarbon liquid that is derived from petroleum. It is widely used as a fuel in aviation as well as households. Theory about the rag: The most common type of Spontaneous Combustion fires is those caused by improperly disposed of oil and stain soaked rags. Examples of these products are oil-based paints and stains, teak and linseed oils, varnishes and polyurethane, paint thinners, etc. When fuel (a combustible substance like oil or grease in a flammable material like towels) comes into contact with oxygen in the air (oxidation), heat is generated. When this rise in temperature is not halted, the combustible material i.e. the towel eventually reaches its ignition point and bursts into flames. This might not be true since the rag wasn't soaked in some sort of substance. But the weird substance coming from the safe could be some type of flammable gas that could lightable with cotton or a rag. Could have just been a reaction between the two, but Woods was off-camera when he was wiping it so he could have just pulled out a lighter and this could all just be an act but I believe it's not. I hope this helped you guys. Edit: Thanks for all the comments and I know I might be wrong but they were just theory’s.
Actually I was researching after the video the chemical isn’t any of them it’s pyrophoricity if you look it up it spontaneously catches fires at lower temperature which we all know at night time the temperature goes down so that’s when it cause a flame but also you were going to ask but how did the rag catch fire it caught fire cause of friction it has to be at a certain temperature to be stable so if it drops below 54 degrees it combusts but if it’s over it’s normal temperature it will catch a flame also
Matt it could be this: Sodium hydroxide, also known as caustic soda and lye, has no color and can exist in either a liquid or solid state. It's one of the most common chemicals found in industry today and is used to make things like plastics and textiles. Sodium hydroxide has the potential to burn or eat away any part of the body that it comes into contact with.
That compound is corrosive to metal unless black iron or some types of steel. I haven’t looked into the safe they have but if it’s not those materials then is would have a hole in it as well
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) is a base that DEFINITELY can react with metals. And it has a soapier feel to it. The smell is probably burning plastic. Also... Sodium Hydroxide would have a soapy feel to it and wouldnt be so Glossy
It's a good theory but what if it was an acid they were gonna use for something illegal and by dropping it they broke what the acid was kept in would explain why it only started leaking after sam dropped it
Everytime Sam touches her hair with the glove after touching the safe gives me anxiety. The most reasonable action is to conclude that when the safe dropped. A glass bottle(s) broke and some kind of chemicals leaked. Any chemical that can break down plastic and wood is not safe for the skin. Please call hazard chemical control or get something to test the acid levels. I'm worried
Exactly what I was thinking But guys seriously if this is not a prank get someone down there like yesterday, if there was a chemical stored in a safe it is not sulfuric acid you don't bother storing a little bit of sulfuric acid like that. Sulfuric acid isn't even the most dangerous thing in a lab. This is most likely something very expensive and used in small amounts. You don't know what it is and you are messing around with something that could contain heavy metals that chemists wouldn't touch with a 10 ft pole. If you don't know what it is don't touch it. Please be careful.
My theory:
Here’s the thing. Matt has said that the previous tenants of the base had labs set up and were doing different experiments with a bunch of weird equipment. what if the guy who tried to break in was one of the people who worked there and was using their equipment to make something illegal or dangerous and that’s why he locked it in a safe and hid it in the ceiling. he wouldn’t have wanted to hide it at his house/ apartment/ car/etc. cause then it could easily be tracked to him. but if he hid it in the base it’s much harder to trace. this would also be why he would’ve wanted to break in because if he was using matt’s videos to keep tabs on the safe he would’ve known that they found the safe and were trying to open it. but if he broke in and stole it then he would’ve gotten the safe along with the illegal and/or dangerous substance before anyone else got to it first. what do y’all think?
I was honestly thinking the same thing. You should post this to the subreddit! I feel like a lot of people would have the same thought process and maybe even get the time codes from the video he mentioned the previous tenants and the labs.
lol this is just all fake
put it on the reddit
You might have solved this we need to get togeth and work on this is my phone number 939-405-6468
Everyone: "running around*
Kevin: *calmly grabs fire extinguisher*
Kevin was not having it 😂🤦🏾♂️
Kevin the true hero here
He has seen worse for the looks of it
And then says come on guys with a disappointed look
Everyone: reacting like sims during a fire
Kevin: (sims player )"Really guys....?"
Too real lol
I was pissed at sims for not extinguishing the fire.... now I see why they programmed them like that.....
I love the way how that’s exactly how they act as in reacting like the sims lmao-
Exactly my point
I like how everyone is freaking out and Kevin just calmly grabs a fire extinguisher and put it out
Yea cause their white and Kevin isn’t
Honestly that was the best
@@yonathantalavera2287 so true
Took the words right out of my mouth
Kevin so Dissapointed 😂😂😂
Kevin be like "I wonder if Team Edge is hiring?"
This aged well
"We should buy hazmat suits." - Next time on dope or nope: "5 products to wear during a chemical spill"
I love how Kevin was being the disappointed dad after the fire...
"Seriously guys?"
lol me too XD
*calmly uses fire extinguisher*
"Seriously guys, *dissapointed look*"
"C'mon outside i dont want you guys breathing in this stuff"
Kevin at the beggining sounds like a annoyed dad lol.
Fax I was thinking the same thing
Cause he is
@@mclarenspeed Lol and later in the video around 12:00 he is like
"first you guys light a fire in the lobby, like are you guys playing with acid or something?
I love Kevin he is a big brother to everyone
That is so true 🤣🤣🤣
Matt being ceo: *doesn’t grab fire extinguisher*
Kevin who isn’t ceo: *grabs fire extinguisher*
Kevin is coo
@@jomaroliveras8864 And smarter
Acetone peroxide could be what’s in the safe.
1. It can burn through wood, carpet, and PLASTIC.
2. It can dry out skin.
3. It’s highly sensitive to friction, actually ten times more sensitive than nitroglycerin.
4. It’s highly flammable.
5. It also can’t dissolve metal, so the safe would be a good place to keep it.
6. It is light yellow in its most common liquid form (which is paint stripper for strictly metal so it doesn’t catch anything on fire)
I know Matt hates it when people do this but i only have his best interest at heart and I want him to see this so please like.
it could also be Chlorine Trifluoride
I think so too. I thought of acid
Was thinking of something like that too, but why would there be something like acetone peroxide in a safe?
@@KingNP41 i looked in to that it can’t burn through the floor
Highly likely that it aint an acid cause it didnt go through the metal. Acids dont catch on flame. CF3 is the nearest thing i can thing of... And no dont put it in metal unless its stainless steel. Probably a glass vessel is best.
Kevin is so sweet, is immediate concern was the putting out the fire and making sure everyone went outside.
“I don’t want you guys breathing that stuff” 1:07
But at the same time he actually doesn't panic, he's just calm during it all
@@Wimms right?? That would not be me xD
@@giannagoddard6400 i love Kevin
Yeah Matt did the same thing when Sam dropped the safe.
Just a thought. At 14:55 Matthias says there are holes in the back of the safe. Holes probably to mount it to a wall. I dont know but maybe the endoscope could fit into one of the holes and you could try to see if theres anything else in the safe. Just a thought.
😲 I hope Matt see this because they should do that!
Put this on the subreddit!!!
@@manshamishra yes!!
I'm pretty sure the holes r from the acid and Sam dropping it, not to mount it on a wall
@@austinashdown7960 No. when they first found the safe he mentioned the mounting holes
Woods had me dead the whole time lmao. His face when he left to go turn on the armory lights and when the whole glove fiasco happened I was deceased
The chemical that is in the safe could be a chemical called Chlorine Trifluoride. Chlorine Trifluoride is an interhalogen compound, it is a colorless, poisonous, corrosive and is extremely reactive. The chemical in its liquid state is able to catch fire with minimum friction and is also able to catch fire to materials that are already burned like ash. If Chlorine Trifluoride is left in its liquid form it has the abilities to melt through something as strong as concrete but is not as corrosive to metals. Instead of melting through metal in hours or days like other materials, it takes many years which could explain why the container does not have a hole in the bottom like the plastic.
bump, just seen the same thing; seems very likely and direct match
Could it also be sulfuric acid ?
@@Mojotheboxer475 I thought that as well but sulfuric acid is actually odorless.
You should post this on Matt's reddit so it's more likely he'll see it
@@Mojotheboxer475 no because sulphuric acid is odorless, and they all said they could smell it
This is coming from a 4 year fire fighter vet. The sprinkler that you have is blocked by a glass tube filled with a glycerin based substance or they have what looks a metal gap of a spark plug. More often than not the temperature rating on the glass is 155°- 180° due to the size of your building. You are correct if one sprinkler goes off the rest are designed to go off but there are times that you can get lucky and only have that one go off. Regardless if 1 or 20 go off, it will drain the entire sprinkler system of the building which depending on the size of your building can be 100s up to 1000 gallons. If you are there at any point that a sprinkler system accidentally goes off you can go to the back of the building and find the valves labeled FDC ( you can't miss them due to the audible bell, think of an old school bell or alarm clock , will be ringing constantly due to the drop in pressure in the sprinkler line ) and turn the valve to the off position ( it will have an open/close indicator on the front facing of the valve ). Also my 7 years of being a truck and having to have a very good understanding of the hazardous materials index tells me that you are dealing with a level 1 corrosive ( specifically look up the category corrosive bases organic/caustic ) in that safe. If you go to any loves, TA center or any truck stop really you can pick up a 2020 copy of the Hazardous Materials Guidelines book ( they are updated every four years ). WITHOUT touching the liquid you can begin to try to identify the liquid via smell and appearance as well as its reaction with the rag ( that being the caustic aspect of its nature, it generated enough heat from the some reaction on the rag to cause the rag to combust ). What ever you do get the authority evolved due to its volatile nature and in all honesty there may be a very slight chance the epa could get involved. I just wanted to share my knowledge with you but in no way alarm you.
Woods's energy throughout this entire saga is my entire thought process. Everything is completely rational yet not one wants to believe you, until you end up right, and when you do, you laugh hysterically at the stupid things because you've lost your mind and your boss can't put a glove on.
Kevin: really guys
Me: oh yeah he’s the dad of hi5
Safe: burns whole in floor
Ghost of HI5: I’ll wait
Little sus
The safe has asserted dominance.
Or maybe it was the ghost.
Yeah maybe the ghost will be the one to burn the studio
A chemical burned through a floor
Half of the video: why cant matt wear the gloves
Kevin is literally the annoyed dad he’s like “I’m so tired of these child adults”
Izzy is an unsung hero of the studio. He has skills and fixes everything, paints, remodels, builds internal structures. He's a talented cool dude.😎👍
Yyeahhh ur right
@@jo-ww1pz 🙂
What if they are just messing with his stuff like all the safes are his and the keys and they just switch stuff around to make it weird and spooky
How bout kevin he saved them all from a fire
Matt you need to listen. I think I know what that liquid is, it is concentrated sulfuric acid. It spontaneously combusts when it is touched by different types of natural materials (the rag). It also gives off toxic fumes (the smell in Sam’s office). This acid depending on the concentration level can melt through metal. I looked up what exactly the chemical is used for many different normal things like perfume but is also used for drugs, and explosives. This acid appears clear on brown items (your flooring). You need to open the safe in a controlled environment to make sure that no one will get hurt and find out what is in that safe.
I agree
You should try to send it to his subreddit there is a chance he'll see there
Isn't sulfuric acid what some serial killers used to dissolve bodies ?
Put it on the Subreddit
I agree. You should mention that in the subreddit.
Everyone: "omg fire fire", "what happened", "what did you do???"
While kevin is like: mm anyways fire extinguisher
Why was Kevin so calm about putting out the fire like he’s done this a million times 😂
Edit geez thanks for all the likes
He works with a whole bunch of UA-cam rs so its probably not the first time
I actually thought he looked upset 😳 and then he said “really guys” with what I thought was an annoyed tone 😂
I love how Kevin is like “Really guys you started a fire”
I also like how no one didn't think about the fire extinguisher and big brain Kev just came in with a fire extinguisher
Lol so true🤣
Thanks kevin
This is why they keep Kevin around. He's the only adult.
for real
Izzy is the mecanqie of hi5 and kevin is security
Fire: *exists*
Everyone: *freaking out*
Kevin: *puts it out* "really guys?"
Its funny how kevin acts like the boss kore than matt
Kevin was straight pissed
They were acting like a sim 😂
Props to Kevin, CJ and Izzy for always being there and being calm
I like how keven just says " guys" everyone else was going crazy
He seems so over it
Lol yeah, but he actually said "really guys?"
I mean, he sees all his coworkers just freaking out when there is a fire extinguisher right there, id be pretty disappointed too. They have had a fire here before, and now Kevin sees that his coworkers wouldn’t be able to handle a fire.
Wait what if you are the man who broke in and your just fooling everyone
It's kevin not keven 😭✋
I love how Kevin is just like "bruh" walks up with fire extinguisher. "Really guys?"
I'm sorry but I love that Kevin is just like "Really guys?" and takes care of it when everyone else is freaking out.
Kevin is like the father that doesn’t get excited
that is so funny 😆
I was just watching and then Matt said "top ten things it could be." Then a add came up " Cerve what your skin needs" ....😂
That's a sign of what it is
Haha that is right its not tho it is nro toxic non bio control acid there
Also known as bio weapon
@@brodydonaldson5333 hi
No one:
Literally no one:
Matt when some kind of acid thing burns a hole in his ceiling: LeT'S mAKe A cOMmerCial
Thought it was interesting that in one of his reaction videos he talked about the tubes that send things places.
@@courtneytigue1360 Oh yeah, he was
@@courtneytigue1360 Maybe they could turn it into that?🤷🏻♂️
He also really said: Hey let's drop something like gatorade down the strange hole!
Never thought I'd see Kevincito of all people become the dad in the room REAL fast...
True he like really guys we have a fire extinguisher
Matt: See's fire
Everybody: flips out
Kevin: *Grabs fire extinguisher calmly* Really guys
I know right. He like sounded pissed when it wasn’t there fault
Yeah Kevin is a legend
You forgot woods: about to kick at it
kevin at the start when he puts out the fire sounds like such a disapointed dad, like just: "really guys?"
Kevin’s looked so done with everything and sounded just like a disappointed dad when he said really guys
Poor Kevin XD
Yeah the AR game went too far
This all seem like a staged bit, quite dangerous thou for views
He's disappointed because he actually cares about his job and the studio. He's in charge of security and the safety of the team and now Matt is threatening that safety all for the sake of UA-cam content and videos. Mark my words, the truth will be revealed that all this is fake when Kevin comes out says that it's finally enough.
Matt: “I’m so floored”
As he’s on a ladder. 😂😂
Lol,that’s funny
That wasnt even the pun CJ mentioned (probably), it was because it burned through the floor lol
I think the joke was more because he was so close to the roof but I’m not entirely sure
@@SurrenicTech Oohh right that makes sense lol but mine could also work right? i feel like it could
@@GDBaby96 it could, that's the thing about jokes, each person can receive them differently due to their own past, humor and thinking process😊
The acid is fluoroantimonic acid you said you felt like it made you short on breathe and this is what I found
Causes of death could include: Toxic HF fumes which destroy your alveoli, causing you to suffocate. Heat generated from exothermic reaction with moisture on your skin (sweat) produces painful burns. Chemical burns occur as well due to highly corrosive nature of fluoroantimonic acid
Probs why wood hand so dry.
If former tenants were lab ppl then it would stand that such high acidic acid would be stored at the location
Any suggestions on why high grade stuff would be stored in a location as such it was found? Probs on a shelf and was built over?
Now the better question is what caused fire and do the burn/eroded match the behavior of that caliper of acid.
Could the keys go to “proritory” chemicals or the lab was R&D for chemical development?
the real question is where they could get it because I'm pretty sure its illegal to buy
It went all the way through the box and the floor/ceiling but did nothing to the safe or to the floor downstairs where it dripped through. You don't find that suspicious?
@@matt1875023 it’s not illegal to buy the acid
Looking back on this I really gotta wonder how they did this considering it's scripted. Like the whole lighting on fire thing is easy but the hole in the floor is confusing.
I was wondering if it was set up or not. Kevin's reaction made me think it was. But then it's been going on for so long that I was wondering how it could be
Kevins just like: "Really guys..."
Really guys 😑
Everybody: panicking and don't know what to do
Kevin: get fire extinguisher and takes out fire very calm
Lol tbh if it's not a skit then they should just call the cops bc the "acid" burned through the floor so either there os just acid in there or they locked something in acid hoping it would melt away.
Kevin is the dad in the group for sure
Also Kevin: *REALLY GUYS*
Kevin: *slowly grabs fire extinguisher* really guys?
They’re useless in an emergency lol
He sounded like a disappointed dad 😆
My theory: Acetine acid this can burn plastic and many other materials but has no affect on metal objects
Kevin deserves more credit for taking care of the studio and being the only adult
Puts it on metal tray. tomorrow, Sam: “MATT ThErEs A hOlE iN tHe TrAy!”
omg i would freak out if that happen
I actually thought that walls happy open because I feel like that would happen to them
Matt: “I can’t see anything through this face shield”
Also Matt: *hasn’t bothered to take off the protective layer of plastic film*
Lmao 😂😂
0:46 Kevin is chill about it while everyone else is freaking out and then he becomes irritated about the fire.
Matt: trying to figure out gloves
Woods: laughing hysterically in the corner on the sofa 🤣🤣🤣
Read this comment right as it happened in the video!!
It's Sulfuric acid. The dead giveaway was it turned brown after it dried on the wall, it was clear on the linoleum, it started on fire from friction, and ate thru the floor (carpet, wood,) but didn't eat thru the safe. (Heavy Metal). Be careful it could eat thru aluminum.
It would have caused severe burns on woods skin since he touched it without gloves
Shouldn't sulphuric acid react with metal though?? Cause... acids and bases usually react to neutralize each other??
@@manshamishra Not all metals... it does not react with lead or tungsten.
The smell would be explained too a rotten egg smell I believe
Kevin was so disappointed “like really this is my boss”
When he said “I’m just Flored” I said to my self “No,ur latterld”
So for the acid. Ive done a bit of research and I want to guess its either Sulfuric or Nitric acid in the safe. Both come in a colourless option, can have a odder to them and are highly acidic. as for flammability, neither are flammable on their own but have strong reactions with other chemicals and the heat often causes fires. My theory on the fire is that the rag Woods used had some sort of residue left on it from a previous clean up that had a strong reaction to either chemical, the heat lit the rag on fire and because the rag is flammable (and the floor isn't, Linoleum doesn't catch fire that easily and neither would most plastic based flooring ) the fire continued to burn. sadly i think both could melt through the floor, both are acidic enough to eat through metals and CAN be made at home, though i THINK Nitric acid might be easier?? Sorry I don't make acid in my spare time.
if these aren't the acids there are a few key characteristics I do think we are looking for. 1) obviously something acidic that can melt through most material both natural and man made. 2) Instead of something that is flammable look for highly reactive chemicals, the liquid didn't light fire till the rag was placed on it so the most likely reason it combusted was a reaction rather then friction. 3) Not sure this is worth mentioning but the chemical has to be able to be put out by the type of fire extinguisher they own. Not all fires can be put out by a foam fire extinguisher so its worth considering. 4) Lastly it cant be a chamisal that's overly hard to obtain and store. Chances are the person looking to protect the goods in the safe didn't do a lot of research, they didn't care about all this info, they just needed something that would get the job done, and we don't know how long it was stored up there, so it cant be a time or temperature sensitive chemical. Like i said i don't know a whole lot on chemicals, im just a very curious person that learns random info on my spare time so sadly i cant perfectly identify it, but hope this is a good place to start for others.
I also have a small theory as for why its there. I think the safe contains something that is tied to something less then desirable, I don't want to go guessing as to what it might be but i do fear whatever was in the safe didn't make it. I think the Acid was placed in the safe in a glass container, that way if opened properly it wouldn't break but if someone tried to break in it would shatter, destroying both what's in the safe and possibly harming whoever messed with it. I'm sure this is going to go unseen but i wanted to say my theory. I love a good mystery cx
As far as the fire extinguisher, I know from my safety class that you have different types of extinguishers, they are categorized by A, B, and C, most commonly you find ABC around where I live, now A is for like wood fires, B is for chemical fires and C is for electrical fires. Now the one Kevin uses looks like an ABC fire extinguisher so it can be used for almost anything, as far as I know there is very few types of chemicals that can't be put out with that type of fire extinguisher. Now I do believe that if you happen to work in a place that works with chemicals you will have mainly B type extinguishers. Because they tend to be able to handle almost all chemical fires. But considering what looks like an ABC fire extinguisher put it out I think it would have to be more of a common chemical or atleast one known across most places. But love the research you did, it all seems very thorough. Just wanted to clarify somethings and who knows someone thats a perfressional with fire extinguishers could probably disprove me which I'm open to, I'd rather be corrected for the future instead of continuing to spread anything false. But good work.
@@cjtofive1288 true
@@cjtofive1288 ah I forgot about that type! It could make sense for it to be the combination type of extinguisher though. Thanks for the input!! The more into the better right? c:
Plus the acids are usually stored in glass containers, which could be easily broken by dropping it down a
Matt trying to put on gloves and Woods laughing hysterically at him are literally 2 ends of the spectrum of nervous energy that I personally experience 🤣🤣🤣
Can we just all be glad that Sam didn’t get anything on her, that everyone was safe, no one was hurt and the building didn’t burn down.
Honestly, sending prayers so that you guys are okay. Seriously stay safe, and don’t mess with this!
We need more people like you.
Also Woods just casually trying to put out the fire with his shoe. Dude BACK UP WTF
@@monsterbigbuck in what world do you think this is fake. Yah mat and his team put some hazardous chemical that burns through wood in a safe. The hole that the chemical made probably costed them 100 of dollars to fix, that makes ZERO sence that they would fake something that costed them money.
@@gruchie_1012 and they’re calling the authorities. if it was fake they’d keep it
Please calm down guys. I hope it’s fake. I really do because if it’s not, then I’m scared for them. I want them safe so I hope this is all just a joke.
But, because I don’t know, I will continue to send my prayers to them. Hi5 has been a big part of my life for about 4-5 years now so I’m really just praying this is fake and they aren’t in any real danger.
0:33 - 0:54
This looks like when there’s a house fire in the Sims 4.
I love how calm Kevin is when he see’s the fire and takes it down
Fr he has to be the dad and of the office ( no offense Matthias, but you can be the fun uncle)
Agreed that's why he is in charge of security and employee/studio safety. He obviously has an aptitude to remain calm in chaos.👍 That's twice in 2020 they have had a fire in the studio. That's scary. Let's hope the rest of 2020 is combustive free for them.
Sam: wears gloves to protect herself from a dangerous chemical that can light on fire
Also sam: casually strokes her hair back multiple times.
ikr i was like noooo get ur hands away!!
Yeah,I noticed it too
Lol this is just a series for viewers. Don’t think too much about issues with logic :)
It's gloves
wears groves??? WEARS GROVES?!?!?!?!?!?
9:37 Woods' face lol
14:04-14:11 I love that he's enjoying that so much
I Love How Unempressed Kevin Was
"Really guys?"
Pyrophoric materials are often water-reactive as well and will ignite when they contact water or humid air. so when woods used the rag if it was damp or sitting out for a long time the he could have forced these substances on the liquid causing it to ignite therefor when the liquid was under the couch in constant contact with the stale air causing it to melt i think you should check under sams couch to see if it has any marks to show if it combusted at all Diphosphane
Metalorganics of main group metals (e.g. aluminium, gallium, indium, zinc and cadmium etc.)
Triethylaluminium these are all examples of liquid Pyrophoric materials
Good thinking that could be it
But if it got on their hands, wouldnt they catch on fire if they washed their hands?
No idea what you are talking about but it sounds like that could be it
They washed there hand and Sam got it on her hands it would ignite from that but there is some stuff that reacts by disturbing it like partials like dust from the rag and grim on the carpet and dust in the ceiling but not on the wood since it is cleaned.
@@caitsapp the soap would get rid of it
Everyone in HI5: *Panicking*
The Safe: Man these guys should thank me I am making them money.
This is clearly not them setting this up because this is hundreds dallars with of damage. But if it is someone else in the office they are going to be in so much trouble.
Yeah true
I mean but that may just be part of it so...idk maybe he planned it
If only they made money off of videos and could easily remake that money.
@@aidenmiller3832 exactly
How crazy are you they make props and videos gezz how hard to do a little handy man repairs by handymen- handywomen in a studio one question how old are you
I'm sticking with what I said last time. It's a capsule in the safe that breaks open to destroy the content if the safe is not opened in the correct way. Sam dropping it, cracked open the capsule too soon. So maybe she has unknowingly saved the contents. If people are breaking into the base it means that they are on to something. It may not be about the book Matthias was writing. I take that back. Or not. We now see it's some kind of acid that could easily destroy a data holding device or anything else. Since it doesn't affect metal, it's not to destroy a possible gun. So there may be something way more valuable in that safe. I wouldn't be surprised though if the authorities are involved and it's way above their heads and at the end of the year, we hear nothing about it ever again...
I think he already had a notification saying it was notebook with code they found inside the safe , and if the cloth got up in fire doesnt it make kinda suspicious for leaving it on a plastic box, its a well written script, it can be literally even paint thinner that could harm soft plastic.
Kevin’s angry dad mode: really guys? 🤨 honestly I felt bad and I wasn’t even there 😂
he was mega annoyed
I wanted to laugh but I feel bad I’ve felt his annoyance before 😂
If it wasn't for Kevin everyone in that hi5 would be dead.
Just like all the other channels Matthias killed
Everyone panicking
Kevin: grabs fire extinguisher and calm
Everyone panicking
Kevin: grabs fire extinguisher and calm
Anyone else could have used the fire extinguisher
ok at least this is one of my favorite videos of all because my favorite part was Matt and Sam picking on each other
Matt: "I wanna put delivery pipes around the office"
Safe sketch: Conveniently burns hole through floor.
@@jonahmetheringham380 even if it is it is fun
@@connorrhun ofcourse it is 😂 its entertainment for a youtube channel.
This is Matts version of the office
There is no way this is a sketch burning a whole through your floor AND ceiling will cost too much to replace and why would Matt BREAK his own window TWICE it makes no sense at all windows are VERY expensive to replace and I know u r gonna say "bUt MaTts RiCh" even Bill Gates wouldn't break his own window it's a waste of money
@@pickles9077 its not a burn, the wood has been cut. Just enjoy the show 😂
it's totally a sketch. if it was real, any normal person would call the police
Since Hi5 studios used to be a lab, I did research on what acid this could probably be and I found a possible answer. One acid that could melt and go through anything is Hydrofluoric acid. This acid is mostly made or stored in Labs and this acid could go through just about anything. Since Hi5 used to be a lab, the people before probably left the acid in the safe and hid it from being found. This acid is also known to be flammable.
The only problem with that is that Hydrofluoric acid causes deep burns when it touches skin and this stuff didn't do that.
Hydrochloric acid dose not go through plastic
And it melts metal as far as i read
Ok but why would they put it in a safe 🤔
Maybe its a special type of acid because as far as i search alot of acid cant melt plastic because plastic is made with something that acid cant melt unless its had to to be thick plastic that keeps it from melting i wish that i was more focus on chem class it would probably helped lol plus it use to be a lab so honestly it could be any type of acid
Kevin calmly walking over and extinguishing the fire while looking dead inside is a mood 😭
Knowing this is scripted makes Kevin’s reaction of really guys better, like come on stop wreaking the studio.
Kevin's like "why do I have to deal with these childish adults" lmaoo
New rule in Hi5 studio :
they didnt open it tho, Sam dropped it and it broke
why? Because
"WhY iS tHeRe A bUbBlE"
"quick question kevin...can we fix it?"
Let's call the police. Nope, we can use our hands to scoop the puddle.
Literally nobody:
Matt: Let's shoot a nerf dart through a hole in my studio ceiling!
@lygophile it's a meme, shut up
@lygophile wow u clearly don't know memes
@lygophile - I agree with ya, bud. Don’t let these children tell you to shut up when you’re speaking facts. It’s an annoying “meme” that just needs to go away. It was never funny to begin with... They also believe none of this scripted lol
@lygophile what are we supposed to say? Somebody? (Name)? We can't show images and to just tell the joke isn't funny, it's a process for build up to the punch line
@lygophile saying the punchline directly doesn't make it funny unless it's a random thing, like opening a text and seeing a horse on a balcony
Tip for Matt: there is a layer of film on both side of the face shield that you can take off
Can't tell if Kevin is disappointed, Frustrated, or over it
Hey matthias, I looked up what kind of chemical does stuff like that and the chemical that is promising is Sulfuric acid because of three things:
1. Sulfuric acid can melt through plastic.
2. It can create heat through a chemical reaction with alcohol.
3. It is likely that since the chemical had sulfur in it, it may give of a weird smell.
4:50 I never thought in a million years that a bubble could be so terrifying
Wb the dirty bubble
Matt: •sweats profusely• FREAKING SIZE MEDIUM GLOVES!
Woods: dying on the couch 🤣🤣
So much chaotic energy lol
Sam, Woods, and Hannah: Join Matt’s channel happy to see that they get more time in their hands after BU.
Couple months later: Sketchy keys, sketchy car, and oh yeah a very VERY dangerous safe.
1:08 I love how Kevin is like the mom of the group
Sam: turns out it effects plastic
Aslo Sam: *wears plastic gloves*
Haha, I didn’t think about that
Gloves aren’t plastic they are latex and yes I looked it up they are different compounds
@@juickebe huh, I did not know that
@@juickebe those looks like vinyl gloves actually. i have those exact kind at my work
@@juickebe The box specifically says "Vinyl gloves" on the side when Matt looks at the size.
Matt- I did some digging on the issue with the safe and the lovely hole that now sits in Sams office.
This is what I came up with
If you really want to burn holes in the floor, forget acids and go straight for interhalogen compounds…specifically, the delightful brew known as Chlorine Trifluoride.
Chlorine trifluoride, ClF3, or “CTF” as the engineers insist on calling it, is a colorless gas, a greenish liquid, or a white solid.
I also think with the safe being dropped there is a high possibly the chemicals could have reacted with each other if there was more then one in the safe.
Here is the other possibility
The principal classes of chemicals that have some type of degrading action on wood are: Strong mineral acids (generally pH less than 2): Acid hydrolysis occurs, forming a quantity of mixed sugars. These treatments will essentially destroy the wood over a period of time. Concentrated nitric acid may cause ignition.
Hope this is helpful. Stay safe my dude!
Also it’s time to get Security for your building!
That compound is extremely flammable it can even set fire to glass and sand because it is more oxidizing than oxygen it would have set the entire area where the liquid spilled on fire not just that rag
The subreddit!! Put this on the subreddit!
@@manshamishra i already did.
ClF3 would likely be the cause of it EXCEPT you said it was a greenish liquid, but the liquid in the many shots was indeed clear, so it couldn't have been ClF3.
Matt: We need Extra large gloves
Don't you mean MEGA gloves?
Mega desk gloves
Mega desk green and black patern gloves
For mega gaming
Why do we need MEGA gloves BEACASE.
Kevan is like really guys everyone these AHHHH Fire
The weird substance could be one of these:
Carbon Monoxide:
Colorless, odorless, heavier than air gas that does not burn or support combustion.
Hydrogen fluoride :
Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous appears as a colorless fuming liquid boiling at 67°F. Shipped as a liquid confined under its own vapor pressure. Corrosive to metals and tissue. Very short contact with fumes or small quantities of the liquid can cause severe, painful burns. Vapors are heavier than air. Density 8.2 lb / gal. Used as a catalyst and raw material in chemical manufacture. Rate of onset: Immediate & Delayed Persistence: Minutes to hours Odor threshold: 0.4 ppm Source/use/another hazard: Aluminum and other metal industries; insecticide manufacturing-corrosive Liq. Although it says it can burn through some medals, the safe could be some mixture of medals and another substance.
Sulfuric acid:
Sulfuric acid is a colorless oily liquid. It is soluble in water with the release of heat. It is corrosive to metals and tissue. It will char wood and most other organic matter on contact but is unlikely to cause a fire. Density 15 lb / gal. Long term exposure to low concentrations or short term exposure to high concentrations can result in adverse health effects from inhalation. It is used to make fertilizers and other chemicals, in petroleum refining, in iron and steel production, and for many other uses. Rate of onset: Immediate Persistence: Hours, days Odor threshold: Source/use/another hazard: Battery/dyes/paper/glue/metals industries; volcanic gas; toxic fumes when heated.
Diesel fuel:
Diesel fuel, in general, is any liquid fuel used in diesel engines, whose fuel ignition takes place, without any spark, as a result of compression of the inlet air mixture and then injection of fuel. Diesel engines have found broad use as a result of higher thermodynamic efficiency and thus fuel efficiency.
Fuel oil:
Fuel oil (also known as heavy oil, marine fuel, or furnace oil) is a fraction obtained from petroleum distillation, either as a distillate or a residue. ... Fuel oil is made of long hydrocarbon chains, particularly alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatics.
Kerosene, also known as paraffin, lamp oil, and coal oil, is a combustible hydrocarbon liquid that is derived from petroleum. It is widely used as a fuel in aviation as well as households.
Theory about the rag:
The most common type of Spontaneous Combustion fires is those caused by improperly disposed of oil and stain soaked rags. Examples of these products are oil-based paints and stains, teak and linseed oils, varnishes and polyurethane, paint thinners, etc. When fuel (a combustible substance like oil or grease in a flammable material like towels) comes into contact with oxygen in the air (oxidation), heat is generated. When this rise in temperature is not halted, the combustible material i.e. the towel eventually reaches its ignition point and bursts into flames. This might not be true since the rag wasn't soaked in some sort of substance. But the weird substance coming from the safe could be some type of flammable gas that could lightable with cotton or a rag. Could have just been a reaction between the two, but Woods was off-camera when he was wiping it so he could have just pulled out a lighter and this could all just be an act but I believe it's not.
I hope this helped you guys.
Edit: Thanks for all the comments and I know I might be wrong but they were just theory’s.
It’s so true even acids are dangerous to bare hands
What about nano bots programmed to atomically disassemble materials ?
a lot of people should like this so they will be able to see it and they need to be veary carefull
Actually I was researching after the video the chemical isn’t any of them it’s pyrophoricity if you look it up it spontaneously catches fires at lower temperature which we all know at night time the temperature goes down so that’s when it cause a flame but also you were going to ask but how did the rag catch fire it caught fire cause of friction it has to be at a certain temperature to be stable so if it drops below 54 degrees it combusts but if it’s over it’s normal temperature it will catch a flame also
Post this on Matt's reddit
woods “there is a bubble. WHY IS THERE A BUBBLE!”
Matt “who wants to pop it?
Kevin sounded like he didnt care anymore when he said “really guys”
Yeah he's definitely on team someone's lying.
My reaction after all these vids it's being dragged too long
Keven is such a dad “really guys”
Is it just me or does everyone want to see the liquid on the ceiling tile on a time lapse
I also want to see it, put the liquid on wood on time lapse
Matt it could be this: Sodium hydroxide, also known as caustic soda and lye, has no color and can exist in either a liquid or solid state. It's one of the most common chemicals found in industry today and is used to make things like plastics and textiles. Sodium hydroxide has the potential to burn or eat away any part of the body that it comes into contact with.
That compound is corrosive to metal unless black iron or some types of steel. I haven’t looked into the safe they have but if it’s not those materials then is would have a hole in it as well
It would explain the smell too
I think its linseed oil. I send a video of a lady clean it up with a rang then a fire happen but thats all I saw. But it could be anything
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) is a base that DEFINITELY can react with metals. And it has a soapier feel to it. The smell is probably burning plastic. Also... Sodium Hydroxide would have a soapy feel to it and wouldnt be so Glossy
“I didn’t know your hands were that big bro... good for you”😂😂😂😂
And Woods dying in the background
16:21 I'm kind of curious as to how Woods cleaned up that liquid this time, what did he use exactly?
How we all think we will react in case of a fire: kevin
How we will really react: everyone else in that part of the video
Matthias : *wears gloves and a faceshield for protection*
Me : well, thats a budget hazmat suit
Plastic gloves for something that ate through plastic, carpet, wood etc.
It was a safe “fail safe” if the safe was moved the chemical destroyed all the evidence/info, etc.
I was kinda thinking the same thing but why not use nitroglycerin instead just another thought
It's a good theory but what if it was an acid they were gonna use for something illegal and by dropping it they broke what the acid was kept in would explain why it only started leaking after sam dropped it
I didnt even think of that. Good call
I love when he blows into the glove then it just pops XD
Everytime Sam touches her hair with the glove after touching the safe gives me anxiety.
The most reasonable action is to conclude that when the safe dropped. A glass bottle(s) broke and some kind of chemicals leaked.
Any chemical that can break down plastic and wood is not safe for the skin.
Please call hazard chemical control or get something to test the acid levels. I'm worried
Exactly what I was thinking
But guys seriously if this is not a prank get someone down there like yesterday, if there was a chemical stored in a safe it is not sulfuric acid you don't bother storing a little bit of sulfuric acid like that. Sulfuric acid isn't even the most dangerous thing in a lab. This is most likely something very expensive and used in small amounts. You don't know what it is and you are messing around with something that could contain heavy metals that chemists wouldn't touch with a 10 ft pole. If you don't know what it is don't touch it.
Please be careful.