  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @AriusOfAlexandria
    @AriusOfAlexandria Рік тому +3

    Excellent !!!!! Well done for a great book and a great summary

  • @Scjones661
    @Scjones661 17 днів тому

    OMG!!!! I just heard your book being mentioned during an interview on Good Morning America with Jodi Picoult!! Cool!

  • @kurd55
    @kurd55 11 місяців тому +4

    Best book I’ve read this year!

  • @LesMachinesNoires
    @LesMachinesNoires Місяць тому

    What's interesting is knowing that no French writer ever met Shakespeare, and never tried to , and never talk about, because none knew about him until the XVIII centurie. He was totally unknown until Voltaire wrote about him (to critisize him) during the XVIII century. And Voltaire became famous for having been a corrupt man and producing many forgeries, having participated in numerous political intrigues in the whole Europe, so venal was he.

  • @MrAbzu
    @MrAbzu Рік тому +3

    Why has no one written a biography about Shakopee as a front man for the plays who was chosen as a joke because William Shakespeare was the fake anonymous name they had planned to publish under anyway? I think it would be a fun read. Good show.

    • @Jeffhowardmeade
      @Jeffhowardmeade 8 місяців тому +1

      Probably because biography belongs in the nonfiction section and what you are proposing is pure fantasy.

    • @MrAbzu
      @MrAbzu 8 місяців тому +1

      @@Jeffhowardmeade Then chew on this:........... Everybody who was anybody who sought to influence popular opinions of the day had a scriptorium. Plays were the newspapers of the day and scriptoriums were how the Lordly class had their propaganda inserted into the plays. Some characters in the plays were used to lampoon public figures in sly and subtle ways by borrowing lines and actions from real life. With new innovations constantly being inserted, the plays were in a constant state of flux. The plays of that time were intended to be a fluid manner of communication to the public which no single author could possibly keep up with. This form of public discourse was slowly replaced by newspapers and other printed material as literacy and wages improved. The First Folio is a beautiful homage to a unique moment in time, not to a unique crook in time, Shakespeare of Stratford.

    • @Jeffhowardmeade
      @Jeffhowardmeade 8 місяців тому +1

      @@MrAbzu Chew on what? That thing you just invented? I know you don't get the difference between fact and your own fantasies, but I don't need to do anything with your imaginings.

    • @MrAbzu
      @MrAbzu 8 місяців тому

      @@Jeffhowardmeade Bravo, spoken like a person who stopped learning 40 years ago. Shakespeare spent too much money to have come by it honestly. Nearly 200 pounds in Stratford for a house and land, 140 pounds for a house in London, a coat of arms for his father and shares in two theater companies. The plays were the loss leader up front while the real money was made out back. So who wrote the plays? The various scriptoriums with input and oversight by Lords and managers. With all of the rewrites and overwrites there never was a single writer so attribute the plays to the preferred pseudonym of the day.

    • @Jeffhowardmeade
      @Jeffhowardmeade 8 місяців тому +1

      @@MrAbzu Strangely, his fellow members of The Lord Chamberlain's/King's Men were just as wealthy.
      But you're right. I DID learn the difference between fact and fantasy closing in on 60 years ago. Why haven't you figured it out yet?

  • @sunroad7228
    @sunroad7228 7 місяців тому

    Today, not only the legacy of Shakespeare is questioned but also the Quran, Gospels, Darwinism, Capitalism, Zionism, Balfour Declaration, Moon Landing, Iraq's WMD and the list goes on and on.
    This far, this becomes an Industry by its own in each field questioned - where camps live and prosper happily - debunking each other - together - endlessly.
    But who pays the cost of the energy burned in the process of organising the cockfight show?
    War-torn nations, starting with those oil-rich in the Middle East, Russia and Africa - and more and more nations in the periphery become sucked in over time - Gaza and tomorrow Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait and so on.
    Deforesting Europe to the ground what has animated Shakespeare's era - where nobody paid the real cost of the wood deforested - until no more.
    Then good old coal came in - and nobody paid for the fact coal is finite.
    And then the climax happened with oil.
    Our outgoing Western Civilisation is questioning today all what it has produced since the reconquest of Al-Andalus in 1492 - the more and quicker the fossil fuels age comes to a close.
    When energy looted - it turns - curse.
    A curse that destroys in humans consciousness and the future.
    Karl Marx, Nikola Tesla, Balfour, Einstein, Huxley, Orwell, Turing - should be forgiven for thinking their systems can last forever.
    Finite fossil fuels are dangerously hypnotic to humans, their consciousness and mental capacity.
    Humans were not ready morally, ethically and intellectually to start the mass extraction of fossil fuels with the advent of the steam engine 300 years ago.
    The Magna Carta requires today overhauling - adding to it the right for humans to understand what Energy really is - before any other commandment;
    “In any system of energy, Control is what consumes energy the most.
    No energy store holds enough energy to extract an amount of energy equal to the total energy it stores.
    No system of energy can deliver sum useful energy in excess of the total energy put into constructing it.
    This universal truth applies to all systems.
    Energy, like time, flows from past to future” (2017).

    • @rstritmatter
      @rstritmatter 6 місяців тому

      Did you actually listen to the video? I can't tell.

  • @EVUK-bd2vn
    @EVUK-bd2vn 5 місяців тому

    One key but too-rarely mentioned reason to believe a woman or women wrote some/all of the plays is that women had to hide behind a (male) pseudonym given that women were not permitted to write plays and have them publicly performed except as "closet" playwrights. The only truly balanced non-chauvinist conclusion is that a male and female "Shakespeare Salon" including de Vere, Mary Sidney, Amelia Bassano had some great fun covertly writing but probably not co-writing all of the plays. Actors, theatre owners and play commissioners would have attended those semi-clandestine Shakespeare salon sessions for initial read-throughs and as with movie screenplays minor or major changes would inevitably have been proposed by all involved.
    Paul G

  • @KingMinosxxvi
    @KingMinosxxvi Рік тому

    If S was a woman explain Sonnet 20...impossible

    • @rstritmatter
      @rstritmatter 9 місяців тому +1

      You're not listening.

    • @KingMinosxxvi
      @KingMinosxxvi 9 місяців тому

      @@rstritmatter IM NoT! ? Then go ahead explain sonnet 20.

    • @Northcountry1926
      @Northcountry1926 8 місяців тому +1


    • @rstritmatter
      @rstritmatter 6 місяців тому

      @@KingMinosxxvi That's the title of her book, if you listen to the video you will realize it is a conjecture. What's she's saying is that the Stratford bloke wasn't the real author, ok? Got it?

  • @tonyholmes962
    @tonyholmes962 Рік тому

    State propagation of knowledge culture entertainment. 16th century BBC.

  • @davidjohnstone7665
    @davidjohnstone7665 3 місяці тому

    Answers why they're so bloody awful.