Hearthstone: Value Inc. (Rogue Constructed)

  • Опубліковано 12 січ 2025


  • @haseopro
    @haseopro 10 років тому +4

    Can we just take a moment to point out how great the editing in these videos is? no long intros, each card drawn is highlighted, every time trump references something that happened earlier we get a flashback, and the video itself is just the good stuff, no long turns, etc. The arena videos editing is also really good.

  • @roberthopper8953
    @roberthopper8953 10 років тому +109

    I was laying in bed watching VVGN then a gentle breeze passed by. Suddenly I heard an Asian voice that said "The King of Value has arrived" Trump slowly began pulling down my pants and said "That's some real value"

    • @AstridCeleste96
      @AstridCeleste96 10 років тому +40

      "Show me what that value will do."
      You being a cheap, value 1/1, you replied, "I'll do as you say."

    • @OldTreachery
      @OldTreachery 10 років тому +1

      you could run Malygos instead of Ysera i think its just your choice

    • @Spikeinthemud
      @Spikeinthemud 10 років тому +6

      Choked on my food i was laughing so hard, Instantly related that comment to the Shrek is love shrek is life.

    • @Benwinjamin
      @Benwinjamin 10 років тому +6

      Trump is love, Trump is life

    • @roberthopper8953
      @roberthopper8953 10 років тому +1

      When I posted this 5 months or so I only got 69 likes...wow

  • @HammerspaceCreature
    @HammerspaceCreature 10 років тому +1

    'you win... BUT YOUR WORLD IS STILL DOOMED!' XD. My favourite sound byte. You hear it so rarely since it's rare for a Jaraxxus to concede rather than being bursted down or seppukuing with his weapon.

  • @pimmetjes12345
    @pimmetjes12345 10 років тому +55

    4:00 missed damage

    • @Mineboost
      @Mineboost 10 років тому +15

      Keep watching

    • @ZeRandomZ
      @ZeRandomZ 10 років тому

      1:33 Like... what?

      @L3GIT_PENGUIN 10 років тому

      Mineboost What am i watching for?
      Ok i found it. kinda lame tbh.

    • @Fantasyze
      @Fantasyze 10 років тому +23

      checked comments for this immediately.

    • @MDksa123
      @MDksa123 10 років тому

      he knew

  • @vesmolol9185
    @vesmolol9185 10 років тому +1

    That's a really cool deck. Was fun to watch, hoping to see more of this in the future. Also, I can't believe people keep asking "why not handlock if it's better?". Maybe some people like mixing it up once in a while, though I'm not sure if Trump is one of those people. But I for one am happy to see different decks on the channel (and would play them too if I had the cards for it).

  • @theStonerKid69
    @theStonerKid69 10 років тому +10

    I feel like the Violet Teachers should be replaced with Spellbreakers. I realize Spellbreaker isn't a popular card in constructed (or even arena now that I think about it), but this deck could use both mid game minions with a decentlyish higher attack than Teachers while still taking the same slot in the mana curve...on top of the fact that Trump could really use some silence in this deck.
    Edit: Lol. I posted this at about 12:00 into the video, and then Trump talks about it 3 minutes later xD
    I disagree about the owls over spellbreakers though; from my experience, owls are just way too weak to even fufill their purpose as a silence. I've seen lots of pros use them, so anyone who feels like pointing that out just stop right now; I know that Ironbeak Owls have had their spikes in popularity among the competitive scene. That said, Spellbreakers to me make more sense in this deck because the deck has 12 spells, and it could use the bigger punch that Spellbreakers bring to the table since it REALLY lacks in that early and midgame punchiness.
    Double edit: I also wouldn't mind seeing Malygos in this deck. It might just be a bit of love for that card, but six out of the twelve spells in this deck benefit from spell damage. And with the preparations, you could do like Malygos, Prep, Eviscerate, Prep, Eviscerate on turn nine for massive damage. That'd be pretty awesome. And you're more likely to get it since you'd still have turns seven and eight to sprint for those cards, if you can.

    • @Paralellex
      @Paralellex 10 років тому

      The problem with spellbreaker as I see it is that it's a 4 mana silence that dies to a 2 mana creature (4/3 dies to 3/2 super easily). Owl dies extremely easily as well, but it is a cheaper silence that also puts on a (small) amount of pressure as well. You don't want to spend all of turn 4 putting out a silence and a lackluster minion, you want to spend turn 4 silencing, putting out a terrible minion, then doing something else.

    • @theStonerKid69
      @theStonerKid69 10 років тому +1

      Paralellex Right, but if you're playing a spellbreaker during a time when your opponent has a 3/2 minion out to kill it anyways, that means one of two things: 1) you're fighting zoo (or some other aggro deck), and I don't see most control decks, including this one, beating zoo too often anymore anyways, or 2) you're not using your spellbreakers silence to its full potential; it's meant to silence things like Twilight Drakes, Sylvannas, Cairne (if people still play him), and other later game creatures. Playing it at a time where a 3/2 is gonna run into it probably means you used the coin to play it on turn 3 to silence a Haunted Creeper or a Harvest Golem or something.
      Also, point 3) you don't play a Spellbreaker as a standard turn 4 play. Ever. At least not in constructed.

    • @TheAmberFang
      @TheAmberFang 10 років тому

      The decklist from this video is in a strange middle ground of trying to be a control deck with late game threats and having combo/spell synergy, mostly with Violet Teachers and Edwin. There are barely any spells, so the Violet Teachers are awkward, and there isn't all that much cheap stuff in the deck for Edwin to be super effective; I mean, if your hand is Ragnaros, Big Game Hunter, Black Knight, Sprint, and Gallywix, Edwin isn't going to be doing much of anything.
      Also, Rogue tends to have trouble keeping her health up, and I don't think a single Antique Healbot and a single Sludge Belcher are enough to have super greedy cards like Ysera and Faceless.
      One way to take the deck is the less greedy route and replace Ysera and Faceless with more spells that can take advantage of Preparation; definitely Sabotage, and maybe Tinker's Sharpsword Oil. The Oil might call for a very different deck though; I'd replace a lot of the Legendaries with some stickier minions like the Piloted mechs and maybe have Cairne. This way it'd be more of a mid-range deck that tries to finish the game out with Preparations, Oils, and Deadly Poisons, maybe with a Sap replacing the Black Knight.
      If you stick with the more control route, I'd still put in at least one Sabotage (maybe even replace the Big Game Hunter and just have double Sabotage.) Definitely take out the Teachers and the Edwin, add a Silence, probably an extra Antique Healbot and/or Belcher. Or maybe have Sen'jin instead of the Teachers...
      Really though, the more I think about it, the less I like the idea of control Rogue with big late game threats. It mostly feels like a worse control Warrior lol

    • @EbonMaster
      @EbonMaster 10 років тому

      theStonerKid69 you seem to also be forgetting that undertaker is a card.

    • @jaesughroue8475
      @jaesughroue8475 10 років тому

      theStonerKid69 But you can play an owl on turn 4 and then make a dagger which is a better play, owl is much more flexible and therefore is a better choice.

  • @commanderdon4300
    @commanderdon4300 10 років тому +2

    "and there's that second sprint again".... Of course its there you drew your entire deck!

  • @2SikSkool
    @2SikSkool 10 років тому +23

    I've watched this video, now 1000's of people will follow, what can i say, I'm a trendsetter ;)

  • @justinsung600
    @justinsung600 10 років тому

    At ~23:00 did Trump miss lethal when considering the Rag? He would have put his opponent on 4 ( 13 minus rag8 and dagger1) He would also have to toss out a prep with no spell thus putting his cards at 5. The following turn he would have been able to prep-sprint-eviscerate, since that only costs 6 mana. He had 5 cards left in the deck. He could have drawn all 5 with that sprint + the natural draw-per-turn, and with no chance of burning the evis because he threw away the prep the turn he played rag.

  • @leonslaw5722
    @leonslaw5722 10 років тому +13

    The earliest playable minions are SI and the Violet Teacher. Wouldn't a shiv or loot hoarder be more value than basically all the fans of knives you have used?

    • @i_am_ergo
      @i_am_ergo 10 років тому +14

      Oddly enough, even in later iterations of this deck, Trump kept the fan of knives even though 9 times out of 10, it was too expensive and did jack. Jeff works in mysterious ways.

    • @brandonwei6923
      @brandonwei6923 10 років тому +7

      I might be wrong because I'm not too experienced, but I think the preference of Fan of Knives over shiv and loot hoarder is combo potential with Prep (more value than with shiv). Obviously that might not be enough to justify, but I think that's what his justification was.

    • @MrEntinen
      @MrEntinen 10 років тому

      Semyon Galtsev I have to ask who is Jeff

    • @ILikeToColourRed
      @ILikeToColourRed 10 років тому +3

      MrEntinen trump is jeffrey shih

  • @HOV2131
    @HOV2131 10 років тому

    I really, really enjoyed watching this deck in action and seeing the science that goes into perfecting a decklist. Neat idea that I would enjoy playing; once I get some more legendaries that is.

  • @w00t557
    @w00t557 10 років тому

    I enjoyed watching this particular deck and would enjoy seeing more of this in the future :)

  • @3dTank
    @3dTank 10 років тому

    A slightly faster variant of this deck (one Sprint, more tempo cards and less lategame) runs Sabotage and it's been pretty effective so far. I tried it for a few games and I almost always got some sort of value out of it, weapon or not. A particularly nice use is prep+SI-7 to clear a small minion then Sabotage a bigger minion and maybe even a weapon on turn 4.

  • @chorizo4920
    @chorizo4920 9 років тому +4

    what kind of sorcery?

  • @TheFireflyGrave
    @TheFireflyGrave 10 років тому +5

    Sometimes the invisible hand of the free market stabs you in the back.

    • @doombybbr
      @doombybbr 10 років тому

      mind control wars, it goes on forever.

    • @joshuakrimsky2888
      @joshuakrimsky2888 9 років тому

      TheFireflyGrave thanks adam.

  • @zachsuedmeyer2526
    @zachsuedmeyer2526 10 років тому

    @ 6:24 you had lethal with the boom bots attacking the 5/2 because you could clear they should do 2 or more dmg to face on average. That is after the clear and hitting for 5.

  • @cryogenical_
    @cryogenical_ 10 років тому

    Sap might be pretty amazing in this deck up against Control Warrior and Handlock and maybe even Freezemage which I seem to encounter quite a bit currently.

  • @Scionofgreyhaven
    @Scionofgreyhaven 10 років тому

    7:45 i was thinking play drake trade 4/2 into 4/4, trade bomb into bomb, double Deadly hit face prob better chance for rag to hit?

  • @stoppos94
    @stoppos94 10 років тому +1

    16:55 Trump killing the minion stolen by sylvanas on the same turn it've got stolen. Pretty sick. I didn't know that trick at least.

  • @TimoXa1992
    @TimoXa1992 10 років тому

    22:16 Ставим Ragnaros, героем бьём в лицо, далее Preparation, после чего играем Sprint. С вероятностью 80% заходит Eviscerate. Даже если не пришла, снова играем Preparation, далее Fan of Knives и тогда точно у нас в руке оказывается Eviscerate. Letal.

    • @6Grimmjow
      @6Grimmjow 10 років тому

      1 Преп + Спринт стоит 4 маны, с Рагноросом в один ход не играется, если ты так хотел.

    • @TimoXa1992
      @TimoXa1992 10 років тому

      Lee Rock А точно, пиздец я привык что преп делает заклины бесплатными так как у разбойницы основная масса заклинов менее 3 маны.

  • @NaturalBornChilla666
    @NaturalBornChilla666 10 років тому

    Where did that druid at 9:15 get his card back from? never seen it before.. did i miss a season or something?

  • @KingOfBlades27
    @KingOfBlades27 10 років тому

    Oh wow that timing! I just opened Trade Prince from the last pack and I was wondering what kind of deck I should make where I can use it :D

  • @hyperteleXii
    @hyperteleXii 10 років тому

    23:50 Prep, prep, sprint, BGH, eviscerate, Edwin, faceless? Two 12/12s and a 4/2 against opponent's 3/3.

    • @520_metal
      @520_metal 9 років тому

      You would prep the second prep not the sprint, so doesnt work

  • @whisspHS
    @whisspHS 10 років тому +4

    26:53 why did Trump change his mind? why does he say "oooooh no"?

    • @LazyTestudines
      @LazyTestudines 10 років тому +2

      i came down to the comments as well just for that. I mean Trump says it himself, with the amout of cards in his hand, the other guy can't play the mountain giant.

    • @pridearisen
      @pridearisen 10 років тому +25

      BGH kills Dr Boom

    • @TheBorges23
      @TheBorges23 10 років тому

      swtorgamer1 i was here screaming like a fool to the screen because the warlock had already used his 2 giants, one with shadow flame to clean synvanas.

    • @yotamshitrit6820
      @yotamshitrit6820 10 років тому +39

      BGH forces you to kill a 7+atk minion when it comes in regardless if it's friendly or not. if trump placed BGH there he would have had to kill his own 7/7

    • @xelisgaming2057
      @xelisgaming2057 10 років тому

      ***** no, that does not work. it is simlar to Dark Iron Dwarf in that regard. If there is a legal target, you have to target that.

  • @channelisafunnyword
    @channelisafunnyword 10 років тому

    9:30 the druid Spectrum. WHAT CARD BACK IS THAT?

  • @spiralhaze2070
    @spiralhaze2070 10 років тому +6

    Next time, on Trump doesnt react to things: 1:40

  • @Elementroar
    @Elementroar 10 років тому

    Should put 00:44 "Sudoku" in the dscription

  • @7ust7oel
    @7ust7oel 10 років тому

    22:50 rag 13-8 = 5 next round prep + sprint evis face + si = win easy.

    • @Frenchfry977
      @Frenchfry977 9 років тому

      Fischy was thinking the same.

  • @OfficialToonology
    @OfficialToonology 10 років тому

    his opponent (in the handlock game) missed lethal.....when he used power overwhelming on the sunfury protector that made it a 6/7 plus a 4/2 plus a slime 1/2 plus jaraxxus attack (3) is equal to 14, and trump only had 12 health unless im miscalculating something

    • @leof.2695
      @leof.2695 10 років тому

      Isn't the 4/2 a Watcher? They can't attack.

    • @OfficialToonology
      @OfficialToonology 10 років тому

      ah true i forgot lol so i di miscalculate

  • @nyferox5637
    @nyferox5637 10 років тому

    At 22:40 wouldn't he have lethal as he could have prep, rag, prep, faceless? I don't know if I'm missing something but wouldn't that work?

    • @nyferox5637
      @nyferox5637 10 років тому

      thanks for the clarification

    • @BasileRack
      @BasileRack 10 років тому

      Prep only works on spells.

    • @PKdororo
      @PKdororo 10 років тому

      Actually he wouldve had lethal if he prepd, fan of knives, followed by a drawn eviscerate for 4, and 8 from rag, and 1 from the knive, for a total of 13. Although he couldnt have known he would top deck it, it might have been worth it.

  • @Devthemage
    @Devthemage 10 років тому +3

    Did Trump... suggest... HandRogue? All my dreams are coming true...

  • @ShawnValsean
    @ShawnValsean 10 років тому +3

    "For example
    -game explodes

  • @erich_beepboop
    @erich_beepboop 10 років тому

    Did you just forget to attack at 4:00? With TPG? Edit: oh he found out a minute later.

  • @tomtomeow
    @tomtomeow 10 років тому

    23:04 you said you had 20% chance to win but its actually 100% (if you ignore his play afterward) because you had 5 cards left and you would have drawn one (then you will have 4 left) , then prep sprint would draw four=guaranteed eviscerate + hero power= lethal.

    • @Mrlocofan
      @Mrlocofan 10 років тому

      that if you have 12 mana to play rag and sprint alone and 14 to even play eviscerate

    • @tomtomeow
      @tomtomeow 10 років тому

      Mrlocofan I meant that he should have played rag for lethal the turn after...

  • @ethanchapman9181
    @ethanchapman9181 10 років тому

    what was the 'oh no!' for at the final game?

  • @Olhado256
    @Olhado256 10 років тому +1

    All praise be to Trump, the Prophet of Value. May he lead us to the Promised Land of Card Advantage. Pay no mind to the heretics of Tempo for they shall burn in the fiery depths of Mana Inefficiency.

  • @filipbaader
    @filipbaader 10 років тому

    23:00 why not to prep knives draw 1 in 5 evis prep evis and rag for lethal

  • @TheIronDwarf
    @TheIronDwarf 10 років тому +6

    What happened in that first game, why did they both explode?

    • @danreynolds461
      @danreynolds461 10 років тому

      Other guy didn't connect

    • @Lego455200930
      @Lego455200930 10 років тому

      One of them failed to connect.

    • @TheAmberFang
      @TheAmberFang 10 років тому

      It happens occasionally. I think Battle.net fails to connect the players, so it just immediately ends in a draw.

    • @doombybbr
      @doombybbr 10 років тому

      why it gives a loss to players as punishment for battle.nets failure is beyond me, there needs to be a "draw" outcome implemented.

    • @psielemental
      @psielemental 10 років тому

      Obviously, the game would have been SO awesome that they both exploded.

  • @baloonman5
    @baloonman5 10 років тому

    Preparation only reduces the cost of spells not minions. Rag would still cost 8 after prep.

  • @MingyangWangl
    @MingyangWangl 9 років тому

    I believe its a cross between fatigue mage and mech mage.

  • @Natocmdr
    @Natocmdr 10 років тому

    At 4:02 you forgot to attack with Gally and ended your turn prematurely.

  • @sladikk
    @sladikk 10 років тому

    Force/Savage isn't the only use for Force.

  • @Nillinas
    @Nillinas 10 років тому

    To those wondering why he shouted "Oh, no" at around 27 mins it's cause he couldn't play BGH or he would have to target his Dr.Boom

  • @Fungorrr
    @Fungorrr 10 років тому

    That last game was exhausting.

  • @jacobdelaney9465
    @jacobdelaney9465 10 років тому

    he had lethal with rag prep faceless at one point.

  • @renzoguevarra
    @renzoguevarra 10 років тому

    why did he start screaming at 27:04 ?

  • @Saronite
    @Saronite 10 років тому +1

    this is the first time i ever see jarraxxas concede o.o

  • @michaelbowman6684
    @michaelbowman6684 10 років тому

    What was up with the "Oh no!" at the End of the Video?

  • @mythicalbeast953
    @mythicalbeast953 10 років тому

    in the beggining...why is there a marked deck?(red x)

  • @dannydizzle21
    @dannydizzle21 10 років тому

    @1:40 WHY DOES THAT HAPPEN? (Sorry i only just started playing this game a few days ago)

    • @crabcaniopal
      @crabcaniopal 9 років тому

      pandulce i know this is VERY late, but the reason the first game happened was because the opponent had failed to connect.

  • @YitauN
    @YitauN 10 років тому

    What about Gallywix + Gazlowe + Spare parts deck?

  • @mythicalbeast953
    @mythicalbeast953 10 років тому

    ,,,4:02...why he didn't attack with gali?

  • @theohernandez9587
    @theohernandez9587 10 років тому

    I actually enjoy a lot these original decks he's playing, unlike handlock

  • @GankScythe
    @GankScythe 10 років тому

    im sooo confused, what happened in the beginning when they both died?

  • @vlxedits
    @vlxedits 10 років тому

    1:44 missed lethal

  • @TheBalefire
    @TheBalefire 10 років тому

    I call this deck the "I win if I go second" deck.

  • @aaaaaaaaaaaa808
    @aaaaaaaaaaaa808 10 років тому

    I haven't seen him competition like months now. Any reason?

  • @Fedyakin42
    @Fedyakin42 10 років тому

    I think Trump might be overvaluing prep + sprint. For two cards and 4 mana, you get four cards; which is a net of two cards...

  • @RayBros
    @RayBros 10 років тому +3

    Anyone else go "who do we appreciate" :D?

  • @shan9usfc
    @shan9usfc 10 років тому


  • @Louey7777
    @Louey7777 10 років тому +1

    Trump is now in 60 FPS!! Wahoo! At least the first time I noticed it saying 60 :)
    I do have to say, interesting Rogue.

    • @Louey7777
      @Louey7777 10 років тому

      60 definitely looks new now watching. Wish my GPU didn't require underclocking and I could even play HS at something higher than 30 FPS :P

  • @jackbandit2114
    @jackbandit2114 10 років тому

    Prep-sprint is like miracle rogue in two cards LOL
    27:02 why does he scream "oh no" here?

    • @heyanniegirl
      @heyanniegirl 10 років тому +5

      Because if the only one minion with 7 attack on the field is yours, you will need to target it (for BGH porpouses)

    • @jackbandit2114
      @jackbandit2114 10 років тому +3

      Wow I thought that might have been it, but it's hard to imagine I've never seen that come up before. Anyways, thanks for the genuine answer.

  • @Kekww81
    @Kekww81 10 років тому

    Whats that cardback the druid had

  • @1lamafarmer
    @1lamafarmer 10 років тому

    Trump I'm interested that you were so comfortable staying on 7 health against the handlock around 20:00 when your opponent could have easily drawn Hellfire/Darkbomb at any time (and indeed did, fortunately the turn after you played Healbot). You're always so careful to play around specific cards, but this one seemed so obvious.

    • @MohammedAbdelhamed
      @MohammedAbdelhamed 10 років тому

      Because both of them deal 3 dmg and any combinations of 2 cards the handlock has doesn't kill trump, he needed 3 cards at least to do so you can afford to ignore that and keep pressure for board control. If he played antique healbot prematurely he will get punished on the board control game so he had to wait for the correct timing to play it

    • @1lamafarmer
      @1lamafarmer 10 років тому

      Mohammed Abdelhamed oh my days i'm such a fool lol, i was thinking hellfire did 4 for a minute there. Dearie me.

  • @s0m30n3el5e
    @s0m30n3el5e 10 років тому

    at 1:35 wtf happened?

  • @Darkrai1431
    @Darkrai1431 10 років тому

    whatcard back does that druid have?

  • @carolusrex2406
    @carolusrex2406 10 років тому

    Did Twoni play 3 sludge belchers?

  • @RenzoLanceloT
    @RenzoLanceloT 10 років тому

    Loved the deck.

  • @yotamshitrit6820
    @yotamshitrit6820 10 років тому

    Why not trade Ysera for Sneed's Old Shredder? seems better in this deck to me at least

  • @McMacsi
    @McMacsi 10 років тому

    22:50 Rag+ prep+sprint + prep+ evis

    • @Mrlocofan
      @Mrlocofan 10 років тому

      12 mana. Yep, cant do it

    • @McMacsi
      @McMacsi 10 років тому

      Forgot preparation makes next spell cost 3 less not free ^^

  • @Rabarberium
    @Rabarberium 10 років тому

    Jesus, did that Warlock miss lethal on the turn when he played Power Overwhelming or am I nuts? 14 damage counting his weapon, Trump doesn't have taunts and has 12 HP.

    • @TheCookiezPlz
      @TheCookiezPlz 10 років тому +1

      10 damage. Watcher can't attack.

    • @PesterchumSA
      @PesterchumSA 10 років тому

      You're just nuts, Ancient Watcher doesn't work that way.

  • @namelessblob781
    @namelessblob781 10 років тому +1

    4:09 did trump missed 5 damage?

    • @namelessblob781
      @namelessblob781 10 років тому

      wait like 4:00

    • @Mineboost
      @Mineboost 10 років тому

      Keep watching

    • @namelessblob781
      @namelessblob781 10 років тому

      yup.. i make a comment as soon as i spot a mistake...hehe

    • @AstridCeleste96
      @AstridCeleste96 10 років тому

      Umm Hi
      Usually people in stream notice and address it.

  • @doombybbr
    @doombybbr 10 років тому

    that auto-die bug has been going around.

  • @lunaluna245
    @lunaluna245 10 років тому

    Why did the first game end suddenly??

  • @1itemprod
    @1itemprod 10 років тому

    how do you get that thing that shows what cards you've used on the left? *im a newb hearthstoner :s *

    • @Varadium_
      @Varadium_ 10 років тому

      Its just editing done for the video, its not actualy in the game as far as i know

    • @1itemprod
      @1itemprod 10 років тому

      Varadium ahh gotcha. would be cool to have as an overlay.

  • @jdawg7234
    @jdawg7234 10 років тому +1

    I can never understand what antique heal bot is saying when he's played

    • @sc065
      @sc065 10 років тому

      "Back from the junk heap."

  • @Tododialisimo
    @Tododialisimo 10 років тому

    16:55 - Are you a wizard? O_O

  • @Lashrath
    @Lashrath 10 років тому

    Didn't he have lethal when he was considering Ragnaros? with prep-Rag-prep-faceless it would have bombed the enemy with 16 damage when he had 13 and no minions. Am I missing something?

    • @hallc91
      @hallc91 10 років тому

      Prep only works on spells?

    • @Lashrath
      @Lashrath 10 років тому

      hallc91 o right... I haen't played rogue for ages.

  • @lang5591
    @lang5591 10 років тому

    In the first game you didn't attack with gallywix.Mistake!

  • @Ndo01
    @Ndo01 10 років тому

    How did trump know which 1/1 would be stolen by sylvannas? 16:56

  • @Orcasgt22
    @Orcasgt22 10 років тому

    Why did both heros blow up?

  • @jaesughroue8475
    @jaesughroue8475 10 років тому

    Why did they both blow up in the beginning...

    • @Thought39
      @Thought39 10 років тому

      they didn't properly connect or something.

  • @lolimjustkitten787
    @lolimjustkitten787 10 років тому

    Yo trump, I have an idea for a arena episode!
    I want you to first, pick the worse card in the pack, then pick the worse card, then pick the average/ in between card.
    So it would go : Worst, Best, Average
    Like this comment so he can see please :S

  • @user-dd9xc8gb5j
    @user-dd9xc8gb5j 10 років тому

    I didn't think this deck would actually work

  • @jeper3460
    @jeper3460 10 років тому

    How could he die when he started his first match?

  • @yunosh8473
    @yunosh8473 10 років тому +1

    "Capilatism Ho!" is that a RecceTear reference?

    • @Mrlocofan
      @Mrlocofan 10 років тому +1

      Yes, he said it on stream

    • @yunosh8473
      @yunosh8473 10 років тому

      Lolz cute...

  • @animagamer2
    @animagamer2 10 років тому +1

    How does trump know what he has left in his deck? Is his memory just op, or what?

  • @BrunoNunes83
    @BrunoNunes83 10 років тому

    last game was a great one

  • @themeowboss9972
    @themeowboss9972 10 років тому

    what is that card back that the druid has?

    • @HamStrokers-Ejacula
      @HamStrokers-Ejacula 10 років тому

      Dalaran Flame, only available to TESPA members. It's a college esports shindig.

  • @ZenonSethG
    @ZenonSethG 10 років тому

    Trump is one lucky SOB. Every single time I've missed lethal, I've been brutally punished for it, especially by mages with Pyroblast. Trump misses lethal like every 5th video on here, and yet rarely gets punished for it.

  • @ProfessorKhamke
    @ProfessorKhamke 10 років тому

    First game was a nailbiter D:

  • @kkokay4
    @kkokay4 10 років тому

    Sooooo why does no one play miracle rogue anymore? Does the gadget nerf really make that much of a dif?
    I haven't tested since I d/e'd my gadgets for the dust after the nerf.

    • @Varadium_
      @Varadium_ 10 років тому +1

      Leroy nerf+gadget nerf+loatheb really smashed it.

    • @kkokay4
      @kkokay4 10 років тому

      Varadium Kinda strange tho how it was still around while loatheb was and after the leeroy nerf. I guess that one mana was the final nail in the coffin. Still strange how I've literally seen 0 Miracle. I honestly thought it would still be viable or see it a couple times at least.

    • @jordino60
      @jordino60 10 років тому

      One mana is a huge difference when its on the Gadgetzan. Definately since Loatheb is 5 Mana you can just wait until Turn 6 and drop the Loatheb and it makes any Combos completely worthless with Gadgetzan.

    • @kkokay4
      @kkokay4 10 років тому

      but wut if they dont have it? Also what if they still have a good alternate play? Idk its still strange to see it never used ever.

    • @jordino60
      @jordino60 10 років тому

      Morgan Murphy Then just save it for after they drop Gadgetzan.

  • @swmusic4705
    @swmusic4705 10 років тому

    I think you dont really need Ysera, even though shes not bad. Malygos would be better I think

  • @UtkURBD
    @UtkURBD 10 років тому

    GG trump i admire your creativity

  • @Ghostface4k
    @Ghostface4k 10 років тому

    16:55 HOW the fuck did he attack his own minion before the opponent silvanas take it..?????

    • @grandoldpyro
      @grandoldpyro 10 років тому +2

      Just because the animation is resolving doesn't mean the game state hasn't moved on. He saw the skull, which meant that the sylvanas would be taking the student.

    • @Ghostface4k
      @Ghostface4k 10 років тому

      yea thats correct i think i got confused for a moment. ty :)

  • @McChookter
    @McChookter 10 років тому

    Lol "capitalism, ho" is a reference to an anime game I'm playing on my channel called recettear xD

    • @justinsmith5169
      @justinsmith5169 10 років тому +7

      This subtle self-advertisement would be more effective on the video that's actually named "Capitalism, ho!".

    • @i_am_ergo
      @i_am_ergo 10 років тому

      Justin Smith Not so subtle though.

  • @aurelius5961
    @aurelius5961 10 років тому

    nozdormu counters math decks.

  • @Nalhin
    @Nalhin 10 років тому

    4.00 forgot to attack with gally kappa

  • @damiandearmas2749
    @damiandearmas2749 10 років тому

    hey guys, now i know what it feels like to play 5 consecutive fire strikes in a game, all thanks to arena, i mean come on, i got 6 fire strikes, is that a thing now?

  • @AceBadguy
    @AceBadguy 10 років тому +1

    1:38 wut