Becoming Untouchable | How to Be Free from Power

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @nelsonvargas9527
    @nelsonvargas9527 Рік тому +194

    I value my freedom . I value my time . I value my inner peace . I value my health . I value my family . I do not value worldly materials .

    • @dallassegno
      @dallassegno Рік тому +4

      haaa haha ha

    • @ridge7524
      @ridge7524 Рік тому +1


    • @davidintonti
      @davidintonti Рік тому +8

      Thus, your battles are with your past; Change and entropy become your tyrants, and you, their slave. There is no escape from the principle of polarity,

    • @splash3y3land77
      @splash3y3land77 Рік тому +4

      You still give it value, indirectly

    • @ifyagotajaburadumsheep1752
      @ifyagotajaburadumsheep1752 Рік тому

      how are you free in this world with out money

  • @antdakota396
    @antdakota396 Рік тому +266

    The timing couldn't have been more ideal, and I'm grateful for the reminder of the importance of humility. God bless you

    • @kateskeys
      @kateskeys Рік тому +2

      Very true

    • @anjukrishna1865
      @anjukrishna1865 Рік тому +1

      True for me too! Divine Timing.

    • @brkbtjunkie
      @brkbtjunkie Рік тому +2

      This one time they awarded me a button for being humble, but then they took it away when I wore it.

    • @adaptercrash
      @adaptercrash Рік тому

      Don't be gay, don't be autistic or schizophrenic

    • @bigdaddytrichardson4994
      @bigdaddytrichardson4994 Рік тому

      God Bless you too

  • @valientlionheart5525
    @valientlionheart5525 Рік тому +124

    In this age of immorality, the most neglected but most valuable asset we have is Character. thank you for the reminder. excellent presentation. keep it rolling

    • @vegas7023
      @vegas7023 Рік тому

      Character is something you gather. What you gather can never be you. Any identity limits you.

  • @jjrecon3024
    @jjrecon3024 Рік тому +20

    Humility >
    Peacefulness >
    Joy >
    Absolute Bliss

  • @metaloper
    @metaloper Рік тому +5

    This is the bright side of UA-cam.

  • @JulindaLeDee
    @JulindaLeDee Рік тому +16

    The only thing we can control is our emotions. We are not our circumstances. Which becomes our character 🤔 from the circumstance and how we chose to react.

  • @byron8657
    @byron8657 Рік тому +2

    A Jewish survivor of the Nazi Holocaust concentration camp became a psychologist summed it up all about how he survived! Inside the camp they can stripped you of everything your clothes your possessions your Honor your Dignity but one thing they can’t take from you is your Power of Choice! K

  • @yaliyu01
    @yaliyu01 Рік тому +54

    Great video, and valuable lessons. I onced used to think stoicism was the ultimate answer, trying to be that way fully. However, lately I cant help but feel there are flaws in it's conception and practice. Like how as a consequence of valuing ones character above anything material or spiritual, it can easily lead to a retreat inwards and a closing-off of oneself to the world and some very real things born of the world that seem indispensable to achieving a full existence (if that's even possible). For example, lately i feel it has the danger of leading to deficiency's in empathy, emotional bonding, and self-value. To explain the self-value part at least (because I'm lazy), i mean valuing your physical body. Yes it seems powerful to say a tyrant can cut your arms off and you don't care. But really all you are doing is not defending what you have, and dressing it up as noble. Many people are born without arms or lose them to accidents, and although they may be at peace, they certainly would wish to have them. So it's like stoicism can sometimes seem like just running away from physical reality. But if one separates themself from the tangible, then they are missing a big part of life. For all is born of the tangible. Body and mind cannot exist independently of each other. To focus on one, and deny the other, is to deny yourself, and rob yourself of full existence. Suffering seems to be a requirement of life. Stoicism is a way of escaping it, and the founder was a slave so i can understand it. However, If carried out fully, it becomes reduced to mere coping mechanism rather than a method of living a full life. I like it a lot, and there is a lot of valuable perspectives that can make ones life better from stoicism, but no philosophy is perfect - That's what i continue to realize these days. Ideas always seem perfect until they are actually carried out. Because it is in execution that flaws reveal themself to us in ways we may have never conceived. Perhaps in being truly free from power, we must be free from true living.
    These are just my musings, and sorry for the undeveloped snippets (I'm lazy). I could be wrong, but its something to something to think about.

    • @kleinsteinphilosophy
      @kleinsteinphilosophy  Рік тому +18

      Indeed. Stoics themselves admit that the Stoic sage is an ideal they strive for, not something they truly and fully become. It is more of a guide rather than hard rules to fully conform to. I like a lot what you said at the end: that power is necessary for living. Power dynamics seem to be the reflection that we need certain things in order to survive and live well. IMO some of Stoicism’s lessons are extremely useful in certain situations, but there is wisdom in knowing when and how to apply them, and when not to. Thank you for the insight!

    • @easyGG11
      @easyGG11 Рік тому +1

      You are neither body nor mind.

    • @yaliyu01
      @yaliyu01 Рік тому +1

      @@easyGG11 indeed

    • @TruckStuff432
      @TruckStuff432 Рік тому +2

      When your power of self is tested, if you know stoicism, then how you have lived your entire life will show that you continue to live life Un-Fuck-With-able. You cannot be stopped. It is designed to be based on strength, for our men. It is good to review or study into other teachings as we develop further into the mind body connection. The design of life is obedience, how hard is it. This is why I do not respect authority, because I have the power. Living stoic does not protect the power, it is a choice because cowards built their lives without obedience to their own self.

    • @emanuelcaparelli
      @emanuelcaparelli Рік тому +1

      @@TruckStuff432 I like your final statement. Obedience to your own self. I've never looked at it like that. I think I rebel so often that I even do so against myself. Not a wise way to live one's life, to rebel against your own heart.

  • @ChinoZ32
    @ChinoZ32 Рік тому +5

    I also thought about “nature”. I value it, but I have no control over it. Nature as in all things that happen, the animals, the stars, the little things we both see and the things we cannot see.
    What we control is ourselves. Thank you for the great message.

  • @leonardgibney2997
    @leonardgibney2997 Рік тому +3

    Some people will only be self-employed because of this. Don't let someone else control your income or working conditions.

  • @neilsandwich7423
    @neilsandwich7423 Рік тому +33

    This video ended up in my suggested feed somehow and what a wonderful vid my friend. Thank you for putting these thoughts into the world, they will benefit many greatly

  • @Okology
    @Okology Рік тому

    Since I came across Stoicism over ten years ago, my life changed forever - for good!

  • @elizzybec
    @elizzybec Рік тому +7

    This is very similar to the concept of detachment in the Buddhist philosophies.

    • @kleinsteinphilosophy
      @kleinsteinphilosophy  Рік тому +5

      Indeed, there’s a video in the works that will be about that. It’s fascinating to see how different philosophies reach similar ideas. IMO it attests to their validity.

    • @yoink7772
      @yoink7772 Рік тому +1

      And similiar to the concept of zuhd in islam

    • @yoink7772
      @yoink7772 Рік тому +1

      Love the video❤

    • @yungdnny
      @yungdnny Рік тому +1

      @@kleinsteinphilosophy excited to see it! Subscribed and liked the video, glad the algorithm brought me here

    • @RomasKalash
      @RomasKalash Рік тому

      Just about every religion has it in their teachings. They all carry practical teachings. The fluff doesn’t matter much.

  • @toohak2782
    @toohak2782 Рік тому +29

    Amazing! Your voice and the way you present your videos is just… amazing. And another video that has spoken to me, where stoic philosophy has entered my life and instead of going thru all the books, not saying anybody shouldn’t! Just a simplified way for the average person to trust in their gut, their intuition, and also RESPONSE. Just as words like MOMENTUM and CONSISTENCY… and not listening to every THOUGHT or EMOTION that comes in and out but to just BE. It’s in a way a balancing act but to be aware and attentive with yourself no matter how “imperfect” you think you may be, your salvation isn’t in fact at the end of your road, but it’s been within or right by your side watching how you react.

  • @ifisawyourreplyiwillanswerback

    Thank you for making me believe in myself, I always thought values are more important than anything in our lives. But nowadays, people don’t want to talk about it or understand it.

  • @bingflosby
    @bingflosby Рік тому +3

    I have multiple sclerosis and your videos are helpful I like listening to different philosophy stoic ones are great

  • @ankursahoo3607
    @ankursahoo3607 Рік тому +2

    underrated channel

  • @billyharrisarago
    @billyharrisarago Рік тому +2

    I just experienced synchronicity and it led me here.

  • @Novastar.SaberCombat
    @Novastar.SaberCombat Рік тому +6

    Reflection is key. Humanity should dare to look deep within, but it should also understand that more than the mere physical aspect of such Reflection is required for true, celestial enlightenment.
    "Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In Time, all points converge; hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the Universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again."
    --Diamond Dragons (series)

  • @august4476
    @august4476 Рік тому +5

    I am thankful for the powers that brought this video to me. Your character and your choices… this has been enlightening. Thank you.

  • @lovelace8702
    @lovelace8702 Рік тому +3

    Absolutely. Thank you. Character is everything. This helped me.

  • @juangarza4329
    @juangarza4329 Рік тому +3

    This video was a slap in the face for me, so true, so air-tight; good job man!

  • @briansalas2010
    @briansalas2010 Рік тому

    I’m currently working at The Fulton by Jean-George and I’m in the kitchen. I asked my chefs to switch to front of the house becoming a food server for more money since they get tips and I need money. They’ve been putting my request aside and declined my request for a raise while acting like they’re going to let me get my new position with false hopes. Cooks get paid shit even tho we’re the reason the people come to eat, yet we’re paid shit. It’s been 6 months since they’ve kept me in the same position knowing I have a kid and could be making way more. I came across this video and put my 2 week notice in because of the quote “It’s cause we value the things we cannot control, the things we value control us.” That quote it’s self helped make my decision to escape their control over me and the way I feel. Also “cautious in everything
    under the will's control. For if evil is a matter of the will, then caution is
    needed there; and if everything beyond the will and not in our control is
    immaterial to us, then those things can be approached with confidence.
    -Epictetus; Discourses Il. “. My co worker heard them say they’re not going to move me to the front of the house. They need me there because I’m a good worker and aside from that I’m cheap. I like to think everyone is replaceable but not me and for good reason, that reason is I take pride in my work and work with passion. That separates me from the others but passion doesn’t need money but I have a kid to feed and they know that. So I consider them a matter of evil will because they know my financial situation and pretend to help me. I’m taking away their power and switching it from their side to my side reclaiming the power to myself.

  • @gothic_xombie
    @gothic_xombie Рік тому +2

    i find myself giving power to my partner because i crave love. before i began dating i was studying stoicism, theistic satanism, and philosophy and finding new things to be passionate about in addition to tending my old hobbies, i felt happy and connected to growth. now that i have something i fear losing (which is my first issue, i own nothing, i only borrow them but have forgotten that) it seems like mental and emotional regression has become normal. this has come at a necessary time

  • @Someones_account_haha
    @Someones_account_haha Рік тому +6

    💯💯 character & knowledge/ wisdom together they are the most valuable assets one can have

  • @mihaeroff436
    @mihaeroff436 Рік тому +6

    Great video as always.
    Your channel is of a supreme quality. I have confidence that with time more people will see that.

  • @philipswain4122
    @philipswain4122 Рік тому +3

    Dam so happy I found your channel.

  • @marth.madness
    @marth.madness Рік тому +1

    Incredible video. I've heard all this a 1,000 times, but never so eloquently and efficiently. Well done!

  • @bastet.lioness
    @bastet.lioness Рік тому +3

    This is so good. I’ve been applying this for the last few days and I feel amazing every time I do it. Thank you.

  • @raiz91
    @raiz91 Рік тому +2

    I am grateful that this was in my recommendations, the filter that I use is very useful.

    • @MasteryOrder
      @MasteryOrder Рік тому

      Use great ideas to build yourself into a man of strength and character, a man of your word, skilful and with a purpose that serves the ones around you.
      If you enjoy ideas about masculinity and mastery, I invite you to explore the videos I share on the Mastery Order Channel.
      Challenge yourself with some concepts about manhood, explore your masculine potential to the maximum and become the kind of man you would admire.
      We can only better ourselves together, as men among men, so I invite you to use what I share and, of course, share your own opinions so that others can benefit from them as well.
      Looking forward to your points of view.
      All the best to you!

  • @esmith6738
    @esmith6738 Рік тому

    Excellent! The world around you emerges from the habits within you. The habits of Stoicism are not only a healthy way to respond to a world in chaos but a way to prevent chaos from arising.

  • @newone5647
    @newone5647 Рік тому +3

    Like your videos, just subscribed. Your voice fits this videos with unbelievable success. Keep going

  • @postscript5549
    @postscript5549 Рік тому +3


  • @frankmontin5586
    @frankmontin5586 Рік тому +5

    This is the most underrated and valuable youtube channel, grateful for your content❤️

  • @kateskeys
    @kateskeys Рік тому +4

    I really liked the beautiful art work also

  • @oboobo5829
    @oboobo5829 Рік тому +1

    You speak and show this video crystal clear like. Masterfully done

  • @LKH_Productions
    @LKH_Productions Рік тому +3

    Thank you for creating this! Excellent delivery and narration.

  • @hegel5816
    @hegel5816 Рік тому +55

    Becoming untouchable in the west: 😀
    Becoming untouchable in India: Uncanny 💀

    • @DonRubinjo
      @DonRubinjo Рік тому +8´s just a word Herr Hegel, you don´t get the point!

    • @clampchowder9569
      @clampchowder9569 Рік тому +2

      @@DonRubinjo shuddup jon

    • @DonRubinjo
      @DonRubinjo Рік тому +1

      @@clampchowder9569 you don´t get it

    • @SunShine_sublime
      @SunShine_sublime Рік тому +5

      @@DonRubinjo He's referring to the dalits I guess, the lowest caste in Hindu caste system.

    • @DonRubinjo
      @DonRubinjo Рік тому +4

      @@SunShine_sublime I know, thats why it has nothing to do with the "untouchable" from that video...

  • @shatter-and-shred
    @shatter-and-shred Рік тому +1

    As for a young person every video of yours changes my view on the world in one way or another and for better:D

  • @justboomin6304
    @justboomin6304 Рік тому +3

    Focusing on God brings all the steps followed in the video.

    @SOLIDPEDINI Рік тому +2

    Well said subscribed

  • @sufer-lux1860
    @sufer-lux1860 Рік тому +3

    Thank you profoundly, you are a gem soul.

  • @dashie2937
    @dashie2937 Рік тому +3


  • @ConorSantry
    @ConorSantry Рік тому +1

    Deeply resonant content. This particular video of yours is now one of my all time favorites on YT. Love the others too

  • @agelessprajna2955
    @agelessprajna2955 Рік тому

    i couldn't agree more, very well said, thank you

  • @berylmonk6258
    @berylmonk6258 Рік тому +2

    I always valued these teachings. Heard about these in other videos too. But your video was amazing. Concise and to point. Still learning and hoping to apply it in life as much as possible.

  • @mohamednaguib5022
    @mohamednaguib5022 Рік тому

    Thank u for reminding me I really needed to hear that 🙏❤

  • @Denmark-o9v
    @Denmark-o9v 17 днів тому

    I just subscribed. Great video. Thank you for the enlightenment. I hope you keep uploading or at the very least keep your videos up!

    • @kleinsteinphilosophy
      @kleinsteinphilosophy  13 днів тому

      Hey! I will keep making these videos for sure :) I’m glad you enjoy them

  • @Tayy
    @Tayy Рік тому +2

    The wounds of honor are self inflicted.

  • @thegimp1922
    @thegimp1922 Рік тому +15

    Who painted each art piece used in this video and what are the titles. Thanks.

    • @martinrea8548
      @martinrea8548 Рік тому +1

      Yes, I'd like to know too. I recognise some of them and have even seen one of them, The Wanderer, up close in a museum in Hamburg.

    • @kleinsteinphilosophy
      @kleinsteinphilosophy  Рік тому +9

      The link to the paintings used is now in the description!

    • @thegimp1922
      @thegimp1922 Рік тому +2

      @@kleinsteinphilosophy Thank you

  • @lutfchehne
    @lutfchehne Рік тому +2

    This is invaluable I'm glad I came across your channel, thank you!

  • @mn9120
    @mn9120 Рік тому +1

    Beautiful. Thank you. 🙏❤

  • @ManletKingofTism
    @ManletKingofTism Рік тому +1

    great video. This reminds me of the lessons I learned reading Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead great book

  • @abadondesaliza
    @abadondesaliza Рік тому +1

    we don't value ourselves for what we have, we value ourselves for what we are.

  • @encouraginglyauthentic43
    @encouraginglyauthentic43 3 місяці тому

    Character is what makes you a martyr, what you want is detachment from everything.
    This requires mindfulness.

  • @klintikallajxhiu2533
    @klintikallajxhiu2533 Рік тому +1

    Wonderful Video. I appreciate you for this great material.

  • @vforvisuals1151
    @vforvisuals1151 Рік тому +1

    Great. Character is powerful

  • @nelsonvargas9527
    @nelsonvargas9527 Рік тому +1

    Values , morals , ethics , are out the window in 2022 .

    @ONEYEDPiRAT Рік тому +1

    thank you for sharing. forgot this even existed. DOH! .)

  • @sanja12
    @sanja12 Рік тому

    “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms-to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” Viktor Frankl

  • @smaug7400
    @smaug7400 Рік тому +1

    What a beautiful essay, Thank you so much for creating it, it definitely gave me new insights into the philosophy of the stoics and it will guide me on my way to be free. Please keep up the good work.

  • @EvanFigueroa1105
    @EvanFigueroa1105 Рік тому +2

    Great video man this type of information need spread in times like this and congrats on 1k subscribers 🤙🏼

  • @shanagirl33
    @shanagirl33 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for this amazing video.

  • @norlynpiquero7500
    @norlynpiquero7500 Рік тому +1

    This is the real goal

  • @leloupleclair4685
    @leloupleclair4685 Рік тому +1

    All things relative/relevant/significant determined by the one... opinions,,one & only one matters... in competition, competes only with/against one.. To not only know this but believe it as well, a sense of freedom & peace, can be qwiit beneficial to ones mental/emotional state of mind/being. . I believe n e ways

  • @wise.talker
    @wise.talker Рік тому +2

    "If there is no struggle, there is no progress."

  • @animeshh007
    @animeshh007 Рік тому

    Recently discovered your channel.
    Its pure gold.
    Please keep up the good work.

  • @nualafaolin7129
    @nualafaolin7129 Рік тому

    Very insightful! And thank you for including the images on Dropbox, you picked some amazing ones that I wanted to investigate further, I appreciate that!

  • @teklife8271
    @teklife8271 Рік тому +1


  • @mahdiasnaashari5119
    @mahdiasnaashari5119 Рік тому +1

    I love that through my bones, totally resonated 😚

  • @remingtontufflips3623
    @remingtontufflips3623 Рік тому

    Thank you for this knowledge

  • @themysticmuse1111
    @themysticmuse1111 Рік тому +1

    Top shelf video.Props! 🙃
    Hat tip. And a bow. 😉😘

    • @themysticmuse1111
      @themysticmuse1111 Рік тому

      Perfect timing, too.
      Thank you. 🙏🔥❤️✨

    • @themysticmuse1111
      @themysticmuse1111 Рік тому

      Your voice is very soothing.
      Good luck on your channel.
      Though I doubt you need it.
      It's gonna blow up, me thinks.💥😉🙃😘

  • @wavelength369
    @wavelength369 Рік тому

    nice one. thanks. this will age well.

  • @rasun7765
    @rasun7765 Рік тому +1

    Great video

  • @topranked5228
    @topranked5228 Рік тому +1

    I love this content

  • @ZeraYaqob
    @ZeraYaqob Рік тому

    Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

  • @arsenalboy4ever
    @arsenalboy4ever Рік тому +1

    Amazing insight, thankyou

  • @jimboslice4623
    @jimboslice4623 Рік тому +1

    Great video my man 💪

  • @EnliHamzai
    @EnliHamzai Рік тому +1

    Badass video man keep making more 🔥🔥🔥

  • @simonrivest8256
    @simonrivest8256 Рік тому +4

    This is excellent! And really timely for me. Would it be possible for me to have the transcript of your narration?

    • @kleinsteinphilosophy
      @kleinsteinphilosophy  Рік тому +1


    • @simonrivest8256
      @simonrivest8256 Рік тому

      @@kleinsteinphilosophy Thank you so much!!!

  • @mirouu13
    @mirouu13 7 днів тому

    Hey nice video and you have good voice 👍🏻

  • @sethbrolsma516
    @sethbrolsma516 Рік тому

    Great video!

  • @god9687
    @god9687 Рік тому +1

    On a certain level, we have a drug store in our brain, the neurochemicals that show up in flow: so dopamine, norepinephrine, anandamide, endorphins, and serotonin. If you were to try to cocktail the street drug version of that, right, you're trying to blend like heroin and speed and coke and acid and weed- and point is, you can't do it. It turns out the brain can cocktail all of 'em at once, which is why people will prefer flow to almost any experience on Earth. It's our favorite experience. It's the most addictive experience on Earth. Why? 'Cause it cocktails five or six of the largest pleasure drugs the brain can produce. We're all capable of so much more than we know. That is a commonality across the board. And one of the big reasons is we're all hardwired for flow, and flow is a massive amplification of what's possible for ourselves.

  • @SilverGreenEyes18
    @SilverGreenEyes18 Рік тому

    I feel like this is just a way of escaping life by depraving yourself of everything, inclusive living just for the sake of having "control". But in the end, you become prisoner of your own fear which ends up being the very thing that controls you.
    Very unfulfilling life that leads to becoming reclusive.
    I think it's best to experience life, to deceive and be deceived, to learn how to gain power etc
    Not to mention the power dynamics can be exciting/ sexy.

  • @seanjustg5425
    @seanjustg5425 Рік тому

    Thank you

  • @Himanshu_Upadhyay_
    @Himanshu_Upadhyay_ 5 місяців тому

    Great video. 👏👏

  • @fredvinci7071
    @fredvinci7071 Рік тому +1

    From what's visible, and people all around the world can feel is, prove that we are cowards, without even realizing. Such a dark, horrifying joke.

  • @nicvoge2234
    @nicvoge2234 Рік тому +1

    Instead of caring about "character" which is nebulous, why not simply care about our choices and actions-- how we make them, which ones, and for which ends? In fact, because our current character is influenced by our histories, including when we were children, immature and under the control of others, our character itself is outside of our "control" at any given moment or choice point. To the extent that character is worth thinking about at all, because the state of our character is outside of our control, pursuing a particular character has the disadvantages enumerated at the beginning of the video about valuing anything outside of our control. We might, instead, accept our character for what it is, withhold judgement about it, and instead strive to align our actions with our values by making principled decisions and leave character-- and our judgements of it-- out of it.

  • @monbrat3064
    @monbrat3064 Рік тому

    Amazing powerful video new subbie now

  • @fgonzalez78959
    @fgonzalez78959 Рік тому +1

    People try to control your character and they tie invisible strings on you to control and tug at will.

  • @daniellindberg4223
    @daniellindberg4223 Рік тому +2

    Freedom and virtue are found in Jesus Christ alone.
    There are spiritual forces of darkness in this world that man cannot over come by his own strength.

  • @loon29
    @loon29 Місяць тому

    Ghandi was untouchable. Diogenes was untouchable. They simply followed their vocation with trepidation and fear, and let the invisible force guide and protect them all the way.

  • @ivanminev2607
    @ivanminev2607 Рік тому +1

    Finish the Name of the Wind before I get home mfaka!

  • @c_real_sa
    @c_real_sa Рік тому

    Who Is There Left For Me To Fear. and over what has he control? Not What Isinterest In My Power, Because No one Controls That Except Myself. As For What Is Not In My Power In that i Take No .

  • @grudzz7049
    @grudzz7049 Рік тому +1

    I continue to be influenced by work whether i want it or not..otherwise me and my family would be living in a ditch...

  • @mindfulmystic
    @mindfulmystic Рік тому +1

    Your wording is sound. Thank you.

  • @thelastpinster
    @thelastpinster Рік тому +1

    I like it 👏💪👆👍

  • @grubiinthetrap8858
    @grubiinthetrap8858 Рік тому +1

    Is a stoic's highest goal to build character or contribute to society or are they one and the same?

  • @theageofgoddess
    @theageofgoddess Рік тому +1


  • @kyks6771
    @kyks6771 Рік тому +1

    A stoic is waiting for a ride..Creed awaits 💫