My First Spiritual Psychosis/Holotropic Breathwork Experience

  • Опубліковано 9 чер 2024
  • In this video I talk about my first spiritual psychosis/holotropic breathwork episode which happened three weeks prior. I share how my body twisted and contorted this way and that. I was the instrument and my breath is what gave energy to these movements and what allowed them to be.
    I felt like I was being spiritually healed by the divine, then I thought it was Jesus. But I soon got pushed too far which made me feel like I was being deceived by negative entities.
    Overall I still don't believe it was all bad but it was tricky trying to figure out what was what. If and when I was being healed by the divine vs when I was being deceived and/or when it was my subconscious and/or my higher self that was at play.
    End of the day it doesn't matter, all that matters is that I truly am healing now and that I am out of the dark rabbit hole known as psychosis.


  • @NobelSoul
    @NobelSoul  Місяць тому

    Here's a story I wrote that relates to this video:
    Medium Member Link:
    Free Friend Link:
    Here are two videos I made (spoiler alert) about my spiritual psychosis experience as well as my recovery:

  • @angieniger
    @angieniger Місяць тому +1

    Hey lovely, it sounds like you had an intense experience with energy 😅 bless you! It was all divine for sure. What I would suggest is that you meditate and ask your soul and any other light beings that you like to connect with . Maybe you like angels or spirit guides etc or just your soul, whatever that is for you connect with it in meditation and ask for clarity on what you experienced etc etc no one can give you the answers or tell you what you experienced except for your soul and light beings. Trust it. Nikola Tesla used to sleep only 2 hours total a day, he would take naps of 20 min precisely and this helped him connect with his soul and the universe. He was very intuitive and one of the greatest inventors we’ve had. Don’t doubt yourself bc you were sleep deprived etc it’s bullshit. Trust your journey and your intuition. Shut other peoples voices 💐🙏🤍 they’re not always accurate, always run it by your intuition if what others say is valid in any way. I also recommend you continue with breath work, it’s such a powerful tool for healing and to Connect With yourSelf your soul and the divine

    • @NobelSoul
      @NobelSoul  Місяць тому +1

      Hi Angie, thanks for your lovely thoughtful and helpful message 😊🙏 I still have a book called "Ask Your Guides" that I need to read - I'm all for asking our angels and guides for help 😇
      I know I may get a lot of stick from some people if I share Parts 2 and 3 of my journey which did get a bit crazy but I'm not one to care about what others think. Will just give an overview as it's too much to try and explain, and some of it is nice to keep for myself, but I think it's still good to share some if it.
      Everyones journey/experience is valid whether it was psychosis or not. I think some of it may have been but I definitely feel there were some supernatural forces at play, doesn'f matter what the medical world says 🙂
      Interesting about that man who barely slept. I personally know I need more than 2 hours sleep per night (some nights I didn't sleep at all!) But I can see how it definitely can open you up more to the supernatiral and the divine. One needs to learn how to protect themselves when intuitive. I do believe that our angels and guides are always there to help and assist though. Just need to ask (I did a few times 🙂)
      Thanks again for your lovely message and for watching my video 😊🙏

    • @NobelSoul
      @NobelSoul  Місяць тому +1

      PS Yeah I didn't realise truly what a powerful healing tool and gift the breath is until I had this experience. Although I have experimented with pranayama on and off and also had some neurodynamic sessions 🙂 What I experienced this time was next level. I don't want to do the overly intensive physical work anymore, that's done! But for sure it's important to keep using our breath to assist with healing 🥰

  • @oliae2898
    @oliae2898 Місяць тому

    You're brave for sharing.

    • @NobelSoul
      @NobelSoul  Місяць тому

      Thanks Oliae! 🙂 Hopefully it's brave and not stupid hehe. End of the day I have nothing to be embarrassed about! I'm not crazy... just had a bit of an 'out of this world' experience which I think is worth sharing 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

  • @NoelleB262
    @NoelleB262 Місяць тому

    I appreciate you sharing your experiences. If not sure, prayer helps when discerning if it's from God. Sleep deprivation can mess with the mind too. Im sorry you had to go through this. It sounds like your cat was making sure you were ok as animals are sensitive to changes in us. I sometimes get bad neck and left shoulder pain and wonder since you mentioned you have a pinched nerve if an orthopedic pillow might help. I also went to physical therapy, and it really helped to get rid of the pain. I would get pain so bad it would cause tension pain headaches and muscle spasms. I wish you all the best as you heal.

    • @NobelSoul
      @NobelSoul  Місяць тому

      Thank you for your lovely comment Noelle 😊 (lovely name too btw is it your real name?) I'm sorry that you suffered with similar pain... mine got very bad too, thankfully it's much much better now... I did do some damage to my right arm with all these movements but yoga is helping me.
      That said I did see an osteopath (wanted something gentle to begin with) she also thought that she met me at the tail end of it, thank goodness!
      As for prayer, funnily enough that's what I was listening to the third time I felt I had been deceived (you may have already heard me mentioning this in Part 3 of my videos). It may well be that I was getting spiritually/physically healed at times but the waters were muddied at times.
      As for my cat... this was different than concern I think, he really was pushing against me at the perfect time. It was an out of this world experience which was difficult to explain but I tried... and I'm happy to leave it all behind me now. But for any good that came out of it, I am thankful 😊🙏

    • @NobelSoul
      @NobelSoul  Місяць тому

      Oh and as for an orthopedic pillow... thanks for the suggestion 😊 I have been sleeping on my sisters pillow which has a slight curve to it and I find that a feathered pillow (although I would never buy one again - poor birds!) on top quite comfortable (finally able to lay on my side again... bliss! It's the little things! 😁). I bought a tubed neck pillow but that was too high. May look at an orthopedic pillow in the future... definitely if this happens again!

  • @blimpzz
    @blimpzz Місяць тому +1

    Sleep deprivation alone can cause psychosis. Also meditation often leads to reduced sleep.

    • @NobelSoul
      @NobelSoul  Місяць тому +1

      Yeah I heard that re sleep deprivation. Thanks for your comment 🙂

  • @atomicunity777
    @atomicunity777 Місяць тому

    Sounds like you experienced a Kundalini energy activation. There are thousands of people experiencing this right now and for the untrained it can feel scary if not guided or understood. It's part of the collective purge. Releasing what no longer serves us. Trauma can manifest many things and what you experienced was a massive energic trauma release from what it sounds like. You are divinely guided and protected. ✨✨🙏🏽 Ask God to guide you 🙏🏽

    • @NobelSoul
      @NobelSoul  Місяць тому +1

      Thank you for your very helpful and informative message 🙏 It definitely did feel like a massive 1 week purge! I was thinking it may be something like that. I have been getting some distant healing from my late mother's best friend who told me that I was going through a huge healing crisis - We are now moving into very soft, gentle, kind loving times 💖
      In another message she said that we all have to continuously deal with our shadow side, shedding the old and finding new joy, inspiration and love for everything around us 🙂
      At first, I made up this big story that I was deceived by demons pretending to be Jesus but I think it was more a Kundalini energy activation as you say (I will read more into this).
      I wasn't scared funnily enough. It all felt quite natural but I was pushed way beyond my strengthened my patience and perseverance. Thankful for it if it was an emotional/energetic purge. Excited to live from a higher vibrational place now 😊 Thanks again for your message! 🙏💖

    • @atomicunity777
      @atomicunity777 Місяць тому

      Thank you for being open and vulnerable enough to share your experience. The ego mind will make up many excuses for what the mind is not able to comprehend. How blessed your are to have experienced this release, that's powerful. My first time I experienced this, felt like an exorcism and I was alone but I felt safe. I have been very intentional about my healing and been doing the work on all levels and my higher self and God guided me to this massive release that would have taken me years to release.I am so grateful 🙏🏽 It felt like a rebirth, years of trauma being released and I was carrying alot. I felt so held and loved while my body contorted in very interesting shapes and the sounds vibrations came from a place I can only trust came from a higher place of love. It can be very exhausting, so be gentle with your beautiful soul as you integrate this experience and enter into another level of spiritual growth, awakening and continued healing. Ask God to continue to guide you and protect your path. Trust your journey, life is magical like that. You will receive all the guidance needed to make sense of what the mind and ego cannot comprehend. You are divinely guided and protected sister ✨✨💛💛 I'm not sure how I found your video but I did and felt obligated to share this with you and I am glad I trusted my self to do so. Blessings and love for your journey ahead ✨✨💛

    • @NobelSoul
      @NobelSoul  Місяць тому +1

      @@atomicunity777 Thank you for another beautiful message sister! 😁🙏💖 Yes! An exorcism sounds spot on (I performed my own too with help from the cross - I talk about that in Part 2 of my videos) I was also amazed at all the ways my body stretched, cracked and contorted... so lovely to cross paths with someone who has been through a similar experience! Yes I will continue to pray for guidance from both my guides and angels and our father in heaven 😇💖 Thank you again for your wonderful messages. Beautiful that you have been through your own big healing journey, thank you for sharing that here. Love, healing and light to you! 🤍🕊

  • @Phoenixrebirth85
    @Phoenixrebirth85 Місяць тому

    Look, I'm not dismissing your experience, it does sounds like you were in a kind of trance state which was likely facilitated by you being sleep deprived. Some of the visions might be meaningful in some way. But it really does sound like you need a lot of grounding. There is a real danger in taking these visions litterally, as they often reflect more our own subconscious beliefs than actual objective reality. The feminine being linked to pleasure and the masculine to pain is an obvious example of this. Visions are useful and informative on our internal state. But a LOT of grounding work and discernement is necessary to begin being able to distinguish between an actual spiritual experience and a trance like state in which subconscious aspects of the psyche surface. This can be induced by many different cirumstances. Textbook Jungian shadow. In the meantime, acknowledge, and move along to the here and now. Grounding, grounding, grounding.

    • @NobelSoul
      @NobelSoul  Місяць тому

      Hi there, thank you for your response... I actually agree with you 🙂You're right re grounding - I have been walking barefoot in the park on almost a daily basis in the weeks that followed. It is hard to distinguish what came from my subconscious and/or higher self vs the divine vs demons and entities, which my subconscious may well have made up - or at least, over-exaggerated.
      I definitely feel that there was more than just psychosis at play. It's OK not to know exactly what was what - I'm just sharing my experience as best I can. Thanks again for your comment and for taking the time to watch my video.
      PS - I'm not the first to say that the left side of our body = feminine and the right = masculine. I'm not saying that men = pain as such, but the two sides of a coin is true - can't have one without the other where the human experience is concerned..

    • @mattameta
      @mattameta Місяць тому +1

      don’t do breath-work
      Focus on practical/common things
      Dont attempt to understand
      Let it pass

    • @NobelSoul
      @NobelSoul  Місяць тому

      @@mattameta Thanks for sharing your opinion and advice 🙂 Breathwork can be beneficial for many so I wouldn't rule it out but thanks for watching my video.