We've got a LOT of opinions on whether or not FGO is fine the way it is or if it can improve. To be honest, I see both sides but I've made my stance very clear this week. It's not Hoyoverse FGO it's a BETTER FGO for everyone. But what do you think? Feel free to share your thoughts, comments , and concerns! Let's get a discussion going down in the comments, now that it's been kicked up!
Another way to help the game that I can think up to prevent burnout that most players suffer from due to the constant grinding for materials, would be to implement a system similar to another gacha game has, like Konosuba, The system can allow players to use your AP in multiple sets, so just fighting 1 battles would count as 6 battles and it will give drops, bond/master/mystic code exp. equal to 6 battles played.(depending on each masters overall AP) Mothman! (I said alot already, so what's 1 more word?)😌
100% agree. FGO is just not updating itself to compete with modern games. I cannot imagine starting it with 7 years of content to go through with the game in its current state. I don’t think it’s bad, but it really shows its age. One other thing I would like to see added is a traits tab for enemies. We have so many servants with niche power mods but it’s a complete mystery most of the time which enemies are included.
Genshin is more overhelming tbh and fgo is a game that you can multitask while playing so i hate this argument in general. Fgo should stay as it is but add new game modes animated characters on the menu etc. 10 years of content would be overhelming in any other game too and fgo is a visual novel first and a game second while most of the big gacha action rpg - two different genre and while fgo is the best in story telling and overall story while others might be better at gameplay. Tbh fgo can be quiet fun when you not farming but doing CQs or boss runs.
Tbf, fgo doesnt really have 7 years of content available at once. They have the story chapters but if we're saying 7 years of content thatd include all the events which arent active/playable at times. So really, fgo doesnt have that much content available at once to begin with outside of story which can be done at your own pace.
Biggest way to improve FGO would be to make basic item farming less tedious. Stuff like class pieces and skill gems should be way easier to get than what they are. In general reducing the grind for upgrading skills and ascensions would be a great start, but this is especially, ESPECIALLY true of the basic stuff. Beyond that, catch up mechanics for new players would be great. The fact of the matter is, there's a TON of shit you have to get through just to get to the *lostbelts* alone. And that's no longer even the current arc on JP! The ability to skip some of the fetch quest filler shit, especially in the older singularities, would be *GREAT* for new players. I recently tried out the game on a different device for shits and giggles, and I couldn't imagine trying to start this game up if I weren't previously invested in the larger Fate setting. The old singularities are *so bad* - especially Okeanos and America.
1) Pity- Yes, definitely improve in some way reduce it to at least 100-150 and make it so it continues to the next limited banner. 2) Binding-> Yes, PC Client would be perfect I can't believe it has been 7 years and my account is pretty much f*** up if something happens to my phone and i don't have the code in multiple places. 3) Wishlist-> Pretty good, i have seen it in Final Fantasy Ever Crisis and it was cool. 4)Auto-> Sure, the auto in other games is always awful and doesn't play like a human but it is there and it is good to have it 5) I love that all the other gatcha games/companies (Hoyoverse, Kurogame, even Square Enix-recently, etc) are doing things that we should consider the standard because they are very good for the player and it still generate their money.
Damn I made my big stinky video after this and should've mentioned account binding! OH WELL Someone did comment on Kita's video that it's nice that we all care enough to even have this discussion and YES, THANK YOU ANONYMOUS INTERNET PERSON! WE DO! THAT IS THE POINT! Now add Mash to HSR and March 7th to FGO thank you for reading.
Story replay. A way to test your teams in a practice mode. Memorial quests are a new page where you can replay them anytime. Auto speed up on skills. No unwinnable bosses like lb 6. No fixed npc units or let us switch them for our own units at least. Clean up the summoning pool since they remove one thing and add 10 to spooks. For new players let them pick the unit they'll summon or allow a rewind until they get the roll they want. On top of that add back some of the better Sr units. Pity wise make it the 900 multi to get one but if you spook early you still get the guaranteed unit anyways making rolls more approachable. System wise. Cc should be switched around as fast as servants in your party spot. Decks should be allowed to be saved and given to your active damage dealer which with the first thing can be switched around fasted. Have exp types stack on top of one another like in your present box so you can have way more space. Farming wise. Give us a 90+ node immediately in every event so we can just play that. Nobody likes or cares to wait for the good node to come and forced to play the bad ones
Some kind of permanent end game content like a permanent tower event mode and a permanent grail front mode Actually rerun all the old events Let us fight story bosses again Give us blue apple saplings in the dailys or mana prism shop and add bronze silver gold apples into dailys or mana prism shop And easyer way to get servant coins Also for certain sections of the game they could add actual cutscenes
Servant Coins absolutely suck. If you like a limited servant not added to story banner you better pray you get multiple copies under their rate up banner or else you have almost no chance in getting any coins for them down the road. My summer Ushi instance...
Not just that. Pity should carry over between some banners. More QoL updates. Make the menus easier to use and reduce them. We need to be able to upgrade units in the pre battle menu and be able to swap CCs between units.
A mobile FATE MOBA is the next best thing to do. Imagine all Servants across the Nasuverse as playable units in 5v5 battles! Since MOBAs have to constantly release new units and game modes, there would always be something new to interest the players, the Masters. Units we could never get in FGO because of its engine would finally get their chance in a MOBA. For example Sun Wukong. Almost every MOBA has a version of Wukong with varying names and backstories, but it's still him. The enemy's base could be a Greater Holy Grail. Instead of Baron like in LoL, we could have a Beast in the jungle. The team that defeats it gets to summon the Beast in one of the 3 lanes to help you push for the enemy base while it gives your side some buffs.
1:40 Funny you should mention this, I had an argument with a friend the other day, my main point being that they should lower the amount it takes to hit pity, and/or let the pity carry over banners. He's played for a lot longer than I have (he started way back in 2018) and as such, and has failed many banners over time, so he's pretty salty about that. His point being and I quote: "FGO is meant to make you suffer and SSRs are a way to show off your luck, if they lower pity then everyone will have the SSR they want, which ruins the point of it all" basically, the Syndrome "if everyone is super then no one will be" quote from Incredibles. I get being salty and all that but the fact that he's willing defend the shitty pity just because he wants other people to get screwed over the way he's been (or at least it feels like he's saying that) just rubs me the wrong way. He's also pretty pissed that long time players like him aren't getting compensated or having like a veteran bonus. I remember him not being happy when I told him how many quartz I was getting from the start-dash campaign when I started FGO back in August last year. So I guess maybe Lasaga could implement a small bonus for those who've been playing for over 5 years just to appease players like him??? Anyway other than the points you made I'd really like the option to re-fight story bosses outside of recollection quests, I like the aspect of rechallenging earlier bosses with my newer servants. They can just make em' like 5AP a pop and not have any drops like the Kiara SERAPH fight.
While FGO doesn't need to completely change itself to be the newest gacha release, but people really need to become more receptive to change/criticism of the game. Many QoL changes will only help players, new and old, in the long run. I feel like, especially with the summoning, FGO has gaslit its audience into thinking that feeling absolutely defeated and lost after not getting the servant is alright. This is a gacha issue in general, but you should not feel miserable for pulling on something, and you shouldn't feel proud for wasting thousand of dollars because "suffering is part of the game." Again, I feel like that's a general gacha issue and it's playerbase justifying borderline gambling addiction.
YES PLEASE LASAGNA On all of these! I would love the wishlist system for like 1 servant per applicable class for story locked servants, I think more would be a bit too much personally. AUTO CLEAR FOR THE FARMING NODES PLEASE!!! Literal ticket systems or spending apples for this would save the game and make it no where near a feeling of wasting your time for farming QP, Materials, or embers, AND you can do this with any units as long as the first 3 have their lv above the recommended or class advantage or whatever, reducing BP gain would be something I see them doing, but Auto clear could legit save the game for non-story content. Farming in FGO is F***ING MORE TORTUROUS THAN RUNNING ON A TREADMILL FOR HOURS AS YOUR WORKOUT, it SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKS.... All amazing points, and I would hope FGO implements these soon or if we ever get a FGO 2 equivalent in the future, please let them have this, bc I have yet to play thru LB6, DESPITE ME WAITING FOR IT FOR SO LONG. I just am not motivated in touching the gameplay right now. Hopefully these are implemented, thanks for your wonderful take as always Musaki!
All the points you raised are very much valid - Heck I've been parroting the same lines for years now. After experiencing Blue Archive, in which they pretty much done right in almost EVERYTHING I had an issue with FGO (aside from their "rate up", but that's also kinda mitigated by how generous the game is), it's honestly really disheartening to see FGO just stagnate the way it is now. Blue Archive frequently rolls out QoL improvements that are very much player-friendly, and it's very obvious that the devs themselves play the game they developed, see things from the player's point of view, share their pain points during gameplay, and then work to improve upon them. Meanwhile in FGO, we've pointed out since day 1 how shoddy the Servant Coin system is, and nothing's been done for years now. Really goes to show that their priorities aren't on the player's welfare.
I think the account binding is something they are working on (see how it works at least with one service in JP), but that they are way to slow with it. The wishlist is great idea. I am not sure if they will ever incorporate auto, just out of pure stubbornness of having beein against it in the beginning. PC client would be sooo great. And for the statistics: mothman! 🦋
Thank you for always posting mothman! ^O^ You're one of two or three people who do it =D I wanted to open the floor with a more positive video since people really railed against my twitter comment and even first video back. I think it's important to discuss these type of things and look at what we love with a critical eye. FGO is a titan but it could use some areas to improve. A PC client is my secret wish that may never come true.
Something that i keep mentioning to my friends is making Tower events and Grailfronts a permanent thing that refreshes every 2 weeks or every month and to give SQ and Skins to further motivate people to clear it. That and updating the Daily login rewards,Daily missions and weeklies, Something like Arknights' would be great. Also they should bring back rank up and interlude campaigns, Almost 2 and a half years since the last interlude campaign and we only get 2 is a huge letdown :/
Me: how to fix fgo? Man that's a lot of things(list rolls on ground) Stary:(scanning list) yes a lot of things here. I personally would like a better way to start battles like choosing which deck is first Aura: oh right. Onii chan likes to do 3 turns on bosses Me: yeah wish i could pick the deck so it cuts down on rng. Bb summer would get an indirect buff out of that too. Aura: also refight those big fun bosses. The real fun of the game Stary: and hard farming nodes to start with
Some things I have to say about your 5 ideas: 1. Better Pity: given how long it took them to give it to us, I feel like this one's a pipe dream. I would say a compromise would be retooling the USO system. Make it so that non-welfare 4 star dupes pass np5 give you a USO fragment. Then make it so that 7 give you a proper USO. That and make it so that permanent/story locked 5 stars cost less to get. I'd say 3-5 USOs for them. 2. Binding Accounts: I'd say give it a year or two and they'll open the door to linking it to your google/apple accounts. 3. Wishlist: This would be a godsend for how many good story locked servants are next to impossible to get. Outside of the free SR or SSR during anniversary or DL campaigns it's hard to summon these servants and having this would really help people get their favorite servants easier. (Speaking as someone who wanted rider Quetz for years but didn't get her till the 2nd free SSR) 4. Autobattle: This or a battle skip system has been memed for years! This would make grinding a lot easier, but I get the feeling if they did do this, they'd probably limit it to only free quests and/or dailies. If they allowed this for lotto events, things could get messy. 5.More Communication: THIS RIGHT HERE! It feels like the FGO devs are mostly in a bubble when it comes to what the fans want. They mostly prioritize what brings in the most money from merchandising and the like. To be fair, from a business point that makes sense. But the amount of time people bring up issues with the games or what they want it can take ages for it be addressed, if at all. (Remember how Grand Roma's NP was bugged and no one figured it out till summer kiara came around?) It would especially help them actually pick up on what the Western side wants to see from the game!
I think permanent stuff is also very important. Grail front is one of the content that is very appreciated among players and having such stuff is very nice. Adding it as a permanent weekly or monthly reset as part of the weekly mission would be fantastic way to give out stuff to the players and it promotes using low star servants too. The free ascension stuff would be great if it wasn't timelimted also. It would take off one those stress moment in the game and help new players don't feel punished by their choice. Adding a free 4* ascension and a 4* ticket for story/permanent units would also be great to welcome. But this is me being greedy also Would love to see this also Boss Challenges that are permanent. Rouge Like mode with various buff and skill pics just for fun. One thing I wish they did add in also is material converter . To convert excessive materials to other materials. That would be such great thing. Adding old events as story only would be nice too. For new players being able to read and just play the story events with no ap cost. Adding on top of that a better way to store ap for new players and old.. Like I have tons of stuff I want to see added to the game Is it feasible.. Maybe? I am running on hopium and copium xD
A lot of things that you brought up are why I left FGO three months ago. I just got so fed up with the lack of reasonable pity, support, communication, and just basic QoL features many other gacha games have that I just dropped it. And that's not also counting the random jumps in difficulty you get hit with as you progress through this story you have to go through if you want to keep playing the events.
I agree with all that was said, pitty system really needs to be revamped, like what are they so afraid of giving players an NP5 servants, like the content will have in the future in NA 90++ nodes where np1 won't cut it, so we need to get multiple copies of dps servants not having a pity system hinders this, it takes a lot of time to save SQ and just get 1 copy of a servant and if you don't get the 5 star you want well damn on your next banner it won't be carried over, and binding they really need to put a binding system in NA seriously not only on JP losing an account because of losing the copy of your transfer code and contacting customer service reps are so annoying to deal with and you have a high chance you won't be able to retrieve your account, skip yes it needs to be added, wish list it's nice to have but am not into it that much, and communication is very important, hoyoverse I think is the best example of communicating with the community like in HSR they always announce if there is a bug in the game and if there is instant compensation delivered through mail, now I understand they don't want to communicate with fgo community because they might think it's going to be toxic, since I experience this playing MSF there is a lot of complaint about the game, that might be the reason why they just do surveys and forget everything about it, but at the end of the day they don't care natsu even said there market is JP while hoyo is global, so if it's still selling in JP they won't change anything.
FGO is just really showing its age imo. Without people asking for a change they will continue to give what they always have and think everyone is content with it. The communication aspect that you stated should definitely be changed. There HAS to be community engagement with games especially gacha so that you can get constructive criticism and improve because of it. I remember playing FGO when it first came out and LOVING IT! I’ve been a fan the whole time but we just really need to see some updates. I want to see them compete and keep the game going
About Auto Play/Skip mechanic: I think making it automatic on non-event free quests would be extremely useful for everyone : - Newcomers who try to raise their Servants could repeat the highest QP and EXP nodes without worrying about not making it through (bronze cards are worthless nowadays) - Veterans who reached OC quests could quickly get through their Storm Pods and go back to farming on the event. - Everybody would be happy to farm those 50+ repeats in Fuyuki to maybe get 15 bones... It would be a good middle ground between actually playing new content (event stuff) and still getting the regular stuff done.
I think there is some credit here to what you are requesting. Both the idea of improvements to the pity system and the ability to link your account to something makes a lot of sense for the sake of securing a person’s gaming experience and preserving their hardwork and money. Being someone who has studied communications, public relations, and media; I am always an advocate for an increase in openness and communication. It’s a core value which many companies, both internally and externally seem to have some form of difficulty managing. This of course goes for FGO as well. But I do feel it is important to acknowledge that while there are things that can improve upon the quality of life of the game, there are already ways in which FGO has an advantage over other games. For one, FGO has made consistent improvements to their wide cast of characters through Interludes and Rank Up quests. They help in making characters that were either outdated or originally inadequate, have kits that can give them better utility or make them work as part of a meta. And not only do they give you these buffs as part of the update, these buffs are tied to either a series of challenging quests or character-specific stories which adds further content to the game. Plus completing this content can also reward you with saint quartz. It makes the enhancement not just an update that is only noticeable in the patch notes, but something that feels like a trophy of accomplishing something to get your character this new ability or power. I know that other gacha games can buff character’s gameplay, but at the same time not many do it to a similar extent as FGO. In the case of a wishlist, I do feel like with the wealth of characters we have there should be something to narrow the pool especially for the Story Pool. Although I do have to credit them for making a Paid Wishlist gacha during their last anniversary. For those who don’t know, during the 8th Anniversary, aside from the normal paid GSSR, they had an additional GSSR in which you can select one servant from each class (one for Extra Class) and with a 10-pull, you were guaranteed one or more of the servants you handpicked. I understand this only has been a one-time scenario thus far and was only for limited servants, but at the same time it is showing a step in that similar direction. In terms of new players or players that have recently joined, one addition to QoL that will be implemented starting next year is the Invocation, which will be a permanent system which allows players to access welfare servants that have been locked behind past events. These servants even have their own ascension material and therefore require less of a grind to build up. This also makes it easier for new players to get some great servants for free that can help them clear much of the initial story. It also is great for gacha players who are collectors and may have started a little late and missed out on servants that were only accessible in the couple of years of the game. Yes, I know other games give selectors for completing certain events, but the selectors give you characters that most players can get from the standard gacha pools and already most likely have enough of. Last year they even introduced a GSSR specifically for players after completing Fuyuki, giving them a chance the easily access a Servant that cannot normally acquire outside of certain events which would also assist with story-clearing. Plus this was initially and still is something exclusive to NA. I believe this is FGO’s way of handling their own GSSR similar to the ones that new gacha games have when you first start playing. Again, yes, it is a paid gacha, but it’s less than half the quartz of a regular roll and secondly it offers limited characters compared to other games which give you characters that are standard to the gacha pool and can come at any time. I’m sure there are other examples, but these are just a few I could think of off the top of my head. To sum up: Yes, FGO is old, but depending on the taster it can age like a fine wine. Does it have its problems, absolutely. Should we turn a blind eye to those issues, no. But we also should not be turning a blind eye to the progress that has been made and the work continuously put in to improve the current game’s quality of life.
One of the thing i think they could do is update the Tutorial. Start it out normally then BB hacks and make them fight one of the bosses like Solomon or Kama throw in a few of the newer limited servants. Doesn't matter if they beat it or not it just give them a vibe of what the game is like now. Also keep it open so they can go back and try it and say they break one bar the get reward like 5 tickets Also open up ALL the servant trails at the start so they can play around with more sevants and see if any of them they like or want to save for. That just my option. I like to see more animation updates to. Im curious to see what going to happen at this years jp Anniversary
The number one way FGO can continue to keep going and improve is by not jumping and trying to imitate every new shiny gacha game that comes out. FGO is almost 10 years old ! Clearly they’ve done SOMETHING right ! Is there room for improvement ? Of course. But I don’t think some major overhaul, trying to take aspects of other games and using it to “improve” FGO is the way to go here. If you’re not enjoying the game, maybe it’s time you moved on and stopped playing. Just my opinion.
That's a good opinion actually! I would hope no one doubts the accolades of FGO. There's a reason people know that name in the Gacha space, even if they don't play it. That being the case, improvements can help. That doesn't mean make it Fate Star Rail or Fate Impact. But they're aspects you can look out without changing how the game plays out. It's also important to invite more discussion on these type of topics. FGO is still on my tablet because I love the game. But you can still critic what you love. What do you think?
@@ChaldeaGurus I absolutely agree. Personally, what I think would bring a lot of Masters back into the fold would be to go back to some year one / year two Servants and work on their card hits and a few of their skills. Make them relevant again. I’d also fix the pity to a straight 900 SQ, period. That’s 30 rolls. Whales are gonna whale, but I think a lot more people would actually try for Servants they really want if they were to do something like this. Other than that, little things like making the Fou paw prints more accessible, and a few other quality of life changes would bring Masters back, and keep them playing. We already have a few quality of life improvements coming with Anniversary to look forward to, so there’s that. I watched your other recent video regarding FGO changes with two other FGO Tubers, who I also watch, and some valid points were made. I DO think it’s time that Lesengle start thinking about something along the lines of FGO 2, and should that happen, I also think THAT would be where the implementation of a setup such as FGO Arcade would greatly be appreciated by most, if not all Masters. Especially if they were to implement it on PC and console. Not a big advocate for the PVP aspect, but still, it’s a good idea I think.
They should add new game mode for FGO. It has an old turn base style game play, but it can be improved. Having mini games with quartz as rewards can also help.
One suggestion I had was a weekly tower mode, like the ones we have in some events or old Mortal Kombat games. Where it resets each week and you need to climb to the top, getting SQ and other rewards as you go. But, your units tire like in some of those old events. I know many people HATE that mechanic. But I think it breeds ingenuity and gets people to try new teams and servants instead of focusing on 3 turn min-maxing.
Speaking about a FGO PC client, I'd really like for said client to have keyboard/controller support where you can map buttons to certain actions. I dislike the use of a mouse on emulator as i feel it makes the game a bit clunky so having the alternative controller options would be great.
My brain tells me that perhaps auto battle might be difficult logistically for FGO. Because how would it work? How would AI prioritize the use of skills, of NP? Not to mention face cards, which unlike other games are completely random every turn rather than every character being able to go a set amount. Would it always try to go for brave chains? What about NP gain and crit stars? There's a lot of questions there.
Reverse 1999's system would fit perfectly here the auto play basically recreates everything from card order to damage dealt down to a T, kind of like recording the stage and replaying that recording over and over.
For mechanics changes, being able to do multiple runs of a farming stage at once like Takt Op let you do or Skip tickets like PriConne had would make farming less arduous. Also they need to distribute Pure Prisms as dailies and get rid of the 100 exchange limit. A Bleached Earth node for endgame players where they can farm Crystalized Lores would be nice since it is impossible to 10/10/10 every servant let alone 10/10/10-10/10/10 them. I would also start introducing unique mechanics for append skills to give the more dubious ones some worth and make Bond CEs into a toggleable passive so that they can actually feel rewarding to earn. I'd also like to be able to have something like tiny slice of life interludes that don't impact the story every week or so just to make Chaldea feel a little more lived in. No deep revelations about characters, no major buffs tied to them. Just an interlude with like 3 SQ and a pure prism as a completion reward each week that tells a story like "Moriarty decides to put on a play, but he's actually using it to create general chaos because he casts Arash as Stanley in A Streetcar Called Desire so that he unleashes his Noble Phantasm when he yells for Stella." These stories could be AI generated concepts for as unimpactful as they are just as long as there is some kind of content to read even during a dead week. Here's an idea I have for a sort of filler arc they could do once they wrap part 2 in order to make sure the eventual Part 3 doesn't become a ballooned mess like the back half of Part 2 has been. Do a EoR-like reduxes of the first five singularities that will then replace the originals. The fact that everyone agrees that the first five singularities are bad to middling is well documented. Everyone memes on Orleans's "Suddenly Wyverns" and Septem existing. What some people don't know is that there are Manga adaptations of those singularities that kick ass. Retell those stories and have the originals essentially be tucked away as Main Interludes. Use those settings to release servants that could have been there but never got realized. Concepts like Avenger Boudica being the final boss of Septem instead of Altera or Orleans being a tale of predestination and duty that could mirror Castoria's arc in Avalon le Fay, introduce some more American servants in the American singularity instead of Oops All Celts. The broad strokes and major results stay the same so as not to impact the flow of the story but sand off the rough bits of year 1 FGO. I'd introduce at least one new Headliner servant that capitalizes on something that should have been there to begin with or a variation on what we already had. Most importantly they are all general pool. Servants like: 5* Ruler Jeanne with La Pucelle as her NP 5* Avenger Boudica who just nukes Roman traited enemies from orbit - New Final Boss of Septem 5* Rider Magellan - A rival to Guda and Drake all through Okeanos that teams up for the final fight against the Argo once Jason goes down and Herc goes berserk (In my redux, each captain on the seas of Okeanos would have had a piece of the Grail instead of Drake having the whole thing from the word go) Not sure who I would add to London, probably a KotR that's never been seen before like Kay or Bors 5* Avenger The Alamo - a defensive support-focused unit that you encounter in America that gets absolutely ravaged by Medb's forces instead of that pointless encounter with Nero Bride
I was afraid this video would just be an expansion of your last one with Oni and 5Oh but I am glad I clicked cause it sn't. For context, I very much both agree with you 3 and Kita while disagreeing with the 4 of you. I personally think FGO as it is should not turn into a Genshin style game but instead just improve on what it is now, as you explained in this video. However I also definitely want an FGO2 game in the style of Genshin or Wuthering Wave or whatnot when FGO ends as I think it would be amazing and more immersive to explore/go around the world of FGO in that style. It should only arrive after FGO ends if it is a separate story or a sequel, but it could release before that if it was a somewhat reboot or re-imagining or just FGO but 3D. That is just my personal wish though. As for the points you made here, I agree completely and I don't really think there should be too much problem with it. The only place where there might be problems would be the auto and the story skip : For the story skip, I don't see any issue, it is for newcomers after all, and it would be an option not mandatory. I started One Piece at Amazon Lily skipped stuff in the middle and got to actually following it weekly during Wano and have been following since, and I'm totally fine, I have gained most my knowledge of the stuff I missed through the community, especially on UA-cam and I am not confused or lost at all, it makes perfect sense to me so I think skipping up to Camelot would not be a big deal story wise ; only problem might be the impact of the redemption arcs and glow ups of characters like Jason, Jalter and whoever else, they won't hit as hard. If they wanted to go back, they could, or they could just get some summary from the community too. I don't think I am as knowledgeable as someone who read all of One Piece, but I am confident that I know stuff someone who read it all but is casual about the community doesn't. Also, I don't even really remember most of the stuff from those chapters anyway so they'll be fine. For auto, the issue might be not actually playing. Like you starting the game to "play" just to leave it on auto, might detach you slowly from the game. My head is a mess right now so sorry that I'm not really able to put into words what I want to say. I think an auto complete/skip functionality would be better (without skip tickets that you need to farm, and still costing AP of course), but maybe limit it to only cleared repeatable quests and only after you finish the main story quests of the event for event free quests. But there should be some content to replace the grind in someway so maybe make every main quest also repeatable and make it similar to challenge quests, where you won't get any rewards from beating them again, would be a great way to have fun with your ever-changing roster of servants, CEs, CCs and enhancements. The better communications, better pity and better account recovery are just good takes in my opinion and really needed.
Auto would be *okay*, but I think it would be just better to have something like a battle skip ticket. The way it would work is, you set up a team, beat the repeatable fight, and from then on you can trade skip tickets to just spend stamina and get your drops. This jives more with other battle augment items they've added to the game in my opinion, like saplings and teapots. Distributed in roughly the same ways, I could see it working really well. I just don't think that FGO having auto saves much time at all. You still have to watch 3 NPs even in an auto scenario. Might as well go for something that will respect people's time even more. I do realize the problem with skip tickets being that you can run out, just like you do with saplings or teapots if you don't manage them. But I do think that taking away the drudgery of daily playing is more important than making sure you can farm 200+ lotto boxes with enough skip tickets and enough time.
instead of "auto play" we could have a "replay" like system, like the one reverse 1999 has where it replays the stage the way you did and you get the rewards as if you actually played it, would really help since due to the way fgo plays we cant really have a true "auto play" mode
330 pulls is insane for a one-time pity. 100 pulls would be far more reasonable either 1-time or to be used over and over, as worst case NP5 would still take 1.500 SQ. I sincerely hope the pity issue is addressed in JP this upcoming anni, if not sometime soon.
I can agree with some of these ideas like better pity/wishlist and account binding. As for communication they're doing better and one of the most communicating companies I've seen. One thing id like to see is a rework or more updates to the rare prism ship because st this point it's one of the most worthless resources while being kinda one we get a lot of
A rework of the rare prism shop is sorely needed! As well as clear prism shop too! Refresh that As for the communication bit, what about their communication makes them better? Who has worse communication in the Gacha space that's successful?
@@ChaldeaGurus they do the big events and the occasional dev developers videos. Sure more could be better but that alone is more then most companies do.
To my knowledge most games in that space talk in that capacity. Heck, Overlord: Mass of the dead releases things in a similar fashion. But remember, communication is two ways.
I like FGO but I wish it was like Nikke gearing a unit like an RPG, however I don't know if they can or will. if they made nikke pity it would be amazing but that's just me. And more free quarts xD
0:44 I think the amount is fine, if a player is disciplined and is able to resist temptation, pity is an amount that is easily achievable multiple times a year as a FTP. I do agree that pity should be multiple per 330 rolls, Some would spend tons of money to reach NP2. What is needed is more bells and whistles, for example, 4 star character Pity. Some want the 4 star more than the 5 star.
1) The amount of rolls are fine cuz if we get a lower amount of rolls for said pity then you start to see less and less of that free currency that FGO would give out so the 330 rolls thing has never been an issue in my mind. I will agree with the 1 time pity thing being dumb on banners so improving that where it resets or heck carries over to the next banner would be a big. 2) Yeah I completely agree with you, Mu. It'd help alot for people feel secure when they'd have to transfer to a new phone or something. 3) Yeah I've seen the Wishlist system in Azur Lane and you could freely choose for 2 SSRs (iirc it usually happened around their Anni time, wasn't a constant thing you could do). But yeah that or heck give Story a rotational banner to give Story banner more of a purpose would be great, like how Arknights has a Standard banner that rotates every week or two, like something like that would be nice to make Story rolling not as much of a meme anymore. 4) It is hit or miss but other than stuff like opening lotto boxes and stuff to that nature I'm not all that for auto in FGO, I wouldn't be opposed to how Arknights did it (Can't automate it till you have 3/3 Stars for that map, can retry if something goes wrong or if you think something could be improved etc.) but I doubt it'd get implimented if at all due to how they've said in the past that you won't get stuff like NP Skip cuz they still want you to play the game. This point I'm kinda just mixed on this and don't think it'd be too likely. 5) 100% It's so annoying only getting breadcumbs or nothing at all in terms of communication. This is a major issue that needs more addressing. I still think FGO is largely fine but even some of these improvements would really help just make FGO that much more accessible and just better overall for the game.
Here is how they could do Autoplay. Note: this is stolen from another game. Basically you run the stage once, it records that, You can then set it to run again which it does at high speed playing the recording with only the drops changing. I don't know if they could code this in to the game the way it is but it would work.
Due to the nature of the game and its engine, I don't think QoL improvements will do enough to make it stand out and keep the retention of those who are burnt out. I'm supposed to delay my inevitable retirement (after this year's anniversary) from this game after Aoko's announcement. But at the end of the day, the game is still the same and no SSR character would change that. So my stance remains the same. It really doesn't need to force itself to change, but at least release a successor who wanted to move on from it already. Like you said, Aniplex and Lasengle has all the money in the world to make something, they just chose not to. And sadly, many people are tired of their shit and decide to no longer play. I'm technically one of these people now.
I feel that fgo should also have a skip option for after you first clear daily quests and a better login system whete you get more mats when you log in.
Offline auto farm is numbers 1, 2 and 3. Better pity is number 4. PC Client is number 5, especially since some gachas are so big that they don't fit on smartphones anymore.
i can confirm wish list is been a huge help in nikke to get the other copies, and better pity system is a must in FGO because i dont want to stop playing fgo but the other games have better offers
FGO only needs to add one thing and everyone will comeback or start playing. Live 2d interface interactions with servants in the room ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) the higher the bond with a servant, the higher skinship😂
Yes! FGO can still be the same game but it can also be better! what matters is Updating to the times of the Era. I agree with alot of these points like auto,pity and more as well as maybe add more voiced content as well to story.
Not that big a fan of the skip feature since for one, who's hitting skip in a VISUAL NOVEL game?! And two, I believe those earlier chapters are there to build a bit of the world and to prep you and your servants for the meat grinder that is Camelot - fuck you, Gawain - and those closing chapters. Though you should be able to skip Agartha. NO ONE should be forced to deal with that chapter.
You'd be surprise. When events are story locked and you're new or behind, you gotta skip the story just to catch up. Granted, glad we can view the scenes later but if you added a skip button, a small summary would help. And again, it could entice people to read if it's an interesting story. Agartha ... such a troubled chapter.
I not sure how much longer I will continue with the game honestly. I have 1300 gold apples not the time to use them. I have 2 whale tokens and seeing them makes me angry because I need 10 wasted 5stars (after maxing at least one servant) before I get the privilege of getting to pick a 5 star. I have seen a weird trend where if I am going for a particular 4 star and there is a complete average one on the banner with it, I draw the other one 3,4 and (once) 5 times. I spend a lot of time farming, don't have the time to sit and read story (dyslexia doesn't help), fights are super gimmicky, my CEs are a mess and I accidently burned ones I meant to keep because I thought they were the extras (I think they need a CE album), I have put in the survey the Gilgamesh bug for years because he keeps resetting my computer so I can use him, and while I enjoy the story and look of the sprites, nothing has changed. I have a massively collection and only use a handful of them. I really feel like the only reason I keep playing is sunk cost and habit. I can get the story thru streamers. And the last greatest concern is that at the end of the trip, all the time and money spent will just disappear. Sorry for the rant.
I agree with most of what you said pity system needs a revamp a bit if not % amount lessen amount sq that it takes for 1 copy and not limit it to 1 coin system i do believe edventally theyll find way to balance it out i think universal coin is needed auto button i can see it id like it for simple farming dont think auto would work very well if your doing 90++ or + sense your doing so much at once and wish list while i like it it be how would they implement it fgo has 3 different class of characters regular gotchas story locked and limited they need to add that to regular but then it case of there fewer regular servants then story locked and god forbid limiteds witch they wont do for limiteds it works for nikke sense they only spam limiteds including pilgrims 9 limiteds a year fgo does limiteds every 2 3 weeks i think wish list can be very beneficial but it be huge progress they have to go through
The best thing about fgo not having an autoplay is that bond levels on a servant feels more genuine and true. If you meet a person with a bond lvl 15 servant, you get this feeling like that person really went and married the servant. You know that the time spent to bond with the servant is real.
There's truth to that. There is a sort of badge of honor and acknowledgement for grinding bond levels that high. I think having the option to auto is still nice to have. Because at the end of it, if you don't; use it, it's not sweat, play the game like you did before. =) Also, I think the auto feature would still have to require defeating the node normally first.
I don't really agree with this and I'm gonna use Boudica as an example, in her bond she grows attached because even if, as she says, she's just a plain not too powerful servant, you keep on bringing her to battle and fighting alongside her. That would be cool and amazing, if not for the fact that she is just in the party backline, while the 3 turners do the quest for you. And as stated it would be optional, so if people want to grind, they can.
Im not a fan of Auto system... I have played many gacha and RPG games having auto feature and though it seems great as even you are not playing, the certain character is leveling... I feel bored with it as it seems you are not invested in them as you are not the one who put effort to level them compare to FGO, amidst its already an old game i am still playing it (since day 1) as i have efforted those servants to level and bond 10 (or above)...
I too have played since day 1, both versions and I'll admit that life would be easier, at times, with a Auto button. While I see the pride in that you farmed manually for everything, the option for having auto is not bad. Just don't use it and the players that do, will use it. your accolades will be even greater if an auto was added :o You get to brag that "I farmed this on MANUAL"
I share Khadroth’s opinion on pity where its high because we usually get large amounts of free quartz we can acquire. Pity gets lower then the amount of free quartz we get will also decrease. Which to me isn’t a good trade off. An auto/sweep function would be nice especially for lottos but I also feel like they would drastically reduce currency is you did that.
We do get a lot of free quartz but the pity not being repeatable or extending to all banners doesn't make sense to me. They will not lose money doing this :o And honestly, they'll probably gain more!
@@ChaldeaGurus I do agree with you about that. Pity should kick in more than once and either be carried on to other banners or a different banner for that character. Also Limited servant USOs. I don’t know if you know this but Ryou Emerald just found out that you can only use USOs for a limited servant once. Not once per banner, but just one time in general. Which is just awful. But I feel like that system is so old that it won’t ever be touched or retooled sadly. Another thing I would like to see is random rate ups for Story locked servants. This Consort Yu banner in NA is her last rate up to date. Queen of Sheba gets her final rate up to date later in the year. How are we supposed to get more coins and copies for some of these servants if they don’t get rateups for multiple years?
I have to disagree with auto. (I know people are gonna rage at me without thinking about what I'm actually trying to say about the root cause of the issue. I Acknowledge there's an issue) Now I get it, people are tired of grinding in any of these games. But I think people miss the issue, and are looking to stick a bandaid on a broken leg. Think about it, why do we have grind? To waste time, for filler, to make up for a lack of gameplay variety and interesting mechanics. And I'm speaking broadly to games in general. I love FGO, I enjoy the combat and messing around trying new teams. But every game I've played that had auto, I got bored with. People say "then don't use auto"... then I'm left with a boring grind. Because with auto, companies make the games even moreeeee grindy to make up for the player not engaging with the game as they're letting the game do it itself. So instead they make it waste more time. I think the solution isn't auto. Instead it should be something that makes players want to do the whole, I don't know, gaming aspect of your game. Less grind, more varied combat and more rewards for that combat. Having the variety of combat that makes you engaged with the game. They could be slightly longer fights, with changing mechanics through the fight and give you more rewards or example. That's just me spit balling. But I really feel auto is a solution to a self imposed problem, one that doesn't engage with the inherent flaw with modern game design. When I grew up, if a game was as grindy as they are now, they would be slaughtered. And this is talking to all types of games and systems. Now its just accepted. "Oh the game is boring aka grindy, let's just have the game play itself." It makes little sense to me, if you're willing to take a step back and realise you want to play a game. And what is the reason behind the grind, what people grind for. Now, if all you want is instant gratification and bragining rights without playing, I suppose that's something. But I'd rather improve the enjoyment of the game. Myself, unless it's a Lotto, I don't find the game a grind. But I understand others do. And I'd rather they address the balance of gameplay and reward. Something that injects more fun into the game, than simply put it on auto and let my phone do it itself for ten minutes per battle. Wasting my battery and time for example. In general I agree, pity needs fixing. Big style. But as I said in twitter, I would like more game play things to improve the game and give you more to play with. Communication, pity, etc, are indeed things that need to be addressed, but I think having more stuff to enjoy would be good.
You're absolutely right about grindy games being DoA in the past. I remember a time where if it was too repetitive, those games got a negative score a lot. Nowadays, seems people accept that grinding is apart of the game for better or worse. I agree too that the game needs more things that the player wants to engage in. To clarify as well: With auto, the way Arknights uses it, you have to beat the node first and THEN you can auto it. So for farming it'd be ideal later on but you still gotta do it one time on your own. Appreciate the comment on twitter and the videos~ ^O^ Glad we can have this type of discussion without insults or jabs.
Couldn't agree more, they just want instant gratification with their auto games and such. I mean why play the game in the first place if you're just going to have itself play it, do something else instead. But point taken with the rewards for each runs could be improve as those at end game is the crux of all things 😄🤣
@ChaldeaGurus No worries! I think too many people can't see a discussion as a discussion. I'm not flinging any hate or arguing, but having a general discussion on the topic. So thank you for being so open to the conversation ^^. Regarding that kind of auto farm, I can kind of get being that. But I also feel that plays into the problem of using up all yoru AP and then having nothing to do. I admit I haven't played AK. Tower Denfense is not my jam. So I can't speak to the AP aspect and how much it uses or anything. If you could enlighten me, I'd appreciate it. Though I do worry, you use up all your AP and your done in 3 minutes and then have nothing to do with the game. The aspect I mentioned of a base system on twitter (inspired by ZTL taking about AK in honesty), that auto farms resources linked wirh more varied combat/higher payout of post battle materials I think would be good. As you can instead focus on playing through events/story with (hopefully) more interesting mechanics. At least, that's my feelings on it. Though I do agree that for new comers and for F2P, relying on what units you have for a base mode might not be as accessible. So maybe finding a nice middle ground between the auto Farm you recommend and a base mode. Or outside of using AP up farming, give us something like I mentioned in the tweet also. Like hang outs, dates, something to interact with our servants more. As once you use up all the My Room dialogue, the illusion of this super interesting living character instantly dies. I wish there was more we could do with them, and if we had that, when we use up AP on the auto farm we can turn to do these more chill fun things wirh the servants instead of combat/farming. But again, that's just me letting my mind run amoke.
@cruxsaveall9706 Thanks ^^. I do hope they would one day address the main issue regarding rewards. Ofcourse, I'm not expecting a completely easy ride. More interesting and difficult fights, less of them, but higher rewards. I'd like a fight that has a fair difficulty balance, so all kinds of accounts can play. But keeps you engaged and you need to pay attention. Then when it's over you get a lot more resources. I'd rather have one 3 minute fight that's fun, than say 9 or whatever go arounds of 3 turn grinding. Though I may be just speaking for myself there (and just throwing out numbers).
I'd rather like them not change the pity system. Here is the thing that modern "gachas" don't have gacha, they just sell characters for 25-300$ at NP1(0). They make the game in a way that pushes players to spend on battlepasses and subscriptions every "patch". Basicaly modern "gachas" are using subscription model which is more accessible for more players. But here lays the biggest problem which - it makes players easier to spend money for bunch of pixels, and also it works even better on minors. This system works well for companies, but for players it's a big L in a long run. On the other hand FGO's high paywall literaly makes any player to think twice or more about if they really want to spend money. If you know you would throw money in a void - less motivation to pay for pixels, and more chanсes kid's ass to taste dad's belt for spending on pixels. And if player really-really-really-really want and needs character option is still here. And if pity will be reworked in a way it works in "modern gachas", you can be sure, whole game economy would get an overhaul just to increase games income. Not to say that FGO has better rates 80/20, not a fcking 0.001%/99.999 to get rate up character. Don't forget that FGO releases a lot more characters then modern "gachas". The only exception in this rule is PGR, which iirc changed it's gacha system at the release to the most player friendly, where active player even can't lose in gacha and don't have any reason to pay, because rate up is 100%, pity is low, schedule made in a way every active player would get enough currency to get character and sig. weapon. And thats why PGR has very low income. I totally agree about binding accounts, autoplay, but first chapters has tto be rewritten. FGO was great Turas Réalta manga and they can just use it for new script. But all this isn't core problems of what makes FGO not interesting to play in 2024 and later. It's still 2015 game at it's core, and it has to be changed. It's UI, it's logic for operating in whole different tabs, 2015 restrictions on leveling with just 20 cards per use, whole bunch of screens for leveling, upgrades, etc., ridiculous amount of filters for the sake of more filters. Also it's 2024 and we still are locked with mobile client only. They could have already done PC, console clients to reach even more people. And there is much more they can improve and do better without releasing a new game.
As much as i agree that fgo needs to improve in the 1st place. Remember, unlike nikke, hsr, gi, wuhwa, etc, fgo is purely a japanese gacha game and it focus more on VN, rather than gameplay. Here is the thing, muvluv dimensions is a gacha game, based from muvluv VN. I think its still popular in japan but not like fate since its mecha/vs alien themed game. But it has account bind system, etc.
Being a JP game, while helping understand why they do things, doesn't mean we can't suggest or criticize the game we love. IF anything, the fact that CN gacha games are doing better than a homegrown JP one is very telling. According to what I've seen, as well, FGO is present but not as large in JP as we may think. That can change
@@ChaldeaGurus and remember, Our opinions are the same because we are global players who plays NA and JP server. Japanese players who plays JP server may have a different opinion.
It probably was. They continually ask the players about PVP elements in surveys they run every year, and we have to vocally reject them as a group every year. They probably want something like PVP to work in FGO like it works in Epic Seven, but the thing is FGO is even more asymmetrical. Our damage is scaled for the giant health pools we deal with from enemies. Any system would boil down to who strikes first. It's easy to feel like the developers don't understand this.
Hey man! I would love to have a discussion with you about your ways to improve FGO. Because I (respectfully) disagree with some of them. Hit me up man!
The best thing we can do is stop spending money until these improvements occur. It seems that the only way lasengle will even considerlistening to us. This could also backfire though and they stop their FGO production. Which I don't want.
A skip function or something to make leveling servants easier. Also, make it easier to level craft essences because who is really doing that craft essence bomb system in the year of our Lord 2024.
Yeah, on the last point I think Ufotable and Aniplex are still a little apprehensive about input from the West ever since the whole Emiya Alter BS which had all of our games media outlets trying to accuse the franchise of blackface.
They still give us surveys so they are still looking for our opinion. But they treat JP players the same. You only get updates in magazines or when they decide to let us know themselves.
Never gonna happen, np looping would become instantly irrelevant if they introduced any type of battle skip feature. The big name farming loopers would instantly lose a lot of their worth
@ChaldeaGurus the entire point of the "3 turn looping" system is based around being able to clear the stage as fast as possible, the introduction of a full on "beat this once and you can skip it" function a la, say, Blue Archive, would essentially cause the entire loop farming meta to collapse since there would no longer be any point to prioritizing three turn clears via big name loopers supported by Castoria/Koyan/Skadi/etc. A lot of the gameplay appeal of Servants like Spishtar, Summer Okitan, Mélusine, etc relies on their status as top tier farmers. As an example, if FGO had introduced battle skips in, say, 1st anni, when Skadi premiered in 2018 and it became possible to 3 turn farm with Dantes and Zerkerlot, the player's reaction wouldn't be "holy crap these guys are now the best Servants in the game, they can farm SO MUCH!," it would now be "huh, cool I guess".
Wow, this video made me realize that this game has had zero improvements technically. ZERO! If there are no animes, what are they doing with the money? I feel scammed!
they always like this for a long time, before fgo there is tsukihime (if you said zero improvement for fgo, idk what tsukihime improvement you will call) it always story focus game ( to many complicated exposition) vn type shit. never really tried or they just never tried to expanse their fandom not like any gacha game. for them player loyalty far more important (too squished more money you know in operation its better to have stabile revenue stream than boom revenue they got 5-12 mil per week compare that to any open world RPG who could produce 3-4 times more depend on banner hype) yeah genshin its more popular right now but with that kind of graphic how much money to maintain the server and other thing compared back to fgo that literally just a fuckin slide. and the money you ask go to where it goes back to investor. japan corpo really much known for their "kindness" to investor. that is why warren buffet invest so big in that country of zombie corpos. the ups was super generous to big investor.
We've got a LOT of opinions on whether or not FGO is fine the way it is or if it can improve. To be honest, I see both sides but I've made my stance very clear this week. It's not Hoyoverse FGO it's a BETTER FGO for everyone.
But what do you think? Feel free to share your thoughts, comments , and concerns! Let's get a discussion going down in the comments, now that it's been kicked up!
I'm just going to let you know you think the Japanese care about what we say. Trust me, I know.
Another way to help the game that I can think up to prevent burnout that most players suffer from due to the constant grinding for materials,
would be to implement a system similar to another gacha game has, like Konosuba,
The system can allow players to use your AP in multiple sets, so just fighting 1 battles would count as 6 battles and it will give drops, bond/master/mystic code exp. equal to 6 battles played.(depending on each masters overall AP)
(I said alot already, so what's 1 more word?)😌
That's a good feature! Dragalia Lost used this too! I enjoyed that~
100% agree. FGO is just not updating itself to compete with modern games. I cannot imagine starting it with 7 years of content to go through with the game in its current state. I don’t think it’s bad, but it really shows its age.
One other thing I would like to see added is a traits tab for enemies. We have so many servants with niche power mods but it’s a complete mystery most of the time which enemies are included.
Genshin is more overhelming tbh and fgo is a game that you can multitask while playing so i hate this argument in general.
Fgo should stay as it is but add new game modes animated characters on the menu etc.
10 years of content would be overhelming in any other game too and fgo is a visual novel first and a game second while most of the big gacha action rpg - two different genre and while fgo is the best in story telling and overall story while others might be better at gameplay.
Tbh fgo can be quiet fun when you not farming but doing CQs or boss runs.
Tbf, fgo doesnt really have 7 years of content available at once. They have the story chapters but if we're saying 7 years of content thatd include all the events which arent active/playable at times. So really, fgo doesnt have that much content available at once to begin with outside of story which can be done at your own pace.
Biggest way to improve FGO would be to make basic item farming less tedious.
Stuff like class pieces and skill gems should be way easier to get than what they are.
In general reducing the grind for upgrading skills and ascensions would be a great start, but this is especially, ESPECIALLY true of the basic stuff.
Beyond that, catch up mechanics for new players would be great. The fact of the matter is, there's a TON of shit you have to get through just to get to the *lostbelts* alone. And that's no longer even the current arc on JP!
The ability to skip some of the fetch quest filler shit, especially in the older singularities, would be *GREAT* for new players.
I recently tried out the game on a different device for shits and giggles, and I couldn't imagine trying to start this game up if I weren't previously invested in the larger Fate setting. The old singularities are *so bad* - especially Okeanos and America.
Very true. If I wasn't invested in the Nasuverse I probably wouldnt have played the game. The story in the beginning was BORING.
1) Pity- Yes, definitely improve in some way reduce it to at least 100-150 and make it so it continues to the next limited banner.
2) Binding-> Yes, PC Client would be perfect I can't believe it has been 7 years and my account is pretty much f*** up if something happens to my phone and i don't have the code in multiple places.
3) Wishlist-> Pretty good, i have seen it in Final Fantasy Ever Crisis and it was cool.
4)Auto-> Sure, the auto in other games is always awful and doesn't play like a human but it is there and it is good to have it
5) I love that all the other gatcha games/companies (Hoyoverse, Kurogame, even Square Enix-recently, etc) are doing things that we should consider the standard because they are very good for the player and it still generate their money.
I agree on Pity.
I would love to see auto. So I can do something else while my team kicks butt. Adulting sucks.
Damn I made my big stinky video after this and should've mentioned account binding! OH WELL
Someone did comment on Kita's video that it's nice that we all care enough to even have this discussion and YES, THANK YOU ANONYMOUS INTERNET PERSON! WE DO! THAT IS THE POINT!
Now add Mash to HSR and March 7th to FGO thank you for reading.
Story replay. A way to test your teams in a practice mode. Memorial quests are a new page where you can replay them anytime. Auto speed up on skills. No unwinnable bosses like lb 6. No fixed npc units or let us switch them for our own units at least.
Clean up the summoning pool since they remove one thing and add 10 to spooks. For new players let them pick the unit they'll summon or allow a rewind until they get the roll they want. On top of that add back some of the better Sr units. Pity wise make it the 900 multi to get one but if you spook early you still get the guaranteed unit anyways making rolls more approachable.
System wise. Cc should be switched around as fast as servants in your party spot. Decks should be allowed to be saved and given to your active damage dealer which with the first thing can be switched around fasted. Have exp types stack on top of one another like in your present box so you can have way more space.
Farming wise. Give us a 90+ node immediately in every event so we can just play that. Nobody likes or cares to wait for the good node to come and forced to play the bad ones
Some kind of permanent end game content like a permanent tower event mode and a permanent grail front mode
Actually rerun all the old events
Let us fight story bosses again
Give us blue apple saplings in the dailys or mana prism shop and add bronze silver gold apples into dailys or mana prism shop
And easyer way to get servant coins
Also for certain sections of the game they could add actual cutscenes
I love ALL of these =D Great suggestions that would make the game better imo =)
Servant Coins absolutely suck. If you like a limited servant not added to story banner you better pray you get multiple copies under their rate up banner or else you have almost no chance in getting any coins for them down the road. My summer Ushi instance...
Not just that. Pity should carry over between some banners.
More QoL updates. Make the menus easier to use and reduce them.
We need to be able to upgrade units in the pre battle menu and be able to swap CCs between units.
A mobile FATE MOBA is the next best thing to do. Imagine all Servants across the Nasuverse as playable units in 5v5 battles! Since MOBAs have to constantly release new units and game modes, there would always be something new to interest the players, the Masters.
Units we could never get in FGO because of its engine would finally get their chance in a MOBA. For example Sun Wukong. Almost every MOBA has a version of Wukong with varying names and backstories, but it's still him.
The enemy's base could be a Greater Holy Grail. Instead of Baron like in LoL, we could have a Beast in the jungle. The team that defeats it gets to summon the Beast in one of the 3 lanes to help you push for the enemy base while it gives your side some buffs.
1:40 Funny you should mention this, I had an argument with a friend the other day, my main point being that they should lower the amount it takes to hit pity, and/or let the pity carry over banners. He's played for a lot longer than I have (he started way back in 2018) and as such, and has failed many banners over time, so he's pretty salty about that. His point being and I quote: "FGO is meant to make you suffer and SSRs are a way to show off your luck, if they lower pity then everyone will have the SSR they want, which ruins the point of it all" basically, the Syndrome "if everyone is super then no one will be" quote from Incredibles. I get being salty and all that but the fact that he's willing defend the shitty pity just because he wants other people to get screwed over the way he's been (or at least it feels like he's saying that) just rubs me the wrong way.
He's also pretty pissed that long time players like him aren't getting compensated or having like a veteran bonus. I remember him not being happy when I told him how many quartz I was getting from the start-dash campaign when I started FGO back in August last year. So I guess maybe Lasaga could implement a small bonus for those who've been playing for over 5 years just to appease players like him???
Anyway other than the points you made I'd really like the option to re-fight story bosses outside of recollection quests, I like the aspect of rechallenging earlier bosses with my newer servants. They can just make em' like 5AP a pop and not have any drops like the Kiara SERAPH fight.
While FGO doesn't need to completely change itself to be the newest gacha release, but people really need to become more receptive to change/criticism of the game. Many QoL changes will only help players, new and old, in the long run.
I feel like, especially with the summoning, FGO has gaslit its audience into thinking that feeling absolutely defeated and lost after not getting the servant is alright. This is a gacha issue in general, but you should not feel miserable for pulling on something, and you shouldn't feel proud for wasting thousand of dollars because "suffering is part of the game." Again, I feel like that's a general gacha issue and it's playerbase justifying borderline gambling addiction.
YES PLEASE LASAGNA On all of these! I would love the wishlist system for like 1 servant per applicable class for story locked servants, I think more would be a bit too much personally.
AUTO CLEAR FOR THE FARMING NODES PLEASE!!! Literal ticket systems or spending apples for this would save the game and make it no where near a feeling of wasting your time for farming QP, Materials, or embers, AND you can do this with any units as long as the first 3 have their lv above the recommended or class advantage or whatever, reducing BP gain would be something I see them doing, but Auto clear could legit save the game for non-story content. Farming in FGO is F***ING MORE TORTUROUS THAN RUNNING ON A TREADMILL FOR HOURS AS YOUR WORKOUT, it SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKS....
All amazing points, and I would hope FGO implements these soon or if we ever get a FGO 2 equivalent in the future, please let them have this, bc I have yet to play thru LB6, DESPITE ME WAITING FOR IT FOR SO LONG. I just am not motivated in touching the gameplay right now. Hopefully these are implemented, thanks for your wonderful take as always Musaki!
All the points you raised are very much valid - Heck I've been parroting the same lines for years now. After experiencing Blue Archive, in which they pretty much done right in almost EVERYTHING I had an issue with FGO (aside from their "rate up", but that's also kinda mitigated by how generous the game is), it's honestly really disheartening to see FGO just stagnate the way it is now. Blue Archive frequently rolls out QoL improvements that are very much player-friendly, and it's very obvious that the devs themselves play the game they developed, see things from the player's point of view, share their pain points during gameplay, and then work to improve upon them. Meanwhile in FGO, we've pointed out since day 1 how shoddy the Servant Coin system is, and nothing's been done for years now. Really goes to show that their priorities aren't on the player's welfare.
Honako: They called me a madman.
Ohhh I see you! At least you know I am not still stuck in Fuyuki! 13:24
LMAO Calling Mr. Brawl !
Fine. Your not stuck on Fuyuki...but your stuck on Septum and you can't proceed to London.
I think the account binding is something they are working on (see how it works at least with one service in JP), but that they are way to slow with it.
The wishlist is great idea.
I am not sure if they will ever incorporate auto, just out of pure stubbornness of having beein against it in the beginning.
PC client would be sooo great.
And for the statistics: mothman! 🦋
Thank you for always posting mothman! ^O^ You're one of two or three people who do it =D
I wanted to open the floor with a more positive video since people really railed against my twitter comment and even first video back. I think it's important to discuss these type of things and look at what we love with a critical eye. FGO is a titan but it could use some areas to improve. A PC client is my secret wish that may never come true.
Something that i keep mentioning to my friends is making Tower events and Grailfronts a permanent thing that refreshes every 2 weeks or every month and to give SQ and Skins to further motivate people to clear it. That and updating the Daily login rewards,Daily missions and weeklies, Something like Arknights' would be great. Also they should bring back rank up and interlude campaigns, Almost 2 and a half years since the last interlude campaign and we only get 2 is a huge letdown :/
Me: how to fix fgo? Man that's a lot of things(list rolls on ground)
Stary:(scanning list) yes a lot of things here. I personally would like a better way to start battles like choosing which deck is first
Aura: oh right. Onii chan likes to do 3 turns on bosses
Me: yeah wish i could pick the deck so it cuts down on rng. Bb summer would get an indirect buff out of that too.
Aura: also refight those big fun bosses. The real fun of the game
Stary: and hard farming nodes to start with
Some things I have to say about your 5 ideas:
1. Better Pity: given how long it took them to give it to us, I feel like this one's a pipe dream. I would say a compromise would be retooling the USO system. Make it so that non-welfare 4 star dupes pass np5 give you a USO fragment. Then make it so that 7 give you a proper USO. That and make it so that permanent/story locked 5 stars cost less to get. I'd say 3-5 USOs for them.
2. Binding Accounts: I'd say give it a year or two and they'll open the door to linking it to your google/apple accounts.
3. Wishlist: This would be a godsend for how many good story locked servants are next to impossible to get. Outside of the free SR or SSR during anniversary or DL campaigns it's hard to summon these servants and having this would really help people get their favorite servants easier. (Speaking as someone who wanted rider Quetz for years but didn't get her till the 2nd free SSR)
4. Autobattle: This or a battle skip system has been memed for years! This would make grinding a lot easier, but I get the feeling if they did do this, they'd probably limit it to only free quests and/or dailies. If they allowed this for lotto events, things could get messy.
5.More Communication: THIS RIGHT HERE! It feels like the FGO devs are mostly in a bubble when it comes to what the fans want. They mostly prioritize what brings in the most money from merchandising and the like. To be fair, from a business point that makes sense. But the amount of time people bring up issues with the games or what they want it can take ages for it be addressed, if at all. (Remember how Grand Roma's NP was bugged and no one figured it out till summer kiara came around?) It would especially help them actually pick up on what the Western side wants to see from the game!
I think permanent stuff is also very important.
Grail front is one of the content that is very appreciated among players and having such stuff is very nice.
Adding it as a permanent weekly or monthly reset as part of the weekly mission would be fantastic way to give out stuff to the players and it promotes using low star servants too.
The free ascension stuff would be great if it wasn't timelimted also. It would take off one those stress moment in the game and help new players don't feel punished by their choice.
Adding a free 4* ascension and a 4* ticket for story/permanent units would also be great to welcome. But this is me being greedy also
Would love to see this also
Boss Challenges that are permanent.
Rouge Like mode with various buff and skill pics just for fun.
One thing I wish they did add in also is material converter . To convert excessive materials to other materials. That would be such great thing.
Adding old events as story only would be nice too. For new players being able to read and just play the story events with no ap cost.
Adding on top of that a better way to store ap for new players and old..
Like I have tons of stuff I want to see added to the game
Is it feasible.. Maybe? I am running on hopium and copium xD
What i only want is they should add a practice mode that dont use AP and let us try diff team comps and choose bosses as practice enemy.
That'd be nice! You could experiment without having to do that live in game with your real AP.
A lot of things that you brought up are why I left FGO three months ago. I just got so fed up with the lack of reasonable pity, support, communication, and just basic QoL features many other gacha games have that I just dropped it. And that's not also counting the random jumps in difficulty you get hit with as you progress through this story you have to go through if you want to keep playing the events.
I agree with all that was said, pitty system really needs to be revamped, like what are they so afraid of giving players an NP5 servants, like the content will have in the future in NA 90++ nodes where np1 won't cut it, so we need to get multiple copies of dps servants not having a pity system hinders this, it takes a lot of time to save SQ and just get 1 copy of a servant and if you don't get the 5 star you want well damn on your next banner it won't be carried over, and binding they really need to put a binding system in NA seriously not only on JP losing an account because of losing the copy of your transfer code and contacting customer service reps are so annoying to deal with and you have a high chance you won't be able to retrieve your account, skip yes it needs to be added, wish list it's nice to have but am not into it that much, and communication is very important, hoyoverse I think is the best example of communicating with the community like in HSR they always announce if there is a bug in the game and if there is instant compensation delivered through mail, now I understand they don't want to communicate with fgo community because they might think it's going to be toxic, since I experience this playing MSF there is a lot of complaint about the game, that might be the reason why they just do surveys and forget everything about it, but at the end of the day they don't care natsu even said there market is JP while hoyo is global, so if it's still selling in JP they won't change anything.
FGO is just really showing its age imo. Without people asking for a change they will continue to give what they always have and think everyone is content with it. The communication aspect that you stated should definitely be changed. There HAS to be community engagement with games especially gacha so that you can get constructive criticism and improve because of it. I remember playing FGO when it first came out and LOVING IT! I’ve been a fan the whole time but we just really need to see some updates. I want to see them compete and keep the game going
About Auto Play/Skip mechanic: I think making it automatic on non-event free quests would be extremely useful for everyone :
- Newcomers who try to raise their Servants could repeat the highest QP and EXP nodes without worrying about not making it through (bronze cards are worthless nowadays)
- Veterans who reached OC quests could quickly get through their Storm Pods and go back to farming on the event.
- Everybody would be happy to farm those 50+ repeats in Fuyuki to maybe get 15 bones...
It would be a good middle ground between actually playing new content (event stuff) and still getting the regular stuff done.
I think there is some credit here to what you are requesting. Both the idea of improvements to the pity system and the ability to link your account to something makes a lot of sense for the sake of securing a person’s gaming experience and preserving their hardwork and money. Being someone who has studied communications, public relations, and media; I am always an advocate for an increase in openness and communication. It’s a core value which many companies, both internally and externally seem to have some form of difficulty managing. This of course goes for FGO as well.
But I do feel it is important to acknowledge that while there are things that can improve upon the quality of life of the game, there are already ways in which FGO has an advantage over other games. For one, FGO has made consistent improvements to their wide cast of characters through Interludes and Rank Up quests. They help in making characters that were either outdated or originally inadequate, have kits that can give them better utility or make them work as part of a meta. And not only do they give you these buffs as part of the update, these buffs are tied to either a series of challenging quests or character-specific stories which adds further content to the game. Plus completing this content can also reward you with saint quartz. It makes the enhancement not just an update that is only noticeable in the patch notes, but something that feels like a trophy of accomplishing something to get your character this new ability or power. I know that other gacha games can buff character’s gameplay, but at the same time not many do it to a similar extent as FGO.
In the case of a wishlist, I do feel like with the wealth of characters we have there should be something to narrow the pool especially for the Story Pool. Although I do have to credit them for making a Paid Wishlist gacha during their last anniversary. For those who don’t know, during the 8th Anniversary, aside from the normal paid GSSR, they had an additional GSSR in which you can select one servant from each class (one for Extra Class) and with a 10-pull, you were guaranteed one or more of the servants you handpicked. I understand this only has been a one-time scenario thus far and was only for limited servants, but at the same time it is showing a step in that similar direction.
In terms of new players or players that have recently joined, one addition to QoL that will be implemented starting next year is the Invocation, which will be a permanent system which allows players to access welfare servants that have been locked behind past events. These servants even have their own ascension material and therefore require less of a grind to build up. This also makes it easier for new players to get some great servants for free that can help them clear much of the initial story. It also is great for gacha players who are collectors and may have started a little late and missed out on servants that were only accessible in the couple of years of the game. Yes, I know other games give selectors for completing certain events, but the selectors give you characters that most players can get from the standard gacha pools and already most likely have enough of.
Last year they even introduced a GSSR specifically for players after completing Fuyuki, giving them a chance the easily access a Servant that cannot normally acquire outside of certain events which would also assist with story-clearing. Plus this was initially and still is something exclusive to NA. I believe this is FGO’s way of handling their own GSSR similar to the ones that new gacha games have when you first start playing. Again, yes, it is a paid gacha, but it’s less than half the quartz of a regular roll and secondly it offers limited characters compared to other games which give you characters that are standard to the gacha pool and can come at any time.
I’m sure there are other examples, but these are just a few I could think of off the top of my head. To sum up: Yes, FGO is old, but depending on the taster it can age like a fine wine. Does it have its problems, absolutely. Should we turn a blind eye to those issues, no. But we also should not be turning a blind eye to the progress that has been made and the work continuously put in to improve the current game’s quality of life.
One of the thing i think they could do is update the Tutorial.
Start it out normally then BB hacks and make them fight one of the bosses like Solomon or Kama throw in a few of the newer limited servants. Doesn't matter if they beat it or not it just give them a vibe of what the game is like now. Also keep it open so they can go back and try it and say they break one bar the get reward like 5 tickets
Also open up ALL the servant trails at the start so they can play around with more sevants and see if any of them they like or want to save for. That just my option.
I like to see more animation updates to. Im curious to see what going to happen at this years jp Anniversary
Agree with this WHOLE HEARTEDLY
The number one way FGO can continue to keep going and improve is by not jumping and trying to imitate every new shiny gacha game that comes out. FGO is almost 10 years old ! Clearly they’ve done SOMETHING right ! Is there room for improvement ? Of course. But I don’t think some major overhaul, trying to take aspects of other games and using it to “improve” FGO is the way to go here. If you’re not enjoying the game, maybe it’s time you moved on and stopped playing. Just my opinion.
They might say otherwise but it shows.
That's a good opinion actually!
I would hope no one doubts the accolades of FGO. There's a reason people know that name in the Gacha space, even if they don't play it.
That being the case, improvements can help. That doesn't mean make it Fate Star Rail or Fate Impact. But they're aspects you can look out without changing how the game plays out.
It's also important to invite more discussion on these type of topics. FGO is still on my tablet because I love the game. But you can still critic what you love.
What do you think?
I absolutely agree. Personally, what I think would bring a lot of Masters back into the fold would be to go back to some year one / year two Servants and work on their card hits and a few of their skills. Make them relevant again. I’d also fix the pity to a straight 900 SQ, period. That’s 30 rolls. Whales are gonna whale, but I think a lot more people would actually try for Servants they really want if they were to do something like this. Other than that, little things like making the Fou paw prints more accessible, and a few other quality of life changes would bring Masters back, and keep them playing. We already have a few quality of life improvements coming with Anniversary to look forward to, so there’s that. I watched your other recent video regarding FGO changes with two other FGO Tubers, who I also watch, and some valid points were made. I DO think it’s time that Lesengle start thinking about something along the lines of FGO 2, and should that happen, I also think THAT would be where the implementation of a setup such as FGO Arcade would greatly be appreciated by most, if not all Masters. Especially if they were to implement it on PC and console. Not a big advocate for the PVP aspect, but still, it’s a good idea I think.
They should add new game mode for FGO. It has an old turn base style game play, but it can be improved. Having mini games with quartz as rewards can also help.
That would be a great idea. You don't even need to get rid of the old game play. Just add something new. Something you could play permanently
That's an awesome idea! Mini Games for FGO would be sick!
One suggestion I had was a weekly tower mode, like the ones we have in some events or old Mortal Kombat games. Where it resets each week and you need to climb to the top, getting SQ and other rewards as you go.
But, your units tire like in some of those old events.
I know many people HATE that mechanic. But I think it breeds ingenuity and gets people to try new teams and servants instead of focusing on 3 turn min-maxing.
Man, a weekly or monthly tower event would be awesome! Something to do between events and story chapters =D
@@ChaldeaGurus Right? Would be something else to keep us busy, and something to flex about with your different team comps and stuff ^^
Speaking about a FGO PC client, I'd really like for said client to have keyboard/controller support where you can map buttons to certain actions. I dislike the use of a mouse on emulator as i feel it makes the game a bit clunky so having the alternative controller options would be great.
My brain tells me that perhaps auto battle might be difficult logistically for FGO. Because how would it work? How would AI prioritize the use of skills, of NP? Not to mention face cards, which unlike other games are completely random every turn rather than every character being able to go a set amount. Would it always try to go for brave chains? What about NP gain and crit stars? There's a lot of questions there.
Reverse 1999's system would fit perfectly here the auto play basically recreates everything from card order to damage dealt down to a T, kind of like recording the stage and replaying that recording over and over.
That’s why the concept of skip tickets like Dragalia could be used
For mechanics changes, being able to do multiple runs of a farming stage at once like Takt Op let you do or Skip tickets like PriConne had would make farming less arduous. Also they need to distribute Pure Prisms as dailies and get rid of the 100 exchange limit. A Bleached Earth node for endgame players where they can farm Crystalized Lores would be nice since it is impossible to 10/10/10 every servant let alone 10/10/10-10/10/10 them. I would also start introducing unique mechanics for append skills to give the more dubious ones some worth and make Bond CEs into a toggleable passive so that they can actually feel rewarding to earn.
I'd also like to be able to have something like tiny slice of life interludes that don't impact the story every week or so just to make Chaldea feel a little more lived in. No deep revelations about characters, no major buffs tied to them. Just an interlude with like 3 SQ and a pure prism as a completion reward each week that tells a story like "Moriarty decides to put on a play, but he's actually using it to create general chaos because he casts Arash as Stanley in A Streetcar Called Desire so that he unleashes his Noble Phantasm when he yells for Stella." These stories could be AI generated concepts for as unimpactful as they are just as long as there is some kind of content to read even during a dead week.
Here's an idea I have for a sort of filler arc they could do once they wrap part 2 in order to make sure the eventual Part 3 doesn't become a ballooned mess like the back half of Part 2 has been.
Do a EoR-like reduxes of the first five singularities that will then replace the originals.
The fact that everyone agrees that the first five singularities are bad to middling is well documented. Everyone memes on Orleans's "Suddenly Wyverns" and Septem existing. What some people don't know is that there are Manga adaptations of those singularities that kick ass. Retell those stories and have the originals essentially be tucked away as Main Interludes. Use those settings to release servants that could have been there but never got realized. Concepts like Avenger Boudica being the final boss of Septem instead of Altera or Orleans being a tale of predestination and duty that could mirror Castoria's arc in Avalon le Fay, introduce some more American servants in the American singularity instead of Oops All Celts. The broad strokes and major results stay the same so as not to impact the flow of the story but sand off the rough bits of year 1 FGO.
I'd introduce at least one new Headliner servant that capitalizes on something that should have been there to begin with or a variation on what we already had. Most importantly they are all general pool. Servants like:
5* Ruler Jeanne with La Pucelle as her NP
5* Avenger Boudica who just nukes Roman traited enemies from orbit - New Final Boss of Septem
5* Rider Magellan - A rival to Guda and Drake all through Okeanos that teams up for the final fight against the Argo once Jason goes down and Herc goes berserk (In my redux, each captain on the seas of Okeanos would have had a piece of the Grail instead of Drake having the whole thing from the word go)
Not sure who I would add to London, probably a KotR that's never been seen before like Kay or Bors
5* Avenger The Alamo - a defensive support-focused unit that you encounter in America that gets absolutely ravaged by Medb's forces instead of that pointless encounter with Nero Bride
I was afraid this video would just be an expansion of your last one with Oni and 5Oh but I am glad I clicked cause it sn't. For context, I very much both agree with you 3 and Kita while disagreeing with the 4 of you. I personally think FGO as it is should not turn into a Genshin style game but instead just improve on what it is now, as you explained in this video. However I also definitely want an FGO2 game in the style of Genshin or Wuthering Wave or whatnot when FGO ends as I think it would be amazing and more immersive to explore/go around the world of FGO in that style. It should only arrive after FGO ends if it is a separate story or a sequel, but it could release before that if it was a somewhat reboot or re-imagining or just FGO but 3D. That is just my personal wish though.
As for the points you made here, I agree completely and I don't really think there should be too much problem with it. The only place where there might be problems would be the auto and the story skip :
For the story skip, I don't see any issue, it is for newcomers after all, and it would be an option not mandatory. I started One Piece at Amazon Lily skipped stuff in the middle and got to actually following it weekly during Wano and have been following since, and I'm totally fine, I have gained most my knowledge of the stuff I missed through the community, especially on UA-cam and I am not confused or lost at all, it makes perfect sense to me so I think skipping up to Camelot would not be a big deal story wise ; only problem might be the impact of the redemption arcs and glow ups of characters like Jason, Jalter and whoever else, they won't hit as hard. If they wanted to go back, they could, or they could just get some summary from the community too. I don't think I am as knowledgeable as someone who read all of One Piece, but I am confident that I know stuff someone who read it all but is casual about the community doesn't.
Also, I don't even really remember most of the stuff from those chapters anyway so they'll be fine.
For auto, the issue might be not actually playing. Like you starting the game to "play" just to leave it on auto, might detach you slowly from the game. My head is a mess right now so sorry that I'm not really able to put into words what I want to say. I think an auto complete/skip functionality would be better (without skip tickets that you need to farm, and still costing AP of course), but maybe limit it to only cleared repeatable quests and only after you finish the main story quests of the event for event free quests. But there should be some content to replace the grind in someway so maybe make every main quest also repeatable and make it similar to challenge quests, where you won't get any rewards from beating them again, would be a great way to have fun with your ever-changing roster of servants, CEs, CCs and enhancements.
The better communications, better pity and better account recovery are just good takes in my opinion and really needed.
Nice, another Guru video so soon after the last.
Trying our best~
4:53 we have the destiny system in FGO JP so we can narrow down the Servants we want from the GSSR banner we picked.
Right but that should be in the regular banners. Namely the story one :o
The destiny system could apply here, it shows they can do it.
Auto would be *okay*, but I think it would be just better to have something like a battle skip ticket. The way it would work is, you set up a team, beat the repeatable fight, and from then on you can trade skip tickets to just spend stamina and get your drops. This jives more with other battle augment items they've added to the game in my opinion, like saplings and teapots. Distributed in roughly the same ways, I could see it working really well. I just don't think that FGO having auto saves much time at all. You still have to watch 3 NPs even in an auto scenario. Might as well go for something that will respect people's time even more.
I do realize the problem with skip tickets being that you can run out, just like you do with saplings or teapots if you don't manage them. But I do think that taking away the drudgery of daily playing is more important than making sure you can farm 200+ lotto boxes with enough skip tickets and enough time.
instead of "auto play" we could have a "replay" like system, like the one reverse 1999 has where it replays the stage the way you did and you get the rewards as if you actually played it, would really help since due to the way fgo plays we cant really have a true "auto play" mode
330 pulls is insane for a one-time pity. 100 pulls would be far more reasonable either 1-time or to be used over and over, as worst case NP5 would still take 1.500 SQ. I sincerely hope the pity issue is addressed in JP this upcoming anni, if not sometime soon.
I can agree with some of these ideas like better pity/wishlist and account binding. As for communication they're doing better and one of the most communicating companies I've seen. One thing id like to see is a rework or more updates to the rare prism ship because st this point it's one of the most worthless resources while being kinda one we get a lot of
A rework of the rare prism shop is sorely needed! As well as clear prism shop too! Refresh that
As for the communication bit, what about their communication makes them better? Who has worse communication in the Gacha space that's successful?
@@ChaldeaGurus they do the big events and the occasional dev developers videos. Sure more could be better but that alone is more then most companies do.
To my knowledge most games in that space talk in that capacity. Heck, Overlord: Mass of the dead releases things in a similar fashion.
But remember, communication is two ways.
Love the positivity!
Thanks Neko! ^O^ I try my best~
I like FGO but I wish it was like Nikke gearing a unit like an RPG, however I don't know if they can or will. if they made nikke pity it would be amazing but that's just me. And more free quarts xD
Imagine gear on Artoria
"Quality over quantity." That's my motto. For my workers/friends and for myself.
So what is 1 quality improvement you would make!
@@ChaldeaGurus Improving certain servants's animation
Oh ho? Which ones? :o Is that enough of a quality change for you to accept? :o
@@ChaldeaGurus Servants who deserves recognition. Like Medea.
0:44 I think the amount is fine, if a player is disciplined and is able to resist temptation, pity is an amount that is easily achievable multiple times a year as a FTP. I do agree that pity should be multiple per 330 rolls, Some would spend tons of money to reach NP2. What is needed is more bells and whistles, for example, 4 star character Pity. Some want the 4 star more than the 5 star.
1) The amount of rolls are fine cuz if we get a lower amount of rolls for said pity then you start to see less and less of that free currency that FGO would give out so the 330 rolls thing has never been an issue in my mind. I will agree with the 1 time pity thing being dumb on banners so improving that where it resets or heck carries over to the next banner would be a big.
2) Yeah I completely agree with you, Mu. It'd help alot for people feel secure when they'd have to transfer to a new phone or something.
3) Yeah I've seen the Wishlist system in Azur Lane and you could freely choose for 2 SSRs (iirc it usually happened around their Anni time, wasn't a constant thing you could do). But yeah that or heck give Story a rotational banner to give Story banner more of a purpose would be great, like how Arknights has a Standard banner that rotates every week or two, like something like that would be nice to make Story rolling not as much of a meme anymore.
4) It is hit or miss but other than stuff like opening lotto boxes and stuff to that nature I'm not all that for auto in FGO, I wouldn't be opposed to how Arknights did it (Can't automate it till you have 3/3 Stars for that map, can retry if something goes wrong or if you think something could be improved etc.) but I doubt it'd get implimented if at all due to how they've said in the past that you won't get stuff like NP Skip cuz they still want you to play the game. This point I'm kinda just mixed on this and don't think it'd be too likely.
5) 100% It's so annoying only getting breadcumbs or nothing at all in terms of communication. This is a major issue that needs more addressing.
I still think FGO is largely fine but even some of these improvements would really help just make FGO that much more accessible and just better overall for the game.
Here is how they could do Autoplay. Note: this is stolen from another game. Basically you run the stage once, it records that, You can then set it to run again which it does at high speed playing the recording with only the drops changing. I don't know if they could code this in to the game the way it is but it would work.
Arknights does that very well. It's my prime example of how it can work.
Due to the nature of the game and its engine, I don't think QoL improvements will do enough to make it stand out and keep the retention of those who are burnt out. I'm supposed to delay my inevitable retirement (after this year's anniversary) from this game after Aoko's announcement. But at the end of the day, the game is still the same and no SSR character would change that. So my stance remains the same. It really doesn't need to force itself to change, but at least release a successor who wanted to move on from it already. Like you said, Aniplex and Lasengle has all the money in the world to make something, they just chose not to. And sadly, many people are tired of their shit and decide to no longer play. I'm technically one of these people now.
When you're doing the banner roll, it would be nice to know the number of disturbances before you roll it nope, you have or not.
I feel that fgo should also have a skip option for after you first clear daily quests and a better login system whete you get more mats when you log in.
I feel like once you three turn a node they let you skip with that team , spend AP game rolls rewards on the normal table
Offline auto farm is numbers 1, 2 and 3.
Better pity is number 4.
PC Client is number 5, especially since some gachas are so big that they don't fit on smartphones anymore.
i can confirm wish list is been a huge help in nikke to get the other copies, and better pity system is a must in FGO because i dont want to stop playing fgo but the other games have better offers
IF they improve the pity, I'd be more willing to spend on the banners again
FGO only needs to add one thing and everyone will comeback or start playing.
Live 2d interface interactions with servants in the room ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
the higher the bond with a servant, the higher skinship😂
Honestly, I'd be fine with that! Worked for Nikke XD
I want that
Yes! FGO can still be the same game but it can also be better! what matters is Updating to the times of the Era. I agree with alot of these points like auto,pity and more as well as maybe add more voiced content as well to story.
pity really need get better
i roll for koyan on anniv 600ish roll, i only got NP2 and i got both before pity
Not that big a fan of the skip feature since for one, who's hitting skip in a VISUAL NOVEL game?! And two, I believe those earlier chapters are there to build a bit of the world and to prep you and your servants for the meat grinder that is Camelot - fuck you, Gawain - and those closing chapters.
Though you should be able to skip Agartha. NO ONE should be forced to deal with that chapter.
You'd be surprise. When events are story locked and you're new or behind, you gotta skip the story just to catch up. Granted, glad we can view the scenes later but if you added a skip button, a small summary would help. And again, it could entice people to read if it's an interesting story.
Agartha ... such a troubled chapter.
It's funny how Genshin got shit on and hate when FGO exist.
I not sure how much longer I will continue with the game honestly. I have 1300 gold apples not the time to use them. I have 2 whale tokens and seeing them makes me angry because I need 10 wasted 5stars (after maxing at least one servant) before I get the privilege of getting to pick a 5 star. I have seen a weird trend where if I am going for a particular 4 star and there is a complete average one on the banner with it, I draw the other one 3,4 and (once) 5 times. I spend a lot of time farming, don't have the time to sit and read story (dyslexia doesn't help), fights are super gimmicky, my CEs are a mess and I accidently burned ones I meant to keep because I thought they were the extras (I think they need a CE album), I have put in the survey the Gilgamesh bug for years because he keeps resetting my computer so I can use him, and while I enjoy the story and look of the sprites, nothing has changed. I have a massively collection and only use a handful of them. I really feel like the only reason I keep playing is sunk cost and habit. I can get the story thru streamers. And the last greatest concern is that at the end of the trip, all the time and money spent will just disappear. Sorry for the rant.
I agree with most of what you said pity system needs a revamp a bit if not % amount lessen amount sq that it takes for 1 copy and not limit it to 1 coin system i do believe edventally theyll find way to balance it out i think universal coin is needed auto button i can see it id like it for simple farming dont think auto would work very well if your doing 90++ or + sense your doing so much at once and wish list while i like it it be how would they implement it fgo has 3 different class of characters regular gotchas story locked and limited they need to add that to regular but then it case of there fewer regular servants then story locked and god forbid limiteds witch they wont do for limiteds it works for nikke sense they only spam limiteds including pilgrims 9 limiteds a year fgo does limiteds every 2 3 weeks i think wish list can be very beneficial but it be huge progress they have to go through
The best thing about fgo not having an autoplay is that bond levels on a servant feels more genuine and true. If you meet a person with a bond lvl 15 servant, you get this feeling like that person really went and married the servant. You know that the time spent to bond with the servant is real.
But people just want to defend the detach way of gaming demanding auto play for each and every game
There's truth to that. There is a sort of badge of honor and acknowledgement for grinding bond levels that high.
I think having the option to auto is still nice to have. Because at the end of it, if you don't; use it, it's not sweat, play the game like you did before. =)
Also, I think the auto feature would still have to require defeating the node normally first.
I don't really agree with this and I'm gonna use Boudica as an example, in her bond she grows attached because even if, as she says, she's just a plain not too powerful servant, you keep on bringing her to battle and fighting alongside her. That would be cool and amazing, if not for the fact that she is just in the party backline, while the 3 turners do the quest for you. And as stated it would be optional, so if people want to grind, they can.
Im not a fan of Auto system... I have played many gacha and RPG games having auto feature and though it seems great as even you are not playing, the certain character is leveling... I feel bored with it as it seems you are not invested in them as you are not the one who put effort to level them compare to FGO, amidst its already an old game i am still playing it (since day 1) as i have efforted those servants to level and bond 10 (or above)...
I too have played since day 1, both versions and I'll admit that life would be easier, at times, with a Auto button.
While I see the pride in that you farmed manually for everything, the option for having auto is not bad. Just don't use it and the players that do, will use it. your accolades will be even greater if an auto was added :o You get to brag that "I farmed this on MANUAL"
When you have a full time job and kids, an auto option becomes much much more important...
I think one of the best things they can do is go back and remaster some old singularities writing wise.
I share Khadroth’s opinion on pity where its high because we usually get large amounts of free quartz we can acquire. Pity gets lower then the amount of free quartz we get will also decrease. Which to me isn’t a good trade off.
An auto/sweep function would be nice especially for lottos but I also feel like they would drastically reduce currency is you did that.
We do get a lot of free quartz but the pity not being repeatable or extending to all banners doesn't make sense to me. They will not lose money doing this :o And honestly, they'll probably gain more!
@@ChaldeaGurus I do agree with you about that. Pity should kick in more than once and either be carried on to other banners or a different banner for that character.
Also Limited servant USOs. I don’t know if you know this but Ryou Emerald just found out that you can only use USOs for a limited servant once. Not once per banner, but just one time in general. Which is just awful. But I feel like that system is so old that it won’t ever be touched or retooled sadly.
Another thing I would like to see is random rate ups for Story locked servants. This Consort Yu banner in NA is her last rate up to date. Queen of Sheba gets her final rate up to date later in the year. How are we supposed to get more coins and copies for some of these servants if they don’t get rateups for multiple years?
I have to disagree with auto. (I know people are gonna rage at me without thinking about what I'm actually trying to say about the root cause of the issue. I Acknowledge there's an issue)
Now I get it, people are tired of grinding in any of these games.
But I think people miss the issue, and are looking to stick a bandaid on a broken leg.
Think about it, why do we have grind? To waste time, for filler, to make up for a lack of gameplay variety and interesting mechanics.
And I'm speaking broadly to games in general. I love FGO, I enjoy the combat and messing around trying new teams.
But every game I've played that had auto, I got bored with. People say "then don't use auto"... then I'm left with a boring grind. Because with auto, companies make the games even moreeeee grindy to make up for the player not engaging with the game as they're letting the game do it itself. So instead they make it waste more time.
I think the solution isn't auto. Instead it should be something that makes players want to do the whole, I don't know, gaming aspect of your game.
Less grind, more varied combat and more rewards for that combat. Having the variety of combat that makes you engaged with the game. They could be slightly longer fights, with changing mechanics through the fight and give you more rewards or example. That's just me spit balling. But I really feel auto is a solution to a self imposed problem, one that doesn't engage with the inherent flaw with modern game design.
When I grew up, if a game was as grindy as they are now, they would be slaughtered. And this is talking to all types of games and systems. Now its just accepted. "Oh the game is boring aka grindy, let's just have the game play itself." It makes little sense to me, if you're willing to take a step back and realise you want to play a game. And what is the reason behind the grind, what people grind for.
Now, if all you want is instant gratification and bragining rights without playing, I suppose that's something. But I'd rather improve the enjoyment of the game.
Myself, unless it's a Lotto, I don't find the game a grind. But I understand others do. And I'd rather they address the balance of gameplay and reward. Something that injects more fun into the game, than simply put it on auto and let my phone do it itself for ten minutes per battle. Wasting my battery and time for example.
In general I agree, pity needs fixing. Big style.
But as I said in twitter, I would like more game play things to improve the game and give you more to play with. Communication, pity, etc, are indeed things that need to be addressed, but I think having more stuff to enjoy would be good.
You're absolutely right about grindy games being DoA in the past. I remember a time where if it was too repetitive, those games got a negative score a lot. Nowadays, seems people accept that grinding is apart of the game for better or worse.
I agree too that the game needs more things that the player wants to engage in. To clarify as well: With auto, the way Arknights uses it, you have to beat the node first and THEN you can auto it. So for farming it'd be ideal later on but you still gotta do it one time on your own.
Appreciate the comment on twitter and the videos~ ^O^ Glad we can have this type of discussion without insults or jabs.
Couldn't agree more, they just want instant gratification with their auto games and such.
I mean why play the game in the first place if you're just going to have itself play it, do something else instead.
But point taken with the rewards for each runs could be improve as those at end game is the crux of all things 😄🤣
@ChaldeaGurus No worries! I think too many people can't see a discussion as a discussion. I'm not flinging any hate or arguing, but having a general discussion on the topic. So thank you for being so open to the conversation ^^.
Regarding that kind of auto farm, I can kind of get being that. But I also feel that plays into the problem of using up all yoru AP and then having nothing to do.
I admit I haven't played AK. Tower Denfense is not my jam. So I can't speak to the AP aspect and how much it uses or anything. If you could enlighten me, I'd appreciate it.
Though I do worry, you use up all your AP and your done in 3 minutes and then have nothing to do with the game.
The aspect I mentioned of a base system on twitter (inspired by ZTL taking about AK in honesty), that auto farms resources linked wirh more varied combat/higher payout of post battle materials I think would be good. As you can instead focus on playing through events/story with (hopefully) more interesting mechanics. At least, that's my feelings on it.
Though I do agree that for new comers and for F2P, relying on what units you have for a base mode might not be as accessible. So maybe finding a nice middle ground between the auto Farm you recommend and a base mode.
Or outside of using AP up farming, give us something like I mentioned in the tweet also. Like hang outs, dates, something to interact with our servants more. As once you use up all the My Room dialogue, the illusion of this super interesting living character instantly dies. I wish there was more we could do with them, and if we had that, when we use up AP on the auto farm we can turn to do these more chill fun things wirh the servants instead of combat/farming.
But again, that's just me letting my mind run amoke.
@cruxsaveall9706 Thanks ^^. I do hope they would one day address the main issue regarding rewards.
Ofcourse, I'm not expecting a completely easy ride. More interesting and difficult fights, less of them, but higher rewards.
I'd like a fight that has a fair difficulty balance, so all kinds of accounts can play. But keeps you engaged and you need to pay attention. Then when it's over you get a lot more resources.
I'd rather have one 3 minute fight that's fun, than say 9 or whatever go arounds of 3 turn grinding. Though I may be just speaking for myself there (and just throwing out numbers).
Totally agree with you
They cant hear you over the sound of the millions per banner they get
That doesn't mean you can't still talk about it =)
I'd rather like them not change the pity system.
Here is the thing that modern "gachas" don't have gacha, they just sell characters for 25-300$ at NP1(0). They make the game in a way that pushes players to spend on battlepasses and subscriptions every "patch". Basicaly modern "gachas" are using subscription model which is more accessible for more players. But here lays the biggest problem which - it makes players easier to spend money for bunch of pixels, and also it works even better on minors. This system works well for companies, but for players it's a big L in a long run.
On the other hand FGO's high paywall literaly makes any player to think twice or more about if they really want to spend money. If you know you would throw money in a void - less motivation to pay for pixels, and more chanсes kid's ass to taste dad's belt for spending on pixels. And if player really-really-really-really want and needs character option is still here.
And if pity will be reworked in a way it works in "modern gachas", you can be sure, whole game economy would get an overhaul just to increase games income.
Not to say that FGO has better rates 80/20, not a fcking 0.001%/99.999 to get rate up character.
Don't forget that FGO releases a lot more characters then modern "gachas".
The only exception in this rule is PGR, which iirc changed it's gacha system at the release to the most player friendly, where active player even can't lose in gacha and don't have any reason to pay, because rate up is 100%, pity is low, schedule made in a way every active player would get enough currency to get character and sig. weapon. And thats why PGR has very low income.
I totally agree about binding accounts, autoplay, but first chapters has tto be rewritten. FGO was great Turas Réalta manga and they can just use it for new script.
But all this isn't core problems of what makes FGO not interesting to play in 2024 and later. It's still 2015 game at it's core, and it has to be changed. It's UI, it's logic for operating in whole different tabs, 2015 restrictions on leveling with just 20 cards per use, whole bunch of screens for leveling, upgrades, etc., ridiculous amount of filters for the sake of more filters. Also it's 2024 and we still are locked with mobile client only. They could have already done PC, console clients to reach even more people. And there is much more they can improve and do better without releasing a new game.
As much as i agree that fgo needs to improve in the 1st place. Remember, unlike nikke, hsr, gi, wuhwa, etc, fgo is purely a japanese gacha game and it focus more on VN, rather than gameplay.
Here is the thing, muvluv dimensions is a gacha game, based from muvluv VN. I think its still popular in japan but not like fate since its mecha/vs alien themed game. But it has account bind system, etc.
Being a JP game, while helping understand why they do things, doesn't mean we can't suggest or criticize the game we love. IF anything, the fact that CN gacha games are doing better than a homegrown JP one is very telling.
According to what I've seen, as well, FGO is present but not as large in JP as we may think.
That can change
@@ChaldeaGurus and remember, Our opinions are the same because we are global players who plays NA and JP server. Japanese players who plays JP server may have a different opinion.
Number 1 improvement: *cough* the gacha itself
Imagine what if grail front was actually test for pvp in the future?
It probably was. They continually ask the players about PVP elements in surveys they run every year, and we have to vocally reject them as a group every year.
They probably want something like PVP to work in FGO like it works in Epic Seven, but the thing is FGO is even more asymmetrical. Our damage is scaled for the giant health pools we deal with from enemies. Any system would boil down to who strikes first.
It's easy to feel like the developers don't understand this.
They should start doing crossover Collab
Hey man! I would love to have a discussion with you about your ways to improve FGO. Because I (respectfully) disagree with some of them. Hit me up man!
Sure! We can discuss details on discord =)
The best thing we can do is stop spending money until these improvements occur. It seems that the only way lasengle will even considerlistening to us.
This could also backfire though and they stop their FGO production. Which I don't want.
A skip function or something to make leveling servants easier. Also, make it easier to level craft essences because who is really doing that craft essence bomb system in the year of our Lord 2024.
Oh right also PC Client when?!???!?
make normal pity system for god sake
Yeah, on the last point I think Ufotable and Aniplex are still a little apprehensive about input from the West ever since the whole Emiya Alter BS which had all of our games media outlets trying to accuse the franchise of blackface.
They still give us surveys so they are still looking for our opinion. But they treat JP players the same. You only get updates in magazines or when they decide to let us know themselves.
what bug was it that pekora found?
During the tutorial, the support servant's damage was nerfed by a large amount. a Max out 120 Gil only did 700 damage to a low level mob
FGO desperately needs a battle skip/ batch farm feature given how heavy grind locked events are 😅
Never gonna happen, np looping would become instantly irrelevant if they introduced any type of battle skip feature. The big name farming loopers would instantly lose a lot of their worth
How would those units lose worth?
@ChaldeaGurus the entire point of the "3 turn looping" system is based around being able to clear the stage as fast as possible, the introduction of a full on "beat this once and you can skip it" function a la, say, Blue Archive, would essentially cause the entire loop farming meta to collapse since there would no longer be any point to prioritizing three turn clears via big name loopers supported by Castoria/Koyan/Skadi/etc. A lot of the gameplay appeal of Servants like Spishtar, Summer Okitan, Mélusine, etc relies on their status as top tier farmers.
As an example, if FGO had introduced battle skips in, say, 1st anni, when Skadi premiered in 2018 and it became possible to 3 turn farm with Dantes and Zerkerlot, the player's reaction wouldn't be "holy crap these guys are now the best Servants in the game, they can farm SO MUCH!," it would now be "huh, cool I guess".
@@ChaldeaGurus Yeah especially since alot of bosses now have reinforcements so loopers still have a use in those fights
Wow, this video made me realize that this game has had zero improvements technically. ZERO! If there are no animes, what are they doing with the money? I feel scammed!
they always like this for a long time, before fgo there is tsukihime (if you said zero improvement for fgo, idk what tsukihime improvement you will call) it always story focus game ( to many complicated exposition) vn type shit. never really tried or they just never tried to expanse their fandom not like any gacha game. for them player loyalty far more important (too squished more money you know in operation its better to have stabile revenue stream than boom revenue they got 5-12 mil per week compare that to any open world RPG who could produce 3-4 times more depend on banner hype) yeah genshin its more popular right now but with that kind of graphic how much money to maintain the server and other thing compared back to fgo that literally just a fuckin slide. and the money you ask go to where it goes back to investor. japan corpo really much known for their "kindness" to investor. that is why warren buffet invest so big in that country of zombie corpos. the ups was super generous to big investor.
Auto Battle is a terrible idea but the rest of your points are great!