THE FLUTE COURSE IS OUT! Find the course at Learn the Flute with The Flute Channel's Amelie Brodeur. If you're a beginner these courses will help you master Tone, Breathing, Posture, Sight-Reading, Rhythm and more. This 15 lesson course will start any new flutist on the right track, even if you're starting up from a long hiatus it can be a good refresher.
I’m one of those kids in band that plays the rare instruments in band like the piccolo, and I play bass clarinet so I practically get to sit by like no one at all
@@adolfovillegas6249 It's a bit more uncommon than you think, especially when you compare it to any section that isn't oboes/bassoons. In college or the professional world, perhaps they're more common, but they're not super common in high school, with 2 at best, and none at worst.
im not a play an instrument but i can hear the cheaper piccolo's has a faint air sound with each note.. while the more expensive one you just hear the note. but for the price it would do as a good starter/travel instrument i guess.
I think that the difference between cheap and professional picollo is way more audible. And when playing picollo there is always problem with tuning and stuff so in my opinion when you want to buy picollo (but not a professional one) you should consider for instance Yamaha YPC32 👏
Totally it is very audible in these examples. Problem is for many is that the YPC-32 is over budget for many people. Im surprised and pretty happy options likes this are available.
Of course it is a great option for a forming marching band or those who have a low budget. But usually before you start playing picollo, you'd probably played for couple years on flute. And if you take it seriously you should better save up for a better one. But for example me, i am playing the mentioned Yamaha 32 and i have it just lent from our music school and i play in orchestra on it. 👏
Yes and no Andrej, in America especially wind band (high school) and college marching bands some start off on the piccolo. Which is great. Another sad problem is even school music programs don't have the budget for new instruments, so they would rather play music that doesn't require a certain instrument than get an expensive piccolo. I wish I had a school lend me a nice piccolo like that 32 or 62.
I agree - the key action on the cheap piccolo's is noticeable. I bought a cheap hot pink piccolo to play in field band and the key action is much stiffer than my Haynes. I haven't made many adjustments but she demonstrated similarly esp. with the trills.
The Yamaha has a clearer tone, but that’s to be expected for something not intended for beginners. The cheaper alternatives, like you have said, are great for people just starting on piccolo and they aren’t as responsive to weather like the wooden one, so you could spend more time practicing rather than tuning at least until your ear develops at least, and until you’ll be able to just tell if something sounds off. So that really great. It’s always the little nuances for some one trained though, that can make or break an instrument, metaphorically of course.
Legends say that if you say a youtubers name, you will be pinned The Flute Channel The Flute Channel The Flute Channel BTW I am going to a festival today and I’m a middle school band, but we r competing against only high schools and I have a solo on flute, wish me luck
The tone quality on the professional piccolo is more clear and full and it doesn’t look like the player has to put a lot of strain into getting the notes out which can be seen in the cheaper piccolos. Even so, beautiful playing on every instrument!
Thanks for the video. I was really looking forward for this. It is nice to know we have an option to get some experience on playing piccolo on an inexpensive instrument.
This video I could (surprisingly) tell the difference in sound between the three piccolos. The silver Eastar sounded better than the Nickel (a bit more resonant). The wood definitely had a "less screechy" sound to it, more fluid and consistent in notes. However as you've pointed out in your video, the cheaper piccolos are good for beginners since they are playable and don't cost a mint. One has to start somewhere and at least the cheap piccolos work. That's good to know. Thank you for the video. : )
So my band teacher asked me if I wanted to play the piccolo and I was so happy because I’ve always wanted to try a new instrument because I'm already advanced in flute
1. Stars and Stripes Forever (John Philip Sousa) 2. Beethoven Orchestra no. 5 (i didn’t even read any comments before i posted this one, so chill i didn’t copy y’all don’t come for me i just know music😊)
when i was in 6th grade, i wanted to play flute, but they never taught me the right technique. so i didnt do band. now that im in high school i wish i wouldve stayed because i love piccolos. it makes me sad and i regret not doing it.
When I was in marching band in high school I used the cheapest picc that would play to avoid using my Haynes piccolo (Santa was good to me in high school!). I think this is the same thing. Stars and Stripes by Sousa Symphony #5 last movement. Just played both last month. Did I cheat??
I dont see the need to spend $3000 on a piccolo I have the pearl flute piccolo that only costed me $1200 and I honestly prefer mine over a wooden one. Also I can play it outside without worrying about cracks.
Warning!!! I actually had a student that asked for some piccolo help. She had the silver plated Eastar. I did think that it was pretty responsive but the pitch was very flat. We had tried to push in as much as possible and still was about 10 cents under. The cork was where it needed to be. After a few minutes of fiddling around with it, the instrument was finally closer to pitch. The A was about 2 or 3 cents flat. (This is with the piccolo still pushed in all the way) If you get this piccolo (or any piccolo), make sure that you check intonation.
Ahh the piccolo! I like the way they sounds but I only practice at home so I think the should would drive my mom crazy! 😂 maybe i will get one next year
damn, the difference between these and the $3000 piccolo is night and day. Great videos btw, I decided I wanted to learn how to play a small instrument as a hobby, something I could carry around with me, and i've been looking at piccolos and flutes. I'll probably get the eastar flute from amazon.
In my jazz group theres 2 flute solos currently and our concert is in less than 2 weeks. I play clarinet and sax, but my clarinet part lines up with the flutes so im here for moral support.
Wow, this is the first Ive actually heard a differance. I have a very untrained ear and do not play instruments (just a casual enjoyer) and I saw the cheap flute comparison and they sound the same. The cheap vs yamaha piccilo sound totally differant to me. But I like how you actually commented on people wanting these cheap alternatives because they dont even know if they like playing the instrument yet. Great video!
I played the movement of the Beethoven symphony No.5 you played in an after school high school orchestra. I play violin tho but I was principle seconds. It was really fun
It's 2 am and I've never even played any type of flute. Also I've got to get up super early tomorrow so I'm really wondering what I'm watching this for. Anyway nice video!
I am currently playing the Tin Whistle and loving it. I'm slowly moving onto the Fife and eventually the Piccolo. The only thing is I play with my dominant hand on top (Right handed). I shall have to correct it sooner than later if I wanna play such a wonderful sounding instrument!
I'm surprised I thought the silver plate would be better but I found the nickel one sounded better! I might be buying the nickel one soon :) always wanted to learn to play the piccolo but they were always too expensive but 85$ is a good price :)
i play clarinet, and the a flat clarinet (piccolo clarinet) is so rare, the only one i could find was about $3,500. i wish they were more common, because tiny instruments are just so cute.
:) Played that in high school marching band. Played that excerpt as part of a Sousa medley last year....after 30 years of not playing it LOL Have you tried the Nuvo plastic flute? I've been thinking of getting one since my band does a few outdoor performances and sometimes it rains. I was using my old Artley flute as an outdoor flute but at the last parade it lost a cork so it needs to be repaired (actually it needs an overhaul...the flute is older than I am). I've heard the Nuvo is waterproof and can be played in the rain without worry of damaging the pads. I'd love to see a review if you do one.
The pads are odd to get used to. Ideally I’d recommend one of of the Guo flutes for waterproof because the mechanism is MUCH better feeling. I mean I still use and love my Guo but it’s not for very flashy music
If I didn’t already have a Yamaha, I would be playing a Guo full time. The Nuvo would work for just 1-2 times a year. I recommend checking eBay for a used one; I got mine for like $80
This brings me back to my piccolo days and I suddenly want to get back into playing it; I abandoned it for flute and then eventually bass flute but I still play both.
Is it hard to transfer between piccolo and the normal flute? I played flute for a few years and now my high school band had so many flute that it's really hard to get in... And older students that learns longer get better choices...
1. Stars and Stripes. John Philip Sousa. 2. Beethoven's 5th. Last movement. Piccolo gets to sit out the rest of the piece but it is worth it! Well done. ;)
It’s really impressive to hear them play that well! I was always warned off very cheap flutes and pics when I got my first flute, but my eBay bargain served me well till I got my current flute! I recently started on piccolo, but really struggling with my very old Yamaha 32 - with its age it’s hard to tell if it’s me or the pic!
THE FLUTE COURSE IS OUT! Find the course at Learn the Flute with The Flute Channel's Amelie Brodeur. If you're a beginner these courses will help you master Tone, Breathing, Posture, Sight-Reading, Rhythm and more. This 15 lesson course will start any new flutist on the right track, even if you're starting up from a long hiatus it can be a good refresher.
Send one to me as well. 😊
Ah, two classic tunes!
* Stars & Stripes Forever, by John Philip Souza
* 5th Symphony, 4th movement, Beethoven
Giveaway please!
Fan from Canada
You got it Jason! Nice! thanks for watching!
Well in my marching band all the flutes do fight over the two only piccolos sooooo u have too many right we have too little
3:41 something fell off the piccolo
ha! ya piece of styrofoam from packaging we didn't see before!
I don't see it 😅
Probably spit!
Jassy Productions! Calm down. Jeez. You don’t have to be salty.
Probably a swrew
I’m one of those kids in band that plays the rare instruments in band like the piccolo, and I play bass clarinet so I practically get to sit by like no one at all
Jacob McCarthy bass clarinet isn’t uncommon
Adolfo Villegas yea but not a lot of kids play it sooo i kinda sit wherever i want because i don’t have a section😂💀
Adolfo for a middle school band it’s pretty uncommon
@@adolfovillegas6249 It's a bit more uncommon than you think, especially when you compare it to any section that isn't oboes/bassoons. In college or the professional world, perhaps they're more common, but they're not super common in high school, with 2 at best, and none at worst.
Same I play the oboe
the one dislike is the amazon piccolo
1. Stars and Stripes Forever by John Philip Sousa.
2. Beethoven Symphony No.5
such a popular march
I play the clarinet but I think flutes are cool too 🤗🙃
I play the flute but i think clarinets are cool too :)
BlueRaccoon_:3 same
Minnie *Gacha* same
Minnie *Gacha* omggg totally agreed cause i been playing clarinet and everytime i saw someone play the flute i’ll be hype af
Why am I here, I have homework to do, it’s the middle of the night, and I play string instruments.
Thanks anyway UA-cam for the recommendation
thank you for watching!
*weird flex but okay*
3000 dollars!
Pretty cool! I play clarinet myself, but the first chair flute in my school is saving up for a piccolo. Sent this to her!
your awesome thanks for doing that!
im not a play an instrument but i can hear the cheaper piccolo's has a faint air sound with each note.. while the more expensive one you just hear the note. but for the price it would do as a good starter/travel instrument i guess.
i cant hear now so i can’t tell the difference
Thanks Emily you're a good flute player and piccolo player got the got 2 piece sliver plated piccolo epc2s
I think that the difference between cheap and professional picollo is way more audible. And when playing picollo there is always problem with tuning and stuff so in my opinion when you want to buy picollo (but not a professional one) you should consider for instance Yamaha YPC32 👏
Totally it is very audible in these examples. Problem is for many is that the YPC-32 is over budget for many people. Im surprised and pretty happy options likes this are available.
Of course it is a great option for a forming marching band or those who have a low budget. But usually before you start playing picollo, you'd probably played for couple years on flute. And if you take it seriously you should better save up for a better one. But for example me, i am playing the mentioned Yamaha 32 and i have it just lent from our music school and i play in orchestra on it. 👏
Yes and no Andrej, in America especially wind band (high school) and college marching bands some start off on the piccolo. Which is great. Another sad problem is even school music programs don't have the budget for new instruments, so they would rather play music that doesn't require a certain instrument than get an expensive piccolo. I wish I had a school lend me a nice piccolo like that 32 or 62.
@@flutechannel I bought my YPC-32 brand new for $450, but that was over 20 years ago.
I agree - the key action on the cheap piccolo's is noticeable. I bought a cheap hot pink piccolo to play in field band and the key action is much stiffer than my Haynes. I haven't made many adjustments but she demonstrated similarly esp. with the trills.
The Yamaha has a clearer tone, but that’s to be expected for something not intended for beginners. The cheaper alternatives, like you have said, are great for people just starting on piccolo and they aren’t as responsive to weather like the wooden one, so you could spend more time practicing rather than tuning at least until your ear develops at least, and until you’ll be able to just tell if something sounds off. So that really great. It’s always the little nuances for some one trained though, that can make or break an instrument, metaphorically of course.
Legends say that if you say a youtubers name, you will be pinned
The Flute Channel
The Flute Channel
The Flute Channel
BTW I am going to a festival today and I’m a middle school band, but we r competing against only high schools and I have a solo on flute, wish me luck
good luck!
Good luck I know how you feel
The Flute Channel Thank you so much, we got 3rd in an intermediate high school division and I got a solo award so not to shabby.
Music Love thank you so much for the support, we didn’t do too bad💛
Zoe Ronnau That’s is amazing for a middle school band great job!!❤️❤️❤️
as a flute player in band, this is really cool! you’re really good at the piccolo, and probably amazing at the flute aswell! keep up the good work! ❤️
Legends say that if you say a youtubers name, you will bee pinned
The Flute Channel
The Flute Channel
The Flute Channel
Did it work?
Gacha Dark yeah 😂😂
whoops unpinned
I have the same piccolo as her, very good model 😊
0:01 wow for a moment I tought those are some long arms lol
It is Sousa!!!! Stars and Stripes Forever is the piece, and that part is the iconic and recognizable piccolo soli or solo.
That famous Piccolo solo from John Philip Sousa's The Stars and Stripes Forever. Easily the most iconic part of any march ever written.
At 4:12 composer is Beethoven, 5th symphony 4th movement 😀
Nice Ernesto!
I m in a military band i playing both flute & piccolo"the wooden piccolo sounds better
My flute teacher have the Yamaha piccolo and it sounds beautiful
Thanks so much for the piccolo demonstrations. I always wanted one and just bought a similar one on ebay. Thanks always for sharing.
The tone quality on the professional piccolo is more clear and full and it doesn’t look like the player has to put a lot of strain into getting the notes out which can be seen in the cheaper piccolos. Even so, beautiful playing on every instrument!
Thanks! Also thanks for watching!
I play the flute in my school and the only boy and I am the top one of my class
Darren Zheng me too
as a piccolo player i recognized stars and stripes forever immediately 😭😭💞💞
Can you please try out the mendini resin piccolos that are on Amazon? Please and thank you!!
Thanks for the video. I was really looking forward for this. It is nice to know we have an option to get some experience on playing piccolo on an inexpensive instrument.
totally for just seeing if you like it or not, it's quite inexpensive.
This video I could (surprisingly) tell the difference in sound between the three piccolos. The silver Eastar sounded better than the Nickel (a bit more resonant). The wood definitely had a "less screechy" sound to it, more fluid and consistent in notes. However as you've pointed out in your video, the cheaper piccolos are good for beginners since they are playable and don't cost a mint. One has to start somewhere and at least the cheap piccolos work. That's good to know. Thank you for the video. : )
I like piccolo so much🥰
So my band teacher asked me if I wanted to play the piccolo and I was so happy because I’ve always wanted to try a new instrument because I'm already advanced in flute
Kj A similar thing happened to me recently ! I hope you enjoy playing piccolo as well 😊
Which Piccolo did you end up buying? xD
Piccolo reminds me a lot of Disney
This makes me want to pull out my piccolo and start playing it at 12am
1. Stars and Stripes Forever (John Philip Sousa)
2. Beethoven Orchestra no. 5
(i didn’t even read any comments before i posted this one, so chill i didn’t copy y’all don’t come for me i just know music😊)
you got it!
The first excerpt is from "the stars and stripes forever"....
But the second one I do not know... Awesome video! Loved it!
Yes!! I remember suggesting this!!!!!!!
STARS AND STRIPES WE are literally playing this rn for our spring concert
I only know the first piece, which is that one piccolo solo from Stars and Stripes Forever by John Philip Sousa
Thats right! The other is Beethoven Symphony No.5
Stars and stripes forever. My dad is in the Navy band and plays this.
when i was in 6th grade, i wanted to play flute, but they never taught me the right technique. so i didnt do band. now that im in high school i wish i wouldve stayed because i love piccolos. it makes me sad and i regret not doing it.
You can still learn!
I’m not sure who the composer was but the song is called “Stars and Stripes Forever”
John Philip Sousa "Phone"
wooden piccolo was the best in my opinion. you couldnt hear the air she is blowing into it compared to the others
When I was in marching band in high school I used the cheapest picc that would play to avoid using my Haynes piccolo (Santa was good to me in high school!). I think this is the same thing.
Stars and Stripes by Sousa
Symphony #5 last movement. Just played both last month. Did I cheat??
no cheating at all! good job and thanks for sharing!
I dont see the need to spend $3000 on a piccolo I have the pearl flute piccolo that only costed me $1200 and I honestly prefer mine over a wooden one. Also I can play it outside without worrying about cracks.
I would like to try the pearl again. I'm happy that you like your current piccolo! Happy practicing!
Warning!!! I actually had a student that asked for some piccolo help. She had the silver plated Eastar. I did think that it was pretty responsive but the pitch was very flat. We had tried to push in as much as possible and still was about 10 cents under. The cork was where it needed to be. After a few minutes of fiddling around with it, the instrument was finally closer to pitch. The A was about 2 or 3 cents flat. (This is with the piccolo still pushed in all the way) If you get this piccolo (or any piccolo), make sure that you check intonation.
Exactly! And in the video we mention it as well. I had to adjust quite a bit to compensate.
@The Flute Channel
The first piece is stars and stripes forever by John Philip Sousa
The second is by Beethoven, not sure what piece tho
I play the flute, but it's really old and I think I may need a new one. Do you know any good brands
@Bill Gates thanks Bill!
Ahh the piccolo! I like the way they sounds but I only practice at home so I think the should would drive my mom crazy! 😂 maybe i will get one next year
It’s the piccolo solo from Stars and Stripes Forever by John Phillip Sousa! One of my favorites! The other is Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5.
now i know what is the feeling of sitting next to a piccolo
damn, the difference between these and the $3000 piccolo is night and day.
Great videos btw, I decided I wanted to learn how to play a small instrument as a hobby, something I could carry around with me, and i've been looking at piccolos and flutes. I'll probably get the eastar flute from amazon.
In my jazz group theres 2 flute solos currently and our concert is in less than 2 weeks. I play clarinet and sax, but my clarinet part lines up with the flutes so im here for moral support.
Wow, this is the first Ive actually heard a differance. I have a very untrained ear and do not play instruments (just a casual enjoyer) and I saw the cheap flute comparison and they sound the same. The cheap vs yamaha piccilo sound totally differant to me.
But I like how you actually commented on people wanting these cheap alternatives because they dont even know if they like playing the instrument yet. Great video!
Glad it was helpful Rachel.
Your $3,000 piccolo costs more than my double bass
You are the best channel in the world
I was thinking about cyrus the great March because it had that scale run and trilled, but it's in the wrong key. It is familiar.
Omg ur so good! I play the flute in advanced middle school band and hearing you play is truly inspiring!👍
aww thanks! glad to have you here! Happy practicing and thanks for watching!
Teacher! Your channel is fantastic
Thank you! 😃
@@flutechannel teacher I play clarinet in braziliam army band but I developed Much like at flute
Its embocadure is very hard
But I will improve
Amiga.. regálame la que no vayas a usar.. toca flauta y no poseo una propia. *Gracias*
I played the movement of the Beethoven symphony No.5 you played in an after school high school orchestra. I play violin tho but I was principle seconds. It was really fun
It's 2 am and I've never even played any type of flute. Also I've got to get up super early tomorrow so I'm really wondering what I'm watching this for. Anyway nice video!
aww thanks for watching!
Shoutouts to the second violinists who are half deaf from having a piccolo played directly into their ears. XD
I am currently playing the Tin Whistle and loving it. I'm slowly moving onto the Fife and eventually the Piccolo. The only thing is I play with my dominant hand on top (Right handed). I shall have to correct it sooner than later if I wanna play such a wonderful sounding instrument!
I'm surprised I thought the silver plate would be better but I found the nickel one sounded better! I might be buying the nickel one soon :) always wanted to learn to play the piccolo but they were always too expensive but 85$ is a good price :)
super happy to hear! Ya the nickel blew us away on price. Thanks for watching btw!
Stars and Stripes!!!! Sounds wonderful
Stars and stripes?
Hi I love your channel I play flute in my band you are a huge inspiration 🙏
i play clarinet, and the a flat clarinet (piccolo clarinet) is so rare, the only one i could find was about $3,500. i wish they were more common, because tiny instruments are just so cute.
3:39 what song is are you playing?
Stars and Stripes Forever composed by John Phillip Sousa
:) Played that in high school marching band. Played that excerpt as part of a Sousa medley last year....after 30 years of not playing it LOL
Have you tried the Nuvo plastic flute? I've been thinking of getting one since my band does a few outdoor performances and sometimes it rains. I was using my old Artley flute as an outdoor flute but at the last parade it lost a cork so it needs to be repaired (actually it needs an overhaul...the flute is older than I am). I've heard the Nuvo is waterproof and can be played in the rain without worry of damaging the pads. I'd love to see a review if you do one.
Not yet, hard to find them here.
The pads are odd to get used to. Ideally I’d recommend one of of the Guo flutes for waterproof because the mechanism is MUCH better feeling. I mean I still use and love my Guo but it’s not for very flashy music
@@zacharycoronado6749 I just looked up the Guo and they're waaaaay out of my price range for something that will get used maybe once a year.
If I didn’t already have a Yamaha, I would be playing a Guo full time.
The Nuvo would work for just 1-2 times a year. I recommend checking eBay for a used one; I got mine for like $80
@@zacharycoronado6749 I have been looking...need to take care of things first before actively looking for a "rainy day" flute :)
Stars and Stripes! It is my favourite March.
yay! thats right! Thanks for watching!
The first one is Stars and Stripes, I’m playing it on the piccolo for my band with my friend
Can you tell me if which is better?
A. Nickel Plated
B. ABS Resin
C. Silver Plated
Just for a marching band pla suggest me
Nickel plated was pretty good.
@@flutechannel how about the resin one? I kinda liked the style with black
That one was nice too!
@@flutechannel can i have a last question? 😅 which of those Piccolo has the best sound?
How are these compared to the EPC-3S that was also reviewed?
This brings me back to my piccolo days and I suddenly want to get back into playing it; I abandoned it for flute and then eventually bass flute but I still play both.
Gotta love them all. You should upload some bass flute! Can't say no to a bass flute!
The Flute Channel i’ll definitely consider it!
As a first piccolo would you recommend the eastar?
Of course
That's the Stars and Stripes Forever march, very easily recognizable as my favorite piece of music of all time.
I was looking for a woodwind to start off with. I want to learn so badly and entertain myself and meditate as well
might be worth a try!
Is it hard to transfer between piccolo and the normal flute? I played flute for a few years and now my high school band had so many flute that it's really hard to get in... And older students that learns longer get better choices...
🎶Male Flute Gang🎶
1. Stars and Stripes. John Philip Sousa. 2. Beethoven's 5th. Last movement. Piccolo gets to sit out the rest of the piece but it is worth it! Well done. ;)
Thanks Mary!
Of the two inexpensive pics I thought the silver plate sounded best.
Nice thanks for watching!
The 1st is Stars and Stripes pic solo
Yay! I am excited for piccolos I don't know why lol
I just got a $20 flute from an antique store, I know it’s closed hole but I am not sure if it has the b flat joint
Movement number 4 of “Symphony 5” (Beethoven)
what flutes and piccolos do you recommend for people who want to double on Flute for music theater
We made a great video called budget piccolo's for anyone. Take a look. Any of those will be more than enough. :)
I hear the whole sound clear... 🤔
4:12 Beethoven - Symphony 5 - 4nd movement, very good peace, but not beginning from the start here.
I bought a trumpet from eastar
I own the amazon one, but I love my school piccolo because it’s so much higher quality.
true unboxing - refreshing...
The composer is Beethoven and your playing is amazing! Keep it up
You got it! Thanks so much by the way!
Great video!!!!! Exactly what I was looking for😅❤
so happy to have you here!
Nice! Where can I buy that helping hands? Lol!
they are not cheap! :)
It’s really impressive to hear them play that well! I was always warned off very cheap flutes and pics when I got my first flute, but my eBay bargain served me well till I got my current flute! I recently started on piccolo, but really struggling with my very old Yamaha 32 - with its age it’s hard to tell if it’s me or the pic!
Maybe an overhaul might help?
I had a nickel flute as my first one and the button snapped apart :/