NOTE: This video was made weeks before the most recent trailer! So if new info that got revealed in that contradicts info in this vid please be kind about it. This vid was meant to be released on the 15th but was pushed to be early due to this new trailer. Secondly: Sorry i'm not responding to many comments. Im trying to avoid spoilers -even from deep analysis of the newest 4 min trailer and any new images from the jp website and i dont want to risk seeing spoilers commented. Also: Massive thank you to those who are adding warnings for their spoilery comments.
@@fryefried You're all good! Any kind of theory crafting is gonna get different opinions. So I should expect people to become passionate about the subject. and Im glad that theres passion!! The pinned comment wasn't directed at anyone particular just a general note that this vid was made before this most recent trailer/info thats being released. So it sucks that it released with already outdated information. But I just wanted to make sure people knew that before commenting :D Even if you despise the theories i presented I'm just happy you took the time to watch and engage with my stuff!
bdw just saing but in the fiels there is a line that suggests you unlock SPLATOON 2 square as reward and it makes sense but i think we will get wepon skins for wepons we can use it wuld just make sense
@@bestevil.yeah i was talking about agent 4. As they are seen at the main shadowy figure and could be a final boss of sorts. (similar to agent 3 in OE) The leader of whatever these shadowy figures are.
I totally agree. I think the "what would've happened if order thwarted chaos" is more meta rather than being so literal, referring to how side order's order theming resembles what Splatoon 3 would've looked like if team order won.
@@Xaos777 they are. they've been mentioned in the splatune interviews and extra content before, and those are canon. also after you complete return of the mammalians deep cut talks about opening for the squid sisters which was a reference to their upcoming first live show
Side Order is most likely canon, actually. It’s evident that the game takes place in a computer simulation of some sort as opposed to an alternate reality, and maybe what was meant was that a simulation of a world where Order won was created by someone, and that’s where the game takes place. There are also a ton of allusions to Side Order in Splatoon canon, like the dubiously canon concert and the definitively canon Splatune 3 interview. I don’t think Nintendo would put the DLC in a simulation if it were in a non-canon alternate universe, since there would be no reason to.
I thought I was the only one that legitimately got angry when other people say something proven wrong it’s happened so many times with the octoling hypnosis
17:41 another small detail that could be pointing to this is how this past splatoween there were hidden stickers of skeletal fish (like the side order enemies) that pointed towards the copy machine, this could be nothing but its definitely not out of character for the splatoon devs to have cheeky little hints like this EDIT: LMAO I COMMENTED BEFORE LETTING THE REST OF THE VIDEO PLAY still neat to make the same connection!!
I really hope the reward for beating Side Order is something more than just unlocking Inkopolis Square, I mean we could literally just go back to Splatoon 2 if we wanted to see it again. Hair tints and coloured fingertips would actually be something completely unique to get from Side Order to use in the multiplayer modes. At least we know we’re getting a new shopkeeper for the Square…
Yeah, like having the old splatoon 2 hub would be cool but it doesn't come near filling the shoes as playing as an octoling in splatoon 2. Not to mention that it's one of the weakest hubs out of the main three, I think that most fans would prefer new customizable options but we probably won't get that.
Honestly would hurt to see Marina be relegated to a 'damsel in distress' when it comes to Side Order. She deserves the agency. Would be interesting for the plotpoint of her choosing to stay in the Spire due to Sunk Coat Fallacy. She's probably spent a shit load of time and resources on something she clearly cares about for one reason or another (hopefully to help others). To me, it still fits her character to be wrapped up in her managing and repairing the Spire to where she might as well be trapped in an endless flow of Micromanaging the well oiled machine she made.
i really like most of this. except we have just about as much evidence to support it not being canon as we do it being canon. the "what would have happened if order won" quote you used may not have been entirely literal. and with the recent concert where marina says something about needing pearl's help with a project (witch is implied to be side order) i think it might be canon.
It’s definitely going to be canon, but I’m thinking it’s gonna take place in a simulation so 8 and Off the Hook actually experience everything but it’s all a digital VR like world you get stuck in. The real Inkopolis Square is just fine but someone created this colorless virtual world based on the square to run experiments in.
Something interesting: A pretty overlooked japanese Nintendo new year's commercial featured octolings with inkling hair. No clue if this is a mistake or if this might be our reward. I also want to note that being intelligent, even to a genius level, doesn't inherently make someone immune to manipulation Especially noting that in the Japanese version marina reads as much more naive and pliant. Which isn't a contradiction, plenty of people are both naive and intelligent. So marina being manipulated by a villain seems fairly plausible. Though personally I have no predictions, just going to wait and see.
Okay first things first this video is great, the art is adorable, the editing is very clean and smooth, and all of your points land. Except for one, you said it would kind of "funny" if Agent 4 didn't show up in Side Order due to how much everyone is "Hyping it up" but personally I think that'd be really depressing. Back when Splatoon 2 first came out people immediately starting "bullying" (as much as you can bully a fictional character) Agent 4 because they where just a rehash of Agent 3, which is untrue. Their *very* similar but if Agent 4 is just Agent 3.1 than that makes Neo Agent 3 Agent 4.1. Back on topic Agent 4 received quite a bit of negative comments and got barely any attention when they first debuted, this only increased after OE came out and ship Agent 24 nearly completely over shadowed Four. So now moving forward to ROTM some concept art for the game actually had Agent 4 in it, but as you know the final game comes out and Four is nowhere to be seen, meaning the only place we'll be able to see them now is Side Order. So if they don't show up then that means Nintendo got the hint, the fandom doesn't care for Agent 4 so there's no need to put them in the game. So to end my essay (sorry) I don't know how or why Agent 4 would be in Side Order, but they kind of have to be in order to keep the fandom from finally forgetting about them, I've noticed since that poster came out fanart and discussion around Four has increased which is great since it sucks to have a character in your story that nobody talks about and then you never use again. Alright final point, if it isn't Agent 4 then who is it? Maybe Pearl but I don't know why they'd put her on the poster twice. You even said this series likes mind control, so it's probably a brainwashed Agent 4, if not who else would it be? Anyone else would be weird.
Hold on, the fish are pointed *toward* the copy machine, right? Converging on it? The same way the fish enemies are converging on 8? Seeing some parallels here… Maybe the copy machine is an ally! Maybe it is somehow in the same situation as 8!
2:34 I think those red eyed inklings are a Boss on the floors, @NintendoLife played the dlc early and said something about watching someone else fighting some evil looking octolings as a boss.
If Side Order is not canon, I don't see Inkopolis Square being restored as an issue. I could see the player sleeping on the train to start the DLC anytime, like what was shown in the trailer. As for the access point? I have no idea.
SIDE ORDER SPOILERS (but not rlly bc this is literally on the Japanese version of the website) 7:23 speaking of this little scientist freak on the Japanese website for splatoon a few screenshots of side order were shown n this little scientist was among them! They seem to be some kind of shop keeper, presumably selling decorations, stickers, and other fun stuff (kinda like the grizzco store) in exchange for pearls but I rlly hope they aren’t *just* a shop keeper n have another purpose outside of that!! Also I heard it mentioned that they’re supposed to be a blue dream shrimp? No clue if that’s true or not but if it is it could be a little nod/coincidence pointing towards side order being a dream
I don’t think it’s not canon when they say “what if” they probably meant how in one of the trailers agent 3 was glitched into the world so it’s probably a simulation created with the setting being “what if sideorder won”
It is confirmed in an art book that Toni Kensa was close with Sheldon's grandfather, and we've never seen art of him (keep in mind the table turf card is someone wearing the brand not Toni himself). Makes me think about the color palette of the fishbone enmies...
honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the hair tints and fingertip tints are part of the reward, I doubt it'll be the like the main thing, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was something you could do
the way of getting back to side order could be similar to how you get back to the crater. Like the pearl drone could be laying around somewhere in the square, maybe near the entrance to octo valley or the deepsea metro.
6:30 there might be a way to replay side order similar to how you can revisit the rocket area of alterna if the plaza becomes revived maybe it’s something small like the plush by captain 3 in alterna
I think that the guy who created this vr world(i think dlc takes place in) is the genius crab/lobster that canonically made the lobby you que up for games in
I’m still kinda curious to see if glen fiddler is involved since he seems to have built the battle tower in splatsville and was strangely given a full 3D model in his sunken scroll despite only being a nothing character mentioned and seen a single time which is rather strange. He’s be unusual and new as a villain which could be fun and as a ceo he’d definitely have the funds and motive to attempt to enact order across inkopolis. Plus all we know about him is that he wanted to build the perfect battle experience in his tower, which sounds like what the tower of order could be seen as with its replayable challenges. Plus since he designed the lobby he probably created the copy machine too so that connection would also make sense if he was involved. The more I thought about it when writing this comment the more sense it made so that’s definitely my crazy theory even if others are probably more likely.
My theory is that this was always the plan, whatever side didn’t win would seem worse in the DLC I mean- I imagine if Order actually won, Splatoon 3 would take place in a cleanly utopia with a bit more uniformed fashion and more “professional” idols. And the side chaos DLC would be an anarchist ( or at least the general concept of anarchy lol ) hellscape.
If it is Marina (the Villian) my fist thought is (spoilers for Persona 5 Royal) Maruki. Maruki made a “perfect world” with good intentions. He genuinely tried to help despite it being unethical. He’s also pretty smart- being a certified therapist after all. So Marina being the Villain in the “paved the road to hell with good intentions” reason could work. But I’m down for a new Villain too! Excited to see- as it’s soon to release when posted.
healed version of splat 2 hub could have an added item near the tower saying "Relive Memories" allowing to play the single player again the item could be the pearl drone
I don't want tar tar to come back, he was a good boss and all, but it would be the same general focus of finding out who did it just for it to be tartar... again. It would also be kinda stupid cuz nobody was happy when octavio returned in splatoon 2.
Ngl, I have a theory that the enemies in side order are the dead body’s of salmonids brought to life with robotics, a robotic copy of salmonids, or like just salmonids if they conformed to order. That’s because of 1, enemies have had fucked up backstories before, the sanitized and fuzzy octolings are very screwed up in origin. 2, the save our salmons teaser from the days of splatoon 2 makes me wonder if that was a hint towards both single player campaigns featuring salmonids. And 3, cmon all the new enemies with a couple of new exceptions are literally just salmonid enemies. Theres smallfry, chum, cohawk, and stinger counterparts you can see in the trailers. I can bet that theres counterparts to all the salmonid enemies in side order.
20 minute video about Side Order theories? YES PLEASE! I really hope this is canon though, it would be highly disappointing if it wasn’t. To be honest that one sentence isn’t 100% confirmation
Also, I have a theory of how pearl could BE the drone. Remember that sumo wrestler octarian with a roller? And how his ghost/soul bounced in his “respawn” before exploding? Maybe the put a thing into the drone, ended pearl, and forced her consciousness to merge with the drone while still being in it
I'm not saying side order is necessarily canon, but it's also not necessarily not canon. The description simply says it's what would've happened if order won, however this could be just a way of describing the world, or even the way the villain decided the world to be. the villain made the simulation from the idea of team order winning. Ultimately there are like heaps of possibilities and there's no way to say one for certain
SPOILERS FOR SIDE ORDER 17:26 Rassicas confirmed that Pearl is physically inside the drone! (I can't remember where though, I think their tumblr)? Pearl is also meant to be based on a Pygmy Squid (aka the one of the smallest squids), so it makes sense for her to be able to fit within the drone in squid form.
I believe that Marina will definitely have some sort of “influence” (I use that with heavy quotes) because I think I’ve found a pattern. In the last splatfest first game (that being Callie or Marie) they said that your vote could change the future of the game or something like that, Marie won. Now fast forward to Splatoon 2 and Marie is looking for Callie with the help of Agent 4 in Octo Canyon but there’s something a bit different about it. Also in Splatoon 2 we got what was meant to be the final splatfest (Chaos vs Order) and Pearl’s (Chaos) team won, and now we’re playing as 8 working with Pearl looking for Marina in an area that looks the same but slightly different. Long story short I think the splatfests allow us to influence the future of the game but that’s just a theory mind you.
Okay my theory is that the shadow figures are like Pokemon admins, so bosses that work for the main villain, this inklings and octolings were drained of color, then as you battle them there soullessness breaks and they regain there personalities
I could see Glen Fiddler be the bad guy, Yumeebi (the dream shimp), Lil's Judd, or even Marigold. I could see Marina or Pearl getting corrupted. Looking at the trailer, a digital red face seems to have crossed eyes like Inkling idols
I think the way it would be able to be replayed after completing it will probably be by walking over to something that is a fragment of the past - like a piece of dead coral or something - and then with the option to “remember” it all, like what they did for replaying the storymode’s and octo expansion’s ending
I completely understand the want for a new villain in side order, but I really love TarTar and the heavy moral weight his existence carries. I love Grizz and TarTar being things left over from Humanity, lashing out in grief at humanity. Data-mining reveals that Marina’s ideal world of order would be everyone to get along. The only person she interacted with that was outwardly hostile and hateful was tartar. I have more thoughts but I’m not sure how to put them into an understandable paragraph. It makes total sense in my brain but then I right and down and delete it and right it down and delete it, etc etc. I hope my really vigorous neurodivergent brain waves about this reach you and you catch my drift
Ever since spaltoween i have thought the guy from sunken scroll 6 is the villain. He made the lobby and as you point out the skeleton fish go to the copy machine all of ehich he made
Did y’all notice the permanent upgrades menu has marina’s icon when you get upgrades? And the button says to “hack”, like marina can? Maybe she’s not captured at all idk
SPOILERS FOR SIDE ORDER IN THIS COMMENT from specifically nintendo life's video, he said that the inklings with the red eyes on the poster are actually are one of the bosses you can face! he said he saw someone else play against some (i think it was) "some shadow inklings" or something like that (I STILL HOPE AGENT 4 IS REAL BUT ITS SEEMING LESS PROBABLE 😭😭😭) also, about the coloured fingertips, from what (thatsrb2)dude said, they reflect the chips you have on your palette! he said he specifically had a run where he said a lot of lucky chips and his octoling had more lime green fingertips and hair!
Idk if it’s enough of a reward but every weapon playable in side order has a unique skin and I wouldn’t be surprised if we could unlock those for multiplayer
my theory is just that its an alternate world marina created after finalfest. a utopia, of sorts, a separate dimension where she could feel like her side one. maybe someone took over it?
(spoiler warning//customization) i cant remember from which trailer this is from but a transitional slide shows two octoling characters with different colors from agent 8 (they have vibrant colors that could fit into the multi player mode) but that could just mean our ink wont just be bleached out light colors... i just think i should be allowed to have hot chip fingers.
Eh, I think 8 is part of the NSS There's a lot official art of everyone from the 3 splatoon campagns (before Splatoon 3) hanging out, so we know they at the very least all know each other + before the final fight in OE, Cuttlefish says "World's about to blow-SQUIDBEAK, LET'S GO!" (at least in the english version) Oh and about that SO not being cannon: It 100% is lol I mean, for one, WHY WOULD OUR CHARACTER KNOW WHO 8 IS???
I think it would be cool if there was an antagonist who wasn't trying to recreate humanity, but rather recreate humanity. Wait what? Yes, that is two different motives, surprisingly enough. Tartar's motive was to recreate humanity in the sense of creating something new to inherit humanity's knowledge. This supposed villain I am proposing's goal would be to recreate humanity in a sense of turning a human into something that would fit into the world of Splatoon. It's not like there isn't the possibility of there being a sole surviving human, as we can see a Cryogenic chamber still active in one of Splatoon 2's sunken scrolls that isn't Judd's chamber or Lil' Judd's incubation chamber. Maybe the child of the original scientist could be inside? Tartar could be expanded as being built to ensure that the world their kid wakes up in a world just like the one they lost, and this secondary antagonist would be trying to turn this human into the new native life of Earth as a sort of fall-back plan in case Tartar failed?
if you mean sunken scroll 26, that is judds capsule. a janitor accidentally unplugged it and plugged it back in, creating lil judd, since as the proffesor said to judd on the next scroll 27 something like "if you ever feel lonely i ask you to turn your capsule on again" with a picture of lil judd and him as a tiny fetus baby
The only thing I really disagree on is the idea of side order not being canon. I think people are misinterpreting the description where it says "what would've happened if Order thwarted chaos" this doesn't necessarily mean that the DLC takes place in a non-canon alternate timeline or anything. It could be just that whoever is behind all this took over just the square and it's an example of what would have happened if it across the whole city. Or more likely (what I personally think is the case); it's some sort of Matrix-styled test world to simulate orders victory. Now if I end up being wrong, that's fine. But Nintendo doesn't really do this sort of, non-canon DLC thing, at least not that I can think of, at least not with Splatoon, so I don't see them starting now.
Every sense the anniversary splat fest Last year I have been on the rocks When it comes to splatoon, I have plans to boot up my old Wii U so I could play the original but I know that won't heal my hearts for the series. This is the last chance I get to have with the splatoon series.
The reason why side order isn't canon is probably 'cause in the Splatoon 3 trailer they said that After Alterna would be the last of the splatastic story mode (or something I don't remember) NOTE: THIS IS WHAT I THINK
how woud tartar change his ink it doesnt have the same pattern as the skeleton fishes does it? also about the agent 4 the shadows have pure red eyes and res eyes usually means bad so maybe they could be a boss or something and transform into something bigger my theory is that a bot like creature will be the main antagonist based off the tower having a face in the newest trailer
I feel like side order could introduce simulated worlds which is both very interesting and worrying. Because if not handled the best it sort of feels like at any future point they could go "oh this is the simulation version of this not the real one" Anyways yeah I hope the antagonists is someone completely new. But if there was a returning character it'd be kind of funny if it were mr grizz I mean who'd be there to stop him in this new world. Also assuming that this is a simulation kind of world am explanation for tar tar could be something like: before his death he uploaded his consciousness into the splatnet and his consciousness found a simulated version of the world so he went and corrupted all of it. That would be kind of eldrich horror but cool to fight something that is intigated into the world, but maybe if a fight was forced tar tar decides to take form of 4 to fight assuming there would have been a version of them in the base simulation. Idk dude I'm coming up with this tar tar stuff off the top of my head but it is a fun thought experiment
I'm sure you might have the expansion pass for splat 3(?) But I'll be sure to be back here to clear up any theories after I finish the expansion. (I have off the date of the release! So I'll speedrun it.)
I wanna know, is it all a dream like you said. Or are we in a simulation? I wanna say simulation because in splat 3 we’re playing as neo 3. So how would we know about agent 8, oth and such. And this also gives me a clue on what the enemy could be. Simulations have virus’s and they’re pretty harmful. What if the enemy is a virus. (Could also fit with splats brainwash stuff) maybe the virus is controlling the enemies. And in the newest trailer, there’s a glitchy orb. IM SO SMART
I played Hades which is a rougelike. I think they might stop us from finishing the game similarly. Hades spoilers ahed. In hades to finish the main story you need to get out of hell 10 times. You just always die after escaping. The resoning given is that Zagreus as a god from the underworld is unable to survive on the surface. I think they may do something similar like you escape but there is something that keeps sending you back a few times.
NOTE: This video was made weeks before the most recent trailer! So if new info that got revealed in that contradicts info in this vid please be kind about it. This vid was meant to be released on the 15th but was pushed to be early due to this new trailer. Secondly: Sorry i'm not responding to many comments. Im trying to avoid spoilers -even from deep analysis of the newest 4 min trailer and any new images from the jp website and i dont want to risk seeing spoilers commented.
Also: Massive thank you to those who are adding warnings for their spoilery comments.
@@fryefried You're all good! Any kind of theory crafting is gonna get different opinions. So I should expect people to become passionate about the subject. and Im glad that theres passion!! The pinned comment wasn't directed at anyone particular just a general note that this vid was made before this most recent trailer/info thats being released. So it sucks that it released with already outdated information. But I just wanted to make sure people knew that before commenting :D Even if you despise the theories i presented I'm just happy you took the time to watch and engage with my stuff!
bdw just saing but in the fiels there is a line that suggests you unlock SPLATOON 2 square as reward and it makes sense but i think we will get wepon skins for wepons we can use it wuld just make sense
Would like to theorize that the way you re enter side order is by the menu which is obvious and maybe the deep sea metro entrance in two
17:55 You know Pearl and Marina aren't agents right?
@@bestevil.yeah i was talking about agent 4. As they are seen at the main shadowy figure and could be a final boss of sorts. (similar to agent 3 in OE) The leader of whatever these shadowy figures are.
After the concert, I think is canon, just we dont know exactly what's happen
I totally agree. I think the "what would've happened if order thwarted chaos" is more meta rather than being so literal, referring to how side order's order theming resembles what Splatoon 3 would've looked like if team order won.
I think it could be hinting at it being a computer program thats not truly real but still happens
Concerts are not canon either though, humans are dead, and they are just a fun little non canon show for us
@@Xaos777 they are. they've been mentioned in the splatune interviews and extra content before, and those are canon. also after you complete return of the mammalians deep cut talks about opening for the squid sisters which was a reference to their upcoming first live show
Yeah I feel like it would be kinda odd if it isn’t canon but anything is possible, although I personally hope it is canon
8:51 “they may not want to make any of the main characters one of the villians” *insert Callie shaped hole in the wall*
The "little scientist looking freak" was confirmed to be a shopkeeper that sells locker decorations by the Japanese website
Side Order is most likely canon, actually. It’s evident that the game takes place in a computer simulation of some sort as opposed to an alternate reality, and maybe what was meant was that a simulation of a world where Order won was created by someone, and that’s where the game takes place. There are also a ton of allusions to Side Order in Splatoon canon, like the dubiously canon concert and the definitively canon Splatune 3 interview. I don’t think Nintendo would put the DLC in a simulation if it were in a non-canon alternate universe, since there would be no reason to.
I thought I was the only one that legitimately got angry when other people say something proven wrong it’s happened so many times with the octoling hypnosis
17:41 another small detail that could be pointing to this is how this past splatoween there were hidden stickers of skeletal fish (like the side order enemies) that pointed towards the copy machine, this could be nothing but its definitely not out of character for the splatoon devs to have cheeky little hints like this
EDIT: LMAO I COMMENTED BEFORE LETTING THE REST OF THE VIDEO PLAY still neat to make the same connection!!
I really hope the reward for beating Side Order is something more than just unlocking Inkopolis Square, I mean we could literally just go back to Splatoon 2 if we wanted to see it again. Hair tints and coloured fingertips would actually be something completely unique to get from Side Order to use in the multiplayer modes. At least we know we’re getting a new shopkeeper for the Square…
Plus people have been wanting hair tints for a long time seeing as a lot of OCs have them
Yeah, like having the old splatoon 2 hub would be cool but it doesn't come near filling the shoes as playing as an octoling in splatoon 2. Not to mention that it's one of the weakest hubs out of the main three, I think that most fans would prefer new customizable options but we probably won't get that.
@@anerdyrat I mean it'd be cool to see Pearl and Marina during splatfests again..
@@ChaoticMushy Thats a good point, I didnt even think of that lol.
Honestly would hurt to see Marina be relegated to a 'damsel in distress' when it comes to Side Order. She deserves the agency. Would be interesting for the plotpoint of her choosing to stay in the Spire due to Sunk Coat Fallacy. She's probably spent a shit load of time and resources on something she clearly cares about for one reason or another (hopefully to help others). To me, it still fits her character to be wrapped up in her managing and repairing the Spire to where she might as well be trapped in an endless flow of Micromanaging the well oiled machine she made.
i really like most of this. except we have just about as much evidence to support it not being canon as we do it being canon. the "what would have happened if order won" quote you used may not have been entirely literal. and with the recent concert where marina says something about needing pearl's help with a project (witch is implied to be side order) i think it might be canon.
I agree
I wish we got the hair tints and fingertips that would’ve been so cool
ik right 😭
@@CringeTown I thought we'd get a sanitized skin tone 😔
It’s definitely going to be canon, but I’m thinking it’s gonna take place in a simulation so 8 and Off the Hook actually experience everything but it’s all a digital VR like world you get stuck in. The real Inkopolis Square is just fine but someone created this colorless virtual world based on the square to run experiments in.
great points! but i think side order is definetely canon, and the "what if" statement was just a reference to the finalfest.
Note: Agent 4 is on team chaos.
And marie was in the order team
common agent 4 W
Something interesting: A pretty overlooked japanese Nintendo new year's commercial featured octolings with inkling hair. No clue if this is a mistake or if this might be our reward.
I also want to note that being intelligent, even to a genius level, doesn't inherently make someone immune to manipulation Especially noting that in the Japanese version marina reads as much more naive and pliant. Which isn't a contradiction, plenty of people are both naive and intelligent. So marina being manipulated by a villain seems fairly plausible. Though personally I have no predictions, just going to wait and see.
Okay first things first this video is great, the art is adorable, the editing is very clean and smooth, and all of your points land. Except for one, you said it would kind of "funny" if Agent 4 didn't show up in Side Order due to how much everyone is "Hyping it up" but personally I think that'd be really depressing.
Back when Splatoon 2 first came out people immediately starting "bullying" (as much as you can bully a fictional character) Agent 4 because they where just a rehash of Agent 3, which is untrue. Their *very* similar but if Agent 4 is just Agent 3.1 than that makes Neo Agent 3 Agent 4.1.
Back on topic Agent 4 received quite a bit of negative comments and got barely any attention when they first debuted, this only increased after OE came out and ship Agent 24 nearly completely over shadowed Four.
So now moving forward to ROTM some concept art for the game actually had Agent 4 in it, but as you know the final game comes out and Four is nowhere to be seen, meaning the only place we'll be able to see them now is Side Order.
So if they don't show up then that means Nintendo got the hint, the fandom doesn't care for Agent 4 so there's no need to put them in the game.
So to end my essay (sorry) I don't know how or why Agent 4 would be in Side Order, but they kind of have to be in order to keep the fandom from finally forgetting about them, I've noticed since that poster came out fanart and discussion around Four has increased which is great since it sucks to have a character in your story that nobody talks about and then you never use again.
Alright final point, if it isn't Agent 4 then who is it? Maybe Pearl but I don't know why they'd put her on the poster twice.
You even said this series likes mind control, so it's probably a brainwashed Agent 4, if not who else would it be?
Anyone else would be weird.
Hit the nail on the head, for the most part!
Hold on, the fish are pointed *toward* the copy machine, right? Converging on it? The same way the fish enemies are converging on 8? Seeing some parallels here…
Maybe the copy machine is an ally! Maybe it is somehow in the same situation as 8!
2:34 I think those red eyed inklings are a Boss on the floors, @NintendoLife played the dlc early and said something about watching someone else fighting some evil looking octolings as a boss.
If Side Order is not canon, I don't see Inkopolis Square being restored as an issue. I could see the player sleeping on the train to start the DLC anytime, like what was shown in the trailer. As for the access point? I have no idea.
SIDE ORDER SPOILERS (but not rlly bc this is literally on the Japanese version of the website)
7:23 speaking of this little scientist freak on the Japanese website for splatoon a few screenshots of side order were shown n this little scientist was among them! They seem to be some kind of shop keeper, presumably selling decorations, stickers, and other fun stuff (kinda like the grizzco store) in exchange for pearls but I rlly hope they aren’t *just* a shop keeper n have another purpose outside of that!! Also I heard it mentioned that they’re supposed to be a blue dream shrimp? No clue if that’s true or not but if it is it could be a little nod/coincidence pointing towards side order being a dream
I don’t think it’s not canon when they say “what if” they probably meant how in one of the trailers agent 3 was glitched into the world so it’s probably a simulation created with the setting being “what if sideorder won”
7:42 the devs have said that theoretically you can, though it would be ridiculously hard without any upgrades.
It is confirmed in an art book that Toni Kensa was close with Sheldon's grandfather, and we've never seen art of him (keep in mind the table turf card is someone wearing the brand not Toni himself). Makes me think about the color palette of the fishbone enmies...
honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the hair tints and fingertip tints are part of the reward, I doubt it'll be the like the main thing, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was something you could do
The comparison of TarTar and Toadscool is absolutely amazing. He would run like that, wouldn't he? 😂
the way of getting back to side order could be similar to how you get back to the crater. Like the pearl drone could be laying around somewhere in the square, maybe near the entrance to octo valley or the deepsea metro.
This is such a good video!!! I cannot wait to see your video at the end of the month ^_^!!!!!!
6:30 there might be a way to replay side order similar to how you can revisit the rocket area of alterna if the plaza becomes revived maybe it’s something small like the plush by captain 3 in alterna
This is a lovely video! I really like your editing and art very much! Excited to see more videos from you in the future!
Thank you!! :D
I think that the guy who created this vr world(i think dlc takes place in) is the genius crab/lobster that canonically made the lobby you que up for games in
What if CQ Cumber was the main antagonist???? *TEST FAILED*
I hope another reward is being able to color both fingertips and hair tips...
7:20 I feel like Marina might be controlling everything well being controlled by something
I’m still kinda curious to see if glen fiddler is involved since he seems to have built the battle tower in splatsville and was strangely given a full 3D model in his sunken scroll despite only being a nothing character mentioned and seen a single time which is rather strange. He’s be unusual and new as a villain which could be fun and as a ceo he’d definitely have the funds and motive to attempt to enact order across inkopolis. Plus all we know about him is that he wanted to build the perfect battle experience in his tower, which sounds like what the tower of order could be seen as with its replayable challenges. Plus since he designed the lobby he probably created the copy machine too so that connection would also make sense if he was involved. The more I thought about it when writing this comment the more sense it made so that’s definitely my crazy theory even if others are probably more likely.
it's quite funny that chaos option is much, much, much better than how it sounds while order is the worst version
My theory is that this was always the plan, whatever side didn’t win would seem worse in the DLC I mean-
I imagine if Order actually won, Splatoon 3 would take place in a cleanly utopia with a bit more uniformed fashion and more “professional” idols. And the side chaos DLC would be an anarchist ( or at least the general concept of anarchy lol ) hellscape.
If it is Marina (the Villian) my fist thought is (spoilers for Persona 5 Royal) Maruki. Maruki made a “perfect world” with good intentions. He genuinely tried to help despite it being unethical. He’s also pretty smart- being a certified therapist after all. So Marina being the Villain in the “paved the road to hell with good intentions” reason could work. But I’m down for a new Villain too! Excited to see- as it’s soon to release when posted.
healed version of splat 2 hub could have an added item near the tower saying "Relive Memories" allowing to play the single player again the item could be the pearl drone
Love the remix version of acid hues at the beginning of the talking for final trailer
I don't want tar tar to come back, he was a good boss and all, but it would be the same general focus of finding out who did it just for it to be tartar... again. It would also be kinda stupid cuz nobody was happy when octavio returned in splatoon 2.
My theory is marina is secretly angry that she’s lost the final fest then she makes a deal with tartar
Ngl, I have a theory that the enemies in side order are the dead body’s of salmonids brought to life with robotics, a robotic copy of salmonids, or like just salmonids if they conformed to order.
That’s because of 1, enemies have had fucked up backstories before, the sanitized and fuzzy octolings are very screwed up in origin.
2, the save our salmons teaser from the days of splatoon 2 makes me wonder if that was a hint towards both single player campaigns featuring salmonids.
And 3, cmon all the new enemies with a couple of new exceptions are literally just salmonid enemies. Theres smallfry, chum, cohawk, and stinger counterparts you can see in the trailers. I can bet that theres counterparts to all the salmonid enemies in side order.
20 minute video about Side Order theories? YES PLEASE! I really hope this is canon though, it would be highly disappointing if it wasn’t. To be honest that one sentence isn’t 100% confirmation
I loved that concert! God observation. 8 SHOWS?!
In the new ad it shows pearl not in robot form. Really hope that means she isn’t a robot in side order the whole time.
Also, I have a theory of how pearl could BE the drone. Remember that sumo wrestler octarian with a roller? And how his ghost/soul bounced in his “respawn” before exploding? Maybe the put a thing into the drone, ended pearl, and forced her consciousness to merge with the drone while still being in it
Maybe she's in swim form
I don’t think the “what would’ve happen if order won” thing is meant to be taken literally. It’s absolutely gonna be canon.
I'm not saying side order is necessarily canon, but it's also not necessarily not canon. The description simply says it's what would've happened if order won, however this could be just a way of describing the world, or even the way the villain decided the world to be. the villain made the simulation from the idea of team order winning. Ultimately there are like heaps of possibilities and there's no way to say one for certain
agent ATE 😘🤞💋🥰
17:26 Rassicas confirmed that Pearl is physically inside the drone! (I can't remember where though, I think their tumblr)? Pearl is also meant to be based on a Pygmy Squid (aka the one of the smallest squids), so it makes sense for her to be able to fit within the drone in squid form.
I believe that Marina will definitely have some sort of “influence” (I use that with heavy quotes) because I think I’ve found a pattern.
In the last splatfest first game (that being Callie or Marie) they said that your vote could change the future of the game or something like that, Marie won. Now fast forward to Splatoon 2 and Marie is looking for Callie with the help of Agent 4 in Octo Canyon but there’s something a bit different about it. Also in Splatoon 2 we got what was meant to be the final splatfest (Chaos vs Order) and Pearl’s (Chaos) team won, and now we’re playing as 8 working with Pearl looking for Marina in an area that looks the same but slightly different.
Long story short I think the splatfests allow us to influence the future of the game but that’s just a theory mind you.
the thumbnail image is so pretty
Jesus ❤ yall
Thank you so much!! if you want a better look I've posted the text-less version on my other socials :D
fun video that’s helping me get over the wait
Okay my theory is that the shadow figures are like Pokemon admins, so bosses that work for the main villain, this inklings and octolings were drained of color, then as you battle them there soullessness breaks and they regain there personalities
I personally think that that one crab dude from the scrolls is the villain
Glen Fiddler?
I could see Glen Fiddler be the bad guy, Yumeebi (the dream shimp), Lil's Judd, or even Marigold. I could see Marina or Pearl getting corrupted. Looking at the trailer, a digital red face seems to have crossed eyes like Inkling idols
I feel like Toni Kensa could be involved tbh, a few things add up
I think the way it would be able to be replayed after completing it will probably be by walking over to something that is a fragment of the past - like a piece of dead coral or something - and then with the option to “remember” it all, like what they did for replaying the storymode’s and octo expansion’s ending
I completely understand the want for a new villain in side order, but I really love TarTar and the heavy moral weight his existence carries. I love Grizz and TarTar being things left over from Humanity, lashing out in grief at humanity.
Data-mining reveals that Marina’s ideal world of order would be everyone to get along. The only person she interacted with that was outwardly hostile and hateful was tartar.
I have more thoughts but I’m not sure how to put them into an understandable paragraph. It makes total sense in my brain but then I right and down and delete it and right it down and delete it, etc etc. I hope my really vigorous neurodivergent brain waves about this reach you and you catch my drift
Ever since spaltoween i have thought the guy from sunken scroll 6 is the villain. He made the lobby and as you point out the skeleton fish go to the copy machine all of ehich he made
SHUSH! I need my colored fingertips!
i seriously think tartar shouldnt return, his story is over, or as matpat says, OFF THE LORE TABLEE.
Did y’all notice the permanent upgrades menu has marina’s icon when you get upgrades? And the button says to “hack”, like marina can? Maybe she’s not captured at all idk
from specifically nintendo life's video, he said that the inklings with the red eyes on the poster are actually are one of the bosses you can face! he said he saw someone else play against some (i think it was) "some shadow inklings" or something like that (I STILL HOPE AGENT 4 IS REAL BUT ITS SEEMING LESS PROBABLE 😭😭😭)
also, about the coloured fingertips, from what (thatsrb2)dude said, they reflect the chips you have on your palette! he said he specifically had a run where he said a lot of lucky chips and his octoling had more lime green fingertips and hair!
Least someone gives a heads up thank you
Ugh knowing the dlc isn’t cannon kills my hype a little 🥲 BUT STILL EXITED FOR SIDE ORDER YAY
Idk if it’s enough of a reward but every weapon playable in side order has a unique skin and I wouldn’t be surprised if we could unlock those for multiplayer
0:17 HELP CAUSE I’M TOTALLY THE SAME!!! Why do people think Side Order is canon? It’s IF order won the final fest so it’s not canon😭😭😭😭
for how you reenter the dlc, there's probably just going to be a computer in the square where you'll be able to go back into the simulation
my theory is just that its an alternate world marina created after finalfest. a utopia, of sorts, a separate dimension where she could feel like her side one. maybe someone took over it?
(spoiler warning//customization)
i cant remember from which trailer this is from but a transitional slide shows two octoling characters with different colors from agent 8 (they have vibrant colors that could fit into the multi player mode) but that could just mean our ink wont just be bleached out light colors... i just think i should be allowed to have hot chip fingers.
I feel like the music at the end of the second trailer will be the bad ending music
You just time travel to go back into the crater so I would assume that that's how you get to the DLC after you complete it.
i assumed wed get to the dlc by the train station but fall asleep like in the trailer
Eh, I think 8 is part of the NSS
There's a lot official art of everyone from the 3 splatoon campagns (before Splatoon 3) hanging out, so we know they at the very least all know each other
+ before the final fight in OE, Cuttlefish says "World's about to blow-SQUIDBEAK, LET'S GO!" (at least in the english version)
Oh and about that SO not being cannon:
It 100% is lol
I think it would be cool if there was an antagonist who wasn't trying to recreate humanity, but rather recreate humanity.
Wait what?
Yes, that is two different motives, surprisingly enough.
Tartar's motive was to recreate humanity in the sense of creating something new to inherit humanity's knowledge.
This supposed villain I am proposing's goal would be to recreate humanity in a sense of turning a human into something that would fit into the world of Splatoon.
It's not like there isn't the possibility of there being a sole surviving human, as we can see a Cryogenic chamber still active in one of Splatoon 2's sunken scrolls that isn't Judd's chamber or Lil' Judd's incubation chamber. Maybe the child of the original scientist could be inside? Tartar could be expanded as being built to ensure that the world their kid wakes up in a world just like the one they lost, and this secondary antagonist would be trying to turn this human into the new native life of Earth as a sort of fall-back plan in case Tartar failed?
if you mean sunken scroll 26, that is judds capsule. a janitor accidentally unplugged it and plugged it back in, creating lil judd, since as the proffesor said to judd on the next scroll 27 something like "if you ever feel lonely i ask you to turn your capsule on again" with a picture of lil judd and him as a tiny fetus baby
The only thing I really disagree on is the idea of side order not being canon. I think people are misinterpreting the description where it says "what would've happened if Order thwarted chaos" this doesn't necessarily mean that the DLC takes place in a non-canon alternate timeline or anything. It could be just that whoever is behind all this took over just the square and it's an example of what would have happened if it across the whole city. Or more likely (what I personally think is the case); it's some sort of Matrix-styled test world to simulate orders victory.
Now if I end up being wrong, that's fine. But Nintendo doesn't really do this sort of, non-canon DLC thing, at least not that I can think of, at least not with Splatoon, so I don't see them starting now.
Every sense the anniversary splat fest Last year I have been on the rocks When it comes to splatoon, I have plans to boot up my old Wii U so I could play the original but I know that won't heal my hearts for the series.
This is the last chance I get to have with the splatoon series.
The reason why side order isn't canon is probably 'cause in the Splatoon 3 trailer they said that After Alterna would be the last of the splatastic story mode (or something I don't remember) NOTE: THIS IS WHAT I THINK
I agree with this moment 00:12 though 00:16
Side order comes out on my birthday :)
how woud tartar change his ink it doesnt have the same pattern as the skeleton fishes does it? also about the agent 4 the shadows have pure red eyes and res eyes usually means bad so maybe they could be a boss or something and transform into something bigger
my theory is that a bot like creature will be the main antagonist based off the tower having a face in the newest trailer
I feel like side order could introduce simulated worlds which is both very interesting and worrying. Because if not handled the best it sort of feels like at any future point they could go "oh this is the simulation version of this not the real one"
Anyways yeah I hope the antagonists is someone completely new. But if there was a returning character it'd be kind of funny if it were mr grizz I mean who'd be there to stop him in this new world.
Also assuming that this is a simulation kind of world am explanation for tar tar could be something like: before his death he uploaded his consciousness into the splatnet and his consciousness found a simulated version of the world so he went and corrupted all of it. That would be kind of eldrich horror but cool to fight something that is intigated into the world, but maybe if a fight was forced tar tar decides to take form of 4 to fight assuming there would have been a version of them in the base simulation. Idk dude I'm coming up with this tar tar stuff off the top of my head but it is a fun thought experiment
Can’t wait!!
I think it had to happen like this bu but what if order did win and .. would we get a side chaos DLC?
PERLINA CANNON !!!!! (Please Nintendo its all i ask)
Shit i just realized
Bro they gonna kill my guy DDR but sploon for Harmony 😭
there are many coincidental de blob references in the side order dlc
I'm sure you might have the expansion pass for splat 3(?) But I'll be sure to be back here to clear up any theories after I finish the expansion. (I have off the date of the release! So I'll speedrun it.)
I wanna know, is it all a dream like you said. Or are we in a simulation? I wanna say simulation because in splat 3 we’re playing as neo 3. So how would we know about agent 8, oth and such. And this also gives me a clue on what the enemy could be. Simulations have virus’s and they’re pretty harmful. What if the enemy is a virus. (Could also fit with splats brainwash stuff) maybe the virus is controlling the enemies. And in the newest trailer, there’s a glitchy orb. IM SO SMART
It’s called deep sea metro for a reason man
I played Hades which is a rougelike. I think they might stop us from finishing the game similarly. Hades spoilers ahed.
In hades to finish the main story you need to get out of hell 10 times. You just always die after escaping. The resoning given is that Zagreus as a god from the underworld is unable to survive on the surface. I think they may do something similar like you escape but there is something that keeps sending you back a few times.
But like Octo expansion we are going to build Perl drone
i really like your voice and accent
Side order will be is cannon just it will take place in a computer program or something matrix like that 8 needs to get out of
The reason agent eight's name is agent eight is because octopuses have eight tentacles
Story wise it's the application, but otherwise yeah
I think that we are are going to Free marina from the goo
What about Pearlina?
Wait a minute Marina isn’t the villain she’s a protagonists and Pearl drone is pearl corrupted
And that marina is going to get corrupted
Glen fiddler?
Thank you for being smarter than all the 12 year olds in th community :)