In Life is Strange, Photography Reveals the Toxicity of Nostalgia | Video Essay

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @williamkeogh710
    @williamkeogh710 Рік тому +181

    As a photographer, and someone who had been fascinated by time travel since I was a child, I find myself agreeing with your assessment. Nostalgia is indeed toxic.

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому +3

      That's nice to hear. Thanks a lot for sharing your insight and watching the video. I really appreciate it.

    • @johnbartholf777
      @johnbartholf777 9 місяців тому +5

      Anything can be toxic. I've found, over the years, that wallowing in a little toxicity for a short time has been enjoyable and has made me more empathetic, and sensitive to (and appreciative of), the passage of time.

  • @RedSpade37
    @RedSpade37 Рік тому +288

    After playing the game myself, plus watching a friend of mine play through it, I couldn't help but feel that a possible interpretation of the story is that Max is escaping into fantasy to deal with Chole's death, especially since she was in the bathroom.
    Survivor's Guilt is a hell of a drug, in short.

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому +39

      That's certainly one possible interpretation that I didn't even think about. Thanks for sharing it!

    • @brandonj7586
      @brandonj7586 Рік тому +40

      I really like that interpretation. The final decision to save the town or to save Chloe could be a metaphor for Max either accepting what happened to Chloe or continuing in her fantasy/delusion, destroying everything else in her life with it.

    • @RedSpade37
      @RedSpade37 Рік тому +3

      @Jesse Schoedel That's true! Haven't played 2 or True Colors. Heard they weren't so good

    • @verinha0256
      @verinha0256 Рік тому +16

      I get it, this interpretation. But like... It's so boring. "The main character was in a coma/dreaming/hallucinating" got old since Pokemon. I like it much more as a symbolic thing: time-travelling is symbolic of escaping into a fantasy world and ignoring reality. In one ending, Max faces reality for the good of everyone; in the other, she chooses herself and Chloe despite the massive lost of life (and really, can you blame them? After what they've been through, it's hard to blame Chloe and Max for choosing not to be stomped at by an unfair world once more... and I say that as someone who usually sacrifices Chloe in the end)
      Besides, Arcadia Bay's destruction (or not) is noticed in other games.

    • @cosmicluna5783
      @cosmicluna5783 Рік тому +1

      What's also a drug is forcing something to exist. There was no evidence to suggest that Max was having a fantasy trip. Lmao

  • @wildtarts
    @wildtarts 2 роки тому +344

    Seeing the photography in LiS being analyzed and related back to the overall theme of the game is something I've never heard anyone talk about before! This was wonderfully put and made me have a better appreciation for the game itself. Really cool video, keep it up!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  2 роки тому +10

      Thank you! It sounds like I achieved what I set out to do. No better feeling than that :D

  • @cyphi474
    @cyphi474 Рік тому +20

    By your own definition, sacrificing Chloe only creates another reality shaped by Max's desire to help. Even if its at cost of Chloe's death.
    In my opinion, accepting reality, gruesome as it is, is what is Max avoiding all the time. But one she doesnt change is real, not another Max's fantasy. That makes it, in my opinion, right ending from narrative perspective. Sometimes good deed simply leads to terrible outcome, but that doesnt make doing good deeds wrong. Even if Max was warned by vision of Storm at very beginning, her motivation to save the girl was pure and not for personal gain.
    But i think what really makes Life is Strange really great, is fact 8 years later, people are still talking about it, still trying to find meaning and explanation.

  • @cookiesyruplover
    @cookiesyruplover Рік тому +50

    The ending where it feels like the journey seemed pointless always bothered me but after your video I think I can understand it now. The journey does matter. It hurts so much but escaping to the past is not the answer. The future comes whether we like it or not.
    A memory should just be a memory, it should not define us. The past is only a lesson and whatever we take away from it shapes our future. There's so many things in life we can't control but we still make choices and that's what matters. Still it's nice to know I'm not alone in the weakness of longing for memories long past. Great video!

    • @MistressMillion
      @MistressMillion Рік тому +3

      How and why is this a weakness? There's literally nothing great awaiting in the future. I'd say attachment to the past is not only beneficial for health it's also just natural, because a lot of times it holds so much safety and familiarity.

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому +2

      Well said. Glad to hear you got something out of the video! :)

  • @saeyyy
    @saeyyy Рік тому +31

    "One would question if ANY photograph is able to capture a moment as-is. Framing, timing, equipment, or the simple choice of TAKING a photo, are all things that affect the final result. . . Reality is often created by perception. . . And indeed, Max has to face this dilemma herself when she realizes just how heavy the burden of choosing the RIGHT reality can be." This is gold. I think about this all the time, but haven't considered this as being a foundational theme within LIS. It also makes the prequel Farewell episode particularly interesting to consider. Such a thought-provoking video-amazing work.

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому +2

      Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts, happy to hear that I was able to offer some worthwhile insight. I haven't actually played Farewell, will have to keep that in mind.

  • @sleepstump
    @sleepstump Рік тому +19

    This was a great analysis on medium. I really liked how Max and Kate are incredible mirrors of each other. They're both isolated, bullied, & pessimistic, passing through time instead of spending it. Ultimately, they both become "jumpers" trying to escape their reality. Max trying to convince Kate to stay and move forward set her up for her own choice later on.

  • @diasfontes3798
    @diasfontes3798 2 роки тому +96

    A refreshing take on one of my favorite games! I played Life is Strange years ago and I remember it really impressed me, I must've played it some 3 or 4 times, maybe more.
    What always crossed my mind when playing the game back in my teenage years was that "bad things inevitably happen, we must accept, move on and not wonder what could've been". This summarization, if I can say so myself, helped me a whole lot in those times. But it's definitely strange I've grown older, I've also grown fonder of the past, my past. It became a very personal place for me. To remember Life is Strange now and to hear your thoughts on it is rather welcome, an overall very thought-provoking video essay. I would only like to pose you a question, not entirely related to the game but to the themes you explored: if we agree that our reality is built by our own subjectivity, as pictures are, for example, then how real, how valid is our past? as something shaped by our own personal perceptions, is it something really "real" or is it "built" in a way?
    Well, thanks for the video essay, it was a treat. Hope to see more from you!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  2 роки тому +9

      Hey, thanks a lot for the thoughtful and long comment!
      As for your question, I don't think we can escape subjectivity even in our past. Of course this relates to stuff like how we perceive and remember things, not events and things that actually exist. It's pretty well known that our memory is far more selective than we'd like to think. As a simple example, I'm sure many of us tend to look at our youth far more favorably than we felt about it in-moment.

  • @bluestarrocks1
    @bluestarrocks1 2 роки тому +46

    This game is also one of my favorite games, despite it being far from flawless, or even amazing. I think the story writing of the game is very good and it has made me come back to the game several times over the years. I have never thought so intensely with the symbolism in the game, or with the consistent motif of photography. I thought this video was a very good breakdown of the photography angle in the game. I particularly liked when you broke down the other characters by their use of photography, compared to Max.

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks a lot for the thoughtful comment! I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the video :)

  • @The_Story_Of_Us
    @The_Story_Of_Us Рік тому +24

    Love the video! Great analysis!
    I have a different take on which ending I prefer though, because I see this theme too where Max has to relinquish her powers because using them only creates harm, both to her own identity and actual harm to reality, but only one of these endings actually sees her relinquish her powers, and it’s the “Sacrifice Arcadia” where she defiantly rips the photo in half, refusing to take back her decisions or forcibly reshape the world to her liking anymore. It’s the ending where she looks at the tornado destroying the Bay, where the reality in front of her is too painful and she closes her eyes and turns to seek comfort from the one person she has whose relationship with her isn’t merely the product of time manipulation but one of genuine, mutual empathy, respect and understanding. Where driving through the ruins she can’t take her eyes off the destruction but who then is able to look forward with her friend. We see acceptance and a willingness to move on despite not liking the outcome that demonstrates narrative character development and one that is consecrated in action, both for Max and the player.

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому +3

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts so thoroughly! I love your insight, and I can totally see your point for sacrificing Arcadia Bay!

  • @parkerwentzel
    @parkerwentzel 2 роки тому +32

    this is such a cool take! id never analyzed the way the themes connected to this depth. i see the game in an entire new light now. i also feel like max definitely uses her powers to escape blame and consequences for her actions. if she says the wrong thing and upsets someone, instead of apologizing and owning up to her actions and accepting the consequences, she rewinds time and avoids them. it prevents her from being able to learn and grow as a person. if we are never faced with the results of our actions, how are we to change our ways and become better people in turn? she abuses her privilege of time travel to manipulate others much like someone who was raised to be given anything they wanted and expects the world to revolve around them.

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  2 роки тому +5

      Hi, thanks a lot for the thoughtful comment! I'm really happy to hear you got that much out of the video :) I don't think Max is malicious or anything, but there's definitely something ethically dubious with her letting people think she has been learning about them through genuine engagement, when in reality she's just rewinding back the conversations - without their consent!

  • @Legendiro
    @Legendiro 2 роки тому +89

    It's 3 AM and I couldn't sleep and was browsing my "for you" page when this video popped up.
    I don't regret watching it. Thank you for your work on this essay it allowed me to see this game in a different light.
    Wish you the best. Subbed!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  2 роки тому +2

      Thanks a ton, I really appreciate the subscription! Also happy to hear that the video is being recommended :)

    • @Thenormal880
      @Thenormal880 Рік тому +1

      Same here its an amazing video

  • @XCeazyX
    @XCeazyX 6 місяців тому +2

    I liked your analysis a lot. It brings together a lot of the thoughts and lessons I have been trying to tie a bow on over the last few years of my life, which included of course playing life is strange way back when. I feel like letting the past be in the past and always looking for ways to make the future its own thing has brought me a lot of happiness in my life, while trying to recreate a memory always just winds up feeling hollow. It sucks you can't go back, but it doesn't mean new experiences can't be just as fulfilling.

  • @MoRPho151
    @MoRPho151 Рік тому +5

    Now I appreciate this game a lot more. I love photography and how it is treated in the game as a theme was amazing for me, but you pointed out some things I missed.

  • @TeamEnderman1337
    @TeamEnderman1337 Рік тому +6

    This was an excellent video! You made some great points about the meaning behind the story of Life is Strange. I distinctly remember feeling disappointed in the ending when I first played it, for precisely the reason you mentioned: that all of my choices throughout the game were reduced to nothing and the only one that really mattered was the final decision. Now that I am older and wiser, your commentary has prompted me to see the ending in a new light.
    Choosing to sacrifice the whole of Arcadia Bay instead of Chloe is perhaps the ultimate manifestation of the concept of toxic nostalgia that you discussed so eloquently in the video. By making this decision, Max is clinging desperately to the past in a selfish, futile, and ultimately self-destructive endeavor. She has to live with that blood on her hands for the rest of her life. Her future with Chloe, for which she had worked so hard and sacrificed so much, will forever be tainted by guilt. It is a pyrrhic victory in that she achieved what she set out to do, but it came at an unconscionable cost of human suffering.
    On the other hand, sacrificing Chloe and restoring the natural order doesn't feel quite right either. After all, Max could have saved her best friend's life, and yet, she stood by and did nothing. That's got to be incredibly difficult to experience, and indeed that option will also leave Max with a sense of guilt that will probably never go away. However, what Max experienced by gaining those powers should have helped her see that Chloe's death was inevitable. By choosing this ending, Max is allowing herself to admit defeat, accept her failure to save Chloe, and move on from the past.
    It's 3 in the morning when I wrote this and I'm not entirely sure that what I said above makes perfect sense, but I just wanted to leave a comment to show you that your video was highly thought-provoking for me, and to boost your engagement! Your channel is criminally underrated. At the time of writing, you have only 304 subscribers, 305 including myself. If you keep making videos like these, I am certain that you will blow up big time.

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому +1

      Thanks a lot for the long and thoughtful comment, I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts. It gave me some new things to think about as well. I will definitely attempt to keep publishing more videos, in whatever pace I'll be able to.

  • @mincookiie
    @mincookiie 2 роки тому +25

    This video really changed how I interpreted this game and really made me appreciate it more! Looking at it from the view of an artist brings a lot of different concepts in this game into light. This video is really well done! It's clear a lot of thought and time was put into it and the analysis is stellar!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  2 роки тому +1

      Really happy to hear that! Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts, I truly appreciate it :)

  • @johnbartholf777
    @johnbartholf777 9 місяців тому +3

    You have some thoughtful analysis, to be sure, but the option to sacrifice Arcadia Bay is the only moral choice.
    Max never asked for these powers, so she cannot be blamed for any consequences of their use.
    The question that most needs to be asked is "WHY does Max get these powers? To what end?"
    If Max had never had the powers, or if she'd simply gone to her next class after photography, Nathan would have killed Chloe and ratted out Jefferson, just like what happened in the version where she goes through everything and then lets Chloe die. So why torment Max with these powers? It can only mean that she was destined to use them for the singular purpose that she _could_ change: to save Chloe. To do otherwise is what would make the powers entirely pointless.

  • @iLoveLamp222
    @iLoveLamp222 Рік тому +12

    You definitely nailed what makes LiS unique; its flawed, but very pure in its expression. Love the fresh take on its themes too, well done!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому

      Thank you so much for the compliment, I'm glad you enjoyed the video!

  • @Miles-zp7ex
    @Miles-zp7ex 27 днів тому

    I honestly love how cohesive this game is with his main themes, the dialogues could be cringy and your choices don't matter but it has a special place in my heart.

  • @tristezaeternal
    @tristezaeternal Рік тому +3

    Your video is really interesting! When I played the game for the first time, I kinda had similar approach, but not through art, but just in general this game for me was about accepting death. And I found it curious that our choice "don't matter", it felt refreshing for such genre. But it's not like I wanted to play the game again. Then I became a big fan of LIS2 and when I entered the fandom some people made me change my view on the first game. I mean, LIS is good bc all points on it are valid. And I think ending preference in this case really depends on how you liked Chloe. When I played the game for the second time I connected with her way more, she felt relatable.
    And I think even your point about sick nostalgia and moving on can be used actually in favor of Bae ending. Girls both literally move on to the future, leaving this town behind. Chloe wanted to do this for a long time, and part of the reason why Max came back at all -- because she lived there, she wanted to reunite with Chloe... Basically what they have later (we can learn it from lis2) is what she was talking about with Chloe when they were kids. They travel together, her photos are un museums. The past still hurts them but it's like they got their second chance, and they squeezed all out of it.
    I am torn between two endings, but after leaning towards Bay for a long time I think now I am more on Chloe's side. She deserves to live and have someone who actually cares abt her by her side. Whether you think abt it as a friendship or romantic thing. I think, the main point that made me sway is that Max throws her towards Chloe out of instinct. She doesn't even know it's her. She just wants to protect this person and it's like her powers goes down on her to let her do this. And every time Max thinks Chloe is worth it and saves her, and even at the end she doesn't even consider saving town until Chloe says it out loud.
    Thank you for sharing your insightful takes

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому

      Thanks a lot for such a thoughtful comment. I don't have that much experience with the Sacrifice Arcadia Bay ending, so it was nice to hear your thoughts :)

  • @Bluejeanne1
    @Bluejeanne1 2 роки тому +11

    this was a great analysis, your sentiments are things i subconsciously felt while laying but you put them into words perfectly while going even more in-depth. looking forward to more game narrative analyses like this!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you, I'm happy to hear that. Hopefully I'll be able to produce more videos sooner rather than later :)

  • @zzoa.
    @zzoa. 2 роки тому +18

    I'm glad I got this in my recommendations. I really enjoyed your video! I loved the first Life is Strange game so much, I related so much to Max as a quiet outsider. The soundtrack is so amazing too!
    I really liked the approach you took to analyze this game. And you're so right too, the game creates a very particular ambient and evokes so much nostalgia via details.
    Videogame/pop culture deep dives and analysis are my fav content ☺️

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  2 роки тому +2

      Thanks for the comment! I also really like Max, she's quite unconventional as a videogame hero, yet it all works perfectly.

  • @arleenlane
    @arleenlane Рік тому +6

    Thanks for your video and sharing your own experience! I caught myself almost crying when Max came back to childhood, when she was happy, bc dat was what i wanted at the moment. Cuz i dreamt to live through one happiest day of my life again, with my brother and sister at our parents house, just a day, similar to Max and Chloe's happiest day. But this video kinda opened my eyes on nostalgia issue. It's especially difficult to not be nostalgic when hard times come to your present.

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому

      Thank you for sharing your experience as well. I'm happy to hear I managed to connect with you in that way :)

  • @MrLugubrious
    @MrLugubrious Рік тому +4

    I really love this analysis, but it bothered me that what happened to Kate Marsh was reduced to 'acting scandalously' when she was unequivocally drugged by Nathan and taken to Jefferson's darkroom to be photographed as one of his victims. This in the wake of a number of IRL young girls unaliving after being documented being SA'd and bullied for it by their peers while under the influence such as Audrie and Daisy, Amanda Todd, etc...

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому +2

      Hi. That's a totally valid point and I will make a note of it. Personally, I was simply trying to make the video as brief and focused on the motif of captured images as possible. I was thinking that Kate's dialogue that I used would make the situation clear and I didn't want to repeat things. But I agree that I probably could have framed the situation better.

  • @kingslaw
    @kingslaw Рік тому +4

    i had definitely never seen someone take this approach, thanks for sharing! as a huge fan of lis it's really interesting how people have different interpretations of the story, it's been 7 years since it dropped, and it's nice to see new videos about it :)

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому +1

      Glad to hear you enjoyed the video! It's a wonderful thing to have a game that can be perceived in so many different ways :)

  • @dazey8706
    @dazey8706 Рік тому +3

    i think my favorite symbolism is the most not at all subtle one of the literal butterfly effect of max taking a picture of a butterfly and then saving chloe

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому +2

      Yeah, the butterfly is just a really beautiful visual.

  • @rinwhittney5039
    @rinwhittney5039 2 роки тому +9

    I've never actually played or watched any playthroughs of Life is Strange but I might do it because of this video. The game sounds really cool!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  2 роки тому +2

      I'm really happy to hear I managed to pique your interest! I'd strongly recommend playing the game, there's a lot of stuff that I didn't even talk about. I think the remasters are also now out on all platforms.

  • @abbiejohnstone3326
    @abbiejohnstone3326 Рік тому +3

    What an insightful video! I love the analysis specifically on Max's foil characters; I've never viewed Nathan and Jefferson in such a way. The ending statement on the 'sacrifice Chloe' ending is also an uplifting take on what I've personally seen as the sadder ending of the game. Glad I watched this!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for the thoughtful comment, I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the video :)

  • @patchodraws9200
    @patchodraws9200 Рік тому +5

    as a huge fan of themes being reflected in the plot of stories and a relatively recent fan of this game, this video essay certainly hit the spot and you've earned yourself a subscriber !!
    i'm definitely in the camp of people who romanced chloe, and while i did initially sacrifice chloe for arcadia bay (and can therefore agree with your views), i've been stuck wishing i could go back and let arcadia bay collapse (ironically; i'm also very into the comics and writing/drawing, so the fact that i'm spending so much of my time thinking of an "ideal" ending is very telling lmao).
    another commenter really nicely summed up my thoughts on one of the ways i rationalize the saving chloe ending (the game being about using your powers to avoid consequences and blame, arcadia bay being the picturesque town max wants it to be, etc.), but i'd very much like to hear if you have any thoughts on that ending if you were to, hypothetically, choose it, what it might mean in the context of this analysis, and maybe also why so many people who choose the relationship route for max and chloe go with that ending.
    either way, loved loved loved the video and can't wait to hear more from you !!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому +1

      Happy to hear that you enjoyed the video! I've read few issues of the comic myself, but kinda fell off after that, as they're also a bit cumbersome to buy where I'm from.
      I think many players resonate with romancing Chloe, and as I said, that's just another great way to realize the story. I can imagine that in that context, it's very hard to go with the Sacrifice Chloe ending. This is especially true given how rare gay romances are in games media in general, so wanting to preserve that is completely natural.
      It's a bit hard for me to say what that ending would mean in the context of this video. Best I could say is that it's a VERY dark stepping stone out of childhood bliss into the adult world. Max gains something wonderful, but she also has to make an indescribable sacrifice for that. That kind of balancing is what you risk facing when you become an adult.

  • @RedHeadGuitar
    @RedHeadGuitar Рік тому +2

    I can relate to your anecdote so, so much. LiS got to me in some difficult times of change and I'm sure that's one of the reasons it made such an impact on me.
    Great essay! One of the best I have seen so far about this game. I fully agree with your conclusion.
    It's awesome to see profound fan content is still popping up regularly even seven years after the release of the game.

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому

      Happy to hear it managed to resonate with you. And I agree, it's wonderful that the game still has such a vibrant and passionate fan community after all these years!

  • @alinashard8967
    @alinashard8967 Рік тому +1

    It's so refreshing to see a passionate take about this game that isnt about how crappy the main character or chloe are, thank you so much

  • @snybies
    @snybies Рік тому +2

    I came by this video and i must say i´m impressed with the quality and when you describe events that made the game feel more personal it gave me a new way to view Life Is Strange and i´ll enjoy watching more of your content. Wonderfully crafted video! I´ve always seen more people critique the game so it was refreshing and reminded me of my nostalgia watching others play the game. Thank you for making me appriciate what i forgot i loved about the game and also making me see just how beautiful this game can be!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому +1

      Thank you, I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed it!

    • @snybies
      @snybies Рік тому +1

      Yes! I'm going to check out more videos you've made, this is great!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому +1

      @@snybies Ah, most of of my videos are super old and not really up to my current par I feel :D But I'm planning to release a new video in a couple of weeks.

  • @croissantsareaustrianactually
    @croissantsareaustrianactually 2 роки тому +18

    Bro how does this have so few views

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  2 роки тому

      Hahah. Well, I haven't done any proper videos in years, and even when I used to do UA-cam it was all super small stuff, so I'm just glad to get any views I can :)

  • @cadoc7865
    @cadoc7865 20 днів тому

    finally got around to watching this one after having it sitting in my watch later for a while, and man this was good. i've only played through lis once and didn't make a lot of these connections that, now that i see them pointed out, seem obvious (like the burnt film effect when trying to rewind too far). thanks for the great analysis and thanks for sharing it with the world !!

  • @aghoulprince
    @aghoulprince Рік тому +3

    heiii ihanaa nähä suomalainen tekemäs videoesseitä!!! ja hyvästä aiheesta viel!
    lis on mulleki aika tärkee peli vaikka en oikeestaan kovin paljon tykkääkkään siitä, mut kaikki hahmot on todella lähellä sydäntä
    ja oli todellinen ahaa moment ittelle ku huomautit et jefferson kuvaa mustavalkosii kuvia, makes all the sense 🐑
    todellakin ois kiva kattoo mitä ikinä oisit tekemässäkään seuraavaks uwu

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому +1

      Moi. Kiva että tykkäsit videosta, peli on mullakin todella sydäntä läsnä. :)

  • @voxistaken
    @voxistaken Рік тому +2

    Got me sobbing in my dinner. Good video man.

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому

      Not sure if I should be happy to hear that or not :D But thank you!

  • @andreaogrady4665
    @andreaogrady4665 Рік тому +2

    Watched this on my lunch break and loved it! Would definitely listen to more of your video essays

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому

      Thanks a ton, happy to hear that I was able to offer you some entertainment during your break!

  • @Lanai50
    @Lanai50 2 роки тому +6

    This was such an interesting essay!

  • @IronicTacoQueen
    @IronicTacoQueen Рік тому +1

    I was going to click on this video, watch a few seconds and realize I didn’t care, and find something else. But the artistic analysis in this video absolutely captivated me. Good job.

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому

      That's about the best feedback I could have, glad to hear I managed to change your mind there :D

  • @2oneachfoot
    @2oneachfoot Рік тому +2

    I’d love to see more theory and Analysis videos from you bro!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому +1

      Thanks, really happy to hear that! Already working on my next one :)

  • @moonmoon2479
    @moonmoon2479 4 місяці тому

    Pretty sure the devs have said that it’s about Max just getting time with Chloe before she dies.

  • @metthereaper
    @metthereaper Рік тому +2

    I really enjoyed your video! This was a very different view of the game, a higher focus on the storytelling and not the gameplay mechanics.

  • @ninibxrberry881
    @ninibxrberry881 6 місяців тому

    Hi!🌲 incredible analysis!!! for me personally it makes a lot of sense, so thank you very much for making this video!! and keep doing what you like, at your own pace and style, you make great content!🦋🎇

  • @lillerr
    @lillerr 2 роки тому +3

    this analysis is so good !!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  2 роки тому +1

      Hearing that makes all the work I put into it worth it :)

  • @blakcnagisa01
    @blakcnagisa01 2 роки тому +5

    this is such a good video

  • @sunspiit6641
    @sunspiit6641 2 роки тому +4

    love this man!

  • @madelynmurphy6388
    @madelynmurphy6388 2 роки тому +2

    Though significantly different in tone and style, if anyone is looking for another video game where photographs/memories play an integral role in story development, I highly recommend OMORI!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  2 роки тому +1

      I've seen Omori spoken about a lot, but haven't had the chance to try it yet. Will definitely have to keep it in mind now :)

  • @prisessa
    @prisessa Рік тому +1

    i didnt know ur finnish but while i listened i immediately recognized the accent since im finnish myself 🤭 cool to see finnish youtubers making vids on lis

  • @happytofu5
    @happytofu5 Рік тому +1

    Very interesting take! I'd love to hear more analyses!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому +1

      That's awesome to hear! I'm hoping to release my next one late next week.

  • @n4ttyyy
    @n4ttyyy Рік тому +1

    I will ALWAYS love LIS. It is just a love letter of growing up queer, down to the hipster-ish aesthetic a lot of us pine(d) over lol. but at the same time its not just lazily thrown together as a nostalgia trip, this game had so much love and attention put into it.

  • @GabrielYuriTheNinja
    @GabrielYuriTheNinja Рік тому

    Very good video, i hope your channel grows =)

  • @vakarianalenko
    @vakarianalenko Рік тому +1

    Thank god the youtube algorithm show me this, it was a really cool video to watch!!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому

      Hi, happy to hear you liked it! I'm also glad to hear that the video is being recommended to the right people :)
      PS. Mass Effect is my absolute FAVORITE game of all time!

  • @abellabarbie
    @abellabarbie Рік тому +1

    Love this game and the effort you put into this!

  • @ayeshad5170
    @ayeshad5170 День тому


  • @s11MZ11
    @s11MZ11 Місяць тому

    this game got me into photography lol

  • @healtheworldbitches
    @healtheworldbitches Рік тому +1

    Loved the video, thank you!

  • @MochaKimono
    @MochaKimono 2 роки тому +1

    I love this analysis. Good video. 👍

  • @YeTism
    @YeTism Місяць тому

    Max and Chloe’s entire relationship is built on nostalgia. Chloe is a terrible friend.

  • @shayla9894
    @shayla9894 Рік тому +1

    Loved the vid, keep it up!! ❤❤

  • @billy-raymcevoy6066
    @billy-raymcevoy6066 Рік тому +1

    I want to see more videos!!!

    • @CoconutmilkFilms
      @CoconutmilkFilms  Рік тому

      That's about the best thing I could hear! I'm hoping to release my next one late next week.

  • @Lola-gg8lz
    @Lola-gg8lz Рік тому +1

    This is brilliant!

  • @babycakie
    @babycakie Рік тому

    Nostalgia is amazing.

  • @VasuVasu-gm4re
    @VasuVasu-gm4re Рік тому +1

    thank u

  • @prashantgojepg565
    @prashantgojepg565 Рік тому +1

    You're the best

  • @alboeski683
    @alboeski683 Рік тому +2

    thousandth like 💯

  • @margareeta1369
    @margareeta1369 Рік тому +1

    You Finnish?

  • @Zino_Kohiruimaki
    @Zino_Kohiruimaki Рік тому

    Like most if This is metaphors or a little bit wrong

  • @Lilothestitch
    @Lilothestitch 7 місяців тому

    David Madsen was abusive and it doesn’t excuse the way he treated Chloe Price, Max Caulfield, Rachel Amber and Kate Marsh. He doesn’t respect Chloe’s boundaries or anyone’s boundaries.

  • @zoetevka4653
    @zoetevka4653 4 місяці тому


  • @gatohabana2382
    @gatohabana2382 Рік тому

    Comment because I can't like twice.