as a multi-disciplined designer of going-on-3-decades, i've often had conversations with both clients and friends about how, beyond just the design itself, the majority of my job often comes down to simply trying to articulate and being aware of things that most people only notice on a subconscious or unconscious level, but on the whole if not addressed, handled, or conveyed to people properly lead to, quite simply, bad design, off-putting / cheap feelings products, even if the average person can't articulate why and only feels these things once the thing is finished. these two videos do SUCH an excellent job of taking that perspective on this one movie and showing ALL the reasons things just suck and feel off / rushed / like a "poor man's" version of something (in this case, star wars) when the people making said things are just purely injecting their egos into the project and saying "look what i can do!" over and over again with zero thought given to all those things everyone is going to notice or feel unconsciously or subconsciously that give the end-product zero timeless appeal and a very cheap or outright bad feeling to it. well done. i look forward to if there's a part 3, and so far both of these videos could be a case study for any design class - though they probably won't be used for that, because most schools these days are churning out the same sort of mindless egocentric idiots that companies like disney hire to make things like the star wars sequels; extremely immature adults like JJ abrams who have been taught that simply knowing the steps of how to make something and thinking very highly of yourself in the process somehow makes you good at what you're doing no matter what. as someone who's been mostly unemployed since 2020 happened largely because so many companies simply don't hire good designers anymore, it's great to see more public backlash to products like these where people like yourself are not just saying "hey this sucks and we're sick of it" but also going through the minutia of all the reasons "this sucks" in a way that the average person can see and understand on a real fundamental level. i'm sharing this series with a bunch of friends - thanks for making it!
Unnecessary input, but the F-16 is a real life fifty year old fighter being pressed into serious combat, which I will leave at that. So, if the scenario was logical and there had been a period of peace where the New Republic tried to take over administration of the galaxy, somewhat upgraded airframes could be left in service in line squadrons.
I was willing to forgive a lot of flaws as there was still room for the plot to be genuinely good in the later films. In hindsight that was just hopium on my part, similar to how I had high hopes for the last 2 seasons of Game of Thrones before they came out
I definitely had that sinking feeling the entire time on opening night. But I had invested so much of myself into the franchise I denied how bad it was for months.
@@thesenate1844 I couldn't. It was instant for me the moment Finn started blasting other Storm Troopers or when Kylo stopped a blaster bolt in mid air or anything to do with Rey. And I was one of those people saying "Its good Disney has it now because that means more Star Wars". I had no idea how Disney could take a franchise that iconic and handle it this badly. Especially since I love the prequels and people hated on them back then.
I was cautiously optimistic going into opening night for this movie. If it wasn't for being there with my best friend I would have walked out half way through.
@@26th_Primarch that's disney thinking, a rebel spy perhaps? jokes aside, recasting is NOT a bad idea, people can and willingly accept it as long as the "replacement" is a good actor. based on what you said, id say you got the same mindset from disney from the solo movie, where after it's failure, the business suits was afraid that recasting is the path to the dark side, losing money and consumer trust. but that's just one movie, where most of it's failure attributed to terrible writers and exec interventions to dapple in nostalgia/easter egg bait, and sequel bait also being nostalgia/easter egg bait
Poe being an E-wing pilot actually makes perfect sense. He wasn't a rookie like Luke was at the end of Episode 4, he was an ace pilot who was accustomed to flying highly dangerous missions for the Rebellion. However, because the E-wing is property of the EU, Disney never would have used it because then they would have had to pay royalties to the creator of the E-wing, as well as respecting the history of the EU.
They completely forgot about gravity wells preventing hyperspace jumps. Even in the new EA Star Wars game, Jedi Survivor, the protagonist jumps to hyperspace directly from the surface of Coruscant.
I like the Halo method best. You CAN jump in-atmosphere, but not only is there a risk of pulling things along with you, it also causes a sizeable blast in your wake. It's possible, but highly dangerous and usually ends poorly for both ends.
I just finished your 12 hour Phantom Menace brief review and it held my interest the whole way through. I couldn't believe it. Gave it a brief 4 hours per day and got there in a half week.
The Force Awakens is Star Wars made by people who vaguely know what Star Wars. They know what a lightsaber and a stormtrooper is. They also know that Star Wars makes a lot of money. There probably were some real fans working in the prop and costume departments, but you can tell the writing team was heavily dictated by Disney. Older LucasArts games (which were not written directly by George Lucas) feel more like Star Wars than TFA. Games such as KOTOR, Rogue Squadron, Dark Forces or Bounty Hunter feel like they were written and developed by people with completely different priorities to the team who made TFA.
Something that I realized at 20:45 is that the Naboo fighter mech loader system could work with an unmodified mech and without changing the fighter's profile. Simply rotate the droid socket and loader by 90 degrees so that the droid's legs are located behind the pilot's head rest and underneath the slope behind the droid head port. And if you would like a visual example of what this would look like, just take a look at the Clone Wars Arc-170 fighter droid socket to get an idea of what I'm getting at.
Fun fact: Lor San Tekka's actor, the late Max von Sydow, also plays the role of Esbern in Skyrim. This *would* have been his only role in a video game, but technically Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens came first. I like to think this doesn't count since it's just reused movie lines.
I think the worst part about the sequels is that there definitely was potential to the idea of a new trilogy. Even many of the designs in the movies look great and could easily fit in a pre disney canon. Yet because disney only cares about money and Lucas was dumb enough to be convinced otherwise, we got the lackluster slop that we see before us
I agree- but I mainly want to applaud the fact that you used the proper spelling of “canon”. People drive me crazy when they write “head cannon”, etc. It’s such a huge pet peeve, I think I might need medication 😆
I hated it with a passion the moment Rey was showing up Han Solo in the Falcon. It completely undid the original trilogy. Disney should be in prison for a crime against our culture
You don't think handing the over Falcon to Lando to destroy the Death Star, whilst Han spent half a movie trying to open a door, was a betrayal? You were fine with that?
"Having a character get trapped and need to be rescued, and letting someone else use their ship, is totally the same as someone else showing up and instantly knowing the customized ship they've had for 30+ years better than they do"
@@Espartanica That's not accurate. It's just someone who has spent their entire life scavenging and selling parts from ships knowing how to bypass a compressor. At no point are we told she knows more about the entire falcon than Han. If you have to grossly exaggerate then you don't really have an argument.
@@ZeroFilmClips "If you accurately describe the scene that's a gross exaggeration. Obviously a scavenger would better understand the ship than the person who's been working on it personally for 30+ years, because scavenging a wide range of vehicles gives you more knowledge about the Falcon than fixing it up for a few decades would. Also, it's completely not a gross exaggeration to reduce Han's role in episode 6 to "spending half the movie trying to open a door." Gee, I'm so fair in my logic!"
@@Espartanica She doesn't know everything about the Falcon. She works out how to bypass a compressor. Stop exaggerating. Let's be honest here... If Rey was a guy then none of you lot would have a problem with any of this stuff.
the t-70 has always bothered me. Because they limited 2 major factors that the original X-wing design pushed with ease. 1. the split x wing design firstly allowed for expanded heat dispersal. allowing engines and weapons to run hotter for longer. 2. the split x wing design also altered the flight profile for manuvering thrusters. and allowing better control in space. The t-70 "scissor" split x wing design does both of these things worse from a strictly functional standpoint. By cutting 2/3 of each split wing in half, the heat dispersal isn't as good, and there is a less uniform area to mount manuvering thrusters. Disney also forgot that the x-wing is still fully capable of combat even with the wings in a "closed" position. and from an aerodynamic standpoint expanding and drastically altering your flight profile (in atmosphere) mere seconds before engaging in combat is not only incredibly dangerous, it could be fatal. and further again the X-wing doesn't have the expanded wing space to improve lift in comparison to the original t-65 variants. so again splitting the wings in atmosphere would likely only further reduce the fighter's flight characteristics rather than improve them. And that is assuming for the required atmospheric flight controls that would be needed for High-G menuvering in an atmosphere.
They also gave the engines spinning intakes that split in half and still just magically spin and work with the wings open, not knowing how Turbines work.
35:00: FWIW, there is a good reason not to do a turbolaser orbital strike: Their primary objective according to the opening crawl is finding Luke, and so presumably getting the mystery box, which means they can't risk disintegrating it along with Po. ...That does contradict the flamethrower thing later though. But that's a separate problem.
While I appreciate, as always, using what data exists in-universe to explain what is going on, I think there is a far simpler explanation as to why X-wings and TIEs exist as the standard fighters - someone said "Star Wars Branding".
37:50 I even think, this could make good action. Imagine Poe gunning down the two stormtroopers, trying to take off, when we see a misisle trooper aiming on him. We hear some warning going faster and just on the last moment Poe manages to jump out.
Not forget the unforgettable lines of Kennedy, Abrams and Simon Pegg when this movie was release: "Everyone that isn't a Original Star Wars fan is not a real Star Wars fans". You can imagine the huge backlash that they received from the rest of the Fandom, people think that are the most recent TV Shows that began the trend of simply not watching Disney Star Wars, but no, began from the beginning, Disney not expect us to watch what they do after splitting us in the face.
They were wrong to say it but they're actually correct. Star Wars strongest entries were the originals. The prequels are mostly bad with some great moments and good ideas. Some of the games have been great too, but that isn't really being a fan of SW it's being a fan of games like you could like Shadow of War but that doesn't mean you're a Lord of the Rings or Hobbit fan.
@@theflyingkaramazovbrothers6 You have been living under a rock the last ten years? No ones cares about the Originals, for obvious reasons, they were overly simplistic, and the only character with some deep was Vader, you are sticking with the sinking ship even that most of the Fandom have abandoned the OT and the Original Star Wars fans, because they are the most toxic part of the Fandom, if you say that now at days, you would be consider an idiot, sticking with dinosaurs, no taken seriously, most of the Fandom is feed up with the OT, we not care anymore, thanks to Disney and they unwilling to move from the OT era, you are living in a bubble, sorry to burst your bubble, but your opinion now is mostly irrelevant, you can like the OT as much as you want, but not expect that the rest of us do the same.
@TheKeyser94 no I'm sorry without the originals you have KotOR 1 and 2, maybe Heir to the Empire and that's it. You consider them simple what do you call the prequels? The first two were poorly written and directed.
@@theflyingkaramazovbrothers6 Or maybe you are brainless and not known anything, even a twelve year old can understand the Prequels, and now have become more relevant than ever, hell, if you want to understand the Phantom Menace you need to understand Admiral Arthur Perry, how he open the trade of Japan by force by his cannon, and the Japan Civil War between the Shogunate and the Empire, that also explain Attack of the Clones, with a more complicated plot, because Palpatine is manipulating both sides of he war, and the Jedi aren't the paragons of virtue, what you have is nostalgia for something that doesn't exist, even the background of the Originals are more interesting than the movie themselves, the Rebel Alliance were based on the Vietcong and the Empire in the U. S., Lucas say itself in the Return of the Jedi commentary, and more than ones Kenobi says that Sith or Jedi are point of views, even that he and Yoda are in the absolute about Vader no being capable of be redeem. What you want is a stupid power fantasy where you feel that in the right side, when there is no right side.
@@theflyingkaramazovbrothers6 KotOR 1 and 2, where made during the Prequel era, and Bioware wanted to make something not set in any of the era OT or PT, so you are really wrong if you think that they were based on the OT, maybe the first KotOR 1, with the fallacy of the "Hero Journey" but KotOR 2 is a way different beast, like the Prequels ask what is the difference between the Jedi and the Sith, things simply aren't black and white.
So I went over a lot of this with my ex in much less detail and when she told me I was knit picking I said "a story should be woven together tightly like fabric, knitting leaves holes in your final product if you don't want people knit picking your story stop knitting your stories together and leaving your stories full of holes."
As soon as they brought Poe in front of Kylo and they started the little TOTS AWKWAAARRRDDDD millennial comedy routine I knew that there was zero hope for nuStar Wars to be good. Took less than 5 minutes into the movie. 1) Even if that is your kind of comedy, the scene is trying to establish the threat levels and seriousness of the universe. Imagine if in the opening of A New Hope instead of showing Vader choking a fearful captain who is pleading that they are a peaceful ship, the captain stands there defiantly hands on hips and says some quip like "Let me guess - you pulled us over because my tail light was burnt out!" or some other nonsense. Would anyone treat Vader or the movie with serious respect? 2) We literally just saw Poe have a freak out about the civilians being shot, so much so that he attacked Ren. Are we really supposed to believe that 10 seconds later he'd be cracking jokes after being so upset/enraged by innocent people being killed? It makes his character look like a schizophrenic immature idiot.
Ashes of the Empire would have been a better title for this movie...assuming they focused on...I dunno...the First Order actually rising instead of just appearing without any resistance. That might have been too interesting of a plot though.
But that would mean doing hard work and actually doing world building, like how is the state of the Republic, who is the Chancellor, where is the capital, who is supporting the First Order, giving them weapons and ships, the Sequel Trilogy Galaxy is completely barren, there is no world building in the galaxy or the factions.
Somebody give this guy a lucrative writing job for a star wars project or any project really. I like how detailed he is and how he fixes issues with meticulous common sense alternatives. 😊
35:00 When you said that I immediately imagined a stormtrooper throwing a red ball at the X wing that sends a beacon into the sky. Requesting orbital strike
The main issue I have with Disney nuX-Wings is that it wasn't a bew design in any fashion. It was a recycled from Mcquarrie's original paintings. Disney loved to reuse rather than make something new and original.
I genuinely believe the film wouldve turned out so much better had Rogue One come out first, that way the Disney execs wouldnt have demanded so much OT nostalgia bait in TFA since audiences would have had their fill from Rogue One, leaving the sequels free to have their own aesthetic. In hindsight, the films feel extremely corporate and designed by focus group to be as inoffensive as possible. Ships that look almost identical to old TIE and X Wings to the casual observer despite 30 years passing just feels wrong
54:38 I think a perfectly good explanation would be species accessibility. Instead of selling multiple different models to account for different eye counts and/or pupilary distances, you pack most orientations into a single device. If your eyes are farther apart than a human's, you use the wider set of lenses, if you have 4 eyes, then you can use all 4. Problem is they _only_ ever show humans using them, so that probably wasn't on their mind at all.
@@histguy101 quad nods, as brought up in the video, have 4 lenses because 2 are for perfieral vision and thus face not directly forward. quadnocs make no sense as they are presneted in star wars as they are 4 lenses faceing the same direction for characters with only 2 eyes.
The lower set of binoculars in the quadnoculars is clearly not for visual, but olfactory data. They are not just for far-seeing, but for far-smelling as well. This is supported by the fact that some silly goose put the overhangs that would be used to block out unwanted sun glare on regular binoculars on the bottom, in order to prevent the transmitted smells from escaping.
My initial reaction to the Force Awakens was: Mediocre. It was passable as a "movie" but horrible as a "Star Wars". And that was when I still agreed fully with the Plinkett reviews.
more like 50 years old. however its a post-dog fight aircraft, being in the missile age it is servicable as a weapons platform especially with upgrades. and it is used in a relatively peaceful era where dirrect greatpower conflict does not happen. for gun fights, like star wars, between major powers however its wowfully obsolete, and wouldn't still be used (atleast as a fighter) if those kinds of fights were anywhere near common.
Since BB8 would have to move its head to load reasonably, the only logical place to mount him is on the bottom of the ship. This would also give the pilot an extra set of eyes in a blind spot. If you wanted to get even more radical with it, clamps could close over enough of the BB8's exposed body to join underneath the head's outer ring, detaching the head magnets from the body and allowing the head to move about the exterior of the ship while the body stays in its socket.
This channel is absolute fire and I fucking love it!!! One thing though @45:11 In ROTJ when Leia is shot she does bleed. Even though you don’t see the wound it came from, Leia’s blood is all over Han’s hands, you can really see it when he raises his hands and “surrenders” to the AT-ST.
Thank you, Exar Kun, for sharing your wisdom! Someone else had tried to point out this same detail to us, but I'd checked the movie and concluded he was wrong. I'd looked very carefully at the moment Leia was shot, and there was no blood to be seen there. You provided enough information to let us find the truth of the matter. This sort of contribution is exactly what we appreciate about our audience. -DZ
It's funny that The Force Awakens is in my opinion the second best Mouse Wars movie (with rogue one a very distant first tho) goes to show that the studio is really a bunch of monkeys throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks, but have absolutely no idea why one managed to stick
@@newsbender You can't deny Rogue One was a great movie which managed to somewhat explain away one of the biggest issues with the OT in how ridiculously easy it was to blow the death star up.
@ I do deny it. Even the title shows a fundamental misunderstanding of SW. Uncanny valley, cartoony CGI Tarkin and Leia? Count me out. Its creepy and disrespectful. Six movies is more than enough for anyone.
And wasn't Rogue One in development and pretty much finished before the Disney purchase? And it was Kennedy who wanted the Darth Vader and Leia scene and that?
It baffles me no end that Disney already had a plethora of content to use in a sequel trilogy. Is it all perfect? God no, but much of it was at least consistent with what we'd seen. Would've killed to see some of the lore following brought to the big screen. I think what might actually confuse me more than that is Disney's inconsistencies. You have genuinely good Star Wars, IMO, like Andor, Rogue One and Mando S1. The first two are, in my opinion, on par with the absolute best of Star Wars. Then you have, well... Just about everything else. I suppose I couldn't do a better job, I'd probably want to put too much in and it would all get lost in the weeds.
I disagree for Rogue One and Mando S1. Haven't seen Andor. I think its the sheer volume of crap that makes you think basic competence is greatness. I agree that those are the best of Disney wars but its only as good as Ep 2 rather than the best of the series
@CosmicFreedoms yeah? Fair enough, man. I'd certainly give Andor a shot, by far the "smartest" Star Wars has been IMO. That being said, if we don't agree on the other two, then I suspect it'll taint my suggestion. But in that instance I'd say it seemed pretty well received when it released.
Its not a bad movie in a vacuum, its fairly entertaining on its own. The main problem is that it doesnt set up anything new. It goes back to the same tired well. Storm troopers, the Empire, I mean First Order! They even somehow made the good guys, the ones that should be the main galactic power into a bunch of rebels again. Its so dumb for the story as a whole.
Excellent video, hadn't considered many of your points. Just goes to show the sequels are a gift that keeps on giving , future filmmakers have 3 whole movies showing them exactly how not to do it.
"Notice the lack of Ties and X-wings" not only that but as the Clone war advanced, designs of the later ships would creep in, like in Revenge of the sith, the Jedi Interceptors are made by Kuat and have the distinctive octagonal windshield of their later designs.
Not to mention they have a similar paneling outwing design to 'em, too! It's like Incom remained loyal to the people of the galaxy and hoped to capture the Outer Rim markets after the Clone Wars, while Kuat Driveyards stayed loyal to Palpatine and hoped to keep the Federal/Imperial Contracts firmly in their pocket.
For the numbers in Luke's electrobinoculars in the bottom right, it feels to me like in the two environments used, the hardware is struggling with whatever inbuilt temperature control there is. Lenses to be de-iced on Hoth, sensitive electronics to keep cool on Tatooine. It still doesn't help translate into Disney, though.
There is a timeline where Star Wars never had a sequel amd was forever a standalone title. It is fondly remembered as a 70s cult classic but not the pop culture behemoth we know, instead a Dune adaption or a much earlier Lord of the Rings trilogy takes its place
I think there is one more good reason for the Black and Organe Paint job on the T70 It makes him stand out and being such a fierce and good pilot this could have a demoralizing effect on the enemy combatants. They see a Black X wing at the head of a Squad, "Oh darn it, this is going to be bad for us" since he cant hide from machines anywys, mkaing people keenly aware of his present is not a downside.
Blows my mind how they even made these films just eye candy haha cgi and space battles looks cool to look at story and everything that’s happened off screen between ROTJ and TFA makes no sense to me how imperial remnants could be left to fester and Luke completely failing as a Jedi is so crazy to me they obviously didn’t wanna make their own film or anything unique at all just wanted to make a new hope 2
We see TIE Fighters in the Star Destroyer later on, and we see X-wings survive TIE fighter strikes but still be distinctly damaged as a result, as shown by you. Easy way to solve the "How does the X-wing get rendered unusable?" conundrum: Have the two troopers spot it, and after firing off a shot or two at the engine exhaust ports just in case the shields were down (they wouldn't be), one of them alerts the orbital crew, who then sends down a TIE fighter that arrives just after Poe manages to fully warm up the engines, and then one of the engine nacelles explodes in spectacular fashion, leaving the X-wing visibly damaged but not fully destroyed, allowing both Poe and BB-8 to escape the vehicle without issue before going into the rest of the scene.
While the X-wings and other fighters not changing for 30 years lacks creativity, however it isn’t too far off from real life. Aviation in WWI and WWII advanced extremely quickly, however after jet engines and advancements in aerodynamics aviation kinda stagnated. The B-52 first flew in the 1950s, and not only is it still in service, it’s projected for another 30 years in service.
that can kind of, at best, work for the X-wing. it does not work for the TIE which we already saw their design evolution. the B-52 is also in service for so long because its a strategic bomber, something not widely used in highly competative enviroments. by the time its safe to fly any bomber that size its safe to fly an obsolete one. fighters are a completely different thing we have gone through 5 or 6 generations of fighters since the 50s, and numerous planes within a generation as doctrine changes without major tech changes.
The B-52 air frame is still in service but the avionics, engines and payload capacity have been improved multiple times over its service life. Not that that necessarily takes away from your general point.
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Thinking on it, honestly, it would be interesting if they had actually used BB-8's starfighter functionality to justify him being in two pieces and a smaller overall size. Maybe the ball section moves around internallyl to be able to more easily access critical systems, while the head section pops out the top to access exterior sections, and act as a second pair of eyes.
I think it was a good choice to hold off on TFA and branch out and cover things the BC crew actually enjoys. We got a very brief video on the TPM and a long video on a video game I've never played.
One explanation for the quad noculers would be that the second set of optics is for seeing in a diffrent light spectrum and using see through screens to overlay this in the field of view. That said, I doubt they thoughy about this and just went with it because it looks different.
39:29 this sounds like the part where the Bosnian Ape Society starts instructing you on what modifications a Honda civic would need to escape the star destroyer Only to then be stuck in the sand
One of the most glaring inconsistencies is in Phantom Menace. It is painfully obvious where Ewan's reshoot scenes exist as evidenced by the bad wig he wears trying to simulate his Palawan look.
You can find Part 1 here: -DZ and ED-1TA
The T-70's engines are designed to resemble the engines on one of the more famous Ralph McQuarrie X-wing concepts.
This just made me want to watch sg1 ... tek meh Tay bread circus
as a multi-disciplined designer of going-on-3-decades, i've often had conversations with both clients and friends about how, beyond just the design itself, the majority of my job often comes down to simply trying to articulate and being aware of things that most people only notice on a subconscious or unconscious level, but on the whole if not addressed, handled, or conveyed to people properly lead to, quite simply, bad design, off-putting / cheap feelings products, even if the average person can't articulate why and only feels these things once the thing is finished. these two videos do SUCH an excellent job of taking that perspective on this one movie and showing ALL the reasons things just suck and feel off / rushed / like a "poor man's" version of something (in this case, star wars) when the people making said things are just purely injecting their egos into the project and saying "look what i can do!" over and over again with zero thought given to all those things everyone is going to notice or feel unconsciously or subconsciously that give the end-product zero timeless appeal and a very cheap or outright bad feeling to it. well done. i look forward to if there's a part 3, and so far both of these videos could be a case study for any design class - though they probably won't be used for that, because most schools these days are churning out the same sort of mindless egocentric idiots that companies like disney hire to make things like the star wars sequels; extremely immature adults like JJ abrams who have been taught that simply knowing the steps of how to make something and thinking very highly of yourself in the process somehow makes you good at what you're doing no matter what. as someone who's been mostly unemployed since 2020 happened largely because so many companies simply don't hire good designers anymore, it's great to see more public backlash to products like these where people like yourself are not just saying "hey this sucks and we're sick of it" but also going through the minutia of all the reasons "this sucks" in a way that the average person can see and understand on a real fundamental level. i'm sharing this series with a bunch of friends - thanks for making it!
I love you for making these videos Somebody had to do it and you really nailed it from all the points of A. Genuine fan of the universe
Unnecessary input, but the F-16 is a real life fifty year old fighter being pressed into serious combat, which I will leave at that. So, if the scenario was logical and there had been a period of peace where the New Republic tried to take over administration of the galaxy, somewhat upgraded airframes could be left in service in line squadrons.
There's a legtimate chance that The Bread Circus will finish his Force Awakens series before Mauler does.
The long man awakening
Now I want a collaboration of Bread and Mauler for TLJ or TRoS that'll probably take 10 years to before it's finished but it'd be thoroughly worth it!
Bread circus’s criticism is leagues better than maulers too
@@creativeself7147 Get the little platoon in there and we have a deal
The time has come for Long Man and his Furry friends! Soon they will be no more…
I remember being completely horrified in the theatre.
Still can't believe it took until TLJ for people to start noticing how bad everything is.
im guilty
I was willing to forgive a lot of flaws as there was still room for the plot to be genuinely good in the later films. In hindsight that was just hopium on my part, similar to how I had high hopes for the last 2 seasons of Game of Thrones before they came out
I definitely had that sinking feeling the entire time on opening night. But I had invested so much of myself into the franchise I denied how bad it was for months.
I couldn't. It was instant for me the moment Finn started blasting other Storm Troopers or when Kylo stopped a blaster bolt in mid air or anything to do with Rey.
And I was one of those people saying "Its good Disney has it now because that means more Star Wars". I had no idea how Disney could take a franchise that iconic and handle it this badly.
Especially since I love the prequels and people hated on them back then.
I was cautiously optimistic going into opening night for this movie. If it wasn't for being there with my best friend I would have walked out half way through.
Hello yes I am popular demand. I will pay great attention to the video.
Wait, wasn't Popyula Demmand a character from Star Wars?
fogx :)
i only came to the video because you were gonna be here
@FEDEXLuchs aww babe
Hi Popular Demand, Im Dad
JJ was really anxious to make a cheap and pathetic copy of the original, with zero world building and a destruction of the previous world building
Something that still haunts Disney Star Wars to this day.
The Abrams trilogy was so blatantly crappy that I never noticed how many even crappier details there are. Thanks Bread Circus.
Didn’t think I could dislike the sequels any more than I currently do, but it seems I have some work to do.
same! ;-)
Exactly what I feeling right now. i.i
KK: We don't have any material to reference from
E-Wing/K-Wing: Are we a joke to you?
Hell I would have used Tie Hunters and Scimitar bombers as the First Order's main starfighters.
God I forgot the K wing
All of Tyber Zann's books woulda worked for material. Shouldve just adapted those.
@@Off-HandedBarrel problem there is that the OT cast was too old to make that work.
@@26th_Primarch that's disney thinking, a rebel spy perhaps? jokes aside, recasting is NOT a bad idea, people can and willingly accept it as long as the "replacement" is a good actor. based on what you said, id say you got the same mindset from disney from the solo movie, where after it's failure, the business suits was afraid that recasting is the path to the dark side, losing money and consumer trust. but that's just one movie, where most of it's failure attributed to terrible writers and exec interventions to dapple in nostalgia/easter egg bait, and sequel bait also being nostalgia/easter egg bait
Poe being an E-wing pilot actually makes perfect sense. He wasn't a rookie like Luke was at the end of Episode 4, he was an ace pilot who was accustomed to flying highly dangerous missions for the Rebellion. However, because the E-wing is property of the EU, Disney never would have used it because then they would have had to pay royalties to the creator of the E-wing, as well as respecting the history of the EU.
I will forgive your brevity in thanks for a new upload so quickly.
Also if you finish this series before Mauler ill figure out how to give you 100$.
They completely forgot about gravity wells preventing hyperspace jumps. Even in the new EA Star Wars game, Jedi Survivor, the protagonist jumps to hyperspace directly from the surface of Coruscant.
Do we even have new lore for hyperspace jumps yet?
I like the Halo method best. You CAN jump in-atmosphere, but not only is there a risk of pulling things along with you, it also causes a sizeable blast in your wake. It's possible, but highly dangerous and usually ends poorly for both ends.
I just finished your 12 hour Phantom Menace brief review and it held my interest the whole way through. I couldn't believe it. Gave it a brief 4 hours per day and got there in a half week.
0:30 you know, I would prefer to focus on TPM more than TFA too, but I've already watched the whole video twice.
When The Bread Circus speaks, I sit my ass down and LISTEN. Also I'm so excited for the 12 hour Attack of the Clones part 2.
Attack of the Clones will be *longer* than 12, according to The Gluten Carnival
After the 12-hour Attack of the Clones analysis, there will be a 12-hour Attack of the Clones analysis.
After the 12-hour Attack of the Clones analysis, there will be a 12-hour Attack of the Clones analysis.
God I'm cool.
The Force Awakens is Star Wars made by people who vaguely know what Star Wars. They know what a lightsaber and a stormtrooper is. They also know that Star Wars makes a lot of money. There probably were some real fans working in the prop and costume departments, but you can tell the writing team was heavily dictated by Disney.
Older LucasArts games (which were not written directly by George Lucas) feel more like Star Wars than TFA. Games such as KOTOR, Rogue Squadron, Dark Forces or Bounty Hunter feel like they were written and developed by people with completely different priorities to the team who made TFA.
Something that I realized at 20:45 is that the Naboo fighter mech loader system could work with an unmodified mech and without changing the fighter's profile. Simply rotate the droid socket and loader by 90 degrees so that the droid's legs are located behind the pilot's head rest and underneath the slope behind the droid head port. And if you would like a visual example of what this would look like, just take a look at the Clone Wars Arc-170 fighter droid socket to get an idea of what I'm getting at.
At 4:04 Kakapoe Dameron displays the rapid fire combat techniques that made him so highly valued by the Empire
Fun fact: Lor San Tekka's actor, the late Max von Sydow, also plays the role of Esbern in Skyrim. This *would* have been his only role in a video game, but technically Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens came first. I like to think this doesn't count since it's just reused movie lines.
Nope, von Sydow also reprised his role as Vigo (at least the voice) in "Ghostbusters: The Video Game".
nah. He'll always be Ming the Merciless
His most notable role is Father Merrin in The Exorcist.
He's also in that black and white film with the grim reaper. I always forget the title.
@@1000000man1 The Seventh Seal?
@@BobofWOGGLE Yeah that's it. It's Swedish, isn't it?
I think the worst part about the sequels is that there definitely was potential to the idea of a new trilogy. Even many of the designs in the movies look great and could easily fit in a pre disney canon. Yet because disney only cares about money and Lucas was dumb enough to be convinced otherwise, we got the lackluster slop that we see before us
I agree- but I mainly want to applaud the fact that you used the proper spelling of “canon”. People drive me crazy when they write “head cannon”, etc. It’s such a huge pet peeve, I think I might need medication 😆
My hand cannon is that darth vader is lukes father@@tunguskalumberjack9987
I hated it with a passion the moment Rey was showing up Han Solo in the Falcon.
It completely undid the original trilogy.
Disney should be in prison for a crime against our culture
You don't think handing the over Falcon to Lando to destroy the Death Star, whilst Han spent half a movie trying to open a door, was a betrayal? You were fine with that?
"Having a character get trapped and need to be rescued, and letting someone else use their ship, is totally the same as someone else showing up and instantly knowing the customized ship they've had for 30+ years better than they do"
@@Espartanica That's not accurate. It's just someone who has spent their entire life scavenging and selling parts from ships knowing how to bypass a compressor. At no point are we told she knows more about the entire falcon than Han. If you have to grossly exaggerate then you don't really have an argument.
@@ZeroFilmClips "If you accurately describe the scene that's a gross exaggeration. Obviously a scavenger would better understand the ship than the person who's been working on it personally for 30+ years, because scavenging a wide range of vehicles gives you more knowledge about the Falcon than fixing it up for a few decades would. Also, it's completely not a gross exaggeration to reduce Han's role in episode 6 to "spending half the movie trying to open a door." Gee, I'm so fair in my logic!"
@@Espartanica She doesn't know everything about the Falcon. She works out how to bypass a compressor. Stop exaggerating.
Let's be honest here... If Rey was a guy then none of you lot would have a problem with any of this stuff.
"Flamethrowers don't have a stun setting."
Carbonite Projector, go!
Warcrimes prevented :)
I like the idea of a flamethrower using such highly evaporative fuel that turning it to "freeze mode" is as simple as turning off the pilot light.
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one!
I'm a big fat fucking nerd for feeling nostalgia for hearing the intro song and the beloved kakapo. Good to see this series continued.
K-Dam rules!
what is the intro music? i get so excited when i hear it. lol
@@KevinM491 it's a Atomic heart remix of Soviet Alla Pugacheva's "Arlekino" song
@@KevinM491 it's an Atomic Heart remix of Soviet song "Arlekino" preformed by Alla Pugacheva
Love the unexpected Stargate reference with "Archmage Bra'tac", thank you for a good laugh
I was searching for this comment- thank you! 👍🏻
(Jaffa- Kree!)
Good to see some UA-cam Shorts from you guys :)
the t-70 has always bothered me.
Because they limited 2 major factors that the original X-wing design pushed with ease.
1. the split x wing design firstly allowed for expanded heat dispersal. allowing engines and weapons to run hotter for longer.
2. the split x wing design also altered the flight profile for manuvering thrusters. and allowing better control in space.
The t-70 "scissor" split x wing design does both of these things worse from a strictly functional standpoint. By cutting 2/3 of each split wing in half, the heat dispersal isn't as good, and there is a less uniform area to mount manuvering thrusters.
Disney also forgot that the x-wing is still fully capable of combat even with the wings in a "closed" position. and from an aerodynamic standpoint expanding and drastically altering your flight profile (in atmosphere) mere seconds before engaging in combat is not only incredibly dangerous, it could be fatal. and further again the X-wing doesn't have the expanded wing space to improve lift in comparison to the original t-65 variants. so again splitting the wings in atmosphere would likely only further reduce the fighter's flight characteristics rather than improve them. And that is assuming for the required atmospheric flight controls that would be needed for High-G menuvering in an atmosphere.
When do we see the X-wing firing in the closed position
They also gave the engines spinning intakes that split in half and still just magically spin and work with the wings open, not knowing how Turbines work.
35:00: FWIW, there is a good reason not to do a turbolaser orbital strike: Their primary objective according to the opening crawl is finding Luke, and so presumably getting the mystery box, which means they can't risk disintegrating it along with Po.
...That does contradict the flamethrower thing later though. But that's a separate problem.
While I appreciate, as always, using what data exists in-universe to explain what is going on, I think there is a far simpler explanation as to why X-wings and TIEs exist as the standard fighters - someone said "Star Wars Branding".
37:50 I even think, this could make good action. Imagine Poe gunning down the two stormtroopers, trying to take off, when we see a misisle trooper aiming on him.
We hear some warning going faster and just on the last moment Poe manages to jump out.
Not forget the unforgettable lines of Kennedy, Abrams and Simon Pegg when this movie was release: "Everyone that isn't a Original Star Wars fan is not a real Star Wars fans". You can imagine the huge backlash that they received from the rest of the Fandom, people think that are the most recent TV Shows that began the trend of simply not watching Disney Star Wars, but no, began from the beginning, Disney not expect us to watch what they do after splitting us in the face.
They were wrong to say it but they're actually correct. Star Wars strongest entries were the originals. The prequels are mostly bad with some great moments and good ideas. Some of the games have been great too, but that isn't really being a fan of SW it's being a fan of games like you could like Shadow of War but that doesn't mean you're a Lord of the Rings or Hobbit fan.
@@theflyingkaramazovbrothers6 You have been living under a rock the last ten years? No ones cares about the Originals, for obvious reasons, they were overly simplistic, and the only character with some deep was Vader, you are sticking with the sinking ship even that most of the Fandom have abandoned the OT and the Original Star Wars fans, because they are the most toxic part of the Fandom, if you say that now at days, you would be consider an idiot, sticking with dinosaurs, no taken seriously, most of the Fandom is feed up with the OT, we not care anymore, thanks to Disney and they unwilling to move from the OT era, you are living in a bubble, sorry to burst your bubble, but your opinion now is mostly irrelevant, you can like the OT as much as you want, but not expect that the rest of us do the same.
@TheKeyser94 no I'm sorry without the originals you have KotOR 1 and 2, maybe Heir to the Empire and that's it. You consider them simple what do you call the prequels? The first two were poorly written and directed.
@@theflyingkaramazovbrothers6 Or maybe you are brainless and not known anything, even a twelve year old can understand the Prequels, and now have become more relevant than ever, hell, if you want to understand the Phantom Menace you need to understand Admiral Arthur Perry, how he open the trade of Japan by force by his cannon, and the Japan Civil War between the Shogunate and the Empire, that also explain Attack of the Clones, with a more complicated plot, because Palpatine is manipulating both sides of he war, and the Jedi aren't the paragons of virtue, what you have is nostalgia for something that doesn't exist, even the background of the Originals are more interesting than the movie themselves, the Rebel Alliance were based on the Vietcong and the Empire in the U. S., Lucas say itself in the Return of the Jedi commentary, and more than ones Kenobi says that Sith or Jedi are point of views, even that he and Yoda are in the absolute about Vader no being capable of be redeem. What you want is a stupid power fantasy where you feel that in the right side, when there is no right side.
@@theflyingkaramazovbrothers6 KotOR 1 and 2, where made during the Prequel era, and Bioware wanted to make something not set in any of the era OT or PT, so you are really wrong if you think that they were based on the OT, maybe the first KotOR 1, with the fallacy of the "Hero Journey" but KotOR 2 is a way different beast, like the Prequels ask what is the difference between the Jedi and the Sith, things simply aren't black and white.
"It'll be done when its done" and we like that.
It'll be done when its done...
Is that an Oneyplays reference?
Chad oneyplays fan
So I went over a lot of this with my ex in much less detail and when she told me I was knit picking I said "a story should be woven together tightly like fabric, knitting leaves holes in your final product if you don't want people knit picking your story stop knitting your stories together and leaving your stories full of holes."
ST: Why do you guys always act like you're better than me?
OT & PT: Because we ARE better than you.
3:37 Max von Sydow an legendary actor, wasted for maybe his last role. What an insult.
As soon as they brought Poe in front of Kylo and they started the little TOTS AWKWAAARRRDDDD millennial comedy routine I knew that there was zero hope for nuStar Wars to be good. Took less than 5 minutes into the movie.
1) Even if that is your kind of comedy, the scene is trying to establish the threat levels and seriousness of the universe. Imagine if in the opening of A New Hope instead of showing Vader choking a fearful captain who is pleading that they are a peaceful ship, the captain stands there defiantly hands on hips and says some quip like "Let me guess - you pulled us over because my tail light was burnt out!" or some other nonsense. Would anyone treat Vader or the movie with serious respect?
2) We literally just saw Poe have a freak out about the civilians being shot, so much so that he attacked Ren. Are we really supposed to believe that 10 seconds later he'd be cracking jokes after being so upset/enraged by innocent people being killed? It makes his character look like a schizophrenic immature idiot.
Ashes of the Empire would have been a better title for this movie...assuming they focused on...I dunno...the First Order actually rising instead of just appearing without any resistance. That might have been too interesting of a plot though.
But that would mean doing hard work and actually doing world building, like how is the state of the Republic, who is the Chancellor, where is the capital, who is supporting the First Order, giving them weapons and ships, the Sequel Trilogy Galaxy is completely barren, there is no world building in the galaxy or the factions.
You forgot that it’s also sort of not really an original movie. I think the comparison was funny that the sequels are movie‘s inspired by Star Wars.
He referenced that like 100 times, and it's been a point people have made for literally almost 10 years 😂
JJ Abrahams. What an uncreative hack. His output can be condensed to two words: unanswered questions.
Somebody give this guy a lucrative writing job for a star wars project or any project really. I like how detailed he is and how he fixes issues with meticulous common sense alternatives. 😊
When you said that I immediately imagined a stormtrooper throwing a red ball at the X wing that sends a beacon into the sky.
Requesting orbital strike
Of course it's 380... hits everything you don't need it to!
Only an hour? Maybe there will be 12 parts.
The Longman, has been outlonged.
The main issue I have with Disney nuX-Wings is that it wasn't a bew design in any fashion. It was a recycled from Mcquarrie's original paintings. Disney loved to reuse rather than make something new and original.
I genuinely believe the film wouldve turned out so much better had Rogue One come out first, that way the Disney execs wouldnt have demanded so much OT nostalgia bait in TFA since audiences would have had their fill from Rogue One, leaving the sequels free to have their own aesthetic. In hindsight, the films feel extremely corporate and designed by focus group to be as inoffensive as possible. Ships that look almost identical to old TIE and X Wings to the casual observer despite 30 years passing just feels wrong
the "lucasfilm story group" I think is likely one of the continued contributed to "corporate" feeling of star wars.
54:38 I think a perfectly good explanation would be species accessibility.
Instead of selling multiple different models to account for different eye counts and/or pupilary distances, you pack most orientations into a single device.
If your eyes are farther apart than a human's, you use the wider set of lenses, if you have 4 eyes, then you can use all 4.
Problem is they _only_ ever show humans using them, so that probably wasn't on their mind at all.
another problem is why would the human centric first order design their own quadoculars if the purpose is species accessibility.
@Cri_Jackal quad nods are a real world thing. They're meant for one pair of human eyes
@@histguy101 quad nods, as brought up in the video, have 4 lenses because 2 are for perfieral vision and thus face not directly forward.
quadnocs make no sense as they are presneted in star wars as they are 4 lenses faceing the same direction for characters with only 2 eyes.
@matthiuskoenig3378 look at the left image in your timestamp, where it shows them on a trooper. They flip up and look just like real ones.
0:20 "Didn't realize"??? Bruh...they knew EXACTLY what they were doing, and NONE of it was good.
The lower set of binoculars in the quadnoculars is clearly not for visual, but olfactory data. They are not just for far-seeing, but for far-smelling as well. This is supported by the fact that some silly goose put the overhangs that would be used to block out unwanted sun glare on regular binoculars on the bottom, in order to prevent the transmitted smells from escaping.
Quad nods are a real world thing
@@histguy101 He brings it up in the video.
My initial reaction to the Force Awakens was: Mediocre. It was passable as a "movie" but horrible as a "Star Wars".
And that was when I still agreed fully with the Plinkett reviews.
56:59 the F15 is like 30-40 years old and still used in modern conflicts today
more like 50 years old. however its a post-dog fight aircraft, being in the missile age it is servicable as a weapons platform especially with upgrades. and it is used in a relatively peaceful era where dirrect greatpower conflict does not happen.
for gun fights, like star wars, between major powers however its wowfully obsolete, and wouldn't still be used (atleast as a fighter) if those kinds of fights were anywhere near common.
and it is shown that should an f-15 go up against an f-35, the f-15 would never even know the f-35 was there before exploding.
I can’t quit hearing BrayTech. Clovis Bray I is looking pretty different lmao.
Since BB8 would have to move its head to load reasonably, the only logical place to mount him is on the bottom of the ship. This would also give the pilot an extra set of eyes in a blind spot. If you wanted to get even more radical with it, clamps could close over enough of the BB8's exposed body to join underneath the head's outer ring, detaching the head magnets from the body and allowing the head to move about the exterior of the ship while the body stays in its socket.
but he's such a cute little merchandise item
This channel is absolute fire and I fucking love it!!!
One thing though @45:11 In ROTJ when Leia is shot she does bleed. Even though you don’t see the wound it came from, Leia’s blood is all over Han’s hands, you can really see it when he raises his hands and “surrenders” to the AT-ST.
Thank you, Exar Kun, for sharing your wisdom! Someone else had tried to point out this same detail to us, but I'd checked the movie and concluded he was wrong. I'd looked very carefully at the moment Leia was shot, and there was no blood to be seen there. You provided enough information to let us find the truth of the matter. This sort of contribution is exactly what we appreciate about our audience. -DZ
41:12 well, didn't stop me from taking Polis Massa by myself in Battlefront 2.
>Appreciating the sequels
>Shitting on the sequels
This is a fine channel you have here sir
It's funny that The Force Awakens is in my opinion the second best Mouse Wars movie (with rogue one a very distant first tho) goes to show that the studio is really a bunch of monkeys throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks, but have absolutely no idea why one managed to stick
None of it stuck, it all ended up in a rotting pile on the floor
@@newsbender You can't deny Rogue One was a great movie which managed to somewhat explain away one of the biggest issues with the OT in how ridiculously easy it was to blow the death star up.
@ I do deny it. Even the title shows a fundamental misunderstanding of SW. Uncanny valley, cartoony CGI Tarkin and Leia? Count me out. Its creepy and disrespectful. Six movies is more than enough for anyone.
@@newsbender we'll agree to disagree. I hate Disney star wars but I personally found Rogue One really enjoyable.
And wasn't Rogue One in development and pretty much finished before the Disney purchase? And it was Kennedy who wanted the Darth Vader and Leia scene and that?
26:20 Well, it could be a Blaster cannon like the E-Web. That would cause significant damage.
It baffles me no end that Disney already had a plethora of content to use in a sequel trilogy. Is it all perfect? God no, but much of it was at least consistent with what we'd seen.
Would've killed to see some of the lore following brought to the big screen.
I think what might actually confuse me more than that is Disney's inconsistencies.
You have genuinely good Star Wars, IMO, like Andor, Rogue One and Mando S1. The first two are, in my opinion, on par with the absolute best of Star Wars.
Then you have, well... Just about everything else.
I suppose I couldn't do a better job, I'd probably want to put too much in and it would all get lost in the weeds.
I disagree for Rogue One and Mando S1. Haven't seen Andor. I think its the sheer volume of crap that makes you think basic competence is greatness. I agree that those are the best of Disney wars but its only as good as Ep 2 rather than the best of the series
@CosmicFreedoms yeah? Fair enough, man. I'd certainly give Andor a shot, by far the "smartest" Star Wars has been IMO.
That being said, if we don't agree on the other two, then I suspect it'll taint my suggestion.
But in that instance I'd say it seemed pretty well received when it released.
I personally very much enjoyed the bad batch, it was as good or better than mando s1 imo
Your channel is woefully undersubscribed. This is without doubt the best SW content on YT
Its not a bad movie in a vacuum, its fairly entertaining on its own. The main problem is that it doesnt set up anything new. It goes back to the same tired well.
Storm troopers, the Empire, I mean First Order! They even somehow made the good guys, the ones that should be the main galactic power into a bunch of rebels again. Its so dumb for the story as a whole.
Excellent video, hadn't considered many of your points. Just goes to show the sequels are a gift that keeps on giving , future filmmakers have 3 whole movies showing them exactly how not to do it.
holy bread Batman in only nine days he has risen!
2:48 the Cerveza Crystal adveert would have been a fine addition to the video 😂
45:14 to be fair that shot that hit lea also drew blood
I don't know if I want more of AotC or TFA. Both is good.
"We are leather bags of impure water."
Bro. I can't even! That line is so metal!!!
30:30 the firespray gunship is a patrol and attack craft, so I think the slave 1 could be considered a military vessel.
Military and police.
its -coast- orbit guard
Another installment in a very important series, cannot wait for you to get to Episode 3. It has maybe my favorite ships in the whole series.
They’ll have to spend 12 hours on the Battle over Corasunt alone. lol
My flamethrower has a stun setting: People are stunned when they see I have a working flamethrower. That’s how I get them.
"Notice the lack of Ties and X-wings" not only that but as the Clone war advanced, designs of the later ships would creep in, like in Revenge of the sith, the Jedi Interceptors are made by Kuat and have the distinctive octagonal windshield of their later designs.
Not to mention they have a similar paneling outwing design to 'em, too!
It's like Incom remained loyal to the people of the galaxy and hoped to capture the Outer Rim markets after the Clone Wars, while Kuat Driveyards stayed loyal to Palpatine and hoped to keep the Federal/Imperial Contracts firmly in their pocket.
For the numbers in Luke's electrobinoculars in the bottom right, it feels to me like in the two environments used, the hardware is struggling with whatever inbuilt temperature control there is. Lenses to be de-iced on Hoth, sensitive electronics to keep cool on Tatooine.
It still doesn't help translate into Disney, though.
That chewbacca scene will forever be "you're so hairy. Oh you likethat? Better believe it baby." It will never be anything else ever again
Okay. Since san tekka is now Braytak, that d bag that they had going on there is definitely not Luke Skywalker. I'm renaming him as "Dildor."
As a Zelda fan, I’ve always hated Poe’s name for taking me out of the movie before I ever even saw it.
The Flatulence Awakens more like.
Empire is best, but Jedi is better than Hope. There, I said it
There is a timeline where Star Wars never had a sequel amd was forever a standalone title. It is fondly remembered as a 70s cult classic but not the pop culture behemoth we know, instead a Dune adaption or a much earlier Lord of the Rings trilogy takes its place
It's more entertaining, that's for sure.
I like all three, but you are right. In a ranking of the OT, one movie simply has to be on the last place.
I think there is one more good reason for the Black and Organe Paint job on the T70 It makes him stand out and being such a fierce and good pilot this could have a demoralizing effect on the enemy combatants. They see a Black X wing at the head of a Squad, "Oh darn it, this is going to be bad for us" since he cant hide from machines anywys, mkaing people keenly aware of his present is not a downside.
Blows my mind how they even made these films just eye candy haha cgi and space battles looks cool to look at story and everything that’s happened off screen between ROTJ and TFA makes no sense to me how imperial remnants could be left to fester and Luke completely failing as a Jedi is so crazy to me they obviously didn’t wanna make their own film or anything unique at all just wanted to make a new hope 2
We see TIE Fighters in the Star Destroyer later on, and we see X-wings survive TIE fighter strikes but still be distinctly damaged as a result, as shown by you.
Easy way to solve the "How does the X-wing get rendered unusable?" conundrum: Have the two troopers spot it, and after firing off a shot or two at the engine exhaust ports just in case the shields were down (they wouldn't be), one of them alerts the orbital crew, who then sends down a TIE fighter that arrives just after Poe manages to fully warm up the engines, and then one of the engine nacelles explodes in spectacular fashion, leaving the X-wing visibly damaged but not fully destroyed, allowing both Poe and BB-8 to escape the vehicle without issue before going into the rest of the scene.
That Attack of the Clones part 2 will hit like crack
While the X-wings and other fighters not changing for 30 years lacks creativity, however it isn’t too far off from real life. Aviation in WWI and WWII advanced extremely quickly, however after jet engines and advancements in aerodynamics aviation kinda stagnated. The B-52 first flew in the 1950s, and not only is it still in service, it’s projected for another 30 years in service.
that can kind of, at best, work for the X-wing. it does not work for the TIE which we already saw their design evolution.
the B-52 is also in service for so long because its a strategic bomber, something not widely used in highly competative enviroments. by the time its safe to fly any bomber that size its safe to fly an obsolete one. fighters are a completely different thing we have gone through 5 or 6 generations of fighters since the 50s, and numerous planes within a generation as doctrine changes without major tech changes.
The B-52 air frame is still in service but the avionics, engines and payload capacity have been improved multiple times over its service life.
Not that that necessarily takes away from your general point.
8:28 I appreciate the call-out to So Uncivilized.
When I first saw the bloodied hand on the helmet scene, I thought it was a Monster drink add insert.
Sir yes. You mention informations concerning various the ways to obtain access for particular bloods.
Could you thanks forward these information because of very legitimate reasons I have in topic.
Sincerely thank yous,
Count Vladimir Jarku, Mr
Not Canon
Thinking on it, honestly, it would be interesting if they had actually used BB-8's starfighter functionality to justify him being in two pieces and a smaller overall size.
Maybe the ball section moves around internallyl to be able to more easily access critical systems, while the head section pops out the top to access exterior sections, and act as a second pair of eyes.
I think it was a good choice to hold off on TFA and branch out and cover things the BC crew actually enjoys. We got a very brief video on the TPM and a long video on a video game I've never played.
At this rate. We will get past the first 20 minutes of the first sequel by 2040.
Two videos within one month is a wonderful treat
38:45 was not expecting a Gag Halfrunt quote, what a throwback!
Say what you will about Disney, but they did put some thought into the ingress-egress ladders.
Talking about astromech droid socket cranes and then cutting to R2 being yeeted out of the jedi starfighter socket made me laugh
Appreciated the shoutout to Jaffa masters
22:25 "We keep the two arms, but change the end connectors." DARK :D
I didn’t realize but now I wish we saw the E-wing in the movie. 😮
Wow, I was just re-watching the first part, what a coincidence.
One explanation for the quad noculers would be that the second set of optics is for seeing in a diffrent light spectrum and using see through screens to overlay this in the field of view. That said, I doubt they thoughy about this and just went with it because it looks different.
You are spoiling us. Please continue.
39:29 this sounds like the part where the Bosnian Ape Society starts instructing you on what modifications a Honda civic would need to escape the star destroyer
Only to then be stuck in the sand
A Hutt in the desert.
One of the most glaring inconsistencies is in Phantom Menace. It is painfully obvious where Ewan's reshoot scenes exist as evidenced by the bad wig he wears trying to simulate his Palawan look.