I don't understand the Trump appeal. One, he's physically unattractive. Two, he makes no sense when he talk. Three, he's a very insecure person, hungry for attention and sensitive to any small criticism
People think because he's rich means that he knows everything & will make the national debt somehow dissappear. People are fueled by false hope and he intentionally makes people angry.
Guys, I'm a Bernie supporter, and I still think that this nomination was rigged. But don't take it out on Noah. Y'know, a person can like a candidate you don't like without being an idiot, the embodiment of evil, or both.
+da copyright policeTM The Daily Show has never claimed to be neutral, nor do they need to. They're a comedy show, so their chief goal is being funny, not necessarily balanced. They simply find the Republicans to be a better source of jokes.
"I still think that this nomination was rigged" SO did the DNC change any primary votes, switch ballots around, or any of the other things that constitutes rigging a vote?
Hartzilla2007 I think that from the very beginning the DNC has been against Bernie. I'm not going to accuse them of criminal acts, but I will accuse them of favoritism and underhandedness. And who knows? Weird things have happened during the primaries, and I wouldn't be surprised if SOMEONE tried to tamper with the voting machines. But it probably wasn't the DNC, if it did happen. No, I mean that the establishment has been fundamentally against Bernie from the beginning.
When you almost cause ww3 and take a pandemic for granted, I would understand why the fuck they want ,that saggy piece of wet toast my dog vomited out, out of offices, he’s like if you put an extra tanned kkk member that ,used his fathers wealth, as president
I hate both candidates but God it pisses me off how almost all of these talk shows are so left leaning. I mean they'll bash Donald Trump all day, understandably, but I challenge you to find any videos of them directly bashing Hilary because she's just as fucking bad. Trump is insane but Hilary killed Americans for God's sake and these talk shows won't say a damn thing about it. They raise her up like she's a savior.
You're right, the entertainment industry doesn't really dive into Hilary as much. We will leave that to congress to spend 7 million on Benghazi reports. Maybe go read them if you are feeling she is being left out of criticism.
Evan seemed to be commenting on the fact that she isn't getting her fair share of criticism and critiquing. I just think that 7 million dollars and more investigations than 9/11 is worth recognizing and reading up on.
It's especially annoying and disturbing as an independent like myself. In fact, I used to somewhat lean towards supporting Bernie. But seeing the media in the bed with Hillary and the DNC even after it was released that the DNC rigged the election makes me want to support Trump as a big fuck you to mainstream media and the multi-million dollar companies the Clintons and the DNC are in bed with.
The only time liberals complain about gov't spending is when their own are being investigated. Assuming you did read the report (and not just every MSM headline with the phrase "No bombshell"), please explain to me what Hilary did RIGHT regarding Benghazi
I like to think of it as either poking a bear in the back, or running in front of the bear. You either get a complete disaster, or a chance to not have a disaster.
This is nothing more than Hitler vs. Stalin, part II. I guess those who were alive during that time have died off. Trump displays many characteristics of Hitler as he rants and raves, and Hilly look so much like Stalin with her rigid posture, extended arm motions, and vomiting of party mantra. How sad that these two people are the best this nation has to offer. All of your parents, teachers professors, all of the great people you may have known in your life ... Trump and Clinton are the two apex members of society in the United States. Maybe the terrorist should win!
In my opinion, this is the best performance by Trevor Noah so far at the Daily Show so far. He is really making big steps to stamp his own brand on the show. Appreciate your effort!
So what. As Jon Stewart once pointed out, the right has just opened itself to being mocked, what, with guys like Hannity, O'Reilly, those stupid "Friends", etc.... As many comedians have called them: the gift that keeps on giving...
Trumps committed massive fraud lol! He's the bigger crook, I dunno why you people keep harping on that she's a woman tho lol sorry don't get it l, but what the fuck do I care I'm not even American do what you want to do to your own nation lol
The point at the end is really correct: rich people are the one that would benefit the most from trump (with his tax cut) and they still say "oh hell no!" But to be fair i haven't seen a single billionaire saying something nice about Trump. The best thing i remember was the answer to "would you work with him?" and Mark Cuban said "if he does what i say yes". No one trust Trump as the commander.
you just laid out the reason he's not a puppet. Light bulb go off in your head yet? the people screwing you over hate someone... you should... hate him too?????
resinated666 How he is not a puppet? I mean he is getting donation like every other candidate (yep, like Hillary too). Now you may say "no he self found" and i say NO: the primaries were "self founded" (actually he gave a loan to himself which sound the same but it's different since he used donations to take the money back) but he said that in the main election he is not self founding. Did you forget when they panicked before the RNC because they needed 6 millions dollars? Where do you think they came from. So yeah, i should hate him for lying and act like he is the only good guy.
+resinated666 I hate him because of all the crap that's come out of his mouth. And before you start with the emails thing, I can't stand Hillary either, but I must also admit that between the two, Hillary is the lesser asshat from my point of view.
Stephen Colbert had Mark Cuban, a person who initially thought Trump presidency would be great but flipped over the moment he heard him open his mouth. I wonder if Billionaires have any other interest in not electing Trump or do they really care about the middle class?
He has worked with Cuban and that is still Cuban's statement. He is and was a puppet, the only difference is that he is racist enough for people to forget that he is.
This will be lost in the sea of hate. I used to support trump. I was and still am sick and scared of this cluttered and rigged political gamut that seems to choke out progress in any direction. I thought a vote for trump was a vote against THAT. But after the constant inconsistencies, refusal to give straight answers and rhetoric that consistently marches closer to a mirror image of famous tyrannical leaders, I jumped ship. I can't have blood on my hands when a president trump inevitably continues his amorphous xenophobic desperate rhetoric into office and potentially causes massive international incidents that will undermine America's position in the world. I honestly don't care whether this changes any minds, I just want people to know the thoughts of a former trump supporter, for better or for worse. I'd rather have the actual Adolf Hitler be running instead of trump, because at least then people could see through the thin facade drumpf puts up.
Calling him libtard is pure stupidity. Though it was a nice try coming from a Trump supporter. Besides what should anyone expect when a Trump supporter gets hit with facts.
but at least Trump says America first, very few people are acknowledgeing that, but support Gary Johnson he is both a business man and a respecteable states man, he also says put Americans first and dosen't have Hillary's messy baggage and scandals
The point is that many ordinary politicians do not recognize that we are facing an American brand of neo-fascism. In this regards, Sanders knows exactly what he is doing when he talks about "reality" and "unity". In fact, Sanders is not only decent and honest but intelligent as he knows from his years of experience and historical knowledge that a divided front against fascism leads to the most dangerous disasters. Recall: __"Make Germany Strong Again!" (Hitler's theme and slogan) __"I am the greatest fortress builder of all time!" (Hitler bragging about his Atlantic Wall) Result: Germany ended up in ruins, 60 million people lost their lives in WWII, and the Wall collapsed!
+Wordavee1 I'm glad you asked. We trade with other countries who cheat us in the trade deals by devaluing their currency. We trade with them and import their products and when we try to export products to them and make a profit, they put tariffs on us and we make much less from the deal based on the fact that they cheat their currencies. We defend other countries like, for example, japan. Now if Japan gets attacked, we have to defend them. If we get attacked, they don't have to defend us. we defend Saudi Arabia. While we're stationed there, as we are protecting them, we also have to pay them for us being there. Think about this. We pay THEM to defend them. How fucked up is that? We put the most amount into programs like NATO, whereas other countries dont. Mexico treats it's illegals like shit, for example, those from Guatemala. A friend of mine was staying at a monastery in India and her visa expired. So she had to hide from government officials who go around and check documents and paperwork. In America, we welcome illegal immigrants and provide government benefits that is supposed to be reserved for the tax payers but is also given to illegals. So when someone comes and points out how unfair it is to the legal immigrants and the citizens who pay taxes and that simply because of the fact that they're illegal and should be deported because they broke the law, that person gets called a bigot. Nowadays, following procedure makes you a bigot, especially if you name the country in which most of these people who aren't following procedure come from. You even get compared to Hitler. That's what we have come to. Other countries take advantage of us in that way because we let them walk all over us and we allow ourselves to be mistreated by other countries. Noone calls Mexico bigoted for being harsh on immigration yet the US is somehow bigoted when it wants to straighten out its issues.
+Wordavee1 and let me be clear. the rest of the world is not the enemy. That in itself would be bigoted. It's our stupid leaders who don't know what they're doing that have let us down. When we get mistreated by other countries, it's mainly because it's a dog eat dog world and the captains of our team are weak. And more importantly, the ones who are affected most by this are the American people. People like Hitlery Cunton don't get affected because they're deep in the pockets of many of these countries
Cliven Longsight Yeah I totally understand his decision. Family comes before career. I just bet he would've been a man most people could vote for ya know?
That would imply Trump is anti-establishment. Surely you're not buying the 'maverick against the old guard' bullshit he's promoting? The GOP would love him if he wasn't so honest about hating people....that's all they really have issue with. Hillary's crooked - yeah, so have all her predecessors been back as far as Truman. Oh, but for some reason, the scrutiny you people mysteriously didn't bother to give them suddenly applies to _her_.
+blake johnson Every politician flip flops. It's what makes them politicians. I personally don't like Hillary, but I'd rather endure 4 years of the state we are in than 4 years of wars and hatred. Trump only spreads paranoia and violent behavior.
+blake johnson have you actually listened to his speeches? I have and they are full of hatred. There's so much terror and wars already, I don't think we need a world leader who only promotes that behavior.
Few know, though, the name of the woman who put the first crack in that highest, hardest glass ceiling. That honor belongs to a beautiful, colorful and convention-defying woman named Victoria Woodhull, who ran for the office in 1872, 136 years before Clinton made her first run in 2008.She was also the first nominated women for President by her own party. Fact Enjoy.
There are women running today who aren't Clinton. The issue is that previously they weren't Republican or Democrat so couldn't win. And signing your comment "fact enjoy" would only make sense if that was your name (you did capitalise both words, so perhaps it is?).
12:31 Early 2016: Oh please! We’ll be fine. Late 2016: I’m starting to think he was right. 2017: It’s okay! We can recover from this!! 2018: We can’t recover from this... 2019: GIVE HIM BACK PLEASE! 2020: help
Michael Bloomberg endorsed Hillary Clinton. Do you think he's insane? Donald Trump only got where he is because of his alleged net worth of multi-billions... but he can't touch Bloomberg. Trump without his money is NOTHING. So, if a man who has over 10 times Donald's net worth saying that Trump is a bad idea, are you going to sit there and scoff at him? If so, check your sanity.
+cytherians I really don't see that as a logical argument comparing wealth of Bloomberg to trump probably bc the only reason Bloomberg endorsed Hillary in the first place is bc he knows she'll put more money in his pockets then he has right now
+cytherians Because we all know that people with tons of money are the most moral, smart and nice people in the world? Why are you basing the sanity of a person based on the wealth of a person who vouches for him/her?
Johan Sjöö Ferm Let's not conflate two different premises -- trustworthiness and wealth. There are some who have both and some who have one but lack the other. We see some sort of representation of wealth from Trump because of his overt bluster of material wealth, but his net worth must be highly exaggerated given how he is so reticent to reveal his tax returns. He has given way too much cause to distrust him. Hillary is no saint, but she's not nearly as bad as The Donald.
Though the knock knock joke was amazing to me, I truly truly lost it when I saw that third hand touch Obama's head. It's a simple edit, but... Oh gosh XD
What are you 5 years old? How pathetic can you possibly be? "How dare someone not only have different view points as myself but then they express their right as an American to vote for who they'd like? haha You just did the man a favor by unsubbing.
dude the dnc was just identity politcs.1 after the other they used a bunch of people belonging to minorities to score political points and use them as political tools.
Miles Finnch You can understand his policies in his speeches. Watch his foreign policy speech from April 26th 2016. My question is, which foreign policies of his do you not support and for what reason? Also, do you support Hillary Clinton?
I guarantee you can't name any of Hillary's policies. With that said... Trump has actually given many policies speeches over the last few months. He's given speeches on foreign policy, the military, taxes, national security, fixing the VA system, the economy, immigration etc... At least Trump talks to the press and actually does press conferences and takes questions, unlike Crooked Hillary who never does press conferences and runs and hides from the press.
As a Vietnamese who follows the America's election just for the news and improve my English. I watch/listen to like every Trump speeches, and ofc, watch Trevor/Colbert/Oliver/Secular talk/etc... I don't listen to Hilary or anyone else tho cause i don't find them "entertaining" for my breakfast/dinner/before sleep I don't know if Obama/Hilary did something outrageous to the Americans that people hate them so much that they willing to vote for Trump instead of Hilary. But for Vietnamese like me, we don't really care, Obama visitted VietNam not long ago, we love this guy. And from my point of view, from what Trump said "Hilary = Obama but more lies", so i'm more in favor of her than Trump because we outsiders don't care about it. Trump on the otherhand, is portrayed on the media as a fearmongering, World crime loving maniac that might triggers WW3, and every speeches i listen to him, it's more or less the same thing. Needless to say, i'm scared shitless of him because no one wants to give up their normal life to go on battlefield. Heck, i'm gonna be honest, like 90% people within the age to serve military duty in my country want to dodge it because that shit sucks balls, let alone actually getting drafted. The thing with Hilary is, to Americans, she might be the most corrupted piece of garbage on the planet, but for me, as an outsider, she just makes the rich richer while screw over people who can't afford going with her system in america (Like every piece of shit politicians, heck, im in a country where Corruption takes place before you even blink) . As for Donald Trump, I don't know what he's going to do, but all i hear is him going to ruin the world. Just my 2cents i wanna express. Take it as however you want
The rifts which could lead to WW3 were not put in place by Trump, but have been developing for years. Trump is not creating conflict, but bringing it into the public consciousness. Fear mongering, perhaps, but not obviously war mongering.
I'm not white but I will be voting for trump. I'll rather vote for someone who expresses their true intentions than for someone who is fake. she should be in prison.
+Baby Bird Gaming obviously you're racist if you can't figure out why you should vote for trump if you're white. white people tend to become oblivious when they think someone is being racist towards them.
Ok ok ok.. Here's the thing. Just saying, this is a comedy show. It doesn't matter if they are left or right or middle or whatever because this is a comedy show. This is not a journalist. They are allowed to be biased, even if they are. They just bash The Donald because people find him funny. I really don't see why you are hating on late night shows when they aren't trying to be neutral, if they already aren't.
alright I've lost all of my respect for Trevor Noah and his show. I'm aware of potential bias in all news media but this is just much too obvious. He is making Hilary sound like a saint and is the perfect candidate with clean hands. Neither candidates, I believe, are even worthy for nomination for president but come on cover both of them, not just creepy Trump
***** when Jon Stewart left he seemed like he would be capable of replacing him, but later on I started watching less and less of the show because of him
Agreed. Not worth it any more. It's like he was paid to say all of this. Trump is just there to make Hillary look good. She should be in jail. You are clearly showing staunch support for her. Sad to call him a fellow South-African - where are the standards?
Get over it. Bernie did. He's joining Hillary. What else can he do, crawl back home to Vermont and do local pro bono work? I still would have preferred Bernie in office with Hillary as VP. I think they'd have made a great team.
you start rich you end rich man his dad had a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars and Trump just heightened that. You do know he also went bankrupt 4 times right?
Okay, I really love the Daily Show and this video was okay and pretty funny, but seriously guys? You're a comedy show that makes fun of everybody and every little thing that they do and say. Make more fun of Hillary Clinton like you do Donald Trump. Obviously you're more left-leaning like mostly every other media source, but that doesn't mean you can't make fun of the left candidate! I'm honestly kinda disappointed. You guys did great with the RNC, but not with the DNC. Smh.
And they do make fun of Hilary. Just earlier this week they called her "Mrs Nixon" and they had an entire segment showing how every claim she made when talking about her emails was proven false. And at the end of the day they're a comedy show. They're not required to be unbiased, just go for what makes the best jokes. And Trump produces better material than Hilary or Bernie.
Lost my shit at the knock knock joke the writers of this episode deserve a raise.
The last thing they would give them would be a raise, The show is going to be canceled soon.
That was a good one :)
+mike hunt where did you got that from?
your people seem easily amused. maybe you'd be entertained if i jangled my keys over your head.
+kanodogg and what's comedy to you, dead baby jokes? Get a grip, Kevin and get off whatever pedestal you were born on.
I don't understand the Trump appeal. One, he's physically unattractive. Two, he makes no sense when he talk. Three, he's a very insecure person, hungry for attention and sensitive to any small criticism
The Trump appeal is that all those things you stated are nothing compared to Hillary's flaws.
+mike hunt You're literally everywhere talking about Trump yet you never actually back up your points. I wonder why that is.
People think because he's rich means that he knows everything & will make the national debt somehow dissappear. People are fueled by false hope and he intentionally makes people angry.
+SwirlyJoe All very true friend :)
Well for one he has not yet been proven to actually be above the law.
lol. That had me too.
ikr, Trev slays
Lool best knock knock joke I've ever heard
Straight bars 🔥🔥🔥
Guys, I'm a Bernie supporter, and I still think that this nomination was rigged. But don't take it out on Noah. Y'know, a person can like a candidate you don't like without being an idiot, the embodiment of evil, or both.
yes but they claim to be neutral that is the problem we all have here
Not true Trevor Noah is a shill and an unfunny idiot Hillary is a corrupt liar.
+da copyright policeTM The Daily Show has never claimed to be neutral, nor do they need to. They're a comedy show, so their chief goal is being funny, not necessarily balanced. They simply find the Republicans to be a better source of jokes.
"I still think that this nomination was rigged"
SO did the DNC change any primary votes, switch ballots around, or any of the other things that constitutes rigging a vote?
Hartzilla2007 I think that from the very beginning the DNC has been against Bernie. I'm not going to accuse them of criminal acts, but I will accuse them of favoritism and underhandedness. And who knows? Weird things have happened during the primaries, and I wouldn't be surprised if SOMEONE tried to tamper with the voting machines. But it probably wasn't the DNC, if it did happen. No, I mean that the establishment has been fundamentally against Bernie from the beginning.
I want Morgan Freeman to narrate my life! That man makes goldfish seem interesting
+Rum Runner You sound like a crazy person. Bless your heart.
Rum Runner can't vote, not American. but from an outsiders perspective... Trump doesnt seem equiped
+censorious I'm Somali and i wouldn't wish to my worse enemy
He almost made Hillary not look like a crook.
+Rum Runner are you serious? You crazy fucker, get help.
Remember when Joe Biden was known as that chill quite guy who was Obama’s homie😂
One my good friends served honorably for the US Army..He was born in Iraq and is Muslim. .And a good man all day long
My dog is more qualified than Trump... and I don't even have one
Sponge .
Trump 2020!
He won....
Suck it up, bimbo. Trump will AGAIN steamroller the Dems for their shameful waste of the government that we elected, fair and square.
Jumbomuffin13 Please keep impeaching him, it only shows how desperate the Democrats are to get him out.
When you almost cause ww3 and take a pandemic for granted, I would understand why the fuck they want ,that saggy piece of wet toast my dog vomited out, out of offices, he’s like if you put an extra tanned kkk member that ,used his fathers wealth, as president
I hate both candidates but God it pisses me off how almost all of these talk shows are so left leaning. I mean they'll bash Donald Trump all day, understandably, but I challenge you to find any videos of them directly bashing Hilary because she's just as fucking bad. Trump is insane but Hilary killed Americans for God's sake and these talk shows won't say a damn thing about it. They raise her up like she's a savior.
You're right, the entertainment industry doesn't really dive into Hilary as much. We will leave that to congress to spend 7 million on Benghazi reports. Maybe go read them if you are feeling she is being left out of criticism.
Listen to the hearings Stephen Tursi. Just like with the emails, it was more like she got away with it.
Evan seemed to be commenting on the fact that she isn't getting her fair share of criticism and critiquing. I just think that 7 million dollars and more investigations than 9/11 is worth recognizing and reading up on.
It's especially annoying and disturbing as an independent like myself. In fact, I used to somewhat lean towards supporting Bernie. But seeing the media in the bed with Hillary and the DNC even after it was released that the DNC rigged the election makes me want to support Trump as a big fuck you to mainstream media and the multi-million dollar companies the Clintons and the DNC are in bed with.
The only time liberals complain about gov't spending is when their own are being investigated. Assuming you did read the report (and not just every MSM headline with the phrase "No bombshell"), please explain to me what Hilary did RIGHT regarding Benghazi
"Cause that's when he turns back into a racist pumpkin" lol 😂😂😂😂
no joke about that one guy who cheered for Elmo.
Poor Americans, voting between Hillary and Donald is like deciding which electrical socket to shove your fork into.
I like to think of it as either poking a bear in the back, or running in front of the bear. You either get a complete disaster, or a chance to not have a disaster.
Yeah init, but i think it's mitigation now, who is the least worse option lol,
The media is covering up Jill stein
This is nothing more than Hitler vs. Stalin, part II. I guess those who were alive during that time have died off. Trump displays many characteristics of Hitler as he rants and raves, and Hilly look so much like Stalin with her rigid posture, extended arm motions, and vomiting of party mantra. How sad that these two people are the best this nation has to offer. All of your parents, teachers professors, all of the great people you may have known in your life ... Trump and Clinton are the two apex members of society in the United States. Maybe the terrorist should win!
I'm from Germany and even I will miss Obama.
Same from Canada
You should talk to alot of your ppl who are still as racist as Germans during the holocaust. I have yet to meet a non racist German...
Hillary is worse than Trump. Is why he won. She should have not cheated in the dnc.
I'm from Poland but live in US for few years and I miss him too
I'm from Zimbabwe I will miss Obama too
In my opinion, this is the best performance by Trevor Noah so far at the Daily Show so far. He is really making big steps to stamp his own brand on the show. Appreciate your effort!
Damn, I really feel for Bernie. You can tell he was HATING having to be there.
that knock knock joke was everything!!!😂😂😂😂
Tevor is growing in this role, this is the most passion he's shown. Enjoyed this piece hilarious.
I like how people are complaining about the Daily Show pushing the left "agenda" as if it hasn't always done that.
Can you please elaborate? I get hes pushing it with hillary but i dint get the 'left' part
the left meaning, progressive liberals
Sorry again, 'progressive' liberals?
I think they just mean freedom and acceptance, radical thinking i'm sure
So what. As Jon Stewart once pointed out, the right has just opened itself to being mocked, what, with guys like Hannity, O'Reilly, those stupid "Friends", etc.... As many comedians have called them: the gift that keeps on giving...
Noah has been KILLING IT this past two weeks
+Made In Africa w
+ZubularMobile like a shill for the establishment.
Killing the show? I think he did that awhile ago.
yup like Hillary killed the Americans in Benghazi!!! hahahahahaha
Oh my god , that has to be the most jaw dropping knock knock joke ever. Even better than the whole knock knock movie.
She got Morgan Freeman??? Damn almost forgot Hillary was a crook there for a second. Morgan is magic
ain't it tho
Tax loopholes for celebs and they do bank shenanigans. Carry on.
Plus many MANY other great celebrities.
Trumps committed massive fraud lol! He's the bigger crook, I dunno why you people keep harping on that she's a woman tho lol sorry don't get it l, but what the fuck do I care I'm not even American do what you want to do to your own nation lol
Do your research.
How much does Morgan Freeman charge? Would love him to narrate my life.
shut up you broke dumbass
+Nikola Vukovic Nice 👍🏼
stupid people that say dumb shit like you on the internet should be put down
+Nikola Vukovic And you are just an awesome person, picking random fights online because Internet 😘 👍🏼👍🏼
yaahyak yes
The point at the end is really correct: rich people are the one that would benefit the most from trump (with his tax cut) and they still say "oh hell no!"
But to be fair i haven't seen a single billionaire saying something nice about Trump.
The best thing i remember was the answer to "would you work with him?" and Mark Cuban said "if he does what i say yes".
No one trust Trump as the commander.
you just laid out the reason he's not a puppet. Light bulb go off in your head yet? the people screwing you over hate someone... you should... hate him too?????
resinated666 How he is not a puppet? I mean he is getting donation like every other candidate (yep, like Hillary too).
Now you may say "no he self found" and i say NO:
the primaries were "self founded" (actually he gave a loan to himself which sound the same but it's different since he used donations to take the money back) but he said that in the main election he is not self founding.
Did you forget when they panicked before the RNC because they needed 6 millions dollars? Where do you think they came from.
So yeah, i should hate him for lying and act like he is the only good guy.
+resinated666 I hate him because of all the crap that's come out of his mouth. And before you start with the emails thing, I can't stand Hillary either, but I must also admit that between the two, Hillary is the lesser asshat from my point of view.
Stephen Colbert had Mark Cuban, a person who initially thought Trump presidency would be great but flipped over the moment he heard him open his mouth. I wonder if Billionaires have any other interest in not electing Trump or do they really care about the middle class?
He has worked with Cuban and that is still Cuban's statement. He is and was a puppet, the only difference is that he is racist enough for people to forget that he is.
No matter how many times I see Trevor Noah's reaction to Bloomberg's speech I can't stop laughing!! 😂😂
This will be lost in the sea of hate.
I used to support trump.
I was and still am sick and scared of this cluttered and rigged political gamut that seems to choke out progress in any direction. I thought a vote for trump was a vote against THAT.
But after the constant inconsistencies, refusal to give straight answers and rhetoric that consistently marches closer to a mirror image of famous tyrannical leaders, I jumped ship. I can't have blood on my hands when a president trump inevitably continues his amorphous xenophobic desperate rhetoric into office and potentially causes massive international incidents that will undermine America's position in the world.
I honestly don't care whether this changes any minds, I just want people to know the thoughts of a former trump supporter, for better or for worse.
I'd rather have the actual Adolf Hitler be running instead of trump, because at least then people could see through the thin facade drumpf puts up.
Calling him drumpf is pure libtard; nice try though.
@LordMatt48 - I hope more people wake up, thanks for posting.
Calling him libtard is pure stupidity. Though it was a nice try coming from a Trump supporter.
Besides what should anyone expect when a Trump supporter gets hit with facts.
but at least Trump says America first, very few people are acknowledgeing that, but support Gary Johnson he is both a business man and a respecteable states man, he also says put Americans first and dosen't have Hillary's messy baggage and scandals
The point is that many ordinary politicians do not recognize that we are facing an American brand of neo-fascism. In this regards, Sanders knows exactly what he is doing when he talks about "reality" and "unity". In fact, Sanders is not only decent and honest but intelligent as he knows from his years of experience and historical knowledge that a divided front against fascism leads to the most dangerous disasters. Recall:
__"Make Germany Strong Again!" (Hitler's theme and slogan)
__"I am the greatest fortress builder of all time!" (Hitler bragging about his Atlantic Wall)
Result: Germany ended up in ruins, 60 million people lost their lives in WWII, and the Wall collapsed!
reality sucks. we want promises
In what way does the world 'take advantage' of the US?
+Wordavee1 I'm glad you asked. We trade with other countries who cheat us in the trade deals by devaluing their currency. We trade with them and import their products and when we try to export products to them and make a profit, they put tariffs on us and we make much less from the deal based on the fact that they cheat their currencies. We defend other countries like, for example, japan. Now if Japan gets attacked, we have to defend them. If we get attacked, they don't have to defend us. we defend Saudi Arabia. While we're stationed there, as we are protecting them, we also have to pay them for us being there. Think about this. We pay THEM to defend them. How fucked up is that? We put the most amount into programs like NATO, whereas other countries dont. Mexico treats it's illegals like shit, for example, those from Guatemala. A friend of mine was staying at a monastery in India and her visa expired. So she had to hide from government officials who go around and check documents and paperwork. In America, we welcome illegal immigrants and provide government benefits that is supposed to be reserved for the tax payers but is also given to illegals. So when someone comes and points out how unfair it is to the legal immigrants and the citizens who pay taxes and that simply because of the fact that they're illegal and should be deported because they broke the law, that person gets called a bigot. Nowadays, following procedure makes you a bigot, especially if you name the country in which most of these people who aren't following procedure come from. You even get compared to Hitler. That's what we have come to. Other countries take advantage of us in that way because we let them walk all over us and we allow ourselves to be mistreated by other countries. Noone calls Mexico bigoted for being harsh on immigration yet the US is somehow bigoted when it wants to straighten out its issues.
+Wordavee1 and let me be clear. the rest of the world is not the enemy. That in itself would be bigoted. It's our stupid leaders who don't know what they're doing that have let us down. When we get mistreated by other countries, it's mainly because it's a dog eat dog world and the captains of our team are weak. And more importantly, the ones who are affected most by this are the American people. People like Hitlery Cunton don't get affected because they're deep in the pockets of many of these countries
Show an instance of welcoming illegal immigrants?
Idk what people are talking about in the comments, that Bloomberg segment had me rolling! XD
This didn’t start out great, but you had me laughing by the end.
love you Trevor!!
Good gosh man Joe Biden should've ran...
as a Trump supporter, I would have been far more happy with that. Hillary is incompetent and crooked as hell.
Cliven Longsight Yeah I totally understand his decision. Family comes before career. I just bet he would've been a man most people could vote for ya know?
+Jp 39 Biden is a douche
I think he did at the beginning.
+MCShvabo nope not true at all lmao
I'd rather have cersei lannister as president than Joffrey baratheon
lol nice one and YES
make westeros great again
Dammit! you just hit the nail right on the head....
Excellent point...
The Bloomberg roast was classic. Too funny!
Whoa never noticed that bud in Trevor's ear
It's because this was filmed live.
+I. WYNN its live
I want that billionaires-losing-it gif.
Any DNC leaks story yet?
Nope. Doesn't fit Trevor's establishment narrative.
They talk about it in "The Democratic National Convention's Bumpy Start"
That would imply Trump is anti-establishment. Surely you're not buying the 'maverick against the old guard' bullshit he's promoting? The GOP would love him if he wasn't so honest about hating people....that's all they really have issue with. Hillary's crooked - yeah, so have all her predecessors been back as far as Truman. Oh, but for some reason, the scrutiny you people mysteriously didn't bother to give them suddenly applies to _her_.
lol so it's all a carefully orchestrated act? stfu libtard, Trump is real, zero illuminati connections.
+ProjectFlashlight612 screw you. yes trump
That knock knock joke was gold.
ohhh Noah you have made me laughed so hard. or maybe just giggle every time I see your dimples. lol
Anyone but Trump
Why? Anyone but corrupt bitch politician who flip flops on everything she believes in
You're right, I would much rather have the lunatic who let American soldiers die to further her campaign.
+blake johnson Every politician flip flops. It's what makes them politicians. I personally don't like Hillary, but I'd rather endure 4 years of the state we are in than 4 years of wars and hatred. Trump only spreads paranoia and violent behavior.
I don't believe that what you are saying is true. I think the media started that, not trump.
+blake johnson have you actually listened to his speeches? I have and they are full of hatred. There's so much terror and wars already, I don't think we need a world leader who only promotes that behavior.
When Hillary describes Trump, doesn't it sound an awful lot like her?
yes exactly
Easy to bait with a tweet? No.
Killed it. This is the first time Trevor has really made me laugh so hard.
Trevor is freakin hilarious! lmaoooooo
You can fall in line as much as you want, Sheeple, but that shrill witch will never hold the office.
You'd rather have a racist lunatic with the nuclear codes? cmon man...
Which one?
Don't worry she will hold the office, because she will steal it, just like she did in the primaries.
Just ask Bernie
as someone from the UK, i literally had to google the american version of pearl necklace lmao
same story of indian XD
Obama loves his face. That last picture is my new screensaver.
Cinnamon Hitler still sounds too cute for this crazist criminal of a president🤦🏻♀️
Few know, though, the name of the woman who put the first crack in that highest, hardest glass ceiling. That honor belongs to a beautiful, colorful and convention-defying woman named Victoria Woodhull, who ran for the office in 1872, 136 years before Clinton made her first run in 2008.She was also the first nominated women for President by her own party.
Fact Enjoy.
There are women running today who aren't Clinton. The issue is that previously they weren't Republican or Democrat so couldn't win.
And signing your comment "fact enjoy" would only make sense if that was your name (you did capitalise both words, so perhaps it is?).
Major or third party?
Inside Trump Tower. Where is he now.
Save this Country, Mr.Queen.
Actually no, save your goddamn ratings
i think flash is doing that
+intromasters1 hahahahaha I think that's impossible now
+cringe I can remember Democrats voting for bill just to get him out of Arkansas!
+Varoon and the Bushs gave us 9/11.
Trevor, nice work, now give'm a trumpence for the biscuit.
it's even more funny watching this now...
What was that pearl necklace bit about?
Oh you sweet innocent child.
Dinero Saint-phar ah I get it thx
I want a full "billionaire roast battle" spin off show
The Knock Knock Joke did it lol lol!
Early 2016: Oh please! We’ll be fine.
Late 2016: I’m starting to think he was right.
2017: It’s okay! We can recover from this!!
2018: We can’t recover from this...
2020: help
When you ignore all red flags.
The Miracles of Morgan Freeman's Voice
I want to see Trevor's crying face in coming November.
Bloomberg, don't forget, is the guy that won't let you buy a large soda!
The World is going to miss Barak Obama
Like an unlanced boil
This is comedy?
allegedly it is a comedy, however I've yet to laugh at this shill
which explains why it's tanking.
No, this is propaganda.
+MiddleClasshole345 everything that is not your opinion is 'propaganda'
+Angela Solomon trrrruuuueeeee.your comment is propaganda. 😂😂
Hillary is sane? Oh dear..
Michael Bloomberg endorsed Hillary Clinton. Do you think he's insane? Donald Trump only got where he is because of his alleged net worth of multi-billions... but he can't touch Bloomberg. Trump without his money is NOTHING. So, if a man who has over 10 times Donald's net worth saying that Trump is a bad idea, are you going to sit there and scoff at him? If so, check your sanity.
+cytherians I really don't see that as a logical argument comparing wealth of Bloomberg to trump probably bc the only reason Bloomberg endorsed Hillary in the first place is bc he knows she'll put more money in his pockets then he has right now
+cytherians Because we all know that people with tons of money are the most moral, smart and nice people in the world? Why are you basing the sanity of a person based on the wealth of a person who vouches for him/her?
Johan Sjöö Ferm Let's not conflate two different premises -- trustworthiness and wealth. There are some who have both and some who have one but lack the other. We see some sort of representation of wealth from Trump because of his overt bluster of material wealth, but his net worth must be highly exaggerated given how he is so reticent to reveal his tax returns. He has given way too much cause to distrust him. Hillary is no saint, but she's not nearly as bad as The Donald.
Though the knock knock joke was amazing to me, I truly truly lost it when I saw that third hand touch Obama's head. It's a simple edit, but... Oh gosh XD
Do people really crowd the place to watch Trevor make jokes? I don't see the appeal.
where are your spam bots?
oh, I found them.
He's at a college campus. There's your appeal.
You support Trump? Unsubbed :(
What are you 5 years old? How pathetic can you possibly be? "How dare someone not only have different view points as myself but then they express their right as an American to vote for who they'd like? haha You just did the man a favor by unsubbing.
we are gonna miss obama
Life Goal: 1. Drop a gold bar when I'm finished roasting someone's ass.
^Laughed so hard at this
Affirmative action daily show is for an affirmative action president. Surprise! The DNC looks like the Ghostbusters movie.
The presence of any minority = affirmative action. Got it.
dude the dnc was just identity politcs.1 after the other they used a bunch of people belonging to minorities to score political points and use them as political tools.
"Hillary made history as the first sane person to be nominated for President"
"Hillary made history as the first sane person to be nominated for president this year. FTFY
+Ino Koludrovic it was a joke implying that Donald trump is insane
Caleb soule Yes i know, but the exact opposite is true...
Youre a fucking idiot if you think trump isnt insane
I love this guy!
seriously, the knock knock joke though 😂😂😂 done
It's hard to watch this show anymore. They really need to find a new host.
Instead of calling Trump a racist, could you explain why you oppose his policies.
That's great if we knew his policies.
Miles Finnch You can understand his policies in his speeches. Watch his foreign policy speech from April 26th 2016. My question is, which foreign policies of his do you not support and for what reason? Also, do you support Hillary Clinton?
I guarantee you can't name any of Hillary's policies.
With that said... Trump has actually given many policies speeches over the last few months. He's given speeches on foreign policy, the military, taxes, national security, fixing the VA system, the economy, immigration etc...
At least Trump talks to the press and actually does press conferences and takes questions, unlike Crooked Hillary who never does press conferences and runs and hides from the press.
+epic103 I agree 100%
***** Haha, yeah!
Oh believe me. The world is mourning.
Tim Kaine is like the handy man on Sesame Street to me. I can't not see him singing the ABC's with The Count and dancing with Big Bird
As a Vietnamese who follows the America's election just for the news and improve my English. I watch/listen to like every Trump speeches, and ofc, watch Trevor/Colbert/Oliver/Secular talk/etc... I don't listen to Hilary or anyone else tho cause i don't find them "entertaining" for my breakfast/dinner/before sleep
I don't know if Obama/Hilary did something outrageous to the Americans that people hate them so much that they willing to vote for Trump instead of Hilary. But for Vietnamese like me, we don't really care, Obama visitted VietNam not long ago, we love this guy. And from my point of view, from what Trump said "Hilary = Obama but more lies", so i'm more in favor of her than Trump because we outsiders don't care about it.
Trump on the otherhand, is portrayed on the media as a fearmongering, World crime loving maniac that might triggers WW3, and every speeches i listen to him, it's more or less the same thing. Needless to say, i'm scared shitless of him because no one wants to give up their normal life to go on battlefield. Heck, i'm gonna be honest, like 90% people within the age to serve military duty in my country want to dodge it because that shit sucks balls, let alone actually getting drafted.
The thing with Hilary is, to Americans, she might be the most corrupted piece of garbage on the planet, but for me, as an outsider, she just makes the rich richer while screw over people who can't afford going with her system in america (Like every piece of shit politicians, heck, im in a country where Corruption takes place before you even blink) . As for Donald Trump, I don't know what he's going to do, but all i hear is him going to ruin the world.
Just my 2cents i wanna express. Take it as however you want
Thanks for the insight man!
It's interesting to hear an outsider's perspective. Also, your English is amazing.
Well, you should watch the speakers at the DNC, the average person, not a politician, to see what they think.
The rifts which could lead to WW3 were not put in place by Trump, but have been developing for years. Trump is not creating conflict, but bringing it into the public consciousness. Fear mongering, perhaps, but not obviously war mongering.
Trump's speeches are a bad idea if you want to improve your english
13:02 /// Well this part aged interestingly.
Holy crap I never knew this show had such a large audience
This is one of the funniest skits Trevor has ever done and I don't even watch this show. Kudos and a subscribe to you sir.
I'm not white but I will be voting for trump. I'll rather vote for someone who expresses their true intentions than for someone who is fake. she should be in prison.
+Matt Boooberson it takes common sense to understand. if Bernie was going against trump, why vote for trump unless you're white?
+Matt Boooberson you shouldn't say that about yourself.
+Baby Bird Gaming yes only whites and 40 mid life crisis dudes want trump
+Baby Bird Gaming obviously you're racist if you can't figure out why you should vote for trump if you're white. white people tend to become oblivious when they think someone is being racist towards them.
+Sith'ari Azithoth yes they are white they're a bunch of fuckin oreos
Ok ok ok.. Here's the thing. Just saying, this is a comedy show. It doesn't matter if they are left or right or middle or whatever because this is a comedy show. This is not a journalist. They are allowed to be biased, even if they are. They just bash The Donald because people find him funny. I really don't see why you are hating on late night shows when they aren't trying to be neutral, if they already aren't.
alright I've lost all of my respect for Trevor Noah and his show. I'm aware of potential bias in all news media but this is just much too obvious. He is making Hilary sound like a saint and is the perfect candidate with clean hands. Neither candidates, I believe, are even worthy for nomination for president but come on cover both of them, not just creepy Trump
I can hold some respect for people that are voting for Hillary because they don't want Trump, but how can anyone truly like Hillary for president.
***** when Jon Stewart left he seemed like he would be capable of replacing him, but later on I started watching less and less of the show because of him
My daily dose of laughter at the end of each day is The Trevor making a mockery of The Trump!
Wait what? Morgan Freeman? Eh she's got my vote
2:04 *lip smack* *lip smack* *lip smack*
Looks like she's sucking on her teeth.
Agreed. Not worth it any more. It's like he was paid to say all of this. Trump is just there to make Hillary look good. She should be in jail. You are clearly showing staunch support for her. Sad to call him a fellow South-African - where are the standards?
I can hear the cries of Bernie Sanders fans in the distance And I am also crying if u were wondering.
We weren't wondering
Dee Dee
trump supporter spotted
Get over it. Bernie did. He's joining Hillary. What else can he do, crawl back home to Vermont and do local pro bono work?
I still would have preferred Bernie in office with Hillary as VP. I think they'd have made a great team.
As the Rolling Stones said, "You can't always get what you want." However, you can compromise for what you need.
Just watched this again...
The cinnamon Hitler thing fkn killed me!
Love you Trevah!!!
they launched the Freeman nuke...
I'm down with that
Im jealous, only if morgan freemen can do that for me :(
well...it's her or Trump...guess I'd choose her
you start rich you end rich man his dad had a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars and Trump just heightened that. You do know he also went bankrupt 4 times right?
Trevor Noah Is So Much Funny Than Any Other Talk Show Host In History!!😂👌
Is pearl necklace an euphemism for something else?
it's a euphemism for a throat coated in ejaculate
ooh so Subtle!!
+T. Gregory Kelly lol
3rd party? Anyone?
i want Bernie 😢
Bloomberg looking like Mel Brooks from History of the World-We need 2 part.
Bernie 😢
i didnt want to vote at all but Morgan freeman made me vote for Clinton
Why do people keep saying she's killed people who has she killed?
She had an intern and a few others close to the intern killed. Check it out, Its very interesting.
She was responsible for the soldiers dying in Benghazi
apparently no evidence of it .soo till then noo judging
+Karley King how are you responsible for soldiers dying that's what they do they may kill they may die that's like part of the job.
She hasn't. Many of her opponents are so delusional as to believe all kinds of ridiculous bullshit.
Bloomberg ridicules Treump. Orange Crush... hahahahaha
How much did the Democratic Party pay you not to talk shit?
Okay, I really love the Daily Show and this video was okay and pretty funny, but seriously guys? You're a comedy show that makes fun of everybody and every little thing that they do and say. Make more fun of Hillary Clinton like you do Donald Trump. Obviously you're more left-leaning like mostly every other media source, but that doesn't mean you can't make fun of the left candidate! I'm honestly kinda disappointed. You guys did great with the RNC, but not with the DNC. Smh.
Clearly they have an agenda in play,. All the more reason to vote Trump
+mike hunt Huh? You're going to vote for Trump because a comedy show has a liberal slant?
And they do make fun of Hilary. Just earlier this week they called her "Mrs Nixon" and they had an entire segment showing how every claim she made when talking about her emails was proven false. And at the end of the day they're a comedy show. They're not required to be unbiased, just go for what makes the best jokes. And Trump produces better material than Hilary or Bernie.
maybe trump and everyone else on the right should give us less comedic material
it seemed like the writers stop trying to go more in depth and Trevor Noah is okay to get cheap laughs... don't be Jimmy Fallon pls
How to work for UA-cam
Step 1: Promote your Liberal Agenda in the Trending page
Step 2: Fuck up the layout every 3 months
Step 3: ?????
Step 4: Profit
That knock knock joke though - I'm crying