Sokols graphics library is an api that works on lots of rendering backends. So you can use sokol and it will work on metal and opengl for example without changing anything besides the backend specific shaders. It offers a tool to generate shaders for the other backends too
never understood what sokol is, it is like a library built on top of opengl? like sdl
Sokols graphics library is an api that works on lots of rendering backends. So you can use sokol and it will work on metal and opengl for example without changing anything besides the backend specific shaders. It offers a tool to generate shaders for the other backends too
tell me sir, what coffee is that?
I don't like the look of this game, it feels generic.
I like Arcana more. Would buy it on Steam if it had more content and WAS FINISHED.
He's creating mini games for steam so he can fund the development of Arcana.... I think