1. Does she look at you when she laughs? 2. Did her pupils dilate 3. Look to see where her foot are pointing 4. Multiple glances in a couple minutes 5. Touching her lips 6. Plays with her hair 7. Talks about you with her friends 8. “Accidentally” touched you 9. Notice if she gets nervous 10. Sticks around you
To really tell if a girl likes you, you need to make sure everytime she 360 noscopes it always falls on the direction you are facing from the North Pole on the minimap, then if she eats her food taking breaths following the Fibonacci sequence then she also likes you. Also whenever she talks to you you have to make sure it is taking place at 11:11 if not then she hates you. Some pointers at getting a girl to like you is that when you give her a gift make sure she is standing facing the east then give the present at a counter clockwise angle it will ensure the chemicals in her brain are mixed in a matter to sense a love emotion. After giving the present do a backflip and say ting tang wallala bang bang this is an ancient chant from exactly 200b.c.e. this activates a primal drive inside your chosen mate. Then after talking to her/him give them a banana and watch closely how they eat it once they blink while taking the first bite you will know they like you. Step 2. Ask them out on a date to chick-fil-a if they are vegetarian take them to Olive Garden at the restaurant take a seat near the window then order them the least expensive thing if they accept it you have a worthy mate. When they are eating ask them if they want to go to your house then start the Chumash ritual of love chant "we a we cum at me" 4 times then realize you wasted your time reading a useless comment that makes no sense.
It may make no sense but it was incredibly hilarious in my mind. I will try this if this guys comment gets 100 likes AND I'll record it and put it on UA-cam
From a female perspective this is how most girls will act when they like you: - find small ways to talk to you and laugh with you - will take lots of sneaky glances at you (you might not notice this at all we are that sneaky) - take an interest in what music/movies etc. you like and ask questions - smile a lot around you - finds ways to be physically close to you (sitting close to you/if you are on your phone, trying to see what music you are listening to/ this is why girls steal your hat or jacket as a way of flirting - they want you to see them in your clothes as a way of creating a bond/familiarity and it creates physical contact and intimacy when you try to take it back) - might mention you quite a bit in conversation 'casually' - will tease you, carefully watching your reaction and smiling at you - will touch their thighs/neck/hair in a sensual way (not dirty but like stroking their neck or playing with their hair) I read that we do this to show what we want you to do to us subconsciously - have good body language towards you (like facing you with their body and feet turned towards you) - will be a bit competitive with you (usually something physical (but not always) like 'seeing who is stronger' by arm wresting or some kind of race) - might challenge you/tease you about your hobbies/interests etc. They are showing a strong interest in you and why you like what you do. P.S girls love it when you are genuinely passionate about something even if it is something they don't love themselves. Seeing your faces light up as you talk about your fave band is so cute! And play it cool - show you are interested every now and then, be nice to them but don't surround them all the time or try way too hard especially if they don't seem too interested in you. Work hard at school and don't be a slacker, showing up late to everything. Take care of your physical appearance and don't be really antisocial (introverts obvs fine as I'm one but if you're really quiet and don't have any friends, you appear undesirable by others and awkward). Confidence is very attractive too. Not expecting a James Bond but having an opinion and being yourself show you have the self esteem to not bow down to society's pressures and norms. And be sweet and gentlemanly but don't overdo it acting old fashioned just hold the door for them etc.
Every woman I have talked to ever... 1. No 2. *Pupils shrink to the size of atoms* 3. Feet and body are pointed in the opposite direction... As she is sprinting away 4. They don't glance but they do stare as the ugliness is too hard to look away from 5. Can't really tell with this one because they cover their mouth with their hand to keep the vomit in 6. Impossible for them as their arms are locked by their sides in pure terror if they are locked in conversation 7. "Fucking Christ what is that thing over there" *points at me* So is this a good sign? 8. Would require a lot of legal work to get around all the restraining orders to even attempt this but okey dokey i'll give it a shot 9. Oh girls are nervous alright but mostly because of the fear 10. Tbh I wouldn't want to be around me in anywhere either
I'm a girl and I "slap" (not hard) a lot. Like I'm pretty close with some boys in my class and when they say something really dumb or ovious I lightly slap them. I don't personally like them but if she only does it to u and u only that differently means something.
Hey guys! I just finished a video course on the Psychology of Attraction, check it out now for 52% off while I gather testimonials: psychologyofattraction.com/p/the-psychology-of-attraction/?product_id=455712&coupon_code=GETGIRLSYT I read 43 scientific books and 8 professional textbooks, as well as spending $800+ on Udemy courses to teach you how to get girls to like you :)
Hey man i got some questions (Freshman) , this girl ive liked since the beginning of august, just started paying me alot more attention in this month. We did a partner activity in algebra, and we didnt get picked as eachothers partner, and she got dissapointed (i did too i just didnt say anything or show any signs) she told me that she wanted to be paired up with me because i was really funny, and during the partner activity she was looking at me constantly during the project. Does this stuff mean anything, as a freshman i havent had much experience in the dating field and your edvice would be greatly appreciated.
But she bought that bag whyy shes like that man and I say ... o someone buy a bag ohh thats the bag for non virgin she smiles a lot and slap my arms you think shes crazyy or boosted
Here I’ll ask out my crush on Monday it’s friday night wish me luck I’m nervous Edit let’s goo dudes we got her Did it during passing period and it was a huge yes!
I had a huge problem the last 2 years with my crush let me tell u the story... I started liking her 2 years ago in the summer... She has been keeping it a secret that she likes me back for THREE years!!!... I asked her out a few weeks ago, and now we r in love 😍... Thx if u actually read this😂😂
How i met my gf is when I was in the park with my sisters which they are 5 and 4 cause i love my sisters so my gf was kind of interested that I took care of my sisters a lot and she sat next to me than told me you are a good big brother... I said thank you... Thannn I leftvwith my sister and she kept staring at me while i was walking to my sisters for them to eat lunch... Than she said can she have some too i gave her some and she told me did you always like girls... I said i like to make friends with all sorts of people than she told me what about a girl friend... I was like (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) thank she was like you like me don't you I said a little than she kissed me on my cheek than she told me to hold her hand and we walked down to the store with my sisters and my "new" gf
I mean I'm also a vampire, I suck blood and iit comes out white... At least one good thing about it is that I can smash them while they're on their period.
That artery is the jugular vein, in the front of the neck, and if cut will spray out large amounts of blood and the (insert animal with jugular vein here) will nearly instantly die.
After honestly watching most of these videos, I built up my courage and I asked her out. I did it. She said yes. I honestly couldn't believe it at first and thought she was playing me. She wasn't and we're going out next week. Thanks dude. You made it happen...
Wow, all things my crush does. Gonna ask her out. Wish me luck dudes! MEGA UPDATE- we have been dating for 9 months. I have plans for the future......😉 also thanks for the support my fam. Means a lot to know there is so much positivity!
welcome to the party we have (insert perferd snack here) and (insert perferd drink here) and if you lucky, you mayby meet some friends... that you will mayby never see but may talk to... trust me, i have no life and could be called a "social experiment" xD
There's this girl I work with, and she's one of the only people I've ever met that has so much in common with me. She's super sweet, cute, funny, and compassionate. We have so much shit in common, from politics to music, from TV shows to food. I really want to ask her out, but at the same time, I literally met her like 2 weeks ago, and I don't wanna come off as rushy, but like if I wait too long I'm gonna miss my shot. I'm gonna ask her out in a couple weeks, just to give me some more time to talk to her & get to know her. When I started working there, I was always the one to start the conversation to her, but now that telling by her body language and the fact that she's the one to start conversation, I feel like she's genuinely interested, but obviously I could be misreading things (wouldn't be the first time). Gonna ask her out in 2 weeks I'll update when I do
Hand her something or ask her to hold something. Maybe even say you can read palms. say she has hair or something on her face and when she tries to get it say that she missed it and you 'get it' yourself. Walk behind her in an enclosed area and touch her lower back or stand behind her in a line and raise your hand up as if you're about to scratch your face but 'accidentally' touched her back.
Just be yourself.If she doesn’t like who you are, don’t pretend to be the person she’ll like because you can’t pretend to be somebody forever.Lots of people thinks that being sporty and having a six pack is one of the main key to get your crush to like you but it doesn’t really matter,if you’re doing sports but you’re not yourself, stop.If you want to know if she truly likes you,she has to like you for who you are,make her laugh,make her smile but never fake from who you are because one day the person who you really are will catch up.
Its a deeply rooted PsYcHoLoGiCaL instinct all humans have; similarly, when anxious people often put their hands on their neck, which is an instinct based around covering the most important artery in your body.
JordyLostHerCoolXD he said that it doesn't always mean interest, and what if it was in an air conditioned room? Not to mention increased heart rates would increase body temperature, which means unless the guy is terrifying then it's a positive response from excitement
Dinaira Rodriguez the hugging thing happened to me too! Passing period I see my crush running towards me, wraps her arm around my neck and puts me in a headlock and says “come here loser”. That’s a day I’ll never forget.
Does she like me? She laughs at every joke I say (there not funny) sometimes she talks about me. She wants to sit by me all the time at school. She wants me to go to the skating rink a lot. And to be honest I like her. Oh and whenever I'm depressed she will help me no matter what. Keep in mind were best friends. And she always says what's up or hey FAM in halls every time.
I remember 3 years back going to these kind of videos to know if women i was in love with also feel the same. Sitting in canteen on work hour so that i can have glance of her having coffee. Try to be around the places where i know she hangs out, in and outside the office. I know she knew that i like her and i saw her looking at me too, even heard her calling my name once. But, it was all in my head sadly. It took me months to track her on fb since i only know her first name which was way common. Never have i ever been so passionate about anything in my life. So after year i said 'hi' to her and boom she blocked me and still continued to tease me or rather say try to implant seed of hope in me so that i might end up doing something stupid and she can brag about how she have lovers here and there. It took me year's of depression and emotional breakdown and slap of reality check that i was just nothing more than hot topic to talk about with friends. She never loved me she just loves the attention that i gave her. It hurts like hell to know that someone you love going to mock ur emotions like that. I quit the job, everyone asked and i start giving stupid excuses only i know the real reason .I remember seeing her on last day like it was yesterday damn what powerful emotion is love. So this how it ends for me and i wish it don't end the same for all the lovebirds in here. But, never love anything to this extant that you will loss you're self in the process.
The Jin you loved her beauty you really didn't love her truly for who she is, it was her appearance that you liked not her personality! think about it this way it's is less painful
So I am an idiot for not knowing when someone is looking at my lips. So I am guessing you always know when someone is looking at your lips. You probably also think Bill Clinton did 9/11.
I was building the courage to ask out the girl I like and then turns out my ex best friend asked her out and now they broke up and now I think she likes me
Ok, but she keep hanging out with this guy that mostly hang out with other girls too. Sometime they're alone but sometime they're in a group. So does that mean she likes him?
One time my crush let me borrow his socks and at the end of the night when I went to give them back, he told me to keep them. Then as I tucked my hair behind my ear I replied saying “thanks Ill keep them as a souvenir.” He just awkwardly laughed and said ok. If she says weird shit like this she might like you😁😂😭. Never again.
The Peachgrove Same... at least I think because she shows more than half of these sometimes but she knows that I like her because I thought I could trust my friends friend but he told her and if she liked me she would probably tell me
As a girl, I watched this video to see if it's really true. So I've liked someone for 2 years now, and I'll help out any guys out there who don't know if this is true or not. Not all girls are the same but it might help! 1.) I do this all the time! 2.)I don't know, but my best friend tells me my eyes are bigger around him, so :) 3.) i don't usually talk to him, but when I do, this is true because all my attention is just on him :) 4.)Again, all the time! 5.)I look at his lips, not for long though, don't wanna get caught xD, I do touch my lips around him too, but not that much. 6.)All the time xD 7.)I talk about him with my friends, but not around him. I don't think any girl/guy talks about someone around them xD 8.)Little brush on the arm in the hallways here, slight leg touching when we're together, I do that. xD 9.)I stutter sometimes, don't know if that helps. 10.) I always sit near him at lunchtime, :) If my crush found this video I think I'm done for lmao
Yes ma'am* jeez why don't you believe me? I'm female, I have a vagina, Satan gives me a gift everyone month, and in the winter I don't shave as much cause I wear pants. There happy?
As a guy, it's good to make it super obvious bc if you haven't noticed, us guys are dumb as shit and depending on the type of guy, would just assume you're being friendly and nothing more.
This was super helpful because a girl who I’m now dating used to look at me all the time touch her lips all the time and glance at me every five minutes then she would purposely bump into me and say I’m sorry like 5 times then glance and then walk away.
Lol when i like a grill i just go to it and say "hey grill you look saucy today... Wanna go on a date on the moon?" And if she says "tssssstsssss" Then this means "nyes" If she says "tsstss" then she says "hell no" And now I'm married with a cow meat :/
My problem is that the girl I like is supper christian and kinda nervous so my scenario is I asked her to dance but she said she can't and ran away and now a bit latter I was with one of her friends and they told me to mouth something cause they wanted to read my lips and I said "I like Kylee(The name of one of the girls there") cause I didn't think they would be able to tell and I don't know how I feel about Kylee. Anyways they looked shocked and said "don't you like Victoria"(the girl I like) and I said "I don't know if I like her anymore" cause I was feeling kinda down and they said you should like her. So I really don't know where this is going is Kylee saying she doesn't like me or is she saying that Victoria does like me but can't dance yet cause her parents any help thanks.
Have any of you got 10/10 of these and she's single and you tell your best friend and they encourage you then tomorrow you ask her and she says that she really does like you but she's already dating your so called "best friend"
I have a crush on this one girl and I sit right next to her in math and it's so embarrassing and stuff because everyone in my grade hates me including her
Same. I had a girl draw real close to my personal space a couple of times. Both of those times she spontaneously started putting on lipstick too. And was laughing at my stuff. Several signs of interest. So I made a move and asked if I could kiss her... "Nope, umm, I have a boyfriend". Geez, what does it take...???
Hardik Mahajan well the thing is, girl "liking you" psychologically is different from being turned on. They can have you as a friend with nothing else going on. On the other hand their pussies may be screaming "fuck me" but they're totally disgusted mentally. On another note, I heard from a girl they can both love and hate a guy at the same time when they're emotionally invested. So a girl "not liking you" may not be a bad thing at all...
"Touch her face in a discreet manner"
Aight, fam.
How'd it go bruh?
i would like to see the results of that.
He 'bout to catch 'em sexual harassment charges.
just gonna slide by and WHOOPS GRABBED YOUR FACE
fucked up part is...she could do all this and still say she doesn't like you. lol
Well shes either lying or shes really nice. All i can say.
Then that's only because you changed her mind. If she show these sign, she attracted to you.
cheeriomartinez exactly what happened to me I just still think she likes me
cheeriomartinez or she's treating u as abest friend ahhahahaha
"Touch her face without coming off as creepy"
Hey I've done it. I was talking to someone else, kinds swung my hands out and clocked some girl in the eye. She was so turned on.
JZStudiosonline mmm yeah baby give me another black eye
God that part got me xD
Obviously she wants you to stuff it in her eye socket.
You_just slap her
"Ya, she likes me"
"How do you know?"
"Her pupils."
The Real litten Fan maybe because when you’re closer things appear bigger?
Helf that’s the joke
Is it your teacher lol
Top ten things my crush isn't doing
Same here 😣
DA bro
Bruh it's 1:00 am and I am still watching videos on if my crush likes me when she obviously doesn't. I need a fucking life
Harold Swanson same dude same -.-
Harold Swanson same NOOOO LIFE
Harold Swanson Same
Why? I'm twelve you fucking idiot
she said"I love you"
me"do u like me or not"
rambo j you're the best lol
Gosh this killed me 😂😂😂😂😂
Risk G3me ikr
Comment of the year
Me: *kisses crush
Her: ew why would you do that
Me: your feet were pointing at me
Rip shrek
@•Pufflecirk• lol
I accidentally kiss my crush me: I say sorry her: it’s ok 👌
"Touch her face"well thanks i got my ass whooped
gg do it again
Lol That's What Ya Get
LlamaWithATopHat 99 cuz thats how i knew a girl like me
Cause you can't even speak fluent English
Instructions were unclear, got my hand stuck in the toaster.
Tall Random Guy LMAO I'm crying!!
Tall Random Guy
Tall Random Guy - you should go how2basic
My life
Dremora the moment I saw that comment I died
Him: Execution is everything
Me: *Kills someone*
Me: Does she like me now?
as a girl I'd say no
Megan Jensen damn, you must be gay. He did that execution perfectly.
If she's not that typical mean girl probably.. As a shy one she'll just be scared of you..being normal about it means shes fucking crazy
Megan Jensen fuck he killed a man and you don't like him
+Kurolina_ Rey here's your head: ._.
And here's the joke: >
So, here's how it looks:
Get the picture?
1. Does she look at you when she laughs?
2. Did her pupils dilate
3. Look to see where her foot are pointing
4. Multiple glances in a couple minutes
5. Touching her lips
6. Plays with her hair
7. Talks about you with her friends
8. “Accidentally” touched you
9. Notice if she gets nervous
10. Sticks around you
I feel the need to say, as a girl, I do most of these subconsciously all the time.
Me too and I'm considered to be that cool,pretty but awkward girl in school.
Refurbished How so? Lmao
Refurbished Well you said my name, *dumbass*. Make sure you're addressing the correct person next time, if you're so smart.
Refurbished And 7 year olds aren't even in middle school. Get your facts straight.
you just said lmfao...
I cant believe i came here. how low can i go in life
Deniz Karakılıç I the need for stupid comments brought me here
Deniz Karakılıç saaaame
Very low
Deniz Karakılıç ur spooder u can break the 4th wall
Deniz Karakılıç lol
I got none of these signs *cries in the corner*
Read some books on relationships skills and developing your communication techniques :)
Practical Psychology thanks alot but nothing cures ugliness soooo... yeah I am going to die alone
Check out Alpha M.'s video makeovers, they are pretty awesome and significant :D
Practical Psychology okay
When UA-cam knows your single...😂😂😂
when you touch her face and she chops your hand off *HELLO DARKNESS MY OLD FRIEND*
TheTav lol
lol bro
damn XD
I think the appropriate reaction is "GAAAAH FUCK!!! WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!! (passes out and dies)
Darkness: I'm not your friend
TheTav i imidiatly thought how the fick can you touch a girls face without looking creepy!!!?!?!?!??
To really tell if a girl likes you, you need to make sure everytime she 360 noscopes it always falls on the direction you are facing from the North Pole on the minimap, then if she eats her food taking breaths following the Fibonacci sequence then she also likes you. Also whenever she talks to you you have to make sure it is taking place at 11:11 if not then she hates you. Some pointers at getting a girl to like you is that when you give her a gift make sure she is standing facing the east then give the present at a counter clockwise angle it will ensure the chemicals in her brain are mixed in a matter to sense a love emotion. After giving the present do a backflip and say ting tang wallala bang bang this is an ancient chant from exactly 200b.c.e. this activates a primal drive inside your chosen mate. Then after talking to her/him give them a banana and watch closely how they eat it once they blink while taking the first bite you will know they like you.
Step 2. Ask them out on a date to chick-fil-a if they are vegetarian take them to Olive Garden at the restaurant take a seat near the window then order them the least expensive thing if they accept it you have a worthy mate. When they are eating ask them if they want to go to your house then start the Chumash ritual of love chant "we a we cum at me" 4 times then realize you wasted your time reading a useless comment that makes no sense.
It may make no sense but it was incredibly hilarious in my mind. I will try this if this guys comment gets 100 likes AND I'll record it and put it on UA-cam
Banannaface101 11/10 have too many girlfriends now, thanks m8
Banannaface101 it worked thank you so much 👍
Dam that sounds like too much work. Ill just handstand and see what happens.
what langauge are you speaking? dank?
From a female perspective this is how most girls will act when they like you:
- find small ways to talk to you and laugh with you
- will take lots of sneaky glances at you (you might not notice this at all we are that sneaky)
- take an interest in what music/movies etc. you like and ask questions
- smile a lot around you
- finds ways to be physically close to you (sitting close to you/if you are on your phone, trying to see what music you are listening to/ this is why girls steal your hat or jacket as a way of flirting - they want you to see them in your clothes as a way of creating a bond/familiarity and it creates physical contact and intimacy when you try to take it back)
- might mention you quite a bit in conversation 'casually'
- will tease you, carefully watching your reaction and smiling at you
- will touch their thighs/neck/hair in a sensual way (not dirty but like stroking their neck or playing with their hair) I read that we do this to show what we want you to do to us subconsciously
- have good body language towards you (like facing you with their body and feet turned towards you)
- will be a bit competitive with you (usually something physical (but not always) like 'seeing who is stronger' by arm wresting or some kind of race)
- might challenge you/tease you about your hobbies/interests etc. They are showing a strong interest in you and why you like what you do.
P.S girls love it when you are genuinely passionate about something even if it is something they don't love themselves. Seeing your faces light up as you talk about your fave band is so cute! And play it cool - show you are interested every now and then, be nice to them but don't surround them all the time or try way too hard especially if they don't seem too interested in you. Work hard at school and don't be a slacker, showing up late to everything. Take care of your physical appearance and don't be really antisocial (introverts obvs fine as I'm one but if you're really quiet and don't have any friends, you appear undesirable by others and awkward). Confidence is very attractive too. Not expecting a James Bond but having an opinion and being yourself show you have the self esteem to not bow down to society's pressures and norms. And be sweet and gentlemanly but don't overdo it acting old fashioned just hold the door for them etc.
Oh and remembers little details about you
Rosie Jones Thank you very much madam
Teh jokur Your welcome :)
"if you're really quiet and don't have any friends, you appear undesirable by others and awkward"
welp, that's me screwed . . .
Sean Taylor lol find some friends lol
"See if you can sneak in touching her face without coming off as creepy"
* walks up to crush and slaps her face *
Ahahahaha XD
I wish I can heart your comment
Did it work tho?
Lmoa lol
Why am I watching this
I'm forever alone
I know how you feel that makes 2 of us
Sews Gaming same :"(
me too =[````
same why do i even watch this im not interested in relationships lul
Sews Gaming same here bro join the club
Every woman I have talked to ever...
1. No
2. *Pupils shrink to the size of atoms*
3. Feet and body are pointed in the opposite direction...
As she is sprinting away
4. They don't glance but they do stare as the ugliness is too hard to look away from
5. Can't really tell with this one because they cover their mouth with their hand to keep the vomit in
6. Impossible for them as their arms are locked by their sides in pure terror if they are locked in conversation
7. "Fucking Christ what is that thing over there" *points at me* So is this a good sign?
8. Would require a lot of legal work to get around all the restraining orders to even attempt this but okey dokey i'll give it a shot
9. Oh girls are nervous alright but mostly because of the fear
10. Tbh I wouldn't want to be around me in anywhere either
God dammit i'm so dead.
bro that's wrong, no girl should treat you like that
Ded 👏😂
I've seen the most of these with my crush,like 8/10. But just something inside me says "No, don't ask her out". 10 likes and I swear I'll do it
Did you do it
Guess not
Pussy lmao
Top ten things my crush isnt doing 😂😂
GamersMark3 Oof
Yeah ikr
Does punching me count as touching me? She punches me alot
Skyvel way more dude that means that she likes to hang out with you
I'm a girl and I "slap" (not hard) a lot. Like I'm pretty close with some boys in my class and when they say something really dumb or ovious I lightly slap them. I don't personally like them but if she only does it to u and u only that differently means something.
Thx XD
you have been punch bag zoned, my friend...
Never talking to my sister again
The BlueBerry ́s Community channel Pinnacle of the disgrace of the humanity
The BlueBerry ́s Community channel are you from alabama?
Best comment on this video. Oml I'm dying 😂
S O F T A ND N E A T How is that the best comment? thats disgusting as shit
Hey guys! I just finished a video course on the Psychology of Attraction, check it out now for 52% off while I gather testimonials: psychologyofattraction.com/p/the-psychology-of-attraction/?product_id=455712&coupon_code=GETGIRLSYT
I read 43 scientific books and 8 professional textbooks, as well as spending $800+ on Udemy courses to teach you how to get girls to like you :)
Hey man i got some questions (Freshman) , this girl ive liked since the beginning of august, just started paying me alot more attention in this month. We did a partner activity in algebra, and we didnt get picked as eachothers partner, and she got dissapointed (i did too i just didnt say anything or show any signs) she told me that she wanted to be paired up with me because i was really funny, and during the partner activity she was looking at me constantly during the project. Does this stuff mean anything, as a freshman i havent had much experience in the dating field and your edvice would be greatly appreciated.
But she bought that bag whyy shes like that man and I say ... o someone buy a bag ohh thats the bag for non virgin she smiles a lot and slap my arms you think shes crazyy or boosted
Practical Psychology dude, my friend Gladys is always looking at me every minute!!!!!!!!!! I think she like likes me!!
Practical Psychology what if you are playing on a phone and she asks you to do something on her phone ???
Here I’ll ask out my crush on Monday it’s friday night wish me luck I’m nervous
Edit let’s goo dudes we got her Did it during passing period and it was a huge yes!
Good luck!
OpenYourCoconut lmaooo
Scorreeeee!!! Nice job.
I had a huge problem the last 2 years with my crush let me tell u the story...
I started liking her 2 years ago in the summer...
She has been keeping it a secret that she likes me back for THREE years!!!...
I asked her out a few weeks ago, and now we r in love 😍...
Thx if u actually read this😂😂
StopTeddyBearAbuse Congrats
At least life works for somebody
StopTeddyBearAbuse congratz i wish my crush loved me the same way i lover her.
AV4 entertiment u go up to her and kiss her
My crush accidentally touches me, sticks around me in public places, faces me all the time and looks into my eyes.
Mr. Laboratory Welp, lucky you ...
Mr. Laboratory "accidentally"
ask her out!
Mr. Laboratory
So? I do that with everyone and I'm a girl.
Looks like you got friendzoned dude
A girl bumped into me at Walmart so I grabbed her face like he said
I'm currently in the hospital
^ me irl
I like youtube should have grabbed her hand and said 'wait' like those cheesy romantic moment in the movies 😂
I like youtube oh shit me too! I'm on the 3rd floor
Damn 😂
"If she gets nervous around she's attracted"
Girls around me: Speaks loud, does crazy shit, mad confident...
If I like a certain guy, number 1 indicator is when I talk or brag about him with my friends a lot. And oh, with a matching smiling face. :')
So I should send spy to your group to help fish some info out?
A True Love Official :') -- so you smile with tears
How i met my gf is when I was in the park with my sisters which they are 5 and 4 cause i love my sisters so my gf was kind of interested that I took care of my sisters a lot and she sat next to me than told me you are a good big brother... I said thank you... Thannn I leftvwith my sister and she kept staring at me while i was walking to my sisters for them to eat lunch... Than she said can she have some too i gave her some and she told me did you always like girls... I said i like to make friends with all sorts of people than she told me what about a girl friend... I was like (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) thank she was like you like me don't you I said a little than she kissed me on my cheek than she told me to hold her hand and we walked down to the store with my sisters and my "new" gf
@@_.xnzhbz._x.27 Plot twist: That was your mum.
"If she lifts her hair from her beck it could mean she wants to show you her most important artery." BOI
I mean I'm also a vampire, I suck blood and iit comes out white... At least one good thing about it is that I can smash them while they're on their period.
I am ded xD
That artery is the jugular vein, in the front of the neck, and if cut will spray out large amounts of blood and the (insert animal with jugular vein here) will nearly instantly die.
HAHAHA dem comments!
William Boivin-Villeneuve I came to this video mostly for the comments because I knew theyd be golden.
But fk I'm socially awkward... Damn can't get any good relationship
Well you're dead so that's why.
Maybe you should find a new meme
I'm HARAMBE!! I'm kinda socially awkward, but I managed to get a girlfriend about as socially awkward as me...
I was that way before, just talk without stuttering don't look away and the most importent one BE CONFIDENT ABOUT YOURSELF
After honestly watching most of these videos, I built up my courage and I asked her out. I did it. She said yes. I honestly couldn't believe it at first and thought she was playing me. She wasn't and we're going out next week. Thanks dude. You made it happen...
Any other girls watching this to see if they make it obvious they like their crush. I literally do all of this LMAOO 😂😂😂
Lia Stanford no I just came to see the desperate guys in the comments lmao
Lia Stanford and JordyLostHerCoolXD same for both of y'all ( I'm a girl to btw )
JordyLostHerCoolXD same
Lia Stanford yes
Yeah sis I'm actually seeing why the fuck hasn't he noticed yet
Signs not clear enough, got charged with pedophilia for thinking a little girl liked me, Now got life in prison...
I'm Rick Harrison and this is my pawn. Hey. .
Why? Thanks. ;)
Nyte Falll Hey.
I'm Rick Harrison and this is my pawn. Hey. made my fucking day
"She likes you and she want to take all of you in..." yep
@@mohammadamin3242 in conswalafuckit's words... "No no no"
lol was laughing at that and read you comment at the same time
I got all of these thx
but she is always hitting me really lightly and smiles
Wow, all things my crush does. Gonna ask her out. Wish me luck dudes!
MEGA UPDATE- we have been dating for 9 months. I have plans for the future......😉
also thanks for the support my fam. Means a lot to know there is so much positivity!
Syeeet X Good luck boy!
Good luck dood
Loránd Galambos update~. She said yes and we are currently still dating. Thanks for the wish man!
Glad you made it :)
Congrats m8
Damn I haven't seen any of these signs. I'm gonna be alone forever. Well back to no life ing video games.
Join the party.
Y video games
none of these signs, but I did watch a video on signs that a girl doesn't like you, and I see those all the time
welcome to the party
we have (insert perferd snack here) and (insert perferd drink here)
and if you lucky, you mayby meet some friends... that you will mayby never see but may talk to...
trust me, i have no life and could be called a "social experiment" xD
+Gorilla Tank
You must be my lost brother that i didnt know i had xD
Nah, just always remember to respect women. But remember, Saturdays are for the boys.
Poop Stain on Society 😂😂
Poop Stain on Society the boys always come first
I cant think of a name
It's tater tots before thots.
Tater Tottsss
There's this girl I work with, and she's one of the only people I've ever met that has so much in common with me. She's super sweet, cute, funny, and compassionate. We have so much shit in common, from politics to music, from TV shows to food. I really want to ask her out, but at the same time, I literally met her like 2 weeks ago, and I don't wanna come off as rushy, but like if I wait too long I'm gonna miss my shot. I'm gonna ask her out in a couple weeks, just to give me some more time to talk to her & get to know her. When I started working there, I was always the one to start the conversation to her, but now that telling by her body language and the fact that she's the one to start conversation, I feel like she's genuinely interested, but obviously I could be misreading things (wouldn't be the first time). Gonna ask her out in 2 weeks I'll update when I do
@Liam O’Neil Ima ask her tonight, thanks for the advice :)
Do it!!!!
@@samtheham2508 I know this was four years ago but what happened
Oh, don't mind me, I'm just here to make sure that I'm not making it too obvious
Clorox Bleach are you a girl?
Clorox Bleach Oh fuck
Clorox Bleach same with me I think I blew it when I asked if he wanted my number GOD DAMIT
Clorox Bleach same lol
"she likes you and she wants to take all of you in"
Miles Parker GIGGITY
ah a perfect gigity moment
I never been around a girl, i didn't buy the extension pack
Holy shit, you're missing out! The latest expansion is sick!
Cap.Wargen Striker chicks love going to the beach tho
The dlc is bugged for me
100 Lawyers bro my games bugged so every girl rejects me😭
Boy: Touches her face "discretely"
0:13, When she looks at me, she laughs.
HorribleFx GT hahahaha
Ummm how can you touch a girls hands, lower back, or face without being creepy 😂 especially when your not even in a relationship with her lol
sawyer tabit "Accidentally"
Doesnt have to be creepy,, if shes looking at you like a deer looking into headlights chances are she doesnt want to get touched by you rofl..
You just go for it every single time.
Walk past them in a tight spot softly touch their lower back. As she looks back say sorry (look at her reaction)
Hand her something or ask her to hold something. Maybe even say you can read palms.
say she has hair or something on her face and when she tries to get it say that she missed it and you 'get it' yourself.
Walk behind her in an enclosed area and touch her lower back or stand behind her in a line and raise your hand up as if you're about to scratch your face but 'accidentally' touched her back.
Idk why, but this video makes me feel better about myself😂
Would you say it was motivational? :)
Yeah I guess so
Thanks for the video bro
Just subbed btw
+Bat - Man Awesome! Think I'll hit 100k by new years?
I love your channel so much. It is really helpful
Bat - Man i was the 69th like :)
Just be yourself.If she doesn’t like who you are, don’t pretend to be the person she’ll like because you can’t pretend to be somebody forever.Lots of people thinks that being sporty and having a six pack is one of the main key to get your crush to like you but it doesn’t really matter,if you’re doing sports but you’re not yourself, stop.If you want to know if she truly likes you,she has to like you for who you are,make her laugh,make her smile but never fake from who you are because one day the person who you really are will catch up.
I've never had a girl ever do those things to me. Lucky, I guess. It's just easier that way. I bet a relationship is a real headache. I'm fine as is.
How old are you?
Robert Gaines that comment made my day
really ?
Robert Gaines gayyy
3:03 shows her neck , because she feels safe , by exposing her major arteries ??? LMAO we are NOT vampires
Its a deeply rooted PsYcHoLoGiCaL instinct all humans have; similarly, when anxious people often put their hands on their neck, which is an instinct based around covering the most important artery in your body.
I don't buy it either. I rather accept that she lifts her hair because warm air is getting trapped. Long hair can get pretty warm.
We lift our hair because our fucking neck is sweaty. This vid is bullshit, btw.
JordyLostHerCoolXD he said that it doesn't always mean interest, and what if it was in an air conditioned room? Not to mention increased heart rates would increase body temperature, which means unless the guy is terrifying then it's a positive response from excitement
Hail kspeeder thanks... I know mamy girls do that when they feel flirty.
Rocket science is easier than the instructions....... ☝
Huh, I was running Kerbal Space Program in the background while seeing this comment.
+Pleb King same here man
My crush likes me because one day she just went to hug me and my friend told me that she said she likes me❤💞👥
Dinaira Rodriguez the hugging thing happened to me too! Passing period I see my crush running towards me, wraps her arm around my neck and puts me in a headlock and says “come here loser”. That’s a day I’ll never forget.
same happend to me
Does she like me? She laughs at every joke I say (there not funny) sometimes she talks about me. She wants to sit by me all the time at school. She wants me to go to the skating rink a lot. And to be honest I like her. Oh and whenever I'm depressed she will help me no matter what. Keep in mind were best friends. And she always says what's up or hey FAM in halls every time.
Ask her out, m8
Tyler Aber. go for it. there this girl I like that doses that and .. well just go for it !!
Master Redstoner 12 To late she fucking moved, I already asked her out and I got rejected >;( getting rejected makes me feel fucking worthless.
Master Redstoner 12 but we're still great friends
Killer Vs Gaming no she doesn't live in my city, no one will fucking like my ugly ass
Who here stays up all night watching these videos to see if she likes you but you know the truth she doesn't?
Hi People get out there and practice get off the couch
I do. I'm really into a girl and my friends say I love her. I just keep denying and I thinks she likes me back. Idk girls r confusing af lmao
OllieCallow 420 ,yaa u are right I do the same deny and deny the girls are confusing
Boys say guys are confusing but girls find guys confusing. Like wth everyone is confusing I guess
Hi People same! But me with a guy
I get nervous around people cuz I'm an introvert and sometimes people mistake me for having a crush on them. 😂
My crush smiles and gets excited whenever we greet each other
yeah, girls are confusing, i had crushes on girls that showed like 7-8/10 of these and got rejected by both lmao
Septshadow rip freshman year lol
Shit, I hope you're doing better fam.
3:37, anyone notice he drew Total Drama characters?
Brice Graham me
Simple Rob lol that used to be my show. I like how he gave Bridgette big hips
They have huge thighs.
I wonder what he was thinking.
Brice Graham yea lmao
The stick man at 2:55 looks like a swastika
I remember 3 years back going to these kind of videos to know if women i was in love with also feel the same. Sitting in canteen on work hour so that i can have glance of her having coffee. Try to be around the places where i know she hangs out, in and outside the office. I know she knew that i like her and i saw her looking at me too, even heard her calling my name once. But, it was all in my head sadly. It took me months to track her on fb since i only know her first name which was way common. Never have i ever been so passionate about anything in my life. So after year i said 'hi' to her and boom she blocked me and still continued to tease me or rather say try to implant seed of hope in me so that i might end up doing something stupid and she can brag about how she have lovers here and there. It took me year's of depression and emotional breakdown and slap of reality check that i was just nothing more than hot topic to talk about with friends. She never loved me she just loves the attention that i gave her. It hurts like hell to know that someone you love going to mock ur emotions like that. I quit the job, everyone asked and i start giving stupid excuses only i know the real reason .I remember seeing her on last day like it was yesterday damn what powerful emotion is love. So this how it ends for me and i wish it don't end the same for all the lovebirds in here. But, never love anything to this extant that you will loss you're self in the process.
The Jin woah
The Jin you loved her beauty you really didn't love her truly for who she is, it was her appearance that you liked not her personality! think about it this way it's is less painful
The Jin r
thats reallu bad man
....im sorry....
The Jin rip
“She likes you and wants to take all of you in.” Literally 😂
"If she looks at your lips, this is a good sign." I'm crying in laughter.😂 How the f**k do you tell if someone is looking at your lips?!😂
So I am an idiot for not knowing when someone is looking at my lips. So I am guessing you always know when someone is looking at your lips. You probably also think Bill Clinton did 9/11.
I have shitty teeth and I would just get self conscious about whether or not someone (she) is looking at them.
Genocide Hero i never brush my teeth and they have always been whiter than milk
Genocide Hero same bro I need braces if we ever get in a relationship and she looks at my teeth she will be like fuck this shit I'm out...
I was building the courage to ask out the girl I like and then turns out my ex best friend asked her out and now they broke up and now I think she likes me
NightHawk11 1 go for it!
So this girl I like keep glancing at me. So does she like me or is she just checking because I was glancing at her too?
Oh I'm not the only one haha
I can feel you man :)
Happy she's probably just glancing cos u were glancing too 😂
Ok, but she keep hanging out with this guy that mostly hang out with other girls too. Sometime they're alone but sometime they're in a group. So does that mean she likes him?
Happy no, it means he gay
Red Monster Hehehheheheheh well not in that way. I don't wanna be mean to him but Maybe he just thinks he gets all the girls. He's like a cool guy.
Im watching this to tell my crush I like him without talking incase he watched this
Rebellious teen in one comment
let's get 1 million subs with my vid of course,It's ALL over the internet
i got all this signs from my cousin......fuckin shit!
ajmal cripz same man same
hahaaa question is, are we fuckin our cousin or nah? 😂😂
Wow lol
thats just you
Holy crap
_"She like you. and she wants to take _*_all of you_*_ in..."_
David Jarvis
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
One time my crush let me borrow his socks and at the end of the night when I went to give them back, he told me to keep them. Then as I tucked my hair behind my ear I replied saying “thanks Ill keep them as a souvenir.” He just awkwardly laughed and said ok.
If she says weird shit like this she might like you😁😂😭. Never again.
How do you touch someone’s face and not be creepy
Luc Scott by slapping her
@@lold4519 😂
Move a hair out of her face😂 seriously this has worked on me🙌
muay thai
fuck she is my cousin ;_;
Butcher Wing nah, we ain't white
+Alvin Saji You made my day.
monkeyking8596 u play dota?
same here bro
Well I'm screwed.
The Peachgrove Same... at least I think because she shows more than half of these sometimes but she knows that I like her because I thought I could trust my friends friend but he told her and if she liked me she would probably tell me
Night Fall No, I mean 'screwed' as in "dammit, the girl i've loved for 7 years" shows none of these signs. Not any more." I'm too late.
The Peachgrove oh
The Peachgrove I think im more screwed the girl i like, she display all these sign to my besfriend i think im more screwed XDD
"You can lay in bed at night wondering if they like you back for hours" That's totally me right now and it's torture.
Why am i here no girl will ever like me
I killed Jesus u too?
Joey Ramirez yup
Gutted 'im raw
This video is hard for broken heart lol
does it count if she punches you on accident?
LordEpix I accidentally hit my crush in the face, so it's a good sign. c:
LordEpix your profile picture goes exactly with what you just said:p
TheKawaiiPandaa that is funny hahahahahahah
Jacob Larkin I know right? :D XD
LordEpix does it also count if she tries to accidentally stab you?
As a girl, I watched this video to see if it's really true. So I've liked someone for 2 years now, and I'll help out any guys out there who don't know if this is true or not. Not all girls are the same but it might help!
1.) I do this all the time!
2.)I don't know, but my best friend tells me my eyes are bigger around him, so :)
3.) i don't usually talk to him, but when I do, this is true because all my attention is just on him :)
4.)Again, all the time!
5.)I look at his lips, not for long though, don't wanna get caught xD, I do touch my lips around him too, but not that much.
6.)All the time xD
7.)I talk about him with my friends, but not around him. I don't think any girl/guy talks about someone around them xD
8.)Little brush on the arm in the hallways here, slight leg touching when we're together, I do that. xD
9.)I stutter sometimes, don't know if that helps.
10.) I always sit near him at lunchtime, :)
If my crush found this video I think I'm done for lmao
Yee about to be 3 years
Another girl giving an option. I don't touch my hair for my crush I touch it to make sure it's not messy and I don't touch my lips like at all
El Gooble are you talking about me?
Yes ma'am* jeez why don't you believe me? I'm female, I have a vagina, Satan gives me a gift everyone month, and in the winter I don't shave as much cause I wear pants. There happy?
11. If she tries to resist, she likes you. Keep going!
My crush likes me back now we're a thing thx so much
Joseph the Potatoes youre one of the chosen ones. Congrats
I'm all by my seeeelf
Joseph the Potatoes You lucky dog! Congratulations! 😆
jackhammer it brother
I'm just a girl making sure that I'm not making it too obvious!!😍
The Podolski Crew Fact's they dramatic and extra
As a guy, it's good to make it super obvious bc if you haven't noticed, us guys are dumb as shit and depending on the type of guy, would just assume you're being friendly and nothing more.
BubbleGum Pop maybe you should just stop being lazy and actually tell the guy you like him... fucking game playing is stupid.
The Podolski Crew it would also be a lot easier if boys at least gave a hint that they do
Vinyl Fiend668 Ok thanks for your opinion but I don’t like anyone so there’s no one to tell...at least not right now
I don't show any signs except get nervous around them
Ledki nervousness is a sign -_-
Bass Rollerz05 LoL true. But it also prevents any relationship from developing
Ledki thats what happened to me
So like if someone does wierd shit or funny crap you don’t look at your crush first to get their reaction?
This was super helpful because a girl who I’m now dating used to look at me all the time touch her lips all the time and glance at me every five minutes then she would purposely bump into me and say I’m sorry like 5 times then glance and then walk away.
Lol when i like a grill i just go to it and say "hey grill you look saucy today...
Wanna go on a date on the moon?"
And if she says "tssssstsssss"
Then this means "nyes"
If she says "tsstss" then she says "hell no"
And now I'm married with a cow meat :/
You like grills? And call them saucy? And ask to go on a date? Damn tf happened to this earth
Wtf 😂
[ Rock Pock ]ロックポック that just made my day
i call them grills too xd
All you guys picturing a specific girl when you watch this...
Yeah she's not into you.
So sad
Will Herondale Bet
Thanks, bro.
🖕 ;)
Yh your voice is amazing
Practical Psychology what if she talks to her friends about me but its like negative stuff but she only talks only me
TheGuestHD GT she likes u but she doesn't want anyone to think thay
Molly Gates
That's True.
My problem is that the girl I like is supper christian and kinda nervous so my scenario is I asked her to dance but she said she can't and ran away and now a bit latter I was with one of her friends and they told me to mouth something cause they wanted to read my lips and I said "I like Kylee(The name of one of the girls there") cause I didn't think they would be able to tell and I don't know how I feel about Kylee. Anyways they looked shocked and said "don't you like Victoria"(the girl I like) and I said "I don't know if I like her anymore" cause I was feeling kinda down and they said you should like her. So I really don't know where this is going is Kylee saying she doesn't like me or is she saying that Victoria does like me but can't dance yet cause her parents any help thanks.
After watching this video I am now more observant about other people. I have also noticed that no one looks at me in a friend group. not even guys.
She tells you flirty jokes but calls you "fam" at the end.
D aight here's the plan, slide out of the hole, and aim for the dm's this time around
D goddamnit Lmfao
SOOO true
Umphty Gumphty ay I've called guys I've liked fam, bro, homie etc
Nayeonnie interesting, ive always been taught that surely means a girl dosnt like you. Thanks for the information
Have any of you got 10/10 of these and she's single and you tell your best friend and they encourage you then tomorrow you ask her and she says that she really does like you but she's already dating your so called "best friend"
Yep, 3 times with 6 different people. I cut does people immediately out of my live.
MrSloth BreadCrumb nope i got 0/10
I got that just this week it sucks man but i haven't told anybody about my attraction to her and i keep it secret bc i am way to akward for that
Well Fuck
Wish I had at least 1 😶🔫
I have a crush on this one girl and I sit right next to her in math and it's so embarrassing and stuff because everyone in my grade hates me including her
Joe Smith if you want her search up this link you won't be disappointed makewomanwantyounow.com
So why do they hate you?
MusikAlltid there probably just the typical assholes in school
Just leave the country and start a cocaine ring. Bitches love money.
Joe Smith Socially awkward or obese? My problem is, im trying to get social but i somehow fail and im skinny so fuck
"She likes me!!"
"Who informed u?"
"My crush told me"
Best sign ever ✌️
How did you ask her? And how is the relationship status?
TheSadPanda damn bro i hope you're ok now
TheSadPanda what grade are you
Amaxing bro
JWubs YT lol
or maybe she will look at my lips because im 13 and have a mustashe
I laughed at this way too much :)
Vengryn d I'm 13 and have a full beard and mustache
Sabatorbi 14 and visible beard 😂
Sabatorbi 13 and go fuck ya self (haha jk) but seriously it portably doesn't look that good at a young age might wanna shave it
I learned something important here...I'm invisible.
OMG thank you. Good gracious now I know some 4-5 girls who liked me thanks to this Tips.
Don't worry, I will keep my check list out each time I talk to a female
Crazando anonymous Bruh XD
Crazando anonymous unfortunately i will have to do the same.
I looked for these signs in this chick at my table. I got an impressive 0/10 signs. Not bad...
I got 9/10, but that's just the chick's personality, idk why the fuck half of the girls have the same personality, but that apparently matters too.
Same. I had a girl draw real close to my personal space a couple of times. Both of those times she spontaneously started putting on lipstick too. And was laughing at my stuff. Several signs of interest. So I made a move and asked if I could kiss her... "Nope, umm, I have a boyfriend". Geez, what does it take...???
+CellGames2006 Well you don't just ask to kiss her, but I get you.
You know what I got 9/10 and she still doesn't like me lol
Hardik Mahajan well the thing is, girl "liking you" psychologically is different from being turned on. They can have you as a friend with nothing else going on. On the other hand their pussies may be screaming "fuck me" but they're totally disgusted mentally. On another note, I heard from a girl they can both love and hate a guy at the same time when they're emotionally invested. So a girl "not liking you" may not be a bad thing at all...
Sweet! :D
+Practical Psychology did you read my comment
I knew it all along. This vid. Got me proof this girl likes me in class. I swear she touches my abs too much and and is always blushing around me