Nowhere Man If they can’t make money without putting informative articles behind paywalls, then they deserve to go bankrupt. That’s how Capitalism works right?
@@TheGodFr0mTheMachine Franco and Pinochet were no fascists, but they were authoritarian leaders that used from liberal economical policies to consolidate their power with the market and the monopolies. I do agree that call them "facists" was a conceptual mistake, but this don't invalidate his argument.
The fascists absolutely do not lose, only their followers. By grouping these people as all fascists together we're only aiding in the division of the common people.
What makes you think we don't know it? We makes you think we're not well aware that there's a cycle of fascism leading to capitalism leading to anarchism leading to communism leading to fascism. You arrogant pricks are so far up your own arses it's unbelievable. What do you think the swastika is if not a symbol of this very cycle lol.
Honestly I think this is the video I've come back to the most over the past year. I wish I could spread it more, because honestly "But you know this won't win back the world of their fathers. This is the world of their fathers; your boss buys a new yacht" is the best explanation of fascism's relation to capitalism as I've ever heard. It's just a shame that this hasn't gone viral
Ah thank you! I'm feeling really tired today and when I checked my notifs and saw this comment it really made me smile, I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope this video does one day get algorithm'd into people's faces because I think it's still one of my best and most important!
@@KayAndSkittles Well I'm here, recently subbed to your channel on account of your collab with St Jack that The Algorithm pointed me to on account of I'm subbed to him and he'd just recently released a video & I'd watched & commented on it so The Engagement was fresh (I _think_ that's how The Algorithm works), and now this video pops up in my Recommendations. (Along with several others, in some sort of rotation.) So, I hope this is worth another smile. :-) Also, Koch Brother* :-)
God. I remember listening to this on my drive home from work on the eve of the 2020 Uprisings, and it's haunted me ever since. I'm grateful that the algorithm has reunited me with your work.
Something that's worth emphasizing is that fascism is generally at least somewhat grassroots, which is how ideologies like Strasserism are able to exist. It's just that by their very nature they are "strength" and hierarchy fetishizing, which is why the more capitalist/corporatist elements have always won out.
I'm glad you brought this up. The Strasserist elements are useful in generating the populism required to get the plane off the ground. But like in Germany in '34... the fat will always be trimmed.
I would disagree with this. Ishay Landa states that fascism is actually an "Elite" phenomenon. See: "Facism and the Masses: the revolt against the last humans." by Landa. In this sense, fascism is not mass politics, but a politics of, by, and for the Elite. This makes sense, as its typically the Elite who love Nietzsche (the Ur-fascist) the most. Your average person on the street doesn't really care bout being a cultured Nietzschean ubermensch.
Holy shit, I'd never thought of fascism as capitalism's immune system before but it makes so much sense! Great video! Also, you have a really nice voice.
It's not. NSDAP was broke until they started to have many votes and international finance started funding them. Guess what Hitler did then? He stabbed them in the back. Hitler used them.
Holy shit. I never thought of fascism as a self-defense mechanism of capitalism, but instead just capitalism in its death throes. To think that fascism's own endgame is its starting point, in a way, makes it even more insidious. Thanks for the truth bomb.
It would be more accurate to say that fascism's end goal is to reverse back to before the starting point, prior to the insurgence of the workers becoming a real possibility.
This is an excellent video, which so effectively conveys why people who claim fascist regimes like Mussolini's Italy were socialistic or that fascists like Mussolini were genuinely inspired by socialist ideals are woefully unaware of what fascism's purpose is, and how the working class suffers under fascism which is facilitated by purging labour organizers, labour leaders, and leftists.
They were socialist though... just not Marxist Leninist. Goebbels put it beatifully when he said that the Nazi struggle against Bolshevism was no fight against Socialism, but in favour of.
I was viciously Fascist not too long ago. I shilled for Nazi Germany unironically. And of course I felt that I was entirely in the right, that I was a good guy and a victim. I really appreciate how you articulated the attractiveness of the ideology to disillusioned workers. We need more content like this to show folks that they're being conned. I always had feelings of uncertainty about the Fascist system, especially economically back then. It only took a few weeks of exposure to videos and essays like this to fully push me out of it. After that it was a steady roll straight into true Socialism. I think this is the content that really matters, keep fighting the good fight
Fascism, at it's core, is simply implementing whatever policies are most beneficial to your tribe/ nation/ race, which is often economically socialist and nationalist, but it is tempered by a traditional hierarchial society.
it's almost depressing to see no right wing arguments in the comments. It means people with these fascist ideologies, the people that need to hear this stuff, aren't seeing these videos.
It's not true what he is saying and is already debunked. I would like to see an open mind debate between this guy and an actual fascist without the name calling. That way you guys would also be exposed to what fascists really believe. You guys don't ask capitalists to explain socialism either right? Let's not do the same with fascism then.
@@Noahthelasercop I don't have the time to explain so I'll leave those two links here: Enjoy their other content aswell if you like it.
@@DarksiderDarmoset mm, emotional action over theory and reason is the classic fascist policy when dealing with people with more understanding of their ideals.
Mozes Marcus one of the biggest parties in Germany is fascist. Same in Italy 3rd biggest I believe. Hungry, Poland, and Bolivia have become fascist not sure if there’s more, my Swedish buddy says there’s a fascist group rising there too. If you mean your country as America? Then I’m not sure ether I know there’s a lot of people saying “ if the law says it then it’s what’s right” tho.
Wow. Mind. Blown. I was sort of vaguely aware of a lot of this, but have never heard it all put together so clearly and succinctly before. Great video.
Very, very compelling final section. I can’t find the words to compliment it well enough, but the rhetorical device of describing the experience of a worker under fascism/capitalism, finished with “and your boss just bought another yacht...” and then the Vapor-wavy music set to the fascists’ net worths.... absolutely brilliant. Really well done, subbed.
This is the kind of thing that should be taught in civics class. Liberals and centrists waste a lot of time railing against fascists, when fascism is just the attack dog that neoliberal capitalists unleash when they sense disquiet.
If you are gonna dumb down Fascism atleast do it correctly. If you can not understand fascist political theory and doctrine. You should know what the core of fascism is. That is the fascist concept of life, the New Man. The eternal revolution of constantly trying to better yourself. That is what Fascism is at its core.
This video actually gave me chills, so epically scripted and was made easy to understand. Now I’m more exposed to our reality and I learned something new that I never thought of. Definitely subscribing, glad I found this channel 💛
Wonderful video, and what a cute ferret :)! So glad I found this via Thought Slime, you really get at these in depth concepts in a simple entertaining, and thought provoking way, and I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future!
You're description of work after the fascists take over @ 12:44 sounds like Amazon warehouse narratives I have read about where people cannot go to the bathroom and are constantly monitored!
the worst part about being from the US is around the 12:30 mark you just flat out describe our current political state. we're already a fascist state working in millions of tiny autocracies.
Still better than the Anarcho-Capitalism of Mexico where the Private Companies known as Drug Cartels have more guns and power than the legitimate Mexican government which is too obsessed with State's Rights to intervene and these private companies fight each other over people and resources.
Just discovered your channel through your video on Us, and that was a good video, but this, this is frikkin' excellent. Depressing but excellent. Thanks, this is one of the most useful explanations of what fascism does I've seen.
Man, i'm from Brazil, and your video made me look our recent history with new eyes. I was feeling really depressed lately,but couldn't figure out why.Now i know. Thank you.
When you said 'there is no fascist economy" I felt that 😭 🙌🏾 Seriously, I just saw a tweet of yours and now I'm subscribing to your channel! Your voice is powerful, keep using it to boost the voices of the marginalized and oppressed. bless you💜
A more Apt description of Capitalism and Communist relations based on the "Body analogy": Capitalism is a rotting body Fascism acts as formaldehyde to prolong rotting Socialism is nature acting upon the natural state of decay unto Communism, whereupon the functions and utilities of the old system was used to bring forth a new synthesis.
This really makes it all make sense. Recently you’ll see articles saying how recessions are just inevitable parts of capitalism. Never let a crisis go to waste!
I can not express my gratitude for this video. I will share it over and over and over again. I have come to the same conclusion. Like in the movie The sixth Sense I see fascism everywhere. Wherever you see a pyramid structure based on order, discipline and hierarchy Make no mistake you are looking fascism in the eye
Politics was never my thing as I live in a country that allows me to be pretty lacks about my political choices. However I've been trying to educate myself lately and this was extremely enlightening. Thank you for taking the time to explain these topics (on this and other of your videos) to people as me, who are just trying to understand the world we live in.
As Italian, I cannot tell how much I am satisfied that you used an Umberto Eco's article. The man was kinda of an asshole, but an intellectual beast, easly superior to most of the "intellectual" of these days.
It won’t because YoutTube is a giant of the tech industry and even if it wasn’t owned by Google which definitely wants to gain more power like all the other corporations, it was already gigantic on it’s own and therefore part of this.
I also like Chris Hedges take in _War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning,_ I think it is, which identifies fascism, or it might be nationalism, as defined by war, and war as the intention and raison d'etre of a fascist government, with all policies subordinate to, and logical in relation to, that intention. The appeal of that argument is that it works in both directions i.e., as Paul Verhoeven famously said in the DVD director's commentary for Starship Troopers: "war makes fascists of us all", which quite explains the way in which the militarism of American society resulting from the long term policy choice to wage continual war in multiple countries at once is causing the growth of all kinds of fascistic tendencies and moods in American society and culture, which have now arguably taken over the Democratic party, in the form of the neocon warmongering mania accompanying the Russophobic conspiracy theory. It may well be that in _class_ terms, the function of fascism is as you argue _for the rich,_ but as with the Stalinist analysis of fascism in the 1930s and '40s, that doesn't explain why it didn't happen everywhere outside the Soviet Union in the 1920s and '30s, or why Germany's wars were prosecuted as if they were not obeying the interests of German monopoly capitals but rather as if they were obeying a logic determined by an agrarian conception of national strength and a racial theory emphasising antisemitism.
@JohnnyTheWolf Who can say? Capitalists have always been pretty fair and paid a progressively better wage to match their increased profits, historically.
Capitalists only really care about economic globalisation. Plus if everyone is isolated into their nationalist bubble then they not only willing ignore the exploatation of those they don't see as a part of their tribe with but will also actively support it.
Almost a year of this AWESOME content and not even 10k subs??? So wrong! I just found your channel and I’ve been binging all your videos, they’re so good!! You definitely deserve more subs!!
Great video! It's becoming even more relevant. Just want to add a definition by G. Dimitrov "the open, terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, and most imperialist elements of finance capital"
"Fascism has proved to be the ally and defender of the producer, and the enemy of the speculator. The international financiers of the world have therefore bent all their energies to combating Fascism." E.G. Mandeville-Roe
Crazy how things have gotten even worse after March 2019. Wealth inequality is so rampant, that nowadays even yachts have their own yachts and helicopters. I wonder how long (we the) people are going to remain calm and keep on going for we haven't lost everything, yet...
Hey all chilean here , i know that the part of Pinochet was a bit short but something to add to the point , Is that the army were watching your vote and also modifided the vote of people and added dummy votes , and the people that vote againgst Pinochet were missing some until today.
this video literally made me had the hugest revelation. i had all the puzzle pieces in my head and this helped me to put them together. holy shit man. thank you so fucking much.
You make it all seem so clear and obvious. It's not the fact that's it's happening that it's so depressing to's the fact that trying to discuss this gets you dismissed so easily.
Think back to a personal issue, perhaps a relationship that’s beginning to fail or something similar. It’s hard to admit at first, and some people will refuse to admit things have turned bad until the last possible moment. It’s that but on a bigger scale.
On an unrelated note: I fucking loved that slowed down Fleetwood Mac at the end, way more than I probably should. Now I want like a proper vaporwave cover of it.
Came here to be pleasantly surprised your voice and points are just as calming and concise on other topics as they are about korra. You make videos that are obviously very well put together
Humanity Galatica I’m from a country that was destroyed by fascism. The idiotic fascist illusions of cultural and racial superiority and desire for conquest, led to half a million casualties. The country wasn’t ready to fight a major war, but that didn’t stop the incompetent fascist buffoons from sending our young men to die by the thousands.
@@alexisglaab2572 Meanwhile Antifa/BLM burn and riot and loot and murder for over 100 days straight while police do nothing. Condemning people who defend themselves against domestic terrorism will only exacerbate the problem. If you put a frog in a pot of water and raise the temperature little by little it will sit there until the water boils and the frog dies. If the temperature increases too quickly, however, the frog will jump out and survive. Terrorism against innocent civilians will eventually not be able to be ignored and people will defend themselves.
Josef K You haven’t a clue what fascism is, you are spouting on about neo-Nazism. Fascism is a form of non-Marxist socialism stemming from Syndicalism that opposes both Marxism and capitalism, it seeks to unify both individual and collective under a state that embodies the collective will. Although it often is authoritarian and totalitarian, it doesn’t have to be, rights can still be upheld within a fascist framework and society, it all depends on the level of extremity and how opposed to liberalism it is. Maybe if you stopped listening to people spreading misinformation about an obscure and misunderstood 20th century philosophical movement, and listened to the fascists themselves, you’d have an understanding of the philosophy.
The description of historical fascism is very good. Everything about the National Socialist Workers Party is propaganda: The Nazi's weren't nationalists, they were imperialists. they were not socialists, they were rabid anti-communists, and they were not a workers party, they were a party who found its largest base in the middle class and then the wealthy. However, the last part of your presentation appears to be a liberal screed (by your imagery): liberals are not opposed to fascism, they are the first to embrace it.
You made a really good explanation but I think you were pretty bias. I don't want to be the devil's lawyer but you didn't show the other side of the medal. Fascism is certainly a better alternative than communism for the rich but not the best since fascism itself has many aspects of socialism as well. I take as an example Italy which is the country I'm from. One of the main reason fascism was invented/came to power was because the traditional system stopped working, workers striked, the economy was bad, people were disappointed with what Italy got after the peace treaty of WW1 and the traditional politics wasn't able to give an answer. So when fascism seized power it was welcomed by the vast majority of people, not only the rich ones. And at the beginning when fascism took power things started to work again, later they will make huge mistakes in foreign and economic policy that would be paid at a huge price. Not everything the regime did was bad or was just in the interest of the rich. For instance, a huge amount of public buildings were made, highways were built and the rail network was completely modernized and expanded. In addition, they drained a big swamp in central Italy and gave most of the land for free to colonists from poor areas of the country. One of the best things that fascism did for poor families were "summer colonies", where children of poor families would get 3 months of vacation at the sea, they had the opportunity to do sports and have proper meals. In those years literacy rates went up illnesses like tuberculosis, typhus and malaria were almost completely wiped out. Ultimately if we put the bad things and the good things together it is clear that the bad things outweigh the good ones and fascism was a disaster for Italy and any other country where they tried it. But it has to be also remembered that at least in Italy fascism ruled mainly thanks to the consent and popularity they had rather than with fear and repression.
If by "the bad things outweigh the good ones" you mean the individual mistakes made on by the leader (eg. joining the Axis Powers or replacing Italy's agricultural makeup with grain), then I would agree there is a case to be made for that. But elsewhere, the patterns leading to their downfall diverge along other decisions and direct opposition.
@@TTheDDoctor Baisically yes, probably if Mussolini would have sided with the allies he would be now considered as a national hero. Although with bad things I also mean censorship, repression of different opinions, and things like that. But at the same time, those are things that we in the modern western world take for granted and think of them as sacred. People at the time didn't think like that, for them, this wasn't really a big deal like it would be for us, for them stability and order were better than freedom. I think the problem with talking about things like fascism, communism, and so on is that we see them just with the modern perspective and by knowing the history of what happened next. Therefore we tend to have a distorted picture of how living in that time actually was and see the people of the past as naive. In reality people back then weren't crazy and didn't have a crystal ball to see in the future either. For instance the great majority of intellectuals were in favor (at least until ww2) of the regime, proof of this the "manifesto of the fascist intellectuals" that was signed by many of the most brilliant minds of the time
@@mariovallanzasca9454 Indeed, indeed! Perhaps the most striking turn of events in recent years has been the way in which large technology companies have been able to censor and control people in a world where the liberals won. Would the outcome ultimately have been much different if Italy stayed with their former allies, I wonder?
Looking at the analysis of the legend of the Kora, I did not expect to see a like-minded person on the western UA-cam section. Warm greetings to you from comrades in Russia. Moreover, since you are touching on the same topics as we are, I advise you to recommend an excellent documentary film made in Russia and specially translated into English, about the development of the Nazi regime through the prism of economics (and especially how such capitalist giants as Croup and Forben directly participated in this) . On this channel there is the same analysis of Italian and Japanese fascism, but so far they are only in Russian languge . The film is called ECONOMY OF NAZI GERMANY: KRUPP, and the channel "держать Курс".
very good video, thanks a lot. i always thought that fascism was just "right wing but more" and didnt generally have an idea of what fascism is. now i finally understand.
It is neither left nor right, it is simply collectivism. It stemmed from syndicalism and formed its own philosophical movement aimed at liberating the working class along with the entire collective through a spiritualist rejection of materialist Marxism and capitalism.
vaha0412 The original Italian fascists were radical/revolutionary syndicalists that became tired of the lack of action taken by the socialists, in response they created their own form of socialism as well as a philosophical movement that sought to focus on the collective and spiritualism. The point of fascism is to serve whatever the collective will is, in the case of the Italians it was to liberate the working class by unifying the collective as a whole and erasing notions of class through taking what was called fascist action, or something along those lines. The problem with defining fascism is that the fascists themselves wrote that it is vague, loose, and not very exact, but based off of its name which is derived from fasces, it’s most simple definition would probably be the unification of individual and collective forming a state which embodies the will the collective or at least serves the collective. You could even argue that the original Italian fascists were a distinct form of fascism since they had some more defining features that don’t necessarily have to be prevalent in all fascist states or movements, such as totalitarianism, dictatorship, and anything regarding general governmental structure. Thankfully the philosophy is a very niche one only actually supported by extreme idealists or unsavory types. It is the worst of 20th century intellectualism and if paired with nationalism or notions of racial supremacy it can result in disaster, fortunately the last fascist movements were the Islamic fascist movements which haven’t seen much success so it seems fascism, at least actual fascism and not the modern conceptualization of fascism, is dead for now.
The contradictions between different fascistic economies can be mostly explained by ww2. War machine economies tend to use private sector with a lot of benefits promised to elites, but they can instrumentalize public functions, like Hitler did with the german Winterhelp. Economies of war can even statize private firms to tend to their needs.
this is a good class analysis(?) of how fascism neatly fits into capitalism. But I think, it is kind of class reductive. Fascists do care about hierarchies, and class is one of the better ones to reinforce. But that does not explain the widespread genocide and killing(I mean maybe it does, maybe I am missing something). But maybe some fascists do not care about profit much, taking it much like a side quest. I think some fascists clearly care more about subjugation and atrocities regardless of economic prosperity. That is why thousands of Nazi soldiers just willingly killed and tortured jews for the heck of it.
I agree. It's something one can tell from one's first memories interacting with others at a young age, that some are more inherently vicious and selfish than others. And it's exactly those people who as adults actually believe they have the right to murder others (or profit unethically in peaceful times) because they have more "will" or "strength" to do so or whatever the rationalization is. It would be great if an economic/political system which did not reward those tendencies were ever allowed to exist.
He seems to be talking more about the higher up members of the Fascist hierarchy, who have more ambitious ulterior motives to do what they do. You seem to be describing the common footsoldiers who have to be duped into what they do, i.e. Fox News's audience.
@@CrowTR0bot but saying that the footsoldiers of fascism are just people who are duped just doesn't seem to fit, cause that would mean that people if being duped would have the mask off after some time, like seeing an atrocity, every common man would just turn their beliefs. That doesn't happen, it is that some foot soldiers DO like to brutualise without any reason though, and sometimes they genuinely believe that people are just out to get them.
@@siddhantgarud6070 Capitalists divert attention away from themselves for the woes they bring to society and instead shift it onto minority populations and the labor movement if necessary. The common foot soldier is willing to brutalize others specifically because he’s been duped into believing such and such political/cultural phenomenon is the root of societal collapse instead of the inhumane exploitation of private capital. Sorry this comment is a little late.
The only thing this misses... a certain subset of the masses *like* the boot. They see their position in the crab bucket as just, and all those others who deserve the bottom can come right back down there with them.
Watching this as Iowa repeals child labor laws 👍 very good essay and interesting take. I don't think this perspective encompasses the entirety of what fascism is but it is a very good look at how fascism interacts with economics. For me it was much more helpful to reframe fascism as a social movement. We use that phrase all the time for leftist movements like stop cop city but it is a value-neutral term and can be used to describe things like MGTOW/incels, evangelism, and other social groups all contributing to this current fascist moment. I recommend anyone reading this comment to go and read The Undertow by Jeff Sharlet. When I read that it finally all clicked together for me and I was able to connect the dots that form fascism for the first time
You should do a video connecting this idea to the way U.S. military/CIA interventions work to protect American capitalist domination in countries around the world. Again and again the U.S. has created de facto fascist states friendly to our corporations. See: Vincent Bevins, The Jakarta Plan, published a few days ago.
Yay hate pays the bills, that's why you have people like Candace Owen's, and Milo Yinnopalis( from traditionally marginalized communities) join these people.
@@CrowTR0bot idk given it was 5 months ago but if you really wanted to gather information from someone maybe not misquoting them would be your best bet!
New Yorker paywalls article about fascism.
Poetic irony.
Well not really. They need to make money. They're not going to write articles for free, that's just not a viable business practice.
@Nowhere Man
1. advertisement exists
2. that is SO not the point
@@cageybee7221 ok hipster Stalin.
@@nowhereman6019 np neoliberal shill
Nowhere Man If they can’t make money without putting informative articles behind paywalls, then they deserve to go bankrupt. That’s how Capitalism works right?
Wow, that actually seems to make a lot of sense! I'm depressed now! Go Skittles!
Meh, he mostly describes nazism not fascism
@@conchgorge9387 no, he repeatedly described non- nazi fascists like Mussolini, Franco, Pinochet
@@chriss780 noooo you dont understand random anon on the internet has the real answers with snide comments that dont elaborate on anything.
@@TheGodFr0mTheMachine Franco and Pinochet were no fascists, but they were authoritarian leaders that used from liberal economical policies to consolidate their power with the market and the monopolies. I do agree that call them "facists" was a conceptual mistake, but this don't invalidate his argument.
That ending monologue was chilling. Even fascists lose in a fascist world, they just don’t know it yet.
The fascists absolutely do not lose, only their followers. By grouping these people as all fascists together we're only aiding in the division of the common people.
Of course they do lol
Said the communist lol
What makes you think we don't know it?
We makes you think we're not well aware that there's a cycle of fascism leading to capitalism leading to anarchism leading to communism leading to fascism.
You arrogant pricks are so far up your own arses it's unbelievable.
What do you think the swastika is if not a symbol of this very cycle lol.
@@jamesedward7137 "You arrogant pricks are so far up your own arses it's unbelievable."
Nice projection there enlightened centrist.
Honestly I think this is the video I've come back to the most over the past year. I wish I could spread it more, because honestly "But you know this won't win back the world of their fathers. This is the world of their fathers; your boss buys a new yacht" is the best explanation of fascism's relation to capitalism as I've ever heard. It's just a shame that this hasn't gone viral
Ah thank you! I'm feeling really tired today and when I checked my notifs and saw this comment it really made me smile, I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope this video does one day get algorithm'd into people's faces because I think it's still one of my best and most important!
@@KayAndSkittles Well I'm here, recently subbed to your channel on account of your collab with St Jack that The Algorithm pointed me to on account of I'm subbed to him and he'd just recently released a video & I'd watched & commented on it so The Engagement was fresh (I _think_ that's how The Algorithm works), and now this video pops up in my Recommendations. (Along with several others, in some sort of rotation.) So, I hope this is worth another smile. :-)
Also, Koch Brother* :-)
I remember listening to this on my drive home from work on the eve of the 2020 Uprisings, and it's haunted me ever since. I'm grateful that the algorithm has reunited me with your work.
Something that's worth emphasizing is that fascism is generally at least somewhat grassroots, which is how ideologies like Strasserism are able to exist. It's just that by their very nature they are "strength" and hierarchy fetishizing, which is why the more capitalist/corporatist elements have always won out.
I'm glad you brought this up. The Strasserist elements are useful in generating the populism required to get the plane off the ground. But like in Germany in '34... the fat will always be trimmed.
That's pretty much exactly what Joseph Stalin talked about in his final speech.
I would disagree with this. Ishay Landa states that fascism is actually an "Elite" phenomenon. See: "Facism and the Masses: the revolt against the last humans." by Landa. In this sense, fascism is not mass politics, but a politics of, by, and for the Elite. This makes sense, as its typically the Elite who love Nietzsche (the Ur-fascist) the most. Your average person on the street doesn't really care bout being a cultured Nietzschean ubermensch.
damn, so thats the house always wins
Holy shit, I'd never thought of fascism as capitalism's immune system before but it makes so much sense! Great video!
Also, you have a really nice voice.
Aww thank you :)
It's not. NSDAP was broke until they started to have many votes and international finance started funding them. Guess what Hitler did then? He stabbed them in the back. Hitler used them.
fascistic people and ideas are called "reactionary" for a reason. it's a reaction, like a rash and a fever, to a problem in the system.
@@CatholicSoldierX a fascist betrayed and lied to people? wow. i'm shocked.
I completely agree. It's a very apt description. Almost a reaction to the reactionary political idealogy.
Holy shit. I never thought of fascism as a self-defense mechanism of capitalism, but instead just capitalism in its death throes.
To think that fascism's own endgame is its starting point, in a way, makes it even more insidious.
Thanks for the truth bomb.
It would be more accurate to say that fascism's end goal is to reverse back to before the starting point, prior to the insurgence of the workers becoming a real possibility.
Fascism isn't a self defense mechanism for Capitalism🙄
Please elaborate further by refuting the specific points made in this video
@@cognitivedissonance8406 Fascism is still inherently Revolutionary, and you can see this by how Antifascism was funded by billionaires
@@cognitivedissonance8406 Fascism is Capitalist cause money 🙄 dude and too Bordiga Marxist-Leninists were bourgeois lol
This is an excellent video, which so effectively conveys why people who claim fascist regimes like Mussolini's Italy were socialistic or that fascists like Mussolini were genuinely inspired by socialist ideals are woefully unaware of what fascism's purpose is, and how the working class suffers under fascism which is facilitated by purging labour organizers, labour leaders, and leftists.
They were socialist though... just not Marxist Leninist. Goebbels put it beatifully when he said that the Nazi struggle against Bolshevism was no fight against Socialism, but in favour of.
@@sonsvensson2652politicians and influential people lie in case you didn’t know that
@@mentalkittyRealOG Hardly lying, just look at the DAFs track record.
Skittles drops the truth bombs for your own good
I was viciously Fascist not too long ago. I shilled for Nazi Germany unironically. And of course I felt that I was entirely in the right, that I was a good guy and a victim.
I really appreciate how you articulated the attractiveness of the ideology to disillusioned workers. We need more content like this to show folks that they're being conned. I always had feelings of uncertainty about the Fascist system, especially economically back then. It only took a few weeks of exposure to videos and essays like this to fully push me out of it. After that it was a steady roll straight into true Socialism.
I think this is the content that really matters, keep fighting the good fight
God bless you, brother.
Welcome to sanity!
Good to have you onside comrade. In my experience ex-fash often make the best anti-fascists.
Erro Vorago Have you read about all the socialists that joined Hilter’s SA. That is why the nazis staged The night of the long knives.
Fascism, at it's core, is simply implementing whatever policies are most beneficial to your tribe/ nation/ race, which is often economically socialist and nationalist, but it is tempered by a traditional hierarchial society.
That unbroken monologue near the end is bone-chilling. I'd applaud it as a master work of acting and performance, but this is all too real.
"You check in when you get to work...when you go to the bathroom" - I already have to do that, it's awful. Great video.
Beşinci boyuttan salih değil mi o?
the picture of skittles sleeping at the end gives me life
it's almost depressing to see no right wing arguments in the comments. It means people with these fascist ideologies, the people that need to hear this stuff, aren't seeing these videos.
It's not true what he is saying and is already debunked. I would like to see an open mind debate between this guy and an actual fascist without the name calling. That way you guys would also be exposed to what fascists really believe.
You guys don't ask capitalists to explain socialism either right? Let's not do the same with fascism then.
@@CatholicSoldierX Explain
@@Noahthelasercop I don't have the time to explain so I'll leave those two links here:
Enjoy their other content aswell if you like it.
@@CatholicSoldierX "It's not true what he is saying!" Dumbass vague fascist counterargument. It's not true what you are saying, get wrecked.
@@DarksiderDarmoset mm, emotional action over theory and reason is the classic fascist policy when dealing with people with more understanding of their ideals.
This video has aged wonderfully as we are plugging into a world wide depression.
@Beaten by Rock What??? I don't see fascists in my country?
@@mozesmarcus6786 You must live in Antarctica
Mozes Marcus one of the biggest parties in Germany is fascist. Same in Italy 3rd biggest I believe. Hungry, Poland, and Bolivia have become fascist not sure if there’s more, my Swedish buddy says there’s a fascist group rising there too. If you mean your country as America? Then I’m not sure ether I know there’s a lot of people saying “ if the law says it then it’s what’s right” tho.
@@lordhoyme I live in West-Europe
Mozes Marcus not sure how you don’t know about it then, unless it isn’t one of the countries I mentioned.
Very good stuff. Hope your channel takes off as it deserves to.
I liked this video a lot more than I was expecting to.
And I was already expecting to like it.
Aged like fine wine
Mind. Blown.
I was sort of vaguely aware of a lot of this, but have never heard it all put together so clearly and succinctly before. Great video.
Jesus this is actually a ridiculously good video.
Very, very compelling final section. I can’t find the words to compliment it well enough, but the rhetorical device of describing the experience of a worker under fascism/capitalism, finished with “and your boss just bought another yacht...” and then the Vapor-wavy music set to the fascists’ net worths.... absolutely brilliant. Really well done, subbed.
You people are obsessed with money.
@@jamesedward7137 I've noticed a lot of people say things like that when they don't have any themselves.
So thankful I found this channel! Thanks again for the shout out!
This is the kind of thing that should be taught in civics class. Liberals and centrists waste a lot of time railing against fascists, when fascism is just the attack dog that neoliberal capitalists unleash when they sense disquiet.
If you are gonna dumb down Fascism atleast do it correctly. If you can not understand fascist political theory and doctrine. You should know what the core of fascism is. That is the fascist concept of life, the New Man. The eternal revolution of constantly trying to better yourself. That is what Fascism is at its core.
Fascism is antithetical to both neoliberalism and capitalism. Go read some history, kiddo.
no dice until skittles says "trans rights"
@@skinhead5 how dare you, skittles WILL say trans rights.
Trans got rights. The right to identify with whatever they feel like not what they born as.
icEbErG FrosTbiDDeN this is a vacuous statement said by someone who thinks they know about trans people
Join 41%
This video actually gave me chills, so epically scripted and was made easy to understand. Now I’m more exposed to our reality and I learned something new that I never thought of. Definitely subscribing, glad I found this channel 💛
Wonderful video, and what a cute ferret :)! So glad I found this via Thought Slime, you really get at these in depth concepts in a simple entertaining, and thought provoking way, and I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future!
You're description of work after the fascists take over @ 12:44 sounds like Amazon warehouse narratives I have read about where people cannot go to the bathroom and are constantly monitored!
the worst part about being from the US is around the 12:30 mark you just flat out describe our current political state. we're already a fascist state working in millions of tiny autocracies.
Still better than the Anarcho-Capitalism of Mexico where the Private Companies known as Drug Cartels have more guns and power than the legitimate Mexican government which is too obsessed with State's Rights to intervene and these private companies fight each other over people and resources.
@@genericyoutubeaccount579 Another bas state beside yours doesn't diminish the massive flaws within your system
Just discovered your channel through your video on Us, and that was a good video, but this, this is frikkin' excellent. Depressing but excellent. Thanks, this is one of the most useful explanations of what fascism does I've seen.
yup, you have become one of my favorite channels on left tube after only watching two of your videos. keep up the good work!
so glad the algorith let me find you! keep up the incredible work :)
Man, i'm from Brazil, and your video made me look our recent history with new eyes.
I was feeling really depressed lately,but couldn't figure out why.Now i know. Thank you.
When you said 'there is no fascist economy" I felt that 😭 🙌🏾
Seriously, I just saw a tweet of yours and now I'm subscribing to your channel! Your voice is powerful, keep using it to boost the voices of the marginalized and oppressed. bless you💜
That end speech followed by the montage of rich fascist thought leaders almost made me cry. This was a great video and very informative.
@@uberspessmann9604 what is?
Terrific video. I'm three years late but thanks for making this.
This (like most of your content) deserves soooo many more views than it has. For what it's worth, this for the algorithm.
This reply is for the algorithm. Damn is this video wonderful and pertinent. Even as COVID-19 reveals the underlying contradictions of capitalism.
A more Apt description of Capitalism and Communist relations based on the "Body analogy":
Capitalism is a rotting body
Fascism acts as formaldehyde to prolong rotting
Socialism is nature acting upon the natural state of decay unto
Communism, whereupon the functions and utilities of the old system was used to bring forth a new synthesis.
This is legit the best video on fascism i have ever seen. That last part is persuasive AF.
If you think that money is the be all and end all I suppose.
This really makes it all make sense. Recently you’ll see articles saying how recessions are just inevitable parts of capitalism. Never let a crisis go to waste!
I can not express my gratitude for this video. I will share it over and over and over again. I have come to the same conclusion. Like in the movie The sixth Sense I see fascism everywhere. Wherever you see a pyramid structure based on order, discipline and hierarchy Make no mistake you are looking fascism in the eye
Thank you Deprogram for getting me here. Love it Kay! Shouts to skittles
Politics was never my thing as I live in a country that allows me to be pretty lacks about my political choices. However I've been trying to educate myself lately and this was extremely enlightening. Thank you for taking the time to explain these topics (on this and other of your videos) to people as me, who are just trying to understand the world we live in.
Re-watching this for the second time and the last 5 minutes still give me chills
ur-fascism can be read for free on the anarchist library
Ending literally gave me chills. This felt much longer than 15 minutes, in the best way possible.
This might be the best video on fascism I've ever seen.
Damn...this video says sooooo much in such little time it's actually kinda of insane.
yet another great video
As Italian, I cannot tell how much I am satisfied that you used an Umberto Eco's article. The man was kinda of an asshole, but an intellectual beast, easly superior to most of the "intellectual" of these days.
This is something that The Algorithm needs to put in front of more eyeballs.
Especially good job on that last bit of editing there, Skittles.
It won’t because YoutTube is a giant of the tech industry and even if it wasn’t owned by Google which definitely wants to gain more power like all the other corporations, it was already gigantic on it’s own and therefore part of this.
Needs more views.
Share it everyhwere.
Wow this is one of your all time best vids
Angie speaksvideo is also private now 😀
The algo has reluctantly fed you to me. Very very based
I also like Chris Hedges take in _War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning,_ I think it is, which identifies fascism, or it might be nationalism, as defined by war, and war as the intention and raison d'etre of a fascist government, with all policies subordinate to, and logical in relation to, that intention. The appeal of that argument is that it works in both directions i.e., as Paul Verhoeven famously said in the DVD director's commentary for Starship Troopers: "war makes fascists of us all", which quite explains the way in which the militarism of American society resulting from the long term policy choice to wage continual war in multiple countries at once is causing the growth of all kinds of fascistic tendencies and moods in American society and culture, which have now arguably taken over the Democratic party, in the form of the neocon warmongering mania accompanying the Russophobic conspiracy theory. It may well be that in _class_ terms, the function of fascism is as you argue _for the rich,_ but as with the Stalinist analysis of fascism in the 1930s and '40s, that doesn't explain why it didn't happen everywhere outside the Soviet Union in the 1920s and '30s, or why Germany's wars were prosecuted as if they were not obeying the interests of German monopoly capitals but rather as if they were obeying a logic determined by an agrarian conception of national strength and a racial theory emphasising antisemitism.
"your boss buys a new yacht and you starve in your home"
Wow, you watched the video too?! Crazy!
Why would wealthy capitalists want fascism/nationalism to take hold, when globalism and immigration are required to keep the economic growth going?
Because it keeps them from being dragged from their homes and summarily executed by a mob of angry workers.
@JohnnyTheWolf Who can say? Capitalists have always been pretty fair and paid a progressively better wage to match their increased profits, historically.
Capitalists only really care about economic globalisation. Plus if everyone is isolated into their nationalist bubble then they not only willing ignore the exploatation of those they don't see as a part of their tribe with but will also actively support it.
Almost a year of this AWESOME content and not even 10k subs??? So wrong! I just found your channel and I’ve been binging all your videos, they’re so good!! You definitely deserve more subs!!
Btw skittles is amazing 10/10 would recommend
Sadly, I think most youtubers dont care about this. They'd rather drink the kool-aid.
Great video! It's becoming even more relevant. Just want to add a definition by G. Dimitrov "the open, terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, and most imperialist elements of finance capital"
"Fascism has proved to be the ally and defender of the producer, and the enemy of the speculator. The international financiers of the world have therefore bent all their energies to combating Fascism."
E.G. Mandeville-Roe
This video suddenly became super relevant again
Crazy how things have gotten even worse after March 2019. Wealth inequality is so rampant, that nowadays even yachts have their own yachts and helicopters. I wonder how long (we the) people are going to remain calm and keep on going for we haven't lost everything, yet...
Hey all chilean here , i know that the part of Pinochet was a bit short but something to add to the point , Is that the army were watching your vote and also modifided the vote of people and added dummy votes , and the people that vote againgst Pinochet were missing some until today.
The last few weeks in America makes this so much hauntingly relevant. 😥
this video literally made me had the hugest revelation. i had all the puzzle pieces in my head and this helped me to put them together. holy shit man. thank you so fucking much.
You make it all seem so clear and obvious. It's not the fact that's it's happening that it's so depressing to's the fact that trying to discuss this gets you dismissed so easily.
Think back to a personal issue, perhaps a relationship that’s beginning to fail or something similar. It’s hard to admit at first, and some people will refuse to admit things have turned bad until the last possible moment.
It’s that but on a bigger scale.
When you said “Your boss buys another yacht.” My jaw dropped it was that fucking good.
Great Video Kay! Truly comprehensive! Really appreciate your work.
On an unrelated note:
I fucking loved that slowed down Fleetwood Mac at the end, way more than I probably should. Now I want like a proper vaporwave cover of it.
This video needs more boosting
Came here to be pleasantly surprised your voice and points are just as calming and concise on other topics as they are about korra. You make videos that are obviously very well put together
Who's here after the Portland cops stood back and did nothing to let the Proud Boys assault protestors?
Oh I don't know, maybe that state supported violence by far-right militias is a hallmark of fascism?
Humanity Galatica Fascism is just a fancy version of caveman tribalism
Humanity Galatica I’m from a country that was destroyed by fascism. The idiotic fascist illusions of cultural and racial superiority and desire for conquest, led to half a million casualties. The country wasn’t ready to fight a major war, but that didn’t stop the incompetent fascist buffoons from sending our young men to die by the thousands.
@@alexisglaab2572 Meanwhile Antifa/BLM burn and riot and loot and murder for over 100 days straight while police do nothing. Condemning people who defend themselves against domestic terrorism will only exacerbate the problem.
If you put a frog in a pot of water and raise the temperature little by little it will sit there until the water boils and the frog dies. If the temperature increases too quickly, however, the frog will jump out and survive. Terrorism against innocent civilians will eventually not be able to be ignored and people will defend themselves.
Josef K You haven’t a clue what fascism is, you are spouting on about neo-Nazism.
Fascism is a form of non-Marxist socialism stemming from Syndicalism that opposes both Marxism and capitalism, it seeks to unify both individual and collective under a state that embodies the collective will. Although it often is authoritarian and totalitarian, it doesn’t have to be, rights can still be upheld within a fascist framework and society, it all depends on the level of extremity and how opposed to liberalism it is.
Maybe if you stopped listening to people spreading misinformation about an obscure and misunderstood 20th century philosophical movement, and listened to the fascists themselves, you’d have an understanding of the philosophy.
Ur-Fascism is free on the Anarchist Library. It's online. No need to look anywhere else.
Damn, I really like your video style. You earned a new sub.
Boy did this video age like a fine wine
For the algorithm. More people need to hear this
This video deserves engagement.
Please make the Koch brothers video!
Koch Brother*
(okay, that's the last one from me)
The description of historical fascism is very good. Everything about the National Socialist Workers Party is propaganda: The Nazi's weren't nationalists, they were imperialists. they were not socialists, they were rabid anti-communists, and they were not a workers party, they were a party who found its largest base in the middle class and then the wealthy. However, the last part of your presentation appears to be a liberal screed (by your imagery): liberals are not opposed to fascism, they are the first to embrace it.
You made a really good explanation but I think you were pretty bias. I don't want to be the devil's lawyer but you didn't show the other side of the medal. Fascism is certainly a better alternative than communism for the rich but not the best since fascism itself has many aspects of socialism as well. I take as an example Italy which is the country I'm from.
One of the main reason fascism was invented/came to power was because the traditional system stopped working, workers striked, the economy was bad, people were disappointed with what Italy got after the peace treaty of WW1 and the traditional politics wasn't able to give an answer. So when fascism seized power it was welcomed by the vast majority of people, not only the rich ones. And at the beginning when fascism took power things started to work again, later they will make huge mistakes in foreign and economic policy that would be paid at a huge price.
Not everything the regime did was bad or was just in the interest of the rich. For instance, a huge amount of public buildings were made, highways were built and the rail network was completely modernized and expanded. In addition, they drained a big swamp in central Italy and gave most of the land for free to colonists from poor areas of the country.
One of the best things that fascism did for poor families were "summer colonies", where children of poor families would get 3 months of vacation at the sea, they had the opportunity to do sports and have proper meals. In those years literacy rates went up illnesses like tuberculosis, typhus and malaria were almost completely wiped out.
Ultimately if we put the bad things and the good things together it is clear that the bad things outweigh the good ones and fascism was a disaster for Italy and any other country where they tried it.
But it has to be also remembered that at least in Italy fascism ruled mainly thanks to the consent and popularity they had rather than with fear and repression.
If by "the bad things outweigh the good ones" you mean the individual mistakes made on by the leader (eg. joining the Axis Powers or replacing Italy's agricultural makeup with grain), then I would agree there is a case to be made for that. But elsewhere, the patterns leading to their downfall diverge along other decisions and direct opposition.
@@TTheDDoctor Baisically yes, probably if Mussolini would have sided with the allies he would be now considered as a national hero. Although with bad things I also mean censorship, repression of different opinions, and things like that. But at the same time, those are things that we in the modern western world take for granted and think of them as sacred. People at the time didn't think like that, for them, this wasn't really a big deal like it would be for us, for them stability and order were better than freedom.
I think the problem with talking about things like fascism, communism, and so on is that we see them just with the modern perspective and by knowing the history of what happened next. Therefore we tend to have a distorted picture of how living in that time actually was and see the people of the past as naive.
In reality people back then weren't crazy and didn't have a crystal ball to see in the future either. For instance the great majority of intellectuals were in favor (at least until ww2) of the regime, proof of this the "manifesto of the fascist intellectuals" that was signed by many of the most brilliant minds of the time
@@mariovallanzasca9454 Indeed, indeed! Perhaps the most striking turn of events in recent years has been the way in which large technology companies have been able to censor and control people in a world where the liberals won. Would the outcome ultimately have been much different if Italy stayed with their former allies, I wonder?
It's called welfare, and it's meant to pacify workers from attempting a socialist revolution.
so glad I just found your channel, love your videos man!
Great video comrade!
@SajiSharma sent me here! Great video! Thanks
Me too!
@@jujucrock14 Great!
mah boi read his lenin
Looking at the analysis of the legend of the Kora, I did not expect to see a like-minded person on the western UA-cam section. Warm greetings to you from comrades in Russia.
Moreover, since you are touching on the same topics as we are, I advise you to recommend an excellent documentary film made in Russia and specially translated into English, about the development of the Nazi regime through the prism of economics (and especially how such capitalist giants as Croup and Forben directly participated in this) . On this channel there is the same analysis of Italian and Japanese fascism, but so far they are only in Russian languge . The film is called ECONOMY OF NAZI GERMANY: KRUPP, and the channel "держать Курс".
very good video, thanks a lot.
i always thought that fascism was just "right wing but more" and didnt generally have an idea of what fascism is. now i finally understand.
It is neither left nor right, it is simply collectivism. It stemmed from syndicalism and formed its own philosophical movement aimed at liberating the working class along with the entire collective through a spiritualist rejection of materialist Marxism and capitalism.
@@fatguy6153 what exactly do you mean by "it stemmed from syndicalism"??
vaha0412 The original Italian fascists were radical/revolutionary syndicalists that became tired of the lack of action taken by the socialists, in response they created their own form of socialism as well as a philosophical movement that sought to focus on the collective and spiritualism. The point of fascism is to serve whatever the collective will is, in the case of the Italians it was to liberate the working class by unifying the collective as a whole and erasing notions of class through taking what was called fascist action, or something along those lines.
The problem with defining fascism is that the fascists themselves wrote that it is vague, loose, and not very exact, but based off of its name which is derived from fasces, it’s most simple definition would probably be the unification of individual and collective forming a state which embodies the will the collective or at least serves the collective.
You could even argue that the original Italian fascists were a distinct form of fascism since they had some more defining features that don’t necessarily have to be prevalent in all fascist states or movements, such as totalitarianism, dictatorship, and anything regarding general governmental structure.
Thankfully the philosophy is a very niche one only actually supported by extreme idealists or unsavory types. It is the worst of 20th century intellectualism and if paired with nationalism or notions of racial supremacy it can result in disaster, fortunately the last fascist movements were the Islamic fascist movements which haven’t seen much success so it seems fascism, at least actual fascism and not the modern conceptualization of fascism, is dead for now.
@@fatguy6153 Long list of lies fascist.
But your idealogy is steeped deception.
The contradictions between different fascistic economies can be mostly explained by ww2. War machine economies tend to use private sector with a lot of benefits promised to elites, but they can instrumentalize public functions, like Hitler did with the german Winterhelp. Economies of war can even statize private firms to tend to their needs.
Money. It’s always about money.
i watch this video every couple months, its so fucking good. truly chilling end monologue.
this is a good class analysis(?) of how fascism neatly fits into capitalism. But I think, it is kind of class reductive. Fascists do care about hierarchies, and class is one of the better ones to reinforce. But that does not explain the widespread genocide and killing(I mean maybe it does, maybe I am missing something). But maybe some fascists do not care about profit much, taking it much like a side quest. I think some fascists clearly care more about subjugation and atrocities regardless of economic prosperity. That is why thousands of Nazi soldiers just willingly killed and tortured jews for the heck of it.
I agree. It's something one can tell from one's first memories interacting with others at a young age, that some are more inherently vicious and selfish than others. And it's exactly those people who as adults actually believe they have the right to murder others (or profit unethically in peaceful times) because they have more "will" or "strength" to do so or whatever the rationalization is. It would be great if an economic/political system which did not reward those tendencies were ever allowed to exist.
He seems to be talking more about the higher up members of the Fascist hierarchy, who have more ambitious ulterior motives to do what they do. You seem to be describing the common footsoldiers who have to be duped into what they do, i.e. Fox News's audience.
@@CrowTR0bot but saying that the footsoldiers of fascism are just people who are duped just doesn't seem to fit, cause that would mean that people if being duped would have the mask off after some time, like seeing an atrocity, every common man would just turn their beliefs. That doesn't happen, it is that some foot soldiers DO like to brutualise without any reason though, and sometimes they genuinely believe that people are just out to get them.
@@siddhantgarud6070 shows complete ignorance of the human psyche and human condition.
@@siddhantgarud6070 Capitalists divert attention away from themselves for the woes they bring to society and instead shift it onto minority populations and the labor movement if necessary. The common foot soldier is willing to brutalize others specifically because he’s been duped into believing such and such political/cultural phenomenon is the root of societal collapse instead of the inhumane exploitation of private capital. Sorry this comment is a little late.
The only thing this misses... a certain subset of the masses *like* the boot.
They see their position in the crab bucket as just, and all those others who deserve the bottom can come right back down there with them.
“Three quarters of the Italian economy is in the hands of the state”-Mussolini
Watching this as Iowa repeals child labor laws 👍 very good essay and interesting take. I don't think this perspective encompasses the entirety of what fascism is but it is a very good look at how fascism interacts with economics. For me it was much more helpful to reframe fascism as a social movement. We use that phrase all the time for leftist movements like stop cop city but it is a value-neutral term and can be used to describe things like MGTOW/incels, evangelism, and other social groups all contributing to this current fascist moment. I recommend anyone reading this comment to go and read The Undertow by Jeff Sharlet. When I read that it finally all clicked together for me and I was able to connect the dots that form fascism for the first time
You should do a video connecting this idea to the way U.S. military/CIA interventions work to protect American capitalist domination in countries around the world. Again and again the U.S. has created de facto fascist states friendly to our corporations.
See: Vincent Bevins, The Jakarta Plan, published a few days ago.
That actually... Fucking makes sense.
Ah, fuck--I'm gonna' get killed by the state before my lifetime's out, huh?
National syndicalism + actual idealism + futurism
um sweetie... Fascism is actually when capitalism, but worse o algo.
@Doughbounder1884 ummm actually fascism is left communism in praxis xir
Umm actually my balls itch
Yay hate pays the bills, that's why you have people like Candace Owen's, and Milo Yinnopalis( from traditionally marginalized communities) join these people.
Yea anyone with a varying opinion from the people that look like them is just a fascist sympathizer
@@14ryman And just tell me, what are these "different opinions" that the people above espouse. Answer honestly please.
@@CrowTR0bot idk given it was 5 months ago but if you really wanted to gather information from someone maybe not misquoting them would be your best bet!
This video is more important than ever
Man. This video cuts even harder in 2024.
Its scary
"Your boss buys a new yacht". Fanatastic ending.