This is unrealistic. In a real life setting, the conspiracy theorist would just get salty, say “you’re lying”, and then walk away and keep living the lies that they believe in.
@@RabblesTheBinx it was probably just a prop, but that being said, most aussies who grew up eating it could eat that much easy. i have mates who eat spoonfuls of it like it was nutella
@@rickyspanish4951 fair point. As it turns out, the actor, Julian Curtis, is Australian, so maybe he could. That's still, like, heart attack-inducing levels of salt.
If Kubrick directed the moon landing there would be no way he would keep quiet about it. He was such a narcissist he would be bragging about it constantly
I disagree that Kubrick was a narcissist. Though he had the ego of an artistic genius and drove for perfection to an extent that weighed on some cast members in his films, he was actually very considerate and calm person and comfortable within himself, not at all the traits of narcissist. (And he _nothing_ like the madman shown in this parody.) The reason he and NASA could never agree on such an elaborate cover up is that Kubrick had just done Dr. Strangelove, a counter cultural film the military industrialists hated and feared. They thought of Kubrick as a subversive and would never approach him to collaborate with on a pro-government initiative. And he would never help cover something up for the government when he had just blown the government's cover off the possibility of an accidental nuclear war, as Dr. Strangelove did.
The whole theory of faking the moon landing hinges on dozens if not 100s of GOVERNMENT employees keeping it a secret. Government employees are incompetent asf they couldn’t have kept that a secret
@@prometeusz2 I’m 2 months late but the earth has an atmosphere and a strong magnetic field which makes the sunlight different. Most importantly earth has an ozone layer which protects us from ultraviolet radiation which will hit the moons surface but won’t hit earths.
Do you mean "... twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was"?
@@TheTazzietiger The difference of flying flat earthers to space and conspiracy theorist to the moon is that flat earthers would actually be disproven. Conspiracy theorist about the moon wouldn't be proven wrong because they're talking about THE PAST. Us proving that we can to the moon now doesn't prove that we could've gone to the moon back then.
@@TheTazzietiger lol imagine if something went wrong on the flight tho every conspiracy theorist would go absolutely wild and say they did it on purpose
@@turtleswag200 People that think the Moon landing was fake happens to believe that humanity can never, ever land on the Moon regardless of the technology. They're not denying the Moon landing at a specific period of time, they're denying that human going to the Moon is as physically impossible as time traveling to the past.
@@turtleswag200 The moon landing conspiracy theorists have already been proven wrong. Period. For decades now. If they don't want to accept that, that's on them. Their intentional, willful ignorance is not our problem.
This is my favorite retort to dumbass conspiracy theorists. Just take their conspiracy and go overboard with it. "9/11 was an inside job." "Pfft, you think New York is real?"
What about actual science? The radiation belts? Buzz Aldrin himself admitting they didn't go to the moon? Nasa saying they lost 3000 film photographs so they don't have the original pictures of the biggest event in human history? You NPCs make me laugh, there's too much evidence that makes it impossible not to change your mind!
@@TomNovak2113 there's conspiracy but no "conspiracy theories" that term was invented by the same people behind the conspiracy to discredit anyone that is a critical thinker and doesn't accept the official narrative as being the ultimate truth. Reptilians is also a tactic used by the same establishment to drift away the ignorant ones from the truth. They're not really reptilians but their sociopathic tendances makes you think of a snake or a crow. Zionist Freemasons are real, they don't even hide. You can win when you're objective enough to accept being wrong and look at the evidence without being biased.
The biggest problem is: if NASA didn't have the tech to actually do the moon landing for real, they wouldn't even have anything close to the tech they'd need to fake it. Remember, the onboard computer had roughly the same amount of computing power as a digital watch. For reference, try to make a full set of CGI films and pictures with the hardware from your microwave. Good luck.
2001 A Space Odyssey was filmed in 1968. Stanley Kubrick owed the government a favour after being given access to the Pentagon for his movie Doctor Strangelove.
@@rufus231 there’s still an issue of the effects being mostly practical and every country as well as maybe a million people having to lie for the USA including their worst enemy Russia
"Remember, the onboard computer had roughly the same amount of computing power as a digital watch." That would be the same one that was fitted into a fighter plane to create the first fly-by-wire aircraft in the world.
@@rufus231 "2001 A Space Odyssey was filmed in 1968. " It took him 4 years to film a 142 minute film. How many years would it have taken him to film the many hours of Apollo footage?
The phrase "Adam Ruins the Moon-Landing" sounds less like he's debunking a conspiracy and more like he deliberately sabotaged the moon landing as it was happening. That's an impressive feat, considering he probably wasn't born yet in 1969. Then again, his Wikipedia page cryptically lists "March 2" without a year as his birthday, so who knows? This episode could be an elaborate cover for his lunar misdeeds.
Unfortunately, flat earth debunking is impossible. Flattards' brains are way too small to understand any explanation. It's a very sad paradox. There is no way out of it... except sterilization.
@@noteverymonday So true, their only defense is they refuse to accept or understand any attempts to explain away their delusions. "You can't make me learn"
Fred Potter I don’t think that’s a joke at all; Stanley Kubrick was a notorious perfectionist, Diva, and hard driving stickler for doing things his way when it came to making his legendary films; he often drove both his actors and film crew to exhaustion and borderline insanity through his demands, from countless reshoots to rewriting the script from the beginning in the spot, among other things. You want proof ,just look up the behind-the-scenes stories from “The Shining;” members of both the cast and crew often said that making the film was more of a nightmare than the actual film itself!😆 So honestly, the Portrayal of him in this vid isn’t too far off the mark; heck, he probably WOULD have filmed the moon landing on location if he’d been asked!😆 Despite his perfectionist, demanding personality and diva-like behavior, Kubrick was no fool; he knew what he wanted, and achieved it beyond what anyone imagined.
@@matthewcardoza1190 kubrick is well known for creating realistic sets ie. recreating vietnam in england for full metal jacket, he even flew in hundreds of palm trees for the set.
You should do one on Flat earth. just the required enormous conspiracy and absurdly obvious lack of return on investment alone could fill an episode...
@@virmohan5895 we Know that no one thought the earth was flat at the time but many don't. He wouldn't need to be "original" just informative and interesting.
The sad thing is there are plenty of conspiracies that affected millions of lives with real life consequences, like the fallacy of the War on Drugs. But then all the Chad's would be uncomfortable having that conversation about how America ruined the lives of black communities even in the Modern Age.
@@virmohan5895 The Greeks already calculated it in something like 500 BC... They found the circumference of the globe with a really good precision (they just used 2 sticks, a camel and shadows...)
As Chinese, we were teaching this back in elementary school, and we are all impressed by this event. Somehow American themselves don't believe it, perhaps too many Americans took things for granted
No, it wasn't because we took things for granted, thou we do, Americans were lied to by the gov to many times and we started to question everything. That's what happens when you have to deal with known liars, you stop believing anything they say. I for one don't blame people for questioning things gov says they do.
@@USAlien234 Americans live in a bubble and don't know just how good they have it. Both with their quality of living and the strength of their institutions. They think they're living in an orwellian novel whenever a politician's lie gets caught but don't realise that 90% of the world would kill to have a government that won't massacre its citizens for calling them out on their misdeeds
@@cobblebrick I completely agree. Most people have no clue what it's like anywhere else. It is just how we are taught and raised. It's all we have ever known.
This “Adam” vid was stupid tho, because they purposely didn’t look at any of the real evidence. Search for “moon landing faked Valuetainment” and you’ll see actual real evidence
Also, in the video here, they talk about “look how bright the lighting is!” The brightness wasn’t the problem. The problem was *the shadows cast from 2 different directions.* this wouldn’t happen with sunlight coming from millions of miles away.
@@Seloa we recommend people who haven't tried it before only have a very small amount (e.g. there's a video of Hugh Jackman with one of the late show hosts... Fallon I think). if you eat it most of your life you can slather it on like butter.
It's not just the NASA employees you'd have to keep quiet about whatever tech either. My mom's whole family knew not only that my grandfather worked for them, but also knew what he was up to. If you think the employees are gossips imagine trying to keep someone's kid quiet about everything.
@@danielmarshall4587 Sure, but that's individual people keeping individual secrets. As the number of people involved increases, the statistical likelihood of someone either accidentally or purposefully letting it slip, especially something this huge, only increases. And then that likelihood *also* increases as the years go by, and it's been well over 50 years without a single leak from thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people who were involved. It's simply statistically infeasible. Not 100% impossible, but it's so unlikely that again, just going to the moon would be simpler.
@@MerelvandenHurk 🙂 good points however the industry I work in makes product that "goes into people's houses", I've been in this industry for over twenty years and as of November 2022 I've not seen any of these products in any houses I've been in. I'm happy to accept I'm not some Santa Claus that has access to every house but still gives me pause for thought. The seamstress at playtex wouldn't have full chain of custody over the gloves they sewed right through to their use in an Apollo mission.
Three things I love about this video. One, the actor playing Stanley Kubrick. Two, the dialog by the actor playing Stanley Kubrick. Three, the fact that we landed on the moon.
and as Hank Green spoke about in TicToc recently. The shadows on the moon are as black as black can be. You can not see surface details of the ground where a shadows is cast. This is because there is no atmosphere on the mood to scatter light so anything that is not in light is pure dark
The moon landing was a great achievement but only if it actually happened. The US government has been lying to us for a century or more so trusting them blindly on the moon landing is at best naive.
@@Shageru47 Firstly, I didn't say that it was definitely a lie. Secondly, the video didn't prove it to be true - it only cast doubt on a few of the arguments that naysayers bring up. Nothing that they said in the video was necessarily true and they left out the more obvious anomalies knowing that the timidly curious would scamper back to safer topics.
My personal theory is that is was supposed to be fake but Stanley Kubrick is such a perfectionist that he sent the actors to the moon to get the best shot
They hired actors and a professional film crew just to tell you we didn't go to the moon yet they avoided every point made scientists around the world that know for a fact we didn't go there because it's still impossible till this day!
@@ramzichouk4080 I sincerely hope you dont think its impossible because of the radiation of the van allen belts. A special route was taken back then and even if it wasnt done so it would take days for you to get killed in them Its impossible today because success rate is not 100%. Back then it was 60% and ppl took the risk. Nowadays people wont take any risk and they are waiting for 100% (also money xd)
@@blanksoul3088 "a special route", "it would take days to get killed" not very scientific, give me qualified scientific knowledge and i would change my mind till then you should not give your opinion on a topic you don't understand!
There might be some newer stuff I haven't seen, but no matter what method they use, none can duplicate low-gravity motion. Not wires, not underwater, not slow motion. The movement just isn't the same.
Its evey, these conspiritards are calling your great grandpa a liar and a cheat, along with every other employee, contractor, astronaut and official that was involved in the program!
It took off but it never reach the Moon they stayed in Earth orbit and then came back they even had a picture video of them faking it going to the Moon why would they have to fake it if they were already there it was time stamped
jim cherkas, do you even listen to how stupid you sound? Getting into orbit is far harder and more dangerous than going the rest of the way to the moon.
I know, right? The moon is clearly a reptoid demonic hologram mind control NWO false flag operation project designed to destroy your innate quantum shielding.
Random sandwich actually withouth the moon diseases will stop but everything will be 2 times more dark and demons will come to worship the pando organism and eat all the blue cheese, cause lets accepts it, demons like blue cheese
I never agree with Adam's political stuff but he usually right on the money when it comes to science and history. This time Adam is right on the money.
@@xaphiron ? same size power height direction does not imitate SUN lightrays? And other impossibility no doubt.... Funny many a Apollotists claim shadows in all directions is normal :) So Science boys wich is it?
Basic vector graphics were, but no true polygonal computer graphics had yet been created. Why? Computers were literally not powerful enough to do it. The computers that those rockets used for navigation and operation are quite literally to your cellphone what your cellphone is to a super computer. They were almost literally big calculators which turned on a specific engine if a certain number was calculated.
People always took the whole "your cellphone has more computing power than the moon lander" thing as proof that it didn't happen, when I think it's obvious it's the total opposite. The difference between "Wait fifteen minutes, then turn on" and "Send radio signal to cell tower to satellite to internet, bring back cached data while opening an application, load complex and multi-color graphics, etc." is so blatantly more drastic than anyone seems to realize. If you can do all the math beforehand, even down to a relative percentage of accuracy, things'll go just fine.
It's funny because Joe Rogan had Bart Sibrel, a famous conspiracy theorist who was punched by Buzz Aldrin after harassing him, and Rogan made a complete fool out of Sibrel lmao
one joke i heard about the moon landing i find funny is, they did fake the moon landing, but it was really expensive so to save money they decided to shoot on location
Conspiracy theorist: “The moon landing was faked” Me: “You believe in the moon? Wow, you’re such a sheep. Can’t believe you don’t know that the moon is a hoax made up by the cheese industry. Everyone knows that, duh”
How many times do we have to drive this into your heads...DON'T eat Vegemite with a spoon!!! Eat it on toast like a normal person! [This comment was provided to you by an Australian who eats Vegemite. Have a nice rest of your day]
Australia would never lie for us. We burned that bridge a long time ago by making fun of... Their accents Vegemite Their scary wildlife The fact they're upside down Their scary plantlife Rugby Soccer Did I mention the wildlife?
For me the bigger highlights are how conspiracy theories are NOT harmless and how we form conspiracy theories because our brain cannot handle happenings without reason
Conspirators on moon landing with no evidence: "It never happened!" Conspirators on War on Drugs with plenty of evidence: "wha??? I had no idea, are you sure black lives were affected?"
@felix mendez _idiots babbling with absolutely no evidence: It was easier to go to the Moon than faking it here in Hollywood._ Just because you don't want to acknowledge the evidence you've _repeatedly_ been presented doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
@felix mendez "no evidence" alright buddy. Who has less evidence here. You, the one who commented with no evidence, or a video that has atleast 5 points debunking the entire conspiracy?
@@TheTigero Only because conspiracy theorists refuse to be convinced by anything, so there is literally no argument that could be presented that a conspiracy theorist would find "convincing".
@@aussiecol2749 hHahahah Yap Here the differnt guy If you feel boring tnx me later Those video is my sleeping phils
@@aussiecol2749 To bad youtube and googel make them harder to find I was like in 4 ads and 3 group to finde them it my intertament To bad its hard to find :/ If u finde one sand it me
I love the part appolo 1. Burn 3 astronot inside capsol And it didint explode or fly its just full aodio of 3 peros screming . I love how u here there lass words ...... I love how they panic and screm
That parallel lighting is more than enough evidence. Even though I don't truly understand it to a tee, it makes sense from the knowledge I've gathered throughout my life.
@@aphyTTR oh yes, it is SUPER bright up there. It's the reason you can't see the stars in the photo. If the stars were visible, everything else would be horribly overexposed.
That's just it-- being given an answer that actually MAKES SENSE. When things DON'T make sense, it's always good to question. Shutting down the questions is a bad idea, but it does mean you're a good little subject of the deep state govt (the true and official govt since at least the 1960's).
I believe we landed on the moon but this was a stupid vid. He says its was harder and not possible to fake it 69 well that is total BS because I've seen 2001 A space odyssey which was made in 1968.
@@ExperienceEric Do you understand their point about lasers? For them to create shadows that were parallel and mimicked the shadows on the moon, they would have needed millions of lasers put together which didn’t exist and would have costed far more than the moon landing itself
@@fluffnnutter6496 " Shutting down the questions is a bad idea, but it does mean you're a good little subject of the deep state govt (the true and official govt since at least the 1960's)." You believing in the deep state govt means you re a good subject for a study on the damages of inbreeding !
@@alexanderthegreat1270 nonsense... use a bunch of traditional light sources and a refractive film in front of them. We use a similar technique in hundreds of products. Same priciple when you look at a plastic object that's semi transparent and has a LED on it. Light spreads evenly
To be fair, we think the moon landing was fake because NASA now suddenly tells us we “lost the technology to go back to the moon” but magically we have technology to have rovers on Mars
Thats not it at all. We have the technology schematics but equipment was too costly to maintain. Getting something in space is pretty tricky. Getting something alive in space is a nightmare, and getting it back is probably one of the biggest milestones humanity has ever achieved. Getting a rover to mars is a lot easier than getting a human to the moon and back. There’s also no demand for it.
@@hooliganfanatic7241 ummm no? Going into the deepest point in the ocean isn't that much of a achievement compared to going to the fricking moon, since you just need a strong enough submarine to withstand the pressure compared to idk build a engine power enough to lift several tons of fuel and cargo and calculations to actually go to the moon and back.
*APOLLO ASTRONAUTS WHO WALKED ON THE MOON* Neil Armstrong (1930-2012)-Apollo 11 Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin (1930-)-Apollo 11 Charles "Pete" Conrad (1930-1999)-Apollo 12 Alan Bean (1932-2018)-Apollo 12 Alan B. Shepard Jr. (1923-1998)-Apollo 14 Edgar D. Mitchell (1930-2016)-Apollo 14 David R. Scott (1932-)-Apollo 15 James B. Irwin (1930-1991)-Apollo 15 John W. Young (1930-2018)-Apollo 10 (orbital), Apollo 16 (landing) Charles M. Duke (1935-)-Apollo 16 Eugene Cernan (1934-2017)-Apollo 10 (orbital), Apollo 17 (landing) Harrison H. Schmitt (1935-)-Apollo 17 *APOLLO ASTRONAUTS WHO ORBITED THE MOON DURING THE LANDINGS* Frank Borman (1928-)-Apollo 8 William A. Anders (1933-)-Apollo 8 James A. Lovell Jr. (1928-)-Apollo 8, Apollo 13 Thomas Stafford (1930-)-Apollo 10 Michael Collins (1930-2021)-Apollo 11 Richard F. Gordon Jr. (1929-2017)-Apollo 12 Fred W. Haise Jr. (1933-)-Apollo 13 John L. Swigert Jr. (1931-1982)-Apollo 13 Stuart A. Roosa (1933-1994)-Apollo 14 Alfred M. Worden (1932-2020)-Apollo 15 Thomas K. Mattingly II (1936-)-Apollo 16 Ronald E. Evans (1933-1990)-Apollo 17
Conspiracy theorists think their woke bc they use all the good buzz words like Newspeak or any of the ministries when they probably never even read the book itself. They have yet to prove that any of their theories are even remotely backed by evidence. It's quite honestly pissing me off. But hey, I would just be shut down by being called an NPC, just like how the SJW's shutdown their opponents.
In order to fake a manned moon mission even once, we would've had to have done literally everything except put a person in that giant spacecraft you would already have to launch in order to make a half-convincing argument that you went to the moon in the first place and send them to the moon.
Like the idea that they asked Kubrik to shoot, but he was so perfectionist that he went to shoot on location
Platy News Hahahahahaha
best comment
So the moon scenes in 2001 was actually shot on the moon?
*I knew it!*
+Platy News That's a good one!
His best work ever and he's not allowed to take any credit for it. Would that ever happen?
This is unrealistic. In a real life setting, the conspiracy theorist would just get salty, say “you’re lying”, and then walk away and keep living the lies that they believe in.
so true lol
@@RamIsSalty lol good one
@@legalfictionnaturalfact3969 satire?
Can we get a quick rip for the guy who willingly ate multiple spoonfuls of Vegemite for this
Hopefully that wasn't real Vegemite. Or at very least, that he had a barf bucket on standby. Cuz that's, like, 4 lifetimes worth of salt.
@@RabblesTheBinx :(
@@RabblesTheBinx it was probably just a prop, but that being said, most aussies who grew up eating it could eat that much easy. i have mates who eat spoonfuls of it like it was nutella
@@rickyspanish4951 fair point. As it turns out, the actor, Julian Curtis, is Australian, so maybe he could. That's still, like, heart attack-inducing levels of salt.
@@rickyspanish4951 who eats spoonfuls of nutella?
If Kubrick directed the moon landing there would be no way he would keep quiet about it. He was such a narcissist he would be bragging about it constantly
That's why he didn't direct it
Quite the contrary
I disagree that Kubrick was a narcissist. Though he had the ego of an artistic genius and drove for perfection to an extent that weighed on some cast members in his films, he was actually very considerate and calm person and comfortable within himself, not at all the traits of narcissist. (And he _nothing_ like the madman shown in this parody.)
The reason he and NASA could never agree on such an elaborate cover up is that Kubrick had just done Dr. Strangelove, a counter cultural film the military industrialists hated and feared. They thought of Kubrick as a subversive and would never approach him to collaborate with on a pro-government initiative. And he would never help cover something up for the government when he had just blown the government's cover off the possibility of an accidental nuclear war, as Dr. Strangelove did.
The whole theory of faking the moon landing hinges on dozens if not 100s of GOVERNMENT employees keeping it a secret. Government employees are incompetent asf they couldn’t have kept that a secret
Kubrick went on to make The Shining. This has loads of Apollo 11 references. look it up.
The real cover-up is the fact the moon is actually made out of barbecue spare ribs.
It's a simple question doctor, would you eat the moon if it were made of ribs? Just say yes and we'll move on.
@@hibob418 Aren't you dead?
Nah, it's CLEARLY made of cheese.
@@hibob418 I know I would. Heck, I'd go back for seconds!
Love the fact that going to the moon was easier then getting the right lighting
I don't get the whole point. Why couldn't you just film outside, where we have the same lightsource as the moon.
@@prometeusz2 Not exactly, since the lighting on the Earth is different than on the moon. Besides where would they film it?
@@prometeusz2 because the moon has two light sources, the Earth and the Sun.
It is easier to get the lighting in the editing room right... Or even tamper the films...
@@prometeusz2 I’m 2 months late but the earth has an atmosphere and a strong magnetic field which makes the sunlight different. Most importantly earth has an ozone layer which protects us from ultraviolet radiation which will hit the moons surface but won’t hit earths.
how to make a conspiracy theory:
step 1:put circles at videos and photos
step 2:say"this is not normal"
videakias3000 not just any circle. It has to be red!
Stockphile Philippines don't forget the arrows pointing at the circles!
don´t forget the pyramids or any triangle
Do you mean "... twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was"?
is that a reference?
I love how she goes from being cynical about the government to desperately pleading them to fake the moon landing
You could fly the conspiracy theorists to the Moon and they would still claim we've never landed people on the Moon
@@TheTazzietiger The difference of flying flat earthers to space and conspiracy theorist to the moon is that flat earthers would actually be disproven. Conspiracy theorist about the moon wouldn't be proven wrong because they're talking about THE PAST. Us proving that we can to the moon now doesn't prove that we could've gone to the moon back then.
@@TheTazzietiger lol imagine if something went wrong on the flight tho every conspiracy theorist would go absolutely wild and say they did it on purpose
People that think the Moon landing was fake happens to believe that humanity can never, ever land on the Moon regardless of the technology. They're not denying the Moon landing at a specific period of time, they're denying that human going to the Moon is as physically impossible as time traveling to the past.
@@turtleswag200 The moon landing conspiracy theorists have already been proven wrong. Period. For decades now. If they don't want to accept that, that's on them. Their intentional, willful ignorance is not our problem.
Pffft! You believe in the moon!?
Ey we both get it
This is my favorite retort to dumbass conspiracy theorists. Just take their conspiracy and go overboard with it.
"9/11 was an inside job."
"Pfft, you think New York is real?"
"The Earth is flat"
"Pfft. How do you know this is even Earth?"
Moon truthers ftw
Eww moon truthers
I think the biggest thing is that the Soviets could, and would have had the ability to see if we did go to the moon. They never really objected.
They had their own skeleton in the closet. Gagarin never went to the space, it was Iljushin who went to the space.
What about actual science?
The radiation belts?
Buzz Aldrin himself admitting they didn't go to the moon?
Nasa saying they lost 3000 film photographs so they don't have the original pictures of the biggest event in human history?
You NPCs make me laugh, there's too much evidence that makes it impossible not to change your mind!
But conspiracy theorists will say reptilian Freemasons rule every government and they're all in on it. You cannot win.
@@TomNovak2113 there's conspiracy but no "conspiracy theories" that term was invented by the same people behind the conspiracy to discredit anyone that is a critical thinker and doesn't accept the official narrative as being the ultimate truth.
Reptilians is also a tactic used by the same establishment to drift away the ignorant ones from the truth. They're not really reptilians but their sociopathic tendances makes you think of a snake or a crow.
Zionist Freemasons are real, they don't even hide.
You can win when you're objective enough to accept being wrong and look at the evidence without being biased.
@@TomNovak2113 if we say we didn't go to the moon they say you're a flat earther , that's their stupid logic.
The biggest problem is: if NASA didn't have the tech to actually do the moon landing for real, they wouldn't even have anything close to the tech they'd need to fake it. Remember, the onboard computer had roughly the same amount of computing power as a digital watch.
For reference, try to make a full set of CGI films and pictures with the hardware from your microwave. Good luck.
2001 A Space Odyssey was filmed in 1968.
Stanley Kubrick owed the government a favour after being given access to the Pentagon for his movie Doctor Strangelove.
@@rufus231 You think it took NASA one year to fake the moon landing???
@@rufus231 there’s still an issue of the effects being mostly practical and every country as well as maybe a million people having to lie for the USA including their worst enemy Russia
"Remember, the onboard computer had roughly the same amount of computing power as a digital watch."
That would be the same one that was fitted into a fighter plane to create the first fly-by-wire aircraft in the world.
"2001 A Space Odyssey was filmed in 1968. "
It took him 4 years to film a 142 minute film. How many years would it have taken him to film the many hours of Apollo footage?
The phrase "Adam Ruins the Moon-Landing" sounds less like he's debunking a conspiracy and more like he deliberately sabotaged the moon landing as it was happening. That's an impressive feat, considering he probably wasn't born yet in 1969. Then again, his Wikipedia page cryptically lists "March 2" without a year as his birthday, so who knows? This episode could be an elaborate cover for his lunar misdeeds.
Adam: *sweats nervously*
I am become Adam, destroyer of moons
@@finnianquail8881 "am"
@@fish_floyd The original quote is "I am become death, destroyer of worlds."
I'm still waiting for Adam to ruin flat earth.
You don't need him to disprove it, all you gotta do is see the Lunar Eclipse
Unfortunately, flat earth debunking is impossible. Flattards' brains are way too small to understand any explanation. It's a very sad paradox. There is no way out of it... except sterilization.
@@noteverymonday So true, their only defense is they refuse to accept or understand any attempts to explain away their delusions. "You can't make me learn"
Flat Earther- Evidence, please.
Sane person- Here, *shows them 3 metric tons worth of examples*
Flat Eather- All photoshopped and faked, NASA shill.
Mister LS That is eerily accurate how a FE tard argues 😂
NASA hired Stanley Kubrick to fake the moon landing but he's such a stickler he insisted filming it on location.
So sick of hearing this joke. Come up with something on ur own
@@TheJoeBeshai they're just giving a history lesson
Fred Potter I don’t think that’s a joke at all; Stanley Kubrick was a notorious perfectionist, Diva, and hard driving stickler for doing things his way when it came to making his legendary films; he often drove both his actors and film crew to exhaustion and borderline insanity through his demands, from countless reshoots to rewriting the script from the beginning in the spot, among other things.
You want proof ,just look up the behind-the-scenes stories from “The Shining;” members of both the cast and crew often said that making the film was more of a nightmare than the actual film itself!😆
So honestly, the Portrayal of him in this vid isn’t too far off the mark; heck, he probably WOULD have filmed the moon landing on location if he’d been asked!😆
Despite his perfectionist, demanding personality and diva-like behavior, Kubrick was no fool; he knew what he wanted, and achieved it beyond what anyone imagined.
@@gambitgameguy6109 a history lesson on what exactly? We didn't go to the moon so there is no history in that one. . .
@@matthewcardoza1190 kubrick is well known for creating realistic sets ie. recreating vietnam in england for full metal jacket, he even flew in hundreds of palm trees for the set.
You should do one on Flat earth. just the required enormous conspiracy and absurdly obvious lack of return on investment alone could fill an episode...
Scientists in the 1700s had proof that the world was round so if Adam made a flat earth ruin he wouldn't be doing anything original
@@virmohan5895 we Know that no one thought the earth was flat at the time but many don't. He wouldn't need to be "original" just informative and interesting.
The sad thing is there are plenty of conspiracies that affected millions of lives with real life consequences, like the fallacy of the War on Drugs. But then all the Chad's would be uncomfortable having that conversation about how America ruined the lives of black communities even in the Modern Age.
@@virmohan5895 The Greeks already calculated it in something like 500 BC... They found the circumference of the globe with a really good precision (they just used 2 sticks, a camel and shadows...)
3:47 “we’ll get you back in 2016”
Yoooooooo hahaha 😂🤣
(SLS money-laundering sounds intensify)
Well that joke didn’t age well
@@bizzarofan2951 Why not? They did get us back in 2016.
@@bizzarofan2951 so did the Soviet Union
(Looks at the colluding with Russia and Trump
Stanley Kubrick was hired to direct the footage but he demanded it be shot on location
Wasn't he the same guy that directed 2001 A Space Oddesy?
@@melissacooper4282 He couldn't help because he was busy creating his biopic of napoleon.
Find an original joke.
And shot live
@@DrNoClu "127 times and get it right!"- Kubrick(ERB historic rap battle)
-Great! Now do one episode against flat-worlders! :D
I'll have you know the flat earth society has members all around the globe!
i thought it was suppose to be on the plate
Wait, but you just said... Hm. :D
too boring
somehow wont convince them
I like the thought that they were going to film it but it was so impossible that they just decided to do it for real
"Honestly, Peter... You make me furious."- Stanley Kubrick, 1966
As Chinese, we were teaching this back in elementary school, and we are all impressed by this event. Somehow American themselves don't believe it, perhaps too many Americans took things for granted
" perhaps too many Americans took things for granted" . perhaps?yes , far too many.
No, it wasn't because we took things for granted, thou we do, Americans were lied to by the gov to many times and we started to question everything.
That's what happens when you have to deal with known liars, you stop believing anything they say.
I for one don't blame people for questioning things gov says they do.
@@USAlien234 Americans live in a bubble and don't know just how good they have it. Both with their quality of living and the strength of their institutions. They think they're living in an orwellian novel whenever a politician's lie gets caught but don't realise that 90% of the world would kill to have a government that won't massacre its citizens for calling them out on their misdeeds
@@cobblebrick I completely agree. Most people have no clue what it's like anywhere else. It is just how we are taught and raised. It's all we have ever known.
@@USAlien234it’s not a good combination of people who took things for granted and have a government that lies to them sometimes.
Sounds like something a moon would say
Ok, ok.
I identify myself as a moon
This is my favorite Adam Ruins episode. So interesting and well thought out.
This “Adam” vid was stupid tho, because they purposely didn’t look at any of the real evidence. Search for “moon landing faked Valuetainment” and you’ll see actual real evidence
Also, in the video here, they talk about “look how bright the lighting is!” The brightness wasn’t the problem. The problem was *the shadows cast from 2 different directions.* this wouldn’t happen with sunlight coming from millions of miles away.
In fact, I’m extremely furious that there’s people so low intelligence that they actually believe this video
My stepfather still REFUSES to believe that the moon landing was real.
Divorce ;-)
Then your stepfather dumbass
Good, then I'm sure he's also the smartest person overall you know in real life.
i like him
He's right... it's obviously fake
It was faked. But, they did it on location. ;)
Well, Kubrick would never settle for second best. This comment sounds about right
You comment makes everybody happy... bless you my friend...
There was a Mitchell and Webb sketch about that
What if the real conspiracy theory was the friends we made along the way :)
That’s actually a pretty scary idea
You might be right...
Cries in loneliness...
Conspiracy theorists like to pretend they're skeptical, but they're just denialists of facts they don't like.
Hollywood cannot even make realistic astronaut movies today, so why would they be able to do so back then?
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." Abraham Lincoln
what the frick is the internet- Abraham lincoln
What is this "moon" you speak of _ Abraham Lincoln
-Albert Einstein
"fall back, don't do crack" - sun tsu
"Hey, instead of pistols, lets duel with broadswords instead." -Abraham Lincoln
I must say the way this video is shot is a masterpiece.
When someone tells you the moon landing is fake just respond with
"pfff, you believe in the moon?"
It's just the back of the sun
@@robertdavid9109 pff, you believe in the sun?
you're implying u dont' believe in the moon.. so ur confirming the moon landing was fake.. u don't make sense there buddy
@@JiZz2Xtreme r/woosh
@@Emkito LOL
My dad still isn't convinced.
The only thing faked in this video is the way that so called “Australian” ate the vegemite.
This made me laugh out loud in the real world because I remembered an actual Australian saying that you only use "a whisper of" vegemite on toast.
@@Seloa we recommend people who haven't tried it before only have a very small amount (e.g. there's a video of Hugh Jackman with one of the late show hosts... Fallon I think). if you eat it most of your life you can slather it on like butter.
@foxy mcfox that clears it up. Thank you!
Theory: The Moon Landing conspiracy was made by a Soviet spy as revenge
Fun fact: It was actually made by the american Bill Kaysing. Unless the Soviets paid him to do it....
It's not just the NASA employees you'd have to keep quiet about whatever tech either. My mom's whole family knew not only that my grandfather worked for them, but also knew what he was up to. If you think the employees are gossips imagine trying to keep someone's kid quiet about everything.
I always smile when the "how could it be kept secret?" angle is played. People keep secrets all the time.
@@danielmarshall4587 like that you have graped them?
@@danielmarshall4587 Sure, but that's individual people keeping individual secrets. As the number of people involved increases, the statistical likelihood of someone either accidentally or purposefully letting it slip, especially something this huge, only increases. And then that likelihood *also* increases as the years go by, and it's been well over 50 years without a single leak from thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people who were involved. It's simply statistically infeasible. Not 100% impossible, but it's so unlikely that again, just going to the moon would be simpler.
@@MerelvandenHurk 🙂 good points however the industry I work in makes product that "goes into people's houses", I've been in this industry for over twenty years and as of November 2022 I've not seen any of these products in any houses I've been in. I'm happy to accept I'm not some Santa Claus that has access to every house but still gives me pause for thought. The seamstress at playtex wouldn't have full chain of custody over the gloves they sewed right through to their use in an Apollo mission.
@@danielmarshall4587 I respect you for respecting other’s opinions and not having a tantrum over someone objecting with what you had to say.
Three things I love about this video. One, the actor playing Stanley Kubrick. Two, the dialog by the actor playing Stanley Kubrick. Three, the fact that we landed on the moon.
That 3rd one is a LIE...
@@joeygarcia7281 Its been three years. You still believe this or are you dead from your own hubris?
@@joeygarcia7281 did you not watch the video?
and as Hank Green spoke about in TicToc recently. The shadows on the moon are as black as black can be. You can not see surface details of the ground where a shadows is cast. This is because there is no atmosphere on the mood to scatter light so anything that is not in light is pure dark
If stanly kubrick directed the moon landing there wouldve been alot more zooms and classical music
He was also known for being very narcissistic and hard to work with so he would have bragged about it nonstop for 30 years until he died in 1999
Roses are red
Space is black
This was in 2017
We want Adam back
That’s not how you eat vegemite!!
Felix King I like how this comment has absolutely nothing to do with the moon landing. Lol
it is now!!
Never make fun of a kiwi and his vegemite.
tvfm, kiwi is slang for New Zealanders. They prefer the term Aussie.
Yeah that part of the video was fake.
Why would people wanna say it's fake anyway? Going to the moon was one of the greatest accomplishments in world history.
The moon landing was a great achievement but only if it actually happened. The US government has been lying to us for a century or more so trusting them blindly on the moon landing is at best naive.
@@JasperJohnD so I guess you didn't watch Adam explain how you're wrong?
@@Shageru47 Firstly, I didn't say that it was definitely a lie. Secondly, the video didn't prove it to be true - it only cast doubt on a few of the arguments that naysayers bring up. Nothing that they said in the video was necessarily true and they left out the more obvious anomalies knowing that the timidly curious would scamper back to safer topics.
@@JasperJohnD Than what are the anomalies dumbass? Gonna list them? Or are you gonna keep being Bipolar?
Some people will just doubt literally everything. I wouldn't be shocked if you were also a flat earther.
My personal theory is that is was supposed to be fake but Stanley Kubrick is such a perfectionist that he sent the actors to the moon to get the best shot
we know where those dislikes came from
Robin Baier oh I already know
Yeah.... the moon men
"We'll get you back in 2016." I see what you did there.
They hired actors and a professional film crew just to tell you we didn't go to the moon yet they avoided every point made scientists around the world that know for a fact we didn't go there because it's still impossible till this day!
@@ramzichouk4080 yikes
@@blanksoul3088 meh, still not talking about science.
@@ramzichouk4080 I sincerely hope you dont think its impossible because of the radiation of the van allen belts. A special route was taken back then and even if it wasnt done so it would take days for you to get killed in them
Its impossible today because success rate is not 100%. Back then it was 60% and ppl took the risk. Nowadays people wont take any risk and they are waiting for 100% (also money xd)
@@blanksoul3088 "a special route", "it would take days to get killed" not very scientific, give me qualified scientific knowledge and i would change my mind till then you should not give your opinion on a topic you don't understand!
There might be some newer stuff I haven't seen, but no matter what method they use, none can duplicate low-gravity motion. Not wires, not underwater, not slow motion. The movement just isn't the same.
CGI has recently been an innovation in that sense.
@@FosterF. Keyword being recently
Especially the dust. It travels in ways it only could absent of air.
What about those times when an airplane goes high into the air and drops for a moment?
@@KyleTheFolfbro yea, the built a soundstage, put it on an airplane and did loops in the air 😂😂😂
how bout' the thousands of people that saw Apollo 11 takeoff
Charlie Wilsun my great grandpa helped make the apollo 11
Dang, I missed it by not being born yet and being in the wrong country.
Its evey, these conspiritards are calling your great grandpa a liar and a cheat, along with every other employee, contractor, astronaut and official that was involved in the program!
It took off but it never reach the Moon they stayed in Earth orbit and then came back they even had a picture video of them faking it going to the Moon why would they have to fake it if they were already there it was time stamped
jim cherkas, do you even listen to how stupid you sound? Getting into orbit is far harder and more dangerous than going the rest of the way to the moon.
Wow. Lost all respect for Adam. How can you trust a guys who believes in the moon??
I know, right? The moon is clearly a reptoid demonic hologram mind control NWO false flag operation project designed to destroy your innate quantum shielding.
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Random Sandwich well if the moon isn't real then there would never be darkness
Random sandwich actually withouth the moon diseases will stop but everything will be 2 times more dark and demons will come to worship the pando organism and eat all the blue cheese, cause lets accepts it, demons like blue cheese
@@CloroxBleach-yz7fo exactly
I never agree with Adam's political stuff but he usually right on the money when it comes to science and history. This time Adam is right on the money.
Just wondering... What if they filmed it outside... Where the light source is virtually the same as it would be on the moon?
Earth's atmosphere creates diffusion of the sun's light
@@BrandegeePierce Or just a row of Lights, ludicrous to claim impossible in film fakings. And for cost...
@@wildboar7473 a row of lights would cause different shadows and would not work.
@@xaphiron ? same size power height direction does not imitate SUN lightrays? And other impossibility no doubt.... Funny many a Apollotists claim shadows in all directions is normal :) So Science boys wich is it?
Awesome. The truth means nothing to those assholes but this kind of absolute, undeniable, cut and dry proof still makes me happy.
Computer graphics!?!
Lady, I don't think "graphics" were even invented yet.
Ace Tuber Jason
They were invented, but it was basic stuff. Like straight lines and basic shapes. And they were all the same shade of white.
Basic vector graphics were, but no true polygonal computer graphics had yet been created. Why? Computers were literally not powerful enough to do it. The computers that those rockets used for navigation and operation are quite literally to your cellphone what your cellphone is to a super computer. They were almost literally big calculators which turned on a specific engine if a certain number was calculated.
Ace Tuber Jason I think they did have it but it was basic
People always took the whole "your cellphone has more computing power than the moon lander" thing as proof that it didn't happen, when I think it's obvious it's the total opposite. The difference between "Wait fifteen minutes, then turn on" and "Send radio signal to cell tower to satellite to internet, bring back cached data while opening an application, load complex and multi-color graphics, etc." is so blatantly more drastic than anyone seems to realize. If you can do all the math beforehand, even down to a relative percentage of accuracy, things'll go just fine.
They created a time machine to obtain advanced movie technology from the future.
Literally just told a guy this stuff and he was all “go listen to Joe Rogan” I’m like oh my f, wtf is wrong with you?!?
It's funny because Joe Rogan had Bart Sibrel, a famous conspiracy theorist who was punched by Buzz Aldrin after harassing him, and Rogan made a complete fool out of Sibrel lmao
one joke i heard about the moon landing i find funny is, they did fake the moon landing, but it was really expensive so to save money they decided to shoot on location
someone show this video to that conspiracy guy from buzzfeed.
You see a pattern with alot of this stuff where theories with no evidence get popular only because people have no idea how anything works.
Well if they Only knew what theory meant in science..
Conspiracy theorist: “The moon landing was faked”
Me: “You believe in the moon? Wow, you’re such a sheep. Can’t believe you don’t know that the moon is a hoax made up by the cheese industry. Everyone knows that, duh”
Sad to think we land rovers on Mars and people think the moon landing was faked
@mickle the sun is a light bulb and the moon is a golf ball, obviously.
@mickle And you obviously have a brain
You think that's crazy, imagine being trapped on something like a moon for thousands of years so your ruler could go pretend to be a quartz
So my dad's being weird and believes that it was fake gonna have to show this to him.
Thanks random person
How did it go?
Now id say first. But i think this is a reupload.
Not really a reupload. Adam Ruins Everything is put on two channels.
It isn't a reupload. It is just a video that goes on two channels.
They said 2016 in the video
It was a reference to Russians rigging the election
Almost 10 years after Apollo 11, Stanley Kubrick gives the greatest troll ever by having Danny from The Shining wearing an Apollo 11 sweater.
It’s crazy how she thinks there even is a moon 😂
Oslobruhdude 00 moon truthers represent in the comments!
How many times do we have to drive this into your heads...DON'T eat Vegemite with a spoon!!! Eat it on toast like a normal person! [This comment was provided to you by an Australian who eats Vegemite. Have a nice rest of your day]
Barnesy1301 I believe vegamite is faked, who would eat that salty stuff?
Don’t tell me how to live my life!
Thank you for the PSA
Or not at all
I just sent this video to a person thinks they haven’t landed on the moon 🌝.
What's their response!!!?
3:53 The sound of pain and anguish I made when I heard that
Flat earth please, flat earth, there are easy waysbto prove the earth is a globe but still would be fun to watch
yes please
Flat earth is easy enough, but how do we know the sun isn’t flat?! Huh?
Adam Nilsson THE SUN IS FLAT
I think space is flat, our entire universe is actually a piece of paper that god draws his creations unto, it's so obvious.
Earth-Chan: I'm not flat!
Australia would never lie for us.
We burned that bridge a long time ago by making fun of...
Their accents
Their scary wildlife
The fact they're upside down
Their scary plantlife
Did I mention the wildlife?
Underrated comment 😂😂😂
But they brought us Crocodile Dundee. Err.. that was a good thing right? Midnight Oil had a couple good songs at least. And Men at Work.
@@JimmyMon666 AC/DC too
@@JimmyMon666 We gave you the hemsworths.
ok, we gave you one hemsworth and the rest tagged along.
The fact we keep insulting them for literally losing a war against giraffe fast birds
I love searching through new comments since the top comments all agree while new comments have... Questionable logic
Thats exactly what I done these people are dumb fucks.
@@dannybaxter7556 yea lol
Actually they filmed in a studio but for the best realism the studio was on the moon.
They did beat us with Sputnik.
I love the acting in this
Especially the part where Andy Warhol is just there
I think this is one of those rare things that Adam didn't ruin.
If Stanley Kubrick was hired to fake the moon landing, he would’ve shot it on the moon.
they faked the moon landing
And to get it to be as realistic as possible l they shot it on location
@@timeydoesstuff wake up sheep it’s obvious they did it on Mars
@@Tucker619 no, they would clearly go to pluto to fake it
For me the bigger highlights are how conspiracy theories are NOT harmless and how we form conspiracy theories because our brain cannot handle happenings without reason
bruh i sent this to my friend and his like “he only talks about the lighting”
Don’t tell him about the Sun.
Westbrooke117 lmao
@@westbrooke1174 The sun might be the reason for not seeing stars in the pictures.
Modifying the film reel and adjusting the lighting in the editing room would do the trick... No need of lasers....
Conspirators on moon landing with no evidence: "It never happened!"
Conspirators on War on Drugs with plenty of evidence: "wha??? I had no idea, are you sure black lives were affected?"
@felix mendez _idiots babbling with absolutely no evidence: It was easier to go to the Moon than faking it here in Hollywood._
Just because you don't want to acknowledge the evidence you've _repeatedly_ been presented doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
@felix mendez "no evidence" alright buddy. Who has less evidence here. You, the one who commented with no evidence, or a video that has atleast 5 points debunking the entire conspiracy?
I get the feeling that even if I showed this to my ex, he'd still believe the moon landing was fake. -.-
Polka GamerCross I see why you broke up with him.
Because the video doesn't provide any convincing arguments at all ...
@@TheTigero Only because conspiracy theorists refuse to be convinced by anything, so there is literally no argument that could be presented that a conspiracy theorist would find "convincing".
Not to mention the MASSIVE ROCKETS which thousands of people SAW launching! They definitely made those...
no one:😐
this Guy:
@@zmyt_017 LOL. Second dumbest conspiracy theory in history... Flat earth will always be #1 though
@@aussiecol2749 hHahahah
Here the differnt guy
If you feel boring tnx me later
Those video is my sleeping phils
To bad youtube and googel make them harder to find
I was like in 4 ads and 3 group to finde them it my intertament
To bad its hard to find :/
If u finde one sand it me
I love the part appolo 1.
Burn 3 astronot inside capsol
And it didint explode or fly its just
full aodio of 3 peros screming .
I love how u here there lass words ......
I love how they panic and screm
Well, I learned one thing for sure, Stanley Kubrick had a lot more humor than people thought.
My mom still thinks it fake even showing her this.
That parallel lighting is more than enough evidence. Even though I don't truly understand it to a tee, it makes sense from the knowledge I've gathered throughout my life.
Someone once said to me "If they really landed on the moon, why didn't they ever go back again?" *facepalm*
To which I would say: Well, we did, 7 times to be precise.
It's supposedly easier and cheaper to do things on the space station or on Earth.
I find it weird that everyone else in my country thinks the moon landing was Fake
I know it's like everyone has two brain cells
@@austindupriest9594 they don't deserve those two
Are we forgetting the sun then?
Once light from the sun hits the ozone it diffuses. GOD ALMIGHTY didn't give the moon a "lense" like that.
@@Smitty-op4ld I meant it would be incredibly bright considering they are on the moon.
@@aphyTTR oh yes, it is SUPER bright up there. It's the reason you can't see the stars in the photo. If the stars were visible, everything else would be horribly overexposed.
Most accurate representation of a conspiracy theorist. Absolutely drowning in facts and spluttering for an answer that makes sense
That's just it-- being given an answer that actually MAKES SENSE. When things DON'T make sense, it's always good to question. Shutting down the questions is a bad idea, but it does mean you're a good little subject of the deep state govt (the true and official govt since at least the 1960's).
I believe we landed on the moon but this was a stupid vid. He says its was harder and not possible to fake it 69 well that is total BS because I've seen 2001 A space odyssey which was made in 1968.
@@ExperienceEric Do you understand their point about lasers? For them to create shadows that were parallel and mimicked the shadows on the moon, they would have needed millions of lasers put together which didn’t exist and would have costed far more than the moon landing itself
" Shutting down the questions is a bad idea, but it does mean you're a good little subject of the deep state govt (the true and official govt since at least the 1960's)."
You believing in the deep state govt means you re a good subject for a study on the damages of inbreeding !
@@alexanderthegreat1270 nonsense... use a bunch of traditional light sources and a refractive film in front of them. We use a similar technique in hundreds of products. Same priciple when you look at a plastic object that's semi transparent and has a LED on it. Light spreads evenly
Russia Accent: "They beat us, straight-up. Pay them. Pay that country the respect due."
*Russian accent
people dont realize that 12 people have been on the moon (including armstrong and aldrin). apollo 12 which reached the moon happened in 1969 also
To be fair, we think the moon landing was fake because NASA now suddenly tells us we “lost the technology to go back to the moon” but magically we have technology to have rovers on Mars
When did they ever say that?
Thats not it at all. We have the technology schematics but equipment was too costly to maintain.
Getting something in space is pretty tricky. Getting something alive in space is a nightmare, and getting it back is probably one of the biggest milestones humanity has ever achieved. Getting a rover to mars is a lot easier than getting a human to the moon and back. There’s also no demand for it.
And now, let's sort the comments by new.
My favourite pastime 😁
I don't recommend that for your brain health
@@Jan_Strzelecki same lmao
great way to torpedo your braincells with 4 IQ dipshits that never made it past preschool.
The only reason on why they couldn't believe that it was real is because it's unbelievable even though it is really and actually real
When the Soviet said "But we'll get you back in 2016", does he talk about US President Elections?
Next thing we know, “Mars isn’t real”
As soon as we land on mars, it will be profitable to pretend we did not.
So sad that so many people discount the greatest achievement in human history
the greatest achievement was reaching the bottom of the ocean
@@hooliganfanatic7241 how was that more important?
@@epic_gamer3045 People on Moon: 12. Year on Moon: 1969 | People at Bottom of Ocean: 3. Year: 1962
@@hooliganfanatic7241 one is just a cool achievement the other is a accomplishment that gives a massive boost in all space travel. Time means nothing
@@hooliganfanatic7241 ummm no? Going into the deepest point in the ocean isn't that much of a achievement compared to going to the fricking moon, since you just need a strong enough submarine to withstand the pressure compared to idk build a engine power enough to lift several tons of fuel and cargo and calculations to actually go to the moon and back.
Bold of you to assume I believe in the moon
Zackary Eerola you’d be surprised. Some people claim Australia isn’t real because you can see the moon but you can’t see Australia
Bold of you to assume he assumed you believed in the moon
*APOLLO ASTRONAUTS WHO WALKED ON THE MOON* Neil Armstrong (1930-2012)-Apollo 11 Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin (1930-)-Apollo 11 Charles "Pete" Conrad (1930-1999)-Apollo 12 Alan Bean (1932-2018)-Apollo 12 Alan B. Shepard Jr. (1923-1998)-Apollo 14 Edgar D. Mitchell (1930-2016)-Apollo 14 David R. Scott (1932-)-Apollo 15 James B. Irwin (1930-1991)-Apollo 15 John W. Young (1930-2018)-Apollo 10 (orbital), Apollo 16 (landing) Charles M. Duke (1935-)-Apollo 16 Eugene Cernan (1934-2017)-Apollo 10 (orbital), Apollo 17 (landing) Harrison H. Schmitt (1935-)-Apollo 17 *APOLLO ASTRONAUTS WHO ORBITED THE MOON DURING THE LANDINGS* Frank Borman (1928-)-Apollo 8 William A. Anders (1933-)-Apollo 8 James A. Lovell Jr. (1928-)-Apollo 8, Apollo 13 Thomas Stafford (1930-)-Apollo 10 Michael Collins (1930-2021)-Apollo 11 Richard F. Gordon Jr. (1929-2017)-Apollo 12 Fred W. Haise Jr. (1933-)-Apollo 13 John L. Swigert Jr. (1931-1982)-Apollo 13 Stuart A. Roosa (1933-1994)-Apollo 14 Alfred M. Worden (1932-2020)-Apollo 15 Thomas K. Mattingly II (1936-)-Apollo 16 Ronald E. Evans (1933-1990)-Apollo 17
Did Apollo 13 not perform a flyby, not orbit, of the moon?
@@Wallope The incident happen well on the way out to the moon. So they had to orbit around the Moon once and head back home.
@@apolloskyfacer5842 are you sure you dont mean flyby
@@Wallope Well in outer space, you can't fly as such. You orbit in a trajectory.
@@apolloskyfacer5842 wdym
Wrong, the moon is cheese.
4:22 that's always thier final answer lol
If you sort by new, you may not make it out alive. Beware.
Conspiracy theorists think their woke bc they use all the good buzz words like Newspeak or any of the ministries when they probably never even read the book itself. They have yet to prove that any of their theories are even remotely backed by evidence. It's quite honestly pissing me off. But hey, I would just be shut down by being called an NPC, just like how the SJW's shutdown their opponents.
The 171 dislikes are from moon landing conspiracy theorists
In order to fake a manned moon mission even once, we would've had to have done literally everything except put a person in that giant spacecraft you would already have to launch in order to make a half-convincing argument that you went to the moon in the first place and send them to the moon.