Mighty Morphin PowerRangers: The Movie for SNES is one of my favorite childhood games. You said this is the best game in the franchise so it's a big deal! Excited to play.
Man, I don't like classic beat 'em ups (i.e. Double Dragon or Renegade) and I don't care about Power Rangers (or TMNT) but when you combine a good beat 'em up with a really stupid license it's magic somehow. This game is so good.
And also I was wondering if they could make old skool the real ghostbusters of 1988 cartoons a shoot em game you think they make that game on demo Nintendo switch and ps4
I'm doing my own review. I don't really listen to other folks opinions. I'm going to judge this for me if it fits my narrative. What most folks here don't realize. Most of these folks are probably teenagers that during my time I had dreamt of a mmpr arcade and now it's finally happening.
You think they could make that game 1988 the real ghostbusters cartoon a shoot em game with the heroes like egon Spangler Peter Venkman Ray Stanz Winston Zeddmore Janine and Louis including
It looks fun. If successful. Lord Zedd comes in the sequel and Rocky, Aisha, and Adam are in it donning the Dairanger suits. Enemy wise, it’ll have mondo the magician and his siblings Rallo and Zyla, Z-Putties, Conjurers (Cotpotros), Mirror Maniac, Nimrod, A/C, D/C, Silverhorns, Party Crasher (Pot Taoist), and Lipsyncher. Lord Zedd final boss stage will be in 2 forms, his original form and Master Zedd form.
I hope we get a He-Man & Thundercats beat em up at some point. GI Joe Wrath of Cobra kimda dropped the ball & im thinking Toxic Crusaders might be another dud.
Maybe with the possibility of making a physical copy, DE will fix the problems we don’t like about the game. I feel this game can still be as good as tmnt: sr.
Hi my chores is Patrick Holmes from conway South Carolina to let you know that I really like it is great powerful action from tmnt shredder's revenge but I like to own it on nintendo switch and ps4 7:52
Got to level six, the experience was so lame and lackluster I’ve barely touched it again. Disappointing. Combat is bland and slow and floaty, driving parts are frustrating. Needs a lot of improvement. 4.5/10
Just for sake of diversity, better would’ve been: 1) Jason: nothing but more strength. 2) Zack: recovery attack from dodge. 3) Billy: some kind of context specific mechanic (maybe dealing with the time crystals which need improving themselves). 4) Trini: faster running. 5) Kimberly: faster combos. 6) Tommy: fills the gauge more quickly. And everyone gets custom combos and starts each stage un-morphed. Actually in order to morph they would need to at least fill up one energy meter (and they keep the energy). A reviving mechanic that takes you out of morphosis would’ve been nice as well. On the topic of Time Crystals, give an incentive for them being broken on the very first cycle. Maybe shift the whole stage to a different era of Power Rangers. It can be the very same stage and boss gameplay with a different coat of paint, but it would add depth and diversity as well as give a reason for the time crystals in the first place other than re-do the whole things over and over. That’s the very least they could’ve done if making a beat em up was as important to them as making a Power Rangers game. Also, there are 2 things infamously missing. The cannon blaster (which would’ve been a blast of an Easter egg and an excuse for people playing 6 player co-op) and the Megazord slowly turning back while the monster falls to its knees and is destroyed. I didn’t like this game, but MAN I WISH it’s not a cash grab and they make an expansion addressing all its flaws and adding much needed content.
I love how this game deals with time shenanigans, but Time Force isn’t involved or mentioned. Would’ve made for a nice Easter egg at least. Also, if they really wanted to celebrate the Might Morphin Era ( specifically season 1 that gets a bit too much exposure IMO) they should’ve included the other enemies/ aspects from the Zordon era as a whole (Tengu warriors, Piranhatrons, machine empire grunts etc…) and using the other zords/megazords for the different giant fights (let’s give the Thunder Megazord some love dammit!) Seriously, I also want to like this game. Like you said, this game is in a serious need of an expansion to justify the price and standout from the other throwback games.
@@joshpetzoldt6344the switch has a successor it isn’t the same but it’s inspired and true to the source material and I’m sorry but I cannot remember the name !
@@ben-tendo I think that's rather unlikely as most, if not all, the original developers have now left Konami. I believe some of them worked on Princess Peach: Showtime and others worked on Bakeru, neither of which are developed or published by Konami.
@@joshpetzoldt6344 all the original Rare developers are at Playtonic, but if Rare want to make a Banjo game there's nothing stopping them. Same applies here.
Mine won’t even play on my switch? I have deleted it and redownloaded it as well. It just won’t play. It lets me get as far as picking a ranger. Then it freezes. It’s been doing this for five days now. Any tips or thoughts on how to fix this?
I respectfully disagree. I felt like the combat was incredibly swift and well executed. I only wish there was more variety, and admittedly I do agree on utilizing combos and the weapons more. I would give it a solid B. However, it also has greater challenge and reply value because of that, plus the other stages give it to variety that the base combat alone doesn’t.
Everyone fights exactly the same. The only difference is the zord picture during the special. For a beat’em that disappointing and makes it lack replay value.
The game does not even come close to living up to the admittedly high standard set by Shredder's Revenge. The controls feel sluggish, the hit boxes are way smaller than they feel like they should be and the Zord levels offer an insane difficulty spike (and a potentially run-ending glitch). There are a lot of fun ideas here that are executed in varying levels or competency. I wanted to love this game but we played through it once, played around with Tommy a little bit and then put it down probably for good.
What I find awesome is that even though the game is flawed the potential for a series of this could be awesome. This game should get a few updates and patches possibly dlc with other monsters like acorpina the sequel could have a version zed come back trybsomthing similar but do it during the green candle and end it with tommy returning as the white ranger as post game treat,he'll go all the way to the machine empire stuff do an omega ranger dlc or somthing just saying the story is already written just keep improving the game play give us quick and strong attacks with weapons introduce the blasters go nuts.
@6:49 I greatly disagree. All the characters are just color swaps they all control the same way at the same speed. I’ve played of each just to see if that was the case but no.
It definitely feels like a game that is much more enjoyable to play as multiplayer. I began playing as just myself, but it would get a little mundane when trying to single-handedly do everything.
Tmnt is global. Power Rangers is English speaking world only since it's just an American re-cut of the Japanese tokusatsu series called Super Sentai but with shoeboerned extra scenes with American high school
Both. I’m a huge fan of both franchises, and these are their best games respectively (SR and RR). TMNT has more variety in the fighting itself, Power Rangers has a quicker feel, more variety in stages, and more story/dialogue/character interactions. The music is amazing in both, as is the presentation.
I'm hoping to get this game, but not for the Switch. I've seen and heard that the game is kinda slow on the system and might have some crashing issues. If I'm lucky, hopefully I can get this on my Xbox One instead. But, yeah, I SO want to get this game!
The game is good. It could use a couple updates. My kids and I love it and are trying to unlock the super hard mode. I think this game might be getting too much hate. I understand some of it, but it does seem excessive. Remember, there is room for improvement through future updates and if you still can’t justify the $30 price tag, then wait for a sale. This game has very good potential. If it’s successful, then they could release an improved sequel. Of course shredders revenge was going to be better! The Ninja turtle beat ‘em’ up formula was perfected in the SNES era. The power rangers were never fully given that opportunity to mature and develop. This is our chance to change that!
This game is horrible !!! The Power Rangers play all the same the The Power Rangers on the show all have unique fighting styles which makes them different. this game doesn’t do that. Which makes the combat horrible. Next Dino Zord Chase Battle are horrible/aweful it was more of royal pain and felt more like a chore to play then having fun. Next The Megazord Battle First person view is horrible I like it how it was during the show and SNES and Genesis did it better. The difficulty no matter what you choose it doesn’t change it like they put on super hard even if you have it on normal. the replay value there is none once you beat it and unlock Tommy The Green Ranger there nothing more to do cause he plays the same as the other rangers. this game is horrible and should not even be mentioned in the breathe as TMNT SR cause at least they don’t punish you if you die and least gives you the chance to earn extra lives and continue you were last die and your progress kept.This game doesn’t. Digital Eclipse along with Atari and Hasbro should be an ashamed of them self for putting this game out this was just a cash grabber for them. And almost every review I’ve seen has praised this game and not told the truth cause there afraid of Hasbro, Atari & Digital Eclipse. I for once want someone to be honest about this game and tell the gaming world that this game is trash but no one will do cause they don’t have the balls to do it!!! I wasted 30 dollars on this game and wasted 2 hours of my life playing it and can never get that back. i’m disgusted and disappointed.
I won't be picking this up. No online multiplayer + no replay value = not worth my money. I don't have anyone to couch co-op with, so buying this just for the single player experience, with no reason to go back and play again... doesn't really interest me.
As a green ranger fan for life I really had high hopes for this game but if you’re looking for an in depth beat ‘em up this one will let you down. I was expecting gameplay like Scott pilgrim or streets of rage 4 or at the very least tmnt shredders revenge but it’s seriously lacking. No sense of variety with the one attack button, each character is essentially a palette swap with no difference. That’s a letdown. The online coop is rough right now too. You always have to start at the very beginning of the game online but if your teammate leaves, you get kicked. I got to level 14 and my partner bounced before I could finish the last mission lol that shit hurt 😂 The nostalgia is here though and clearly fans of the series worked on this game with great ideas and there’s a love you feel toward the series min this game but the execution just wasn’t as well done in the combat. The Zord fights are a cool way to break up the monotony too but again as a person who loves coop beat em ups this game just feels unfinished or very basic in regards to the combat. I’ve been mostly playing solo since my online partners keep leaving but it’s fun for people who grew up watching the OG squad and green with evil, I’d say wait until it’s on sale for $15. I did feel like I paid too much with the $30 price tag.
Grew up with Ninja Storm on the GameBoy Advance, very typical basic 2D sidescroller BUT good quality. Three ranger teams to choose at the beginning, each with their own paths. Dino Thunder may have been my favorite season, but the GBA game just wasn't as fun. Loved the boss battles, it left much to be desired with level design that felt drawn-out. I remember it feeling like a slog at times, not being able to find something I should have. Memories from when I was 8!
I'm waiting for a physical edition, looks sick, i know going into it, it won't be as good as shredders revenge, but i like that they did alot of mode 7 kinda stiff to help make it different.
I got this on launch day and couldn’t be happier with it! The story is there with some wonderful character dialogue and interactions, the combat is quick and snappy, the music is a massive highlight, and there is so much variety to the game outside of the primary combat itself. I’ve been playing with a group and it has been nothing short of phenomenal. The challenge curve caught me off guard, but I’m grateful for it, along with four levels of difficulty to choose from; it adds a ton of replay value that I wasn’t expecting. My only critique would be more variety to the combat itself, but this is truly the only point worth arguing. The charm here is simply unbeatable. I give it an 8.5 out of 10, and any refinement and added DLC would easily boost this to a 9 or even 10.
It's miserable to play single player because the gameplay is slow and sloppy and that's easier to recognize when it's not offset by the fun of playing with others.
game is great up until the game play unfortunately. it honestly needed more time to cook cause each portion of the three forms of gameplay felt average. they had the perfect formula to emulate in Shredders Revenge yet couldn't do it properly
I cabt help but to compare it to turtles for several obvious reasons . All i keep hearing us the combat needs fixing ....if it were 20$ or less id grab it for nostalgia alone but 35 .....ill wait until some updates to see what happens
If this game was $10-$15 I would say this is a good choice to get but for the price that they’re asking is too much. I got this game on launch day. Beat it in about two hours then once I got the green Ranger, I beat it again Two hours. Completely being honest this game is not worth it. It’s way too many enemies on screen at the same time and when you’re doing the megazord first person mode is frustrating it’s boring so just wait for it to go on sale
Good Beat Em ups can stand on their own two in single player mode and shouldn't require multiplayer to come save the day. Hence, if you're somebody who's experienced with games like Streets Of Rage 2, Streets of Rage 4, Final Fight or Shredder's Revenge, it will immediately dawn on you how lackluster and mid-tier at best this game is. I guess Ranger nostalgia is carrying the day with this surprisingly high 8/10 score. 🤔
Its too much like the duo of SNES games I hated as a kid. On top of Hasbro doing nothing with the series for a whole year besides this, and it being part of the plot to the horrible Netflix special Once and Always, I just can't get behind it.
This is nowhere near as good as River City Girls, Shredder's revenge and Streets of Rage 4. It's stiff, the characters all play the same and there's some bizarre difficulty spikes (you actively feel less powerful in a zord). The rewind part adds nothing, it's just a time waster. This review has major nostalgia goggles.
I'm not getting it. Straight up cash grab. Had they followed the TMNT individuality playbook with the option to fight with or without weapons, I would've copped it. It looks awful.
That's crazy my dude. You really just taught me that this channel can't be trusted. Business like a gaming review channel. This is the worst beat him up in the last 10 years. Every character is a clone of each other there's no diversity. They have the same weapon moves. There's no diversity amongst the putties except that they come in different colors. That's crazy You supposed to give us the truth. 0 The game looks pretty it's not. I'm big Power ranger fan and a nostalgia caught me heavy. I ran through that game the first time realizing it was going to be kind of trash on the first level. I've been multiple times. I love Power rangers that much,
So because you don’t agree with their opinion “this channel can’t be trusted”? I haven’t played the game yet so I don’t know if it’s good or not but I’m not sure how a difference of opinion means that NintendoLife is lying.
Yes Power Rangers belongs to my childhood defienitily live action movies and series so it's awesome to get a new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind classic pixel art styled beat em up game what gives TMNT Shredder's Revenge vibes, but because I got Soul Reaver 1&2 Remastered and Antonblast I skipped this one and wait for sales or maybe a physical edition that I believe never happens, but you can always dreaming. I would like this game and give 7/10 good game review. Guys our childhood has returned: Go go Power Rangers! 🖤🩷💛❤️💙
Time for a X-Men version.
Yes and yes
I would love a new X-Men beat em up. It would also be great to have original arcade game too on Nintendo Switch.
You must not know the rangers are just palette swaps in this game
Mos definitely getting it and just subscribed!
We’ve evolved beyond games like this for a reason.
Is anyone else has this problem with game start? Some error occurred and game closes?
I was JUST too old when Power Rangers was huge, but it was popular enough that I knew OF it. My point is I'd play this happily 😆
Gonna wait for the physical release
Mighty Morphin PowerRangers: The Movie for SNES is one of my favorite childhood games. You said this is the best game in the franchise so it's a big deal! Excited to play.
Great video ❤ very honest I agree with the 8/10
Go go power Rangers…yeah🔴⚫️🔵🟢🩷🟡
Man, I don't like classic beat 'em ups (i.e. Double Dragon or Renegade) and I don't care about Power Rangers (or TMNT) but when you combine a good beat 'em up with a really stupid license it's magic somehow. This game is so good.
With TMNT and power rangers here, now we need Thundercats or maybe anime ips.
The Tick.
I would love a thundercats game. It's long overdue.
Sliver hawks, street sharks, C.O.P.S, dinosaucuers etc! Let's go!
So the same game reskinned ten times over then?
@@gardyjure118there was a Thundercats beat em up on ds based on the 2011 series, but it was meh
The megadrive movie game was my fave but this is good fun
And also I was wondering if they could make old skool the real ghostbusters of 1988 cartoons a shoot em game you think they make that game on demo Nintendo switch and ps4
Look great! Seems like a lot of fun to play. I want a retro release like this but for Pokémon !
I want to pick this up but I'm waiting on a sale.
im waiting for a sale, same with Karate Kid.
Does anybody know when we will get online play on switch?
As a closet power Rangers fan, I definitely I’m interested in this but I think I’ll maybe wait until it goes on sale.
Blast from the past . But would have liked one in time force era . Still enjoyable, callbacks for the og fandom
I wanted this game to be good sooo bad. Presentation is top notch, but the beat em up combat is not fun at all. If that gets fixed...
It’s Morphin Time
The *SNES "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie"* Beat 'Em Up game STILL is *KING!*
Robo rita from the once and always special via Netflix in 2023
Brought me back to my life in the 90’s, but imo it still doesn’t beat Shredders Revenge level of polish.
If I had a nickel for every 90's comment like this, I could buy Tesla
that game has reprint for the 3rd time...
It's funny how you can tell it's not an Alex Olney narrated review because you don't hear his HELLO start in the first millisecond
Lol I was thinking the same thing when I clicked on this video
I'm doing my own review. I don't really listen to other folks opinions. I'm going to judge this for me if it fits my narrative. What most folks here don't realize. Most of these folks are probably teenagers that during my time I had dreamt of a mmpr arcade and now it's finally happening.
“hhHHHhhelloooo lovely people!” 😂
Lots of potential it didn't live up to unfortunately.
I do like how he says the combat is diverse.....when all 6 play the exact same.
You think they could make that game 1988 the real ghostbusters cartoon a shoot em game with the heroes like egon Spangler Peter Venkman Ray Stanz Winston Zeddmore Janine and Louis including
It looks fun. If successful. Lord Zedd comes in the sequel and Rocky, Aisha, and Adam are in it donning the Dairanger suits. Enemy wise, it’ll have mondo the magician and his siblings Rallo and Zyla, Z-Putties, Conjurers (Cotpotros), Mirror Maniac, Nimrod, A/C, D/C, Silverhorns, Party Crasher (Pot Taoist), and Lipsyncher. Lord Zedd final boss stage will be in 2 forms, his original form and Master Zedd form.
I hope we get a He-Man & Thundercats beat em up at some point. GI Joe Wrath of Cobra kimda dropped the ball & im thinking Toxic Crusaders might be another dud.
Maybe with the possibility of making a physical copy, DE will fix the problems we don’t like about the game. I feel this game can still be as good as tmnt: sr.
i wont touch any button mashers with the terrible joycons, only if you have pro controller
Hi my chores is Patrick Holmes from conway South Carolina to let you know that I really like it is great powerful action from tmnt shredder's revenge but I like to own it on nintendo switch and ps4 7:52
I think Disney has messed with my head too much. I saw the black power ranger and wished he was white.
I kinda wish these games would get SNES/Genesis Ports...
Emulated them... there not on anything else
Got to level six, the experience was so lame and lackluster I’ve barely touched it again. Disappointing. Combat is bland and slow and floaty, driving parts are frustrating. Needs a lot of improvement. 4.5/10
Very cool
Silmer Stay Puff Marshmallow Man and all the interior Enemies
Just for sake of diversity, better would’ve been:
1) Jason: nothing but more strength.
2) Zack: recovery attack from dodge.
3) Billy: some kind of context specific mechanic (maybe dealing with the time crystals which need improving themselves).
4) Trini: faster running.
5) Kimberly: faster combos.
6) Tommy: fills the gauge more quickly.
And everyone gets custom combos and starts each stage un-morphed. Actually in order to morph they would need to at least fill up one energy meter (and they keep the energy). A reviving mechanic that takes you out of morphosis would’ve been nice as well.
On the topic of Time Crystals, give an incentive for them being broken on the very first cycle. Maybe shift the whole stage to a different era of Power Rangers. It can be the very same stage and boss gameplay with a different coat of paint, but it would add depth and diversity as well as give a reason for the time crystals in the first place other than re-do the whole things over and over.
That’s the very least they could’ve done if making a beat em up was as important to them as making a Power Rangers game.
Also, there are 2 things infamously missing. The cannon blaster (which would’ve been a blast of an Easter egg and an excuse for people playing 6 player co-op) and the Megazord slowly turning back while the monster falls to its knees and is destroyed.
I didn’t like this game, but MAN I WISH it’s not a cash grab and they make an expansion addressing all its flaws and adding much needed content.
This is an amazing breakdown. This was exactly what I wanted. It’s very doable also! Take notes folks!
Agree 100%
I love how this game deals with time shenanigans, but Time Force isn’t involved or mentioned. Would’ve made for a nice Easter egg at least.
Also, if they really wanted to celebrate the Might Morphin Era ( specifically season 1 that gets a bit too much exposure IMO) they should’ve included the other enemies/ aspects from the Zordon era as a whole (Tengu warriors, Piranhatrons, machine empire grunts etc…) and using the other zords/megazords for the different giant fights (let’s give the Thunder Megazord some love dammit!)
Seriously, I also want to like this game. Like you said, this game is in a serious need of an expansion to justify the price and standout from the other throwback games.
Yea, having no character distinctions is just bad design. Rangers already had differences on the SNES and Game Gear back in the day.
I'm shocked that no one is talking about the constant game crashes on Nintendo Switch after the first 2 playthroughs.
A Rewind of my childhood with this
That fist fight is 100% Mystical Ninja on the N64
That's exactly what I was thinking. I miss that game series so much!
@@joshpetzoldt6344the switch has a successor it isn’t the same but it’s inspired and true to the source material and I’m sorry but I cannot remember the name !
@ it should have been remastered for eShop by now to see what people think and if a new one is wanted
@@ben-tendo I think that's rather unlikely as most, if not all, the original developers have now left Konami. I believe some of them worked on Princess Peach: Showtime and others worked on Bakeru, neither of which are developed or published by Konami.
@@joshpetzoldt6344 all the original Rare developers are at Playtonic, but if Rare want to make a Banjo game there's nothing stopping them. Same applies here.
And let me know about it
Mine won’t even play on my switch? I have deleted it and redownloaded it as well. It just won’t play. It lets me get as far as picking a ranger. Then it freezes. It’s been doing this for five days now. Any tips or thoughts on how to fix this?
My biggest concern since this was announced was enemy variety since they only ever fought putties and bosses.
The variety is not great. Combat is bland and floaty.
Will, it's better then the n64 & ps1 power ranger games. I just wished it was a beat em up only. I don't care for the mini games
This is one I might get once it’s physical.
It's been a longtime. 久しぶりだな。
This reviewer has no standards whatsoever.
Are there any unlockable moves or combos?
Nope. There is zero depth here. It is not a good game.
It's got an awesome presentation but the fighting is bad. Wait for a sale!
This! It’s very slow and clunky … you don’t feel like you have 100% control of the character like in Streets of Rage 4 or Shredder’s Revenge.
@jacobniehaus correct. Also, I hate how the weapons are barely used. They could have done so much more with the combat
I respectfully disagree. I felt like the combat was incredibly swift and well executed. I only wish there was more variety, and admittedly I do agree on utilizing combos and the weapons more. I would give it a solid B. However, it also has greater challenge and reply value because of that, plus the other stages give it to variety that the base combat alone doesn’t.
@@jacobniehausthank you! slow movement in beat 'em ups makes it difficult for me to enjoy
Everyone fights exactly the same. The only difference is the zord picture during the special. For a beat’em that disappointing and makes it lack replay value.
The game does not even come close to living up to the admittedly high standard set by Shredder's Revenge. The controls feel sluggish, the hit boxes are way smaller than they feel like they should be and the Zord levels offer an insane difficulty spike (and a potentially run-ending glitch). There are a lot of fun ideas here that are executed in varying levels or competency. I wanted to love this game but we played through it once, played around with Tommy a little bit and then put it down probably for good.
What I find awesome is that even though the game is flawed the potential for a series of this could be awesome. This game should get a few updates and patches possibly dlc with other monsters like acorpina the sequel could have a version zed come back trybsomthing similar but do it during the green candle and end it with tommy returning as the white ranger as post game treat,he'll go all the way to the machine empire stuff do an omega ranger dlc or somthing just saying the story is already written just keep improving the game play give us quick and strong attacks with weapons introduce the blasters go nuts.
I can wait until a future sale. Just bought about 15 games in prep for Christmas so this is pretty bad timing for me.
I want to wait for a physical release the zord battles look amazing though
@6:49 I greatly disagree. All the characters are just color swaps they all control the same way at the same speed. I’ve played of each just to see if that was the case but no.
My childhood is reborn.
Soundd like a fun game
It definitely feels like a game that is much more enjoyable to play as multiplayer. I began playing as just myself, but it would get a little mundane when trying to single-handedly do everything.
Have you played the Care Bears game on the switch, it looks really good
What have they done to our boy Zordon 😂
Tmnt or Power Rangers?
why not both? 😎
Tmnt is global. Power Rangers is English speaking world only since it's just an American re-cut of the Japanese tokusatsu series called Super Sentai but with shoeboerned extra scenes with American high school
Both. I’m a huge fan of both franchises, and these are their best games respectively (SR and RR). TMNT has more variety in the fighting itself, Power Rangers has a quicker feel, more variety in stages, and more story/dialogue/character interactions. The music is amazing in both, as is the presentation.
@@HaohmaruHL PR is global too. Dubbing is a thing you know.
I'm hoping to get this game, but not for the Switch. I've seen and heard that the game is kinda slow on the system and might have some crashing issues. If I'm lucky, hopefully I can get this on my Xbox One instead. But, yeah, I SO want to get this game!
This game shouldn’t be slowing down on Switch, especially as it’s not a taxing game.
Does it have coop multiplayer with 1 switch?
Yes. I've played with my kid on the same switch together
The game is good. It could use a couple updates. My kids and I love it and are trying to unlock the super hard mode. I think this game might be getting too much hate. I understand some of it, but it does seem excessive. Remember, there is room for improvement through future updates and if you still can’t justify the $30 price tag, then wait for a sale. This game has very good potential. If it’s successful, then they could release an improved sequel. Of course shredders revenge was going to be better! The Ninja turtle beat ‘em’ up formula was perfected in the SNES era. The power rangers were never fully given that opportunity to mature and develop. This is our chance to change that!
This game is horrible !!! The Power Rangers play all the same the The Power Rangers on the show all have unique fighting styles which makes them different. this game doesn’t do that. Which makes the combat horrible. Next Dino Zord Chase Battle are horrible/aweful it was more of royal pain and felt more like a chore to play then having fun. Next The Megazord Battle First person view is horrible I like it how it was during the show and SNES and Genesis did it better. The difficulty no matter what you choose it doesn’t change it like they put on super hard even if you have it on normal. the replay value there is none once you beat it and unlock Tommy The Green Ranger there nothing more to do cause he plays the same as the other rangers. this game is horrible and should not even be mentioned in the breathe as TMNT SR cause at least they don’t punish you if you die and least gives you the chance to earn extra lives and continue you were last die and your progress kept.This game doesn’t. Digital Eclipse along with Atari and Hasbro should be an ashamed of them self for putting this game out this was just a cash grabber for them. And almost every review I’ve seen has praised this game and not told the truth cause there afraid of Hasbro, Atari & Digital Eclipse. I for once want someone to be honest about this game and tell the gaming world that this game is trash but no one will do cause they don’t have the balls to do it!!! I wasted 30 dollars on this game and wasted 2 hours of my life playing it and can never get that back. i’m disgusted and disappointed.
Some people on it are
I won't be picking this up. No online multiplayer + no replay value = not worth my money. I don't have anyone to couch co-op with, so buying this just for the single player experience, with no reason to go back and play again... doesn't really interest me.
As a green ranger fan for life I really had high hopes for this game but if you’re looking for an in depth beat ‘em up this one will let you down. I was expecting gameplay like Scott pilgrim or streets of rage 4 or at the very least tmnt shredders revenge but it’s seriously lacking. No sense of variety with the one attack button, each character is essentially a palette swap with no difference. That’s a letdown. The online coop is rough right now too. You always have to start at the very beginning of the game online but if your teammate leaves, you get kicked. I got to level 14 and my partner bounced before I could finish the last mission lol that shit hurt 😂 The nostalgia is here though and clearly fans of the series worked on this game with great ideas and there’s a love you feel toward the series min this game but the execution just wasn’t as well done in the combat. The Zord fights are a cool way to break up the monotony too but again as a person who loves coop beat em ups this game just feels unfinished or very basic in regards to the combat. I’ve been mostly playing solo since my online partners keep leaving but it’s fun for people who grew up watching the OG squad and green with evil, I’d say wait until it’s on sale for $15. I did feel like I paid too much with the $30 price tag.
Even tho the Might Morphin are 30 years old, it's cool that they got the only good video games in the entire franchise.
Grew up with Ninja Storm on the GameBoy Advance, very typical basic 2D sidescroller BUT good quality. Three ranger teams to choose at the beginning, each with their own paths.
Dino Thunder may have been my favorite season, but the GBA game just wasn't as fun. Loved the boss battles, it left much to be desired with level design that felt drawn-out. I remember it feeling like a slog at times, not being able to find something I should have. Memories from when I was 8!
Not really. Wouldn't it be nice if more of the games were good? Kind of a closed minded sentiment.
The SNES game was better, to be honest.
Battle for the Grid is good.
I'm waiting for a physical edition, looks sick, i know going into it, it won't be as good as shredders revenge, but i like that they did alot of mode 7 kinda stiff to help make it different.
Agree that the game is fun, but it definitely wasn't made with single player in mind.
I got this on launch day and couldn’t be happier with it! The story is there with some wonderful character dialogue and interactions, the combat is quick and snappy, the music is a massive highlight, and there is so much variety to the game outside of the primary combat itself. I’ve been playing with a group and it has been nothing short of phenomenal. The challenge curve caught me off guard, but I’m grateful for it, along with four levels of difficulty to choose from; it adds a ton of replay value that I wasn’t expecting. My only critique would be more variety to the combat itself, but this is truly the only point worth arguing. The charm here is simply unbeatable. I give it an 8.5 out of 10, and any refinement and added DLC would easily boost this to a 9 or even 10.
It's miserable to play single player because the gameplay is slow and sloppy and that's easier to recognize when it's not offset by the fun of playing with others.
Too bad you can increase the speed
game is great up until the game play unfortunately. it honestly needed more time to cook cause each portion of the three forms of gameplay felt average. they had the perfect formula to emulate in Shredders Revenge yet couldn't do it properly
I cabt help but to compare it to turtles for several obvious reasons . All i keep hearing us the combat needs fixing ....if it were 20$ or less id grab it for nostalgia alone but 35 .....ill wait until some updates to see what happens
Meh. Ill play it on PS plus.
Go Go Power Rangers!! Banzai Yahooo Yay 👊🏻😎👊🏻
Hell, if you have played it i don’t need to.
@@SuperRose2004 yeah sure, claim it’s bad even though you haven’t played it yourself
@ i have played it, its dumb to make the statement otherwise 🤦🏽♂️
@@SuperRose2004 in other words, you’re too scared to admit that you’ve been exposed
This game is delightful
Oh I didn't know I needed this but I need this
If this game was $10-$15 I would say this is a good choice to get but for the price that they’re asking is too much. I got this game on launch day. Beat it in about two hours then once I got the green Ranger, I beat it again Two hours. Completely being honest this game is not worth it. It’s way too many enemies on screen at the same time and when you’re doing the megazord first person mode is frustrating it’s boring so just wait for it to go on sale
Good Beat Em ups can stand on their own two in single player mode and shouldn't require multiplayer to come save the day. Hence, if you're somebody who's experienced with games like Streets Of Rage 2, Streets of Rage 4, Final Fight or Shredder's Revenge, it will immediately dawn on you how lackluster and mid-tier at best this game is. I guess Ranger nostalgia is carrying the day with this surprisingly high 8/10 score. 🤔
Get that fake CRT filter outta here
I want a smoother filter
I don't know if I played a different version of the game or what, but combat feels awful to me. Some people really have low standards for beat em ups.
It’s not like there’s much that can be done to set them apart from each other
Well, that's just false, but even if it was true, they can still be done better or worse.
@@Jackattack359 This is literally the only Power Rangers game where they are all the same. There's plenty that can be done
@@dangamer8884 that’s not what I meant
@@dangamer8884they didnt use engine from Natsume.
this game is 3/10 at best hahaha
This game sucks, don’t waste your money like I did
In short... No!
Watch the video
Its too much like the duo of SNES games I hated as a kid. On top of Hasbro doing nothing with the series for a whole year besides this, and it being part of the plot to the horrible Netflix special Once and Always, I just can't get behind it.
This is nowhere near as good as River City Girls, Shredder's revenge and Streets of Rage 4.
It's stiff, the characters all play the same and there's some bizarre difficulty spikes (you actively feel less powerful in a zord). The rewind part adds nothing, it's just a time waster.
This review has major nostalgia goggles.
It's style over substance. The SNES games, while limited by hardware, every ranger have little differences between them, with range and attack
I’m waiting for a sales even though I was very very excited for this
I'm not getting it. Straight up cash grab. Had they followed the TMNT individuality playbook with the option to fight with or without weapons, I would've copped it. It looks awful.
Not once did TMNT EVER do that
This game is bad
You're wrong, it's actually terrible.
@@SuperRose2004 of course you don’t say why though
@@dangamer8884 you mad?
That's crazy my dude. You really just taught me that this channel can't be trusted. Business like a gaming review channel. This is the worst beat him up in the last 10 years. Every character is a clone of each other there's no diversity. They have the same weapon moves. There's no diversity amongst the putties except that they come in different colors. That's crazy You supposed to give us the truth. 0 The game looks pretty it's not. I'm big Power ranger fan and a nostalgia caught me heavy. I ran through that game the first time realizing it was going to be kind of trash on the first level. I've been multiple times. I love Power rangers that much,
So because you don’t agree with their opinion “this channel can’t be trusted”? I haven’t played the game yet so I don’t know if it’s good or not but I’m not sure how a difference of opinion means that NintendoLife is lying.
best is you can play this game on a real console not trash ninetendo
The sprites are too small. It’s all right. It’s a $10 game at best. Shredders revenge has more love in it
You noticed that too
Yes Power Rangers belongs to my childhood defienitily live action movies and series so it's awesome to get a new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind classic pixel art styled beat em up game what gives TMNT Shredder's Revenge vibes, but because I got Soul Reaver 1&2 Remastered and Antonblast I skipped this one and wait for sales or maybe a physical edition that I believe never happens, but you can always dreaming. I would like this game and give 7/10 good game review. Guys our childhood has returned: Go go Power Rangers! 🖤🩷💛❤️💙