The society here is more about minding ones own business. When you are friendly here, majority of the times, you’ll be taken advantage of. Many times when someone approaches you with a smile and you smile back, it’s either because they wanna talk you into making certain monthly donations to a cause or something to do with religion. So they most times approach you for their self interests and you’re more of a pawn. Nice episode though!
Great one here❤❤
Yes pf course , the society is changing everyday people no longer care schade.😢
The society here is more about minding ones own business. When you are friendly here, majority of the times, you’ll be taken advantage of. Many times when someone approaches you with a smile and you smile back, it’s either because they wanna talk you into making certain monthly donations to a cause or something to do with religion. So they most times approach you for their self interests and you’re more of a pawn.
Nice episode though!
Thanks 😊