Ghosting on the Mile River in St. Michaels, Maryland, on Friday evening before the festival. Part of the Mid-Atlantic Small Craft Festival, or MASCF, 2011. www.eyeinhand.c...
Boats as pretty as furniture, quiet conversation, light wind., close relations, wives, daughters, dogs. Doesn't get any better than this ( you lucky people)!
Alas, I would much rather be sitting on beautiful wood planks like those in this boat than the cold blue gel-coat and fiberglass of my little dinghy. I know I should not speak ill of my trusty FRP boat, because beauty is only skin-deep. But ugly goes clear to the bone.
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I love sailing at night!
Just what needed on a drizzly, cold and dark evening in South Texas. It’s beautiful.
Boats as pretty as furniture, quiet conversation, light wind., close relations, wives, daughters, dogs. Doesn't get any better than this ( you lucky people)!
Do you have buoyancy bags or compartments in the Melonseed? It's a fantastic looking dinghy!
@Squarekn0t It was indeed. Cold and nasty by the next morning.
Steven Spielberg sailing
Bet that was the last time you were in shorts that weekend, The Doryman brought hs wellies and was clad he did.
Alas, I would much rather be sitting on beautiful wood planks like those in this boat than the cold blue gel-coat and fiberglass of my little dinghy. I know I should not speak ill of my trusty FRP boat, because beauty is only skin-deep. But ugly goes clear to the bone.