On war in Ukraine - Radosław Sikorski and US Army general Ben Hodges, 18.04.2022

  • Опубліковано 12 лип 2024
  • Gościem Wolnego Radia Europa będzie emerytowany generał Ben Hodges, były dowódca generalny Armii Stanów Zjednoczonych w Europie.🗽
    👉 On war in Ukraine - Porozmawiamy, oczywiście, o wojnie za naszą wschodnią granicą, o tym, jak mogą wyglądać walki na wschodzie Ukrainy, o potrzebach ukraińskiej armii, a także, czy pomoc otrzymywana od państw zachodnich, przede wszystkim z USA, jest wystarczająca i na te potrzeby odpowiada.
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  • @olenamuraviova2512
    @olenamuraviova2512 2 роки тому +18

    Thank you Radoslaw for such a nice interview! Only one comment i have about russians people. I’ve spoke with some of them and the russia’s problem it’s exactly slavery mindset of it’s population. they used to live like that for hundred of years, they used to have a person who will tell them what to do and what not, aka tsar. Even the smartest russians, talented engineers have this mindset. So world (and Europe particularly) has a much bigger problem that you might think it’s 150millions of people seeking for a new dictator to choose, even after defending putin the problem won’t disappear

    • @Perkele231
      @Perkele231 2 роки тому

      I totally agree. What's Russia needs its not only fall of Putin, but totally mental change of all society. Everyone from kids to elders. My father was soldier in Warsaw Pact and he has quite few Russian friends. He always told me " they are honest, welcoming, warm, people, they will give you their last short, but if goverment give them order they stab you without hesistation".

  • @gooner72
    @gooner72 2 роки тому +18

    I like Ben Hodges, he's an extremely intelligent man who knows and understands the way the Russians fight and behave. Top bloke!!
    He's been very busy since this war broke out!

  • @dick1am
    @dick1am 2 роки тому +17

    Russia's military potential is such a classic example of an elephant on clay legs. We should owe Ukraine respect not only for how it fights, but also for revealing the true capabilities of this Russian pseudo-power.

    • @dick1am
      @dick1am 2 роки тому

      @@maparo40 The main enemy of the Polish government is the Polish government. It is like a snake eating its own tail. Its days are numbered.

    • @joshuap9580
      @joshuap9580 2 роки тому +1

      I wouldn't want to find out if their nukes work.

    • @maciejpopawski3025
      @maciejpopawski3025 2 роки тому +2

      @@joshuap9580 They don't want to taste our nukes to, belive me :)

    • @srambrero
      @srambrero 2 роки тому

      @@maciejpopawski3025 it baffles me Putin even dares to make these "indirect" nuclear threats while he should well know he is a dead man if any kind of nuclear weapons are ever deployed....but unfortunately many of us may die with him

    • @davidjiannotti1537
      @davidjiannotti1537 2 роки тому

      The US has enough nukes hiding beneath the waves to end the world multiple times over. Tired of hearing about Russian nukes. Putin showing he is weak just talking about them. Notice the US just smiles...

  • @seyta0624
    @seyta0624 2 роки тому +13

    Panie SIKORSKI, spotkałem się i rozmawiałem kilka lat termu z generałem HODGES'em w Luksemburgu. Pana z kolei spotkałem kilka razy. Między innymi w Krakowie. Generał HODGES to interesująca postać. Gratulacje co do wyboru gościa. Mam jednak prośbę. Czy mógłby Pan postarać się nie przerywać Swoim gościom i mówić trochę ciszej? Naprawdę nie musi Pan prawie krzyczeć zadając pytania. To są dwa powody, które powodują, że nie oglądam Pana wywiadów systematycznie. Dziękuję /// Mr. SIKORSKI, I met with general HODGES in Luxembourg a few years back. I met with you a few times in the past. One time in Krakow, Poland. General HODHES is an interesting individual. Congratulations choosing the guest. I have one request though. Is it possible for you to try not to interrupt your guests and tone down your voice? It is really not necessary to nearly shout when asking questions. These are the two main reasons that I do ot watch your interviews regularly. Thank you.

  • @mr.zbychur8868
    @mr.zbychur8868 2 роки тому +7

    Panie Radosławie, bardzo pana cenię i bardzo lubię wywiady z panem, ale jako prowadzący wywiad ma pan trochę do poprawienia. Jeśli rozmawia pan z amerykańskim generałem nie może mu pan wpadać w środek zdania i wybijać z toku myśli. Gwarantuję panu, że więcej "nie będzie mógł znaleźć czasu", na rozmowę z panem.

    • @Lech_zaraz_wracam
      @Lech_zaraz_wracam 2 роки тому +3

      Niestety, robi to każdemu. Też mnie to irytuje. Zobaczymy czy czyta komentarze.

    • @michalkrzywdziak2547
      @michalkrzywdziak2547 2 роки тому +2

      To niestety generalnie dosc wyjatkowo rozpowszechniony w Polsce nawyk, z czego zdalem sobie sprawe dopiero za granica.

    • @Lech_zaraz_wracam
      @Lech_zaraz_wracam 2 роки тому +1

      @@michalkrzywdziak2547 Chyba nie jest tak źle. Pracuję z różnymi Niemcami, Austriakami, Francuzami, chyba tylko nieprzerywajacy Koreańczycy mi się nie trafili.

  • @karolbonk4947
    @karolbonk4947 2 роки тому +4

    Ciekawy wywiad. Szkoda że Pan Sikorski przerywa swojemu rozmówcy ale wiadomo minister to nie jakiś generał.

  • @twojstaryczarny
    @twojstaryczarny 2 роки тому +7

    Według mnie powinniśmy zmienić nazwę miasta Kaliningrad na Królewiec. Niech Rosjanie mają za swoje.

    • @youzefstallone5989
      @youzefstallone5989 2 роки тому +5

      Oj tak +1 byczq. Michaił Kalinin był współodpowiedzialny za ludobójstwo w Katyniu. Trzeba wrócić do klasycznej nazwy tego miasta.

    • @janpawell9519
      @janpawell9519 2 роки тому +6

      Dokładnie tak!!! Rosjanie już robią pod siebie. Już tylko czekam na te nagłówki w rosyjskich gazetach o tym że Lachy chcą odbić obwód Kaliningradzki!

    • @grubythegame8258
      @grubythegame8258 2 роки тому +5

      A niech robią pod siebie! Zasłużyli! Mam nadzieję, że po tym jak przegrają wojnę z naszymi braćmi na Ukrainie to te ziemie wrócą w Nasze granice!!!!

    • @twojstaryczarny
      @twojstaryczarny 2 роки тому +5

      Niezależnie od tego co ruscy se pomyślą to według mnie nie powinno być żadnego problemu ze zmianą nazwy. Wręcz powinniśmy to zrobić.

    • @youzefstallone5989
      @youzefstallone5989 2 роки тому +1

      Kalinin zwykły parszywy zbrodniarz wojenny. Pomimo tego, że nie jestem entuzjastą ustawy dekomunizacyjnej w Polsce, to według mnie czczenie pamięci takiego zbrodniarza jest absurdalne.

  • @pilapila3580
    @pilapila3580 2 роки тому +7

    Thank you for this unusually interesting conversation. It is high time to focus on the military dimension of this war and do everything possible so that Poland (in addition to Kaliningrad Oblast), Slovakia, Hungary and Romania do not have to endure Russia as a neighbour in the future. The American announcement before the Russian invasion to stay out of the conflict was as idiotic as it was heartbreaking. The Western European states, which had made themselves very comfortable far away from Russia, are now being lectured by the harsh reality. This time they will not get away with their usual peace babble. Poland and the Baltic countries were right in their pessimistic assessment of Russia.

    • @farzana6676
      @farzana6676 2 роки тому

      Hungary deserves Russia to oppess them. They are a trojan horse in the Western Alliance.
      As an American I would want Hungary out of NATO immediately.

  • @miroslavavisinger
    @miroslavavisinger 11 місяців тому


  • @RosieBaseball
    @RosieBaseball Рік тому

    I recently became a huge fan of US Army retired general Ben Hodges listening to his reasonings and educated so much more on the conflict and security of Europe. However, I am not familiar at all with Radoslaw Sikorski but after this video, I am a huge fan now but his videos need to be in ENGLISH for me to understand. 😑 I love his personality.

  • @zegarp
    @zegarp 2 роки тому +2

    36:15 - no Mr. Sikorski - this is something that could have possibly been considered before the bloodshed begun as a bargain chip. Now when Putin has shown us he doesn't care what we think we should respond by enlarging NATO with the countries that are technically basically united with our systems anyway and only political change of status is required to make them real members. I can imagine blackmailing them with some future extensions but this particular enlargement should be considered a response for acts already committed.

  • @gooner72
    @gooner72 2 роки тому +2

    I'd like to add something to what Gen Hodges was saying about pre war intelligence............ British intelligence was constantly telling Ukraine President and the rest of NATO that Russia was on the brink of invading, including when, where and what was going to be used.
    Слава Україні, героям слава!!!!🇧🇧🇧🇧✌✌

    • @jubaladin
      @jubaladin 2 роки тому +1

      And Zelensky knew about the attack at least two days in advance, because he and many officials took their families out of the country

    • @andreasbimba6519
      @andreasbimba6519 2 роки тому

      I have read that Ukraine's leadership accepted their own intelligence and the UK and US intelligence of the imminent Russian invasion but wanted to avoid the road networks and trains becoming clogged with civilians trying to escape which would have greatly hampered the needed relocation of military units and their logistical supplies. One of the most senior Ukrainian advisors also predicted the invasion to within a few months many years ago and there is a UA-cam video from him at that time that shows that prediction. I suspect Ukraine's munitions factories may have been running 24/7 for a many years now but these issues are not mentioned publicly.

  • @kocyszemaitis2310
    @kocyszemaitis2310 2 роки тому +1

    Pan Radoslaw mistakenly made reference to the Bug River when I am sure he meant Dniper.
    Great discussion and let's forgive his mini mistake.

    • @grzegorzstyrna26
      @grzegorzstyrna26 2 роки тому +3

      River Boh west of Dniepr. City of Mikoleyev lies on this river. If Russians want to take Odessa they need to cross that river.

  • @HM55-77
    @HM55-77 Рік тому

    Wow These guys had a Crystal Ball, they could see the future. Goto 24:25 timestamp

  • @paulmcgrory5165
    @paulmcgrory5165 2 роки тому +3

    Hodges was a general in Afghanistan. Didnt the US lose that war lol

    • @andreasbimba6519
      @andreasbimba6519 2 роки тому

      Indeed but Afghanistan and the 2nd Iraq invasion were political errors that had no acceptable military solutions. When al-Qaeda was expelled from Afghanistan by the US and local allies the US should then have left even if that meant rule by the Taliban. Similarly Saddam Hussein was not responsible for 9/11 unlike the Saudi authorities, and did not possess weapons of mass destruction and so the 2nd Iraq invasion was illegal and founded on lies much like the current Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    • @piotrnogas8448
      @piotrnogas8448 2 роки тому

      nope. Afgan National Army lost it when US Troops withdrew.

  • @kilercola
    @kilercola 2 роки тому

    Ben Hodges is cool.

  • @teninnykanal
    @teninnykanal 2 роки тому +15

    Bardzo ciężko słuchało się tej rozmowy. Proszę czasem dać rozmówcy wypowiedzieć się pełnym zdaniem. To ciągłe wtrącanie się naprawdę przeszkadza.

    • @xartixz
      @xartixz 2 роки тому +9

      Dodatkowo, temat oraz gosc, bardzo powaznie sie wypowiadajacy na temat sytuacji w Ukrainie, a prowadzacy wiecznie usmiechniety, zadajacy pytania z przesadna ekscytacja :P zeby bylo jasne - nie mam nic do osoby pana Sikorskiego, po prostu ciezej sie slucha wywiadu w takiej formie. Juz wole tradycyjne "proste pytanie, prosta odpowiedz"

    • @seyta0624
      @seyta0624 2 роки тому +2

      Panie SIKORSKI, czy mógłby Pan postarać się nie przerywać Swoim gościom i mówić trochę ciszej...?

  • @tomaszguta
    @tomaszguta 2 роки тому +13

    Wonderful interview.

  • @wysinawyg
    @wysinawyg 2 роки тому +1

    If Zelensky had mobilized early, all roads would have been blocked by refugees. So he was right to play it cool initially.

  • @AmirSheibany
    @AmirSheibany 2 роки тому +5

    Thank you Radek Sikorsky for this informative and relevant talk. Ukraine as a pivotal country has now, I believe, pivoted The next surprise, unfortunately ugly surprise, will come out of my country, Iran. The pivot there should have happened, and could have happened, 2 decades ago. Let’s see if these two foreign policy challenges overlap in the near future

    • @farzana6676
      @farzana6676 2 роки тому

      The Ayatollah is far too strong in Iran. I don't see anything changing there for decades to come.

  • @facundolamas950
    @facundolamas950 2 роки тому

    Its funny that when the operation started russians where "already out of ammo", this is from april and everybody said they where "about to run out of ammo". Reaching mid June we find out that RAF can fire 50000 shells a day... for 400+ days...

  • @Odisej1
    @Odisej1 2 роки тому +3

    A God dam good interview.

  • @pookah9938
    @pookah9938 2 роки тому

    "I have never liked you since I harmed you."

  • @gooner72
    @gooner72 2 роки тому +2

    The CBU-97 is definitely useable in the Donbas region, the individual munitions self detonate if they don't detect a tank or armoured vehicle and if that fails, they have a timer that detonates to stop civilians from being killed by going near them.

  • @awuma
    @awuma 2 роки тому +9

    People outside Poland may not remember that Radek Sikorski, as a young journalist, went into combat with the Mujahedin in Afghanistan against the Soviets, so his knowledge of Stingers was gained at first hand. This was a great discussion between perhaps the chief defence expert in the European Parliament and a long-time NATO commander. Sikorski is a former Polish Defence Minister and for seven years was Poland's Foreign Minister. His encounters with Putin were revealing, to the extent that he spilled the beans on a proposal from Putin that Russia and Poland partition Ukraine between them (a crazy plan earlier suggested by the late Zhirinovsky). For this revelation circa 2013, Sikorski was forced by Premier Tusk to pretend he was a fool...

    • @casteretpollux
      @casteretpollux 2 роки тому

      This is still current and not out of the question - except without Russian agreement and thus WW3

  • @d8f1ant75
    @d8f1ant75 2 роки тому

    CBU97 fan-tastic... Sikorski hits the Nail on the Head. UA-cam says "M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System [MLRS] and M142 have been used by Ukraine." Devastating weapons... Some 1,300 M270 systems have been manufactured in the United States and in Europe, along with more than 700,000 rockets. One M270 firing 12 M26 rockets would drop 7,728 bomblets, and one MLRS battery firing 108 rockets had the equivalent firepower of 33 battalions of cannon artillery... Fight Fire with Fire.

  • @michajakubik750
    @michajakubik750 2 роки тому +1


  • @curiousabouteverything8187
    @curiousabouteverything8187 2 роки тому +3

    I would say you didnt consider 1 important issue. It is about Ukrainian economy and it's great potential, which Russia needs. If you look at the map with underground goods - you may see the russian goal

  • @danesovic7585
    @danesovic7585 2 роки тому +5

    Why is Radek so giddy?

  • @melaniehenderson2573
    @melaniehenderson2573 2 роки тому

    Maybe he thinks he can build Castles in the sand & expect them to stay?! xx

  • @janvermeer3931
    @janvermeer3931 2 роки тому +1

    Excellent conversation!!

  • @hongluanosgeo
    @hongluanosgeo 2 роки тому

    Sikorski has proved to the world how dump a politician can be. Even a dumb politician can be in high positions as he is now.

  • @acomitam4645
    @acomitam4645 2 роки тому +5

    Radek, your English proficiency (which is good but not excellent) does not have to be demonstrated via disruptions … work on it, please😜 … other than that it was a good, informative interview … hope more is to come

    • @Vivienwestphal
      @Vivienwestphal 2 роки тому

      His message is far more important than his accent.

  • @secrets461
    @secrets461 2 роки тому +2

    Mr Sikorski, gen. Hodges is right. You cannot treat Finland as a bargain chip against Russia. What did you mean by 'They can apply (to NATO), but we may refuse.'? Who are you to decide whether Finland can be admitted or not?

    • @mr.zbychur8868
      @mr.zbychur8868 2 роки тому +1

      Poland is a member of NATO. Vote of one member is enough

  • @hollystallworth7996
    @hollystallworth7996 2 роки тому +1

    Very informative. Thank you.

  • @zegarp
    @zegarp 2 роки тому +3

    27:20 - as I fully appreciate your Afghan experience Mr. Sikorski I'd like to call for a little patriotism here and remind you that Stinger is a thing of the past and Piorun is the reason wy they can't get that low in this war and in the future wars to come :)

    • @bartoszbrown1322
      @bartoszbrown1322 2 роки тому

      Słuszna uwaga

    • @andreasbimba6519
      @andreasbimba6519 2 роки тому

      Yes I have also heard that the Polish Piorun is particularly effective but the jet fighters and helicopters of 20 years ago are much the same and the Stinger remains effective also. Foreign customers have continued to keep the Stinger production line open intermittently and these may have some minor modernizations.

  • @arkadiuszwojtkiewicz1633
    @arkadiuszwojtkiewicz1633 2 роки тому +1

    Uczyłem się angielskiego na tekstach Pana Żony ale muszę przyznać że Pana angielski jest po prostu bardzo ładny (niestety dla mnie niedościgniony naukę angielskiego zacząłem dopiero przed pięćdziesiątką a jestem tylko troszkę młodszy od Pana) A tak przy okazji moja teściowa uczyła pana J rosyjskiego w liceum ( P Zofia Mocarska) zawsze miała o Panu bardzo dobre zdanie 😊 Pozdrawiam. Czasami czytuję KONSOMOSKĄ PRAWDĘ to tak jakbym przeniósł się na inną planetę, jaka ta Красная армия silna i kochana .... pozdrawiam :-)

  • @adamkosiorek6132
    @adamkosiorek6132 2 роки тому

    Przydałaby się lepsza kamerka...

  • @ZenatiOmar
    @ZenatiOmar 2 роки тому

    1 year ago Russia claim to be the second worldpower 🤣 i think Italy can kich their ass because Italians have a big modern Army

  • @andreasbimba6519
    @andreasbimba6519 2 роки тому

    A very useful discussion but eventually Ukraine and the West must regain mutually acceptable relations with Russia for reasons of mutually beneficial trade, avoiding long term hostile military and political confrontation and also importantly for the long term aim of Russia being an additional bulwark against the far bigger foe of China which Mr Sikorski touched on, but the return of Crimea to Ukrainian sovereignty is likely to be a poisoned pill to that needed relationship, given the overwhelming majority ethnic Russian population, the 'sufficiently fair' 2014 Crimean referendum which resulted in an overwhelming vote to join with Russia, the fact that Khrushchev gifted Crimea in 1954 to Ukraine SSR which was then effectively a totally compliant colony of Russia and the presence of Russia's primary Black Sea fleet base in Sevastopol. As for the return to Ukraine of all of the 2022 occupied Ukrainian territories and the 2014 occupied portions of the Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts; that would be a reasonable objective both militarily and politically and is sufficient humiliation for Russia without being too unacceptable long term to Russia in my view. We have also seen how little Putin really cares for the ethnic Russian and Russian speaking Ukrainians that reside in the recently conquested Ukrainian territories. Further Ukraine should not become a NATO member as this would be too much to bare from the Russian perspective, the US position on this issue was probably the main precursor to the 2022 Ukrainian invasion in Putin's mind, but Ukraine must be supported economically and militarily on a truly substantial scale by the West so as to never again be worth the cost of invasion from the Russian perspective. Similarly EU membership is probably seen by Ukraine's leaders as a further security blanket but is likely to also be too much to bare from the Russian perspective and the trade benefits can largely be offered to Ukraine without full membership.

  • @danilolim4831
    @danilolim4831 2 роки тому

    Non sense...

  • @TomJones007
    @TomJones007 Рік тому

    Wczorajszy 27.09.2022 alkotweet był niezly pajacu

  • @Indygoflow1
    @Indygoflow1 2 роки тому +4

    Panie Radku, te komentarze od fejskubowych Grażyn są zbyteczne.

    • @zegarp
      @zegarp 2 роки тому

      Januszy tez

  • @ryszardjabonski4807
    @ryszardjabonski4807 2 роки тому +7

    Sikorski bestfriend Ławrow.

  • @jankarcz310
    @jankarcz310 2 роки тому


  • @emiljarekpikula780
    @emiljarekpikula780 2 роки тому +1

    In my opinion, Russia will not allow a Ukrainian to be larger than Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Latvia or Filandia, Ukraine's talk about deposits goods is inflated.

    • @belfort777
      @belfort777 2 роки тому +8

      Russia at this point can not allow anything, but who cares?

    • @elayeth
      @elayeth 2 роки тому +3

      Finland is 6,5 times bigger than Slovakia…

    • @michachodkowski8499
      @michachodkowski8499 2 роки тому +5

      @@maparo40 are you mad or just putlers troll ?

    • @american1226
      @american1226 2 роки тому +3

      @@michachodkowski8499 just give him the thumbs down. He’s copy pasted that comment like 6 times

    • @zawiszaczarny7876
      @zawiszaczarny7876 2 роки тому +1

      Russia is falling behind europe in every possible economical and technical aspect. Ukraine in EU and Nato - russians migrating to ritch Ukraine out of Russian shithole.
      80% of Russian export is what they can dig from the ground, oil, gas, fish everything simple not processed staff while vast majority of what they import is complex machinery and other tech.
      Russia now expierience what they did before Peter the Great, they are simply losing civilisational race and they are heading fast into another fall just like soviet union.