'3rd "day" the land(earth) brought forth seed bearing plant & tree...4th day "Let there be lights in the separate day & night (sun/moon), and for days & years". FUCK; O'Connor SOUNDED so CERTAIN that Genesis has sun coming before earth. Einstein said, "Thermodynamics is the one law of universal content which will never be overthrown" "Anyone whom challenges thermodynamics has no hope...only total humiliation"--Sir Arthur Eddington NO ONE has ever even TRIED to challnege thermodynamics. Only psycho, ego-freak Sagan said, with no evidence whatsoever, 'perhaps isn't universal'...DIRECTLY contradicting Einstein. THIS universe of heat did not/could not begin--1st Law. THIS universe will devolve to wave only...IT HASN' cannot be eternal--2nd Law. It's NOT that "SCIENCE" supports a universe of atheism. It's thatTHERMODYNAMICS DISALLOWS THIS UNIVERSE OF HEAT! "Some ideas are so stupid that only an intellectual could belive them"----NO, some "intellectuals" are so consumed with their obsessive desperate need to declare themselves SUPERIOR that they can't obey BASIC SCIENCE!
Yes that's a sharp line... but they both missed... The Bible tells in it's first few chapter exact how the universe is is absolute coherent with the scientific method... Yet they both have no clue and just argue about it and completely miss it? Hihi
The Bible says god created the Sun after the Earth, also separated light from darkness making day and night before the Sun, plants too were created and came before the Sun. God themselves was hovering the planet's water way before there could've been a hint of water on our planet. Also stars took the same amount of time (whatever "day" means, even if its thousands of years) to create all of the stars. Like the immeasurable number of stars in the unimaginable vastness of both the observable universe and supposedly beyond, some of these stars large enough to englobe our solar system whole, and a plethora of gigantic galaxies, clusters, superclusters... all of this the same time it took them to create just the sun. I think there couldn't be less scientific accuracy...
Love how offended JP got when he was called out for doing what he always does. Contort a word’s meaning by creating your own vague definition of that word (which is both unfalsifiable, unverifiable, and highly subjective), all while using convoluted phrasing that prevents clarity, under the guise of pseudo-intellectualism.
@sammur1977 we are preprogrammed through evolution and being a social species. You don't need a book to tell you what's good for both you and society. In fact that book brings more negatives into the world than it does positives.
1 Chronicles 26 New International Version The Gatekeepers 26 The divisions of the gatekeepers: From the Korahites: Meshelemiah son of Kore, one of the sons of Asaph. 2
He makes fair points about other things just not religion because he knows he’s lying. I can almost guarantee that he doesn’t believe this nonsense just debates to debate
JP loves to use his large vocabulary. He's spent most of his time memorizing a list of obscure words to camouflage the fact that he has no way of expressing his point in plain language.
He’s listed as top 100 psychologists, has written over 10 books, and has been mentioned/cited over 1000 times. How is he a pseudo intellectual? And is this your opinion, or are you just repeating what Olivia Wilde said????
What do you want for lunch? JP: As an arbitrary concept, unfathomable to laity and zealots alike, the very nature of inquiry cannot be sustained beyond the influx of the infancy of man, responding and recoiling at the internal or astral reckoning of those who are, from ages before their metahaptic coronation, refusing to even dismiss the acceptance of reinstated spiritual morphologies which are, after all, at odds with the gifted natural state of conscious and preconscious regeneration in every culture represented on a sliding scale of temporal multitudes in chaos. So... soup?
I wonder how only Jordan knows what god is. If it were true it would be self-evident to all of us without all the high minded words he loves to use. There is no god. Get over it.
There is no discrete entity to be called God. But there is a unifying consciousness that incarnated beings can only attain cursory understanding. You’ll see eventually. Or sooner with practice or plant medicine.
I agree. We are conscious beings which seem to make us unique. And I understand why people believe in god. I did myself for 50yrs. How we came to be is a wonder, but it cruelly owes us nothing. “It” doesn’t even know we are conscience. Ok, I’ll stop. I agree with you
26 днів тому+1
The only god there is. Is the god in you the Bible is a psychological book about Mind , body, spirit and human behavior with some truth mixed in with other ancient mythology, Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is within and that god is temple in heaven, I god is in heaven and the kingdom is within you know the rest never your divine power to an outside religion. Jesus learned gnostic teachings everything we are looking for is in us
When you learn about the winter solstice which is the birth of the sun and the spring equinox which is when the sun officially passes over (Passover) the equator or something like that, it’s been a while. You realize that Christmas and Easter has nothing to do with a death or resurrection of a man. That’s why the date of Easter changes every year. It’s the first Sunday after the first full moon after the equinox. Whew. Religion is the worship of the sun, moon and planets. I know most here probably knows this already.
It accompanies lying through your teeth and knowing how utterly ridiculous you sound talking drivel as if it's even remotely true. I cannot listen to self deluding liars , they're beyond pathetic.
1 Chronicles 27 New International Version Army Divisions 27 This is the list of the Israelites-heads of families, commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds, and their officers, who served the king in all that concerned the army divisions that were on duty month by month throughout the year. Each division consisted of 24,000 men. 2 In
“…to obfuscate any and all subjects” so does that mean that is his intent? His underlying motivation? Or is that a byproduct of him describing a subject in the same terms in which he conceptualizes them? I understand the words he uses and the way in which he formulates his sentences, even though I may not agree. When you make such a statement and reduce everything he says to a “word salad” and TO obfuscate which implies intent, you only shed light on your own desire to not engage intellectually.
The funniest part was where Alex points out the contradictions in the Bible about the creation story and D'Souza freezes and then says "show me.." What!!! I love the fact that brilliant people like Harris and O'Connor are around to completely dismantle religious dogma.
@@jonelrender3260 If there is The Creator, of which you must know something about, this thing is pure evil. If you had the power to stop human suffering, especially the horrible suffering experienced by children, would you do something to help? Of course you would. Your Gawd does nothing. Maybe we are The Creator's plaything just to keep this creature entertained.
If Christopher Hitchens were alive today, I imagine he'd Hitchlap Jordan Peterson down thus: "I work with words for a living. And NOTHING you just said made any since. It's complete white noise!"
How can anyone believe Genesis and the other books? It was written by bronze age nomads who did not know what caused the tides, that DNA existed or where the sun went at night
The first chapter of Genesis... The first chapter of the John Gospel... Describes exact how the universe came into being... But most people don't know about it bc'z they don't know enough about the actual science behind it
@@Motekk67 Sure, you are the only enlightened and your opinion is; you believe therefore all others must believe the same. No thank you, I'll take the rational thoughts
@@marct9942 Hello, no i just listen to science and i read books... That's how i came to this... There are a lot of deeper truths and meanings in spiritual books and in Genesis Chapter one it's like that... But they use old language
@@Motekk67 Yes, and like most christians you believe your relationship with god is more special than others. If you read actual science books, you do it with veiled eyes. Remember to ignore medical doctors and follow the bible for curing illness
@@Motekk67really? The "you weren't there" argument? Math and astrophysics demonstrate how a universe could come into being. Astronomy shows us amazing things happening in our current universe. Genesis says, "God did it" - which is no explanation at all
@@Motekk67Alex literally points out how the Bible is not accurate based on scientific evidence of how the universe has come about. So no, Alex did not miss it, and Dinesh, and you apparently, refuse to admit it’s errancy.
It was Feynman. And then he went and told a journalist “I can’t explain to you why magnets repel each other in simpler terms” The correct answer is complex and requires a physics background. The platitude that the correct answer is simple is a white lie told to ignorant-yet-inquiring minds so that they don’t get disparaged.
@@liberalinoklahoma1888 It doesn’t matter who’s said it because it’s false. If the answers were simple you wouldn’t need advanced math to do physics. If all answers were simple complexity science wouldn’t exist.
I used to consider JP quite highly, and I understand why I did. But my Christ if that wasn’t insufferable waffle spewing from him I don’t know what is.
JP while speaking about non religious topics speak with good clarity and conviction, but when it comes to religion he speaks gibberish, this proves how religious brainwashing can make intelligent people act stupid
Yes, Jordan, he asked you about your perception of what you think is God. And you actually are the one person who can perceive this. You can't synchronise the thought of God, and therefore, we all have each of our slightly different views on God. Some of us view it as utterly pointless because the book you are gathering your conclusion on is not exactly made of a God, or you would be able to prove that, wouldn't you. In fact, we all would be able to, for your little fairytale to work, but it doesn't.
JP and D’Souza are playing the same game at different skill levels. Both are grifters, but JP is a pro. He can dress his grift up in flowery high intellectual language and take 5 minutes to answer a yes/no question, and rarely allows himself to be cornered rhetorically. D’Souza is such an amateur. He just blunders around, making ridiculous claim and ridiculous claim, all of it immediately and obviously disputable, and then backs down immediately when challenged. That “let’s move on” from him killed me.
"Because something is claimed in an old book" is not a reason to accept it as true. Instead, we look at reality with the least bias possible, make observations, test hypothesis based only on what reality presents, and then come to only a tentative conclusion, always leaving open the possibility that we can learn more.
They are very pleased with the Big Bang. Big Bang = Beginning, Therefore God of Genesis. QED. Game Set and Match. Bible thumpers are smug. The problem is that the Big Bang probably WASN'T the beginning. So now they're gonna have to grift some more. Oh dear.
@@rithvikmuthyalapati9754 Thanks for the lack of depth in your pedestrian comment, as it reinforces the wisdom from the trinity of Elijay, Rob, and I - We feel acknowledged.
"I've read Genesis a dozen of times but I have never spotted that contradiction (earth created before sun), so let me read that again and I'll come back to it" ... :) Yeah, way to go Dinesh.
most of the "Religious Zealots" as you call them are privately non believers. They are just putting on an act, when they "play" in programmes like these.
I hadn't watched the O'Connor v.s. Dsouza debate - didn't realize Alex so soundly trounced him. Not shocked, but wow, pretty definitive. The things that believers have to go through to twist the religious narrative to comport with reality is truly astounding.
all they have to do is bring god on to the show. most honest people, if they have an idea but nothing to back it up, keep it to themselves until they do have some way to back it up. by all means chat about your crazy ideas - i do it all the time - but if you try to pass laws or tell me i am broken or bad in some way, i really ought to give you a slap, not "respect your belief".
Most people can't or don't make the distinction between respecting a person's right to have an opinion, no matter how uninformed, and someone mocking that opinion.
Simping to defend 100% lie by most of the humans and choose to be dilusinal just based on their emotion is absurd, and that's the downfall. Never defend a lie.
When asked to define God, Peterson has to read from notes because it’s so” complicated”. Why not just ask God to define himself in terms his creations can understand rather than have JP babble on incoherently?
You guys don't get it. Religion is not about facts or reason but only blind faith. Believers see denying facts and reason as something to admire and follow not the opposite. They look to, support, and send money to people like Jordan and others that help them justify their blind faith and that helps them delude themselves into believing their delusions are "rational", justified, and even heroic/holy.
LOL!! Atheists are more blind .. in fact they would believe something they don’t see.. and called them aliens.. all the atheist and so called scientifically minded people kept failing their science classes and simple lab experiments.. and they would still believe in their own theories (not proven)
From the Encyclopedia Britannica: Religion, human beings' relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of especial reverence.
from Wikipedia in English: Religion is a range of social-cultural systems, including designated behaviors and practices, morals, beliefs, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that generally relate humanity to supernatural, transcendental, and spiritual elements - although there is no scholarly consensus over what precisely constitutes a religion.
From my experience religion is a system of ritual, symbolism, and stories designed to facilitate the Mystic experience and explain concepts about the ineffable and divine.
What a weird claim of Dinesh to say he's only read Genesis a dozen times. A) For a believer, this is VERY few times. And B), he seems to be saying the reason he's screwing up in his arguments is because he just hasn't read the bible very much.
I find it funny when Peterson says something and then says, "what that means is" and then offers up an even more complicated and obscure tumble of words to explain what he originally said.
I just want to say that I simply cannot believe that what jp is saying is applicable universe wise, absolutely not! And regarding dinesh, I mean who didn't notice he was just trying to make up his mind about what to say next omg!! Also, is it so wrong if I want to add that Alex is so fine? ❤😭😭 (I'm happily married, not blind lol)
One true God is a sentient being that created humans - that's the definition of GOD, u can add more properties to it but u can't change the main defination.
I see nothing in Peterson's definition of God that doesn't instead describe "natural forces" and "preferences". No mention of a preexisting entity that initiated anything or does anything itself, starting 10:17 to 12:02. Peterson: "By defining [God] too tightly it loses its essence" is 1) not any real, essence fragile, and all-powerful God, 2) what Peterson had the gall to say after defining God for two minutes straight and admitted he could say more. 15:08 - 15:22
Spacetime having a beginning doesn't mean there was a time when there was nothing, followed by another time when something exists. If the latest models are correct, at all points that spacetime exists, something in fact exists, i.e. at no point in spacetime did nothing exist.
JP's text reminds me of the so-called "sovereign citizens" who rattle off their pseudo-legal scripts to avoid paying a ticket for a simple traffic violation.
Even if Genesis got the “creation” order correct, we would still be left with the question of how the writers did? If they could observe reality with the same level of accuracy we do, they may naturally come to the correct conclusion - but they couldn't and didn't.
D'Aouza has a bachelor in English. How was astronomer and physicist Robert Jastrow "one of his professors"? Because he listened in on a lecture once? If that ...
If some of this is ' destruction' what was being deconstructed ? Alex's opening statement is surprising for a man who often deals in a certain precision in his language.
*Complexity is the Conqueror* Why does God call Himself “The Most High”? This is because of the nature of conquerers. When a person or a nation gets conquered it is because they become swept under psychologically by a person or a people more complex or intelligent than themselves. There becomes a subtle moment of communication where they make a decisive move before the inevitable pendulum shifts that allows for their conquest. By establishing Himself as the “Most High” He communicates that this way is understood and accounted for. Politics is mostly a race for complexity, whereby, complexity is always the future and, whereas, a more complex nation and people inevitably conquer a less complex one. Unfortunately, this has always been the case and even in ancient times competing nations would attempt to out-complexity each other with army uniforms and contraption, and architecture, etc. -A. Cudwell
Solely because channel itself doesn't have alot of subscribers there is a lot of religious channels with much less subs also view exceeds subs by 24,000 which is pretty good
Where ignorance is bliss religion thrives. Being religious is a cry for help. Religious scientists are people who were religious before they became scientists. Needing faith means there is no evidence, if you had evidence there would be no need for faith.
And remember, Dinesh made “2000 Mules”, and has had to backtrack on the ridiculous, unsubstantiated claims that farce of a “documentary” made. He may be educated, but that doesn’t make him smart.
Well, that's science for ya...LOL...that's er, ontological\methodological reductionism for ya....LOL... i mean, who's stupid enough to turn themselves into a Cartesian sceptic, eh? xD
I wish the creators of pages like these would not use these type of sensationalism type headlines. Headlines like these will not get believers to watch. I would like to share this so the my believer friends would watch it, but they won't, because of the headline. Maybe a headline could be something as Atheists & Theists discuss the universe.
Dinesh goes on and on about how the Bible was correct that the universe had a beginning ,but then when shown that the Bible was wrong about the order of creation, all of a sudden the Bible is not a scientific book. It turns out that Dinesh is a little behind the times. Cosmologists are now saying that the universe has always existed. The big bang was just the universe changing from one state to another.
Do you even hear yourself with your claims.. it’s like saying my science book is right it’s scientifically proven.. but yet it is not talking about creation or evolution.. it’s not in order .. so on it should not be a science book
@@kimkaze4868 What are you talking about? Dinesh bragged that the Bible was scientifically correct that the universe had a beginning, and then said that the Bible is not a scientific book when it was shown to be scientifically incorrect. You can't have it both ways.
@@james9524 Even then Atheist (scientifically) can't prove either how the world was form, so their disproval of creation is not credible, should I call them not scientist for their uncapable!! Dinesh bragged about how the Bible makes sense with creation (more credible) while our human kind can't fathom the intelligent mind (creator)
JP got sway with tjis nonsense at UofT where students feared questioning a professor. His mistake was to leave academia and be called out so many times for his word salad that many firmly believe he should be committed to a mental institution.
God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning-the first day. Thats Genesis 1: 3-5. Yeah: its a literal day.
Genesis 1 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
I assume it's just my age, but I didn't care for the "tilt-a-whirl"weaving of these clips. Especially when Jordan Peterson tries to baffle with bullshit. I do admit he's fantastic at combining real terms in exciting new ways that bear a striking resemblance to cogent thought.
JP literally said in what God is, "God is human nature" it's literally what he said. so basically what we would call instinct, we have instictual things we do that we know other animals also have and where we could draw lines from what most closely resembles our instinct and which animals are further away, do you know what you get when you do that? ow yea the exact evolutionary tree that we can show with DNA evidence. we have literal proof of this and it's one of the many evidence for evolution. what is science beautifull right?
All this talk and debate about "the beginning"... really, almost nothing to do with religion, nor the notion of "god". None of us know how or why, though modern cosmology's inching closer on the "how".
"You can't just move the goalposts, especially if you're still going to miss."
God DAMN, if that ain't one of the most SAVAGE lines I ever heard! 🤣
'3rd "day" the land(earth) brought forth seed bearing plant & tree...4th day "Let there be lights in the separate day & night (sun/moon), and for days & years". FUCK; O'Connor SOUNDED so CERTAIN that Genesis has sun coming before earth.
Einstein said, "Thermodynamics is the one law of universal content which will never be overthrown"
"Anyone whom challenges thermodynamics has no hope...only total humiliation"--Sir Arthur Eddington
NO ONE has ever even TRIED to challnege thermodynamics. Only psycho, ego-freak Sagan said, with no
evidence whatsoever, 'perhaps isn't universal'...DIRECTLY contradicting Einstein.
THIS universe of heat did not/could not begin--1st Law. THIS universe will devolve to wave only...IT HASN'
cannot be eternal--2nd Law.
It's NOT that "SCIENCE" supports a universe of atheism. It's thatTHERMODYNAMICS DISALLOWS THIS UNIVERSE OF HEAT!
"Some ideas are so stupid that only an intellectual could belive them"----NO, some "intellectuals" are so consumed
with their obsessive desperate need to declare themselves SUPERIOR that they can't obey BASIC SCIENCE!
Yes that's a sharp line... but they both missed... The Bible tells in it's first few chapter exact how the universe is is absolute coherent with the scientific method... Yet they both have no clue and just argue about it and completely miss it? Hihi
The Bible says god created the Sun after the Earth, also separated light from darkness making day and night before the Sun, plants too were created and came before the Sun. God themselves was hovering the planet's water way before there could've been a hint of water on our planet. Also stars took the same amount of time (whatever "day" means, even if its thousands of years) to create all of the stars. Like the immeasurable number of stars in the unimaginable vastness of both the observable universe and supposedly beyond, some of these stars large enough to englobe our solar system whole, and a plethora of gigantic galaxies, clusters, superclusters... all of this the same time it took them to create just the sun.
I think there couldn't be less scientific accuracy...
@@Motekk67 I don't think you've been paying attention. The Bible got the order in which things were created wrong.
No Vaseline
Love how offended JP got when he was called out for doing what he always does. Contort a word’s meaning by creating your own vague definition of that word (which is both unfalsifiable, unverifiable, and highly subjective), all while using convoluted phrasing that prevents clarity, under the guise of pseudo-intellectualism.
You nailed it!
@sammur1977 we are preprogrammed through evolution and being a social species. You don't need a book to tell you what's good for both you and society. In fact that book brings more negatives into the world than it does positives.
He's the undisputed King of word salad
1 Chronicles 26
New International Version
The Gatekeepers
26 The divisions of the gatekeepers:
From the Korahites: Meshelemiah son of Kore, one of the sons of Asaph.
JP makes me appreciate how concise and clear Sam speaks by comparison. Word salad vs. a lean cut of steak.
Jordan Peterson talks a lot, says nothing.
all theists do, in an attempt to look smart, but fail.
His problem is he sees everything through an interpretive lens of psychological utility.
@@ianmccoll7907 If you think that, you don't know enough theists.
He makes fair points about other things just not religion because he knows he’s lying. I can almost guarantee that he doesn’t believe this nonsense just debates to debate
@@ChefMANrgee Yeah, I can see where you're coming from.
Jordan Peterson, the king of pseudo-intellectual babble
I wouldn't even call it pseudo-intellectual. Babble will suffice.
JP loves to use his large vocabulary. He's spent most of his time memorizing a list of obscure words to camouflage the fact that he has no way of expressing his point in plain language.
D'souza gives him a real run for his money...
He’s listed as top 100 psychologists, has written over 10 books, and has been mentioned/cited over 1000 times. How is he a pseudo intellectual? And is this your opinion, or are you just repeating what Olivia Wilde said????
@@PeterPiper247 Listed by whom? Who buys his books? Cited by whom?
What do you want for lunch?
JP: As an arbitrary concept, unfathomable to laity and zealots alike, the very nature of inquiry cannot be sustained beyond the influx of the infancy of man, responding and recoiling at the internal or astral reckoning of those who are, from ages before their metahaptic coronation, refusing to even dismiss the acceptance of reinstated spiritual morphologies which are, after all, at odds with the gifted natural state of conscious and preconscious regeneration in every culture represented on a sliding scale of temporal multitudes in chaos.
So... soup?
no, salad.
I wonder how only Jordan knows what god is. If it were true it would be self-evident to all of us without all the high minded words he loves to use.
There is no god. Get over it.
No God? Let me tell you about God.
She's 5'8", black, plays tenor and alto saxophone and rolls dovetail spliffs!
There is no discrete entity to be called God. But there is a unifying consciousness that incarnated beings can only attain cursory understanding. You’ll see eventually. Or sooner with practice or plant medicine.
I agree. We are conscious beings which seem to make us unique. And I understand why people believe in god. I did myself for 50yrs.
How we came to be is a wonder, but it cruelly owes us nothing. “It” doesn’t even know we are conscience. Ok, I’ll stop. I agree with you
The only god there is. Is the god in you the Bible is a psychological book about Mind , body, spirit and human behavior with some truth mixed in with other ancient mythology, Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is within and that god is temple in heaven, I god is in heaven and the kingdom is within you know the rest never your divine power to an outside religion. Jesus learned gnostic teachings everything we are looking for is in us
When you learn about the winter solstice which is the birth of the sun and the spring equinox which is when the sun officially passes over (Passover) the equator or something like that, it’s been a while.
You realize that Christmas and Easter has nothing to do with a death or resurrection of a man.
That’s why the date of Easter changes every year. It’s the first Sunday after the first full moon after the equinox. Whew.
Religion is the worship of the sun, moon and planets. I know most here probably knows this already.
Dinesh D'Souza was sweating buckets there
He sweated less in court during his conviction.
I got second hand embarrassment hearing him as an Indian American
It accompanies lying through your teeth and knowing how utterly ridiculous you sound talking drivel as if it's even remotely true. I cannot listen to self deluding liars , they're beyond pathetic.
I rarely get into Schadenfreude but with Peterson and D'Souza it's just seems to happen.
JP uses word salad to obfuscate any and all subjects
1 Chronicles 27
New International Version
Army Divisions
27 This is the list of the Israelites-heads of families, commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds, and their officers, who served the king in all that concerned the army divisions that were on duty month by month throughout the year. Each division consisted of 24,000 men.
2 In
I think the bot has a virus 😂
@@MT-kx2uc Don't bother engaging with the bots, take the only effective step: 3 dots>Report>Spam or Misleading
“…to obfuscate any and all subjects” so does that mean that is his intent? His underlying motivation? Or is that a byproduct of him describing a subject in the same terms in which he conceptualizes them? I understand the words he uses and the way in which he formulates his sentences, even though I may not agree. When you make such a statement and reduce everything he says to a “word salad” and TO obfuscate which implies intent, you only shed light on your own desire to not engage intellectually.
@@XBludclahtX *he screamed into the void*
Alex O'Connor is great.
Yes, he sure is !
JP makes me appreciate how concise and clear Sam speaks by comparison.
The funniest part was where Alex points out the contradictions in the Bible about the creation story and D'Souza freezes and then says "show me.." What!!! I love the fact that brilliant people like Harris and O'Connor are around to completely dismantle religious dogma.
??????? Never, never.
Are there still goofballs in the 21st century who believe and argue that the Genesis story in the Old Testament is true? That is scary and sad.
Sure, the same way there are goofballs who don’t believe in The Creator. That is tragic and sad. 😢
Most humans believe in these myths, its frightening just how moronic our species is
@@jonelrender3260 If there is The Creator, of which you must know something about, this thing is pure evil. If you had the power to stop human suffering, especially the horrible suffering experienced by children, would you do something to help? Of course you would. Your Gawd does nothing. Maybe we are The Creator's plaything just to keep this creature entertained.
@@jonelrender3260 Always the flip-back from the christians when ever they've been slammed against the wall.
it's childish and it's stupid.
@@jonelrender3260 Which creator would that be? Azathoth?
Peterson is only in love with his voice. I just tune him out. He's got nothing to say as far as I am concerned.
Fr. He thinks his use of vocabulary will win him debates even though those words put together make 0 sense.
if he likes his voice so much he should just watch the Muppet show, Kermit the frog sounds just like him
Denish when confronted with glaring contradictions “let’s move on”
Word salad! His explanation explains nothing
Never ever and always.
If Christopher Hitchens were alive today, I imagine he'd Hitchlap Jordan Peterson down thus: "I work with words for a living. And NOTHING you just said made any since. It's complete white noise!"
JP and D are painful to listen to.😅😅😅
If not for these debates on religion platforms, would anyone with at least half a working brain listen to Jordan Peterson for more than 60 seconds?
I'm always astonished at how someone even gives a platform to this guy.
Peterson wants to get to the Q&A so he can avoid answering questions for 30 minutes instead of having to justify his utter inanities to Harris.
How can anyone believe Genesis and the other books? It was written by bronze age nomads who did not know what caused the tides, that DNA existed or where the sun went at night
The first chapter of Genesis... The first chapter of the John Gospel... Describes exact how the universe came into being... But most people don't know about it bc'z they don't know enough about the actual science behind it
@@Motekk67 Sure, you are the only enlightened and your opinion is; you believe therefore all others must believe the same. No thank you, I'll take the rational thoughts
@@marct9942 Hello, no i just listen to science and i read books... That's how i came to this... There are a lot of deeper truths and meanings in spiritual books and in Genesis Chapter one it's like that... But they use old language
@@Motekk67 Yes, and like most christians you believe your relationship with god is more special than others. If you read actual science books, you do it with veiled eyes. Remember to ignore medical doctors and follow the bible for curing illness
@@Motekk67 Bullshit.
"You can't now move the goalpost especially if you're going to miss". Alex is sharp
If the point is that the Bible describes the beginning of the universe... Then the Bible is actually accurate... But they both did not see it
@@Motekk67really? The "you weren't there" argument?
Math and astrophysics demonstrate how a universe could come into being. Astronomy shows us amazing things happening in our current universe.
Genesis says, "God did it" - which is no explanation at all
Many cultures that predated Christianity describes the beginning of the universe very similarly. It does not make the bible accurate.
@@Motekk67 huh?! How is the bible accurate here?
@@Motekk67Alex literally points out how the Bible is not accurate based on scientific evidence of how the universe has come about. So no, Alex did not miss it, and Dinesh, and you apparently, refuse to admit it’s errancy.
Was it not Einstein that said that if you could not give a simple explanation about the subject, you probably did not know it well enough?
@@liberalinoklahoma1888 I believe Einstein said, if you cannot explain it to a five-year-old you don’t know the subject well enough yourself
It was Feynman.
And then he went and told a journalist “I can’t explain to you why magnets repel each other in simpler terms”
The correct answer is complex and requires a physics background.
The platitude that the correct answer is simple is a white lie told to ignorant-yet-inquiring minds so that they don’t get disparaged.
Yup, he also said “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
@@liberalinoklahoma1888 It doesn’t matter who’s said it because it’s false.
If the answers were simple you wouldn’t need advanced math to do physics.
If all answers were simple complexity science wouldn’t exist.
@@liberalinoklahoma1888 Doesn’t really matter who said it because it’s not true.
If it were true complexity science wouldn’t exist.
I used to consider JP quite highly, and I understand why I did. But my Christ if that wasn’t insufferable waffle spewing from him I don’t know what is.
JP while speaking about non religious topics speak with good clarity and conviction, but when it comes to religion he speaks gibberish, this proves how religious brainwashing can make intelligent people act stupid
I find that most of what he says about anything… is gibberish
He sounds to me like a rambling, incoherent, nonsensical, hypocritical, hysterical extremist on almost every topic.
Yes, Jordan, he asked you about your perception of what you think is God. And you actually are the one person who can perceive this.
You can't synchronise the thought of God, and therefore, we all have each of our slightly different views on God. Some of us view it as utterly pointless because the book you are gathering your conclusion on is not exactly made of a God, or you would be able to prove that, wouldn't you. In fact, we all would be able to, for your little fairytale to work, but it doesn't.
JP and D’Souza are playing the same game at different skill levels. Both are grifters, but JP is a pro. He can dress his grift up in flowery high intellectual language and take 5 minutes to answer a yes/no question, and rarely allows himself to be cornered rhetorically. D’Souza is such an amateur. He just blunders around, making ridiculous claim and ridiculous claim, all of it immediately and obviously disputable, and then backs down immediately when challenged. That “let’s move on” from him killed me.
It's all about control.
They want your money, your vote, and your little boys bottom.
"Because something is claimed in an old book" is not a reason to accept it as true. Instead, we look at reality with the least bias possible, make observations, test hypothesis based only on what reality presents, and then come to only a tentative conclusion, always leaving open the possibility that we can learn more.
I love Alex O'Connor.
All theists have to lie for Jesus.
They are very pleased with the Big Bang. Big Bang = Beginning, Therefore God of Genesis. QED. Game Set and Match. Bible thumpers are smug.
The problem is that the Big Bang probably WASN'T the beginning. So now they're gonna have to grift some more. Oh dear.
There's no such thing as an honest theist.
The honest ones put an A at the front of the word.
@@VaughanMcCue Nope
Thanks for the lack of depth in your pedestrian comment, as it reinforces the wisdom from the trinity of Elijay, Rob, and I - We feel acknowledged.
Peterson walks on the knife's edge of a definition of God to retain the widest audience on which he relies to sell his wares.
"I've read Genesis a dozen of times but I have never spotted that contradiction (earth created before sun), so let me read that again and I'll come back to it" ... :)
Yeah, way to go Dinesh.
most of the "Religious Zealots" as you call them are privately non believers. They are just putting on an act, when they "play" in programmes like these.
Isn't that being dishonest ?
Then who are the “real” believers?
They're always seem to be selfentitled beleviers claiming themselves being the true beleviers, because of reasons?
I hadn't watched the O'Connor v.s. Dsouza debate - didn't realize Alex so soundly trounced him. Not shocked, but wow, pretty definitive. The things that believers have to go through to twist the religious narrative to comport with reality is truly astounding.
Please ignore the fact that science gets more and more things right, as religion gets more and more things wrong. It's just a coincidence.
all they have to do is bring god on to the show.
most honest people, if they have an idea but nothing to back it up, keep it to themselves until they do have some way to back it up. by all means chat about your crazy ideas - i do it all the time - but if you try to pass laws or tell me i am broken or bad in some way, i really ought to give you a slap, not "respect your belief".
Most people can't or don't make the distinction between respecting a person's right to have an opinion, no matter how uninformed, and someone mocking that opinion.
Simping to defend 100% lie by most of the humans and choose to be dilusinal just based on their emotion is absurd, and that's the downfall.
Never defend a lie.
Never ask Jordan Peterson "How are you?" He'll take 3 minutes with the answer and at the end you won't know! He takes forever to say nearly nothing!
When asked to define God, Peterson has to read from notes because it’s so” complicated”. Why not just ask God to define himself in terms his creations can understand rather than have JP babble on incoherently?
You guys don't get it. Religion is not about facts or reason but only blind faith. Believers see denying facts and reason as something to admire and follow not the opposite. They look to, support, and send money to people like Jordan and others that help them justify their blind faith and that helps them delude themselves into believing their delusions are "rational", justified, and even heroic/holy.
LOL!! Atheists are more blind .. in fact they would believe something they don’t see.. and called them aliens.. all the atheist and so called scientifically minded people kept failing their science classes and simple lab experiments.. and they would still believe in their own theories (not proven)
Argument of all knowing God is enough for Christianity, as it will lead them to tell things that does not harmonies with sentence all knowing.
From the Encyclopedia Britannica: Religion, human beings' relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of especial reverence.
from Wikipedia in English:
Religion is a range of social-cultural systems, including designated behaviors and practices, morals, beliefs, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that generally relate humanity to supernatural, transcendental, and spiritual elements - although there is no scholarly consensus over what precisely constitutes a religion.
From me:
Religion, the biggest con job perpetrated on mankind.
@ 👏👏👍
From my experience religion is a system of ritual, symbolism, and stories designed to facilitate the Mystic experience and explain concepts about the ineffable and divine.
@@liberalinoklahoma1888 the oldest tool for manipulation MAN has created.
Fans of JP's rambling gibberish astound me.
What a weird claim of Dinesh to say he's only read Genesis a dozen times. A) For a believer, this is VERY few times. And B), he seems to be saying the reason he's screwing up in his arguments is because he just hasn't read the bible very much.
I find it funny when Peterson says something and then says, "what that means is" and then offers up an even more complicated and obscure tumble of words to explain what he originally said.
So you confessed you don’t understand his intellectual!! So sit back and keep on captions
“Let’s move on, let’s move on” 🙄
If Harris wants to corner Peterson, he should focus more on the cruelty of his all loving God.
I just want to say that I simply cannot believe that what jp is saying is applicable universe wise, absolutely not! And regarding dinesh, I mean who didn't notice he was just trying to make up his mind about what to say next omg!! Also, is it so wrong if I want to add that Alex is so fine? ❤😭😭 (I'm happily married, not blind lol)
One true God is a sentient being that created humans - that's the definition of GOD, u can add more properties to it but u can't change the main defination.
Sounds like Kermit, but less intelligent.
The assumption that God exists is because ghosts exist,
so if supernatural things like ghosts exist, then God must exist.
I see nothing in Peterson's definition of God that doesn't instead describe "natural forces" and "preferences". No mention of a preexisting entity that initiated anything or does anything itself, starting 10:17 to 12:02.
Peterson: "By defining [God] too tightly it loses its essence" is 1) not any real, essence fragile, and all-powerful God, 2) what Peterson had the gall to say after defining God for two minutes straight and admitted he could say more. 15:08 - 15:22
Is JP allowed to cite the Old Testament while also being an antisemite?
also yom + number always means an ordinary day so you can't suddenly say it means millions/billions of years - doesn't work
Spacetime having a beginning doesn't mean there was a time when there was nothing, followed by another time when something exists. If the latest models are correct, at all points that spacetime exists, something in fact exists, i.e. at no point in spacetime did nothing exist.
JP's text reminds me of the so-called "sovereign citizens" who rattle off their pseudo-legal scripts to avoid paying a ticket for a simple traffic violation.
maybe he’s a ‘sovereign intellectual’?
Even if Genesis got the “creation” order correct, we would still be left with the question of how the writers did? If they could observe reality with the same level of accuracy we do, they may naturally come to the correct conclusion - but they couldn't and didn't.
Philosophers are charlatans. Some people fall for it, because they hear big words.
Theists don't get that the universe may be eternal.
Can energy be created or destroyed?
Misleading title.
Arguing with con-men...whatever next? "Moving on" because I lose the argument....!
I find these people who think god is the answer to every question they do not comprehend, totally boring. Why do you bother posting these videos?
The possibility of a god is 0.0000000000000000000000001, the probability of a god is 0.000000000000000000001 Js
D'Aouza has a bachelor in English. How was astronomer and physicist Robert Jastrow "one of his professors"? Because he listened in on a lecture once? If that ...
'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void' - Gen 1:1
" the sun came 4 days later tho..." - Alex
If some of this is ' destruction' what was being deconstructed ? Alex's opening statement is surprising for a man who often deals in a certain precision in his language.
*Complexity is the Conqueror*
Why does God call Himself “The Most High”?
This is because of the nature of conquerers. When a person or a nation gets conquered it is because they become swept under psychologically by a person or a people more complex or intelligent than themselves. There becomes a subtle moment of communication where they make a decisive move before the inevitable pendulum shifts that allows for their conquest. By establishing Himself as the “Most High” He communicates that this way is understood and accounted for. Politics is mostly a race for complexity, whereby, complexity is always the future and, whereas, a more complex nation and people inevitably conquer a less complex one. Unfortunately, this has always been the case and even in ancient times competing nations would attempt to out-complexity each other with army uniforms and contraption, and architecture, etc.
-A. Cudwell
Put a JP rant into AI and see if it can explain it 🤣
3 weeks and can’t even come close to cracking 100k views. We are so back!! Atheism has not aged well, and almost has no influence at all now 🙏🏼
Solely because channel itself doesn't have alot of subscribers there is a lot of religious channels with much less subs also view exceeds subs by 24,000 which is pretty good
Atheism is not predicated on the number of clicks this video got.
Where ignorance is bliss religion thrives.
Being religious is a cry for help.
Religious scientists are people who were religious before they became scientists.
Needing faith means there is no evidence, if you had evidence there would be no need for faith.
Sometime in the stone age man created a god in his own image because they had no knowledge of reality.
And remember, Dinesh made “2000 Mules”, and has had to backtrack on the ridiculous, unsubstantiated claims that farce of a “documentary” made. He may be educated, but that doesn’t make him smart.
“Defining god losses their essence”
And not coming to a conclusive definition is very convenient for you isn’t it Jordan?! 😂
Well, that's science for ya...LOL...that's er, ontological\methodological reductionism for ya....LOL...
i mean, who's stupid enough to turn themselves into a Cartesian sceptic, eh?
I'm back to thinking JP is FOS.
It’s like Dinesh and JPB are in a competition to see who is more impressively full of shit.
It’s like atheists are still trying to find their nothingness creator
In comment to jordan peterson's psychotic psycho babble is , You have made a claim , now provide evidence.
I wish the creators of pages like these would not use these type of sensationalism type headlines. Headlines like these will not get believers to watch. I would like to share this so the my believer friends would watch it, but they won't, because of the headline. Maybe a headline could be something as Atheists & Theists discuss the universe.
Dinesh goes on and on about how the Bible was correct that the universe had a beginning ,but then when shown that the Bible was wrong about the order of creation, all of a sudden the Bible is not a scientific book. It turns out that Dinesh is a little behind the times. Cosmologists are now saying that the universe has always existed. The big bang was just the universe changing from one state to another.
Do you even hear yourself with your claims.. it’s like saying my science book is right it’s scientifically proven.. but yet it is not talking about creation or evolution.. it’s not in order .. so on it should not be a science book
@@kimkaze4868 What are you talking about? Dinesh bragged that the Bible was scientifically correct that the universe had a beginning, and then said that the Bible is not a scientific book when it was shown to be scientifically incorrect. You can't have it both ways.
@@james9524 Even then Atheist (scientifically) can't prove either how the world was form, so their disproval of creation is not credible, should I call them not scientist for their uncapable!! Dinesh bragged about how the Bible makes sense with creation (more credible) while our human kind can't fathom the intelligent mind (creator)
JP got sway with tjis nonsense at UofT where students feared questioning a professor. His mistake was to leave academia and be called out so many times for his word salad that many firmly believe he should be committed to a mental institution.
God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning-the first day.
Thats Genesis 1: 3-5. Yeah: its a literal day.
Burble, burble, burble.
7:54 God created on day one, but days were not yet created.
5:04 bro a 5 year old could explain this same sentence with simple words
Im sorry, just interested in what part does the bible say the sun was created after the earth?
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
@mohituikey2502 still can't see where it says earthbwas before sun
Bunch of pseudo intellectuals.
Peterson is Joseph Campbell Soup.
genesis does not say anything about the universe
Looks like Dsouza never read the Babylonian Genesis. One that's much older than the biblical one. And also very similar. Wonder who stole from who!
When you skip peotry
JP, can talk for hours, and yet, say nothing...
You might be deaf!! Or ignorance as usual.. I like what JP said.. I am talking about the God I believe .. not the god the atheist assume the god is
Who invented the scientific method, Alex?
I assume it's just my age, but I didn't care for the "tilt-a-whirl"weaving of these clips. Especially when Jordan Peterson tries to baffle with bullshit. I do admit he's fantastic at combining real terms in exciting new ways that bear a striking resemblance to cogent thought.
Jordan Peterson is insufferable. Just word salad.
12:04 "What the hell's he talking about?"
JP literally said in what God is, "God is human nature" it's literally what he said. so basically what we would call instinct, we have instictual things we do that we know other animals also have and where we could draw lines from what most closely resembles our instinct and which animals are further away, do you know what you get when you do that? ow yea the exact evolutionary tree that we can show with DNA evidence.
we have literal proof of this and it's one of the many evidence for evolution. what is science beautifull right?
awesome jordan! of course we all know that the men who top the social hierarchy got there by using "truthful speech in the service of well being"!!
All this talk and debate about "the beginning"... really, almost nothing to do with religion, nor the notion of "god". None of us know how or why, though modern cosmology's inching closer on the "how".
Genesis gets near enough everything wrong!