@@hassanshah6309 May you please tell me why all your first 11 imams (Except imam Al askari since he is fictional) lived in Medina whilst you say that you hadiths are from them whilst they lived in kufa? We have their words and we Obey Allah, his Messenger and the Caliohs alone (Including Ali RA)
who ever he is, he is not anything to do with shia, the shias follow the line of the family of the prophet instead of relying on Ubu Baker, Umr Uthman, Muawia and this line and direction, the ahlul bait is our source, our study of hadith, continued after the prophet as well as hadiths reported by companions whom had a trustworthy truthful reputation, yes we differ on whom of them were trustworthy, but the signs of truth are much once uncovering what's gone on in politics and political games, and seeing the evidence by Allah is great , only the on going campaign against islam and uncovering the truth leads to much confusion and hatred, with Allah can people find their way
@@zahraaal-hasani1102 • but tell me, why your shia Prophet needed successors? why those successors were all descendants of same man? Why he appointed a Dynasty over his nation? Was your Prophet a monarch? Was your Prophet actually seeking political power and the dominance of his daughter's family over innocent people of Arabia, what was there crime, there crime was they believed in him, what your Prophet did after they believed in his Prophethood, he imposed his Alid imperialism over them. 😭😥😢
Yahya you are so amazing, howcome saddam hussain regularly bombed imam Hussains mosque. You people deny the event of mubahila where the ayat came that defined imam Ali as nafs of rasoolAllah. How many people in umars family were named Ali. Did Uthman have sons named Ali? You know as well as I do that imam Ali was cursed by muawiya and ummayads.
BESTMAHMOUD10VEVO we don’t claim Ali is a prophet, please ask again. I have a question can you tell me the timeline of the birth and marriage of the 4 daughters of the prophet #sunnidefense
*Modern Christianity:* Resurrection of Jesus (pbuh) the “God-man” who lives in the clouds of heaven and will return to judge the world...But in reality, he was only a righteous human being who called people to worship of his Lord and their Lord- One God. *”Ibn Saba Shi’ism:* Resurrection of Ali (ra) the “God-man” who lives in the clouds of heaven and will return to judge the world...But in reality, he was only a righteous human being who called people to the worship of his Lord and their Lord- One God. Hmmm does anybody else see a similarity? History definitely repeats itself. May Allah (swt) guide us all. Ameen.
In recent times a Shia scholar wrote a book denying the very existence of Ibn Saba as Hani correctly mentioned and Shia masses blindly followed him and repeat his weak arguments. The existence of Ibn Saba is proven from authoritative Shia hadith and history books as well as opinion of their early scholars - all affirming the existence and teachings of Ibn Saba.
Abu Muslim Khorasani My dear brother in Islam. FYI Hazrat Ali Rali. . IS a well known scholar in Islamic science. He was with our Prophet pbuh all throughout Prophets life and he was appointed as the Imam by our Prophet pbuh at Ghadir Kum. Don't be misguided. Furthermore even Jewish Rabbis excepted Islam during our Prophets time. Eg. . Abdullah bin Salaam. And many more. Don't confuse yourself miscalculating the shias .. All what you learned from books are written 250 years after our prophet pbuh demise. Be careful when you utter anything . Shias means helpers. Haroon alai. Was the helper of prophet Moses pbuh. Plus note. ....
my name is my name I will not agree with you . It's not a lye. It's haq. Believe it. Don't slide yourself with Yazeeds gang. Allah forgive us. Amen. ...
Twelver Shias call Ibn Saba a myth because their contemporary scholar said so. I tell you what is the real myth - the real myth was created by the four scammers who claimed to have access to a hidden Imam and for several decades collected money from gullible people in his name.
The problem with the Rafidas is that they keep modifying their invented lies and mythologies,until they come up with something that suits their present time!
One way of spotting a misguided sec is by looking at their evidences. Is it based on explicit evidences or implicit ones? If they base their belief system around implicit evidences against the explicit ones, then they are a misguided sect. If they base their belief system on the explicit evidences against the implicit ones, then they are upon truth. "It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; *in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them].* And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah . But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding." Surah 3:7
Ibn-e-Saba did what he supposed to do to serve his master Lucifer but then people (wolves) who followed him were already waiting in the wings to take refuge in him so they quickly fell in love with his distorted version of Islam and followed him like sheeples to this date.
Some prominent Iranian Jews. Can you imagine any other middle Easterners in such powerful seats? Siamak Moreh Sedgh - Jewish member of the Majlis of Iran Dan Halutz - Former chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces David Nahai - Former head of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Eitan Ben Eliyahu - Former Major General in the Israeli Defence Forces Haroun Yashayaei - Chairman of the board of the Tehran Jewish Committee and leader of Iran's Jewish Community Jimmy Delshad - Former two-term mayor of Beverly HillsMakan Delrahim - United States Assistant Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice Antitrust Division under the Trump Administration Manuchehr Eliasi - Former Jewish member of the Majlis Maurice Motamed - Former Jewish member of the Majlis of Iran Michael Ben-Ari - Israeli politician and current member of the Knesset Mordechai Zar - Israeli politician and former member of the Knesset Moshe Katsav - Former President of Israel
@@zahraaal-hasani1102 Thank you kindly, will be sure to view. In the meantime give me a sub and watch the last video, the first part in a series titled ‘War on War.’ I promise we’re cracking the charade’s codes full on, as close to the bone as UA-cam permits. Reality is indeed a script and always has been.
Salam aleikom brother, really learned alot, didn’t know the parts about the turban, cloud, and the heretical believe of the saba’iyyah based on only God punishes with fire. Jazakallahu khairan, have you used the word beneficent before? Bro, you are so beneficent! lol. Please continue the series.
Please can you translate your videos about shia, into languages such as farsi, Turkish, Kurdish, Pashto, urdu, Russian, Georgian, Armenian. + other European languages. Thankyou.
I will be paraphrasing. somebody asked Imam Sadiq (as) about infallibility and he (as) asked the person if you have the best food in the world in front of him but you know that the food has poison in it, would you eat it. The person responded in negative. Then Imam (as) told him that the reality of the sins is exposed to him and how he could knowingly eat poison.
@@zahraaal-hasani1102 This isn't even related to infallibility. Plus, where is this from? Shia books And you mention (As)? As we use for Isa(As), Musa(as) etc etc
"A disorganized rabble of heretics." Who think when it rains Ali is sad. When it thunders, he is angry. Fascinating religion. Makes about as much sense as any other form of religion. So hey, why not ?
Hani Salhab I'm assuming then do the lying Shia of today say Ali r.a was killed by the Sunnis? I wouldn't be surprised, they accuse us of killing most of there imams. I do understand your answer that he was killed by the khawarij. Jazakallah bro
Adam Ahmad Bey haha that's funny....did uthman shias kill him! Nahhhh that's too painful to mention....what about inviting a Persian slave over how does that end
Miss m Ibs who ordered the killing you turd face, where were the mainstream sunnis hiding that day? Fasting on ashura to remember the freedom of jews while taking ahlebait prisoners
I can see your going off the book of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab, in his rebuttal against the Rafidhis for this video You are saying exactly what he’s saying in the order he was saying it (of course not all of as I can see your missing some of his points) Interesting read.
Abu dharr was isolated in the desert by uthmaan. Abu dharr later died alone. He was one of the true sahabah, not the disgusting likes of Abu bakr umar and uthmaan!
JzkAllah khar Hani. This was a very nice knowledge to a shia, what do you think of rajah? Allah can do what he pleases like with prophet zhulkarnain. Did the wasi of prophet Sulaiman have powers. Salam
@@soheil527 he was a blood relative my braincell lacking friend! He was the prophets cousin! Are you serious? Instead of filling your heart with hatred go and learn your religion! You don't even know anything! Yet here you are for the fighting! Unbelievable!
You said that many of the followers of Ibn saba were from subcontinent..can we please clarify the region name .. is it al-zult..?.. as we don’t know any such region in the Indian subcontinent
Now I’m confused... because all of the authentic shia/sunni narrations on Abdullah ibn Saba say that Ali (ahs) asked him to repent and when he did but he persisted his ghuluw, so Ali (ahs) punished him by burning him alive. Now I’m confused because you said that after Ali (ahs) passed, Abdullah ibn Saba propagated the idea of “Ali never died” and the concept of rajja3. So was it Ibn Saba who did this and he wasn’t dead, or was it the Sabaiyaa who propogated this idea? Please provide authentic references for this theory because I am very interested in this topic for the haq. Tarikhi rawaayat are not always reliable. Wasalam aleikum
There is no shia or any other narration of Imam Ali AS burning a man alive that is authentic. This is an attack on the character of Imam Ali AS! Imam ali AS would never, ever burn someone alive! Anyone who beleives that does not know the true character of Imam Ali AS! This is a LIE! Fabricated by the leader of the khawarij!
The good thing about this Sunni Shi'a debate that i have been following so far is that when ever a sunni is talking about Shi'a, he never bring proofs and references from books or any book in front of him but just blind opinion while on the other side the Shi'a only speak according to books history proofs etc This is fishy By the way i am none of them
So you are suggesting some Shia principles are burrowed from Judaism? So do you Sunnis accept Umar as the second caliph? Do you accept whatever he says as according to the Prophet and his Sunnah? Do you agree that the six books of Ahlul Sunnah are the most authentic collection of Hadith? You will see a Hadith where Umar says, “The hypocrites says the Prophet is dead rather, he will come back like Moses.” The reference is mentioned on the website called al-islam. The idea of rajah is not burrowed from Judaism. So is the wilayya of Imam Ali burrowed from Judaism? Go to Tirmidhi where the Prophet said to Ali to create a feast and told him to call Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab and there he said, “Who will accept me as the Prophet of God will be my successor, exceutor and advisor.” Imam Ali accepted which is accepted unanimously amongst Muslims. The event of Ghadeer and where the Prophet left Imam Ali in charge. For more information, go to a channel called twelvers. So the wilayya of Imam Ali was know throughout the Prophet time. As for the narration in Firaq, it has no isnaad and so it cannot be accepted. Notice how the presenter said, “Ali companions” and couldn’t mention an isnaad. As for Kushi, it is accepted that the book does have errors. The Hadith is fabricated and al-islam and ammar nakshawni, aswell as other channels have proved this. For Sheikh Tusi, he was commenting for kushi. For the sake of the argument, if we accept Ibn. Saba existed then it proves he believed Imam Ali was God. Do Shias believe this? By the fact they recite dua kumayl every Thursday, dua juash al kabeer (which has 1000 names of Allah) every Ramadan, dua malshool, it is evident they only worship Allah. Regrading tawalussul, more info can be found by sayyed mouastafa al qazwini. Even Ahmad Ibn. Hanbal did tawalassul through the prophet. Doesn’t it make sense that if you pray upon the ahulbayt in your prayer (who imam as Shari says if you don’t, your prayer isn’t accepted) that they can interceded for you. As proven by other channels on UA-cam, Ibn. Saba could have been that guy that said you shouldn’t put your hands up to make dua. All so-called “authentic” reports about Ibn. Saba come from Saif Ibn. Umar who is regarded as an atheist and a heretic amongst the Sunnis and Shias. Not one report comes before Saif Ibn. Umar. Finally, about the Imams having control over atoms is not accepted and if Kamal al haydari did indeed say it, he phrased it wrong and should have instead said, “with the permission of Allah, the imams can change an object to another.” Just like Moses was able to use the staff, Muhammad (SAW) split the moon, Jesus healed the sick and more. Is this Ghuluw (exaggeration)? It isn’t as if you study their lives it is proven they obedient and deserve this and it isn’t as spectatular as splitting the moon. Besides, do you forget the narrations in your books where it says the Prophet said if the angels are meeting me, they’re going to umar, Allah will embrace umar first on the day of judgment. I think these narrations speak for themselves.
Brothers wallah I’m Sunni but on that kafir channel “bayat al ghadeer” they have evidence of this very guy speaking in the video being a homosexual. Wallah I’m shocked and want clarity on this ASAP.
Ammar bin yasir . they call ibni Sawda . Was the Ibni Saba because him mom was from Saba of Yemen . Abdullah means. Slave of Allah . In that case everybpdy is abdulla ..After 150 years of prophet Mohammed's death History started the mention of this charecter by Saif bin Umar . Such an influence figure . Bottom line is this is an imaginary charecter created by opposition party of Ali bin Abi Talib . You have your version. They have their version .
Shia is prophets ibrahim shia ,,,,shia Muhammad mustafa,,,,, shia salman shia abu zar ,,shia meqdad ,,,, shia masame tamar,,,, qalaa Rasullah saww,,,,, Ali seratullmustaqem,,,,,Ali yadullah ayenullah ,,,Ali saqeme nare wajanah,,,, zerbe Ali afzalo meyn ibadeqa saqlayn ,,,, lesa Ullah,,,, wali ullah ,,,Ali qolee eman in universe,,,,, Ali yasobo deen ,,,,, Manqonto Mowllah fahaza Ali yun Mowllah as ,, Muhammad also shia alway show Ali to universe,,, today religion complete prophets Muhammad said in gadeer e khom ,,,,, religion complete with the name of Ali as ,,,,, shia salman farsi who make day night in desert,,,, Muhammad Ali ,,sun and moon in life one return sun and one Change moon ,,,, its not easy just you say something and people accept,,,, shia religion from prophets Muhammad saww direct ,,,,shia believe prophet family thats why
Listen to Then I Was Guided (Audio book) by Muhammad At-Tijani on UA-cam. I haven't found Ibn Saba in the Sahih Sitta! This brother is not telling the Truth. May Allah Guide your hearts to want to hear both sides. At Tijani's book will cover every angle of these topics. As Salam alaykum
@@arifahmedkhan9999 Ka'ab Al Ahbar LA a Jewish Rabbi from Yemen was a sahaba of Umar Ibn Al Khattab and other caliphates such as Muawiya. Ka'ab persuaded Umar to do evil things such as deny power to Imam Ali AS. Ka'ab told Umar that Imam Ali was too religious and should not be the next caliphate.
To be sure of the truth be completely open to unbiased information and sincerely make every effort because there has been an ongoing war against the truth, watch some basic facts for research: youtube: Muslim Schism: How Islam Split into the Sunni and Shia Branches
Answer my questions:- why your shia Prophet needed successors? why those successors were all descendants of same man? Why he appointed a Dynasty over his nation? Was your Prophet a monarch? Was your Prophet actually seeking political power and the dominance of his daughter's family over innocent people of Arabia, what was there crime, there crime was they believed in him, what your Prophet did after they believed in his Prophethood, he imposed his Alid imperialism over them. 😔
@@Irfan--Khan the job if the imams is to protect the Quran from being mistranslated, /misinterpreted and Gods chosen imams are of the best role model s , leaders in this world and the next, it’s in reality the family and dynasty of Ubu sufyan and hind vs the family of the prophet whom Allah chose, the same family line of prophets , don’t be so supprized when Allah blesses a pure family that from their lines comes the best role models , every one of them was the best and everyone of them was killed for this reason, except the last whom most Muslims recognise , strange how some of the imams are accepted by you and not others
@@Irfan--Khan do u not see the world is in a mess? Why is that? Why is Allah sending us imam mehd? Why is he from the family of the prophet ? Why do you follow propaganda and hate, the truth can’t be realised from those haters and not from their blind followers
@@samizakariya5155 kings general doesn’t portray all our beliefs (and so not everything is accurate) just as it portrays some of your beliefs, but in general it has a lot of shared information which is better then the extreme propaganda that goes on agains Allahs pure message at all levels , whether people intend to be part of this fitna or follow blindly many have fallen Into the trap of this hate against truth (propaganda), u have issue from this because it disturbs u to hear what contradicts what you think to be the truth or what sheds light on our purpose on who we are and believe in
Can you do videos about 72 Deviant sects, what is wrong about them, what is about them that will take them to jahanum, hopefully it may help some people with in the Deviant sects to escape their Deviant sects, & help others to avoid them & get a better understanding of the Deviant sects & what makes them Deviant.
ali was not special in the sense you believe whole matter between shia sunni is about exaggeration with ali , so obviously the point of contention usually have more argument then those who are not
it's amazing the how religion of Islam if you look objectively is the same religion and way to similar to judasim yet they blame one Arab Jews from Shias Sunni defence is so funny
Maryam bosna ok but according to over 200 scholars of Sunni Islam proper Sunni Islam the asharis not these people you cannot call someone who follows the jafari school kafir and plus which shia are you talking about Ismaili Zayadi twelver much of them are different in there thelodgical
my name is my name Islam is not the same has it was during the time of the prophet either if you read the Constitution of Medina Muslims and Jews and Christians were all.consdered believers that's why the Quran says you can marry there women how can you eat there food and marry there women if they religions are abborgated and they don't believe in the prophet so what's more important believingf in God and following a messenger because they all brought the same thing it is the same go.to.any orthodox synagogue you don't even know hebrew or know how to read the Talmud you misquote and all those parrelles doesn't Islam teach that he passed on the covensntt from the children of Israel to anyone who says there is no god but god and Allah is messenger and follows quran and sunnah loool the religion. is the same yes Jews don't go around and convert people yes they stay in there communities and you have to go to them but it's so much better and has long has a non Jew follows the 7 noachide laws he go to heaven. compared to.islam that I but in hell for eternity thanks god Ismaili Islam is true another thing I call it denial and self have
my name is my name but you do follow shariah of the past you can east kosher and marry a Jewish women and all Muslim rituals are Jewish Arab style your beards and clothing is Jewish well the Quran does say we. religion of Abraham both Judaism.and Islam.CLAim to be the religions of Abraham. Abraham taught Isaac.and Ismaili the say.stuff I call it denail and self hate also how does 3;84 abborgate 2:62.if it repeats in. 5:69 and in 5:48 it's a pluristic verse formally mankind and all faiths and paths so Islam means surrender god.onlt.acceots surrender to god al tabari agrees to me Ibn taymmir and Ibn qayyim said hell is not eternal.
*Origin of Shi’a:* Ali (ra) & Ibn Saba the Jew
*Origin of Sunni Islam:* Allah the Almighty (SWT) & Muhammad the Messenger of Allah (saw)
The funniest thing I ever heard
@@hassanshah6309 May you please tell me why all your first 11 imams (Except imam Al askari since he is fictional) lived in Medina whilst you say that you hadiths are from them whilst they lived in kufa? We have their words and we Obey Allah, his Messenger and the Caliohs alone (Including Ali RA)
According to Jews and Historians, Abdullah ibn saba was a historical person but Shias believe he is a myth. 😞
@Hani Salhab,
I know that bro. 😃
He explained in one if the earlier videos
who ever he is, he is not anything to do with shia, the shias follow the line of the family of the prophet instead of relying on Ubu Baker, Umr Uthman, Muawia and this line and direction, the ahlul bait is our source, our study of hadith, continued after the prophet as well as hadiths reported by companions whom had a trustworthy truthful reputation, yes we differ on whom of them were trustworthy, but the signs of truth are much once uncovering what's gone on in politics and political games, and seeing the evidence by Allah is great , only the on going campaign against islam and uncovering the truth leads to much confusion and hatred, with Allah can people find their way
@Hani S watch : Hamas Leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar: We Received Money from Iran in the Last Few Days
@@zahraaal-hasani1102 • but tell me, why your shia Prophet needed successors?
why those successors were all descendants of same man?
Why he appointed a Dynasty over his nation?
Was your Prophet a monarch?
Was your Prophet actually seeking political power and the dominance of his daughter's family over innocent people of Arabia, what was there crime, there crime was they believed in him, what your Prophet did after they believed in his Prophethood, he imposed his Alid imperialism over them. 😭😥😢
Since shias claim they love ali ibn talib ra why would they reject the sahaba when he named his kids after abu bakr uthman and omar ra
Yahya Because Shi’a are in deep darkness & delusion.
Time For A Change Two similar to Christianity.
Yahya you are so amazing, howcome saddam hussain regularly bombed imam Hussains mosque. You people deny the event of mubahila where the ayat came that defined imam Ali as nafs of rasoolAllah. How many people in umars family were named Ali. Did Uthman have sons named Ali? You know as well as I do that imam Ali was cursed by muawiya and ummayads.
Muhammad Abedin umar ra had a daughter named fatimah
BESTMAHMOUD10VEVO we don’t claim Ali is a prophet, please ask again. I have a question can you tell me the timeline of the birth and marriage of the 4 daughters of the prophet #sunnidefense
Brother this is possibly the best explanation i have ever come across on this topic, just amazing. Thank you for this. May Allah reward you.
watch: Hamas Leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar: We Received Money from Iran in the Last Few Days
*Modern Christianity:* Resurrection of Jesus (pbuh) the “God-man” who lives in the clouds of heaven and will return to judge the world...But in reality, he was only a righteous human being who called people to worship of his Lord and their Lord- One God.
*”Ibn Saba Shi’ism:* Resurrection of Ali (ra) the “God-man” who lives in the clouds of heaven and will return to judge the world...But in reality, he was only a righteous human being who called people to the worship of his Lord and their Lord- One God.
Hmmm does anybody else see a similarity? History definitely repeats itself. May Allah (swt) guide us all. Ameen.
And Both were used to spread fitna
Lol Jesus doesn't live in clouds lmao... No one believe that
@@hhhuthhhjj5599 neither do shia believe that it’s just metaphor
Both were invented by a Jew, Paul and ibn saba
@@celestialknight2339 , Ali and Hussein shed a lot of Muslims blood
In recent times a Shia scholar wrote a book denying the very existence of Ibn Saba as Hani correctly mentioned and Shia masses blindly followed him and repeat his weak arguments. The existence of Ibn Saba is proven from authoritative Shia hadith and history books as well as opinion of their early scholars - all affirming the existence and teachings of Ibn Saba.
khorasani, a wahabies salafie scholar proved that ibn saba was as fake as your belief. Read his book from the uni in Riyadh.
Abu Muslim Khorasani
My dear brother in Islam.
FYI Hazrat Ali Rali. . IS a well known scholar in Islamic science.
He was with our Prophet pbuh all throughout
Prophets life and he was appointed as the Imam by our Prophet pbuh at Ghadir Kum.
Don't be misguided.
Furthermore even Jewish Rabbis excepted Islam during our Prophets time.
Eg. . Abdullah bin Salaam. And many more.
Don't confuse yourself miscalculating
the shias ..
All what you learned from books are written 250 years after our prophet pbuh demise.
Be careful when you utter anything .
Shias means helpers.
Haroon alai. Was the helper of prophet Moses pbuh.
Plus note.
Hani Salhab. Brother what happened to the video of your investigation into extremist shia videos?
my name is my name
I will not agree with you .
It's not a lye.
It's haq. Believe it.
Don't slide yourself with Yazeeds gang.
Allah forgive us.
Agree with last part if the best companions generals governors of ali did not curse abu bakr and umar why should we 1400 yrs later
Twelver Shias call Ibn Saba a myth because their contemporary scholar said so. I tell you what is the real myth - the real myth was created by the four scammers who claimed to have access to a hidden Imam and for several decades collected money from gullible people in his name.
@@noirroadbluesky4054 mehdi the dark prince of persia
The problem with the Rafidas is that they keep modifying their invented lies and mythologies,until they come up with something that suits their present time!
That is you sunni. Sunnism never existed at the time of rasoollah and sunnism has more than 15 sects.
@@user-eh2pv4sc7h , The Shias Rafidas are Kuffars ,destined for Hellfire along with the Majoos
One way of spotting a misguided sec is by looking at their evidences. Is it based on explicit evidences or implicit ones? If they base their belief system around implicit evidences against the explicit ones, then they are a misguided sect. If they base their belief system on the explicit evidences against the implicit ones, then they are upon truth.
"It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; *in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them].* And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah . But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding." Surah 3:7
watch youtube : Hamas Leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar: We Received Money from Iran in the Last Few Days
Ibn-e-Saba did what he supposed to do to serve his master Lucifer but then people (wolves) who followed him were already waiting in the wings to take refuge in him so they quickly fell in love with his distorted version of Islam and followed him like sheeples to this date.
Salam Can you tell me i didnt hear 16min30
Follower of abdallah Ibn Saba were from where ....zukt ? And they were from sub continent so from india ?
Some prominent Iranian Jews. Can you imagine any other middle Easterners in such powerful seats?
Siamak Moreh Sedgh - Jewish member of the Majlis of Iran
Dan Halutz - Former chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces
David Nahai - Former head of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Eitan Ben Eliyahu - Former Major General in the Israeli Defence Forces
Haroun Yashayaei - Chairman of the board of the Tehran Jewish Committee and leader of Iran's Jewish Community
Jimmy Delshad - Former two-term mayor of Beverly HillsMakan Delrahim - United States Assistant Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice Antitrust Division under the Trump Administration
Manuchehr Eliasi - Former Jewish member of the Majlis
Maurice Motamed - Former Jewish member of the Majlis of Iran
Michael Ben-Ari - Israeli politician and current member of the Knesset
Mordechai Zar - Israeli politician and former member of the Knesset
Moshe Katsav - Former President of Israel
Some one talking something true !!! They don't see !!😭😰
watch youtube: Hamas Leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar: We Received Money from Iran in the Last Few Days
Thank you kindly, will be sure to view. In the meantime give me a sub and watch the last video, the first part in a series titled ‘War on War.’ I promise we’re cracking the charade’s codes full on, as close to the bone as UA-cam permits. Reality is indeed a script and always has been.
@@CouncilofNiceEarsMisleading as those people were all kicked out of Iran if they held positions in Iran you might have a point
Salam aleikom brother, really learned alot, didn’t know the parts about the turban, cloud, and the heretical believe of the saba’iyyah based on only God punishes with fire.
Jazakallahu khairan, have you used the word beneficent before? Bro, you are so beneficent! lol. Please continue the series.
Please can you translate your videos about shia, into languages such as farsi, Turkish, Kurdish, Pashto, urdu, Russian, Georgian, Armenian. + other European languages. Thankyou.
MASHAALLAH Jazakalahul KHAIRAN. Very useful knowlegde
Did any of the 12 imams know they were supposed to be imams with special powers?
Thanks Hani, because I always wondered about this, at what point did the theory of infallibility actually emerge.
Do any scholars know at what point the theology of the shia began to emerge
I think this would be useful to know when doing dawah to Shiites
I will be paraphrasing.
somebody asked Imam Sadiq (as) about infallibility and he (as) asked the person if you have the best food in the world in front of him but you know that the food has poison in it, would you eat it. The person responded in negative. Then Imam (as) told him that the reality of the sins is exposed to him and how he could knowingly eat poison.
@@zahraaal-hasani1102 This isn't even related to infallibility. Plus, where is this from? Shia books And you mention (As)? As we use for Isa(As), Musa(as) etc etc
Assalamualaikum Brothers and sisters please don't skip adds
A shia friend mentioned that Hassan and Hussain are going to be resurrected at the end of time as they were not able to lead correctly etc.
"A disorganized rabble of heretics."
Who think when it rains Ali is sad.
When it thunders, he is angry.
Fascinating religion.
Makes about as much sense as any other form of religion.
So hey, why not ?
@The Sunni Defense What happened to your video exposing bayt al ghadeer and their leaders? It's been removed from Guidance Avenue, Black Dunya etc...
I noticed it too! I was looking for it everywhere...
Any updates about this?
it's on the guidance avenue UA-cam page
Jamal Suri Last time I checked, it was not there. Link?
Brother Hani do the Shias accept that Ali r.a was killed by Shia? Excellent series bro. May Allah reward you
Hani Salhab I'm assuming then do the lying Shia of today say Ali r.a was killed by the Sunnis? I wouldn't be surprised, they accuse us of killing most of there imams. I do understand your answer that he was killed by the khawarij. Jazakallah bro
bottom line khawarij were are ex shias
Adam Ahmad Bey haha that's funny....did uthman shias kill him! Nahhhh that's too painful to mention....what about inviting a Persian slave over how does that end
Khan.com ibliis stop lying 🤥 shit shia killed his son hussien
Miss m Ibs who ordered the killing you turd face, where were the mainstream sunnis hiding that day? Fasting on ashura to remember the freedom of jews while taking ahlebait prisoners
Brother Hani are there sources regarding Ibn Saba's role in the uprising against Uthman that don't come from Sayf bin Umar?
jzkAllah khair
The majority of sabayi were from where? I didn't get the word? And which subcontinent are u mentioning?
I can see your going off the book of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab, in his rebuttal against the Rafidhis for this video
You are saying exactly what he’s saying in the order he was saying it (of course not all of as I can see your missing some of his points)
Interesting read.
Barak'Allahu feek
How about Kaab al Ahbar and Abou Houreyra?!
Can the speaker give references as to where this mythical figure is reported in Shi'a text?? 🤔
Al zutt ? Where is that in present day india?
What happened to Ibn sabaa after Ali rah ?
any resources for 9:26 ? thank you
How did people fall pray to ibn saba lies if they literally grew up in umar-abu bakr times...you should mention the outcome of sahaba like abu dhar
Abu dharr was isolated in the desert by uthmaan. Abu dharr later died alone. He was one of the true sahabah, not the disgusting likes of Abu bakr umar and uthmaan!
JzkAllah khar Hani. This was a very nice knowledge to a shia, what do you think of rajah? Allah can do what he pleases like with prophet zhulkarnain. Did the wasi of prophet Sulaiman have powers. Salam
Yes, but ali didnt have any shit and he was only son in law not blood relative
@@soheil527 Ali was cousin of prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
@@soheil527 he was a blood relative my braincell lacking friend! He was the prophets cousin! Are you serious? Instead of filling your heart with hatred go and learn your religion! You don't even know anything! Yet here you are for the fighting! Unbelievable!
You said that many of the followers of Ibn saba were from subcontinent..can we please clarify the region name .. is it al-zult..?.. as we don’t know any such region in the Indian subcontinent
Hani S thanks.. so they may be Jat or Gujjar tribe..
@@omikhan4915 maybe mirpur... 😂
@5:20 shia dont believe Ali will return. That is not correct. We believe in the return of the Mahdi. Alongside Issa towards the end of time.
He is saying Saba believed it
@AK 10pro_official not true
Now I’m confused... because all of the authentic shia/sunni narrations on Abdullah ibn Saba say that Ali (ahs) asked him to repent and when he did but he persisted his ghuluw, so Ali (ahs) punished him by burning him alive.
Now I’m confused because you said that after Ali (ahs) passed, Abdullah ibn Saba propagated the idea of “Ali never died” and the concept of rajja3.
So was it Ibn Saba who did this and he wasn’t dead, or was it the Sabaiyaa who propogated this idea?
Please provide authentic references for this theory because I am very interested in this topic for the haq. Tarikhi rawaayat are not always reliable.
Wasalam aleikum
There is no shia or any other narration of Imam Ali AS burning a man alive that is authentic. This is an attack on the character of Imam Ali AS!
Imam ali AS would never, ever burn someone alive! Anyone who beleives that does not know the true character of Imam Ali AS! This is a LIE! Fabricated by the leader of the khawarij!
Please make videos on battle of siffin and jamal too
Farid has given a lecture on Battle of Jamal
If Ali and Hasan rule for 5 years isnt being cornered then what is habib?
The khwararij were able to kill Ali but they left alive this mythical Ibn Saba?!
Give us a break!!!
Small Reminder for those who want to know watch youtube :Hamas Leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar: We Received Money from Iran in the Last Few Days
The good thing about this Sunni Shi'a debate that i have been following so far is that when ever a sunni is talking about Shi'a, he never bring proofs and references from books or any book in front of him but just blind opinion while on the other side the Shi'a only speak according to books history proofs etc
This is fishy
By the way i am none of them
I don’t mind political Shia
So you are suggesting some Shia principles are burrowed from Judaism? So do you Sunnis accept Umar as the second caliph? Do you accept whatever he says as according to the Prophet and his Sunnah? Do you agree that the six books of Ahlul Sunnah are the most authentic collection of Hadith? You will see a Hadith where Umar says, “The hypocrites says the Prophet is dead rather, he will come back like Moses.” The reference is mentioned on the website called al-islam. The idea of rajah is not burrowed from Judaism. So is the wilayya of Imam Ali burrowed from Judaism? Go to Tirmidhi where the Prophet said to Ali to create a feast and told him to call Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab and there he said, “Who will accept me as the Prophet of God will be my successor, exceutor and advisor.” Imam Ali accepted which is accepted unanimously amongst Muslims. The event of Ghadeer and where the Prophet left Imam Ali in charge. For more information, go to a channel called twelvers. So the wilayya of Imam Ali was know throughout the Prophet time. As for the narration in Firaq, it has no isnaad and so it cannot be accepted. Notice how the presenter said, “Ali companions” and couldn’t mention an isnaad. As for Kushi, it is accepted that the book does have errors. The Hadith is fabricated and al-islam and ammar nakshawni, aswell as other channels have proved this. For Sheikh Tusi, he was commenting for kushi. For the sake of the argument, if we accept Ibn. Saba existed then it proves he believed Imam Ali was God. Do Shias believe this? By the fact they recite dua kumayl every Thursday, dua juash al kabeer (which has 1000 names of Allah) every Ramadan, dua malshool, it is evident they only worship Allah. Regrading tawalussul, more info can be found by sayyed mouastafa al qazwini. Even Ahmad Ibn. Hanbal did tawalassul through the prophet. Doesn’t it make sense that if you pray upon the ahulbayt in your prayer (who imam as Shari says if you don’t, your prayer isn’t accepted) that they can interceded for you. As proven by other channels on UA-cam, Ibn. Saba could have been that guy that said you shouldn’t put your hands up to make dua. All so-called “authentic” reports about Ibn. Saba come from Saif Ibn. Umar who is regarded as an atheist and a heretic amongst the Sunnis and Shias. Not one report comes before Saif Ibn. Umar. Finally, about the Imams having control over atoms is not accepted and if Kamal al haydari did indeed say it, he phrased it wrong and should have instead said, “with the permission of Allah, the imams can change an object to another.” Just like Moses was able to use the staff, Muhammad (SAW) split the moon, Jesus healed the sick and more. Is this Ghuluw (exaggeration)? It isn’t as if you study their lives it is proven they obedient and deserve this and it isn’t as spectatular as splitting the moon. Besides, do you forget the narrations in your books where it says the Prophet said if the angels are meeting me, they’re going to umar, Allah will embrace umar first on the day of judgment. I think these narrations speak for themselves.
Abdullah Ibn Saba was a Ethiopian falasha Jew he was called Al-Sawda
He was not Ethiopian
Brothers wallah I’m Sunni but on that kafir channel “bayat al ghadeer” they have evidence of this very guy speaking in the video being a homosexual. Wallah I’m shocked and want clarity on this ASAP.
I'm not, I'm secular now, not practicing, and quit the Sunni/Shia polemics 8 years ago. And yea I still believe in god.
I wish all Shia can go back to political Shia ya Allah help us lol 😢
Same wish sunni would who are so lost.
Ammar bin yasir . they call ibni Sawda . Was the Ibni Saba because him mom was from Saba of Yemen . Abdullah means. Slave of Allah . In that case everybpdy is abdulla ..After 150 years of prophet Mohammed's death History started the mention of this charecter by Saif bin Umar . Such an influence figure . Bottom line is this is an imaginary charecter created by opposition party of Ali bin Abi Talib . You have your version. They have their version .
Ibn saba the jew Shia brain
Paul of tarsus the jew Christian brain theyre both the same misleading Shia people and Christians we know right now😢
the root word means Yehudi
is the same root has submission or anowldgement for god.
Shia is prophets ibrahim shia ,,,,shia Muhammad mustafa,,,,, shia salman shia abu zar ,,shia meqdad ,,,, shia masame tamar,,,, qalaa Rasullah saww,,,,, Ali seratullmustaqem,,,,,Ali yadullah ayenullah ,,,Ali saqeme nare wajanah,,,, zerbe Ali afzalo meyn ibadeqa saqlayn ,,,, lesa Ullah,,,, wali ullah ,,,Ali qolee eman in universe,,,,, Ali yasobo deen ,,,,, Manqonto Mowllah fahaza Ali yun Mowllah as ,, Muhammad also shia alway show Ali to universe,,, today religion complete prophets Muhammad said in gadeer e khom ,,,,, religion complete with the name of Ali as ,,,,, shia salman farsi who make day night in desert,,,, Muhammad Ali ,,sun and moon in life one return sun and one
Change moon ,,,, its not easy just you say something and people accept,,,, shia religion from prophets Muhammad saww direct ,,,,shia believe prophet family thats why
Listen to Then I Was Guided (Audio book) by Muhammad At-Tijani on UA-cam.
I haven't found Ibn Saba in the Sahih Sitta! This brother is not telling the Truth. May Allah Guide your hearts to want to hear both sides.
At Tijani's book will cover every angle of these topics. As Salam alaykum
You are the liar of centuries...
Give me the reference of book in which it is written .....
Now let's talk about Ka'ab Al Ahbar the Jew, the founder of the Sunnism cult
@@arifahmedkhan9999 Ka'ab Al Ahbar LA a Jewish Rabbi from Yemen was a sahaba of Umar Ibn Al Khattab and other caliphates such as Muawiya. Ka'ab persuaded Umar to do evil things such as deny power to Imam Ali AS. Ka'ab told Umar that Imam Ali was too religious and should not be the next caliphate.
To be sure of the truth be completely open to unbiased information and sincerely make every effort because there has been an ongoing war against the truth, watch some basic facts for research: youtube: Muslim Schism: How Islam Split into the Sunni and Shia Branches
Answer my questions:-
why your shia Prophet needed successors?
why those successors were all descendants of same man?
Why he appointed a Dynasty over his nation?
Was your Prophet a monarch?
Was your Prophet actually seeking political power and the dominance of his daughter's family over innocent people of Arabia, what was there crime, there crime was they believed in him, what your Prophet did after they believed in his Prophethood, he imposed his Alid imperialism over them. 😔
You funded that page. Kings general . Read how shia allied with mongols invasion and helped crusaders. Shia cult
@@Irfan--Khan the job if the imams is to protect the Quran from being mistranslated, /misinterpreted and Gods chosen imams are of the best role model s , leaders in this world and the next, it’s in reality the family and dynasty of Ubu sufyan and hind vs the family of the prophet whom Allah chose, the same family line of prophets , don’t be so supprized when Allah blesses a pure family that from their lines comes the best role models , every one of them was the best and everyone of them was killed for this reason, except the last whom most Muslims recognise , strange how some of the imams are accepted by you and not others
@@Irfan--Khan do u not see the world is in a mess? Why is that? Why is Allah sending us imam mehd? Why is he from the family of the prophet ? Why do you follow propaganda and hate, the truth can’t be realised from those haters and not from their blind followers
@@samizakariya5155 kings general doesn’t portray all our beliefs (and so not everything is accurate) just as it portrays some of your beliefs, but in general it has a lot of shared information which is better then the extreme propaganda that goes on agains Allahs pure message at all levels , whether people intend to be part of this fitna or follow blindly many have fallen Into the trap of this hate against truth (propaganda), u have issue from this because it disturbs u to hear what contradicts what you think to be the truth or what sheds light on our purpose on who we are and believe in
Storytelling with absolutely no sources
Sufi Sunni is the original version of Islam
Can you do videos about 72 Deviant sects, what is wrong about them, what is about them that will take them to jahanum, hopefully it may help some people with in the Deviant sects to escape their Deviant sects, & help others to avoid them & get a better understanding of the Deviant sects & what makes them Deviant.
Utter rubbish! By the way this shows that Ali (as) was special. This goes into your face.
Slow clap.
WOW.You refuted Hani.
ali was not special in the sense you believe whole matter between shia sunni is about exaggeration with ali , so obviously the point of contention usually have more argument then those who are not
Of course a freaking Jew started the Shia
That is you sunni who fold arms and pray like the yahood.
the ghulat were created by a stan lol.
it's amazing
the how religion of Islam
if you look objectively
is the same religion and way to similar to judasim
yet they blame one Arab Jews from Shias
Sunni defence is so funny
How islam is similar to judaism
shitte religion is not islam..shittes are not muslimahs..so we don't consider them as muslimahs...
Maryam bosna
but according to over 200 scholars of Sunni Islam
proper Sunni Islam
the asharis
not these people
you cannot call someone who follows the jafari school
and plus which shia
are you talking about
much of them are different in there thelodgical
my name is my name
Islam is not the same has it was during the time of the prophet either
if you read the Constitution of Medina
Muslims and Jews and Christians were all.consdered believers
that's why the Quran says you can marry there women
how can you eat there food and marry there women
if they religions are abborgated and they don't believe in the prophet
so what's more important
believingf in God and following a messenger because they all brought the same thing
it is the same
go.to.any orthodox synagogue
you don't even know hebrew or know how to read the Talmud
you misquote
and all those parrelles
doesn't Islam teach that he passed on the covensntt from the children of Israel to anyone who says there is no god but god and Allah is messenger and follows quran and sunnah loool
the religion. is the same
yes Jews don't go around and convert people
yes they stay in there communities
and you have to go to them
but it's so much better
and has long has a non Jew follows the 7 noachide laws he go to heaven.
compared to.islam that I but in hell for eternity
thanks god Ismaili Islam is true
another thing
I call it denial and self have
my name is my name but you do follow shariah of the past
you can east kosher and marry a Jewish women
and all Muslim rituals are Jewish
Arab style
your beards and clothing is Jewish
well the Quran does say we. religion of Abraham
both Judaism.and Islam.CLAim to be the religions of Abraham.
Abraham taught Isaac.and Ismaili the say.stuff
I call it denail and self hate
also how does 3;84 abborgate 2:62.if it repeats in. 5:69
and in 5:48 it's a pluristic verse formally mankind and all faiths and paths
Islam means surrender
god.onlt.acceots surrender to god
al tabari agrees to me
Ibn taymmir and Ibn qayyim said hell is not eternal.
Abd ibn Saba, is actually a Jew who is later become Muslim and create Shia and now it seems that the sect of these shiah has been far away from Islam.
loool. This is a comedy show!
Ofcourse because you can't refute Sunni position regarding the origin of Shia.
That's history lesson for you.
Hani, perpetual liars like lie so much until they actually believe themselves. How low can you get. Shame on you.
It is ironic that a taqqiya loving shia calling other people liars.
ibn muljim was ex shia khawrij are not sunnis but ex shia