Moldova explained: From myth to modern day

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • In today’s video, OSW expert Kamil Całus will discuss the fascinating and complicated country that is Moldova.
    We’ll be looking into the fundamental, yet not so obvious questions about this small Eastern-European nation: is Moldova Romania? What is the history of Moldova and is there a Moldovan identity? What language do they speak in Moldova - is it Moldovan, Romanian or… Russian?
    Why are there still Russian-speaking citizens and Russian soldiers in Moldova and what is the state of the Moldovan army, with Moldova being a neutral country? And what are the other historical entities, regions and unrecognised states that are somehow linked to Moldova - Transnistria, Gagauzia, Bessarabia…
    🔵 For more on the current political situation in Moldova, make sure to watch part II of our conversation with Centre for Eastern Studies Kamil Całus:
    ➡️ • The geopolitics of Mol...


  • @ionbrad6753
    @ionbrad6753 Рік тому +35

    Moldovan here (western bank):
    The Stalinist theory that ”Moldovans are not Romanians” is pure social engineering (cultural genocide, better said). If one looks on our medieval Moldovan chronicles it is easy to see we are naming ourselves ”Romanians” way before the modern state of Romania was created by Moldova and Wallachia uniting in 1859.
    More, in the very archives of the Russian Czarist Empire, there are notes dating 1775 about people naming themselves ”Romanians” which are imigrating from Moldova, Wallachia and Transylvania. Many Russian historians and Geographers (BEFORE Stalin!) correctly wrote about us as ”Romanians”, while ”Moldovan” was only a regional identity.
    But in 1940 Soviets invaded Eastern Moldova, creating (even though breaching the USSR Constitution) a new Soviet Republic, killing (or later - deporting to Siberia) those affirming a Romanian identity, sealing the border on Prut river, brainwashing on a daily basis the people thru media with news, arts (cinema, books etc) instilling hate towards Romanians - ”Romanians were harsh occupiers; lucky you Moldovans - getting liberated by us!” .. and for a considerable size of the population, zombification worked!

    • @ionbrad6753
      @ionbrad6753 7 місяців тому +5

      @@novinceinhosic3531 False and false: (1) Stalin's policy was not a constant. In the beginning, he aimed to allow national identities to develop within USSR ("korenizatsia"), as opposed to the czarist oppression. During that time, the autonomous Moldavian republic created by him in Ukraine was using Latin alphabet and Romanian literary language. Later (after 1933 if I well remember) Stalin changed his mind, he put to death the national leaders and started russianization.
      (2) In our medieval Moldovan Chronicles, the term "Romanian" clearly reffered to us, not to the Byzantines. Moldova was never part of the Byzantine Empire. More, in 1600s there was no Byzantine Empire, yet our forefathers wrote "foreigners name us Wallachians, but we despise this name and keep our old name as Romanians", and "Romanians live in Transilvania, Wallachia and Moldova", and "if we ask a foreigner if he knows our language, we ask him "can you speak Romanian"?" etc.

    • @ionbrad6753
      @ionbrad6753 7 місяців тому

      @@novinceinhosic3531 Incredible how you insist spreading false things. Almost all you say is false. Attention readers - just search online "Коренизация Википедии" and see the truth and the repressing that followed. Just search "МАССР Википедии" and see chapter 4 related to culture, how Romanian with Latin alfabet was initially used.
      Then - the fact Romanian was written in Cyrillic is irrelevant to the subject here: YES, it was written mainly with Cyrillic (and sometimes in Latin, too), but it was Romanian. The very first book printed in Moldova (1643) clearly writes on its cover in Romanian with Cyrillic "Romanian Book of Knowledge".
      Yes, Romania is the vulgar name of Rome, but it exist nonetheless - propagated thru the centuries from the time of the Roman Empire for several territories, including Rumantsch in Switzerland, Romagna in Italy, Rumelia in Ottoman Empire (former Byzantine "Romania"), The Holy Roman Empire (of German Nation) and present-day Romania under the name "Tara Românească” (Romanian-Land, from Latin Terra Romanorum).

    • @ionbrad6753
      @ionbrad6753 7 місяців тому

      @@novinceinhosic3531 Lies again. Lie #1: Actually, indigenization was cancelled by Stalin and the people impolementing were it were killed by NKVD. Lie #2: Actually, Romanian was written mainly in Cyrillic but also in Latin - the oldest Latin surviving text being ”Fragmentul Teodorescu” from approx 1570. However, the alphabet (Cyrillic and Latin) is irrelevant - the language is the same. Lie #3: Actually, MASSR did use Latin alphabet and Romanian literary language a couple years. Lie #4: Actually nobody talked about some ”eternal Romanians”. But since the Roman Empire days, several lands and people preserved the name, including us. Others lands and or people preserving the name are, for example the Rumantsch of Switzerland, Romagna in Italy, Rumelia in Turkey, Aromanians in the Balkans and have been the Greeks too, until the 1800s (Ῥωμαῖοι).

    • @InAeternumRomaMater
      @InAeternumRomaMater 6 місяців тому +1

      @novinceinhosic3531 Very false. The old Romanian language started using the Cyrillic alphabet after Alexandru the Goods reformation, where they burned all Romanian documents in Latin script and started writing it in the Cyrillic one. In old Romanian documents from Principality of Moldavia such as Pravila lui Vasile Lupu, or Parimiile preste an wrote that the Romanian language and the Romanian identity was that of the state, writing the language as "Limba Românească" and the identity as "Român/Rumân" in Cyrillic alphabet: Рoмѫɴѣскѫ and Рoмѫɴ/РꙊмѫɴ. There's no reference to the Byzantines in this, there's huge difference in Рoмѫɴ and Ρώμαίοι and they knew that Рoмѫɴ comes from the Romans, the ethnonym of "Romanus" but was not a reference to the Byzantines but to us Romanians and our ethnonym is literally Român (Рoмѫɴ).
      And no we Romanians dont have little to do with Moesia, the Proto-Romanians originated on both side's of the danube river including Moesia but also Dacia Traiana.

    • @ionbrad6753
      @ionbrad6753 6 місяців тому

      @@novinceinhosic3531 You are the one spreading false ideas, while discrediting yourself: it is so easy to search and find documents written with Latin script in Moldovan ASSR. It is so easy to find the ”Teodorescu fragment” with Romanian written with Latin script in the 1500s.

  • @patrycjagren9255
    @patrycjagren9255 Рік тому +14

    I must admit that enthusiasm, passion and drive of Kamil Całus is contagious. 🔍

  • @BenyNukem
    @BenyNukem Рік тому +14

    If you could only add a maps while discussing geography, would greatly contribute to understanding the subject. Thanks!

  • @tw0million
    @tw0million Рік тому +6

    very informative but it would greatly benefit from visual aids. awesome work OSW!

  • @cristiangaban960
    @cristiangaban960 Рік тому +16

    Moldova is like Romania, but better at Karaoke parties.

  • @3dfxvoodoocards6
    @3dfxvoodoocards6 Рік тому +12

    Polls conducted in Moldova with over 35% of the population being for the reunification with Romania:
    June 2020 - 37%
    March 2021 - 44%
    April 2021 - 50%
    May 2021 - 41%
    June 2021 - 41%
    July 2021 - 41%
    September 2021 - 40%
    October 2021 - 43.8%
    November 2021 - 41%
    January 2022 - 38%
    September 2022 - 40%
    November 2022 - 42.5%
    All those results can be found on Wikipedia and on other sites.

    • @ionbrad6753
      @ionbrad6753 Рік тому

      20% are minorities. 80% are of ethnic ”moldovans” (romanians). That means more than half of ethnic ”moldovans” (romanians) want re-unification. More than half because the polls are not counting options in diaspora.

    • @АнаВердеш
      @АнаВердеш 9 місяців тому

      враньё с Румынии если только 10% хотят соединенья вот так

    • @ionbrad6753
      @ionbrad6753 6 місяців тому

      Cum românii moldoveni sunt 80% din populație, 42% din populația totală înseamnă că peste 50% dintre moldovenii români doresc reunirea deja. Dar evident - coloniștii plantați de țar și de Stalin își fac treaba.

    • @Everydayreallilian
      @Everydayreallilian 2 місяці тому

      @@АнаВердешsays the russian opressor

  • @BurningFlame1999
    @BurningFlame1999 Рік тому +9

    17:00 - The americans do not want to unify with the UK because there are 10.000 km and a huge ocean between them. Moldova and Romania are back to back glued together. Also the USA and UK have the same standard of living, Moldova is much poorer than Romania and the UK is not under threat of being occupied and annexed by Russia, like Moldova is.

      @SIMONREMISH Рік тому

      slow down. moldova is the same right now as romania right when they joined the EU. it’s not poor as if there’s nothing to eat. living conditions are good, but once they’ll join the EU - they’ll be amazing.

    • @BurningFlame1999
      @BurningFlame1999 Рік тому +3

      @@SIMONREMISH Moldova alone without Romania will always be one of the poorest countires in Europe because it has ZERO natural resources, ZERO tourist attractions, very small labour force and cities which are not attractive for investors.

      @SIMONREMISH Рік тому

      @@BurningFlame1999 and you have ZERO IQ. Moldova has one of the best wines in the World, won so many gold medals. The Moldovan soil is very fertile and the country itself has a lot of potential. It’s at the same stage Romania was before entering the EU. YOU aren’t attractive to anyone.

  • @ShEv441
    @ShEv441 Рік тому +2

    Good conversation, please add maps next time to make it easier to understand for newcomers

  • @dmax4838
    @dmax4838 Рік тому +8

    In Romania "se vinde" and "de vanzare" are both use.

    • @buziaku
      @buziaku Рік тому +3

      Yes. What I had in mind was that in Moldova (republic) reflective form (se vinde) is way more popular than de vanzare.

    • @3dfxvoodoocards6
      @3dfxvoodoocards6 Рік тому

      @@buziaku that is totally irrelevant. In Australia they very often use the word MATE whereas in the USA and UK they don’t, but nobody would say that because of that the english spoken in Australia is different from the one spoken in the USA and UK.

    • @buziaku
      @buziaku Рік тому +5

      @@3dfxvoodoocards6 I'm not sure what are you arguing about. Did I say that romanian and moldovan are different languages? No. I've just said there are certain dialectical differences, but "moldovan" is Romanian.

  • @nightsyrkahcum
    @nightsyrkahcum Рік тому +5

    nice one 👍

  • @ionbrad6753
    @ionbrad6753 Рік тому +1

    8:30 voievod (voyvod) is a war (military) leader in Slavic languages/countries. In the Romanian principalities, it designated the monarch.

  • @Rdecenu
    @Rdecenu 11 місяців тому +2

    I can't understand why someone who is interested so much in history and geopolitics doesn't know how to pronounce Romania. It is quite embarrassing. Also on language subject he has done some resarch but not at the level that he can explain to others what's what. For summary I will say that if it written the languages are totally identical and in speaking it does not differ at all with the accent spoken in Romania part of Moldova region. I appraciate the good will of this channel/video but a small (at least)wikipedia research and some maps will not hurt.

  • @zaezz
    @zaezz 8 місяців тому

    Never use "will/shall" after "if".
    Otherwise a great interview, and a deep weel of new knowledge for a native Moldovan.
    Thank you.

  • @BurningFlame1999
    @BurningFlame1999 Рік тому +8

    Your guest is overcomplicating things. The language in Moldova is standard romanian with a regional- moldovan accent which is also spoken in Eastern Romania. The difference between the romanian spoken in most of Romania and the Rep. of Moldova is the same as the difference between the english spoken in the USA and Australia or between the german spoken in Germany and Austria. The differences are minimal.

  • @truthwizard
    @truthwizard 6 місяців тому +4

    We are russified Romanians and that's that.

  • @BurningFlame1999
    @BurningFlame1999 Рік тому +6

    17:20 Actually in the most recent polls 35-45% of the population of Moldova is for the reunification with Romania. 10 years ago around 20-30% were for the reunification, not 10% like your guest says. But it looks like your guest is against the reunification of Moldova and Romania and is trying to manipulate the audience into believing that the reunification is not really wanted in Moldova.

    • @buziaku
      @buziaku Рік тому +1

      There was only one opinion poll in last 25 years which showed 45% support for unirea. I would therfore stick for 30-35% now. 10 years ago it was about 10 to maximum 15%. I dont remember any opinion poll from that year showing another result.

    • @3dfxvoodoocards6
      @3dfxvoodoocards6 Рік тому +2

      @@buziaku For the reunification with Romania, over 35%:
      June 2020 - 37%
      March 2021 - 44%
      April 2021 - 50%
      May 2021 - 41%
      June 2021 - 41%
      July 2021 - 41%
      September 2021 - 40%
      October 2021 - 43.8%
      November 2021 - 41%
      January 2022 - 38%
      September 2022 - 40%
      November 2022 - 42.5%

  • @sergiubargan2970
    @sergiubargan2970 Рік тому +4

    From statistics fifty population republic of Moldova are duble cetaceans of Romania and Moldova, reunification r Moldova and Romanian it's very probablite 10-20 yards

    • @DinuBostan-y9q
      @DinuBostan-y9q 18 днів тому

      Romania gives nationalities to all moldovan famillies if at least one have lived in Romanian ocupation of Basarabia. Thats why many moldovans (me too) have both natonalities.

  • @ShrekMeBe
    @ShrekMeBe Рік тому +10

    "Thanks to the fact that the Russian Empire had annexed [call it occupied, russified and colonized], Moldova kept her true identity" (14:24, a bit changed but that is the essence)....Yeah, that dispelled doubts what narrative the speaker is pushing here. Same language, same roots, but somehow, when 2 romanian principalities (Muntenia and Moldova) managed to unite into the Kingdom of România (having been kept separate by the powers that be, Ottomans, Russians, Austro-Hungarian), suddenly they have "lost their identity", "melted down into" the romanian identity?!? Same language, same roots, but when Moldova was kept apart from her roots for one more century, it managed to keep her identity? What a weird way of describing unification.
    The Romanian drive for unification was real, and acute. As soon as those neighbors lost enough forces during WW1 we Romanians could finally unite... and more that a million delegates from all Romanian speaking territories had gathered in the Great National Assembly and announced the will of unification pf their constituents. Our unification was done by people's acclaim, not by armies.
    Also, the speaker is quite informed in minute forms of the verb "to sell" arguing that "de vanzare" and "se vinde" signify some difference (in either language either can be used just as well) BUT..he cannot spell correctly the name of the country., România or anglicized Romania, but not Ruminia (what the hell is ruminia). No, there is a spin to this interview, I advise taking it with much more salt then usual for consuming UA-cam content.

    • @buziaku
      @buziaku Рік тому +8

      Sir, its not my narrative. This "quote" you've mentioned in your comment is how RUSSIA (and before that, USSR) was trying to justify annexation. I've said this few times at least.

    • @ionbrad6753
      @ionbrad6753 6 місяців тому

      @@novinceinhosic3531 You lie here as well. Come on, show us the ”Moldovian” dictionary which is different from the Romanian one.

  • @dorinsarbu2724
    @dorinsarbu2724 4 місяці тому


  • @gonzamateo9971
    @gonzamateo9971 5 днів тому

    i think transnistrians should decide be part of Ucraine once again or part of Romania. and Moldovans too. you would have the contry on the EU and will be the only real opportunity to developmet and future.

  • @3dfxvoodoocards6
    @3dfxvoodoocards6 Рік тому +8

    Kamil Calus is clearly very biased against the reunification of Moldova with Romania. I guess he is of ukrainian ethnicity, certainly not romanian / moldovan. His name Kamil Calus is NOT a romanian / moldovan. name. It looks like he is speaking in favor of his own nation, most probably ukrainian, against the interests of the romanian nation (including moldovans). He could also be of russian ethnicity.

    • @lookash3048
      @lookash3048 Рік тому +1

      You Roma people are very biased, every Slavic person for you is Ukrainian. Kamil Całus is for sure not Ukrainian but Polish.

    • @BurningFlame1999
      @BurningFlame1999 Рік тому +2

      ​​​​​​​​@@lookash3048ook who's talking, an alcoholic Vodka-dependent low-life slav...

    • @BurningFlame1999
      @BurningFlame1999 Рік тому +4

      @@lookash3048u know what the germans said about the slavs before ww2, right? (When free speach still existed)

  • @InAeternumRomaMater
    @InAeternumRomaMater 6 місяців тому +1

    Principality of Moldavia=Romania
    Principality of Moldavia≠Republic of Moldova

  • @Heavy-metaaal
    @Heavy-metaaal 3 місяці тому

    It's a nationalist desire.

  • @supermario8416
    @supermario8416 Рік тому +4

    If you ask a russian, he will speak in favour of Russia.
    If you ask a ukrainian, he will speak in favour of Ukraine.
    If you ask a romanian, he will speak in favour of Romania.
    The question is, what is the nationality of Kamil Calus ? By his name and opinions he surely is not a romanian...

    • @tw0million
      @tw0million Рік тому +4

      pretty sure he’s polish(?) as is the source of this video: OSW

    • @supermario8416
      @supermario8416 Рік тому +2

      @@tw0million maybe polish with ukrainian ancestry...

    • @roberttilimbici9139
      @roberttilimbici9139 Рік тому +1

      @@supermario8416 Calus it could be a Romanian origin name. It comes from cal (horse), calus, calusari.

    • @lookash3048
      @lookash3048 Рік тому

      He is Polish. Poland is a country on the east side from Germany.

    • @ionbrad6753
      @ionbrad6753 6 місяців тому

      @@roberttilimbici9139 ł does not read as l. Is more like "uă”.

  • @russt8874
    @russt8874 10 місяців тому

    Totally biased rubbish. First, not anext but liberated from Otoman Empire, unfortunately not all of Moldova. Second, there has never been such language as romenian, Rome or romenian is purely geografical term. There is no such ethnicity... And many other things that support this arguments but for political reasons aren't acceptable, at this time...

    • @popacristian2056
      @popacristian2056 7 місяців тому

      Esti doar prost sau rauvoitor?

    • @ionbrad6753
      @ionbrad6753 6 місяців тому +3

      Romanian language has never been? Read our medieval Moldovan chronicles. You'll have a surprise!
      Liberation? Liberation is when you set it free and go home. Not liberation if you break the church and impose foreign archbishops; if you forbid the local language in administration, school, church; if you bring colonists to change the ethnic balance - pretext then to further break smaller pieces from the country etc.