Buy fish at from our preferred online retailers with the code aquariumcoop to save 5%. (As an affiliate member, we earn a commission from this link.)
I am purchasing 6 Guppy from Twin Cities Guppies very soon. I am so excited. This is my very 1st Guppy tank (20 gallon). I'm very nervous. I want a few carpeting plants, do you have some suggestions for me? Low light, no CO2, and very beginner friendly.
Hey dude! I breed guppies and endlers! I have some amazing crosses! My local fish shop can't get enough of them! Can guppies go as low as 72? (Would be nice to slow the breeding down!!)
I have been keeping fish for 25 years and I've kept and bred everything from discus to big marine tanks but recently I've really been getting into breeding some specialist guppies and trying to create my own strains and it's so much fun and super interesting. Some of the show strains are spectacular looking too. Despite all the specialist stuff I've done in the past, this "beginner" fish has become my favorite.
Hello friend, I read your comment on the post that you have been raising fish for a long time and now you are interested in gupy. We can exchange information on this subject, I am breeding here in Brazil, wild animals are very common. Also from lineages but we are facing some diseases that devastate breeding even with correct water parameters. I understand that tuberculosis and fungi are a disease that we need to eradicate from creation.😢
Guppies are so unbelievably loveable. They're on the easier side and so entertaining to watch. They always add a good pop of color and activity to a tank.
You started my passion for guppies,I started my first fish tank with my daughter and watched one of your videos, I can't remember which one but you highly recommended guppies one year later I have 12 fish tanks and a 75 gallon full of guppies 😁
Your living the dream!Honestly having JUST 12 fish tanks and a 75 gallon tank dedicated to guppies sounds nice to me.Although I could possibly get a bit tired of guppies I could hopefully add different fish.I'm not saying that I have that many fish tanks (I don't think my parents would let me) I'm just trying ti say ths in my perspective.
I had guppy's first in a tropical tank, 2 years later they moved to a cold water tank and now there in a tropicql tank and there was 1 of 6 years old! Love them!
Just found your channel! I lost all five of my goldfish overnight due to human error with some Seachem Safe :( and I'm traumatized. So I'm cleaning and re-cycling my tank, and I'm gonna go for fancy guppies, mollies and corries! (My comfort zone is tropical... not cold water) I'm pumped I found you! Great info here :)
And the error gnaws at you 🤧 I lost my fish because I added starter beneficial bacteria poweder from a v well known brand. Sometimes just leaving them in water with no stuff added is just the best 😪
I love my guppies,I get such joy from watching them. 💕I started with a male and two females,now have like 20 adolescences now. Such social little creatures.🐠😁💓
You talked us into starting our first fish breeding experiment with guppies, thank you so much! You have REALLY fostered my passion and excitement for this hobby and your video's have filled me with knowledge. Let's see if I can now go turn that into wisdom. Thanks again Chris.
I'm hooked, I setup a 20 long strictly for Guppy fish and plants. I've got probably close to 100 fry right now (all at different stages) with the hopes of selling some off to the LFS once they are grown. So many varieties and colors!
6 years ago when I was 7, I got 2 guppies for my first 14g tank (I named them Gill and Dva from Bubble Guppies :) ) Guppies are always going to be a favorite
My hands down most favorite fish. I love the colors, patterns and different fin styles available. The fact that they are so easy to keep and breed makes them my favorite. Cory, do you have a breeding project that you are working on with cross strains and/or colors? A special Aquarium Co-Op Guppy?
I've got super hard water been struggling with other fish. You convinced me to give livebearer a try. Just got some guppies and sword tails. I love them so much!
I have high ph hard well water and I have tons of guppies. Started out with common guppies and have crossed them with fancy and the babies are beautiful.
My dad won a goldfish at a carnival. Died shortly but he liked having the fish so he went to petsmart, decided on guppies. Oh God. We went from a 10 gallon to a 60 gallon. I loved all the plants! He would give them away to petsmart and other local small pet shops lol 😆 idk what happened to them though, he got divorced.
I apologize, but I have to disagree on a few points. I have 100 tanks of primarily guppies and they do Not do well in high ph and high hardness. Unless the initial breeder kept his fish that way. Guppies, especially long fin ones, do best in neutral ph and hardness. I was the 1st person in the USA to sell pink pingu's and also black moscows. Very nice to see the video, thank you for increasing the interest in guppies.
I'm planning on Saving some feeder guppies that are meant for food for other fish and animals! So they can live a better life! Thank you for this video❤ I really appreciate it! I'm learning a lot!
When I used to keep them, I'd keep the water slightly brackish at 1.004, and used aragonite as a substrate. Kept my PH around 8.0, and kept alk, mag and ca pretty high. Those fish THRIVED! It took me a few batches to realize that I had to acclimate them back to fresh over the course of a day or two before selling them back to the store.
I keep Panda guppies and for who else loving guppies: PG are a totally different breed with unique personalities and behaviour… they’re always busy playing games together as a group and are very friendly and fun and fearless, come looking for you and are super smart, they forage the bottom and dwell on on at night while playing around daytime; they need space, lots of it to swim around
I have a tall 70 gal. tank. It's a nice assortment of all types of community fish. But I wanted a bit more color. Specially since it is heavily plants and has a massive amount of Christmas moss all over. So.... I just bought my first 4 Guppy's and 3 Molly's since I was a kid. They do make the tank look better.
I've been waiting to see such a video. ;) I remember the guppies of my childhood, they were a lot stronger and the females were dropping about 100 fries monthly... now do they even have 50 fries per batch? I was able to grow some generations in very soft water, they adapted in the end but now I wanted some really beautiful guppies and it's very hard to make them survive. My current location gives me very soft water with a PH of about 6.3 and the GH is 0. I added crushed coral but after a month it didn't do much. You also recommended Equilibrium and I used that with very good and fast results in growing the GH but I am afraid to put it directly in the tank so I just increase the GH of the changed water bit by bit. The fries seem to grow and look better... the mature imported gups (wonderful metallic blue neons) really struggled and most of them died, especially the females. Please make a special video for this problem of trying to grow healthy guppies for the ones that have very soft tap water... I know you also do. What is your tap GH and PH? Does the crushed coral totally solve the problem for you? It didn't do much for me. I would like to find a permanent solution so that I won't be dependent on some brand product. Thank you.
I prefer the endler guppies. They are smaller and also colorful. I do not have to worry about the water values here in Germany, my guppies are really happy with that.
Hey so my guppies have been dying one by one I started with 5 in a 10 gallon tank and now I have two 😔. I check the water m,, clean, healthy diet( blood worms and flakes) and I’m not sure what happened. I had another newer tank and the heater broke on that one so I had to pull out the heater from the guppies for a day. Got the new one the next day and set it with the guppies, is it possible that the temp change from 80 to 75 killed them?
I have well water, good to know they like hard water. I want to have all male endler guppies in a 10 gallon planted tank, how many would you suggest I can keep in a 10 gallon?
So I bought a guppy from a pet store ( of course I bought more) and she is perfectly healthy, no infection, eats, swims, but she has a chunk taken from her tail, and the dead skin is falling off and it is healing, I’m not worried but I’m wondering if I should watch out for something
Poecilia reticulata in the wild actually have a strong behavioral aversion to brackish water, they avoid it as much as possible. They can be raised and kept in brackish water, but they really seem to prefer 0ppt freshwater.
I've now got 5 guppies and tomorrow I'll get more (they're in a quarantine tank). I bought a 190 Gallon tank thinking I'd start all over with African cichlids. Gotta keep guppies for a while, including the 190. It's all your fault. They're tiny but adorable. Hubby "Why do you need a 190 Gallon if you're going to get guppies." Hrmff... it's only for a while." He's not a fish person.
Awsome cory and indeed i agree i got 2 males1 female guppy s from my friend in my 74 l tank my PH just lil lower 6.5. 6.8 but doing well lots planting in tank non CO2 each month 5 guppy s only in 2 month 1 servive cose of other tetra s i think phntom ones or the males eat them but im hopefull love the colours of those 2 males and doing 35 %water change each week using plant care of tropica Premium nutrition en specialised nutrition since our fresh water in the netherlands is maintained 😊
Hello, I have a bunch of guppies in a large 100 gallon indoor unheated tub. I have a heat lamp just above where a log is floating. Some of the guppies have learned about this heat. They form up on the log damn near fully beaching themselves? Some fully Beach themselves and lay there for minutes without air...? Wondering if anyone has witnessed their guppies doing something similar. I'm fairly certain it started with one male until they all caught on, so to me it seems learned.
Thanks for the content. I recently got two different male guppys one from a Petco and another from a pet smart. The tank from petco said assorted fancy males and the tank from petsmart was named tuxedo male. My question here is should I get two females for them in the same tank? And what type of females best for them.... am a bit lost because I have two different males and am interested in breeding them.
I fell in love with guppies and spent a crazy amount of time and money on a heavily planted 20 gallon with hard well water. I thought I was so prepared for them and went out and bough 6 from a local pet store. 2 weeks later half are dead. Water parameters are perfect and they never showed any signs of disease. Perfectly healthy looking and active then the next day it just drops dead. It’s so disheartening. I assume that it’s stress or a prior illness but I don’t know how to treat it. I have cherry shrimp and a couple snails in my tank and it seems like a lot of meds are bad for invertebrates. I love these gorgeous playful fish but if I lose the whole school idk if I’ll want to try again 🤷♀️
Cory makes that point, pointedly, in almost every livestream he's ever in - I'm a livestream 'junkie' ,and I've heard him make that point innumerable times. However, he does not ship aquariums. Also, there are links to his business in practically every description.
The fun part is to collect from local breeders, then mix them and get surprise mixes. Bought a pair and got 25 % blonde albino babies. The first batch was only 10, this time 25.... maybe? I have them with Danio margaritatus and I know these have bred too because I saw the little "worms" ... how can I differentiate them from the Guppies at an early age??
I really would love to Keep guppies and other Community Fishes. I'm a African Cichlid & Arowana guy but I have plans to get a 125 gal planted tank and a Saltwater this year.
How high a ph do they like. I had guppies years ago. A. Starting a 50 gal 2ft square tank with guppies, and thinking of adding mollies, platted,and sword tails. Should have plants tomorrow water already in tank as of yesterday , know I should wait sone before adding fish
you had me at hard well water cory im having a hard time keeping my tank cycled i have 1 ppm amonia in my well water the best my tank has done was when i keep ammonia absorbents on it just concerned about that removing the easy green was also considering purgen ?
Don't use absorbants. Just do small water changes that dilute out. For instance if you have 1ppm, and you do a 10% water change. that would leave you with 0.1ppm in the main tank.
Hi. Pls help,I got a pair of guppies yesterday and the are both swimming rapidly up and down.they are also trying to jump out of the water now and then. Are they gonna die ? Pls help 🙏🙏
hey guys, i have a tank set up for my guppies and had an ich outbreak. i was treating it with petsmart meds and i was reccomended aquarium salt. yesterday i bought some and added the first dose apropriate for the tank size. today i seen some dead guppies but one of them had like icicle looking crystals all over its body. this ive never seen before. none of the other ones that died looked like this. its like really hairy or spikey clear like crystal things. is it a reaction with the salt or is it some other disease? this really freaked me out
What do you recommend if guppies are the only thing alive after my cardinals and pygmy coradoras died off. pH is 7.6-8.2, ammonia/nitrite are 0, and nitrate at 5 in planted tank. The guppies are having babies, the shrimp are hit/miss, so it's not all bad. It feels empty now and I don't wanna waste another $100 to see what works.
Hey Cory, this is an old vid, but I take the chance. I've seen you keeping apistos with smaller fish in some videos, but what would your recomendation be concerning guppies? I have a rather tall tank (juwel lido 120), i know it is a risk, but I wanted to hear an expert
What are the guppy food dics in your video that attach to side of the tank? I also looked for your fried guppy food and could not locate. Thanks for sharing all of your knowledge! 🐟
I've never had any other fish other than bettas and goldfish so it's gonna be exciting when I can get guppies!Not so sure if my parents will let me though.But as long as I keep them in my room I should be able to get guppies!
Great video wish it was longer. I keep my guppies in a 10g planted tank with 6 neon tetras and a betta. If you include the fry I have about 40 fish total right now.
I have a 2 yr old 6gal Edge with 4 neon and 3 green neon tetras in it with live plants/moss. I know it's a small tank but I was wondering if adding 2 guppies in it will do great?
I wouldn't add a pair they breed supper fast and will quickly overcrowd your tank. But if you add 2 females or 2 males, I would think that might work. I would get other opinions though.
I can’t even begin to explain how perfect my area is for keeping guppies. Hard water (+a softening salt resistant Tiger lotus), HOT pretty much year round, and may or may not have a 10 gallon gold claw crab (male/female pair) brackish tank??
Would 4 or 5 guppies do well with a honey gourami in a ten gallon tank? Would I also be able to add some pygmy cories, or would that overload the tank?
I am in Atlanta and am looking for a place to get fish, the large chain fish don’t look yon good to me. How can I find someone. To get my fish? Thank you
I have a question perhaps a little bit out of context. I have a 30 gallon aquarium with elephant ear guppies mostly males and I have a few females in a separated container. I added some albino cory and spotted Cory's because everyone tells me they are very peaceful. I got home from work and noticed that several fish had their fins all chewed and one was completely without fins but still alive resting on some floating plants . Is this normal ? Can Cory's turn aggressive? Please help!!
Hi, I think got conned, guy at pet shop said my water pH is high around 8.2 for the guppies so he told me to buy ph down, plus they said 78 degrees are is best for guppies. 😢
Buy fish at from our preferred online retailers with the code aquariumcoop to save 5%. (As an affiliate member, we earn a commission from this link.)
I like the wild guppy as well but I'm really having a hard time finding them not even as feeders . I'm in Indiana.
I am purchasing 6 Guppy from Twin Cities Guppies very soon. I am so excited. This is my very 1st Guppy tank (20 gallon). I'm very nervous. I want a few carpeting plants, do you have some suggestions for me? Low light, no CO2, and very beginner friendly.
Hey dude! I breed guppies and endlers! I have some amazing crosses! My local fish shop can't get enough of them! Can guppies go as low as 72? (Would be nice to slow the breeding down!!)
Thats really cool because I live kinda close to the Twin Cities! What a small world lol
Love that there are dudes like this out there
I had the same thought.
Very authentic person. Gotta love it.
Literally just finished my first tank ever Cory!! Adding guppies in a few days. Couldn’t have been a better time!
Cory: Feed them to other fish.
Me: Faints.
Chickens love em to
@@amypalladino2584 WHAT HAHAHA
I have been keeping fish for 25 years and I've kept and bred everything from discus to big marine tanks but recently I've really been getting into breeding some specialist guppies and trying to create my own strains and it's so much fun and super interesting. Some of the show strains are spectacular looking too. Despite all the specialist stuff I've done in the past, this "beginner" fish has become my favorite.
Hello friend, I read your comment on the post that you have been raising fish for a long time and now you are interested in gupy. We can exchange information on this subject, I am breeding here in Brazil, wild animals are very common. Also from lineages but we are facing some diseases that devastate breeding even with correct water parameters. I understand that tuberculosis and fungi are a disease that we need to eradicate from creation.😢
Guppies are so unbelievably loveable. They're on the easier side and so entertaining to watch. They always add a good pop of color and activity to a tank.
Oh, they like hard water, well that's good because my water is liquid rock.
How do you drink water?
@@rifraf6135 you don't.
@@RopeDad1 what? I dont remember writing this reply LOL.
Hahahaha me toooo
You started my passion for guppies,I started my first fish tank with my daughter and watched one of your videos, I can't remember which one but you highly recommended guppies one year later I have 12 fish tanks and a 75 gallon full of guppies 😁
Your living the dream!Honestly having JUST 12 fish tanks and a 75 gallon tank dedicated to guppies sounds nice to me.Although I could possibly get a bit tired of guppies I could hopefully add different fish.I'm not saying that I have that many fish tanks (I don't think my parents would let me) I'm just trying ti say ths in my perspective.
I had guppy's first in a tropical tank, 2 years later they moved to a cold water tank and now there in a tropicql tank and there was 1 of 6 years old! Love them!
so happy to have found your channel! i'm in the research stage of planning my first guppy tank and i think you're gonna be a great resource!
Just found your channel! I lost all five of my goldfish overnight due to human error with some Seachem Safe :( and I'm traumatized. So I'm cleaning and re-cycling my tank, and I'm gonna go for fancy guppies, mollies and corries! (My comfort zone is tropical... not cold water) I'm pumped I found you!
Great info here :)
And the error gnaws at you 🤧 I lost my fish because I added starter beneficial bacteria poweder from a v well known brand. Sometimes just leaving them in water with no stuff added is just the best 😪
Yup gotta love them Guppies. We are 1 year into keeping them now, and keep finding more ways to love to them!
I love my guppies,I get such joy from watching them. 💕I started with a male and two females,now have like 20 adolescences now. Such social little creatures.🐠😁💓
You talked us into starting our first fish breeding experiment with guppies, thank you so much! You have REALLY fostered my passion and excitement for this hobby and your video's have filled me with knowledge. Let's see if I can now go turn that into wisdom. Thanks again Chris.
A huge tank of guppies....the dream
Where I live in the country side there is really hard water and I was worried it would kill my fish but they are thriving :)
I'm hooked, I setup a 20 long strictly for Guppy fish and plants. I've got probably close to 100 fry right now (all at different stages) with the hopes of selling some off to the LFS once they are grown. So many varieties and colors!
Hi :) just bought my first ever guppies. Man they are so beautiful and fun to watch.
Thank you
6 years ago when I was 7, I got 2 guppies for my first 14g tank (I named them Gill and Dva from Bubble Guppies :) )
Guppies are always going to be a favorite
Your Fancy Guppy Care Guide and this video have been helpful on me researching guppies.
My hands down most favorite fish. I love the colors, patterns and different fin styles available. The fact that they are so easy to keep and breed makes them my favorite. Cory, do you have a breeding project that you are working on with cross strains and/or colors? A special Aquarium Co-Op Guppy?
Really wholesome tips on things to do to round off the video. You are a kind man.
This channel is my thing,lol. I love that you love them. They are such a beautiful fish.
I've got super hard water been struggling with other fish. You convinced me to give livebearer a try. Just got some guppies and sword tails. I love them so much!
I have high ph hard well water and I have tons of guppies. Started out with common guppies and have crossed them with fancy and the babies are beautiful.
I really enjoy your care guides! Very important information presented in a concise manner! Keep it up!
I threw some feeder guppies in with my crawfish and now I have three tanks of "feeder guppies." I love em'.
Bought a trio of Koi tuxedo guppies yesterday for my planted tank! So beautiful!
My dad won a goldfish at a carnival. Died shortly but he liked having the fish so he went to petsmart, decided on guppies. Oh God. We went from a 10 gallon to a 60 gallon. I loved all the plants! He would give them away to petsmart and other local small pet shops lol 😆 idk what happened to them though, he got divorced.
I apologize, but I have to disagree on a few points. I have 100 tanks of primarily guppies and they do Not do well in high ph and high hardness. Unless the initial breeder kept his fish that way. Guppies, especially long fin ones, do best in neutral ph and hardness. I was the 1st person in the USA to sell pink pingu's and also black moscows. Very nice to see the video, thank you for increasing the interest in guppies.
I’m so excited to get some guppies in the Fall for my sixth grade classroom!
I was going to buy guppy and you made a video about it just now...hahaha
I'm actually a guppy breeder and this information was very helpful thanks
Can’t wait for the summer to get my 55g tank ready for guppies
I'm planning on Saving some feeder guppies that are meant for food for other fish and animals! So they can live a better life! Thank you for this video❤ I really appreciate it! I'm learning a lot!
When I used to keep them, I'd keep the water slightly brackish at 1.004, and used aragonite as a substrate. Kept my PH around 8.0, and kept alk, mag and ca pretty high. Those fish THRIVED!
It took me a few batches to realize that I had to acclimate them back to fresh over the course of a day or two before selling them back to the store.
I bet those were some stunning guppies for sure!
@@AquariumCoop If a female lacks calcium( bent back) Can you cure it?
I just ordered Keng Lee's Tuxedo Koi and your name world's greatest guppies!! I think they will be here Wednesday
I keep Panda guppies and for who else loving guppies: PG are a totally different breed with unique personalities and behaviour… they’re always busy playing games together as a group and are very friendly and fun and fearless, come looking for you and are super smart, they forage the bottom and dwell on on at night while playing around daytime; they need space, lots of it to swim around
Great video man, really learned Some stuff. Thank you so much!
guppies are going to make a great addition to my apple snail tank! they like the same water conditions
I have a tall 70 gal. tank. It's a nice assortment of all types of community fish. But I wanted a bit more color. Specially since it is heavily plants and has a massive amount of Christmas moss all over. So.... I just bought my first 4 Guppy's and 3 Molly's since I was a kid. They do make the tank look better.
What a well timed video, Im planning a fancy guppy/honey gourami tank soon! :)
I have sooooo many guppies!.. I only bought 3 🤣🤣🤣
that's what im intending to do!
That's why I only got male. Didnt want over load
I've been waiting to see such a video. ;) I remember the guppies of my childhood, they were a lot stronger and the females were dropping about 100 fries monthly... now do they even have 50 fries per batch? I was able to grow some generations in very soft water, they adapted in the end but now I wanted some really beautiful guppies and it's very hard to make them survive. My current location gives me very soft water with a PH of about 6.3 and the GH is 0. I added crushed coral but after a month it didn't do much. You also recommended Equilibrium and I used that with very good and fast results in growing the GH but I am afraid to put it directly in the tank so I just increase the GH of the changed water bit by bit. The fries seem to grow and look better... the mature imported gups (wonderful metallic blue neons) really struggled and most of them died, especially the females. Please make a special video for this problem of trying to grow healthy guppies for the ones that have very soft tap water... I know you also do. What is your tap GH and PH? Does the crushed coral totally solve the problem for you? It didn't do much for me. I would like to find a permanent solution so that I won't be dependent on some brand product. Thank you.
I love Guppies !! so cute when I was a kid some 50 yrs ago
I chose guppies specifically because of Cory and his love for them. Also I have well water 👌🏼
so beautiful I can't express it. It shocked me😲😲
I love guppies and natilies gyatttttt ❤❤😊😊❤
Thanks for the info. I love my guppies, beautiful little fish.
I prefer the endler guppies. They are smaller and also colorful. I do not have to worry about the water values here in Germany, my guppies are really happy with that.
Hey so my guppies have been dying one by one I started with 5 in a 10 gallon tank and now I have two 😔. I check the water m,, clean, healthy diet( blood worms and flakes) and I’m not sure what happened.
I had another newer tank and the heater broke on that one so I had to pull out the heater from the guppies for a day. Got the new one the next day and set it with the guppies, is it possible that the temp change from 80 to 75 killed them?
love their inquisitive personality
I've fallen deep into the guppy matrix and I'm never leaving.
Are the temperatures your mention in Fahrenheit?
I have well water, good to know they like hard water. I want to have all male endler guppies in a 10 gallon planted tank, how many would you suggest I can keep in a 10 gallon?
You are so awesome. I can clearly see your knowledge and passion.
Cory overflows with awesomeness.
So I bought a guppy from a pet store ( of course I bought more) and she is perfectly healthy, no infection, eats, swims, but she has a chunk taken from her tail, and the dead skin is falling off and it is healing, I’m not worried but I’m wondering if I should watch out for something
How many would be an appropriate number for a 10 gallon tank with 3 snails & a few cherry shrimp?
Poecilia reticulata in the wild actually have a strong behavioral aversion to brackish water, they avoid it as much as possible. They can be raised and kept in brackish water, but they really seem to prefer 0ppt freshwater.
I've now got 5 guppies and tomorrow I'll get more (they're in a quarantine tank). I bought a 190 Gallon tank thinking I'd start all over with African cichlids. Gotta keep guppies for a while, including the 190. It's all your fault. They're tiny but adorable. Hubby "Why do you need a 190 Gallon if you're going to get guppies." Hrmff... it's only for a while." He's not a fish person.
How about if I throw on a little bit of Epson salt and if so how much per gallon thank you
im getting guppies this weekend and i cant wait! they will be in a 20 gallon
Awsome cory and indeed i agree i got 2 males1 female guppy s from my friend in my 74 l tank my PH just lil lower 6.5. 6.8 but doing well lots planting in tank non CO2 each month 5 guppy s only in 2 month 1 servive cose of other tetra s i think phntom ones or the males eat them but im hopefull love the colours of those 2 males and doing 35 %water change each week using plant care of tropica Premium nutrition en specialised nutrition since our fresh water in the netherlands is maintained 😊
Hello, I have a bunch of guppies in a large 100 gallon indoor unheated tub. I have a heat lamp just above where a log is floating. Some of the guppies have learned about this heat. They form up on the log damn near fully beaching themselves? Some fully Beach themselves and lay there for minutes without air...? Wondering if anyone has witnessed their guppies doing something similar. I'm fairly certain it started with one male until they all caught on, so to me it seems learned.
Thanks for the content. I recently got two different male guppys one from a Petco and another from a pet smart. The tank from petco said assorted fancy males and the tank from petsmart was named tuxedo male. My question here is should I get two females for them in the same tank? And what type of females best for them.... am a bit lost because I have two different males and am interested in breeding them.
Can you keep just males in a tank, or if there is a certain male to female ratio you need for them all to get along with other tank mates?
Just got some Kohaku guppies and I love them
I fell in love with guppies and spent a crazy amount of time and money on a heavily planted 20 gallon with hard well water. I thought I was so prepared for them and went out and bough 6 from a local pet store. 2 weeks later half are dead. Water parameters are perfect and they never showed any signs of disease. Perfectly healthy looking and active then the next day it just drops dead. It’s so disheartening. I assume that it’s stress or a prior illness but I don’t know how to treat it. I have cherry shrimp and a couple snails in my tank and it seems like a lot of meds are bad for invertebrates. I love these gorgeous playful fish but if I lose the whole school idk if I’ll want to try again 🤷♀️
I rescued a dozen feeder guppies from a pet store today! How would I care for them? Thanks
I have a question can someone help me out I'm wondering when you use the small ceramic pots do you have to boil them first
Please make a video saying "I sell aquariums and aquarium accessories"
Already exists in live streams.
Cory makes that point, pointedly, in almost every livestream he's ever in - I'm a livestream 'junkie' ,and I've heard him make that point innumerable times. However, he does not ship aquariums. Also, there are links to his business in practically every description.
Awesome video :) I love guppies too!
The fun part is to collect from local breeders, then mix them and get surprise mixes. Bought a pair and got 25 % blonde albino babies. The first batch was only 10, this time 25.... maybe? I have them with Danio margaritatus and I know these have bred too because I saw the little "worms" ... how can I differentiate them from the Guppies at an early age??
I really would love to Keep guppies and other Community Fishes. I'm a African Cichlid & Arowana guy but I have plans to get a 125 gal planted tank and a Saltwater this year.
How high a ph do they like. I had guppies years ago. A. Starting a 50 gal 2ft square tank with guppies, and thinking of adding mollies, platted,and sword tails. Should have plants tomorrow water already in tank as of yesterday , know I should wait sone before adding fish
I love guppies best vid ever after your unboxings
Thank for shared
Cory is the guppy whisper 👍🏻👍🏻
you had me at hard well water cory im having a hard time keeping my tank cycled i have 1 ppm amonia in my well water the best my tank has done was when i keep ammonia absorbents on it just concerned about that removing the easy green was also considering purgen ?
Don't use absorbants. Just do small water changes that dilute out. For instance if you have 1ppm, and you do a 10% water change. that would leave you with 0.1ppm in the main tank.
@@AquariumCoop thank you guy's I love the co-op
Hi. Pls help,I got a pair of guppies yesterday and the are both swimming rapidly up and down.they are also trying to jump out of the water now and then. Are they gonna die ? Pls help 🙏🙏
Love me some guppies too. Thanks for preaching about them. Cheers.
hey guys, i have a tank set up for my guppies and had an ich outbreak. i was treating it with petsmart meds and i was reccomended aquarium salt. yesterday i bought some and added the first dose apropriate for the tank size. today i seen some dead guppies but one of them had like icicle looking crystals all over its body. this ive never seen before. none of the other ones that died looked like this. its like really hairy or spikey clear like crystal things. is it a reaction with the salt or is it some other disease? this really freaked me out
I really want to keep guppies but my ph is 6.8!😖 I can’t find ANY crushed coral or trusted buffers! My endlers are doing fine in that ph so could I?
Are you saying turning up the temperature makes them mature faster?
What do you recommend if guppies are the only thing alive after my cardinals and pygmy coradoras died off. pH is 7.6-8.2, ammonia/nitrite are 0, and nitrate at 5 in planted tank. The guppies are having babies, the shrimp are hit/miss, so it's not all bad.
It feels empty now and I don't wanna waste another $100 to see what works.
Hey Cory, this is an old vid, but I take the chance.
I've seen you keeping apistos with smaller fish in some videos, but what would your recomendation be concerning guppies?
I have a rather tall tank (juwel lido 120), i know it is a risk, but I wanted to hear an expert
What are the guppy food dics in your video that attach to side of the tank? I also looked for your fried guppy food and could not locate. Thanks for sharing all of your knowledge! 🐟
Spirulina tablets.
I've never had any other fish other than bettas and goldfish so it's gonna be exciting when I can get guppies!Not so sure if my parents will let me though.But as long as I keep them in my room I should be able to get guppies!
Guppies can live in small spaces
Great video wish it was longer. I keep my guppies in a 10g planted tank with 6 neon tetras and a betta. If you include the fry I have about 40 fish total right now.
I have a 2 yr old 6gal Edge with 4 neon and 3 green neon tetras in it with live plants/moss. I know it's a small tank but I was wondering if adding 2 guppies in it will do great?
I wouldn't add a pair they breed supper fast and will quickly overcrowd your tank. But if you add 2 females or 2 males, I would think that might work. I would get other opinions though.
Thanks but I just tested my water and it turned out too acidic... i guess I'll skip guppies for now
This is exactly the information I need!
What color morph is at time stamp 4:55?
What would be a good substrate?
I can’t even begin to explain how perfect my area is for keeping guppies. Hard water (+a softening salt resistant Tiger lotus), HOT pretty much year round, and may or may not have a 10 gallon gold claw crab (male/female pair) brackish tank??
Would 4 or 5 guppies do well with a honey gourami in a ten gallon tank? Would I also be able to add some pygmy cories, or would that overload the tank?
Awesome vid. Im thinking about building a planted guppy tank
My water is so soft I keep trying to buy them but they die so I just ordered some crushed coral and I hope to find more at the pet store
I am in Atlanta and am looking for a place to get fish, the large chain fish don’t look yon good to me. How can I find someone. To get my fish? Thank you
I have a question perhaps a little bit out of context. I have a 30 gallon aquarium with elephant ear guppies mostly males and I have a few females in a separated container. I added some albino cory and spotted Cory's because everyone tells me they are very peaceful. I got home from work and noticed that several fish had their fins all chewed and one was completely without fins but still alive resting on some floating plants . Is this normal ? Can Cory's turn aggressive? Please help!!
Hi, I think got conned, guy at pet shop said my water pH is high around 8.2 for the guppies so he told me to buy ph down, plus they said 78 degrees are is best for guppies. 😢