Brother, I have my lastname before my firstname name in aadhar and PAN as I'm south indian. But I have written it as in the lastname section while uploading. Could you please tell me that will there be any problem? How should i write.
Same situation from my side I joined on feb2022 and my stream is oracle i got one project in that i done reports only after that i am on bench now I m searching for project but they are asking for experience so what to do i m not getting what to do now
Really u r vedios r very genuine and realistic..🎉
Thank you very much 😀
Data science field loo growth untundha
Carry on bro, u may achieve the best.
Fingers crossed 🤞
Anna I got asas exm physical interview 😢 can you explain me
Brother, I have my lastname before my firstname name in aadhar and PAN as I'm south indian. But I have written it as in the lastname section while uploading. Could you please tell me that will there be any problem? How should i write.
It's ok. I did the same. that will not be an issue.
@@Curiouskalyan Thank you. So i can write surname as lastname even if it's before my actual name in the aadhar
@@AmyBlessy18 Yes
Same situation from my side I joined on feb2022 and my stream is oracle i got one project in that i done reports only after that i am on bench now I m searching for project but they are asking for experience so what to do i m not getting what to do now
Don't wait for anything to come by itself. Go, upskill yourself and try to get projects by references or connections. You will rock ❤
@@Curiouskalyan software engineer job better or government job better naa bro
All my tasks are approved and I got watsapp notification for offer letter generation on August 31.when can I expect my offer letter?
may i know ur yrs of experience?
@@Curiouskalyan fresher bro
@@storiesbychris okay! R u still waiting for the offer letter
@@Curiouskalyan no I am joining on Nov 28 bangalore .I got accommodation and all the details
😞 Promo_SM