INFJs simply don’t have Ne.

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
    * My first book on the INFJ, 'The Ecstatic Soul', is available here:
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  • @PowerRedBullTypology
    @PowerRedBullTypology 2 місяці тому +11

    I think it would better if people making typology videos slighly more would keep things as if they are an opinion like "I think" ...."in my impression" because they all basically _just the opinions of one or more individuals_ rather than any sort of real "fact". Especially when it comes to these kind of things, there are so many variations of systems or opinions that different people believe in, that is statistically a higher chance a person is betting on the right system, if there is even one . Basically we're all just sitting on our chairs, guessing what must be in that unopnened box on the table.

    • @RensRoom
      @RensRoom  2 місяці тому +3

      @@PowerRedBullTypology I’m trying out slightly more polemical videos here and there, shorter formats as well. Keeping things new-ish is tough especially with so much competition for people’s attention all around.

    • @Coneman3
      @Coneman3 2 місяці тому +2

      Maybe your bring a little more adamant about things is a good strategy to get more viewers and clear up confusion.

    • @RensRoom
      @RensRoom  2 місяці тому +2

      @@Coneman3 I think so, yes. But since this is still relatively new for me, I need to do a bit of… calibrating, lol

  • @ShizuruNakatsu
    @ShizuruNakatsu Місяць тому +1

    Everybody is capable of using all functions to some degree, because humans are complex beings with many layers.
    We are all capable of changing, growing, opening our minds and seeing things from other perspectives. We're not born with a hardwired block in our brains that says "you think this way, so you *can't* think that way".
    Reality doesn't create people to fit perfectly into boxes or categories. Of course we have different personalities and different ways of seeing the world, and some will gravitate to one method of thinking/feeling over another. But we are all capable of them all. We're not born with that kind of restriction. It's okay to group/type people to better understand them as an individual. As long as you don't put limits on who that person is or what they are capable of.
    The universe doesn't have to fit neatly into any scientific model, and neither do people.
    MBTI is a useful tool for understanding our differences, but there aren't just 16 "types" of people. We are multifaceted creatures with complex thoughts and emotions. We all have the ability to do what others can do. And so much more.

  • @AlesiiTS
    @AlesiiTS 2 місяці тому +2

    3:22 He starts getting into the discussion of not using Ne here for anyone who wants to get past him discussing over determination of theory and whatnot

    • @RensRoom
      @RensRoom  2 місяці тому +3

      @@AlesiiTS Those three minutes are well worth it if you want to understand what follows with any degree of depth.

  • @Coneman3
    @Coneman3 2 місяці тому +6

    I rewatched the video. So you're saying that if something can't be proven it can't be real? That is not strictly true, and while it may be the scientific method, it only reveals a weakness of the scentific method (which we know). I don't need to remind you this subject is on the boundary of provvable science, so using science as a tool has to be done carefully and not as an absolute truth of theory.
    I can believe that we don't USE our shadow functions, as you say, but the fact that they are a cognitive deficit, they do affect our personality. I think that's what I am trying to get at, and what you may agree with. It's not that when we are remembering facts (for eg.) we are using Si, but are using memories from Se/Ni. Also, I read that Ne/Si can weakly immitate Ni and Ni/Se can weakly immitate Ne. Maybe this is what you mean.

    • @Murrpheus
      @Murrpheus 2 місяці тому +1

      @@Coneman3 This is exactly how I see things as well. Just keep it simple - everyone has some deficit in some areas and strengths in other areas and defining them as such is the simplest way to describe the entire theory, and doesn't include too many variables.
      Why do I suck at doing boring tasks especially if they involve figuring out the most efficient way to order things? Terrible Te. Why do I suck at coming up with a list of random items or finding rhyming words on the spot? Bad Ne. Why does my friend suck at emotional support? Bad Fe. Why does my other friend not value logical consistency and just says whatever he feels like in the moment? High Fi, low Ti. Etc. It is interesting to dive deeper, but no need to overcomplicate and over-explain, keeping it straightforward is the way to go imo.

    • @Coneman3
      @Coneman3 2 місяці тому +2

      yes I agree. The actual lived experience should come before theory. Theory is merely a tool to aid understanding of reality (science in general is the same). This ties in with another of my interests - I’m an audiophile and have explored that subject in depth over the last few years, as I have MBTI. In Hifi, there are 2 general camps - subjectivists and objectivists. Objectivists only believe a modification or statement that a component being better than another one is true is by objective proof (measurements and/or logical theory and/or double blind tests). Subjectivists believe that the proof is in the pudding - in this case personal listening judgements. The former objectivists tend not to trust human judgements (yes, both groups accept they are flawed) but trust objective measures. They also generally fail to appreciate that objective measures do not sum up all the performance of a component and don’t accept that there is no substitute for the reality of ear/brain perceptions.

    • @RensRoom
      @RensRoom  2 місяці тому +2

      I didn't make the point that if something can't be proven it can't be real, no. But I do believe that the combo of 1) overdetermination of theory by evidence due to an overabundance of explanatory variables; and 2) the fact that a completely unstructured "shadow" compound below the 4th function can't have the agency of a cognitive function => leads to the inescapable conclusion that 8-function models don't work. In this respect it's interesting to observe that "mainstream" science and Jung are in agreement. Jung saw a century ago that this approach didn't make sense.
      It seems common sense to me that to the extent INFJs are able to introspect on their emotional states, they don't do it with what would have to be completely dysfunctional "shadow Fi" (dysfunctional for the reasons given above) but with Ti. Same would apply to Ne. A lot of people don't seem to be understand or to want understand my arguments, articulated again and again in my videos, that it is not possible for a shadow compound to have the agency of a function, even though Jung insists on this everywhere in in his books. From my perspective it's a really interesting observation that's worth noting: people are still very attached to the idea of being able to access all eight functions and won't give up that belief easily!
      The only 8-function model I could contemplate being coherent is one where people can "flip" between Ni and Ne, Fe and Te, etc., in other words where our functions come in pairs at all times and where the basic units are Pi, Je, Ji, Pe. In other words it would be an 8-function model without "shadow functions". This model would still have a lot of work to do to explain why e.g. an INFJ would flip between Ni and Ne, Ti and Fi, etc., and would have to defend the view that Ne, Te and Fi are quite integrated for INFJs after all, since they belong to overall function pairs; but at least that model wouldn't be incoherent. In fact this is the view defended by the "spectral hypothesis" of Cognitive Type, which I encourage people to look into, as it is *by far* the most plausible conception of an 8-function paradigm. It does require a bit of prep work to get into the universe of CT, though.

    • @Coneman3
      @Coneman3 2 місяці тому +1

      I think where confusion sets in is the identification of specific characteristics/behaviours/cognitive activity with specific cognitive functions. That’s why I have said everyone must use all functions to live ‘normal’ lives. The complete lack of any function would seem to me to make one highly autistic or even impossible. But this is if you define all cognitive activity that comes under a missing function as due to that function. If I lack Ne as an INFJ, can I have any lateral vision? If I do, how do I achieve that? Using Se? But can Se alone do that? Does it get help from Ni?
      You may well be right Ren about the 4 function model being supreme. I’m just trying to understand it in cognitive and theoretical ways that make intuitive and logical sense.

    • @RensRoom
      @RensRoom  2 місяці тому +1

      @@Coneman3 Well, certainly the complete lack of any cognitive function would be highly problematic! 😅 but yes, I believe that ultimately we get by using the 4 cognitive functions in our stack. This implies coming to a view of function pairs (Ne/Se, Fi/Ti, etc.) as overlapping a lot more than dichotomy-based tests or models would have us think. Of course, this is not to say that those functions are the same, and there will be cases where Se will need the support of Ni to work out what Ne might be able to do on its own.
      It's an empirical question how all that is to be sorted out, whereas my point in recent videos was more conceptual than empirical. Either way, I have to be careful not to create a storm in a teacup - INFJs the vast majority of the time make sense of their lives in practice using the 4 functions in their stack and rarely mention functions like Ne and Fi. Ultimately, it probably doesn't make much difference to INFJ's concrete living whether they prefer a 4-function or 8-function model, and it was too extreme for me to call the latter "worthless" in retrospect.

  • @arnebouten2520
    @arnebouten2520 2 місяці тому +3

    I believe you're creating a false dichotomy by suggesting that allowing multiple explanations automatically renders a theory useless. Consider Self-Determination Theory: intrinsic motivation stems from satisfying three basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness), often in combination. This demonstrates how multiple factors can predict one outcome in a useful theory. Empirical data determines whether adding factors increases or decreases explained variance, and no theory is ever complete or finished.
    While theoretically assessing a model's potential overdetermination is useful, empirical testing remains crucial, especially in complex fields like psychology. Unfortunately, such rigorous testing hasn't been done with MBTI, possibly due to its low test-retest reliability.
    In sum, while four cognitive functions might explain most of people's behaviors in MBTI, this doesn't necessarily preclude the use of other functions. Instead, it could just mean that they are less important.

  • @Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes
    @Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes 2 місяці тому +4

    It's interesting if INFJ don't understand memes, cause INTJ we understand them. Maybe it needs more T or Te to understand memes ?
    I agree that we all can activate the lower functions of others.
    Even if I do not agree, that we all have all the functions - I respect your perception.
    If sometimes you ask yourself : "What if..." or imagine things that don't exist in physical reality, or consider the perceptions of others, it's Ne.

    • @benjaminve3140
      @benjaminve3140 2 місяці тому +1

      "Ne memes." Not memes in general.

    • @RensRoom
      @RensRoom  2 місяці тому +1

      @@Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes I don’t think so. « What if » is just as much Se, but we all tend suffer from a reductive view of that function generally as « the function of the body » and nothing else. It’s a data gathering function just like Ne is.

    • @Transfiguration_
      @Transfiguration_ 2 місяці тому +3

      @@RensRoom She's right. we all have access(whether one is aware or not) to all 16 functions.

    • @RensRoom
      @RensRoom  2 місяці тому +1

      @@Transfiguration_ You mean 8 functions, presumably. 16 sounds like a *lot* of functions 😄

    • @Transfiguration_
      @Transfiguration_ 2 місяці тому

      @@RensRoom 8 is still more than 4...

  • @Coneman3
    @Coneman3 2 місяці тому +8

    Everyone has all of the functions to some degree, or wouldn’t be able to function at all. If you lack Se, you would not be able to perceive in real time.
    For Ne, it can be as simple as realising you should join a club to make friends. Yes, doing it uses Se and other functions. That’s how I see it anyway.
    Who says we have to only use 4 of the 8 functions? That seems a bit narrow to see it like that. I’m not sure even Jung or Myers Briggs saw it that way.

      @JAHANNUM 2 місяці тому +3

      @@Coneman3 Ne is an extraverted perception function just like Se, which means it’s also about real-time gathering of data.
      Jung was explicit about a four function model. Myers and Briggs typology was also a four function model. Any idea about having eight functions is a product of other systems and people like Beebe’s model, the different Socionics models, etc.
      Ren has already covered briefly why four over eight in this video. I recommend rewatching it and trying to digest it.

    • @Coneman3
      @Coneman3 2 місяці тому +3

      @@JAHANNUM Yes Ne is real time but being about intuition, its awareness of different perspectives and options and manifests a lot via social fluidity and dynamism. Hence ENTP are good in social settings and politics, and ENFP are good at selling and making a brand of themselves. Are you sure Jung and MB actually ruled out shadow fucntions? Any theory can be subject to future modification/refinement. Thats how we progess. No theory is necessarily fossilised truth. Without Si, how would INFJ have memories and remember facts??

      @JAHANNUM 2 місяці тому +3

      @@Coneman3 yes i’m sure about there being no “shadow functions” in the original theories. Jung was explicit about four functions and not more or less, which is tied into his general views about the psyche, symbols, the collective unconscious, etc. he believed that trinities were incomplete and that another (fourth) element had to be added, thereby having a quaternity which represented wholeness.
      as for the other points you made, I’ll specifically address INFJ memories and Si.
      no function has anything to do with memory in of itself. one must also talk about what kind of memory one is speaking of too. episodic? semantic? there’s much more to unpack there than one might think.
      if one is going to make some correlation to memory, we could say there is some relation in the way the function(s) registers data. the introverted perception functions register the objects within their corresponding datasets and understands these objects by their temporal wholeness/totality. this means prior instances of objects and their broader context are understood within their mental map. objects that are registered in real-time (Pe) trigger a recollection process whereby those objects that Pe registers is then associated to the stored objects in the mental map (Pi). this may sound complicated, but the TLDR is that both Ni and Si have the capacity to have a recollection of past events and remember things.
      imo Al Pacino is INFJ and if you watch any of his interviews you’ll be able to see how naturally he gets into narratives and recalls them.

    • @Coneman3
      @Coneman3 2 місяці тому

      So the ‘problem’ then is defining certain qualities as being ‘owned’ by specific functions. Although the correlation of, say, memory for facts with Si is not incorrect, it is simply the most common form that that happens. In individuals lacking Si, a different method is used?
      That’s useful to know. Seems to debunk a lot of csjosephs content.

    @JAHANNUM 2 місяці тому +3

    don’t tell me we don’t have Si or Te either 😦

    • @RensRoom
      @RensRoom  2 місяці тому +5

      @@JAHANNUM *demonic laughter*

    • @tkersten09
      @tkersten09 Місяць тому +1

      Funny! But is this a Ne or Se joke? I instantly understood it and laughed, still now I am genuinely confused and very much delighted by the confusion. I think I am in the process of learning what is going on.

  • @__D10S__
    @__D10S__ 2 місяці тому

    I wanted to come back to this video. I’ve thought about it, and still think I disagree. I know you aren’t really familiar with TwFP, but his Ne tests are pretty clear. ISxP’s with their Ne Polr are much less able to do the ‘tests’ than INxJ’s. So despite having higher Se, the ISxPs are comically bad at doing Ne stuff (It can’t be Se stuff or they’d be the same or better. Considering they have higher Se than INxJ’s. Adding this in because of your comment that they look very similar)

  • @inspirationalys
    @inspirationalys 2 місяці тому

    can you make a video teaching how to develop our cognitive functions so we can use it better and consciously?

  • @jaytm2574
    @jaytm2574 2 місяці тому +2

    Extroverted intuition? I have followed the trail in reverse, but you are right, it COULD just be Se. Ne always feels kind of...alien (like writing with the left hand for a righty). Then again, I'm right on the cusp between INFJ and INFP characteristics (52/48). Might be an unholy hybrid.

  • @cskandrsgyrgy
    @cskandrsgyrgy 2 місяці тому +2

    For all you Ni users, we Ne users communicate like this (you just don't notice because it's under your perception threshold):
    Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
    All mimsy were the borogoves,
    And the mome raths outgrabe.
    Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
    The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
    Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
    The frumious Bandersnatch!

  • @Murrpheus
    @Murrpheus 2 місяці тому +2

    Can you respond to my comment on the previous video? I will go Ti mode for a minute - you have to define which 8 function model you are critiquing because currently it is very unclear which models you are debating are useless and which are not. When you say "8 function model" you are describing a model that I do not use, and haven't heard a logical argument against the one I use. So to me it looks like we agree on points, yet you seem to be discussing a mysterious third model that neither of us use. Now I know you have no idea which model I use since you don't know me obviously, but my point is to have an accurate argument against a model you have to define it clearly at first. That's my only issue with the video. I think it would be cool to also point out and respond to specific comments and users in future videos and have a back and forth and get more community engagement! Your videos are very interesting and get people talking for sure and you have some great ideas and are good at talking about them!
    I'm still gonna thumbs up the video since it got me engaged and writing comments which I don't do that often so I'm looking forward to more, and hopefully a response :) cheers

    • @ellewong137
      @ellewong137 2 місяці тому +1

      He seems to have addressed your comment in this video though? I'm pretty sure that he thinks that all eight-function models are bad because they overcomplicate personality theory. Things attributed to Ne can easily be explained by Se. In his previous video, he said that the idea of the four 'lower' functions doesn't make sense because they would have to be weaker than the already inferior fourth function (in our case, Se). If our Fi was truly that low, we would be akin to robots. You mentioned the lower functions as "potential causes of stress or difficulty", but Ren basically says that these functions, if they do exist, are too unstructured to be of any use for analysis, and as a result decrease the validity of the four main functions because it would make everything overdetermined. In essence, it is worthless to account for these potential variables because doing so largely invalidates the main idea of the cognitive functions, as introducing an "or" or a "maybe" into your explanation would render it useless. Ren supports the idea of a four-function model because he thinks that it can adequately explain behavior and personality by itself.

    • @RensRoom
      @RensRoom  2 місяці тому +1

      @@ellewong137 I’m relieved to see that my points are actually well taken by some viewers! It seems to me I went pretty in depth about the various incoherences (in my opinion unfixable) that would attend to any 8-function model. The only exception I might consider is a model that claims to have some merely descriptive value and no claims to explanatory power at all.

    • @RensRoom
      @RensRoom  2 місяці тому +1

      @@Murrpheus Sorry, lots going on in my life at the moment, I barely have enough time to record videos. Hopefully that will change soon though. My videos were targeting 8 function models in general, the incoherences having (I believe) general application across the board. But sure if you want to share more about the specific model you use then I’d be happy to look into it and discuss it!

  • @user-md9yv7jx2c
    @user-md9yv7jx2c 2 місяці тому +3

    Up until now, I assumed memes were just hard to understand by nature.

  • @anthbobo2783
    @anthbobo2783 Місяць тому

    Socionics disagrees with you

    • @RensRoom
      @RensRoom  19 днів тому

      Not necessarily, as I think the Socionics framework just speaks a different language in many ways.