Hebrews 6:4-6 seems quite telling to me that revival is not right (unbiblical) and I'm sure there are other scriptures but what ever happened to repentance, confessing (admitting) your sin to Him and going and sinning no more for He is faithful and just to forgive but He's not going to do it all and you do nothing for He did His part, now He requires that you do yours.
Let us drift to God's word.
There are a lot so called rivivals that are void of preaching Jesus Christ crucified. The gospel is not the focus.
love the intro song
Hey I can't listen to a number of the videos. They show that they are private. Is this intentional?
Hebrews 6:4-6 seems quite telling to me that revival is not right (unbiblical) and I'm sure there are other scriptures but what ever happened to repentance, confessing (admitting) your sin to Him and going and sinning no more for He is faithful and just to forgive but He's not going to do it all and you do nothing for He did His part, now He requires that you do yours.