Cuz they don't care about those crimes. Those crimes give them more reason to implement more laws to get rid of our pirvacy and rights for a bit of security. Sadly the sheeple will be okay with it.
They only use your information for their knowledge and benefit. We're not supposed to know that they have access to this information acording to the video.
Things are only going to get worse. Read Revelation 13 about the beast: “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead, and that no one may buy or sell lest he who has the Mark of the Beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom, let him who has understanding calculate the number of the Beast, for it is a number of a man and his number is six threescore and six (666).” Revelation 13:16-18
Close. It's "Those willing to give up essential liberty to purchase temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." And I learned that he wasn't saying what we think he was.
Because it's harder to recognize individuals when you're tracking every single person. Also, the traffickers work w governments so it doesn't really matter.
i think the root of the problem is too many people have access to too many aspects of our lives, (and every one of them feels compelled to make it just as painful as they have the means to do it...for some insane reason).
It’s still is fun an great just cut all them social media’s platform off an get rid of smartphones an get a flip phone an live your life an enjoy the moment an don’t be a follower what everyone else is doing
This is such an interesting video. The problem is, like a lot of others have said, what can we practicality do about this? If every website or app ask us to accept the terms of service to use the service, should we stop using every service available online? That just doesn't sound a realistic option. So what measures could we take, as consumers, to gain back this privacy?
I have nothing to hide doesn't mean the same as come watch my every living moment. Nothing to hide = I am not a criminal. Stalking/"watching" people=criminal.
This makes me want to go completely off grid with no phone, no nothing. It's so scary. I never read the T & C, I feel they make it deliberately long so we won't read it!
its deliberately long because they have to be extremely careful about what they can and cannot take from you - otherwise, they'd take everything. read T&C.
China's GVT is`SOO intrusive they're in your WOMB!counting eggs & sperm so you ONLY have 1 child or else pay 45k in EROS or DROP the GIRL KID OFF like a PUPPY at the pound to KEEP the FAMILY name.Now those boys have ROBOTS for company for the PRICE of A CAR on INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS.For FEMALE COMPANY A.I is it.
Mayank Singh What do you hope it will change? New York Times is owned by the same entities surveilling you. This “reveal” is a display of confidence. The degree of certainty they have in knowing no one will do anything to stop them. Why do I say this? Ted Gunderson a former FBI head of 27yrs+ turn whistleblower spoke about the criminal activity of our government in length from the 80’s - early 2000’s. CIA ran Pedophile rings, the hundred of thousands of missing children a year a result of their doing, drug trafficking, pornography, and more... One of the statements that always stood out to me was, “You will know of the name/presence Illuminati at a time when they believe their powers cannot be undermined.” Funny how much it’s become apart of mainstream pop-culture. YT his name or YT, CIA and Satanism Where’s the hope?... God. For those who don’t believe in His existence, it’s worth considering. Never live in fear. I wish you all well.
@@Ishiinrue Or vote for people who have policoes for it - I know Andrew Yang a dem candidate has plans against this issue that you can see at pr his multiple interviews (if there's truly another candidate who talked about this issue I'm waiting for info)
I'll be having conversations with my friends. Then a you tube video I haven't looked up yet about what we were talking bout will mysteriously pop up. It's real.
Yes I agree. Not only conversations, but thoughts. Believe me I’m not insane, the other day I was thinking about medieval poems, Just thinking. I didn’t search anything on the web, and then boom! all things medieval appear on my list of recommendations. Is this a psychic surveillance technology or the algorithm is so smart that it can predict my interests and thoughts beforehand???
I have just thought something, not said it out loud nor communicated it in any way, not searched for it previously and then it pops up as an ad or app or video recommendation.... 🧿🧿🤫🤯☠️
Eddie Jennings sun spot..coronal mass ejection.. in 1859 the Carrington event downed the telegraph system.. if we got a similar one , not just cell phones and computers .cars trucks trains planes .. ships .. banking..ATMs..corporations... utilities...just about everything would shut down
Seeing as the US administration is currently more concerned with the priorities of Corporate America than its citizens, we will have to wait a while before even considering a change to happen.
That's been the entire history of the US government. In some ways, yes, it is arguably beneficial (ie. large economy, business-friendly environment) but in a lot of ways (and in my personal opinion) it is detrimental to the personal lives of citizens. If anything, I'd love to somehow see lobbyists banned from Capitol Hill but, also imo, that'll never happen. :(
I would add that those "Terms and Conditions" be limited to about 5 small paragraphs and translated into everyday English that everybody can understand instead of that legal jargon that they drop on you. Our surveillance system looks like China's (unfortunately), but instead of giving up our privacy completely to the government we're relinquishing it to huge private corporations and they in turn monetize on our information, make themselves beyond wealthy. We might be just one president away from a dictatorship. Who would've thought. Meanwhile, jobs don't pay proper salaries or hourly wages, people are getting kicked out of their apartments because having 2 or 3 jobs isn't enough to pay rent or mortgages and the homeless population keeps growing. And, all those companies and the government know who they are (homeless) but do nothing to help. Lovely!
@@xsentialgaming6008 your dumb really dumb. Congress is a different branch. Are you trolling? Or are you really this dumb? Could you actually name the different branches of government? I am sure you have idea. lol.
Before she was executed, Aileen Wuornos suggested that authorities could've apprehended her earlier than they did, but didn't for their own reasons. I've heard other stories similar to this also.
Not caring about your Privacy rights because “you have nothing to hide” is the same as saying you don’t care about free-speech because you have nothing to say It’s the same as saying you don’t care about the Second Amendment because you have nothing to protect. Freedom is not Material All rights are important Mho
We don’t have any Alexa devices in my house, essentially my phone data would have have picked up my conversation and registered that data to my Hulu account which also plays on my TV downstairs, then cycling through certain advertisements that would best appeal to me to get me to buy the product.
@Eddie Jennings But how >? Why would they want you to use an end to end encryption? (tcp or udp) In addition to any other wonders of cyber security? .... trust me as a CS grad, all these things, VPN's, TOOR, Linux, Rooting & encryption...these are just deterrents to these powers and will only slow them down. if they really want you, they will get you. But having an encrypted Nuke drive is far better than not having one if you are hiding stuff don't you think ? That being said, Kali + onion + VPN + drive encryption (E4M for example) means few will know what TF you are doing online.
ben dover this is a late reply, but what would you suggest to do to (partially at least) stop being watched online so to speak? (i know you wrote the first comment but i didn’t understand lots of it lol)
Richard Foran Nah, they are just exaggerating this. I don’t care if some company has my information. How does it affect me unless they are watching me through a camera?
Sooo. Let's actually do something about it instead of just talking. Thank you for making this video. In and of itself, you are standing up from your right to free speech. I'm talking the rest of us.. we need to be doing something too Not just talk about it, be about it. I often wonder why we the people haven't done anything about better limiting the terms and service agreements.
Yeah please people this issue as well as many others are only talked about and tackled by Yang - a rare gem amoung Dem candidates - if you are curious about his ideas and policies you can watch the various podcasts and interviews he made or visits
Saying that you don’t Care about privacy rights because you have nothing to hide, is the same as saying you don’t care about free-speech because you have nothing to say, or you don’t care about the 2nd Amendment because you have nothing to protect. All rights are important.
Alexandra Floresteanu it is the European legislative framework on data protection that applies to personal data of people in the European Union. Long story short, several of the threats listed in the video are considered rights infringement under that piece of legislation. There is also the Law Enforcement Directive (LED) that applies to some policing activities. Most of the threats eu citizens’ data are exposed to come from the data transfer to non-EU states that usually have lower data protection standards. P.s. I know it is far more complex than what I’ve written, but this is a UA-cam comment, not an academic article on privacy 😅
@@LaLora95 Unfortunately most websites have the most ridiculous opt-out pages which makes it infinitely frustrating to do, they're slow, sometimes if you click a thing to opt-out it simply turns itself back on, so I'm assuming most people just ignore it and click 'okay, whatever, take my info then'.
Yeah, but didn't a woman in the EU just lose her job for texting a friend that transwomen are still men? And then a couple years ago that Dracula guy who taught his pug a "Nazi" salute was arrested for hate speech. All this data protection in the EU and yet they still incriminate you for private messages and strip you of freedom of speech 😂
We REALLY need to elect Andrew Yang. He actually understands the 21st century and the technology it brings. He has a policy called "Data as a Property Right" that would disallow tech companies from using and selling your data without your permission.
The most apparent flaw in that is that you would simply be barred from accessing the service if you did not agree to your data being sold. It would be a meaningless regulation.
Lol, you are high. He was a moron who ran out of cash. If you think your vote matters in the context that it will make a difference in this country you havent been paying attention. We as a society have ensures the survival of too many inferior genes (not racial) for this country to survive. Almost half the country is on welfare of some social program and because individual rights are not recognized I'm forced at the barrel of a gun to feed and house them. We need to abolish all social programs and totally reset this country. The people have to enforce the constitution and bill of rights and force government back into its lanes of restriction.
My identity was stolen awhile back. A credit bureau was hacked years ago... so I think any semblance of my having had any security at all has long left the building. Worrying about it incessantly will only cause more problems. I already did an immense level of reporting and proactive actions to shorten the process of recovery if it should happen again. And the reality is that my information security is nonexistent. It is what it is.
I yelled at my kid and checked my Instagram a little later and an ad popped up about screamfree parenting.....immediately deleted the app I don’t have microphone on for the app!. I watched the crowns aberfan episode ON MY TV and I got recommendations on UA-cam it’s getting out of hand Edit: recommendations about the aberfan incident. Also even if every “listening” app is disabled ie Siri Alexa etc this still happens try it yourself.
@Gilda Gottlieb you can't turn off the microphone in Android. the only way is to either remove the microphone physically ,rendering your phone useless, or rooting your phone and deleting all the Google apps and services
I mean, when I was in college I couldn't properly function without having Facebook. Group projects, etc. You will be forced to use some of these platforms.
There not really forcing you nobody is like putting a gun to your head and telling you to do it but now unlike before it’s getting really hard to live without technology but I don’t really lm think that’s a bad thing
@@angiedelacruz6586 There may not have a gun to your head, but there are other ways off forcing somebody to do something. By pressuring them to make a decision by eliminating alternate options.
Alyssa Dyer what is “forcing” because you need to differentiate needing to use something and then being forced to use something like the example she put there on how in college she wouldn’t have passed without using Facebook forums that isn’t really being forced to do anything you just needed it so that you would have passed it’s just convenient also you have free will to do anything that you please and I really don’t like this demonization of the government they are doing what they need to to be able to protect this country and because the internet became a big part of our lives now they have to watch what we are doing here to To supervise people and also if you are completely innocent of all things and there should be no reason why you’re uncomfortable with someone looking through your information if that is what you’re really scared of because the government has no bearing to leak this information or to tell anyone about it unless you’re doing something wrong in the end the government and everyone else is just trying to protect you and I don’t like this whole imagination of people thinking the worst and the government because it’s simply not true these people who spent all their lives researching and studying for this job do not do it because they hate people they simply do this to protect us and on companies I have no problem with companies making money they have to these things aren’t a problem they are just the way things are
Yeah one of my past college classes required us to download a few apps for the class for social group work and it had terms and conditions like these too
street camera's uses algorithms to identify when a car has skips a red light 1 second after turning red, takes a high quality image and sends a letter and a fine to your address. but they cant identify someone walking at a slow place in close proximity after an assualt or murder?
This is literally what Andrew Yang pushes for and talks about on all of his long-form interviews. He has a plan for this and would go through! Yang 2020 :)
Watch Yang's interviews and podcasts or consult his policies at then when you're way less ignorant maybe you'll be able to make better arguments - maybe
We need to take actions now. I think we should support The Tor Project, privacy-first search engines, alternatives to Facebook and Google, etc. If we continue fighting for our privacy, our voices will be heard
@@RR-ll2ns Yes, venerable: "Commanding respect by virtue of age, dignity, character, or position." The NYT checks off on each item on this list. Your comment, sadly, does not.
Thats just false. If that was true you wouldnt hear the clicking of your -shutter- aperture when you turn on your camera app, because it would already be set to record at all times. Now, audio recording maybe. However, it would either have to be discarded or sent to servers very quickly, otherwise it would end up taking huge amounts of space on your phone. I do know for a fact that everytime you say "ok google" to your phone, the recording is sent to google servers and stored there. (I have a samsung, i dont know about apple phones or any other android phone)
I'm writing this from the US,.... but back in the "old days"😆 people used to have ethics, morals... that would ring in their heads saying something like "This is wrong, I can't do this." People had a conscience. They used to know what was right from wrong,... and whether something is wrong and it's being done to you, them, someone else,... Wrong is wrong, is wrong, is wrong. .... And "good people" will NEVER do things to other people that they KNOW IS WRONG!!! It's like that shock experiment... (forgot the name of it!!!☹️) Where the one guy is giving the other guy shocks per orders of the test manager.... And the guy who's getting the shocks is yelling out in pain with each increase in voltage... At one point, he starts crying out that he has a heart condition and his heart is starting to hurt.....😲 See this is just the thing.... We got people making minimum wage, to millions of dollars, .... all willing to do harm, or the "wrong" thing to our fellow man, without conscience. I really, truly believe that people were not always like this. People knew right from wrong, and wouldn't throw anyone under the bus!!! Not for all the tea in... Well, you get the point. Anybody have anything to add to this.... I'd Love to hear what you think.🙂
There is that angle I suppose but is the pay we get in free services fair with regards to the revenue these companies make? Just wondering what the breakdown is precisely for a typical individual.
You two here should at least look up one of the multiple interviews he did or consult his policies at he's the only one have seen digging in important but ignored problems by other candidates, we need Yang for our current and future America
Reminds me of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. There was this policy for about 2 years that roughly translates as "1000 Flowers Blooming." The policy was to encourage diversity of expression, to encourage public dissent, as a part of helping the nation become stronger and more conducive to well-being for all citizens. For 2 years voices critical of the government were encouraged to write, give speeches, express their ideas for what was wrong and how things should be improved. Then came the purge. Most of those people were either killed or sent to "re-education" camps. What defense did any have when their own public writings and recordings were used as evidence against them under the new laws? You see, by the time you know you need your privacy, it is too late to protect it. You can only protect it now, while what you're doing naturally is not yet deemed illegal. Now is when you don't want the information being collected regardless of how innocuous it supposedly is. Using VPN. Covering your laptop and cell phone cameras. Having a mic plug in mic sockets that records no sound. Turning off location services on your phone. Using encrypted email and messaging services. These and other actions may seem paranoid for someone not breaking any current laws. The issue is that we never truly know we will never be a target of Fascism, for it picks its own targets.
Does that mean American's can't help except to dip things into other things? Cause I can immediately think of offenses that's with out the riotous topic of doughnuts that springs forth pastry complaints.
Broke up with someone recently. Never once searched how to get over it etc but every ad that showed on the side of my laptop had "how to get over him" advice and even youtube recommendation on the topic. I never once searched any of those topics and have no idea how they knew.
Maybe the other person simply mentioned the breakup on a sight like this, or maybe you did, on any social media platform. That's all it takes. Your emails aren't private either, and neither is anything you say or do around any smart device (yours or not). You don't have to search for something when something is searching for you.
"I'm a law-abiding citizen so there's nothing for me to worry about" sounds so familiar? Just like what I usually hear from HK people who support the Chinese government. I guess it's also common in the US?
I think the “willing” part is a bit of a misnomer A lot of a misnomer actually We don’t willingly give this up, we don’t have a choice about giving it up if we want to use the benefits of technology. If developers made it optional to give the information I bet most people would choose not to. The developers don’t make it optional at all or if they do make any of it optional they make it very hard to enact. This is not an accident. There are people who have been building this very intentionally for many many decades now. Why do you think you never got a choice about whether or not you gave your information away when you use the software? Why do you think it’s written out in endless tiny prints so you don’t want to read it? And why is it so hard to retain a copy of it for ourselves?
"You know, a lot of people were surprised that the government was surveiling its citizens so extensively. I wasn't. What I think was surprising about what this stuff that Snwoden revealed was how extensive the government's surveillance was". Well g, NYT sure knows how to pick em.
They can tell exactly how you're feeling. Lol good luck with that the week before my period when I'm absolutely manic depressive and cramping, bloated, etc
The thing is , if you don’t agree to those terms and conditions you are not able to use that website
Yeah literally provide 0 options.
That's the only way to affect that website/company economically.
Don't use their website.
Francisc Rimoti exactly. So there’s no use being paranoid.
Right lol. Like we have a choice at the end of the day.
@@overflowbeats6965 ofcourse and thats common sense but the choice is turning into a forced monopoly across paltforms.
Google knows everything about me yet my youtube homepage is still full of crap
Cuz they don't care about those crimes. Those crimes give them more reason to implement more laws to get rid of our pirvacy and rights for a bit of security. Sadly the sheeple will be okay with it.
XDDD Me too my guy
Someone make a petition so we can get these privacy bill of rights rolling
@@idk-qg2rm fr
Minerva Li - They don't want you to know how good they are at it.
Government can track everything about me, but couldn't find the guy that stole my car. What a weak and pathetic government
They only watch innocent people.
@Adolf Hitler EXPERIENCE
They only use your information for their knowledge and benefit. We're not supposed to know that they have access to this information acording to the video.
It is not a priority to them.
@Adolf Hitler why are you named hitler
“If you have nothing to hide you have nothing fear.”
*No no no no ... if I have nothing to hide you have nothing to look for.*
Amen to that!
You can't hide from Allah he sees and knows everything staying positive and prayed up love kelelah
Things are only going to get worse. Read Revelation 13 about the beast: “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead, and that no one may buy or sell lest he who has the Mark of the Beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom, let him who has understanding calculate the number of the Beast, for it is a number of a man and his number is six threescore and six (666).” Revelation 13:16-18
Jillian H Sorry, but how is this related? Genuine question
My question is if we're always bring watched then why do we have so many "missing" people?
@Rock Stone I think they have unlimited access to info, not resources. They probably prioritize who they think is important...
Because its government pedophile endocrine freaks involved.
Your question assumes that the "watching-powers" and the "disappearing-powers" are separate and contrary entities :O
@@casek6930 you got a point there... 🤔
If they are missing the government doesn't want them found
So we’re all watching a video about being watched while being watched ourselves👀
So meta.
that's what the title says, yes
My head hurts
And that’s the way the cookie crumbles.
Let 'em watch, I' m flattered.
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - B. Franklin
Close. It's "Those willing to give up essential liberty to purchase temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." And I learned that he wasn't saying what we think he was.
Artur I think I like yours better 🤔🤔🤔👀👀
im sorry i don't understand what liberty and security are supposed to mean in this context?
I was thinking of that quote couldn’t remember who said it. So true. I also like Arthur’s more
Leanne Pardy Power - Which is why it was dumb to insert (whatever version/interpretation) of that cliche quote here.
If everyone is being surveilled, why haven’t they caught traffickers
carol.nicol Good point! I think it’s because it might be an inside job.
Doesn't turn a profit
Carol.nicol: Maybe because the Deep State is so deep on it. I am just guessing ...
Because it's harder to recognize individuals when you're tracking every single person. Also, the traffickers work w governments so it doesn't really matter.
Why would they catch traffickers if the most powerful and wealthy are their clients?
I remember when living was fun.
When was that?
It will be fun again in Jehovah's new system which will be very soon. #paradiseonearthsoon
@Imperfection Perfected yes 80s-90s before internet
i think the root of the problem is too many people have access to too many aspects of our lives, (and every one of them feels compelled to make it just as painful as they have the means to do it...for some insane reason).
It’s still is fun an great just cut all them social media’s platform off an get rid of smartphones an get a flip phone an live your life an enjoy the moment an don’t be a follower what everyone else is doing
Me: *crying at 1 am*
My FBI agent: yo bro are you okay?
He has feels too
Me: Say sike right now
You ok yo?
Everyone's been waiting for 1984 when it's so clearly Brave New World. Who needs cameras in the trees when you have cameras in your pocket?
New World Order
JB 420 brave new world is a book
@@mdr8062 That predicts the coming New World Order
@@BrainwashedBot it's here already, just watch your night sky, closely, and look at all the new cell towers and heavy black cabling everywhere.
@Hyacinth, anyone would be nuts to have an 'alexa' in their home. It probably records everything and sends information to the government.
Edward Snowden is a hero
All whistleblowers are heroes.
Chance Bond such a contrarian conspiracy theorist that the guy who unveils actual conspiracies is actually a whole new conspiracy..
@@Snardvark25 Smarter than you then really.
Recently read that book " No place to Hide " such an eye opener. Nothing but salute to this guy
Chance Bond Found the government plant.
This is such an interesting video. The problem is, like a lot of others have said, what can we practicality do about this? If every website or app ask us to accept the terms of service to use the service, should we stop using every service available online? That just doesn't sound a realistic option. So what measures could we take, as consumers, to gain back this privacy?
Firefox has a built-in tracker blocker
@@MasrurChowdhury124 but when you search in firfox you also search on
077 Di then use Ecosia instead
burn it all
Limit the amount of random websites you sign up to, or just use duckduckgo.
"a society of surveillance is one step away from a society of submission"
that's a great line to end an article.
I have nothing to hide doesn't mean the same as come watch my every living moment. Nothing to hide = I am not a criminal. Stalking/"watching" people=criminal.
At some point, though, you can expect the things you do to become criminalized.
People who said that have that I don't have anything to say so free speech doesn't matter mentality.
This makes me want to go completely off grid with no phone, no nothing. It's so scary. I never read the T & C, I feel they make it deliberately long so we won't read it!
well that and you have to have a legal degree and be specialized in contracts to understand the language.
its deliberately long because they have to be extremely careful about what they can and cannot take from you - otherwise, they'd take everything. read T&C.
@@TheHollowMusicNY yup, that's exactly what I'm going to do from now on.
@@peterwilkinson1975 I am a law school student and I 100% agree with that statement
Even if you go off-grid. When you get near any device or tv updates everything you've done since off grid. Yes.. .they are playing god...
Wanna hear a joke?
So funny 😃👊
What’s that
i snickered
Lmao I’m dead 😂 😂 😂 😂
hahaha.... freedom hahahahaha😂😂😭
This is one reason I am off of most social media. But I know Big Brother is always watching!
Andrea Turnquist you’re on UA-cam so you are on social media. 🤦🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️
@@Kimberly-wt1nu I am aware. I said "most" social media. Lol
@@andreaturnquist4855 And if u got a Phone u can forget about it.
@@CONCRETEJUNGLE-be6ic Yes, hence, big brother is always watching.
@@andreaturnquist4855 This is why I don't understand these criminals,back in the day you might get away with it, now....You can forget about it.
Is it me or when I google something ads for it will come up on UA-cam...
xelormx it’s not you, that’s just how things work
@@jess_hinz I know, guess who didn't read the terms and agreements¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
Welcome to the matrix.
switch to duckduckgo
I went to wix and then ads pop up in UA-cam thank you cookies.
This is some black mirror stuff, only in China it's much worse.
But the west is heading there fast...
that is what they want you to believe, China are just upfront about it
OGASI that’s what my history teacher told me
China's GVT is`SOO intrusive they're in your WOMB!counting eggs & sperm so you ONLY have 1 child or else pay 45k in EROS or DROP the GIRL KID OFF like a PUPPY at the pound to KEEP the FAMILY name.Now those boys have ROBOTS for company for the PRICE of A CAR on INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS.For FEMALE COMPANY A.I is it.
@@cheritabarbuto8851 lol. Facts
I hope this video blows up
Mayank Singh What do you hope it will change? New York Times is owned by the same entities surveilling you. This “reveal” is a display of confidence. The degree of certainty they have in knowing no one will do anything to stop them.
Why do I say this?
Ted Gunderson a former FBI head of 27yrs+ turn whistleblower spoke about the criminal activity of our government in length from the 80’s - early 2000’s. CIA ran Pedophile rings, the hundred of thousands of missing children a year a result of their doing, drug trafficking, pornography, and more... One of the statements that always stood out to me was, “You will know of the name/presence Illuminati at a time when they believe their powers cannot be undermined.” Funny how much it’s become apart of mainstream pop-culture.
YT his name or YT, CIA and Satanism
Where’s the hope?... God. For those who don’t believe in His existence, it’s worth considering. Never live in fear.
I wish you all well.
@@Ishiinrue Or vote for people who have policoes for it - I know Andrew Yang a dem candidate has plans against this issue that you can see at pr his multiple interviews (if there's truly another candidate who talked about this issue I'm waiting for info)
Ishiinrue not sure what’s worse, you believing in unfounded conspiracy theories or believing in that some fictional man in the sky will save you...
Makes sense lol
Oh yes
... History 😬
"I always feel like, somebody's watching meee..."
Daniel Duvalle literally had that in my head throughout the video
@Daniel......they are.
@@lindahandley5267 T.H.E.Y.?!?
Stop smoking weed😂
日本太郎 lol it's from a somg
I'll be having conversations with my friends. Then a you tube video I haven't looked up yet about what we were talking bout will mysteriously pop up. It's real.
You give permission to your phone to use its microphone so it’s always listening
Yes I agree. Not only conversations, but thoughts. Believe me I’m not insane, the other day I was thinking about medieval poems, Just thinking. I didn’t search anything on the web, and then boom! all things medieval appear on my list of recommendations. Is this a psychic surveillance technology or the algorithm is so smart that it can predict my interests and thoughts beforehand???
This happens to me all the time
Yep, can confirm sometimes I’ll tell friends what we should get and I get ads for it later
I have just thought something, not said it out loud nor communicated it in any way, not searched for it previously and then it pops up as an ad or app or video recommendation.... 🧿🧿🤫🤯☠️
we're sheep getting led into slaughter
sa 420
you are too well informed...
ag 21 calls for 95% population reduction
Yelp I agree !! They want the worlds over population to end. And they will succeed. I do believe the government created this virus to wipe us out.
Eddie Jennings sun spot..coronal mass ejection..
in 1859 the Carrington event downed the telegraph system..
if we got a similar one , not just cell phones and computers .cars trucks trains planes .. ships .. banking..ATMs..corporations... utilities...just about everything would shut down
Seeing as the US administration is currently more concerned with the priorities of Corporate America than its citizens, we will have to wait a while before even considering a change to happen.
That's been the entire history of the US government. In some ways, yes, it is arguably beneficial (ie. large economy, business-friendly environment) but in a lot of ways (and in my personal opinion) it is detrimental to the personal lives of citizens. If anything, I'd love to somehow see lobbyists banned from Capitol Hill but, also imo, that'll never happen. :(
@@samtracy8072 They certainly should be banned, and caps on spending for political campaigns. Another "that'll never happen".
: That's not going to happen; this is part of the plan, which is why it's happening now. -Long game.
Bernie Sanders is the only candidate that truly cares about this issue, just look at his policies. This is coming from a former trump supporter.
I would add that those "Terms and Conditions" be limited to about 5 small paragraphs and translated into everyday English that everybody can understand instead of that legal jargon that they drop on you.
Our surveillance system looks like China's (unfortunately), but instead of giving up our privacy completely to the government we're relinquishing it to huge private corporations and they in turn monetize on our information, make themselves beyond wealthy. We might be just one president away from a dictatorship. Who would've thought.
Meanwhile, jobs don't pay proper salaries or hourly wages, people are getting kicked out of their apartments because having 2 or 3 jobs isn't enough to pay rent or mortgages and the homeless population keeps growing. And, all those companies and the government know who they are (homeless) but do nothing to help. Lovely!
@@schelney exactly ^^^^
@@schelney Congress is not the most powerful.brench. The house holds the most power as it closely represents the people. God you are so dumb.
@@guali7337 the house is part of Congress you braindead shard of soggy lettuce
@@xsentialgaming6008 your dumb really dumb. Congress is a different branch. Are you trolling? Or are you really this dumb? Could you actually name the different branches of government? I am sure you have idea. lol.
@@guali7337 we're talking about the house of representatives, right?
And yet so many crimes are “unsolved”
Shakira 8 Exactly 🤦🏾♀️🤮
Just because they have the information doesn't mean they use it or even see it
Before she was executed, Aileen Wuornos suggested that authorities could've apprehended her earlier than they did, but didn't for their own reasons. I've heard other stories similar to this also.
@@ChiknThighTatorPie you're right. Creepy
I always thought it was weird that editing apps wanted to know my location.
i always put that to off
Not caring about your Privacy rights because “you have nothing to hide”
is the same as saying
you don’t care about free-speech because you have nothing to say
It’s the same as saying
you don’t care about the Second Amendment because you have nothing to protect.
Freedom is not Material
All rights are important
it makes sense now how I see the boots I wanted to buy everywhere
Hah, let them know you need the money for the Boots, bet a CC Ad pop's up lol. Same happening with me but not with Apparel, jewelery here.😬
We don’t have any Alexa devices in my house, essentially my phone data would have have picked up my conversation and registered that data to my Hulu account which also plays on my TV downstairs, then cycling through certain advertisements that would best appeal to me to get me to buy the product.
Needless to say they lost that round. My phone listening to me and sending data to all of my different services was enough for me.
All you have to do is look them up once.
Advertising *doesn’t* work on me bc I’m broke lmao
Word ....lmaoo
You'll find a way to afford stuff
@@user-zd9fc4vs4q or starve, freeze etc, no probs, no-one cares. :-)
Don't worry. They still know of your social security and other streams of income...
People called me crazy and a conspiracy theorist for talking about this when iPhones came out in the early 2000’s. Just saying. 🤔
iPhone was released summer 2007.
people call me that now
@@shehimaliyah3816 probably bc youre a kpop stan lol
@@kd1330 aw shut up
@@shehimaliyah3816 hehe sorry, if it makes you feel any better, i too listen to kpop
After he said “you probably don’t use a vpn” I turned my vpn on 😂
same for me
@Eddie Jennings But how >? Why would they want you to use an end to end encryption? (tcp or udp) In addition to any other wonders of cyber security? .... trust me as a CS grad, all these things, VPN's, TOOR, Linux, Rooting & encryption...these are just deterrents to these powers and will only slow them down. if they really want you, they will get you. But having an encrypted Nuke drive is far better than not having one if you are hiding stuff don't you think ?
That being said, Kali + onion + VPN + drive encryption (E4M for example) means few will know what TF you are doing online.
@Eddie Jennings LOl, how autistic of me ;)
ben dover this is a late reply, but what would you suggest to do to (partially at least) stop being watched online so to speak? (i know you wrote the first comment but i didn’t understand lots of it lol)
Tooo late Cameron Amari I have all of your Info 😈 sikeeee lol
I always talk to my phone, expecting that I'm being listened to and occasionally flip off my cameras, when they are uncovered 😂
LOL!!! I’m gonna start doing that !!
better turn on my VPN again
Richard Foran maybe learn how to type before you go on a pretentious condescending rant?
Richard Foran Nah, they are just exaggerating this. I don’t care if some company has my information. How does it affect me unless they are watching me through a camera?
@@kingtaco1725 youtube how china tracks everyone and watch the vice upload. It's the norm there and we're probably heading in that direction too
At least someone is interested in me :(
Not in you. What you can bring them.
6SD lol
@@Anonymous-uw4sr shut up :(
@@6sd188 Sorry :( 🖤
6SD who r u🥺
9:20 it's already happening! Facial recognition is used to identify protesters in Hong Kong (and punish them later)
My thought exactly!!
So we’re technically being stalked 24/7
Sooo. Let's actually do something about it instead of just talking. Thank you for making this video. In and of itself, you are standing up from your right to free speech. I'm talking the rest of us.. we need to be doing something too
Not just talk about it, be about it. I often wonder why we the people haven't done anything about better limiting the terms and service agreements.
Andrew Yang has a policy for this, please go and look. Please.
Yeah please people this issue as well as many others are only talked about and tackled by Yang - a rare gem amoung Dem candidates - if you are curious about his ideas and policies you can watch the various podcasts and interviews he made or visits
Fnerby Shnerb where can I watch or read that information? Many thanks!
@hunchoz hunchoz if you've done any research on yang at all you'd know he's not a socialist
Andrew Yang can not be trusted.
I love being gen z bc this is just common sense and knowledge
Millenium here 1990 and I saw this coming right away with the advent of the www.
“Send what you got big brother” 💀
Reminds me 1984 the book lol
ANGEL HE that’s exactly what he was alluding to and I love it
Saying that you don’t Care about
privacy rights because you have
nothing to hide,
is the same as saying you don’t care about free-speech
because you have nothing to say,
you don’t care about the 2nd Amendment
because you have nothing to protect.
All rights are important.
I’m just glad NYT managed to get the Geico gecko to narrate this video.
Now I can't unhear it 😂🤣🤣 SHAT
Sarah MayWest Ever-looming over the video.
I think you should have made at least a rapid comparison with Europe and the GDPR, just for the sake of completeness
Laura Palm what’s that about?
Alexandra Floresteanu it is the European legislative framework on data protection that applies to personal data of people in the European Union. Long story short, several of the threats listed in the video are considered rights infringement under that piece of legislation. There is also the Law Enforcement Directive (LED) that applies to some policing activities. Most of the threats eu citizens’ data are exposed to come from the data transfer to non-EU states that usually have lower data protection standards.
P.s. I know it is far more complex than what I’ve written, but this is a UA-cam comment, not an academic article on privacy 😅
@@LaLora95 Unfortunately most websites have the most ridiculous opt-out pages which makes it infinitely frustrating to do, they're slow, sometimes if you click a thing to opt-out it simply turns itself back on, so I'm assuming most people just ignore it and click 'okay, whatever, take my info then'.
Yeah, but didn't a woman in the EU just lose her job for texting a friend that transwomen are still men? And then a couple years ago that Dracula guy who taught his pug a "Nazi" salute was arrested for hate speech. All this data protection in the EU and yet they still incriminate you for private messages and strip you of freedom of speech 😂
While he didn't directly say it, If I'm not mistaking some of the photos of articles were from the U.K/ Europe.
All this and school shooting still happen. Classic.
HahAHhahahHA. ha. 😤😩😵
>> All this and school shooting still happen. Classic.
Cause the simple doesn't work.
Because they want a reason to take your guns afterwards.
We REALLY need to elect Andrew Yang. He actually understands the 21st century and the technology it brings. He has a policy called "Data as a Property Right" that would disallow tech companies from using and selling your data without your permission.
The most apparent flaw in that is that you would simply be barred from accessing the service if you did not agree to your data being sold. It would be a meaningless regulation.
Yang wants Julian Assange to go to trial. You are wrong about Yang supporting privacy rights
Keanu Reeves Disallow.....😂😂😂😂😂😂
Lol, you are high. He was a moron who ran out of cash. If you think your vote matters in the context that it will make a difference in this country you havent been paying attention. We as a society have ensures the survival of too many inferior genes (not racial) for this country to survive. Almost half the country is on welfare of some social program and because individual rights are not recognized I'm forced at the barrel of a gun to feed and house them. We need to abolish all social programs and totally reset this country. The people have to enforce the constitution and bill of rights and force government back into its lanes of restriction.
@@FreedomInc Wow, you are stupid.
iv watched this before but it blows my mind especially with the events taking part in the world right now. stay safe
My identity was stolen awhile back. A credit bureau was hacked years ago... so I think any semblance of my having had any security at all has long left the building. Worrying about it incessantly will only cause more problems. I already did an immense level of reporting and proactive actions to shorten the process of recovery if it should happen again. And the reality is that my information security is nonexistent. It is what it is.
I yelled at my kid and checked my Instagram a little later and an ad popped up about screamfree parenting.....immediately deleted the app I don’t have microphone on for the app!. I watched the crowns aberfan episode ON MY TV and I got recommendations on UA-cam it’s getting out of hand
Edit: recommendations about the aberfan incident. Also even if every “listening” app is disabled ie Siri Alexa etc this still happens try it yourself.
Gilda Gottlieb nope Apple
This is so scary. 😲
@@asemibase3697 the microphone is always on.
@Gilda Gottlieb you can't turn off the microphone in Android. the only way is to either remove the microphone physically ,rendering your phone useless, or rooting your phone and deleting all the Google apps and services
technological akshually void spaghetti seeds yeah in _jason borne land_ but when it says it’s off it should
I can't even speak without the topic coming up on my phone. And once siri just started commenting on our conversation.
*Hold on-* Commenting?! Do you mind telling what you were talking about? And also what she commented?
also he never turned her on for use. she did that all by her it's self.
Im so glad she was at least encouraging. 🌻🌻🌻🌻
I mean, when I was in college I couldn't properly function without having Facebook. Group projects, etc.
You will be forced to use some of these platforms.
Sui WONS - Same 😔
There not really forcing you nobody is like putting a gun to your head and telling you to do it but now unlike before it’s getting really hard to live without technology but I don’t really lm think that’s a bad thing
@@angiedelacruz6586 There may not have a gun to your head, but there are other ways off forcing somebody to do something. By pressuring them to make a decision by eliminating alternate options.
Alyssa Dyer what is “forcing” because you need to differentiate needing to use something and then being forced to use something like the example she put there on how in college she wouldn’t have passed without using Facebook forums that isn’t really being forced to do anything you just needed it so that you would have passed it’s just convenient also you have free will to do anything that you please and I really don’t like this demonization of the government they are doing what they need to to be able to protect this country and because the internet became a big part of our lives now they have to watch what we are doing here to To supervise people and also if you are completely innocent of all things and there should be no reason why you’re uncomfortable with someone looking through your information if that is what you’re really scared of because the government has no bearing to leak this information or to tell anyone about it unless you’re doing something wrong in the end the government and everyone else is just trying to protect you and I don’t like this whole imagination of people thinking the worst and the government because it’s simply not true these people who spent all their lives researching and studying for this job do not do it because they hate people they simply do this to protect us and on companies I have no problem with companies making money they have to these things aren’t a problem they are just the way things are
Yeah one of my past college classes required us to download a few apps for the class for social group work and it had terms and conditions like these too
"Those who give up their freedom for security, deserve neither!!!"
street camera's uses algorithms to identify when a car has skips a red light 1 second after turning red, takes a high quality image and sends a letter and a fine to your address. but they cant identify someone walking at a slow place in close proximity after an assualt or murder?
The Patriot Act was quietly renewed at the end of 2019. Let freedom ring.
Get rid of everyone that has had anything to do with it.
The most blatant attack on constitutional rights in my lifetime.
While everybody was distracted!
It should have been in every newspaper and headline news 24/7. Instead, it was quietly passed while everyone was distracted.
This is literally what Andrew Yang pushes for and talks about on all of his long-form interviews. He has a plan for this and would go through! Yang 2020 :)
Watch Yang's interviews and podcasts or consult his policies at then when you're way less ignorant maybe you'll be able to make better arguments - maybe
@Oompa Loompa so a vote for a black president is a vote for africa?
Literally I’ve known this by deductive reasoning for like 6 years now
I hope they are watching!!! Because We are watching Them!
We need to take actions now. I think we should support The Tor Project, privacy-first search engines, alternatives to Facebook and Google, etc. If we continue fighting for our privacy, our voices will be heard
Hope my personal FBI agent, enjoys all the memes I look at.
Bro ye, zoomers be vibe-ing with our FBI agents
Kim Kannibal ikr everyone else is dying about this and we’re just out here like (☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎
I don't have an issue, the people who watch me sit by a garage all night long or go in one the houses, or park close by. Sleeping bags rule.
Brilliant reporting by the venerable New York Times.
@@RR-ll2ns Yes, venerable: "Commanding respect by virtue of age, dignity, character, or position." The NYT checks off on each item on this list. Your comment, sadly, does not.
Terrifying. And that's why I sincerely contemplate quitting social media (among using other privacy tactics, like a VPN) everyday.
Sam Tracy what’s a vpn?
@@biffskywalker4589 virtual private network
Im not a tech guy but I think VPNs wont protect you. Its just another way of em profitting from people's fear
Thanks for your public service New York Times you do a great job. Denise Sinclair
FBI agents watching through my webcam be like : retreat , we've been exposed .
George Orwell had this coming!
More so Huxley .
The Times can get the ball rolling by telling us what they do with our data.
Yeah, shouldn't news sites be scared we don't appreciate them like we used to due to competition by individuals?
My personal comfort level was never breached but my frustration with the legislature is mounting.
You're phone is always filming and always recording at any moment
Everyone should throw out and stop using their NAZI makes you dumb, makes the elites smarter phone!!!!!!
Thats just false. If that was true you wouldnt hear the clicking of your -shutter- aperture when you turn on your camera app, because it would already be set to record at all times. Now, audio recording maybe. However, it would either have to be discarded or sent to servers very quickly, otherwise it would end up taking huge amounts of space on your phone. I do know for a fact that everytime you say "ok google" to your phone, the recording is sent to google servers and stored there. (I have a samsung, i dont know about apple phones or any other android phone)
My phone took picture by itself the other day all by it self creepy we just look at each other???
@@taggerung_ ,digital phone cameras dont have shutters bro,thsts just sound effect.
I'm writing this from the US,.... but back in the "old days"😆 people used to have ethics, morals... that would ring in their heads saying something like "This is wrong, I can't do this." People had a conscience. They used to know what was right from wrong,... and whether something is wrong and it's being done to you, them, someone else,... Wrong is wrong, is wrong, is wrong. .... And "good people" will NEVER do things to other people that they KNOW IS WRONG!!!
It's like that shock experiment... (forgot the name of it!!!☹️) Where the one guy is giving the other guy shocks per orders of the test manager.... And the guy who's getting the shocks is yelling out in pain with each increase in voltage... At one point, he starts crying out that he has a heart condition and his heart is starting to hurt.....😲
See this is just the thing.... We got people making minimum wage, to millions of dollars, .... all willing to do harm, or the "wrong" thing to our fellow man, without conscience.
I really, truly believe that people were not always like this. People knew right from wrong, and wouldn't throw anyone under the bus!!! Not for all the tea in... Well, you get the point. Anybody have anything to add to this.... I'd Love to hear what you think.🙂
I don’t have a problem with then using my info, my problem is I’m not getting paid for it.
evergreen you are getting “paid” in services provided. Your “free” Facebook, UA-cam, etc services are paid for with your privacy data.
There is that angle I suppose but is the pay we get in free services fair with regards to the revenue these companies make? Just wondering what the breakdown is precisely for a typical individual.
You will get paid for it in the long run.. NWO
Data is worth more than oil. Vote Yang2020, get your Freedom Dividend.
Yang Gang!!
A commie ? no thanks.
How on Earth is Yang a commie? You must not understand his policies.
@Oompa Loompa You mean an American citizen?
You two here should at least look up one of the multiple interviews he did or consult his policies at he's the only one have seen digging in important but ignored problems by other candidates, we need Yang for our current and future America
This is very creepy and should keep me awake at night but I'll probably forget about it in about 10 minutes from now. Very sad.
24thDynasty lol
You already know that your being watched right know when there's a front camera on your phone.
Being around cows my entire life has brought me to the conclusion that a large percentage of humans display the same attributes they do.
Reminds me of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. There was this policy for about 2 years that roughly translates as "1000 Flowers Blooming." The policy was to encourage diversity of expression, to encourage public dissent, as a part of helping the nation become stronger and more conducive to well-being for all citizens. For 2 years voices critical of the government were encouraged to write, give speeches, express their ideas for what was wrong and how things should be improved. Then came the purge. Most of those people were either killed or sent to "re-education" camps. What defense did any have when their own public writings and recordings were used as evidence against them under the new laws?
You see, by the time you know you need your privacy, it is too late to protect it. You can only protect it now, while what you're doing naturally is not yet deemed illegal. Now is when you don't want the information being collected regardless of how innocuous it supposedly is.
Using VPN. Covering your laptop and cell phone cameras. Having a mic plug in mic sockets that records no sound. Turning off location services on your phone. Using encrypted email and messaging services. These and other actions may seem paranoid for someone not breaking any current laws. The issue is that we never truly know we will never be a target of Fascism, for it picks its own targets.
This mini document was great but I’m so confused why a British guy is narrating an American document
Cos they got better accents, innit.
I was wondering if an American narrates for them
@@honeywater37 nope usually brits voice over british stuff?
For the dramatic effect duH
No job in England😂
This video is likely to drive people crazy, paranoia is rampant and in this instance it's not paranoia it's a valid response.
laShanta Curry America runs on.....
...and Dunkin doughnuts too 😉
No its not
Does that mean American's can't help except to dip things into other things? Cause I can immediately think of offenses that's with out the riotous topic of doughnuts that springs forth pastry complaints.
The question I have is are they watching through my camera right now?
Unfortunately yes.
Yes I put my phone in the shower with me though 😂
Think they know where I stashed that $1600 that I can’t remember for the life of me where I hid it 🤦♂️
i’d recommend using an alternate browser.
So...Microsoft Edge? XD
@@bernlin2000 nah, duckduckgo or something similar.
Duckduckgo is good
@@medusajellyfish1310 that's a search engine.
Every device has a digital id it leaves.
I hope the police and everyone like watching me lay on different positions in bed all day and night.
Chelsea Older haha ikr! like have fun with all my data lmao
That's me. No make up, crazy hair and a double chin. 😂
I’m in. I’ll vote for that privacy bill of rights
Broke up with someone recently. Never once searched how to get over it etc but every ad that showed on the side of my laptop had "how to get over him" advice and even youtube recommendation on the topic. I never once searched any of those topics and have no idea how they knew.
Maybe the other person simply mentioned the breakup on a sight like this, or maybe you did, on any social media platform. That's all it takes. Your emails aren't private either, and neither is anything you say or do around any smart device (yours or not). You don't have to search for something when something is searching for you.
my fbi agent when he sees me crying at 3am instead of sleeping:
bro u ok tho?🙃
Mine is busy playing vids ... me drooling on my pillow in my no life existence is super boring for my agent
"I'm a law-abiding citizen so there's nothing for me to worry about" sounds so familiar? Just like what I usually hear from HK people who support the Chinese government. I guess it's also common in the US?
12:00 - "The society of surveillance is just one step away from the society of SUBMISSION"
Ya and people often ask me why I left my phone at home or why I have it off in public or when I’m going somewhere.
If u think u have nothing to hide, check your search history
I think the “willing” part is a bit of a misnomer
A lot of a misnomer actually
We don’t willingly give this up, we don’t have a choice about giving it up if we want to use the benefits of technology. If developers made it optional to give the information I bet most people would choose not to. The developers don’t make it optional at all or if they do make any of it optional they make it very hard to enact.
This is not an accident. There are people who have been building this very intentionally for many many decades now. Why do you think you never got a choice about whether or not you gave your information away when you use the software? Why do you think it’s written out in endless tiny prints so you don’t want to read it? And why is it so hard to retain a copy of it for ourselves?
We’re damed if we do, damned if we don’t... if you don’t agree to the terms & conditions we can’t use their services...
I think a lot of people have anxiety about this issue but have no idea about how to disengage from the data abuse. Its so wack
"You know, a lot of people were surprised that the government was surveiling its citizens so extensively. I wasn't. What I think was surprising about what this stuff that Snwoden revealed was how extensive the government's surveillance was". Well g, NYT sure knows how to pick em.
Privacy is a Human Right.
They can tell exactly how you're feeling. Lol good luck with that the week before my period when I'm absolutely manic depressive and cramping, bloated, etc
Bruh I put my phone in shower with me so the police will look away 🙂
Feels good to know someone out there is watching over me.😃 #relationshipgoals
I really don’t care, anyone who watches me will be in for a show
the scariest part is the level of control that can be achieved by better managing this data
I have nothing to hide so watch all you want big brother.