@@sgodsellify It could have been. I am glad they didn't go to the vet because that would have been the end. A bit of research into safe blood thinners and dosage for lil critters might have been good (no harm if incorrect diagnosis) but hindsight is 20/20 as they say.
공감함다 제가 이채널을 오래전부터 봐왓슴다 모든 영상을 챙겨보진 못햇구요 제각각 이름들이 잇엇고 작고여린 야생의 아이들과 인간이 교감한다는걸 보면서 놀라웟어요 처키,,, 이름이 남달랏죠 예전에 한번 얼굴에 상처를 입엇던 모습으로 기억하는데 맞나요? 그때 그아이들 처키와 여전히 이댁을 찾아오나요? 유독 처키만 보이는듯 싶기도 하구요 오늘 영상은 주인의 슬픔이 전해져오는 영상이라 맘이 넘 아파오네요 ㅠ
@@Happyvirus16 네, 볼에 상처 있는 아이가 처키예요. 처키, 제니,월리 등은 나이가 꽤 많은데도 츄츄님 부부에게 잘 보살핌을 받아서 건강하게 계속 찾아오고요, 안타깝지마 밤이 등, 안 보이는 아이들도 있어요....ㅠㅠ 새로 찾아오는 어린 다람쥐들도 여럿 있더군요.
I had a similar situation with a squirrel I found earlier this year while out running errands. He was stumbling around in the middle of a four-lane road, completely disoriented, having seizures, and in imminent danger of being run over. I keep an animal carrier and protective gloves in my car trunk for such emergencies, so I caught the little guy and brought him home. I gave him water, sunflower seeds, and a quiet place to rest. About 6 hours and a small mountain of squirrel poop later, he was looking alert and with no sign of rabies, so I brought him back to the area I found him for release. He headed straight for the nearest tree and climbed it with no trouble, so I knew he'd be OK. Guess it was something he ate. Animals are remarkably resilient; sometimes they just need a little help to heal on their own.
😪 💔 My tears fell throughout this video. It made me think of my beloved rats and Guinea pigs and chinchillas that have all passed away. I remember how very sad and heartbroken I'd been when I knew it was their time to go. It was so difficult for such a long time after each and everyone had to go. 😔 Such love and joy they impart ...
아...마지막에 엄청 울었네요. 사랑하고 마음을 준 녀석들과의 어쩔 수 없는 이별을 준비해야 한다는것이 참... 이번 봄엔 다들 무사히 오려나 벌써부터 걱정이 앞섰었는데 이번 영상에 마음이 너무 아프네요. 두분도 많이 놀라셨을꺼 같은데 따뜻한 봄날 우리 처키와 다른 아이들 모두 돌아오길 간절히 바래봅니다.
This was sad but surely Chucky knew something was wrong with her and she made her way to you. She knows you love her and would help her. For a wild animal to feel so much trust for humans is remarkable and magical. She really loves you folks.
I heart skipped a beat just reading a title. Watching an animal who's unwell and poorly is one of the hardest things…glad to see she was okay, I hope it had something to do with heat, not a head injury or any other kinds of illness. Bless your kind hearts.
Honestly, I was thinking this video would be last Chucky's. The flashback hit me how Chucky loves to eat Milworm or the way she put nuts in her torn jaw in full. I guess that she still has some juice left for life. It was so touching that she trusts human mom n dad and moves her home nearby.
눈물이 멈추지 않아요… 결국 우리 모두 자연 으로 돌아간다는것을 알아도 받아들이가 매우 힘드네요 처키를 보며 팬데믹 기간 많은 위로를 받으며 열심히 살아가야 겠다는 생각을 하게끔 도와준 고마운 친구예요 톰과 추추님께 너무너무 감사드립니다… 봄에 다시 건강한 처키를 볼 수 있기를 기도합니다
I was so sadden by Chucky's bad episode. Glad she's so much better. Blessed are our little animals and friends who open their heart to them. Thank you.
I’ve watched little Chucky since you started filming her. Always, I was envious because she comes inside and makes herself at home and you lovingly obliged. To see her pain and suffering brought many tears to my eyes and I’m an old harden veteran. You did the right thing, keeping her safe and warm and then releasing her back to the wild as required. Bless you both. I have six, plus about 12 squirrels that come for food every morning and evening and it always pains me to see that one has been injured. Recently, one lost most of her tail but now she’s fine again but very cautious and that’s ok. I watch over them all until they are finished eating and take their treats in their swollen jaws back to their nest. They bless me far more than I bless them. Bless all the little bundles of joy everywhere. Thank you for sharing and I’m so very happy that she’s well again.
I cried the whole time I watched this. I'm so glad she came back for food and stayed close by your house. I love her so much!! I know how hard a decision it was for you to let her go outside in such a fragile state. Thankfully, she got better. That time she spent inside was so important for her well-being. You took great care of her and trusted your instincts. I can't wait to see her again this Spring after hibernation and hopefully many of our other chipmunk friends. Love you Choo Choo and Tom for all you do for the chipmunks and blue jays. Thanks so much for sharing this journey with us.
Love Watching Chucky! Hope She Is Ok! Maybe She Had A Stroke? Don't Know If That's Possible With Animals? Maybe Something Was Chasing Her On The Way To The House And She Fell From Somewhere High Up? Hopefully She's Ok And It Doesn't Happen Again. She Is So Darn Cute!
I got SO worried til the end. I remember when my cats got really sick and they acted just like that, with the squinty eyes and all. I mean, REALLY similar. I lost both of them and I was so worried about saying anything here. I'm still crying a bit because I'm both a bit sad about seeing it all again and very happy to see it turn out so well for Chucky.
쳐키의 마지막 모습인줄 알고 얼마나 놀랬는지 모르겠어요.. 좋아져서 너무 기쁩니다- 😊 쳐키가 다른 동물에게 습격을 받은건지 아니면 다른 이유가 있는건지 조마조마 했습니다.. ㅠ 갇히거나 폐쇠된 공간을 두려워 하는 것 같았어요.. 상태가 많이 호전되고 좋아져서 정말 다행입니다- ❤️ 쳐키와 다른 다람쥐 들을 보며 오래 앓고 있는 우울증을 조금씩 힐링하고 있습니다.. 쳐키가 조금 만 더 오래 건강히 지냈으면 하는 바램입니다.. 영상 늘 잘 보고 있어요 많이 드릴 수 없음에 죄송할 따름입니다.. 좋은 하루 되시고 건강조심하세요- 🥰
쳐키가 회복해서 정말 다행입니다... 영상 보는 내내 회복되었기를 간절히 기도했네요. 그래도 쳐키가 츄츄님 댁 앞에 쓰러져 있고 그렇게 얼마간 못 나갔는데도 이틀 뒤에 다시 돌아오고, 집 바로 앞에 굴 파고 지내는 걸 보면 츄츄님과 남편분을 진심으로 믿고 의지하는 것 같습니다. 작은 아이가 믿고 의지할 수 있는 존재들이 있어 정말 다행이에요. 따뜻하게 돌봐주셔서 감사합니다.
This was heartbreaking. 💔 I do think she came to your home when she felt she needed help. Though she didn't want to stay inside, you made the right choice in waiting till she was more stable. I pray you have more years with Chucky but she has brought her young to your home so you will always have part of her with you no matter what happens. 💞🐿
My goodness! I am so happy Chucky came back. Your videos have brought me much joy over the past year or so. How these little guys have enriched your life and ours is amazing.
저는 불안증이 있어서 항상 모든게 무서웠는데 저 작고 여린 다람쥐도 세상을 헤쳐나가는걸 보고 저도 두려워하지 말아야겠단 생각이 들어요. 영상의 끝부분에서 결국 이겨낸 쳐키를 보고 눈물이 났습니다... 늘 최선의 돌봄을 해주시는 츄츄님 너무 감사해요! 내보낼때 얼마나 가슴이 아프셨을까요. 무슨일이 있어도 언제나 최선을 다하셨음을 잊지마세요. 영상을 보는 사람 모두 알거예요. 늘 행복이 가득하시길 빕니다!
This says a lot about Chuck's trust. Usually an ill animal will retreat to the burrow to live or die. Chucky went against her instincts and went to her human parents. Thank you and Tom for again showing her trust was not misplaced. 🙂
Thank you for pointing that out because Chuckys instincts are strong, but softened when given consistent kindness, trust, great eats and a soft gentle touch! Choo Choo and Tom are two lovely people with a very special energy about them and the wild animals around their home feel it. I think it's brilliant! 🐿💙🌈
훌쩍훌쩍 거리면서 봤네요 자그마한 친구가 다람쥐들 사이에서는 나이가 적지 않다는걸 잠시 잊고 있었네요 두분도 굉장히 놀라고 가슴 아프셨겠어요 언젠가는 쳐키도 자연의 품으로 돌아가는 날이 오겠지만 아주 조금만이라도 두분 곁에서 그 시간을 늦출수 있기를 간절히 소망해 봅니다 따뜻한 봄이 다가오고 있네요 자그마한 친구들이 건강한 모습으로 또 만날수 있기를...
쳐키에게 무슨 일이 있었던걸까요? 어제 제가 키우던 만두라는 햄스터가 해씨별로 떠났는데.. 쳐키 영상을 보면서 걱정과 안타까움으로 하염없이 울었네요. 츄츄님네 부부도 많이 놀라셨겠어요. 츄츄님네 앞마당으로 이사를 온 쳐키와 함께 안녕과 평화만 있기를 바랍니다. 오늘 영상도 감사합니다. 👍
I'm so glad that Chucky is healthy again...I also watched today's video with a lot of nervousness...I almost freaked out because I thought Chucky was sick...Don't get sick again, Chucky!
Watching Chucky struggling like that had me in tears. So glad Tom found her and brought her inside. You’re wonderful people. I hope we see her again soon after her winter sleep. Hugs to you both. 💕🐿️
My heart stopped as I watched her struggle. It looked to me like she had may have had a stroke. Only because the comment below was encouraging was I able to watch the entire video. I was afraid she wanted to go outside to die in her natural habitat. This really is a miracle. Bless you both for everything you do for all of them. 🙏🏼💜🫶🏼
I stopped breathing! My 18 year old Golden Retriever had two strokes a couple weeks apart and acted a bit like this and, far more recently, my 19 year old cat had a blood clot lodge in her brain. She acted very much like this. Chucky is a little miracle friend to ALL of us and I *_very much_* hope she comes back all healthy again in the spring. I _think_ I remember from some of your past videos that she is not one of the early birds in the spring and tends to come out later than most of them. It's going to be a very difficult wait. Be well, Chucky, people from ALL OVER THE WORLD are praying for you ... and for ChooChoo and Tom too. Thank you, ChooChoo and Tom for ALL your videos. Y'all be well too - you and all of your forest friends - make our days better!
My cousin is a vet and saw this video....he assumes what may have happened is the chipmunk was bitten by an insect with some kind of venom and it irritated her eyes and caused great discomfort and lack of appetite. When the venom subsided, it gained its energy back and its huge chipmunk appetite as the video clearly shows. 🐿👍👍👍
Not gonna lie, I fast forwarded to the end to see if she was ok ❤️, the beginning was hard to watch. So happy she's doing much much better, thanks to your wonderful husband and you!
I was so stressed out with worry watching this video. I can only imagine how extremely difficult and upsetting this was for you. I know all of us who watch your videos love your little chipmunk friends and Chucky is particularly special to us. She made her way to your porch before collapsing, knowing that you would try to help her. She clearly loves, and trusts you and your husband and considers you family. I was so worried about her leaving your home and was sooo happy to see her come back 2 days later looking and feeling much better. I pray little Chucky and all your sweet little friends live long lives. I know their lives are much happier and enriched with having you as their guardian angels.
Awww poor baby 😢. That was heartbreaking 💔 to watch . I’m so glad you were there for her as I am certain she came to you for help. You both are truly kind, special people. 🥰
Thank you for being so wonderful to Chucky.
How old is chucky? Or maybe it would be easier to answer the question of how long have you known chucky? I wonder if Chucky got a stroke?
@@sgodsellify It could have been. I am glad they didn't go to the vet because that would have been the end. A bit of research into safe blood thinners and dosage for lil critters might have been good (no harm if incorrect diagnosis) but hindsight is 20/20 as they say.
여린 생명체가 살기엔 녹녹치 않을 야생의 삶... 안쓰러움에 눈물이 나네요. 나이 많고 몸도 성치 않은 쳐키, 츄츄님 부부의 보살핌 덕에 오래 볼 수 있어서 감사해요. 쳐키, 땅 밑에서 잘 지내고 있지? 네 강인함을 믿어. 따뜻한 봄에 우리 반갑게 만나자. 사랑해~~~
제가 이채널을 오래전부터
봐왓슴다 모든 영상을 챙겨보진 못햇구요 제각각 이름들이
잇엇고 작고여린 야생의 아이들과 인간이 교감한다는걸
보면서 놀라웟어요
이름이 남달랏죠
예전에 한번 얼굴에 상처를
입엇던 모습으로 기억하는데
맞나요? 그때 그아이들
처키와 여전히 이댁을 찾아오나요? 유독 처키만 보이는듯
싶기도 하구요
오늘 영상은 주인의 슬픔이
전해져오는 영상이라 맘이
넘 아파오네요 ㅠ
영상보기 무서워서 댓글부터 보고 있었는데 "땅 밑에서 잘 지내고 있지?" 이 부분 보고 심장 내려앉을뻔😭
@@jjijung.e 아ㅋㅋㅋ
@@jjijung.eㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅠㅠ
@@Happyvirus16 네, 볼에 상처 있는 아이가 처키예요. 처키, 제니,월리 등은 나이가 꽤 많은데도 츄츄님 부부에게 잘 보살핌을 받아서 건강하게 계속 찾아오고요, 안타깝지마 밤이 등, 안 보이는 아이들도 있어요....ㅠㅠ 새로 찾아오는 어린 다람쥐들도 여럿 있더군요.
다시보고 싶은 쳐키ㅠㅠ
작은 몸으로 애쓰는 쳐키 안타깝네요
츄 엄빠의 사랑으로
쳐키에게 기적이 일어났네요
맘 졸이고 울컥울컥하며 봤습니다
쳐키가 기운을 낸건
츄엄빠의 사랑을 놓지 않기 위한거 같아요
두 분 너무너무 감사드립니다
위험한 순간에 엄마집을 용케도 찾아왔네요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
역시 똘똘한 아이라, 집도 엄마옆으로 옮긴것 같고요~ 천만다행입니다~ 영상내내 마음이 아팠지만 , 쳐키에게 큰 선물을 받은듯 합니다~ 감사합니다.
I had a similar situation with a squirrel I found earlier this year while out running errands. He was stumbling around in the middle of a four-lane road, completely disoriented, having seizures, and in imminent danger of being run over. I keep an animal carrier and protective gloves in my car trunk for such emergencies, so I caught the little guy and brought him home. I gave him water, sunflower seeds, and a quiet place to rest. About 6 hours and a small mountain of squirrel poop later, he was looking alert and with no sign of rabies, so I brought him back to the area I found him for release. He headed straight for the nearest tree and climbed it with no trouble, so I knew he'd be OK. Guess it was something he ate. Animals are remarkably resilient; sometimes they just need a little help to heal on their own.
쳐키가 집앞 화단에 쓰러져 있었다는건 혼자만의 사투를 힘겹게 버티며 자기를 사랑해주는 츄츄님에게로 간거같다는 생각을해요.작은 생명이지만 사람과의 교감과 사랑이 상상도 할수없이 아주 크다는걸 다시한번 느껴요 츄츄님 가정에 늘 사랑과 행복이 충만하시길 기도합디다.쳐키도 츄츄님과 오랜사랑으로 함께가길 바래요
정말 그런것 같아요..몸 아플때 생각나는 사람이 가장 좋은 사람인거 같아요..추추님 감사합니다..
@@아이린-b3u 저도 그리생각해요 아프면 젤 의지했던 사람을 찾거든요 마치 어린아이가 엄마를 찾듯히요 아이린님도 늘 건강하시고 마음의 평안과 사랑 행복만 가득하시길 기도할께요 사랑스런 답글 감사해요
그러게유 야생동물들은 죽을때도 숨어서 죽는 경우가 많은데... 사람집앞에서 기절해 있는다는건 사실 믿고있는게 아니라면 불가능한 행동일듯....
😪 💔
My tears fell throughout this video.
It made me think of my beloved rats and Guinea pigs and chinchillas that have all passed away.
I remember how very sad and heartbroken I'd been when I knew it was their time to go.
It was so difficult for such a long time after each and everyone had to go. 😔
Such love and joy they impart ...
기적과도 같았던 작은 친구 쳐키가 늘 그립습니다. 이렇게 영상으로 나마 만납니다.
정말 다행입니다
야생에서는 편히 잘수도없을텐데
츄츄님과 남편톰분덕에 쳐키가
편히 잘수있는 공간 꼭 겨울잠에서
깨어나 다시오기를
쳐키야 예뻣고 사랑스러웠고 기특했고 용감했고 정말 신기했었다. 돌아올수 있음 돌아와. 못 돌아온다면 오랫동안 기억해줄께.
ㅜ ㅜ 딱 그마음입니다 좋은말 감사합니다
집을 이사한것같은데
아마 기존에 살던집에 뱀같은 천적이 들어와서 충격을 받았나봐요
그래서 안전한곳을 찾다 집을 츄츄님과 남편분이 가까이 계시는곳으로 옮겻나보네요
따뜻한 보금자리 덕에 건강해져서 다행입니다
겨울잠 자고 건강하게 돌아올 처키를 기대하다
영상 보고 심멎 했어요.
처키의 마지막일까봐.
다행히 회복된 처키의 모습에 안도했지만
아직도 심장은 벌렁벌렁
처키야 오래도록 건강하자!
언제나 기억할 쳐키~
쳐키가 뭘 잘 못먹었을까요? 굉장히 괴로워하네요?
아픈 와중에도 영리하게 추추님에게로 가야 한다고 생각했나봐요!
쳐키야, 건강하게 오래 살거라.
열매 같은걸 잘못 먹었을까요? 가끔 숙성 발효된 열매에는 알코올 같은게 남아서 동물들이 술에 취할수 있다고 하더라구요.
@@orsub5365같은 생각입니다ㅎㅎ
대마잎 먹은거같은데..
@@wh9575 ㅋㅋㅋ 대마와 이파리는 먹어도 효과는 없습니다... 윗댓글들은 비료, 달팽이 약, 부동액, 및 신경독 때문일 가능성이 있다고 합니다.
이 영상이 쳐키 마지막인줄 알고 얼마나 마음을 졸이면서 봤는지. 보는 내내 눈물이 계속 흐르네요. 츄츄님 내외분 사랑과 정성으로 쳐키가 힘을 얻고 건강하게 돌아온거 같아요.
쳐키야 어디선가 혼자 아프고있는지 눈물만 나온다
부디 건강한 모습으로 돌아와라
보다가 걱정되서 중간에 엉엉 울어버렸어요. 직접 보신 추추님과 톰님 정말 너무 걱정되셨을 거 같아요. 우리 쳐키 건강히 봄에 만나길~❤
세상에 조마조마하면서 봤네요 ㅜㅜ 처키야 어찌 그리도 다치는거니 건강하게 오래보자 사랑둥이 처키!!!
안녕 처키야. 오랫만에 널 보러 왔다.
아...마지막에 엄청 울었네요.
사랑하고 마음을 준 녀석들과의 어쩔 수 없는 이별을 준비해야 한다는것이 참...
이번 봄엔 다들 무사히 오려나 벌써부터 걱정이 앞섰었는데 이번 영상에 마음이 너무 아프네요. 두분도 많이 놀라셨을꺼 같은데 따뜻한 봄날 우리 처키와 다른 아이들 모두 돌아오길 간절히 바래봅니다.
대체 무슨 일이 있었길래.... 패닉 상태인 것 같아 보여서 너무 안쓰럽네요. 😢
저 날 츄츄님이랑 톰님도 마음 많이 졸이셨겠습니다. 고생하셨네요.
에그... 쳐키야. 따뜻한 날에 꼭 건강한 모습으로 만나자! 기다릴게!
Could it have been stung or bitten by something?
I want to suport adorable chipmunks; and hope to see all chipmunks healthy and happy
...쳐키의 아픈 모습을 보니 가슴이 턱 막히고 눈물이 맺혀요 ㅜ ㅜ 에고... 츄츄님이 계셔서 다행이고 또 다행입니다. 많이 놀라셨을텐데 ㅜㅜ 두분의 따뜻함으로 쳐키가 건강해졌네요! 🐿세상에서 제일 사랑스럽고 소중한 쳐키야! 츄츄님곁에서 오래오래 건강해야해💙 이제 봄이 다가오고 있군하. 모든 다람스들 모두모두 건강하고 행복하게 보길 바라💙
Thank you for being so wonderful to Chucky!
Poor little Chuckster had quite the scare! She clearly knew where to go in her confusion and illness, though :)
쳐키가 마지막이라 느꼈던 그 순간에 츄츄님 곁으로 왔던건가봐요. 그냥 그냥 그런 생각이 들어서ㅜ
This was sad but surely Chucky knew something was wrong with her and she made her way to you. She knows you love her and would help her. For a wild animal to feel so much trust for humans is remarkable and magical. She really loves you folks.
@scott Yes, twitching. Neurological damage.
Mild seizure😢
@scott brain worms will cause this sort of movement.
@@Valorius I have that.
진짜 가슴 철렁 내려 앉았어요ㅠㅠㅠ아파 보이는 부분은 차마 못 보겠어서 조금 보다 넘기고 넘기고 했네요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 내 최애 다람쥐인데ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ눈물났잖아ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 건강하자 처키야ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
My heart aches for the little girl!! Glad she came back to eat, will build up her healing process. Beautiful baby!!❤❤
God bless our little Chunky ❤
아가ᆢ내사랑쳐키ᆢ고된 야생에서 다친몸으로 잘 견뎌주고 아이들도 낳고 행복해보였는데ᆢ놀라서 심장이 진정이 안된다ㅠㅠㅠ
츄츄부부님 늘 감사합니다!고맙습니다!사랑합니다!
와 마지막 인사를 하러 온 쳐키 너무 기특해 쳐키를 수많은 사람들이 돌아오길 기다리고 있지만 정말 쳐키는 사랑 듬뿍 받아서 행복 했을 거야 쳐키와 월리는 너무나 사랑스러운 쪼꼬미야
아플때 집으로 찾아온 처키 엄마 아빠한테 의지하는 모습이 너무 아련하고
애틋한 마음이 드네요
처키야 따뜻한 봄날에
건강한 모습으로 또보자
I heart skipped a beat just reading a title. Watching an animal who's unwell and poorly is one of the hardest things…glad to see she was okay, I hope it had something to do with heat, not a head injury or any other kinds of illness. Bless your kind hearts.
쳐키가 몸이 쇠약해졌는데도 끝까지 인간과의 의리를 지키려고 찾아온것을 보면 정말 강한정신력을 가진거같아요.. 그래서그런지 서열에서 1위를 할수있었던거같고.. 자면서도 흔들리는 정신을 붙들어매려는거같고요..
아 정말 울면서 봤어요 영상으로 보는저도 이렇게 맘이 아프고 어쩔줄모르겠는데 두분은 어떠셨을런지 ....이틀후에 돌아온 쳐키를 보고 정말 너무너무 좋았어요
쳐키야 건강하자 널위해 기도할께
마음이 철렁 내려 앉았어요😭
다른집으로 가는걸 보니까....
쳐키가 원래 자기집에서 무슨 일이 있었나봐요..... 많이 회복된 모습이어서 다행이긴 한데....빨리 완쾌되어 쳐키의 예쁜 모습을 오래오래 함께하고 싶어요
I was afraid to watch. I think Chucky had a brain concussion or seizure.
Honestly, I was thinking this video would be last Chucky's. The flashback hit me how Chucky loves to eat Milworm or the way she put nuts in her torn jaw in full. I guess that she still has some juice left for life. It was so touching that she trusts human mom n dad and moves her home nearby.
사랑스러운 처키❤
너무 많이 아팠던거니?
우리에게 얼굴을 보여주려고 찾아온거였어?
큰 행복을 주었던 우리의 작은 다람쥐 🐿 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
쳐키가 무사해서 정말 다행이에요
보는 내내 정말정말 마음 졸였네요
쳐키를 걱정하는 마음과, 나가고싶어하는 쳐키의 의사를 존중해줘야할지 사이에서 정말 많은 고민이 필요했을 것 같아요,,
겨울잠 잘 자고 츄츄님 곁에서 올해도 잘 지내보자 쳐키야~~
This makes me cry. I like how she holds her tail when shes sleeping. Bless her and thanks for sharing. Love the music
왜 그랬을까요?
너무 겁나서 댓글부터 읽어보고
안심을 하고 영상을 봤어요
조마조마한 마음은 추추님 부부의 심장이 터질것 같았던 그때를 공감했어요
제발 건강 회복되길 바랍니다
처키야 봄에 꼭 만나자~~
쳐키모습 다시 보기 위해 들어왔어요
가슴이 철렁 내려앉아서 얼른 비디오 맨 끝부분부터 봤어요. 이후에도 계속 왔나요? ㅠㅠ 편안히 겨울잠 잘 자고 있기를 바래요… 🙏🙏🙏
Praying for Chucky, Jay, other chipmunk and your whole family!
영상보는 내내 얼마나 눈물이 나는지...소중하고 아름다운 생명이에요..
쳐키가 집근처로 이사를 왔군요. 아마도 기존에 살던 집이 공격을 받았거나 천적이 침입했었나봐요. 뱀독같은것에 중독이 되어서 신경이 마비되었던 것일수도 있겠네요. 무탈하고 건강하시길 바랍니다. 추님가족도 쳐키와 그 주변 친구들도!
저기도 뱀이 있나요??
@@彼方の荒野 네, 캐나다에도 뱀 있습니다.
@@彼方の荒野 뱀이 없는 나라도 있나요? 츄님은 캐나다에 계시는거 같던데 캐나다엔 뱀이 없다던가요?
@@Yeodo7저는 저쪽은 없는줄 알았어요,워낙 북쪽일거고 겨울도 기니까요
@@彼方の荒野 저긴 자연환경을 더 잘보존해서 많을거에요.
눈물이 멈추지 않아요… 결국 우리 모두 자연
으로 돌아간다는것을 알아도 받아들이가 매우
처키를 보며 팬데믹 기간 많은 위로를 받으며 열심히
살아가야 겠다는 생각을 하게끔 도와준 고마운 친구예요
톰과 추추님께 너무너무 감사드립니다…
봄에 다시 건강한 처키를 볼 수 있기를 기도합니다
Thanks for the wonderful care you take of Chucky and all her chippy friends!
쳐키❤ 아프지마❤
넌 잘하고 있어
널보며 나도 잘해야지 라며 힘낸단다
자신의 의지로 안될때는 자신을 보호할 이를 찾고 자신이 무얼해야 하는지 아는듯 스스로 추스려질때는 헤쳐나가는 모습이 보이네 정말 대견하다
츄츄님 남편님 감사합니다 정말 수호천사십니다
Wanted to come by and remember Chucky… I can finally smile again when seeing her… but it’s still hard.
I was so sadden by Chucky's bad episode. Glad she's so much better. Blessed are our little animals and friends who open their heart to them. Thank you.
det gleder meg veldig at hun er mye bedre , noe så hærlig vakkert , får så lyst på ta på henne. ♥♥♥
I’ve watched little Chucky since you started filming her. Always, I was envious because she comes inside and makes herself at home and you lovingly obliged. To see her pain and suffering brought many tears to my eyes and I’m an old harden veteran. You did the right thing, keeping her safe and warm and then releasing her back to the wild as required. Bless you both. I have six, plus about 12 squirrels that come for food every morning and evening and it always pains me to see that one has been injured. Recently, one lost most of her tail but now she’s fine again but very cautious and that’s ok. I watch over them all until they are finished eating and take their treats in their swollen jaws back to their nest. They bless me far more than I bless them. Bless all the little bundles of joy everywhere. Thank you for sharing and I’m so very happy that she’s well again.
It's a male for a name like chuck!
다행입니다 😭
울 쳐키 오래오래 천사 추추님 부부와 함께 할 수 있길 기도할래요 🙏 😭
사랑해 쳐키야 💋 😘 😚
I cried the whole time I watched this. I'm so glad she came back for food and stayed close by your house. I love her so much!! I know how hard a decision it was for you to let her go outside in such a fragile state. Thankfully, she got better. That time she spent inside was so important for her well-being. You took great care of her and trusted your instincts. I can't wait to see her again this Spring after hibernation and hopefully many of our other chipmunk friends. Love you Choo Choo and Tom for all you do for the chipmunks and blue jays. Thanks so much for sharing this journey with us.
Those who follow Chucky will be emotional and sad, hopefully after hibernation we will still meet Chucky, thanks ChooChoo and Tom
Wut a puzsy.
Love Watching Chucky! Hope She Is Ok! Maybe She Had A Stroke? Don't Know If That's Possible With Animals? Maybe Something Was Chasing Her On The Way To The House And She Fell From Somewhere High Up? Hopefully She's Ok And It Doesn't Happen Again. She Is So Darn Cute!
아름다운 마음씨에 감동 받았습니다. 저도 보살핌을 받은 기분이 들었어요😢
I got SO worried til the end.
I remember when my cats got really sick and they acted just like that, with the squinty eyes and all. I mean, REALLY similar.
I lost both of them and I was so worried about saying anything here.
I'm still crying a bit because I'm both a bit sad about seeing it all again and very happy to see it turn out so well for Chucky.
I am so sorry for the loss of your precious cats.
Animals tend to hide in a place where they feel safe when they are not ok.
Sometimes it's just something toxic that they ingested and will pass. Hopefully this is the case with Chucky.
Viruses are taking over all creatures.
Yes! I had a cat that did the same thing. It is neurological from something eaten that has a poisonous effect
Poor Chucky, I was so nervous watching this video. I’m glad she was fine ❤.
쳐키가 보고싶어요. 너무 그립습니다. 쳐키가 살아가는 소소한 일상들이 보고싶어요. 영원히 잊지 못할거에요. 작고 소중하고 특별했던 그 친구를요.
처키야 편안히 지내고 있나
영원히 그리울 처키 보고싶다
@@엄영주-d1j 쳐키는 제니 주니 월리 등과 함께 다람쥐 별에서 서로 의지하며 잘살고 있을거에요 ^^;; 즐거운 한주 보내세요.
아 진짜 콩알만한게 이렇게나 큰 감동을 주네요 정말 마음 졸이셨겠어요 좋은 인연은 영원하면 좋겠어요
쳐키의 마지막 모습인줄 알고 얼마나 놀랬는지 모르겠어요.. 좋아져서 너무 기쁩니다- 😊 쳐키가 다른 동물에게 습격을 받은건지 아니면 다른 이유가 있는건지 조마조마 했습니다.. ㅠ 갇히거나 폐쇠된 공간을 두려워 하는 것 같았어요.. 상태가 많이 호전되고 좋아져서 정말 다행입니다- ❤️ 쳐키와 다른 다람쥐 들을 보며 오래 앓고 있는 우울증을 조금씩 힐링하고 있습니다.. 쳐키가 조금 만 더 오래 건강히 지냈으면 하는 바램입니다.. 영상 늘 잘 보고 있어요 많이 드릴 수 없음에 죄송할 따름입니다.. 좋은 하루 되시고 건강조심하세요- 🥰
저 작은 심장이 다시 뛰는 걸 확인하니 이제야 안심이 되네요 ㅠㅠ. 더 간강하게 오래 살자 쳐키!
The World needs more people like you two. No one could have done better for this sweet creature.
The WORLD is full of people like this but we dont see it =)
TRUST that MOST people would do the same
쳐키가 회복해서 정말 다행입니다... 영상 보는 내내 회복되었기를 간절히 기도했네요. 그래도 쳐키가 츄츄님 댁 앞에 쓰러져 있고 그렇게 얼마간 못 나갔는데도 이틀 뒤에 다시 돌아오고, 집 바로 앞에 굴 파고 지내는 걸 보면 츄츄님과 남편분을 진심으로 믿고 의지하는 것 같습니다. 작은 아이가 믿고 의지할 수 있는 존재들이 있어 정말 다행이에요. 따뜻하게 돌봐주셔서 감사합니다.
다행이네요 정말😭봄에 건강히 잘 깨어나서 추추님네로 꼭 돌아오렴 쳐키야🙏🏻
아프지말고 오래오래 보자, 쳐키야!
추추님 부부께도 마음 따뜻한 영상들에 매번 감사드려요!
아픈처키 정성스럽게 보살펴 주셔서 감사합니다!
두분의 사랑으로 처키가 회복된걸 보니 맘이놓입니다
처키가 아프지않았으면 좋겠어요 ㅜㅜ
This was heartbreaking. 💔 I do think she came to your home when she felt she needed help. Though she didn't want to stay inside, you made the right choice in waiting till she was more stable.
I pray you have more years with Chucky but she has brought her young to your home so you will always have part of her with you no matter what happens. 💞🐿
아고 심장이야 ㅠㅠㅠ 쳐키 꼭꼭 따뜻한 봄에 건강하게 만나자~
My goodness! I am so happy Chucky came back. Your videos have brought me much joy over the past year or so. How these little guys have enriched your life and ours is amazing.
I’m sitting here crying with relief that little Chucky is doing better. I pray she will be ok. Bless her little heart and both of you too!🥹❤️
저는 불안증이 있어서 항상 모든게 무서웠는데 저 작고 여린 다람쥐도 세상을 헤쳐나가는걸 보고 저도 두려워하지 말아야겠단 생각이 들어요. 영상의 끝부분에서 결국 이겨낸 쳐키를 보고 눈물이 났습니다... 늘 최선의 돌봄을 해주시는 츄츄님 너무 감사해요! 내보낼때 얼마나 가슴이 아프셨을까요. 무슨일이 있어도 언제나 최선을 다하셨음을 잊지마세요. 영상을 보는 사람 모두 알거예요. 늘 행복이 가득하시길 빕니다!
너무 멋지십니다. 자연의 생물들 보면 크던 작던 다 자기의 삶을 살아가는걸 보면 많은 생각이 듭니다. 불안증 잘 이겨내실겁니다. 쳐키와 함께 고고고~
This says a lot about Chuck's trust. Usually an ill animal will retreat to the burrow to live or die. Chucky went against her instincts and went to her human parents.
Thank you and Tom for again showing her trust was not misplaced. 🙂
Thank you for pointing that out because Chuckys instincts are strong, but softened when given consistent kindness, trust, great eats and a soft gentle touch! Choo Choo and Tom are two lovely people with a very special energy about them and the wild animals around their home feel it. I think it's brilliant! 🐿💙🌈
너무 따뜻한 영상 감사합니다...
이 채널은 보면 늘 따뜻해져요~
Shows how darn strong wild animals can be. So glad you were there to give her a safe place to recover.
꼬마친구가 아저씨를 울리네 ㅠㅠ
아프지말고 오래 볼수있기를..
휴우.....아직 마음의 준비가 안되었어요....일하는중이라 눈물을 꾹 참고 최대한 차분히...지켜봤습니다... 너무너무너무 마음이 아프지만.. 힘내어 행운을 빌어봅니다...쳐키야...몇해만 더 곁에있어주렴...🙏
자연 만큼이나 맘이 아름다우신 분들이 사시는 곳 이군요.
마음 조리며 쳐키를 지켜 보았습니다. 다행입니다.
Your extended family and your videos lift my heart and make my days better.
훌쩍훌쩍 거리면서 봤네요 자그마한 친구가 다람쥐들 사이에서는 나이가 적지 않다는걸 잠시 잊고 있었네요 두분도 굉장히 놀라고 가슴 아프셨겠어요 언젠가는 쳐키도 자연의 품으로 돌아가는 날이 오겠지만 아주 조금만이라도 두분 곁에서 그 시간을 늦출수 있기를 간절히 소망해 봅니다 따뜻한 봄이 다가오고 있네요 자그마한 친구들이 건강한 모습으로 또 만날수 있기를...
꿀벌 이나 다른곤충한테 쏘인것 같군요
야생다람쥐여서 편히 잠을 못자는게 너무 안타까워요.. 쳐키 오랜만에 보러왔는데.. 쳐키야 그곳에서도 건강하고 행복하게 잘 살아
쳐키에게 무슨 일이 있었던걸까요?
어제 제가 키우던 만두라는 햄스터가 해씨별로 떠났는데.. 쳐키 영상을 보면서 걱정과 안타까움으로 하염없이 울었네요.
츄츄님네 부부도 많이 놀라셨겠어요.
츄츄님네 앞마당으로 이사를 온 쳐키와 함께 안녕과 평화만 있기를 바랍니다.
오늘 영상도 감사합니다. 👍
쳐키가 나이가 많아요..아주요.. 지켜봐온것만 5년쯤...야생다람쥐로선 최고령이죠.. 그리고 한때는 모든 다람쥐의 보스였어요.. 쳐키는 한때 눈빛으로만 다른 다람쥐를 제압할정도로 엄청 카리스마 넘치는 아이였죠....
해씨별이라니 참 이쁜 이름이네요… 만두가 행복하게 맛난 거 먹으며 그곳에서 잘 지내고 있으리라 믿어요.
I'm so glad that Chucky is healthy again...I also watched today's video with a lot of nervousness...I almost freaked out because I thought Chucky was sick...Don't get sick again, Chucky!
뭣때문에 아픈걸까 ㅠ 뭘 잘못먹었나 ㅠㅠ 독거미나 지네같은거에 물렸나..
아플때 꾸역꾸역 츄츄님 집앞까지 와서 쓰러졌다, 처키에게는 츄츄님이 정말 정신적 지주이자 친정이었나봅니다😢😢
마지막에 식사하는거보니 맘이 놓이네요 ㅠㅠ
This made me cry. I hope and pray Chucky will be fine and healthy.
다른 유튜버들은 조회수 욕심에 쓰러져있는 장면부터 촬영하기 시작하는데..
쳐키부터 챙기시고 보여주는 모습이 편안하네요.
OMG. I was crying when she was so sick, but I really cried when she came back after 2 days. Aw, Chucky, you've stolen my heart.
넘 놀랐네요ㅠ
건강하게 다시 볼 수 있어서 다행입니다
Watching Chucky struggling like that had me in tears. So glad Tom found her and brought her inside. You’re wonderful people. I hope we see her again soon after her winter sleep. Hugs to you both. 💕🐿️
My heart stopped as I watched her struggle. It looked to me like she had may have had a stroke. Only because the comment below was encouraging was I able to watch the entire video. I was afraid she wanted to go outside to die in her natural habitat. This really is a miracle. Bless you both for everything you do for all of them. 🙏🏼💜🫶🏼
I’ve fallen in love with Chucky. I pray it was something passing and she heals. Bless you and Tom for loving her. ❤
I stopped breathing! My 18 year old Golden Retriever had two strokes a couple weeks apart and acted a bit like this and, far more recently, my 19 year old cat had a blood clot lodge in her brain. She acted very much like this. Chucky is a little miracle friend to ALL of us and I *_very much_* hope she comes back all healthy again in the spring.
I _think_ I remember from some of your past videos that she is not one of the early birds in the spring and tends to come out later than most of them. It's going to be a very difficult wait. Be well, Chucky, people from ALL OVER THE WORLD are praying for you ... and for ChooChoo and Tom too.
Thank you, ChooChoo and Tom for ALL your videos. Y'all be well too - you and all of your forest friends - make our days better!
A miracle. Thank you so much for taking care of her when she needed it the most.
My cousin is a vet and saw this video....he assumes what may have happened is the chipmunk was bitten by an insect with some kind of venom and it irritated her eyes and caused great discomfort and lack of appetite. When the venom subsided, it gained its energy back and its huge chipmunk appetite as the video clearly shows. 🐿👍👍👍
Thanks for sharing this!
I never imagined that, thanks for sharing.
Yeah, I also thought of poisoning, like she had eaten something bad or fermented, to be disoriented like that. Like she is drunk.
Can a chipmunk get distemper?
Mycotoxins? Molds in nuts and grains can really mess with humans, not sure if these little fellas have the same receptors but I would guess they do.
에고 쳐키야 건강 해야돼!! 봄에 꼭 다시 보자!!😢
Not gonna lie, I fast forwarded to the end to see if she was ok ❤️, the beginning was hard to watch. So happy she's doing much much better, thanks to your wonderful husband and you!
me too.
I did the same.
쳐키가 보고싶어
다시 찾아보네요.
그 곳에서도 행복하렴❤
우와 다행입니다~두분 따뜻한 마음 씀씀이에 더 감동입니다~👍
포근한 담요나 따뜻하게 해주세요 마음이 아파요 몆년간 돌바주신 츄츄님은 속상하겠습니다 처키 아프지마 건강하게 더 오래보고싶구나 다 나울때까지 처키야 츄츄님 옆에 있어주라
이 영상은 볼때마다 마음이 너무 아파서 좋아요도 차마 누를 수가 없네요
I was so stressed out with worry watching this video. I can only imagine how extremely difficult and upsetting this was for you. I know all of us who watch your videos love your little chipmunk friends and Chucky is particularly special to us. She made her way to your porch before collapsing, knowing that you would try to help her. She clearly loves, and trusts you and your husband and considers you family. I was so worried about her leaving your home and was sooo happy to see her come back 2 days later looking and feeling much better. I pray little Chucky and all your sweet little friends live long lives. I know their lives are much happier and enriched with having you as their guardian angels.
Awww poor baby 😢. That was heartbreaking 💔 to watch . I’m so glad you were there for her as I am certain she came to you for help. You both are truly kind, special people. 🥰