There's a bit of a delay between the voiceover and the video. I noticed it in the "checkin / checkout" part. There is no mouse pointer or mouse pointer highlighter so you have to follow the effects of the mouse along the screen. With the delay this is a bit unclear. Other than that, well explained.
This is the best video for beginners...thanks a ton
Very good explanation
Thanks for liking. keep watching
Pls let me know the pre-requisites to learn tosca, for a person with background in manual testing.
There's a bit of a delay between the voiceover and the video. I noticed it in the "checkin / checkout" part. There is no mouse pointer or mouse pointer highlighter so you have to follow the effects of the mouse along the screen. With the delay this is a bit unclear.
Other than that, well explained.
Thanks for the feedback.. we will try to resolve the same from the next time.